I was at the library the other day, so this is one of those posts.
There’s a remodel going on, and they’ve taken out the pay phones. I don’t want to write a post bemoaning progresses: It’s better that most people don’t need to use them. But! There is still a population that needs them.
At about the same time that Trump was recorded talking about grabbing pussies, Kirsten Gillibrand was, um, a little different than she now represents herself to be, as well.
Elected in 2006 from a rural upstate New York district, Gillibrand joined the Blue Dog coalition, gained a 100 percent rating from the NRA on gun rights, and earned some of the highest marks for any Democrat from groups that favor restricting immigration. She voted against a version of McCain’s “comprehensive reform” when it came into the House, denouncing amnesty. She talked about the biblical characters that inspired her politics.
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/.....popularity
In a couple of years she’ll have some explaining to do. At least during the primary season.
There’s almost nobody left to own and operate pay phones. They’re incredibly expensive to set up and maintain. And they just don’t generate enough revenue to come close to covering it all.
If we were to assume that there is a need for a public agency to provide telephony to the homeless, I can assure you there are much more efficient ways to do it. $25 dollar pre-paid burner mobile phones, magicJacks. etc.
She didn’t change.
Hillbilly Treason America did.
What possible reason might there be for any Democrat to support a nuanced view on reproductive rights, gun safety, or immigration?
Hillbilly Traitors will no longer vote for any woman with a (D) after her name. Never. EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE parasites won’t either.
Sorry Lucy. We’re done trying to kick your football.
You’re stuck with your deplorables. Forever.
I think it’s telling that NR opened with that Fuckface rageTweet.
Pay attention and you’ll notice that Fuckface is mocking her for turning away from his financial support after he became Russian Pussygrabber-in-Chief.
Trump went from being an apolitical equal opportunity funder who supported lots of Democratic candidates at all levels and expressed politically sympathetic views, to being a raging, dick-pill addict threatening nuclear war with North Korea, bragging about rape, and mocking Gold Star widows.
Only morally crippled tribalist Roypublicans would kneel before the tiny Orange Shitgibbon today.
Hey Doctor Dumbfuck, don’t forget to wipe your chin.
@ 3
What possible reason might there be for any Democrat to support a nuanced view on reproductive rights, gun safety, or immigration?
Well, the way things went for those Blue Dogs who did, I’d have to say that reason must have been a desire to be voted out of office.
@ 2
Here’s your biggest loser.
But for Alabama?
So much winning,
Sarah (drop the famous name) Sanders in response to Samantha Holvey’s allegations that Trump intentionally walked into the private dressing room and lingered oggling the semi-dressed contestants at the Miss USA Pageant alleged that “Eye witnesses’ proved” that it didn’t happen and begrudgingly the White house released the names of 3 “Eyewitnesses.”
Whoops, one was a Miss USA Contestant in a different year than Holvey so could not possibly have witnessed the events and one was in an entirely different Pageant, the Roy Moore preferred Miss TEEN USA and the third has made statements denying a totally separate incident involving Trump and has no connection to the Pageant world whatsoever.
Judge ruled to dismiss (Acquit) Riot Charges in the J20Resist case.
The defendants, who are charged with inciting though they did not attend Inauguration day protests still face other charges but the most serious of them is done.
“I’d have to say that reason must have been a desire to be voted out of office” …by people just like you.
I have no idea if it ever meant anything to people like you that you could gain these concessions. But whether or not it ever did, that is all in your past. You killed the Reagan Democrat as a concept. Democrats gave you a southern fried, good ‘ol boy, welfare reforming, lock-em-up-and-throw-away-the-key, re-arm Israel, pray-on-your-knees, balance the budget President…
…and you impeached him. From that moment forward, led by twisted imps like Newt Gingrich it’s been all-out war against the letter D using every lunatic BENGHAAAZII!, Buttery Males conspiracy theory that the darkest corners of the Russian backed mediasphere has to offer.
Blue Dogs have no great challenge winning primaries.
Can you say the same for Luther Strange?
@ 9
That was six defendants.
There are still 188 defendants facing charges. More than a few of them are guilty.
That limo didn’t torch itself.
Not (arrested) in DC that day (no idea if he was there) but also not to be forgotten is the son of the running mate of truly awful and rightfully failed presidential candidate #CrookedHillary.
He was among eight people charged following the March 4 rally at the Capitol. Police say the rally was disrupted when a small group of people wearing black clothing and goggles began setting off smoke bombs and fireworks and spraying Mace in some Trump supporters’ faces.
When police approached, they scattered and ran. Steve Frazer, who was then a St. Paul police senior commander, chased a man who was later identified as Kaine.
Kaine was later charged with obstructing the legal process, a gross misdemeanor, as well as concealing his identity in a public place and fleeing a police officer. Both of the latter charges are misdemeanors.
If you’re gonna destroy as a form of protest, you should realize that running away afterward is an equally demonstrative form of cowardice.
A demonstration of spinelessness that leaves little doubt that he is, in fact, Tim Kaine’s son.
Either you are a clueless or just a shit stirrer. Either way you are a dumbfuck. Did Putin get you to post that?
@1 Notice that when people* talk about Democrats, they talk about issues, but when they talk about Republicans, the subject of discussion is grabbing pussies.
* If Doctor Dumbfuck can be considered “people”
Wednesday Morning News Roundup
(1) Tina Smith, Minnesota’s lieutenant governor, will replace Al Franken in the Senate.
(2) “Hell no!” a Moore campaign official said about conceding. We’ve seen this before. Reality denial is a common Republican trait.
(3) A USA Today editorial calls Trump “not fit to clean the toilets” in Obama’s presidential library.
@5 Wherein a Roypublican crows about people being “voted out of office” the morning after his party endures an epic asskicking. But this is probably only the beginning,
so I’m thinking I could make money selling tickets to this show.
@8 Trump can’t even tamper with witnesses correctly. Doesn’t know how to clean toilets, either, a skill he would’ve learned if he hadn’t dodged the draft.
“Sen. Chuck Schumer’s office says the Senate Democratic Leader was the target of an attempted smear campaign in which someone forged a sexual harassment claim against him and shopped phony court documents to major media outlets.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This smells like James O’Keefe; if not him, then a “Project Veritas” clone.
@ 17
Hey, speaking of clones of a conservative group that does undercover video shit:
Firms reach $7.8-million settlement over allegations of selling fetal tissue
According to the settlement signed Monday, DV Biologics LLC and sister company DaVinci Biosciences LLC, both based in Yorba Linda, must cease all operations in California within 60 to 120 days. The agreement also requires the companies to admit liability for violations of state and federal laws prohibiting the sale or purchase of fetal tissue for research purposes, prosecutors said.
Now, I could post much more but since someone snipped 3 paragraphs of copied text from one of my posts yesterday I will assume that brevity is a requirement expected of me but not others.
So I will just leave that one paragraph up there and add that these companies were caught doing what Planned Parenthood swears it never does.
And that an anti-abortion group, Center for Medical Progress, submitted the complaint.
Ooh. This just came across:
DOJ refers criminal accusations by Pearce on fetal tissue donations to FBI
University of New Mexico Hospital may have broken state law.
DOJ also is opening investigations into Planned Parenthood.
It’s actually pretty easy to understand why Republicans have no morals, act without moral restraint, resort to immoral tactics, and support immoral candidates.
Allow me to explain.
1. First and foremost, the GOP is the Party of God.
2. Second, there can be only one true religion, i.e. theirs (which now includes unconverted Jews, either as a sort of progenitor religion, or alternatively, they’re grandfathered by reason of seniority). The rest — Muslims, Mormons, non-evangelical Protestants and Catholics, etc. — are apostates.
3. Third, this is a war against Satan, and in war you do whatever you must because the Enemy must not be allowed to win.
4. In this war against godless potsmoking hippie communists and other servants of the Devil, God is on their side, or if you prefer the Nazi version, “Gott mitt uns.”
5. Republicans are soldiers of God, and ends justify means when you’re carrying out God’s plan.
6. Expanding on #5, there’s no reason to change anything when you’re in the right and God has your back (refer to #4).
7. But in case of overreach, God will forgive their sins.
So the way this works in practice is, yes Roy Moore banged little girls, but he’s an imperfect vessel and God will forgive him.
The Associated PressVerified account
BREAKING: AP sources: House, Senate leaders reach agreement in principle on sweeping tax package.
8:48 AM – 13 Dec 2017
Ho Ho Ho.
The swamp just got a lot cleaner.
“Sources say General Kelly did the firing and Omarosa is alleged to have acted very vulgar and cursed a lot and said she helped elect President Trump,” Ryan also tweeted. “The word is a General Kelly had it and got rid of her.”
Pretending not to notice any difference on THESE six. Sessions’ test case that online criticism or call to action is criminal Rioting.
Cheech Marin IS a state tool for California pot businesses.
Cheech Marin touts state tool for California pot businesses
Neither a borrower or a lender be.
The Associated PressVerified account
50m50 minutes ago
BREAKING: Fed boosts key interest rate for third time this year to range of 1.25 percent to 1.5 percent.
Although if it comes down to a choice between the two, it’s time to think about lending again.
@ 22
That’s not what I read. What I read is that a whole shitload of people were rounded up, some involved and some not – I guess there’s a name for that type of detainment. Actually, I guess there’s something else it could be fairly called, as well. These first six were in the not involved category.
@21 Working in the White House went to her head, eh? She’s not the first functionary to get carried away by proximity to power and won’t be the last.
Omarosa won no votes and didn’t hold an elective position, which means she was an employee. However impervious her elected boss might be to the political storms swirling around her place of employment, non-elected staffers like her are expendable. If Trump doesn’t need Bannon and Flynn, soon to be joined by Tillerson, he surely can make do without a pipsqueak like her, too, especially a delivery girl who fails to deliver.
She should be grateful that she schemed and connived in a country where sixth-tier political groupies who get too big for their britches are merely fired and not shot.
A drug addled radio gasbag wanting to talk about ANYTHING but Alabama today Riffing for entire segment…
Well of course it’s the entire basis! before the dossier Manafort wasn’t an unregistered Russian lobbyist. He had absolutely zero financial dealings with the Russians just like he and Kushner said there’s nothing at all outside the dossier
@11 “There are still 188 defendants facing charges. More than a few of them are guilty. That limo didn’t torch itself.”
By all means convict the guilty and impose appropriate punishments if you can identify the perpetrators. But don’t slap felony charges on the entire crowd when you can’t, like these cops and prosecutors did, you fucking Nazi. In this country, we don’t impose group punishment when a few individuals get out of line. Shooting an entire village because somebody threw a rock at the occupiers is a Nazi thing. Of course, you’re too dumbfuck to figure out America isn’t Nazi Germany. At least, it wasn’t before Trump and his band of little Himmlers came along.
@18 “Now, I could post much more but since someone snipped 3 paragraphs of copied text from one of my posts yesterday I will assume that brevity is a requirement expected of me but not others.”
I’m a privileged character.* You’re not. Suck on it, whiner.
* within limits
@20 “Ho Ho Ho” is right. Every time I look at my stock portfolio, my Christmas gets merrier. Too bad about the working class, though. At least I feel for them. You have no feelings for anyone except yourself. Selfishness is what defines you and all other conservatives.
@24 “it’s time to think about lending again”
When debt of all kinds — government, corporate, household — is at record levels? Proves how little you know about economics.
@25 “What I read is that a whole shitload of people were rounded up, some involved and some not – I guess there’s a name for that type of detainment.”
Yeah, there is. See #28.
@ 28
In this country, we don’t impose group punishment when a few individuals get out of line.
Lois Lerner, call your former office.
@24 The Fed is continuing to normalize interest rates, and that’s good, because the artificially low rates the Fed used to pull the economy out of recession have created market distortions.
It’s taking way too long. This could have been done years ago if Congress had done its job of fiscal stimulus. But no, the idiot Republicans were worried about deficits when they should have been concentrating on growth.
Now, the idiot Republicans are about to pass a tax plan that will cause inflation by increasing deficits at the wrong time, and will turn the next recession into a depression by mandating spending cuts at the wrong time.
Republicans don’t know a fucking thing about economics and their ignorance causes unmeasurable hardship and misery. Not that they care about other people’s suffering. They only care about lining their own pockets.
A new poll shows the American public overwhelmingly believes Trump is guilty of sexual assault, and a near-majority think he should resign, while only slightly more than a third think he should stay.
Makes you wonder what’s wrong with a third of our neighbors.
It’s amazing that any woman stays with NPR longer than the completion of a one-year internship.
PBS Suspends ‘Tavis Smiley’ Following Sexual Misconduct Investigation (EXCLUSIVE)
It’s so bad there even that wheelchair-bound dude thinks he’s entitled to whatever trim he wants. Maybe because it’s at eye level it’s more enticing.
A conservative is someone who characterizes the people who have the most as “givers” and those who have the least as “takers”.
@ 37
The tax code does that, too.
Works for me!
Translation: NPR catches up slowly with standard practice in boob’s office* in the late eighties.
*aka madmen on meth
@37 Reaching that conclusion requires a significant degree of intellectual dishonesty. It requires you to pretend federal income taxes are the only taxes anyone pays, and to disregard the fact that nearly all of the other taxes we all pay are regressive. The overall tax burden is not progressive. At best, it’s flat. But more likely it’s regressive, when all factors are taken into account.
Texan Don Willett confirmed by U.S. Senate to federal 5th Circuit Court
He’s on Trump’s potential SCOTUS list. And he tweets and blogs.
This historian says the GOP is a coalition between haves who get to keep their money and have-nots who get to keep their guns and prejudices. Sounds about right to me.
@ 39
I knew the bumper sticker ‘Lick Bush’ came from somewhere.
@44 Your goats think that’s very funny.
@36 add him to the Men are Pigs Club.
Remember One Man One Woman. Really – it means something or something.
I’m sure her legs were spread for some pussy grabbing action, maybe Ivanka and Melania were getting jealous, and finally had enough.
Probably just a booth with a glory hole in it for goat ass.
This guy is know to have made anti gay comments….After looking at the pig it is understandable. No gay guy would ever be attracted to such a pig – I’m sure that angers the pig.
Bad Communication – what the Lawyer doesn’t know oink talk.
I wonder if there is any resemblance to Boob’s horse.
Submitted without comment
KY State Rep Dan Johnson, accused of sexually assaulting a 17 year old at a party in his home, committed suicide today shortly after posting a Facebook message proclaiming his love for his wife and God.
Ho Ho Ho
Passing a deeply unpopular tax bill on the heels of nearly electing a Pedophile, changing decades of diplomacy by admitting that North Korea will get to keep their nukes (bet you thought that sentence would end differently) is gonna no to go great.
If it does get through a final Senate vote, no guarantee anymore, there’s one less vote to enact the kinds of spending cuts that would keep the bill from immediately exploding deficits.
A great Big Christmas Present that will keep on goving through the Midterms.
Grassley: Two controversial federal bench nominees won’t be confirmed
Conservative radio host Bill Mitchell
45 LITERALLY went to Pensacola, proximity to AL noted at the time by our trolls, and asked who in the crowd would be going to AL to vote. Yeah, it was an unfunny joke.
I hear Bill Mitchell’s cranium is filled with Nacho Cheese sauce and he regularly self medicates with Swedish Fish and electro shock therapy. That could explain a totally made up percentage quoted. Has anyone else heard that Bill Mitchell eats Swedish Fish? Just reporting the rumor.
A new trend?
“GOP state rep who committed suicide after molestation charges left a note calling allegations ‘fake news’”
Liberals need to arm as anti-fa and cull every Republican.
Temperatures in Utqiaġvik, Alaska, are rising so fast the computer thought the instruments were broken.
Freak @ 56
Here they are… I bet you can see the masks and the black. Multiply that with what happened in VA and many other places from here on out.
When you gonna load up your guns and “defend yourself”?
Now lookee here freak.. They’re all packin’! Fired up and ready to go! Pass the ammo!
@56 Go fuck yourself. That’s Nazi talk. Liberals need to arm for self-defense against alt-rightists running amok, and that’s all. We’re not going to attack them, but neither will we let them haul us off to the extermination camps they love to prattle about.
Karl Rove had a lot more on the ball in his day which, fortunately, was short-lived.
He can’t resist calling Bannon an unemployed, homeless guy.
No there’s no rehabbing Rove.. May he continue to molder in retirement.
Then arm… The trolls say the anti-fa is comin’ to gitja!
@ 53
Some people have short memories. It’s hard to keep things in long-term memory when you spent eight years on your knees, I guess.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) failed to push for Liu’s confirmation when he had a larger majority in the Senate, a sign to some supporters that his approval was not a high priority.
Sometimes nominees don’t pass the smell test. It’s the reason for advise and consent.
Why nominate them in the first place? One idiot passed his bar exam only three years before and never tried a case. Every credible organization gave him a thumbs down.
Would Obama do that? Of course not and your beloved yertle-ites blocked as many as they could get away with under the Senate rules of the time.
You’re clearly on your knees for just the sort who’d do that. As long as it keeps the hate burning for “that bitch”..
Clueless crazed databaze cretin @60,
Of course you have no memory. You are a DUMMOCRETIN! 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady. A charter member of Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Mysterious Moronic Moonbattic Malodorous Memory Malady Lunatics!
Puddy remembers your Merry Fitzmas rants from yesteryear about Karl Rove. Need to review that vile bile again? Puddy don’t need no stinking crazed databaze!
Till Next Time!
Puddy likes the PP banner on the left. Yes we need more Seattle DUMMOCRETINS to cull their herd B4 they are born!
Till Next Time!
Multiply that with what happened in VA
Nuthin happened in VA you dipSHIT! The NY Slimes already debunked that BULLSHITTIUM! Go back and recheck the crazed databaze for a review!
Till Next Time!
And yours truly remembers you PUTTING HA HEROES FIRST on a friday after sunset…
YAWN… Dem Governor elected, defeating a long-time Republican tool, one-time bidness partner of the disgusting Karl Rove.
Many progressive candidates elected to the House of Delegates reversing the ugly gerrymandering there.
People of VA sickened by the destructive fake preznitzy of Drumpf..
The trend is clear.. Drumpf and the party of Drumpf sucks, progressives are on the march to win back the country.
Oh yes you do…
You value your unhinged “need” to hate your “political enemies” more than keeping faith with your sky daddy and your salt mining buddy.
Ship. Rats. Shore. A Trump ally says his cabinet is disloyal and predicts his downfall:
“Political strategist Roger Stone said it’s only a matter of time before special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe and the Trump sexual misconduct allegations that number well into the double digits catch up to the president.
“‘It’s painfully obvious Mueller will bring charges,’ Stone told Vanity Fair. … ‘The only people who don’t seem to know it are [Trump lawyers] Ty Cobb, [John] Dowd, and the president.”
“Also, Stone said it’s telling that members of Trump’s cabinet, including Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, seem to be turning against him. …
“Even though Stone may still believe the allegations against Trump’s campaign staff and current administration are ‘bogus,’ he said things are looking far worse for Trump than the president can imagine ….”
“In the closing days of the Alabama Senate election, Steve Bannon … called Alabama Trump’s ‘firebreak.’ … Moore’s dramatic loss … is sowing panic …. ‘The president has a big problem,’ a Republican close to the White House told me. …
“Longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone told me … ‘It’s painfully obvious Mueller will bring charges’ …. Stone also believes … only two Cabinet members would vote against invoking the 25th Amendment …. ‘I just don’t think Trump is being told the truth about how bad things are.'”
Remember the FAKE NEWS pie gate? Well April is in the news again…
Till Next Time!
Useless FOOL @68,
Almost every county that went DUMMOCRETIN or Republican in 2016 did the same again. That was the NY Slimes ANALysis. It’s in the crazed databaze.
Useless FOOL @69,
Still peddling that blog nobody visits? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Puddy is so glad your PuddyFixation put you to work with tctmgr. Too bad your SQL skillz are lacking. You should have been born earlier and learned directly from Christopher J. Date! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Useless as evah!
Till Next Time!
This Peter Strzok/Lisa Page scandal is getting better and better each day! http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....ry-menace/
Till Next Time!
“Jones didn’t win the election, it was them damn Nigras that caused it!”
Right. This is why Fat Donny went to Florida to campaign on Moore’s behalf.
Carl are you suggesting that sometimes progress isn’t.
When you need to really worry is when there is no longer a pay phone at the jail.
@2 Still there are situations where even just an average person might need a pay phone. Your breaks down and your cell phone is dead, or you got no bars. You get mugged. You want to call your mistress and not leave a trace of the call on your mobile phone. You want to do a prank call. You are at the airport and want to conserve your battery. You are just feeling nostalgic. Or as I’ve mentioned you have been arrested and you need to call your lawyer. (Dob’t say much as the call is likely to be recorded.) You are someplace where cell phones are not permitted. The police have gone overboard and shut down all cell phone service in an area. Major storm, earthquake has knocked out the cell phone system, but the landlines are still working. You are a whistleblower and don’t want to use your own phone. You find supermans suit and tie or his cape. (Where does he change in todays world?)
@ The Raging Lunatic @ 73:
So what? There is no “scandal”. Personal opinions, expressed through personal, private conversations are not germain to the issue here.
The fact is, that Fat Donny is in fact a direct menace to the Nation, is a proven liar, entirely corrupt and beholden to hostile foreign interests, and he’s completely unfit for the office he now holds. Everyone with a functioning mind knows this.
Your only issue here is that you share some rather tenuous tribal affiliations with him. You’re completely confidant that he shares your concerns and aspirations for the Country. Never mind all the things he’s actually done in the past. He tawks pretty and that is all you care about.
Wherein our Resident lunatic again says a 9 point win for Governor A clean sweep of Statewide races including the first D AG in 20+ years and a 15 seat pick up in the State House is “Nothing.”
HRC won by under 5 points in VA statewide. McCauliffe won by 9 but that’s nothing because all those votes came from the wrong place. It wasn’t a giant ass kicking. It was nothing.
Too Damn Funny
What you look at while self pleasuring yourself is your own business.
“Oh these, texts, oh, oh, oh, aaaaaaaaaahhhh!”
The Roypublican Party.
This isn’t about the sick, perverted, lying, sexual deviants who run the party. There have always been, and there will always be Matchstick Men hovering around politics seeking opportunities among the weak but fervent. This is about how incredibly self-deluding and dependent the people who vote for and support conservative politics have become. 63 million of them out there. Crushing pills, guzzling Mountain Dew, collecting weapons, and tearfully praying on their knees for the next abusive partner to move into the trailer and beat them into a coma “for their own good”.
See you – you fat fucking pig! Go fuck yourself you ugly fuck.
@75 well that and even worse – you’ll have to worry about when there is some secret intelligence group that locks you up in a jail with no address, that nobody even knows you are in, which is coming soon to a town near you.
Right-wing radio host Jesse Lee Peterson reacted to Roy Moore’s loss in the Senate election in Alabama on Tuesday by declaring on his program yesterday that the result was proof that black voters do not believe in God.
Shit, oh dear. Tsk tsk tsk. Whatever are we going to do about those godless Negroes. There must be a solution.
Roy Moore isn’t letting go. He can’t believe God isn’t on his side.
Oh and it wasn’t only April Ryan who reported that Omarosa threw a fit and was hauled off the grounds. There were witnesses who talked to multiple reporters.
“Former ‘Apprentice’ reality star Omarosa Manigault Newman was escorted from the White House after she protested the terms of her firing from Chief of Staff John Kelly, eventually proceeded to the White House residence and tripped alarms, CBS News Chief White House Correspondent Major Garrett reports.”
“Multiple sources report that former Apprentice contestant Omarosa Manigault Newman, whose resignation from her position with the Trump administration was announced Wednesday, did not leave the White House voluntarily and had to be physically restrained and escorted off the White House grounds.”
“Omarosa Manigault Newman, a White House aide and former ‘Apprentice’ contestant, was forced out of her job, even though the White House said she resigned, a senior Trump administration official told NBC News on Wednesday night.”
“After the White House announced Wednesday that ‘Apprentice’ star turned White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman will leave the Trump administration, The Wall Street Journal reported that her departure was abrupt – describing her exit as confrontational …. An unnamed White House official told the Journal that Manigault Newman was ‘physically dragged and escorted off the campus’ late Tuesday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Even Fox News says Omarosa was “physically dragged” out, attributing the story to, ahem, the Wall Street Journal. Might be something to this, given nearly every media outlet on the planet reported the story, attributing it to White House sources. In any case, if this is “fake news,” the fakery originated with the White House sources, not the media who reported what they were told by the usually reliable White House sources. But don’t expect Puddy to blush when he gets his ass handed to him; he’s too stupid to realize he’s had his ass handed to him again, and again, and again …
@81 And yes, he’s a lawyer. More proof you don’t need any brains to become a lawyer, at least not in Texas. Probably applies to doctors, too. We have some evidence of that around here.
@83 Alternatively, you could interpret it as evidence that God has had a bellyful of hypocrites who thump the Bible and preach racism and bigotry when not busy stalking children.
‘froggy, look at the bright side. Now you can get all of your porn in 1080p, not just the stuff you watch during the day when everyone who can hold a job is out working.
Bloomberg PoliticsVerified account
BREAKING: FCC votes to end Obama-era net neutrality rules https://bloom.bg/2AJ2qhG
10:12 AM – 14 Dec 2017
None of the absentee ballots requested by Trump’s family for the Nov. 7 mayoral election in NYC counted because they couldn’t figure out how to vote. They either (a) didn’t fill them out properly, (b) didn’t sign them, or (c) didn’t return them. And Trump couldn’t remember his birthday.
And they are the smahtest Hillbillies.
Last spring, when Obamacare repeal was being debated, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) said insurance companies should be allowed “to require people who have higher health care costs to contribute more to the insurance pool … thereby reducing the cost to those people who lead good lives, they’re healthy, they’ve done the things to keep their bodies healthy.”
This week, Brooks announced he’s been diagnosed with a high-risk prostate cancer requiring immediate surgery. Welcome to the high-risk pool for patients with pre-existing conditions, Mo.
@88 “when everyone who can hold a job is out working”
Coming from a doctor who claims to be a successful capitalist and brags about his comfortable retirement on an Oregon horse farm, that’s funny.
@90 Apparently not enough Republicans made it through Alabama’s vote suppression screen to save Roy Moore.
The FBI reports a 29% increase in Michigan hate crimes since the Instigator In Chief took office.
McCain is in he hospital, Collins is probably a No and Rubio is a no unless they put in what he wants. 49-50. Still no real word on Flake.
Death by a thousand cuts. If Rubio succeeds others will follow and demand their pet projects while the clock ticks.
@95 At this point, we have to assume the holdouts are “yes” votes if they get what they want, and they’re not demanding major revisions, only tweaks. But a “no” vote by Corker plus two absences (2 GOP senators missed votes this week for health reasons) would deprive Yertle of the 50th vote. Wall Street is slightly nervous, but still believes it will pass.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The real significance of the holdouts is if they delay the vote. That still wouldn’t necessarily doom the bill, but after Jones is seated, just one GOP senator in addition to Corker (who objects to deficits) could hold it hostage. And, as #95 points out, once one senator gets his demands met, the rest will begin lining up to present theirs, at which point the whole quilt could come unstitched.
So long as “deficits don’t matter” Mitch McPedophile is free to grant concessions to all 50, which puts the real debate in the House among the Teabagger Caucus.
Please present your specific evidence of malfeasance, error, or investigative misconduct:
@97 Mitch’s problem is all those concessions cost money and the tax bill is already scraping the deficit ceiling it must not pierce in order to avoid needing 60 votes for passage.
That’s easy. Raise taxes elsewhere. They’ve abandoned any pretense that any of “the little people” will see any relief. They can just as easily jamb them even harder. And they will. Ryan’s going away present to his caucus.
Hillbilly payback’s a bitch.
And so is she.
More rats swimming for shore …
” … Iowa now overwhelmingly disapproves of [Trump’s] performance and believes the country is on the wrong track, a new poll showed Wednesday … 35 percent of Iowans approve of Trump’s presidency … 60 percent disapprove ….”
The late Rep. Dan Johnson (r.i.p.), who shot himself yesterday (!), claimed he raised a woman from the dead.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maybe when he put the gun to his head, he thought he was just taking a temporary vacation?
No one in government is serious at all about reducing the debt and reducing spending. Any cost savings ideas these bastards mention will never work because all they know how to do is spend, tax and spend and borrow and spend. Once a dollar is freed up one one government program, the party who is in power will use that dollar to spend (along with some more borrowed/taxed/printed-out-of-thin-air dollars) on some other government program that benefits those in power by buying votes in the states/districts.
It’s always about getting elected and staying elected, and no politician ever got either by honestly wanting to cut government spending. It’s just the nature of these beasts. Debt only matters if it’s the other party that wants to increase it. Nobody has any intention at all of ever paying down the debt to $0.
@ 103
…claimed he raised a woman from the dead.
Maybe what he really said was he raised a welt on a woman’s head.
Like Democrat senator from Delaware Tom Carper did to his wife:
The deposition did in fact include an admission by Carper that he hit his wife and gave her a black eye.
“I slapped Diane one time,” Carper said in the deposition, according to the report. “It was a stupid thing to do and I … regret it now. It caused some discoloration of her left eye and some puffiness.”
WASHINGTON (AP) — The GOP-led Senate on Thursday confirmed one of President Donald Trump’s federal court nominees, his 12th circuit judge — the most for a president’s first year in office since the creation of circuit courts in 1891, Republicans say.
The Senate voted 53-43 to confirm James C. Ho to serve on the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Wouldja lookit that. At least two Dems voted for the guy.
Obama only got three confirmed his first year, and that’s while having 60 Dem senators for part of it.
Former Senator Reid, thank you so much.
Oh. Judge Ho is all of 44 years old. Thank you again, former Senator Reid.
More Gateway Pundit just for the senile idiot wabbit! http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....pie-video/
Beats the horsesASS manure you peddle!
“Too bad your SQL skillz are lacking.”
Says the Chrome-challenged double-posting loon.
@104 I think the spending level is appropriate. If anything, we should spend more, not less, on defense. I oppose cutting Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid, or CHIP. We should be able to spend a bit less on unemployment benefits and food stamps in a full-employment economy, but that doesn’t really amount to a lot of the overall budget. The best solution to deficits is raising taxes on those who can afford to pay. There are people who have more money than they know what to do with. More than they can spend in this lifetime. There are people who pay hundreds of millions for yachts and artworks. It’s not hard to figure out what the solution to deficits is. For starters, you don’t make them worse by cutting taxes for billionaires. That makes no sense at all. The quickest and best immediate step Congress could take toward deficit reduction is defeating this deplorable tax bill. That would avoid several trillion dollars of additional deficits right there.
@105 We’ll trade you Carper’s resignation for Orange Pussygrabber’s resignation. Deal?
@107 I’d eat that pie. I’m surprised you didn’t say “Sarah’s place is in the kitchen!” That’s a Republican thing, but she’s a Republican, so you should shoo her to the kitchen to do something useful like making more of those pies.
The tax bill is like a pie. You dump a lot of ingredients into a bowl, stir, bake, let it cool, then slice and serve. Oops, this one is an egg short. Its name is Rubio.
except the only political party to have ever done so in your lifetime.
And for whom you will never, ever, ever vote no matter what, unless of course perhaps the other guys put a morally crippled rapist on the ballot in which case…
Buttery Males.
math (as in.. erm.. counting?) never has been the Dumbfuck’s strength. Mostly his strength has been holding veeerrry still while good ol’ Mr. Ed “takes his mount”.
At least not the one Roy Moore imagines.
Side note: The victor is a 30 year parishioner of the same church. Hillary was a Sunday School teacher. 45 thinks “Two Corinthians” is a thing.
White southern Baptists and Racists have a wiiiiiiide Venn intersection.
Wow. This guy deserves a gold star medal. This guy is a true patriot in my book.
Going to have to look further into sending him a letter of gratitude. I say let him be the 2018 NYC Pride Parade Grand Marshall.
clueless cretin @113,
Using an article written by a libtard DUMMOCRETIN… and here’s the proof! — (he will, however, lose this November to Elizabeth Warren, and all will be right with the world again). —
Yeah that article is brought up again. Libtards love to reuse that blather when they have no other answer. Is it Republican’s fault Ted Kennedy had a brain tumor? Is it Republican’s fault Arlen Spector defected when he did? Is it Republican’s fault 91 year old Robert Byrd from West Virginia was in frail health? Is it Republican’s fault Blue Dog conservative and moderate DUMMOCRETIN Senators were voted in? Is it Republican’s fault Massachusetts libtards offered the FOOL Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley?
NOPE to all those questions!
Your party keeps voting in the on death’s door dinosaurs or useless morons so cry Puddy a river. You had the votes and chose not to use them wisely!
FACTS, they suck when you are a DUMMOCRETIN!
Till Next Time!
@118 “You had the votes and chose not to use them wisely!”
Exactly what I’ve been saying for years — Democrats need to behave more like Republicans.
Net Neutrality Hatchet Man Linked To Pizzagate Conspiracy Theory
Ajit Pai, the Trump appointee at FCC who led the charge against net neutrality, appeared in a Daily Caller video dancing with a Pizzagate conspiracy theory supporter.
Meanwhile, the GOP tax bill is so crassly tilted toward the rich that a pair of Republican senators are fighting their own party just to get a few crumbs for working families with children.
The tax bill is even worse than it looks, because the rich will be able to game it, boosting deficits further and giving Republicans an excuse to slash at the safety net.
“The less revenue the bill creates, the more Republicans can use that rhetorically to moan about the deficit and push for austerity … as Politico reported on Monday, ‘The Trump administration and Republicans in Congress are hoping to make the most sweeping changes to federal safety net programs in a generation, using legislation and executive actions to target recipients of food stamps, Medicaid and housing benefits.’ … The result is a huge transfer of wealth, from the poor to the rich. That’s the real game here.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump voters thought they were electing a guy so rich he’d be above corruption. What they got is a government run by billionaires for the benefit of billionaires — at their expense.
Where Republican hypocrisy doesn’t sell:
“Black Alabamians have a very good idea of what white evangelical morality means. … Abortion stops a beating heart, the Moore campaign warned—but so do police. Yet, American conservatives are still likelier to protest abortion than the killings of Trayvon Martin and Tamir Rice.”
Russia, Russia Russia!!! Men are horrible!!! Great victory in Alabama.
Yet not much mention of American fighters intercepting Russian fighters in Syria.
And you all are being fed and are spreading bullshit.
@124 “Yet not much mention of American fighters intercepting Russian fighters in Syria.”
In a hurry for World War 3 to start?
Will the ghost of Al Franken haunt Alabama? Watch that Alabama channel, or call for the ghost busters. They can catch this ghost in less than 18 months. Or the apocalypse is happening and you know what that means. Cats and dogs living together!!!
Hey aren’t those Porgs cute!!!
Just the facts jack. Though you support increasing defense spending. May have to replace a jet or two in Syria, and Russia spends like 65 billion last year. So they are likely a bit over extended, and the Turks took one down. That turned out just fine. Tell you what lets invite Ukraine and Russia into NATO. That would be something. Lets have the UN do its job and deal with North Korea, after all it is the UN action that has led to the current unhappy state of affairs. The UN job is to eliminate war. Ok not a good track record, but it still could do its job in Korea.
Of course there is a different agenda here. More concern about Democrat self interest than the nation. More important to get rid of Trump than war and peace. He has not gotten us into anything new in a year. I’m sure Hilliary would have by now, or it would be a hot time in Korea.
Maybe the Olympics is doing something good, and we will get to enjoy the USA winning the bob sled race. Will Steven Colbert be there?
@119 If you want the delicious taste of a PBR then go for the PBR can!! No need to try the Democratic substitute Budwiser. Independents can enjoy both or try a Coors.
RR and his buddies harassing a woman. Naughty rabbit.
Nazi! Yeah you.
To the vomit producer who claims Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were having private text conversations…
Seems lead committee DUMMOCRETIN Congresscritter Adam Schiff doesn’t agree with you that those were “private conversational texts”. He’s a little worried a conspiracy may have happened last August 2016 in the Deputy Head of FBI Andrew McCabe’s office!
Once again the putrid thoughts of HA’s own vomit producing dead toad don’t match the rest of the world. Butt, we know, over 95% of the time what comes out as vomit can be flushed down the toilet!
Till Next Time!
@ The Raging Schizo:
Butt, we know, over 95% of the time what comes out as vomit can be flushed down the toilet!
Hence the reason I usually just skim over your posts and barely glance at them unless you say something so outrageously stupid that it twerks my amygdala.
Meanwhile, Fat Donny’s nominee for a lifetime appointment to the Judiciary has never tried a case in any court, has never even contributed so much as a punctuation mark to any legal brief, and cannot answer basic questions about some of the simplest things concerning Federal Law.
Par for the course. He’s qualified because he slept in some seedy chain hotel last night and used the Gideon Bible as a coaster for his Bud Light.
Doctor Dumbfuck missed an easy field goal from the 20. So his liddle Freak Loon sidekick dressed like a Mexican ice cream salesman awards a point in Ozzy Rules.
And we continue to wait in boredom for some meaningful presentation of actual evidence of actual investigative misconduct, malfeasance, obstruction, tampering, or interference.
While a Roypublican Traitor Congress lays out the pretext to do all of that and more to defend their favorite finger rapist.