Prediction: Richardson defeats McCain 52-48 in popular and landslide in electoral.
Left Turnspews:
Well the lapel pin wearing, chickenhawk republican faux patriots should be proud of themselves. They have shit all over America once again and gotten away with it. A CIA spy was outed and her career destroyed and her last day at the agency was today. Plame didn’t deserve this attack. It’s pure treason on the part of the right. And someday, America as a whole may pay a penalty for this Karl Rove orchestrated tragedy. We may never know how many American lives will be lost due to republican treachery. God how I wish all right wing traitors would just fucking DIE!
are there quite a few more rightie trolls lately?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Good thing the CLOWNS can count on you to save Amerika, huh?
poor windie…you can’t even tell when someone[cynical] is being S-N-I-D-E, can you?
and left turn…as usual, a hate filled little speech made up of absolutely nothing of value. we can always depend on you for that…..
did it ever occur to you I was being snide back?!
I was speechless for a moment when I read your post… Can you really be that dense deliberately?!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
It appears I have gotten windie’s GOAT for sometime now!
I can just picture windie’s typical LEFTIST face getting all contorted with every single one of my posts. His wire-rim glasses get all fogged up. Drool starts engulfing his scrawny little beard.
windie starts flapping his skinny limp wrists at warp speed and eventually he spits on his own computer monitor. Then windie grabs his Karl Marx doll, curls up on his doll-sized bed with his thumbs in his mouth CLUTCHING his hero KARL!
Like all of LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS, windie cannot handle opinions different than his (as windie champions tolerance and diversity out of the other side of his crooked little mouth!)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Stefan, I need a favor. Please set up a “prr legal action fund” on your web site. I will appreciate your doing this right away, because Drinking Liberally is Tuesday evening, which is not a lot of time to raise the funds to hire prr’s lawyer. Since prr is too chickenshit to show up at DL himself, he’s sending his lawyer. I wanna meet prr’s lawyer! So we can make ho-ho. Then Mrs. Rabbit will knock out Roger Rabbit’s teeth, and everyone will be happy. Thanks!
Roger Rabbitspews:
OK, folks, here’s the prr-Roger Rabbit showdown plan. Evil-prr will send his lawyer to DL. The lawyer will sit in RR’s lap and have a few drinks. Roger Rabbit and the lawyer will make ho-ho. Then Mrs. Rabbit will knock out Roger Rabbit’s teeth. Evil-prr saves face, nobody gets hurt, and 24 years from now we’ll have plenty of lawyers with long ears. It works for everyone! All we need now is Stefan’s cooperation in helping raise the funds to hire a lawyer skirt for Evil-prr to hide behind.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Goat? Is Mr. Cynical doing goats now?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Who cares if their lawyer has long ears, a big nose, chin whiskers that grow sidewise, and a growth on their butt that looks like something from a Santa elf’s cap?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Speaking of Santa … Santa told me Evil-prr is NOT getting the gas chamber he wants for Christmas.
(For those of you who missed it, Evil-prr published his Christmas wish list in a previous thread:
“Cynical @4, Really… who the fuck are you to question my Judaism? I’m Jewish enough for the gas chambers… that’s all you need to know. Comment by Goldy— 12/9/05 @ 8:54 am
“’I’m Jewish enough for the gas chambers… that’s all you need to know.’ Speaking of what’s on my Christmas list…..
Comment by prr— 12/9/05 @ 9:00 am”)
Santa told me his elves don’t make gas chambers, and in any case, Evil-prr isn’t getting anything for Christmas this year because he’s dropping Evil-prr from his route. Santa says there’s no way he’s going down that chimney now that he knows what kind of sick, twisted, psycho goyim lives at the bottom of the chimney!
Ah, it is Christmas after all!
prriss is placing christmas death wishes underneath the tree, while Irr fucks all the farm animals in the manger…
Two interesting things happened in the past few weeks concerning free speech. Hillary Clinton was shouted down by some really left wing dudes because of her views. She couldn’t speak to the group who wanted to hear her. The same thing happened to Anne Coulter: she was shouted down at the University of Conn. The people who invited her to the university didn’t get to hear her because some childish jerks made asses of themselves.
It seems in these two instances that free speech only is important when it’s what some arrogant children want to hear. I don’t particularly agree with either Clinton or Coulter, but I wouldn’t pull a stunt like these people did.
Left Turn………Your military service was…….? [hehe…..I thought so. Just another coward piss ant louded mouth Democrat!]
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing you from the Christmas frontlines, currently in front of Cinnabon at Twin Oaks Mall. May Jesus and Santa forgive me, but I have to say that this is the worst I’ve ever seen it.
What a horrible place, the mall. The architecture of these things is all the same. Malls are the architectural scat of the biggest American colossus, corporate capitalism — a cogs-and-bricks-and-money giant that thunders, three miles high, across the landscape, stopping and squatting occasionally to crap out one of these rectangular jumbles of cement block. May Jesus forgive them for sucking so bad.
I have some sad news — John has been in an accident. It was his first day here, and we were eating lunch in the food court, in front of the Peppy Peppy Pizza. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a lady carrying three bags stop in her tracks, like she saw someone she knew. She raised a hand, and shouted it, right there in the middle of the mall. “HAPPY HOLIDAYS!”
The carnage was bad. Real bad. I’m sorry to say John wasn’t prepared to hear it, and he accidentally stabbed himself repeatedly in the eye with a plastic fork.
The doctors say he’ll be fine, but he’ll lose that eye. Even in his sleep he’s mumbling Merry Christmas, over and over. He’s a damn fighter, that one. He’s one of the lucky ones, because I’m pretty sure some other people got trampled in the rush to get out.
Thanks to state Sen. Joyce Mulliken, an Ephrata Republican, a deal was struck to use money from the new gas-tax increase to add the bike-pedestrian lanes to the soon-to-be-rebuilt Potato Hill Bridge. The result: a new bridge able to accommodate auto, pedestrian and bike traffic and capable of being expanded later to accommodate four lanes of auto traffic – which local officials say will be needed – for less money and in less time.
I guess no need to let the truth get in the way of a right wing talking point.
and gotta mention sound transit advertising their new line to the airport. They fail to mention (lie) that its not going to any part of the airport that does you any good. Still have to take a bus into the airport.
You seem to think Ann Coulter is entitled to normal courtesies. She is a hate peddler who has publicly stated that liberals should be put in concentration camps and executed. By what stretch of imagination do you think she has a right to expect to be greeted with anything except hostility, revulsion, and disgust?
One of our transit problems is we have let pursuit of the perfect be the enemy of the good. Everywhere else they make transfers. It’s really not that big a deal.
Could have saved a boat load (or perhaps a bus load) of money if we just ran shuttles through the bus tunnel. Diesel buses drop at either end, electric shuttles go back and forth. No dual power. But that’s past us now.
Transfer to the airport. Do not be afraid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
State pensions aren’t underfunded.
That is disgusting. She needs to contact NOW.
Even without religion involved its pretty disgusting. Add charging her and putting religion into the mix and putting ‘depression‘ on her medical records and I am not sure why its not criminal.
Interesting about the charges. My father fell and broke his hip, lots of recovery, he’s diabetic and he got a bone infection and they told him the only thing he could do is get his big toe cut off. He was referred to a surgeon, he looked in the phone book, found a surgeon that the ad said operated on feet, called and made an appointment to be seen for a toe amputation. When he got there and got in the Doctor’s office, the Doctor told him he didn’t operate on feet and charged him 85 bucks. To me, it’s fraud and blatant false advestising, but it appears to be the within the normal operating values of doctors these days.
bill @21 and 26, and sgmmac @25
Not sure I agree with either of your reactions. I would sue for false advertising:
Southwestern Medical Clinic’s Niles office on South 11th Street.
I do not see “Christian” or “Religious” in the name above, so I am indeed offended that Amanda was charged $68 for a lecture.
btw – I thought her pastor was her mother, based on the photo. Are Wiccan’s linked to any optometrist chains?
The false advertising has a lot of merit, the only problem may be attorney fees. I am glad that it is in the press though, I would call someone at the state level. The clinic has to be regulated by some agency.
Well, to be fair about that marks, the parent website does mention it heavily.
Are Wiccan’s linked to any optometrist chains?
Not that I know of.
FWIW, this is not abnormal, this type of article comes out about once a week or so in the little papers mostly in the midwest.
windie @7…nice try at a save. it was so small and lame that i almost missed it.
and cynical….you do seem to have gotten his goat indeed. funny mental images!
and roger….don’t you think you should follow in windie’s wee little footsteps and realize that ann coulter was just being SNIDE?
it’s humor rog…get with it…or get off it.
one or the other.
bill @30
More specifically, how did Amanda arrive at SWMC? Did someone tell her specifically to go there? Did she pick it from the yellow pages? The internet? Based on her answers to those, a good case could be made (or not). Yet I am still uncertain how a medical clinic can just take your money for a lecture.
here’s some good news…….
Iraq – The American military Friday arrested a high-ranking member of al-Qaida in
Iraq in the town of Ramadi, the U.S. Marines said.
Amir Khalaf Fanus, also known in the Ramadi area as “the Butcher,” was wanted for criminal activities including murder and kidnapping, Capt. Jeffrey S. Pool said in a statement from the town, located 70 miles west of Baghdad.
Fanus was No. 3 on a most-wanted list for Ramadi drawn up by the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 28th Infantry Division.
I know this is probably too much to ask of these people, but I will ask anyway.
The next time they engineer a two way train, could they please make sure the build out includes enough room between the tracks so that the trains can pass each other, side by side, withoug colliding and causing even more damage that tax payers have to pay for?
I know that is a lot to ask of an state engineer, but I am Just asking anyway!
Have a nice day and Merry Christmas to all!
@ 34
OK, Here is my gripe, as a licensed professional engineer. If a client, or policy maker, asks for something (fit into that space so they can build the building), and the engineer states that will work only if certain operating conditions are maintained, then it is not the engineer’s fault if those conditions are violated and there is a failure.
If you ask for half a bridge to be designed, it’s not the designer’s fault if you drive over the edge.
I’ve been thinking about Christianity and the limits of forced religion over the past week (I have no idea why. Maybe somebody mentioned something a thread or two back and I began thinking). I have absolutely zero problems with Christians telling me about their beliefs. As a Catholic, I get little enough exposure to new interpretations of biblical inspiration from Catholic theologians, and new thoughts are refreshing, to say the least.
One area where I draw the line at is attempting to enforce my religious beliefs, and I look to this person, Senator Danforth, for inspiration.
Another area that Christians of all stripes and even secular types (okay, I may be going too far on that) can seek guidance is C.S. Lewis’ book, “Mere Christianity”, a compilation of transcribed radio programs from the inspired writer circa early 1940’s. I read the book earlier this year, and found a number of compelling points regarding my own beliefs, and how I should approach the “unbeliever” (HINT: Why spend time on them when I know I am a sinner?)…
For you Evangelists, understand that you get audiences that want to learn. Be satisfied with that, as you do not have my sympathy when you try to conquer.
Back to your regularly scheduled programming…
xMasG, the crowd was just being SNIDE ande humorous at the top of their lungs!
Coulter chose to leave, because she didn’t get the joke.
Democrats Mario Cuomo and Senator Tom Harkin Petition for Tookie. “Hey, He’s may be a felon murderer, but he’s a Democrat felon murderer, and so is Teddy Kennedy”, said Senator Harkin. “We can’t waste “Tookie”‘s Democrat felon vote, echoed Democrat Mario Cuomo!!
Some surprisingly high-profile Democrats have signed a petition to pressure California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to grant clemency to serial killing-Crips-founder Stanley “Tookie” Williams, who is set to die in San Quentin’s death house next Tuesday.
According to, Tookie’s supporters include former New York Gov. Mario Cuomo, Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin and “Baghdad” Jim McDermott.
The Weekly Standard reports that Hollywood is also turning out for Tookie – in droves.
The man who brutally gunned down four people in 1979 has now garnered the support of Ed Asner, Russell Crowe, Ted Danson, Richard Dreyfuss, Mike Farrell, Laurence Fishbourne, Danny Glover, Elliott Gould, and Tim Robbins.
Let’s see: Ann Coulter is a private sector multi millionaire and New York Times listed “best seller”. The U CONN Democrat undergrads are a bunch of over priviledged Jewish Democrat loud mouths all majoring in soft bull shit so they can go to law school and work for the A. C. L. Jew. BTW, NONE will ever serve in the United States military because that is for “everyone else” but their coward Democrat “girlie” asses. [What a waste of tuition funds, but many of their Democrat parents are just as stupid.]
Tehran – Former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami on Friday accused the United States of committing a “crime” by refusing to sell modern airplanes and parts to Iran, following a deadly plane crash that killed 108 people. ”To deprive Iran of the most modern and secure (flight) apparatus is a crime against people that a power like the United States does not have the right to commit,” [No problem here that a few thousand B-52 Linebacker strikes can’t solve!! Kill them and take the oil!!]
Terry Jayspews:
Just so you know where you are at, per the Ace of Spades:
“Liberal bloggers tend to be obsessed with conspiracy theories, criminal investigations unlikely to result in convictions (and unrelated to actual policy debate, in any event), and general moonbattery. The basic dynamic of the sinestrosphere is everyone attempting to out-crazy each other, and, last time I checked, it’s a million-way tie for first place.”
Looks like the state pension fund is underfunded by over 4 billion dollars. Are you a little defensive because you are relying on this for your retirement? Did the dems go and raid your future?
Mark The Redneckspews:
K @ 35 – I’m a PE too. I disagree with you. The “P” in PE means “Professional”. As a true Professional, one of your duties, one of your ethical obligations, is to ignore advice from amateurs and those not learned in the field. That’s why they hire us. That’s why they pay us the big bucks. That’s why we stamp designs. That’s why we have to have “professional charge” of a design.
“Engineering controls” are always superior to “process controls” to make sure accidents don’t happen. Monorail crunch was an accident waiting to happen. The only question is why it took so long.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Hey Wabbit – your post 95 in 21 or bust below you say you’re happy that you’re on gummint pension so you’re not subject to corporate underfunding.
We’d all like to know what you think about FUWA stealing your pension money as Janet posted at 39 here. Mrs. Gregoire (I won’t call her gov) admitted that she knew it was underfunded and continued the heist for her first illegitmate session of the legislature. But she promises to do better next time. Really… she will. Trust her…
You ranted and railed about corporate greed even though there are just a handful of corporate miscreants compared to thousands and thousand and thousands of companies who fully fund their defined benefit programs in full compliance with ERISA.
So whadyya gonna do now? Will you file suit against FUWA for stealing your money? Do tell, we’d love to know….
Mark The Redneck,
What are you doing posting on HorsesAss? Does this mean you have paid off your gambling debt to Goldy?
Come on, MTR, try to have a little integrity!
All designs have a set of conditions under which they will perform as designed and outside of those conditions they will fail.
That said, I do believe, based on the very limited information from the news, that narrowing the gap was a false economy. But I do not believe it was profesional negligence. The street car worked with convergent tracks. It is standard for rail lines to share the mainline and have sidings when traffic must pass. It was a planning and operational failure.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“realize that ann coulter was just being SNIDE?”
Sorry, that doesn’t cut it. Stop being an apologist for her.
Roger Rabbitspews:
That’s like Jane Fonda saying, “I was just kidding.”
Mark The Redneckspews:
Hey, has anybody heard when KISW and Entercom gonna reverse their rectal-cranial inversion and put The Professor on during drive time?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“I know this is probably too much to ask of these people, but I will ask anyway. The next time they engineer a two way train, could they please make sure the build out includes enough room between the tracks so that the trains can pass each other, side by side, withoug colliding and causing even more damage that tax payers have to pay for?”
The Monorail wasn’t built that way originally. The tracks were moved in 1988 to accomodate a shopping center developer. From the Seattle Times:
“The tracks were rebuilt to accommodate a new shopping center, and the powers that be wanted to minimize their bulk near the center. A city councilman, drawing on a napkin, designed the tapered line, which requires drivers to yield to one another. It worked fine for 17 years.”
Hmmm … let’s see … downtown business interests interfered with an engineering decision to advance their interest in profit … bet those business folks were Democrats, huh.
I havent heard any of you donks mention Bush’s polls numbers. Must be going up. It seems things have been improving for Bush lately. I guess Joe public got tired of listening to all the BS coming from the left.
Janet Sspews:
Roger – why no comments about the dems raiding the pension fund? Don’t worry, it will be solvent by 2019. I’m sure bunnies live long lives.
Seriously, this should be remedied with the current surplus, and brought even with cuts in govt spending. I know it is a different “bucket”, but it sure would be nice to shut down the rail-line-almost-to-the-airport and put the money towards the promises made to state workers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The $4 billion represents about 7% to 8% of state pension assets. Market values can fluctuate by that much in 6 months.
“Did the dems go and raid your future?”
No. The underfunding is in PERS 2 and 3, which cover most currently active state employees, because the state scaled back its contribution rate to these plans in recent years. I belong to an older plan, most of whose members are retired, which is adequately funded.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Hey Wabbit – You said once you spent your career “helping people meet their societal obligations”. Now that you know that Gary Locke and Mrs. Gregoire “borrowed” money from the state pension fund are you going to sue them to help them?
BTW, are gummint pensions like yours garnteed by PBGC? Are gummint pension subject to ERISA? Or does the state exempt itself from laws for us common folks?
Mark The Redneckspews:
Janet @ 49 – I think you’re wrong. I’m sure Mr. and Mrs. Wabbit would rather have their money go to bike paths in Moses Lake than into their pockets. It’s the upright thing for a moonbat to do you know…
Roger Rabbitspews:
I should add that the contribution rates were sound at the time made, based on the returns that pension fund assets were earning at that time. The stock market decline of 2001-2003 accounts for the entire shortfall. It also should be pointed out that, although the pension system has only 93% of the assets necessary to meet pension obligations at this time, a substantial portion of those obligations are many years in the future. This money is mostly owed to workers now in their 20s, 30s, and 40s.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Wabbit @50 – There ya go… “I got mine. Fuck everybody else”. Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Gov. Gregoire has been in office only 10 months, and sent the Legislature a balanced budget last spring, so how is she responsible for any “borrowing” from the pension funds?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Did I say that? Where?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey MTR — time for a reality check.
Gov. Gregoire and Sen. Margarita Prentice want to use the budget surplus for this biennium for funding pensions.
What do you think the Republican legislative caucuses will clamor for? Using it for tax cuts, that’s what. Wait and see.
Democrats – in favor of restoring “borrowed” pension funds, care about workers
Republicans – want tax cuts, fuck the workers
Roger Rabbitspews:
That “bike path” in Moses Lake happens to also be a car bridge, dumbass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I have an idea. Let’s put stoplights on I-90 in Moses Lake. At least 3 of ’em, and make sure they’re not synchronized, just like Aurora Avenue in Seattle. That ought to make the Republicans in Rossi-la-la-land happy.
I wouldnt fret about too much MTR. If Wabbit and his ilk last a long time those people in the 20’s wont support them once the system runs dry. I dont blame them either. Screw working if most of your money is confiscated for some old fart.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“I havent heard any of you donks mention Bush’s polls numbers. Must be going up.”
True — his approval rating has risen from 35% to 42%.
“I guess Joe public got tired of listening to all the BS coming from the left.”
I’m pretty sure gas prices dropping from $3 to $2.20 had more to do with it. But wait! Watch what happens to Bush’s approval ratings when winter heating bills hit and gas prices start up with the spring driving season.
And then there’s the forthcoming 2006 hurricane season, which may be even worse than 2005 thanks to global warming, and the 2006 elections will arrive about the same time as peak fuel prices do. That should be interesting.
Mark The Redneckspews:
“I belong to an older plan, most of whose members are retired, which is adequately funded.” RR@ 50
This money is mostly owed to workers now in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. RR @53
Today’s article in Pee-Eye
“The problem surfaced at the same time lawmakers struggled to address billion-dollar budget shortfalls and a sputtering economy. Though they cut programs and raised taxes to fill the gap, lawmakers and then-Gov. Gary Locke continued to put off paying down the pension liability — and getting back on track. Gregoire did the same thing this year, in her first budget.
“When you don’t fully fund the pension system, you are borrowing money for the budget,” said Erik Sund, a Senate fiscal analyst.
Mrs. Gregoire made a concious decision to STEAL from the state pension fund again so she could give stuff away to prop up her 48th worst in Murka ratings.
Mark The Redneckspews:
RR @ 61? Huh? I thought lower gas prices were Maria Cantwell’s doing? They’re not? Heeeeyyyyy… has Harvey The Invisible Wabbit been out there again?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I hope Stefan has put up the “prr legal action fund.”
This fundraiser is for a great cause — so prr can send a lawyer to Drinking Liberally.
Roger Rabbit and prr’s lawyer will make hoochy-hoochy. Then Mrs. Rabbit will knock out RR’s teeth! prr won’t get hurt, and everybody’s happy! :D :D :D
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Rog sez @ 57
“Democrats – in favor of restoring “borrowed” pension funds, care about workers
Republicans – want tax cuts, fuck the workers
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 12/9/05 @ 9:27 pm”
There you go again Rog….pretending that all government workers actually EARNED those pensions.
What about the many CLOWNS that gamed the system….and you know EXACTLY what I mean.
PERS1===monthly pension = 2%/yr. X the highest consecutive 24 months salary.
The GAME I am referring to is for CLOWNS with 28 years in the system to miraculously be given PROMOTIONS for the last 24 months. I am personally aware of many of these situations where a CLOWN makes at most $50,000/yr. for his/her entire career. Then, MIRACULOUSLY, the CLOWN makes $85,000 for the last 24 months.
His/her pension goes from 60% of $50,000===$30,000/yr. TO
60% X $85,000===$51,000/yr.
A whopping 70% jump in PENSION for the rest of the SCAMMERS life. Often these SCAMMERS have worked as entrenched government bureaucrats their whole miserable careers so they start drawig these huge pensions starting in their early 50’s. They go to a REAL job or try to double dip somewhere else.
Roger knows EXACTLY what I mean.
It’s a little, cozy CLUB that includes LEFTY’s and RIGHTY’s and those IN-BETWEENERS! All at the taxpayers expense.
Take a look at some of the public employee pension computations sometimes and look at the earning patterns.
And you claim to worry about government waste???
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Gregoire, like Gary Locke, BORROWED (or is it really stole?) so she didn’t have to make necessary cuts.
There isn’t a lot of glory in fully funding pension obligations.
Is this what the LEFTY’S are bitching about General Motors for???
It’s different when there folks do it.
AND Washington State is PUBLIC MONEY, which makes it even WORSE!
The LEFTY’S figure they can just raise taxes anytime to cover past underfunded obligations and screw the younger generation for the sins of 20 years of Democratic rule.
Hey Mark the Redneck,
We are all still waiting to here whether you not you made good on your bet with Goldy. So, did you meet your obligations and donate $100 to Maria Cantwell? That is your obligation.
Geez Mark, you are not the worse asshole around here—that is, unless you don’t make good on your word. Nobody, but nobody, likes someone who is blatently untrustworthy.
How ’bout it Mark the Redneck?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Mrs. Gregoire made a concious decision to STEAL from the state pension fund.”
Uh, no. You are playing fast and loose with definitions, my friend. Mrs. Gregoire — GOVERNOR Gregoire to you — did not “borrow” from state pension funds. She only deferred making the payments necessary to bring the asset-liability ratio up to 100%, which is not the same thing. By the way, that ratio fluctuates based on factors other than state contributions — including investment performance, the number of employees quitting and withdrawing their contributions, the number of employees retiring during the year, etc.
For Fiscal Year 2004, the most recent period for which data are available, additions to the pension funds totaled $7.3 billion, and increase of nearly $5 billion from FY 2003, due primarily to improved investment performance. During the same period, total deductions from the pension funds (there are over a dozen separate state pension funds) for payment of benefits, refunds, administrative expenses, etc. were $2.1 billion. Thus, the net inflow of funds in FY 2004 exceeded $5 billion.
Over the last several years, the state pension funds have maintained an asset-liability ratio in the 93% to 96%, which is far superior to most private sector plans.
The Bunny certainly has a better chance of getting full payment from the state pension fund that he would have from, say, General Motors, Ford, American Airlines, Enron, … or just about any corporation you could name.
Roger Rabbitspews:
By contrast, Bush wants to raid the Social Security Trust Fund for $1 trillion for personal accounts. This would threaten the very solvency of Social Security, which seems to be his intent.
Trust me on this, Mark, my pension money is in good hands. That’s because Democrats are running our state, and Republicans can’t get their hands on it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“We are all still waiting to here whether you not you made good on your bet with Goldy.”
Of course not! And never will. Hey Mark, guess what, I wouldn’t trust YOU with my retirement money any farther than I can spit.
Janet Sspews:
What the state should do is convert the pension fund from a defined benefit to a defined contribution. That would eliminate the problem. Then state workers would have to take responsibility for their own retirement. Defined benefit plans are a burden to all of us. Heck, GM might still be viable if it wasn’t for the unions extorting all those pension fund contributions over the last 30 years.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“There isn’t a lot of glory in fully funding pension obligations.”
Cynical — that’s true. From a CEO’s point of view, there’s more glory in funding CEO salaries than in funding worker pensions, isn’t there? That’s why CEO salaries get funded, pensions don’t. Works great for the CEOs, everybody else gets fucked. That’s your vaunted private enterprise system for you — the less regulated it is, the more people get fucked.
That’s why I worked for government instead of a corporation. I trust Gregoire 1,000 times more than I trust Ken Lay, Bernie Ebbers, Mike McGavick, or George W. Bush.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey prr – make sure your lawyer is wearing a mini-skirt! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey prr – Mrs. Rabbit won’t knock my teeth out unless you give her a reason to! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
GOP trainwreck #29282393.
The Republican turd was so bad, his own wife tried to off him! HE HE!
You know, when Bush has the second lowest poll numbers in modern history, it is hard NOT to go up. If that is all you have to brag about you are seriously hurting.
Nindid- Whos numbers are lower right now. Bush’s or Clinton’s when he got elected in 1992?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
If Democrats aren’t anti-Christian, then I’m not sure who is…
How would you explain the traditional Christian symbol of the fish with a cross at the head of it and with flames and the word “Hypocrite” emblazoned across it that’s being sold on the Washington State Democrats website?
The CLOWNS who preach tolerance and diversity sure have a lot of explaining to do!
If the Party of TOLERANCE and DIVERSITY weren’t so ashamed of this…..why did they take it off when confronted???
Who is running the insane asylum???
Just when you start to be a little concerned that the CLOWNS might gain a foothold, THEY SHOOT OFF THEIR F*CKING FOOT!!!!
Goldy The Holocaust Victim—
How do you feel about the Washington State Democratic Party selling something as hateful and intolerant as this????
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Next the Washington Democratic Party will be selling Nativity scenes and Christmas Trees on their Website to make up for this boneheaded move!!!
How do you pi$$ of the vast majority of Washington citizens on Paul Berendt’s bon voyage???!!!
You gotta love these CLOWNS!!
Oh wait……..I forgot.
Man, it’s impossible for me to get all scruched up and offended like the CLOWNS on this Blog….no matter how hard I try!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I can’t WAIT for the LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS to start spinning this one!! They can only make it worse!
Perhaps O’Reilly and Hannity & Colmes will pick up on this.
Even Alan Colmes will be outraged at you CLOWNS!
For the Cluelessspews:
Bozo @ all
Ok, take one of the little white pills in the morning with your orange juice and two of the red pills with your lunch. And you must, must take the purple pill with your afternoon snack.
You must get back on schedule now, bozo.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Cynical — how are the right-wing self-described “Christian” warmongers and apologists for torture, lying, and corruption NOT hypocrites?
Commander Oggspews:
Cynical @ 78
Since I can not view the source code, I can not tell if this was an actual O’Reilly special or a phony cut and paste job.
However, the computer/internet is a wonderfull thing. By blowing up the image, I see it is from an outfit called Reefer Magnets dated 2004. They are no longer selling them:;cPath=3
If you are interested, they are available at
Most probably a cut and paste job. Crude, and not very effective.
Hey y’all–have you ordered your car magnets from the Washington state Democrat website yet??? You know–the ones with the christian fish emblazoned with the word ‘hypocrite’?? Where DO they get these things?? and why did they feel they had to remove them from the website when word got out fairly publicly about it?? Aren’t they proud of their own merchandise??
..and in view of stuff like that, why are the Dems still wondering why they can’t get the ‘religious’ voters?
Here’s a heartwarmer from Sgt. Josh Hauser, combat correspondent: “…Merry Christmas, and I just want everybody back home to know that this year, Santa Claus is wearing camoflauge and delivering freedom to Iraq”.
I love these guys!!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Rog sez:
“Cynical – how are the right-wing self-described “Christian” warmongers and apologists for torture, lying, and corruption NOT hypocrites?
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 12/10/05 @ 12:28 am”
Rog, that’s NOT what that magnet says and you know it. It labels ALL Christians. Your CLOWNISH pals have really f*cked up this time. I would hope you would be smart enough not to make it worse than it already is. If it wasn’t bad, why would the State Democratic Party take it off their website???????????
Political momentum is changing right now. If you CLOWNS decide to support selling anti-Christian merchandise, you WILL be the big losers that we have grown to expect.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Clueless @ 81–
As always, you attempt the LEFTIST PINHEADED strategy of “marginalize and minimize” your Party’s stupidity. Clueless makes a weak-ass attempt to deflect attention away from an extremely offensive, Anti-Christian product being marketed on the Washington Democratic Party website.
I guarantee you there will be an apology and a whole lot of explaining on this one. Berendt will blame some underlying for his act….watch. Where does the buck stop Paul??
Berendt is an arrogant prick. He sends his 2 kids to a private Catholic School in Olympia and then sells clearly anti-Christian merchandise on his Dem website??? CLOWN!
If I remember correctly, Mark and Goldy never came to an agreement on the bet. Mark proposed one thing, Goldy rejected it and countered it with a different proposal, and Mark never responded. Goldy then tried to hold mark to that second proposal.
@22 You seem to think Ann Coulter is entitled to normal courtesies. She is a hate peddler…
You seem to misunderstand the first amendment, counselor.
Harry Poonspews:
The only right wing commenter with anything to say and any brains to say it with is, sgmmac. The rest are the ignorant sons of immigrants who only came here to have a child so they all could come here and FREELOAD off the system. Their citizenship should be REVOKED!
Seriously,though, it is hilarious that a guy named ALITO and a guy named SCALIA want to GET TOUGH on immigrants. Maybe if they restrict the Mexican illegals we’ll have to hire their relatives to do all the dirty work. Wouldn’t be the first time!
Way to go, racist.
Too bad the right wing lied about this whole fish thing. I wish it were true. I’d buy 1000 of em!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
LeftCLOWN sez:
“Too bad the right wing lied about this whole fish thing. I wish it were true. I’d buy 1000 of em!”
I KNEW we could count on CLOWNS like you and Harry Poon (aka Headlice Lucy, Apache Fog et al) to make a bad situation worse!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I’m glad the Washington State Democratic Party leadership has finally COME OUT OF THE CLOSET as the intolerant, Christian-hating Party that they are!!!
Keep up the bad work CLOWNS!
great editorial in the Times this morning pointing out the utter stupidity of the religious right’s obsession about the “War on Christmas”
Don’t any of those idiots realize that Christ wasn’t even born in winter, let alone Dec 25th?
The CLOWNS try hard to frame this war on CHRIST as merely a war on Christmas. One need only look at your own Party’s merchandise to understand how true that is:
Take a look at what was on the State Democratic Party’s website (Bertha’s Store)! http://deltamikecharlie.blogsp.....-then.html
And the original image:
Keep trying to hide the real PROGRESSIVE agenda rwb. You CLOWNS have come out of the CLOSET. Good for you. You must feel better now.
what progressive agenda? that we shouldn’t have a specific religion crammed down our throats?
I don’t give a fuck if someone want to wish anybody a Merry Christmas. I don’t give a fuck if a store wants to run a holiday sale or a Christmas sale. I’m just sick and tired of the idiots telling us that if someone doesn’t have a Christmas sale or someone doesn’t send out “Christmas” cards, that they are somehow waging a war on Christians. Boo fucking hoo. Get a goddamned life you pathetic losers. If your faith can’t stand up to other people not agreeing with you, then that’s your problem and that’s your weekness.
So go blow it out of your ass and leave the rest of us alone.
Also, why in the hell should retailers be forced by these religious extremists (these extremists happen to be of the Christian variety) to exclude those with different beliefs? Having a “Christmas” sale might just alienate those of another faith. And since this is a Capitalist society (and all you Repubs like making lots and lots of money, right??) isn’t it anti-American to try to limit retailer’s advertising scope?
The American Taliban: Say Merry Christmas or we’ll cut off your heads (figuratively of course….I hope)
and you think calling Christians hypocrites is waging war? It’s merely pointing out a simple truth. Not all Christians, mind you, just the loudest, most sanctimonious Christians.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
“and you think calling Christians hypocrites is waging war? It’s merely pointing out a simple truth. Not all Christians, mind you, just the loudest, most sanctimonious Christians.
Comment by rwb— 12/10/05 @ 8:54 am”
That is not what the car magnet said you CLOWN and you know it!
Thank you rwb for being foolish enough to take the bait and defend the indefensible. That despicable car magnet pretty much says it all. Try as hard as you can to DEFLECT, DEFLECT, DEFLECT onto other issues about Christmas. That’s not what this is about. We are talking about the WASHINGTON STATE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, the self-proclaimed Party of Tolerance & Diversity, slamming an entire religion. How Tolerant of you rwb.
But hey, keep on talking you fool!
What plush state job will Dem hack Paul Berendt get?
Since he was the behind the scenese elction guy, maybe to replace Bill Huenekens?
For the Cluelessspews:
Bozo @ 88
It’s my first instinct to mistrust anything the wa-gop puts out but let’s for the moment assume it really happened.
That symbol was merely a somewhat intemperate yet understandable reaction to holier-than-thou religious zealots who want to teach “intelligent design” to my kids in the public schools and have “dominion” over this country because it was founded on “Christian principles”. These zealots make up a larger portion of the Republican coalition than I’m comfortable with.
We’ve been sniping at each other over “freedom of religion” vs. “freedom from religion”. Huh! The whacko zealots want the “freedom of religion” to control people’s lives period. Screw that! I want “freedom from” those whack jobs!
For the Cluelessspews:
Bozo the cynical irrelevant clown claims he’s a libertarian but he’s really just the agent of the BIAW and the AMERICAN TALIBAN!
Mark The Redneckspews:
Iraq and Iran. What a contrast. In Iraq we went in and pre-empted an attack on civilization and freed a few million people from an asshole dictator. The world is a better place because of our courageous actions.
Iran is being dealt with in classic moonbat fashion. The french and germans and the UN are talking to them. Trying to convince them to stop making nuke materials. Iran telling ’em all to go to hell. Murka and Israel on sidelines watching….
Who do you moonbats think represents a bigger threat to civilization? Iraq or Iran? And if Iran is allowed to make nuke materials and uses them for WMD that they unleash on Murka or Israel, what will you think then? Will you then agree that some countries can’t be permitted to make their own decisions regarding weapons?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I knew we could count on you too!
you CLOWNS are hysterical!!
Just keep pushing away more and more of the Hubert Humphrey/Joe Lieberman Democrats away.
Keep antagonizing ALL Christians and then try and explain that you only mean certain unnamed, unidentified Christians who are allegedly telling you and your kids that you MUST believe a certain way. I don’t know a single soul who does that!!!!
Fear-mongering and creating the Bogeyman are the only weapons of the mind-numbed CLOWNS….and many folks are getting sicker and sicker of it by the minute!
When CLOWNS like Clueless and rwb try to rationalize the stupidity of their CLOWNleadership, it makes it even better for the RIGHT!
Just keep on talking CLOWNS! More rope…errrr more mike and ink for you CLOWNS!
Michael @ 95
“If I remember correctly, Mark and Goldy never came to an agreement on the bet.”
This is incorrect.
“Mark proposed one thing, Goldy rejected it and countered it with a different proposal, and Mark never responded. Goldy then tried to hold mark to that second proposal.”
Nope. Goldy accepted the bet. After fully accepting the bet as it stood, Goldy offered to modify how the bet was to be paid, to which MTR never responded.
After he acknowledged losing the bet, MTR tried to retroactively accepting Goldy’s proposed terms—sending the money to a charity instead of the political cause of Goldy’s choice. Under the bet, as agreed upon, if Goldy had lost, he would have had to donate $100 to Tim Eyman.
Ultimately, Mark the Redneck claims that he tried to donate $100 to Maria Cantwell’s campaign via her web site, but that the web site didn’t work. But, this is bullshit–the web site works just fine. Besides that, he could always mail the money to Cantwell.
So, Mark the Redneck, do a little spiritual housecleaning for the holidays—get this monkey off of your back. You were so close to fulfilling you obligations before.
Give it another good-faith effort, and maybe you can earn a tiny bit of respect around here.
Noone cynical? Read the link on my post @22.
Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see that pic is shopped, it doesnt fit there layoutwise. You should know by now I am no supporter of any party, so you can just drop the whole clown thing. That image is a lie, and if you actually believe its true then you are stupider than I thought. If you even suspect its shopped then you are a bald faced liar.
Which is it, are you a stupid sheep or a liar?
BTW, there are internet archives for a reason and it is quite possible to see a web page that was up yesterday but not today. Why did you link an image rather than an archive? Thats what I thought.
Cynical: Actually, since I’m a rich, white, liberal, I’m having that made up in gold, as jewelry, as a little trinket to give give to my rich, white, GOP friends. Oh, don’t worry – if it’s in gold, they’ll keep it. Cuff Links, tie tack, MONEY CLIP!
Want one?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Don’t you find it interesting how the LEFTISTS respond to issues like this?
I mean they are the Party of Tolerance and Diversity, right???
relax a little bill.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Despite your cynical attitude, I want you to know I went right to the archives website when I read about this.
As you obviously know, no archives have been kept of website since November of 2004.
Certainly this trinket is different from other car magnet ribbons….however, I did google-search and found these car magnets are being produced. See
It also appears the wa-democrats do not produce their own merchandise and merely purchase them elsewhere and re-market.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Look for item SKU9954 at the northern sun website.
God how I wish all right wing traitors would just fucking DIE! -Comment by Left Turn— 12/9/05 @ 3:07 pm
Commander Oggspews:
I do not know Mr. C. It could be photo shopped. I wish that I had evidence from a neutral source without ties to right or left blogs.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I agree.
Hopefully the State Democratic Party will deny this as some dirty trick….or affirm it and apologize.
I found another place @ where you can buy Atheist and anti-Christian stuff, including the Hypocrite Fish magnet.
The Dems do appear to buy stuff elsewhere and re-sell it thru their store.
Time will tell I guess.
Of course the item exists, if you are going to shop something into a photo its much easier to use an existing image than to make something up. But the layout with that image is just wrong, noone would be stupid enough to lay out a page that way. The entire balance is off.
This looks about as realistic as those shopped images of a male politician’s head on a woman in a bikini’s body.
“Your CLOWNISH pals have really f*cked up this time.”
For a while there, I was afraid the GOP had garnered a monopoly on stupidity, and it’s heartening to see the Democrats are still roping in a few of the dumb ones.
Commander Oggspews:
Mr. Doug Muder’s most excellent article Who’s afraid of freedom and tolerance? provides the clearest insight into why fundamentalists seem so afraid of liberal assumptions and liberal family values.
He doesn’t share their worldview, but he wants to understand it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
MTR bet Goldy $100 that I-912 would win by 15 points. MTR hasn’t paid the $100 to Cantwell, the Red Cross, his own grandmother, or anyone else. Welshing is welshing. MTR is fish food.
Commander Oggspews:
Have to do some shopping with my Lady. CMDR Ogg signing off
WOW…… democrats…the party of TOLERANCE?
i think not…..
well the “fish” has hit the fan this time hasn’t it?
and good job to the blogger that pointed it out.
man…you dems in washington state really think you can get away with this kind of behavior? and IF you thought it was okay to begin with…then why take it off the site, hmmmmmm?
Roger Rabbitspews:
dumbass @ 107
“What plush state job will Dem hack Paul Berendt get? Since he was the behind the scenese elction guy, maybe to replace Bill Huenekens?”
Huennekens had a county job.
Roger Rabbitspews:
We’ll miss ya, Ogg. Hurry back!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hmmm … here’s an interesting question … was the “Hypocrite” fish symbol photoshopped into a facsimile of a WA Dems web site page? Creating fake photos is a standard wingnut liar ploy. So … has Mr. Cynical been peddling a venal lie?
Mark The Redneckspews:
Look, Goldy declined my offer, he wanted to play fucking games so I dropped it. It was dead. As a gesture of goodwill, I attempted to put $100 into Maria’s fund. Your “tech savvy” senator’s website wouldn’t accept my address. So I said fuck it. In addition, Maria doesn’t need my money; her re-election is a sure thing. McGavicks’ chances are zero. None. Doesn’t stand a chance. Won’t happen.
Instead, I donated $100 to an “Adopt a child” program for Christmas. Somewhere out there, there are a couple of kids who otherwise wouldn’t have had a Christmas who will now because of my generosity and compassion.
So wabbit and DJ, fuck off.
Roger Rabbitspews:
88, 108
Let’s assume, for a moment, the car magnet was the real deal. Mr. Cynical’s thesis then becomes: It’s terrible that Democrats are calling (cetain) people who flaunt the fish symbol “hypocrites.” Let’s examine this.
What is NOT hypocritical about self-described “Christians” supporting war?
What is NOT hypocritical about people who advertise themselves as “Christians” supporting torture?
What is NOT hypocritical about people who adverise themselves as “Christians” supporting economic and social policies that favor the rich at the expense of workers and the poor?
What is NOT hypocritical about people who advertise themselves as “Christians” preaching intolerance and bigotry?
What is NOT hypocritical about people who advertise themselves as “Christians” being greedy and selfish?
Roger Rabbitspews:
If you advertise yourself as a “Christian” and vote Republican, you are a hypocrite.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Look, Goldy declined my offer, he wanted to play fucking games so I dropped it. It was dead. As a gesture of goodwill, I attempted to put $100 into Maria’s fund. Your ‘tech savvy’ senator’s website wouldn’t accept my address. So I said fuck it. In addition, Maria doesn’t need my money; her re-election is a sure thing. McGavicks’ chances are zero. None. Doesn’t stand a chance. Won’t happen.”
Excuses are like assholes — everybody’s got one.
“Instead, I donated $100 to an ‘Adopt a child’ program for Christmas.”
Bet you took a tax deduction for it, too.
“So wabbit and DJ, fuck off.”
In your dreams.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Recipe for bet welshers:
2 – 80 lb. lbs. of quick-setting concrete
1 – 5-gal. jerrycan of water
1 – tin washtub
1 – canoe paddle
1 – chair
2 – 6-ft. lengths of clothesline
1 – seagoing motor boat
1 – large body of water over 7 feet deep
1. Load bet welsher and ingredients aboard boat and head out to sea
2. Tie bet welsher’s hands and feet to chair with clothesline
3. Position tin washtub near chair
4. Pour contents of both bags of quick-setting concrete into tin washtub
5. Pour about half the contents of 5-gal. jerrrycan of water into tin washtub
6. Stir concrete-water mix with canoe paddle, adding more water until mix is thoroughly wetted, but do not overwater mixture which should have a consistent firm texture
7. Tilt chair backwards at 60 degree angle and slide tin washtub with wet concrete mix under bet welsher’s legs
8. Position bet welsher upright so feet are resting in concrete
9. Wait for concrete to set; does not need to be completely dry
10. While waiting for concrete to set, have a few drinks, smoke cigars, and engage in idle and amiable conversation with bet welsher
11. When concrete is set firmly enough so that bet welsher can no longer move his feet, boat should be out of sight of land; lift up bet welsher (including chair and tin washtub full of concrete) and dump over rail of boat
12. Bet welsher should rapidly sink out of sight. If bet welsher floats for some reason, run over him with the boat’s propeller several times, and wait around until sharks show up
John Seebethspews:
Here is an article that will surely raise the angst level…..
Voice of God Speaking with Bush Recorded in Secret White House Tapes
WASHINGTON, DC — Telephone logs secretly recorded by the National Security Agency and obtained by Congress as part of an ongoing investigation suggest that the vice president may have used the Oval Office intercom system to address President Bush at crucial moments, giving categorical directives in a voice the president believed to be that of God.
While journalists and presidential historians had long noted Bush’s deep faith and Cheney’s powerful influence in the White House, few had drawn a direct correlation between the two until Tuesday, when transcripts of meetings that took place in March and April of 2002 became available.
In a transcript of an intercom exchange recorded in March 2002, a voice positively identified as the vice president’s identifies himself as “the Lord thy God” and promotes the invasion of Iraq, as well as the use of torture in prisoner interrogations.
A close examination of Bush’s public statements and Secret Service time logs tracking the vice president reveals a consistent pattern, one which links Bush’s belief that he had received word from God with Cheney’s use of the White House’s telephone-based intercom system.
Officials privately acknowledged that there is reason to believe that the vice president, as God, urged Bush to sign legislation benefiting oil companies in 2005.
“There’s a lot of religious zeal in the West Wing,” said a former White House staffer who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “It’s possible that the vice president has taken advantage of that to fast-track certain administration objectives.”
An ex-Treasury Department official and longtime friend of Cheney was asked to comment on the vice president’s possible subterfuge. “I don’t know. I certainly don’t think it’s something [Cheney] planned,” he said. “I do know that Mr. Bush was unfamiliar with a phone-based intercom, and I suppose it is possible that Dick took advantage of that.”
A highly placed NSA official who has reviewed the information released Tuesday said Cheney masked his clipped monotone, employing a deeper, booming voice.
Said the NSA source: “It sounded as though the speaker, who identified himself as God, stood away from the intercom to create an echo effect.”
On Capitol Hill, sources are expressing surprise that Cheney, a vice president with more influence than any other in U.S. history, would have resorted to such deception.
“The vice president has a lot of sway in this administration,” said a former White House aide. “But perhaps when President Bush was particularly resolute and resistant to mortal persuasion, the vice president chose to quickly resolve disputes in his favor with a half-decent God impression.”
For many, the revelation explains Bush’s confusion in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
“I was very surprised by the president’s slow response in New Orleans,” political commentator Bill Kristol said. “The president told me that he was praying every day in his office, but had received no reply. I had no idea what he meant, but of course, it all makes sense now.”
At the time of Katrina, Cheney was on a fly-fishing trip, from which he returned on Sept. 1.
According to highly placed White House sources, Bush’s senior advisers are trying to shield the president from the news. Aides are concerned that too harsh an awakening might shake Bush’s faith, which has been a central part of his life for nearly 20 years.
“It’s hard to tell the leader of the free world that he has been the butt of an elaborate and long-term ruse,” a former staffer said. “Maybe it would be easier to take if it came from Cheney’s God voice.”
John Seebethspews:
Nearly forgot this gem…
Bush on the Constitution: ‘It’s just a goddamned piece of paper’
Capital Hill Blues
Dec 9, 2005, 07:53
Last month, Republican Congressional leaders filed into the Oval Office to meet with President George W. Bush and talk about renewing the controversial USA Patriot Act.
Several provisions of the act, passed in the shell shocked period immediately following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, caused enough anger that liberal groups like the American Civil Liberties Union had joined forces with prominent conservatives like Phyllis Schlafly and Bob Barr to oppose renewal.
GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the act could further alienate conservatives still mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.
“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”
“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”
“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”
I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.”
And, to the Bush Administration, the Constitution of the United States is little more than toilet paper stained from all the shit that this group of power-mad despots have dumped on the freedoms that “goddamned piece of paper” used to guarantee.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, while still White House counsel, wrote that the “Constitution is an outdated document.”
Put aside, for a moment, political affiliation or personal beliefs. It doesn’t matter if you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent. It doesn’t matter if you support the invasion or Iraq or not. Despite our differences, the Constitution has stood for two centuries as the defining document of our government, the final source to determine – in the end – if something is legal or right.
Every federal official – including the President – who takes an oath of office swears to “uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia says he cringes when someone calls the Constitution a “living document.”
“”Oh, how I hate the phrase we have—a ‘living document,’” Scalia says. “We now have a Constitution that means whatever we want it to mean. The Constitution is not a living organism, for Pete’s sake.”
As a judge, Scalia says, “I don’t have to prove that the Constitution is perfect; I just have to prove that it’s better than anything else.”
President Bush has proposed seven amendments to the Constitution over the last five years, including a controversial amendment to define marriage as a “union between a man and woman.” Members of Congress have proposed some 11,000 amendments over the last decade, ranging from repeal of the right to bear arms to a Constitutional ban on abortion.
Scalia says the danger of tinkering with the Constitution comes from a loss of rights.
“We can take away rights just as we can grant new ones,” Scalia warns. “Don’t think that it’s a one-way street.”
And don’t buy the White House hype that the USA Patriot Act is a necessary tool to fight terrorism. It is a dangerous law that infringes on the rights of every American citizen and, as one brave aide told President Bush, something that undermines the Constitution of the United States.
But why should Bush care? After all, the Constitution is just “a goddamned piece of paper.”
roger@133…going into full damage control mode i see? couldn’t prove they didn’t put it on their site so now you are making excuses as to why it’s okay?
talk about hypocrites………….
i always knew you were a self absorbed fool[speaking about yourself constantly in the third person for god’s sake….what are you innuit?], and now you prove what you are really made of…..and i am too much of a lady to spell it out for you.
“Look, Goldy declined my offer, he wanted to play fucking games so I dropped it.”
BULLSHIT! You even admitted that you lost the bet, you fucking disingenuous asshole!
“It was dead. As a gesture of goodwill, I attempted to put $100 into Maria’s fund. Your “tech savvy” senator’s website wouldn’t accept my address. So I said fuck it.”
Sorry, dipshit, the site works just fine. You, apparently, are too stupid to fill in the required fields. Stupidity doesn’t release you from your obligations.
“In addition, Maria doesn’t need my money; her re-election is a sure thing. McGavicks’ chances are zero. None. Doesn’t stand a chance. Won’t happen.”
Maria’s “need” is completely irrelevant. That was not one of the terms of the bet.
Come on, Mark the Redneck, it will only take you 2 minutes to discharge your responsibility.
If you are unwilling to make good on your bets, perhaps you will be man enough to refrain from posting here.
So, which is the more factual paper, the Onion or Capitol Hill Blue? :) How does Doug Thompson know what happened in a private meeting in the Oval Office when no one else does?
By the way, this Thompson guy seems real nonpartisan. Here are some of his other works:
By the way, Thompson was born in 1949, a prime candidate for the draft himself. He never served, here is his bio: My inquiry as to his qualifications to call someone else a draft-dodger have went unanswered.
@140 It was Goldy who tried to change the proposed offer, not Mark. They never reached an agreement.
Michael @ 142
“It was Goldy who tried to change the proposed offer, not Mark. They never reached an agreement.”
This is factually incorrect.
Goldy fully accepted the bet as MTR offered. It is true he proposed an amendment, which MTR never too up. MTR tried to accept the amendment retroactively, but Goldy declined.
In other words, by MTR’s own words and actions, Goldy and MTR had a valid bet. This was well established many many posts ago.
Harare – Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe lashed out Saturday at the few remaining white farmers in Zimbabwe at the end of a three-day ruling party conference.
Mugabe said Zimbabwe had to look after its own people’s interests first before those of white people.
‘We still have white Rhodesian farmers resisting land reform often supported by some of us in the party and government,’ he said.
Addressing thousands of members of his Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) at the conference in Esigodini, southern Zimbabwe, Mugabe said: ‘We do not defend Rhodesian settler interests against those of our people,’ in a speech broadcast live on radio and television.
Only about 300 white farmers out of 4,000 five years ago are left on the land.
Around a dozen white farmers have been killed in sometimes violent land seizures. At least 20 are reported to have been thrown off their farms in recent weeks.
Mugabe admitted Saturday that the land reform programme was beset by ‘numerous problems’ including disputes over land ownership by the new settlers, shortages of inputs such as seed, fertilizer and fuel as well as jobs. [Harare, the perfect Democrat “Hillary Village”!]
The Detroit News /
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It’s getting downright difficult to keep track of global warming science. National Geographic online and Nature magazine report the coming of a “mini ice age,” reminiscent of the “great cooling” predicted in the 1970s. [That tricky Bush!!! Now he’s cooling the planet!! The Democrats have him now!!!! [hehe]]
JCH…and goldy thinks it’s racist of stefan to compare mugabe to sims? and the difference would be…what? no one in king county has been actually killed for their land yet? just taxed to death……..
Authorities in Los Angeles are concerned about possible rioting if the co-founder of the Crips street gang, Stanley ”Tookie” Williams, is executed as planned. Williams, 51, is scheduled to die by lethal injection at San Quentin State Prison on Tuesday. However, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is currently weighing Williams’ request for clemency. /break/ There are also fears that Williams’ execution could cause unrest in the prison system.
Because what better way to observe the death of a man you call ‘reformed’ and ‘peaceful’ than to riot? [Dear Korean shopkeepers, I suggest 2 or 3 Mossberg 12 gauges with 5 to 10 boxes of buckshot. Stack the dead Democrats outside the door, and the Democrat looters tend to shy away from armed citizens. [Result: a few hundred dead Democrat looters. [Do I need to discribe the dead Democrats?]
Goldy: The mouthpiece of the Harare [Mugabe] Democrats!!
Mark The Redneckspews:
Thanks Michael
Ten members of an alleged counterfeit ring based in Orange County were arrested Friday on suspicion of passing about $7.5 million in phony $100 bills printed in Mexico. U.S. Secret Service agents began their investigation this year when a counterfeit bill was passed at a local mall, Assistant U.S. Atty. Robert J. Keenan said. A federal grand jury in Santa Ana charged 13 defendants in six indictments issued Wednesday [Democrats now can make money in the private sector!! It’s simple!! You just print it!! You don’t have to wait for the “guvment” check like Roger Rabbit!!!!]
Mark The Redneckspews:
Comrade Mccarthy did a grave disservice. By refusing to understand that evil must be confronted honestly, and defeated militarily, he left a legacy that haunts us to this day.
You moonbats who follow in his foosteps and fail to understand that peace comes from defeating evil, and not by attempting to weakly pacify it, are included as his pathetic victims.
Fortunately for civilization, you moonbats are out of power, and there are adults in charge now who will take care of things.
dj go fuck yourself as you are fond of saying and thanks for playing asshole.
dj @145
I was on a junket business trip, so I missed the details on this subject, but I admire your tenacity. What evidence would exonerate/relieve MTR of the betting burden? If he can prove to have donated $100 to his charity, I think that would be enough to discharge his debt. But if you think Cantwell needs $100, I think you are being petty (and wasting good charitable money).
Mr. Cynicalspews:
yo sez–
“dj go fuck yourself as you are fond of saying and thanks for playing asshole.
Comment by yo— 12/10/05 @ 6:08 pm”
yo, I regret to inform you that dj ain’t playing!
yes yo….i can attest to the fact that dj really isn’t playing. he is dead serious with the stuff he comes up with.
frightening,isn’t it?
Marks @ 152
“I was on a junket business trip, so I missed the details on this subject, but I admire your tenacity. What evidence would exonerate/relieve MTR of the betting burden? If he can prove to have donated $100 to his charity, I think that would be enough to discharge his debt.”
No…not exactly. The original bet—proposed in full by MTR— allowed the winner to cause the loser to donate $100 to the political cause of the winner’s choice. MTR stated up front that he would require Goldy to donate $100 to Tim Eyman if MTR won.
When Goldy won the bet, he directed MTR to donate $100 to Maria Cantwell’s campaign. MTR has not done so.
“But if you think Cantwell needs $100, I think you are being petty (and wasting good charitable money).”
It isn’t about whether or not Cantwell needs $100. It is about MTR fulfilling the terms of his bet (the same terms he would expect Goldy to fulfill if MTR had won). The ironic thing here is that after Goldy accepted MTR’s conditions, he proposed an amendment whereby the loser just donates to a mutually agreed-upon charity. MTR did not accept those terms.
Regarding proof: that is really between MTR and Goldy. I suppose MTR would mail Goldy some type of proof, but given that he cannot honorably meet his obligation, the proof issue is premature….
“YO eggs do not develop because many essential genes are carried on the X chromosome.”
Ahhh…that explains it…a congenital idiot!
The ironic thing here is that after Goldy accepted MTR’s conditions, he proposed an amendment whereby the loser just donates to a mutually agreed-upon charity. MTR did not accept those terms.
I admit, that does sound, er, show, irony. MTR? What say you? You have already made the donation, can you prove it? and will it matter according to the stringent terms set by, um, yourself? Well, as dj sees it…
Hell, I have no idea…
RR@65: “And then there’s the forthcoming 2006 hurricane season, which may be even worse than 2005 thanks to global warming, and the 2006 elections will arrive about the same time as peak fuel prices do. That should be interesting.” Sorry Roger but this is another whopper. BULLSHIT
Hey if you want more cough up the money! It’s a fun site with forward thinking scientists!
Goldy: Fucking A – You didn’t print one of the most important positions here in years. Is it because it doesn’t fit your small intellectual prison on Biblical thought?
Even Michael Neudow ( donnaged”stuckonstupid”don’s hero) must be pissed. Now this should really piss off the ASSes here like donnaged”stuckonstupid”don too. 9th Circus Court of Appeals: “said the Biblical quotations were not extrinsic but “the kind of common knowledge which most jurors are presumed to possess.”” – Wow, so if the ASSes here don’t read their Bible they can’t be jurors because they don’t possess intrinsic knowledge? Looks like we on the RIGHT are winning guys!
You just got to love the lefties on the 9th Circus!
marks @ 157
The story can be found starting with this comment by Goldy, the links from that comment, and the subsequent discussion.
hey christmasghost
You’re one evil, dishonest bitch, anyone ever tell you that?
Well someone has now!
Did RP ever offer his services as arbiter?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
windouthisAss sez about sweet christmasghost:
“You’re one evil, dishonest bitch, anyone ever tell you that?
Well someone has now!
Comment by windie— 12/11/05 @ 4:25 am”
Hey windouthisAss-
Has anyone ever suggested that you avoid blogging @ 4:25AM??
Obviously you have some horrible past issues with woman.
I’ll bet your mama was a “rollin’ stone” and made you wet your pants, huh?
Get help AssWind. Start here
You New Age Progressives have all the benefits of spiritual healers like this professional!!!
Good luck on conquering your IHateWoman complex!!
Even the Seattle Times can find a bone once in a while…..Imagine that!
Sounds like American politics….. stealing campaign signs!
Imagine that…Another Election in Iraq! And looks like most all of the Citizens are involved now. Could it be? Tha Ole Joe was not as wrong as some believe. Could it be that Democracy is forming? Is it too slow (how long were we in Germany protecting the borders…Let’s see the war was in the 40’s and I was there in the 80’s and we were still protecting their borders)
Goldy would never ever ever report on anything like this that is happening in Iraq, he would get the Joe Lieberman / Hillary Clinton NAZI NAZI NAZI NAZI treatment from his base!
Puddy, you amaze me with your stupidity some days.
Per article VI
“no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”
Knowledge of a specific Bible would be a religious test.
Also, you should do a little research before you quote something. In the scenerio you linked to, where the gulf stream current stops, the warm waters from the carribean stop flowing north and warming up coastal waters on the Atlantic, causing a mini ice-age. (That is based on this actually happening about 500 years ago due to a dam breakage causing a giant fresh water lake in Canada dumping into the Atlantic.)
However, with no movement in that stream, cool water from the north do not make it back down into the carribean (which the normally do) and that makes the water in the carribean hotter by a few degrees. Hurricane strength is directly proportional to the temperature of the water they are over. Hence, a mini ice-age, if it were to happen causes stronger hurricanes in the Atlantic.
sgmmac, Do you still think that these lunatics aren’t trying to destroy the US and establish a theocracy?
What? The illegitimate Queen thinks she has power and pull over our State’s Indian affairs? Hardy-har-har. Regarding her trying to push her BS indoor smoking issue on them: I hope every single tribe tells her to shove it up her smelly twat where it belongs. Watch their business increase and outside businesses the opposite. Hhhhmmmmmm….. Who would’a thunk it? Dec. 7th=Pearl Harbor Day/ Dec 7th= Washington States “loss of personal freedom and conformity worshipers day” All the above from a non-smoker too. Huh?!
Which lunatics are you talking about? We got them everywhere!
These nuts who are claiming that christmas and christianity are somehow under attack.
Goldy, How many blacks go to your daughter’s school?? [hehe…I thought so!! But what about “diversity”, Goldy?? hehe, JCH]
Well Bill, After I believe it was the menu’s in the Seattle Public Schools were printed with Merry Christmas on them, they made them reprint the whole damn bunch recently. No the last time I checked the Seattle Schools were not the Bastions of Conservatism, so that means the Libs are once again trying to remove all presence of the Christmas Holiday from the Public Schools. When is the last Christmas tree you saw in these schools…..Huh……………………
And another note, my boy goes to Odea, (A Catholic School) and the other day I saw his note cards and they were studying judaism and it’s holidays and relevance in the world today.
They were celebrating other religions.
Not under attack …huh>…………………………..:
For the Cluelessspews:
Hey Cynical,
Roger Rabbit posted a pretty good picture of you recently. Here’s one with your makeup on!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.” — Presidential Oath of Office
“‘Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,’ Bush screamed back. ‘It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!'”
How is this not a violation of his oath of office? Impeach the bastard.
I have no doubt in my mind that the Christian hard right wants Roe V Wade overturned, they want school prayer back, they want intelligent design back, in other words, they want to go back to the 50’s and earlier. We didn’t have a theocracy then and to assume that we would have one now, is not reasonable considering how divisive we have become.
Cute pic, but I don’t think it’s him.
“‘Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,’ Bush screamed back. ‘It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!’”
When did this happen?
I read some remarks in the Times or PI the other day that someone in Leavenworth is calling to impeach Gregoire for destroying their businesses over Thanksgiving………
GS@174: I don’t think its the libs at all. I don’t think they care that much, one way or the other – it’s just not their issue. And, while I don’t think it is religious fundamentalists either, the ones I know believe the only expressions of Christmas that are appropriate are those that are Biblically related, such as nativity scenes, etc. Why do I know this? Because I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian household. All of my relatives thought that anything not religious, at Christmas time was inappropriate. And..They did not teach us that Chist was born on the 25th of December; they made a point of teaching us that we were celebrating the birth of Christ, not Christ’s birthday. Also, they didn’t use “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays” as an expression. They used “peace on earth” and it if got personal, they said “We hope you have peace and many blessings this Christmas. The word “Merry” or “Happy” would have been a little too Santa Clausy for them. However, they would have resisted pushing their views to the point of divisiveness, because that would not have been Christian.
So…while don’t know who is generating all this silliness, I don’t think it is the liberals, and I don’t think it is those who are most religious. I think it is just cultural bullies who want a soapbox. I do think people are just confused at this point. I don’t get too exercised over it, however, when I see some over the top decorations, such as Santa/reindeer on the roof, a nativity scene on the ground, with a Christmas tree next to the manger, it still gives me pause.
Peace be upon you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
140 (continued)
“President Bush has proposed seven amendments to the Constitution over the last five years, including a controversial amendment to define marriage as a “union between a man and woman.” Members of Congress have proposed some 11,000 amendments over the last decade, ranging from repeal of the right to bear arms to a Constitutional ban on abortion.”
Thankfully, it’s hard to amend. Can you imagine a Constitution with 11,000 amendments? I can see it now: Amendment 11,003:
“The County of King, State of Washington, shall pass no ordinance or law infringing upon the eternal right of rural landowners to do whatever they fucking want to with their property, regardless of the proximity of any highway, stream, forest, urban boundray, or UFO.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
I don’t know whether they put it on their site or not, but I do know the right wing routinely circulates fake pictures, phony stories, and fictional e-mails. In my opinion, any accusation originating from the right is highly suspect, given their track record of lies and smears.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Comrade Mccarthy did a grave disservice. By refusing to understand that evil must be confronted honestly, and defeated militarily, he left a legacy that haunts us to this day.”
What 5,000 years of history teaches those of us educated enough to know there is such a thing as history, is that this kind of thinking usually falls apart in the “defeated military” phase.
Hey MTR — if the bad guys don’t cooperate with being “defeated militarily,” what’s your Plan B?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Clueless MTR — few wars are fought to “defeat evil,” and those that are, invariably turn out badly (e.g., the Crusades). Most wars are fought for land, resources, control, and power by leaders to whom “good” or “evil” is a matter of indifference.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Also, MTR, I’m curious how torturing Iraqis is “good?” you know, as opposed to “evil?” hmmm?
Roger Rabbitspews:
160 et al.
A donation to a charity selected by MTR would count only if the donation was made after Goldy proposed the revised terms of the bet.
If MTR donated to a charity before the bet was made, or before Goldy offered to accept a charitable donation in lieu of a contribution to Cantwell’s campaign, it was not a donation made in fulfillment of the bet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
So you’re a scientist now, pudcheeks? Yeah, you’re right, global warming will fuck up the Gulf Stream (and other ocean currents), which could lead to another ice age. But I’ll bet money the 2006 hurricane season gets here before the next glaciation does. Duh.
On second though, I won’t bet money, because we’ve already seen what happens when you trolls lose a bet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Do you know how to read case law, puddy? and understand what you’re reading? Newspapers don’t, so why should we believe you do? you got your law degree from where?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“I read some remarks in the Times or PI the other day that someone in Leavenworth is calling to impeach Gregoire for destroying their businesses over Thanksgiving……… ”
No, I think it was Cle Elum. Leavenworth is on SR 2, which was not closed. The business people in Cle Elum think it’s more important for them to make a buck than it is to save lives by closing I-90 until the rockfall hazard is removed. The 3 women killed by falling rocks is an acceptable casualty rate to them.
could be, but the whole article was on Leavenworth and how they are totally dependent on tourist dollars because they replicate a German town at Christmas
It’s Leavenworth, The article is “Leavenworth left out in the cold when state cautioned travelers.”
Bill Adams wants her impeached, and the retailers blame the Governor, WSDOT and the media……….
If only Roger Rabbit would lead us! You know, kind of like Fidel leads Cuba, or Dear Leader leads North Korea. [Democrat “guvnment hacks: economic parasites!!]
Roger Rabbitspews:
Yeah, well, they’re not the only ones — Katrina was lousy for business in New Orleans. Shit happens!
“Up and down Front and Commercial streets, the retail core, merchants blame the governor, the state Department of Transportation and the media for scaring travelers from crossing Stevens Pass.”
Looks like the good Republican businessmen of Leavenworth are blaming an act of God on their 3 favorite hate objects: Gov. Gregoire, WSDOT, and the so-called liberal media.
Fuck ’em. Now that I know what their town is really like, I’ll go around it, or if I have to pass through, I’ll stop somewhere else for gas and groceries. I’d just as soon not give my hard-earned money to a crowd of Republican whiners.
Roger must have got a Boost in his Washington State Pension….He definately knows more than anyone about anything, and has entirely too much time on his hands to have a clue…
Go out and get a real Job with a real company Roger, you won’t get any pension like you got now and won’t have time to sit on your ass and bitch…..
Well, as much as I miss Germany and their wonderful Christmas markets, I can’t bring myself to go to Leavenworth. It would just piss me off. My daughter went last year and brought me back some authentic Gluh wine and some Radko christmas tree ornaments, because I collect German/Polish ornaments and she said it was outrageously priced and is basically just a tourist trap. She did say the German food was good and that would be the only reason for me to get desperate enough to go. I go to a very good German restaurant in Las Vegas when I go home and visit my Dad.
Buttheads BillASS & Rupert WabbetASS: I never claimed to be lawyer. You hold that claim well. Go look up the direct quotes from 9th Circus Court jackasses. Just because most ASSes don’t have Intrinsic Biblical knowledge, you disagree? Not from any of the ASSes here? The only thing intrinsic is their hatred for GWB!!!
What does 9th Circus decision do to Article IV? Don’t you think the 9th Circus, the most overturned of all the Circuit Courts, crafted a decision evaluating Article IV? Gosh, it looks like some of the ASSes here are upset. Well good for you! The 9th Circus says something I can agree with.
All I did was print the output of a leftwing newspaper the LA Times. Look at their circulation numbers. Can you say…Plummeting? Can you say… firing leftwing reporters. Even your good friend Barbra Streisand dropped the newspaper. They are hiring more balanced (read right thinking) reporters.
Regarding the global warming, I personally agree the globe is warming, because it’s in the Bible. I give regards to Jesus and His Revelation as given to John. When the ASSes here start giving God the glory as stated in His Holy Word, I will stop putting up those opposing views! Look at the first of the seven last plagues. Blow off the dust from your Bible momma gave you as a child, and read it as I will not post it here. You ASSes need some intrinsic knowledge.
Does this mean Howard Dean is WRONG AGAIN about Iraq? – “”Zarqawi is an American, Israeli and Iranian agent who is trying to keep our country unstable so that the Sunnis will keep facing occupation,” said Abu Abdullah, a Ba’athist insurgent leader.”
Wow, if that were only true. Maybe he’s a donkocratic agent?
Read it and weep moonbats.
“Dec. 12, 2005 — Surprising levels of optimism prevail in Iraq with living conditions improved, security more a national worry than a local one, and expectations for the future high. But views of the country’s situation overall are far less positive, and there are vast differences in views among Iraqi groups — a study in contrasts between increasingly disaffected Sunni areas and vastly more positive Shiite and Kurdish provinces.
An ABC News poll in Iraq, conducted with Time magazine and other media partners, includes some remarkable results: Despite the daily violence there, most living conditions are rated positively, seven in 10 Iraqis say their own lives are going well, and nearly two-thirds expect things to improve in the year ahead.”
If it’s OK for a bunch of spoiled brats to shout down Anne Coulter, then it’s OK for a buch of spoiled brats to shout down Hillary Clinton.
Both Clinton and Coulter are reprehensible characters. The difference is that Clinton is a liberal, self-absorbed government employee, and Coulter is a conservative, self-absorbed opportunist.
For the Cluelessspews:
Great! The Iraqis seem prepared to take matters into their own hands now. The Kurds and Shiites can just settle their “differences” with the Sunnis.
Can we take our soldiers out of the meatgrinder now? How many are dying and losing body parts every day? How many Iraqis are dying and losing body parts every day from jdams and death squads? How many millions of dollars are flushed down the toilet every day that my kids and their kids will have to pay back to the Japanese and Chinese?
Everyone knows the Democrats “assisted” the rocks to slide down onto I-90 on the eve of the election in order to defeat the initiative.
Total posts on this thread as of 121PM, Monday, Dec 12th: 206
Total Roger “gov’t cheese” Rodent mouth spewings: 49
That is 23.8%
(A bit less than usual)
Total Roger Rodent posts with nothing more than ‘HAR, HAR….etc’:
The rest are pretty much delusional rantings as well. From an unemployed, welfare recieving loser, that sits behind a computer screen all day and most of the night on this miserable site in his bathrobe drinking coffee. He never gets laid, and never goes out, except to get refills on his meds., which the taxpayers get the tab; or to cash his gov’t cheese checks. There’s a shocker. He will respond to this with a barage of negative slander with no substance or truth, as he is truly the definition of an unproductive, worthless piece of human garbage element of society. Now everyone else get back to work, Roger depends of you for your handouts! Nuff said.
which of you folks secret masters’ ordered you to to go on about this ‘who posted how much’ stuff?
Its not even relevant as an attack… its just wierd. You guys studying word problems?
As I’ve said before, you personally are harldy worth anyone’s time or a response for that matter. Try the nutt house, maybe you’d make some new friends also in straight jackets.
hehe, mark mark… apparently many people would disagree that I’m barely worth the time… ’cause the nutjobs sure seem to spend alot of time on it.
Its okay to be threatened, but honesty is good!
Here is a winner. I distinctly remember a bolgger whom claimed Senator Dorgan-D North Dakota was not involved in the Jack Abramhoff scandal (Tom DeLay). Well, why would he return $$$ back?
Hmmm… Looks like all dem nigras dying in N’Awlins just ain’t true! Another progressive lie being put to rest. Before Katrina hit, New Orleans itself was more than two-thirds black (67%). White residents made up less than a third (28%) of the city’s population, according to U.S. Census bureau numbers.
“We saw buses, helicopters and FEMA trucks, but no one stopped to help us. We never felt so cut off in all our lives. “No one is going to tell me it wasn’t a race issue,” she told Congress.
Community activist Leah Hodges said, with tears in her eyes, that Black residents “died from neglect.”
At times during the hearing, the survivors even compared themselves to victims of genocide and the Holocaust. That analogy didn’t sit too well with Rep. Jeff Miller (R-Fla.), who called the comparison inappropriate, AP reported.
“Not a single person was marched into a gas chamber and killed,” he said.
The longer the hearing went on, the more intense it got. At one point, Thompson told Congress that she and her granddaughter were police targets and that a gun was pointed at the 5-year-old’s forehead.
But Rep. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.) didn’t buy it.
“I don’t want to be offensive when you’ve gone through such incredible challenges,” said Shays, “but referring to some of the victims’ charges, like the gun pointed at the girl, I just don’t frankly believe it.”
Emotions flared even more when Shays told New Orleans resident Dyan French that he didn’t believe her claim that the levees were bombed on purpose. She fired back, saying that right before her neighborhood was buried by floodwaters, she heard two loud booms.
During Tuesday’s hearing, only one of the Black survivors who testified said the government’s response was not a race issue. Terrol Williams, a former federal worker, said that authorities were just not prepared and that a mandatory evacuation should have been ordered sooner, AP reported.”
Compare the response from those who think right to the moonbats on the left regarding the latest Iraqi vote. Of course the moonbats are upset. They said this day would not come either.
Prediction: Richardson defeats McCain 52-48 in popular and landslide in electoral.
Well the lapel pin wearing, chickenhawk republican faux patriots should be proud of themselves. They have shit all over America once again and gotten away with it. A CIA spy was outed and her career destroyed and her last day at the agency was today. Plame didn’t deserve this attack. It’s pure treason on the part of the right. And someday, America as a whole may pay a penalty for this Karl Rove orchestrated tragedy. We may never know how many American lives will be lost due to republican treachery. God how I wish all right wing traitors would just fucking DIE!
are there quite a few more rightie trolls lately?
Good thing the CLOWNS can count on you to save Amerika, huh?
at least you admit that your side can’t do it.
poor windie…you can’t even tell when someone[cynical] is being S-N-I-D-E, can you?
and left turn…as usual, a hate filled little speech made up of absolutely nothing of value. we can always depend on you for that…..
did it ever occur to you I was being snide back?!
I was speechless for a moment when I read your post… Can you really be that dense deliberately?!
It appears I have gotten windie’s GOAT for sometime now!
I can just picture windie’s typical LEFTIST face getting all contorted with every single one of my posts. His wire-rim glasses get all fogged up. Drool starts engulfing his scrawny little beard.
windie starts flapping his skinny limp wrists at warp speed and eventually he spits on his own computer monitor. Then windie grabs his Karl Marx doll, curls up on his doll-sized bed with his thumbs in his mouth CLUTCHING his hero KARL!
Like all of LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS, windie cannot handle opinions different than his (as windie champions tolerance and diversity out of the other side of his crooked little mouth!)
Stefan, I need a favor. Please set up a “prr legal action fund” on your web site. I will appreciate your doing this right away, because Drinking Liberally is Tuesday evening, which is not a lot of time to raise the funds to hire prr’s lawyer. Since prr is too chickenshit to show up at DL himself, he’s sending his lawyer. I wanna meet prr’s lawyer! So we can make ho-ho. Then Mrs. Rabbit will knock out Roger Rabbit’s teeth, and everyone will be happy. Thanks!
OK, folks, here’s the prr-Roger Rabbit showdown plan. Evil-prr will send his lawyer to DL. The lawyer will sit in RR’s lap and have a few drinks. Roger Rabbit and the lawyer will make ho-ho. Then Mrs. Rabbit will knock out Roger Rabbit’s teeth. Evil-prr saves face, nobody gets hurt, and 24 years from now we’ll have plenty of lawyers with long ears. It works for everyone! All we need now is Stefan’s cooperation in helping raise the funds to hire a lawyer skirt for Evil-prr to hide behind.
Goat? Is Mr. Cynical doing goats now?
Who cares if their lawyer has long ears, a big nose, chin whiskers that grow sidewise, and a growth on their butt that looks like something from a Santa elf’s cap?
Speaking of Santa … Santa told me Evil-prr is NOT getting the gas chamber he wants for Christmas.
(For those of you who missed it, Evil-prr published his Christmas wish list in a previous thread:
“Cynical @4, Really… who the fuck are you to question my Judaism? I’m Jewish enough for the gas chambers… that’s all you need to know. Comment by Goldy— 12/9/05 @ 8:54 am
“’I’m Jewish enough for the gas chambers… that’s all you need to know.’ Speaking of what’s on my Christmas list…..
Comment by prr— 12/9/05 @ 9:00 am”)
Santa told me his elves don’t make gas chambers, and in any case, Evil-prr isn’t getting anything for Christmas this year because he’s dropping Evil-prr from his route. Santa says there’s no way he’s going down that chimney now that he knows what kind of sick, twisted, psycho goyim lives at the bottom of the chimney!
Ah, it is Christmas after all!
prriss is placing christmas death wishes underneath the tree, while Irr fucks all the farm animals in the manger…
Two interesting things happened in the past few weeks concerning free speech. Hillary Clinton was shouted down by some really left wing dudes because of her views. She couldn’t speak to the group who wanted to hear her. The same thing happened to Anne Coulter: she was shouted down at the University of Conn. The people who invited her to the university didn’t get to hear her because some childish jerks made asses of themselves.
It seems in these two instances that free speech only is important when it’s what some arrogant children want to hear. I don’t particularly agree with either Clinton or Coulter, but I wouldn’t pull a stunt like these people did.
Left Turn………Your military service was…….? [hehe…..I thought so. Just another coward piss ant louded mouth Democrat!]
this is so funny:
Dear Aunt Mabel,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing you from the Christmas frontlines, currently in front of Cinnabon at Twin Oaks Mall. May Jesus and Santa forgive me, but I have to say that this is the worst I’ve ever seen it.
What a horrible place, the mall. The architecture of these things is all the same. Malls are the architectural scat of the biggest American colossus, corporate capitalism — a cogs-and-bricks-and-money giant that thunders, three miles high, across the landscape, stopping and squatting occasionally to crap out one of these rectangular jumbles of cement block. May Jesus forgive them for sucking so bad.
I have some sad news — John has been in an accident. It was his first day here, and we were eating lunch in the food court, in front of the Peppy Peppy Pizza. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a lady carrying three bags stop in her tracks, like she saw someone she knew. She raised a hand, and shouted it, right there in the middle of the mall. “HAPPY HOLIDAYS!”
The carnage was bad. Real bad. I’m sorry to say John wasn’t prepared to hear it, and he accidentally stabbed himself repeatedly in the eye with a plastic fork.
The doctors say he’ll be fine, but he’ll lose that eye. Even in his sleep he’s mumbling Merry Christmas, over and over. He’s a damn fighter, that one. He’s one of the lucky ones, because I’m pretty sure some other people got trampled in the rush to get out.
read the rest:
How come the state underfunded pensions?
And then raised taxes to build some bicyle lanes…
Righton @ 18
Cut the BS about the bike lanes. It’s been proven to be misrepresented altready. Read the article http://blog.seattlepi.nwsource.....100540.asp
or the excerpt:
Thanks to state Sen. Joyce Mulliken, an Ephrata Republican, a deal was struck to use money from the new gas-tax increase to add the bike-pedestrian lanes to the soon-to-be-rebuilt Potato Hill Bridge. The result: a new bridge able to accommodate auto, pedestrian and bike traffic and capable of being expanded later to accommodate four lanes of auto traffic – which local officials say will be needed – for less money and in less time.
I guess no need to let the truth get in the way of a right wing talking point.
and gotta mention sound transit advertising their new line to the airport. They fail to mention (lie) that its not going to any part of the airport that does you any good. Still have to take a bus into the airport.
woman denied birth control
You seem to think Ann Coulter is entitled to normal courtesies. She is a hate peddler who has publicly stated that liberals should be put in concentration camps and executed. By what stretch of imagination do you think she has a right to expect to be greeted with anything except hostility, revulsion, and disgust?
One of our transit problems is we have let pursuit of the perfect be the enemy of the good. Everywhere else they make transfers. It’s really not that big a deal.
Could have saved a boat load (or perhaps a bus load) of money if we just ran shuttles through the bus tunnel. Diesel buses drop at either end, electric shuttles go back and forth. No dual power. But that’s past us now.
Transfer to the airport. Do not be afraid.
State pensions aren’t underfunded.
That is disgusting. She needs to contact NOW.
Even without religion involved its pretty disgusting. Add charging her and putting religion into the mix and putting ‘depression‘ on her medical records and I am not sure why its not criminal.
Interesting about the charges. My father fell and broke his hip, lots of recovery, he’s diabetic and he got a bone infection and they told him the only thing he could do is get his big toe cut off. He was referred to a surgeon, he looked in the phone book, found a surgeon that the ad said operated on feet, called and made an appointment to be seen for a toe amputation. When he got there and got in the Doctor’s office, the Doctor told him he didn’t operate on feet and charged him 85 bucks. To me, it’s fraud and blatant false advestising, but it appears to be the within the normal operating values of doctors these days.
bill @21 and 26, and sgmmac @25
Not sure I agree with either of your reactions. I would sue for false advertising:
Southwestern Medical Clinic’s Niles office on South 11th Street.
I do not see “Christian” or “Religious” in the name above, so I am indeed offended that Amanda was charged $68 for a lecture.
btw – I thought her pastor was her mother, based on the photo. Are Wiccan’s linked to any optometrist chains?
The false advertising has a lot of merit, the only problem may be attorney fees. I am glad that it is in the press though, I would call someone at the state level. The clinic has to be regulated by some agency.
Well, to be fair about that marks, the parent website does mention it heavily.
Are Wiccan’s linked to any optometrist chains?
Not that I know of.
FWIW, this is not abnormal, this type of article comes out about once a week or so in the little papers mostly in the midwest.
windie @7…nice try at a save. it was so small and lame that i almost missed it.
and cynical….you do seem to have gotten his goat indeed. funny mental images!
and roger….don’t you think you should follow in windie’s wee little footsteps and realize that ann coulter was just being SNIDE?
it’s humor rog…get with it…or get off it.
one or the other.
bill @30
More specifically, how did Amanda arrive at SWMC? Did someone tell her specifically to go there? Did she pick it from the yellow pages? The internet? Based on her answers to those, a good case could be made (or not). Yet I am still uncertain how a medical clinic can just take your money for a lecture.
here’s some good news…….
Iraq – The American military Friday arrested a high-ranking member of al-Qaida in
Iraq in the town of Ramadi, the U.S. Marines said.
Amir Khalaf Fanus, also known in the Ramadi area as “the Butcher,” was wanted for criminal activities including murder and kidnapping, Capt. Jeffrey S. Pool said in a statement from the town, located 70 miles west of Baghdad.
Fanus was No. 3 on a most-wanted list for Ramadi drawn up by the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 28th Infantry Division.
I know this is probably too much to ask of these people, but I will ask anyway.
The next time they engineer a two way train, could they please make sure the build out includes enough room between the tracks so that the trains can pass each other, side by side, withoug colliding and causing even more damage that tax payers have to pay for?
I know that is a lot to ask of an state engineer, but I am Just asking anyway!
Have a nice day and Merry Christmas to all!
@ 34
OK, Here is my gripe, as a licensed professional engineer. If a client, or policy maker, asks for something (fit into that space so they can build the building), and the engineer states that will work only if certain operating conditions are maintained, then it is not the engineer’s fault if those conditions are violated and there is a failure.
If you ask for half a bridge to be designed, it’s not the designer’s fault if you drive over the edge.
I’ve been thinking about Christianity and the limits of forced religion over the past week (I have no idea why. Maybe somebody mentioned something a thread or two back and I began thinking). I have absolutely zero problems with Christians telling me about their beliefs. As a Catholic, I get little enough exposure to new interpretations of biblical inspiration from Catholic theologians, and new thoughts are refreshing, to say the least.
One area where I draw the line at is attempting to enforce my religious beliefs, and I look to this person, Senator Danforth, for inspiration.
Another area that Christians of all stripes and even secular types (okay, I may be going too far on that) can seek guidance is C.S. Lewis’ book, “Mere Christianity”, a compilation of transcribed radio programs from the inspired writer circa early 1940’s. I read the book earlier this year, and found a number of compelling points regarding my own beliefs, and how I should approach the “unbeliever” (HINT: Why spend time on them when I know I am a sinner?)…
For you Evangelists, understand that you get audiences that want to learn. Be satisfied with that, as you do not have my sympathy when you try to conquer.
Back to your regularly scheduled programming…
xMasG, the crowd was just being SNIDE ande humorous at the top of their lungs!
Coulter chose to leave, because she didn’t get the joke.
Democrats Mario Cuomo and Senator Tom Harkin Petition for Tookie. “Hey, He’s may be a felon murderer, but he’s a Democrat felon murderer, and so is Teddy Kennedy”, said Senator Harkin. “We can’t waste “Tookie”‘s Democrat felon vote, echoed Democrat Mario Cuomo!!
Some surprisingly high-profile Democrats have signed a petition to pressure California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to grant clemency to serial killing-Crips-founder Stanley “Tookie” Williams, who is set to die in San Quentin’s death house next Tuesday.
According to, Tookie’s supporters include former New York Gov. Mario Cuomo, Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin and “Baghdad” Jim McDermott.
The Weekly Standard reports that Hollywood is also turning out for Tookie – in droves.
The man who brutally gunned down four people in 1979 has now garnered the support of Ed Asner, Russell Crowe, Ted Danson, Richard Dreyfuss, Mike Farrell, Laurence Fishbourne, Danny Glover, Elliott Gould, and Tim Robbins.
Let’s see: Ann Coulter is a private sector multi millionaire and New York Times listed “best seller”. The U CONN Democrat undergrads are a bunch of over priviledged Jewish Democrat loud mouths all majoring in soft bull shit so they can go to law school and work for the A. C. L. Jew. BTW, NONE will ever serve in the United States military because that is for “everyone else” but their coward Democrat “girlie” asses. [What a waste of tuition funds, but many of their Democrat parents are just as stupid.]
Tehran – Former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami on Friday accused the United States of committing a “crime” by refusing to sell modern airplanes and parts to Iran, following a deadly plane crash that killed 108 people. ”To deprive Iran of the most modern and secure (flight) apparatus is a crime against people that a power like the United States does not have the right to commit,” [No problem here that a few thousand B-52 Linebacker strikes can’t solve!! Kill them and take the oil!!]
Just so you know where you are at, per the Ace of Spades:
“Liberal bloggers tend to be obsessed with conspiracy theories, criminal investigations unlikely to result in convictions (and unrelated to actual policy debate, in any event), and general moonbattery. The basic dynamic of the sinestrosphere is everyone attempting to out-crazy each other, and, last time I checked, it’s a million-way tie for first place.”
A rather neat summation.
Sorry Roger, but its in the PI:
Looks like the state pension fund is underfunded by over 4 billion dollars. Are you a little defensive because you are relying on this for your retirement? Did the dems go and raid your future?
K @ 35 – I’m a PE too. I disagree with you. The “P” in PE means “Professional”. As a true Professional, one of your duties, one of your ethical obligations, is to ignore advice from amateurs and those not learned in the field. That’s why they hire us. That’s why they pay us the big bucks. That’s why we stamp designs. That’s why we have to have “professional charge” of a design.
“Engineering controls” are always superior to “process controls” to make sure accidents don’t happen. Monorail crunch was an accident waiting to happen. The only question is why it took so long.
Hey Wabbit – your post 95 in 21 or bust below you say you’re happy that you’re on gummint pension so you’re not subject to corporate underfunding.
We’d all like to know what you think about FUWA stealing your pension money as Janet posted at 39 here. Mrs. Gregoire (I won’t call her gov) admitted that she knew it was underfunded and continued the heist for her first illegitmate session of the legislature. But she promises to do better next time. Really… she will. Trust her…
You ranted and railed about corporate greed even though there are just a handful of corporate miscreants compared to thousands and thousand and thousands of companies who fully fund their defined benefit programs in full compliance with ERISA.
So whadyya gonna do now? Will you file suit against FUWA for stealing your money? Do tell, we’d love to know….
Mark The Redneck,
What are you doing posting on HorsesAss? Does this mean you have paid off your gambling debt to Goldy?
Come on, MTR, try to have a little integrity!
All designs have a set of conditions under which they will perform as designed and outside of those conditions they will fail.
That said, I do believe, based on the very limited information from the news, that narrowing the gap was a false economy. But I do not believe it was profesional negligence. The street car worked with convergent tracks. It is standard for rail lines to share the mainline and have sidings when traffic must pass. It was a planning and operational failure.
“realize that ann coulter was just being SNIDE?”
Sorry, that doesn’t cut it. Stop being an apologist for her.
That’s like Jane Fonda saying, “I was just kidding.”
Hey, has anybody heard when KISW and Entercom gonna reverse their rectal-cranial inversion and put The Professor on during drive time?
“I know this is probably too much to ask of these people, but I will ask anyway. The next time they engineer a two way train, could they please make sure the build out includes enough room between the tracks so that the trains can pass each other, side by side, withoug colliding and causing even more damage that tax payers have to pay for?”
The Monorail wasn’t built that way originally. The tracks were moved in 1988 to accomodate a shopping center developer. From the Seattle Times:
“The tracks were rebuilt to accommodate a new shopping center, and the powers that be wanted to minimize their bulk near the center. A city councilman, drawing on a napkin, designed the tapered line, which requires drivers to yield to one another. It worked fine for 17 years.”
Hmmm … let’s see … downtown business interests interfered with an engineering decision to advance their interest in profit … bet those business folks were Democrats, huh.
I havent heard any of you donks mention Bush’s polls numbers. Must be going up. It seems things have been improving for Bush lately. I guess Joe public got tired of listening to all the BS coming from the left.
Roger – why no comments about the dems raiding the pension fund? Don’t worry, it will be solvent by 2019. I’m sure bunnies live long lives.
Seriously, this should be remedied with the current surplus, and brought even with cuts in govt spending. I know it is a different “bucket”, but it sure would be nice to shut down the rail-line-almost-to-the-airport and put the money towards the promises made to state workers.
The $4 billion represents about 7% to 8% of state pension assets. Market values can fluctuate by that much in 6 months.
“Did the dems go and raid your future?”
No. The underfunding is in PERS 2 and 3, which cover most currently active state employees, because the state scaled back its contribution rate to these plans in recent years. I belong to an older plan, most of whose members are retired, which is adequately funded.
Hey Wabbit – You said once you spent your career “helping people meet their societal obligations”. Now that you know that Gary Locke and Mrs. Gregoire “borrowed” money from the state pension fund are you going to sue them to help them?
BTW, are gummint pensions like yours garnteed by PBGC? Are gummint pension subject to ERISA? Or does the state exempt itself from laws for us common folks?
Janet @ 49 – I think you’re wrong. I’m sure Mr. and Mrs. Wabbit would rather have their money go to bike paths in Moses Lake than into their pockets. It’s the upright thing for a moonbat to do you know…
I should add that the contribution rates were sound at the time made, based on the returns that pension fund assets were earning at that time. The stock market decline of 2001-2003 accounts for the entire shortfall. It also should be pointed out that, although the pension system has only 93% of the assets necessary to meet pension obligations at this time, a substantial portion of those obligations are many years in the future. This money is mostly owed to workers now in their 20s, 30s, and 40s.
Wabbit @50 – There ya go… “I got mine. Fuck everybody else”. Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Gov. Gregoire has been in office only 10 months, and sent the Legislature a balanced budget last spring, so how is she responsible for any “borrowing” from the pension funds?
Did I say that? Where?
Hey MTR — time for a reality check.
Gov. Gregoire and Sen. Margarita Prentice want to use the budget surplus for this biennium for funding pensions.
What do you think the Republican legislative caucuses will clamor for? Using it for tax cuts, that’s what. Wait and see.
Democrats – in favor of restoring “borrowed” pension funds, care about workers
Republicans – want tax cuts, fuck the workers
That “bike path” in Moses Lake happens to also be a car bridge, dumbass.
I have an idea. Let’s put stoplights on I-90 in Moses Lake. At least 3 of ’em, and make sure they’re not synchronized, just like Aurora Avenue in Seattle. That ought to make the Republicans in Rossi-la-la-land happy.
I wouldnt fret about too much MTR. If Wabbit and his ilk last a long time those people in the 20’s wont support them once the system runs dry. I dont blame them either. Screw working if most of your money is confiscated for some old fart.
“I havent heard any of you donks mention Bush’s polls numbers. Must be going up.”
True — his approval rating has risen from 35% to 42%.
“I guess Joe public got tired of listening to all the BS coming from the left.”
I’m pretty sure gas prices dropping from $3 to $2.20 had more to do with it. But wait! Watch what happens to Bush’s approval ratings when winter heating bills hit and gas prices start up with the spring driving season.
And then there’s the forthcoming 2006 hurricane season, which may be even worse than 2005 thanks to global warming, and the 2006 elections will arrive about the same time as peak fuel prices do. That should be interesting.
“I belong to an older plan, most of whose members are retired, which is adequately funded.” RR@ 50
This money is mostly owed to workers now in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. RR @53
Today’s article in Pee-Eye
“The problem surfaced at the same time lawmakers struggled to address billion-dollar budget shortfalls and a sputtering economy. Though they cut programs and raised taxes to fill the gap, lawmakers and then-Gov. Gary Locke continued to put off paying down the pension liability — and getting back on track. Gregoire did the same thing this year, in her first budget.
“When you don’t fully fund the pension system, you are borrowing money for the budget,” said Erik Sund, a Senate fiscal analyst.
Mrs. Gregoire made a concious decision to STEAL from the state pension fund again so she could give stuff away to prop up her 48th worst in Murka ratings.
RR @ 61? Huh? I thought lower gas prices were Maria Cantwell’s doing? They’re not? Heeeeyyyyy… has Harvey The Invisible Wabbit been out there again?
I hope Stefan has put up the “prr legal action fund.”
This fundraiser is for a great cause — so prr can send a lawyer to Drinking Liberally.
Roger Rabbit and prr’s lawyer will make hoochy-hoochy. Then Mrs. Rabbit will knock out RR’s teeth! prr won’t get hurt, and everybody’s happy! :D :D :D
Rog sez @ 57
“Democrats – in favor of restoring “borrowed” pension funds, care about workers
Republicans – want tax cuts, fuck the workers
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 12/9/05 @ 9:27 pm”
There you go again Rog….pretending that all government workers actually EARNED those pensions.
What about the many CLOWNS that gamed the system….and you know EXACTLY what I mean.
PERS1===monthly pension = 2%/yr. X the highest consecutive 24 months salary.
The GAME I am referring to is for CLOWNS with 28 years in the system to miraculously be given PROMOTIONS for the last 24 months. I am personally aware of many of these situations where a CLOWN makes at most $50,000/yr. for his/her entire career. Then, MIRACULOUSLY, the CLOWN makes $85,000 for the last 24 months.
His/her pension goes from 60% of $50,000===$30,000/yr. TO
60% X $85,000===$51,000/yr.
A whopping 70% jump in PENSION for the rest of the SCAMMERS life. Often these SCAMMERS have worked as entrenched government bureaucrats their whole miserable careers so they start drawig these huge pensions starting in their early 50’s. They go to a REAL job or try to double dip somewhere else.
Roger knows EXACTLY what I mean.
It’s a little, cozy CLUB that includes LEFTY’s and RIGHTY’s and those IN-BETWEENERS! All at the taxpayers expense.
Take a look at some of the public employee pension computations sometimes and look at the earning patterns.
And you claim to worry about government waste???
Gregoire, like Gary Locke, BORROWED (or is it really stole?) so she didn’t have to make necessary cuts.
There isn’t a lot of glory in fully funding pension obligations.
Is this what the LEFTY’S are bitching about General Motors for???
It’s different when there folks do it.
AND Washington State is PUBLIC MONEY, which makes it even WORSE!
The LEFTY’S figure they can just raise taxes anytime to cover past underfunded obligations and screw the younger generation for the sins of 20 years of Democratic rule.
Hey Mark the Redneck,
We are all still waiting to here whether you not you made good on your bet with Goldy. So, did you meet your obligations and donate $100 to Maria Cantwell? That is your obligation.
Geez Mark, you are not the worse asshole around here—that is, unless you don’t make good on your word. Nobody, but nobody, likes someone who is blatently untrustworthy.
How ’bout it Mark the Redneck?
“Mrs. Gregoire made a concious decision to STEAL from the state pension fund.”
Uh, no. You are playing fast and loose with definitions, my friend. Mrs. Gregoire — GOVERNOR Gregoire to you — did not “borrow” from state pension funds. She only deferred making the payments necessary to bring the asset-liability ratio up to 100%, which is not the same thing. By the way, that ratio fluctuates based on factors other than state contributions — including investment performance, the number of employees quitting and withdrawing their contributions, the number of employees retiring during the year, etc.
For Fiscal Year 2004, the most recent period for which data are available, additions to the pension funds totaled $7.3 billion, and increase of nearly $5 billion from FY 2003, due primarily to improved investment performance. During the same period, total deductions from the pension funds (there are over a dozen separate state pension funds) for payment of benefits, refunds, administrative expenses, etc. were $2.1 billion. Thus, the net inflow of funds in FY 2004 exceeded $5 billion.
Over the last several years, the state pension funds have maintained an asset-liability ratio in the 93% to 96%, which is far superior to most private sector plans.
The Bunny certainly has a better chance of getting full payment from the state pension fund that he would have from, say, General Motors, Ford, American Airlines, Enron, … or just about any corporation you could name.
By contrast, Bush wants to raid the Social Security Trust Fund for $1 trillion for personal accounts. This would threaten the very solvency of Social Security, which seems to be his intent.
Trust me on this, Mark, my pension money is in good hands. That’s because Democrats are running our state, and Republicans can’t get their hands on it.
“We are all still waiting to here whether you not you made good on your bet with Goldy.”
Of course not! And never will. Hey Mark, guess what, I wouldn’t trust YOU with my retirement money any farther than I can spit.
What the state should do is convert the pension fund from a defined benefit to a defined contribution. That would eliminate the problem. Then state workers would have to take responsibility for their own retirement. Defined benefit plans are a burden to all of us. Heck, GM might still be viable if it wasn’t for the unions extorting all those pension fund contributions over the last 30 years.
“There isn’t a lot of glory in fully funding pension obligations.”
Cynical — that’s true. From a CEO’s point of view, there’s more glory in funding CEO salaries than in funding worker pensions, isn’t there? That’s why CEO salaries get funded, pensions don’t. Works great for the CEOs, everybody else gets fucked. That’s your vaunted private enterprise system for you — the less regulated it is, the more people get fucked.
That’s why I worked for government instead of a corporation. I trust Gregoire 1,000 times more than I trust Ken Lay, Bernie Ebbers, Mike McGavick, or George W. Bush.
Hey prr – make sure your lawyer is wearing a mini-skirt! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
Hey prr – Mrs. Rabbit won’t knock my teeth out unless you give her a reason to! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
GOP trainwreck #29282393.
The Republican turd was so bad, his own wife tried to off him! HE HE!
You know, when Bush has the second lowest poll numbers in modern history, it is hard NOT to go up. If that is all you have to brag about you are seriously hurting.
Nindid- Whos numbers are lower right now. Bush’s or Clinton’s when he got elected in 1992?
If Democrats aren’t anti-Christian, then I’m not sure who is…
How would you explain the traditional Christian symbol of the fish with a cross at the head of it and with flames and the word “Hypocrite” emblazoned across it that’s being sold on the Washington State Democrats website?
The CLOWNS who preach tolerance and diversity sure have a lot of explaining to do!
Take a look at what was on the State Democratic Party’s website (Bertha’s Store) today!
And the original image:
If the Party of TOLERANCE and DIVERSITY weren’t so ashamed of this…..why did they take it off when confronted???
Who is running the insane asylum???
Just when you start to be a little concerned that the CLOWNS might gain a foothold, THEY SHOOT OFF THEIR F*CKING FOOT!!!!
Goldy The Holocaust Victim—
How do you feel about the Washington State Democratic Party selling something as hateful and intolerant as this????
Next the Washington Democratic Party will be selling Nativity scenes and Christmas Trees on their Website to make up for this boneheaded move!!!
How do you pi$$ of the vast majority of Washington citizens on Paul Berendt’s bon voyage???!!!
You gotta love these CLOWNS!!
Oh wait……..I forgot.
Man, it’s impossible for me to get all scruched up and offended like the CLOWNS on this Blog….no matter how hard I try!
I can’t WAIT for the LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS to start spinning this one!! They can only make it worse!
Perhaps O’Reilly and Hannity & Colmes will pick up on this.
Even Alan Colmes will be outraged at you CLOWNS!
Bozo @ all
Ok, take one of the little white pills in the morning with your orange juice and two of the red pills with your lunch. And you must, must take the purple pill with your afternoon snack.
You must get back on schedule now, bozo.
Cynical — how are the right-wing self-described “Christian” warmongers and apologists for torture, lying, and corruption NOT hypocrites?
Cynical @ 78
Since I can not view the source code, I can not tell if this was an actual O’Reilly special or a phony cut and paste job.
However, the computer/internet is a wonderfull thing. By blowing up the image, I see it is from an outfit called Reefer Magnets dated 2004. They are no longer selling them:;cPath=3
If you are interested, they are available at;cPath=3
Most probably a cut and paste job. Crude, and not very effective.
Hey y’all–have you ordered your car magnets from the Washington state Democrat website yet??? You know–the ones with the christian fish emblazoned with the word ‘hypocrite’?? Where DO they get these things?? and why did they feel they had to remove them from the website when word got out fairly publicly about it?? Aren’t they proud of their own merchandise??
..and in view of stuff like that, why are the Dems still wondering why they can’t get the ‘religious’ voters?
Here’s a heartwarmer from Sgt. Josh Hauser, combat correspondent: “…Merry Christmas, and I just want everybody back home to know that this year, Santa Claus is wearing camoflauge and delivering freedom to Iraq”.
I love these guys!!
Rog sez:
“Cynical – how are the right-wing self-described “Christian” warmongers and apologists for torture, lying, and corruption NOT hypocrites?
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 12/10/05 @ 12:28 am”
Rog, that’s NOT what that magnet says and you know it. It labels ALL Christians. Your CLOWNISH pals have really f*cked up this time. I would hope you would be smart enough not to make it worse than it already is. If it wasn’t bad, why would the State Democratic Party take it off their website???????????
Political momentum is changing right now. If you CLOWNS decide to support selling anti-Christian merchandise, you WILL be the big losers that we have grown to expect.
Clueless @ 81–
As always, you attempt the LEFTIST PINHEADED strategy of “marginalize and minimize” your Party’s stupidity. Clueless makes a weak-ass attempt to deflect attention away from an extremely offensive, Anti-Christian product being marketed on the Washington Democratic Party website.
I guarantee you there will be an apology and a whole lot of explaining on this one. Berendt will blame some underlying for his act….watch. Where does the buck stop Paul??
Berendt is an arrogant prick. He sends his 2 kids to a private Catholic School in Olympia and then sells clearly anti-Christian merchandise on his Dem website??? CLOWN!
If I remember correctly, Mark and Goldy never came to an agreement on the bet. Mark proposed one thing, Goldy rejected it and countered it with a different proposal, and Mark never responded. Goldy then tried to hold mark to that second proposal.
@22 You seem to think Ann Coulter is entitled to normal courtesies. She is a hate peddler…
You seem to misunderstand the first amendment, counselor.
The only right wing commenter with anything to say and any brains to say it with is, sgmmac. The rest are the ignorant sons of immigrants who only came here to have a child so they all could come here and FREELOAD off the system. Their citizenship should be REVOKED!
Seriously,though, it is hilarious that a guy named ALITO and a guy named SCALIA want to GET TOUGH on immigrants. Maybe if they restrict the Mexican illegals we’ll have to hire their relatives to do all the dirty work. Wouldn’t be the first time!
Way to go, racist.
Too bad the right wing lied about this whole fish thing. I wish it were true. I’d buy 1000 of em!
LeftCLOWN sez:
“Too bad the right wing lied about this whole fish thing. I wish it were true. I’d buy 1000 of em!”
I KNEW we could count on CLOWNS like you and Harry Poon (aka Headlice Lucy, Apache Fog et al) to make a bad situation worse!
I’m glad the Washington State Democratic Party leadership has finally COME OUT OF THE CLOSET as the intolerant, Christian-hating Party that they are!!!
Keep up the bad work CLOWNS!
great editorial in the Times this morning pointing out the utter stupidity of the religious right’s obsession about the “War on Christmas”
Don’t any of those idiots realize that Christ wasn’t even born in winter, let alone Dec 25th?
The CLOWNS try hard to frame this war on CHRIST as merely a war on Christmas. One need only look at your own Party’s merchandise to understand how true that is:
Take a look at what was on the State Democratic Party’s website (Bertha’s Store)!
And the original image:
Keep trying to hide the real PROGRESSIVE agenda rwb. You CLOWNS have come out of the CLOSET. Good for you. You must feel better now.
what progressive agenda? that we shouldn’t have a specific religion crammed down our throats?
I don’t give a fuck if someone want to wish anybody a Merry Christmas. I don’t give a fuck if a store wants to run a holiday sale or a Christmas sale. I’m just sick and tired of the idiots telling us that if someone doesn’t have a Christmas sale or someone doesn’t send out “Christmas” cards, that they are somehow waging a war on Christians. Boo fucking hoo. Get a goddamned life you pathetic losers. If your faith can’t stand up to other people not agreeing with you, then that’s your problem and that’s your weekness.
So go blow it out of your ass and leave the rest of us alone.
Also, why in the hell should retailers be forced by these religious extremists (these extremists happen to be of the Christian variety) to exclude those with different beliefs? Having a “Christmas” sale might just alienate those of another faith. And since this is a Capitalist society (and all you Repubs like making lots and lots of money, right??) isn’t it anti-American to try to limit retailer’s advertising scope?
The American Taliban: Say Merry Christmas or we’ll cut off your heads (figuratively of course….I hope)
and you think calling Christians hypocrites is waging war? It’s merely pointing out a simple truth. Not all Christians, mind you, just the loudest, most sanctimonious Christians.
“and you think calling Christians hypocrites is waging war? It’s merely pointing out a simple truth. Not all Christians, mind you, just the loudest, most sanctimonious Christians.
Comment by rwb— 12/10/05 @ 8:54 am”
That is not what the car magnet said you CLOWN and you know it!
Thank you rwb for being foolish enough to take the bait and defend the indefensible. That despicable car magnet pretty much says it all. Try as hard as you can to DEFLECT, DEFLECT, DEFLECT onto other issues about Christmas. That’s not what this is about. We are talking about the WASHINGTON STATE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, the self-proclaimed Party of Tolerance & Diversity, slamming an entire religion. How Tolerant of you rwb.
But hey, keep on talking you fool!
rwb is YUCKO the CLOWN part of your family tree??
What plush state job will Dem hack Paul Berendt get?
Since he was the behind the scenese elction guy, maybe to replace Bill Huenekens?
Bozo @ 88
It’s my first instinct to mistrust anything the wa-gop puts out but let’s for the moment assume it really happened.
That symbol was merely a somewhat intemperate yet understandable reaction to holier-than-thou religious zealots who want to teach “intelligent design” to my kids in the public schools and have “dominion” over this country because it was founded on “Christian principles”. These zealots make up a larger portion of the Republican coalition than I’m comfortable with.
We’ve been sniping at each other over “freedom of religion” vs. “freedom from religion”. Huh! The whacko zealots want the “freedom of religion” to control people’s lives period. Screw that! I want “freedom from” those whack jobs!
Bozo the cynical irrelevant clown claims he’s a libertarian but he’s really just the agent of the BIAW and the AMERICAN TALIBAN!
Iraq and Iran. What a contrast. In Iraq we went in and pre-empted an attack on civilization and freed a few million people from an asshole dictator. The world is a better place because of our courageous actions.
Iran is being dealt with in classic moonbat fashion. The french and germans and the UN are talking to them. Trying to convince them to stop making nuke materials. Iran telling ’em all to go to hell. Murka and Israel on sidelines watching….
Who do you moonbats think represents a bigger threat to civilization? Iraq or Iran? And if Iran is allowed to make nuke materials and uses them for WMD that they unleash on Murka or Israel, what will you think then? Will you then agree that some countries can’t be permitted to make their own decisions regarding weapons?
I knew we could count on you too!
you CLOWNS are hysterical!!
Just keep pushing away more and more of the Hubert Humphrey/Joe Lieberman Democrats away.
Keep antagonizing ALL Christians and then try and explain that you only mean certain unnamed, unidentified Christians who are allegedly telling you and your kids that you MUST believe a certain way. I don’t know a single soul who does that!!!!
Fear-mongering and creating the Bogeyman are the only weapons of the mind-numbed CLOWNS….and many folks are getting sicker and sicker of it by the minute!
When CLOWNS like Clueless and rwb try to rationalize the stupidity of their CLOWNleadership, it makes it even better for the RIGHT!
Just keep on talking CLOWNS! More rope…errrr more mike and ink for you CLOWNS!
Michael @ 95
“If I remember correctly, Mark and Goldy never came to an agreement on the bet.”
This is incorrect.
“Mark proposed one thing, Goldy rejected it and countered it with a different proposal, and Mark never responded. Goldy then tried to hold mark to that second proposal.”
Nope. Goldy accepted the bet. After fully accepting the bet as it stood, Goldy offered to modify how the bet was to be paid, to which MTR never responded.
After he acknowledged losing the bet, MTR tried to retroactively accepting Goldy’s proposed terms—sending the money to a charity instead of the political cause of Goldy’s choice. Under the bet, as agreed upon, if Goldy had lost, he would have had to donate $100 to Tim Eyman.
Ultimately, Mark the Redneck claims that he tried to donate $100 to Maria Cantwell’s campaign via her web site, but that the web site didn’t work. But, this is bullshit–the web site works just fine. Besides that, he could always mail the money to Cantwell.
So, Mark the Redneck, do a little spiritual housecleaning for the holidays—get this monkey off of your back. You were so close to fulfilling you obligations before.
Give it another good-faith effort, and maybe you can earn a tiny bit of respect around here.
Noone cynical? Read the link on my post @22.
Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see that pic is shopped, it doesnt fit there layoutwise. You should know by now I am no supporter of any party, so you can just drop the whole clown thing. That image is a lie, and if you actually believe its true then you are stupider than I thought. If you even suspect its shopped then you are a bald faced liar.
Which is it, are you a stupid sheep or a liar?
BTW, there are internet archives for a reason and it is quite possible to see a web page that was up yesterday but not today. Why did you link an image rather than an archive? Thats what I thought.
Cynical: Actually, since I’m a rich, white, liberal, I’m having that made up in gold, as jewelry, as a little trinket to give give to my rich, white, GOP friends. Oh, don’t worry – if it’s in gold, they’ll keep it. Cuff Links, tie tack, MONEY CLIP!
Want one?
Don’t you find it interesting how the LEFTISTS respond to issues like this?
I mean they are the Party of Tolerance and Diversity, right???
relax a little bill.
Despite your cynical attitude, I want you to know I went right to the archives website when I read about this.
As you obviously know, no archives have been kept of website since November of 2004.
Certainly this trinket is different from other car magnet ribbons….however, I did google-search and found these car magnets are being produced. See
It also appears the wa-democrats do not produce their own merchandise and merely purchase them elsewhere and re-market.
Look for item SKU9954 at the northern sun website.
God how I wish all right wing traitors would just fucking DIE! -Comment by Left Turn— 12/9/05 @ 3:07 pm
I do not know Mr. C. It could be photo shopped. I wish that I had evidence from a neutral source without ties to right or left blogs.
I agree.
Hopefully the State Democratic Party will deny this as some dirty trick….or affirm it and apologize.
I found another place @ where you can buy Atheist and anti-Christian stuff, including the Hypocrite Fish magnet.
The Dems do appear to buy stuff elsewhere and re-sell it thru their store.
Time will tell I guess.
Of course the item exists, if you are going to shop something into a photo its much easier to use an existing image than to make something up. But the layout with that image is just wrong, noone would be stupid enough to lay out a page that way. The entire balance is off.
This looks about as realistic as those shopped images of a male politician’s head on a woman in a bikini’s body.
And your comments regarding 22?
While you consider that, here is another.
Noted. However, they also have items like this:
Liberal, conservative, Libertarian, Nihilist. Cafe’ Press is a bidness. There is something for everyones taste.
“Man, it’s impossible for me to get all scruched up … no matter how hard I try!”
So, Cynical, I take it this is your normal appearance then?
“Your CLOWNISH pals have really f*cked up this time.”
For a while there, I was afraid the GOP had garnered a monopoly on stupidity, and it’s heartening to see the Democrats are still roping in a few of the dumb ones.
Mr. Doug Muder’s most excellent article Who’s afraid of freedom and tolerance? provides the clearest insight into why fundamentalists seem so afraid of liberal assumptions and liberal family values.
He doesn’t share their worldview, but he wants to understand it.
MTR bet Goldy $100 that I-912 would win by 15 points. MTR hasn’t paid the $100 to Cantwell, the Red Cross, his own grandmother, or anyone else. Welshing is welshing. MTR is fish food.
Have to do some shopping with my Lady. CMDR Ogg signing off
WOW…… democrats…the party of TOLERANCE?
i think not…..
well the “fish” has hit the fan this time hasn’t it?
and good job to the blogger that pointed it out.
man…you dems in washington state really think you can get away with this kind of behavior? and IF you thought it was okay to begin with…then why take it off the site, hmmmmmm?
dumbass @ 107
“What plush state job will Dem hack Paul Berendt get? Since he was the behind the scenese elction guy, maybe to replace Bill Huenekens?”
Huennekens had a county job.
We’ll miss ya, Ogg. Hurry back!
Hmmm … here’s an interesting question … was the “Hypocrite” fish symbol photoshopped into a facsimile of a WA Dems web site page? Creating fake photos is a standard wingnut liar ploy. So … has Mr. Cynical been peddling a venal lie?
Look, Goldy declined my offer, he wanted to play fucking games so I dropped it. It was dead. As a gesture of goodwill, I attempted to put $100 into Maria’s fund. Your “tech savvy” senator’s website wouldn’t accept my address. So I said fuck it. In addition, Maria doesn’t need my money; her re-election is a sure thing. McGavicks’ chances are zero. None. Doesn’t stand a chance. Won’t happen.
Instead, I donated $100 to an “Adopt a child” program for Christmas. Somewhere out there, there are a couple of kids who otherwise wouldn’t have had a Christmas who will now because of my generosity and compassion.
So wabbit and DJ, fuck off.
88, 108
Let’s assume, for a moment, the car magnet was the real deal. Mr. Cynical’s thesis then becomes: It’s terrible that Democrats are calling (cetain) people who flaunt the fish symbol “hypocrites.” Let’s examine this.
What is NOT hypocritical about self-described “Christians” supporting war?
What is NOT hypocritical about people who advertise themselves as “Christians” supporting torture?
What is NOT hypocritical about people who adverise themselves as “Christians” supporting economic and social policies that favor the rich at the expense of workers and the poor?
What is NOT hypocritical about people who advertise themselves as “Christians” preaching intolerance and bigotry?
What is NOT hypocritical about people who advertise themselves as “Christians” being greedy and selfish?
If you advertise yourself as a “Christian” and vote Republican, you are a hypocrite.
“Look, Goldy declined my offer, he wanted to play fucking games so I dropped it. It was dead. As a gesture of goodwill, I attempted to put $100 into Maria’s fund. Your ‘tech savvy’ senator’s website wouldn’t accept my address. So I said fuck it. In addition, Maria doesn’t need my money; her re-election is a sure thing. McGavicks’ chances are zero. None. Doesn’t stand a chance. Won’t happen.”
Excuses are like assholes — everybody’s got one.
“Instead, I donated $100 to an ‘Adopt a child’ program for Christmas.”
Bet you took a tax deduction for it, too.
“So wabbit and DJ, fuck off.”
In your dreams.
Recipe for bet welshers:
2 – 80 lb. lbs. of quick-setting concrete
1 – 5-gal. jerrycan of water
1 – tin washtub
1 – canoe paddle
1 – chair
2 – 6-ft. lengths of clothesline
1 – seagoing motor boat
1 – large body of water over 7 feet deep
1. Load bet welsher and ingredients aboard boat and head out to sea
2. Tie bet welsher’s hands and feet to chair with clothesline
3. Position tin washtub near chair
4. Pour contents of both bags of quick-setting concrete into tin washtub
5. Pour about half the contents of 5-gal. jerrrycan of water into tin washtub
6. Stir concrete-water mix with canoe paddle, adding more water until mix is thoroughly wetted, but do not overwater mixture which should have a consistent firm texture
7. Tilt chair backwards at 60 degree angle and slide tin washtub with wet concrete mix under bet welsher’s legs
8. Position bet welsher upright so feet are resting in concrete
9. Wait for concrete to set; does not need to be completely dry
10. While waiting for concrete to set, have a few drinks, smoke cigars, and engage in idle and amiable conversation with bet welsher
11. When concrete is set firmly enough so that bet welsher can no longer move his feet, boat should be out of sight of land; lift up bet welsher (including chair and tin washtub full of concrete) and dump over rail of boat
12. Bet welsher should rapidly sink out of sight. If bet welsher floats for some reason, run over him with the boat’s propeller several times, and wait around until sharks show up
Here is an article that will surely raise the angst level…..
Voice of God Speaking with Bush Recorded in Secret White House Tapes
WASHINGTON, DC — Telephone logs secretly recorded by the National Security Agency and obtained by Congress as part of an ongoing investigation suggest that the vice president may have used the Oval Office intercom system to address President Bush at crucial moments, giving categorical directives in a voice the president believed to be that of God.
While journalists and presidential historians had long noted Bush’s deep faith and Cheney’s powerful influence in the White House, few had drawn a direct correlation between the two until Tuesday, when transcripts of meetings that took place in March and April of 2002 became available.
In a transcript of an intercom exchange recorded in March 2002, a voice positively identified as the vice president’s identifies himself as “the Lord thy God” and promotes the invasion of Iraq, as well as the use of torture in prisoner interrogations.
A close examination of Bush’s public statements and Secret Service time logs tracking the vice president reveals a consistent pattern, one which links Bush’s belief that he had received word from God with Cheney’s use of the White House’s telephone-based intercom system.
Officials privately acknowledged that there is reason to believe that the vice president, as God, urged Bush to sign legislation benefiting oil companies in 2005.
“There’s a lot of religious zeal in the West Wing,” said a former White House staffer who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “It’s possible that the vice president has taken advantage of that to fast-track certain administration objectives.”
An ex-Treasury Department official and longtime friend of Cheney was asked to comment on the vice president’s possible subterfuge. “I don’t know. I certainly don’t think it’s something [Cheney] planned,” he said. “I do know that Mr. Bush was unfamiliar with a phone-based intercom, and I suppose it is possible that Dick took advantage of that.”
A highly placed NSA official who has reviewed the information released Tuesday said Cheney masked his clipped monotone, employing a deeper, booming voice.
Said the NSA source: “It sounded as though the speaker, who identified himself as God, stood away from the intercom to create an echo effect.”
On Capitol Hill, sources are expressing surprise that Cheney, a vice president with more influence than any other in U.S. history, would have resorted to such deception.
“The vice president has a lot of sway in this administration,” said a former White House aide. “But perhaps when President Bush was particularly resolute and resistant to mortal persuasion, the vice president chose to quickly resolve disputes in his favor with a half-decent God impression.”
For many, the revelation explains Bush’s confusion in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
“I was very surprised by the president’s slow response in New Orleans,” political commentator Bill Kristol said. “The president told me that he was praying every day in his office, but had received no reply. I had no idea what he meant, but of course, it all makes sense now.”
At the time of Katrina, Cheney was on a fly-fishing trip, from which he returned on Sept. 1.
According to highly placed White House sources, Bush’s senior advisers are trying to shield the president from the news. Aides are concerned that too harsh an awakening might shake Bush’s faith, which has been a central part of his life for nearly 20 years.
“It’s hard to tell the leader of the free world that he has been the butt of an elaborate and long-term ruse,” a former staffer said. “Maybe it would be easier to take if it came from Cheney’s God voice.”
Nearly forgot this gem…
Bush on the Constitution: ‘It’s just a goddamned piece of paper’
Capital Hill Blues
Dec 9, 2005, 07:53
Last month, Republican Congressional leaders filed into the Oval Office to meet with President George W. Bush and talk about renewing the controversial USA Patriot Act.
Several provisions of the act, passed in the shell shocked period immediately following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, caused enough anger that liberal groups like the American Civil Liberties Union had joined forces with prominent conservatives like Phyllis Schlafly and Bob Barr to oppose renewal.
GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the act could further alienate conservatives still mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.
“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”
“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”
“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”
I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.”
And, to the Bush Administration, the Constitution of the United States is little more than toilet paper stained from all the shit that this group of power-mad despots have dumped on the freedoms that “goddamned piece of paper” used to guarantee.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, while still White House counsel, wrote that the “Constitution is an outdated document.”
Put aside, for a moment, political affiliation or personal beliefs. It doesn’t matter if you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent. It doesn’t matter if you support the invasion or Iraq or not. Despite our differences, the Constitution has stood for two centuries as the defining document of our government, the final source to determine – in the end – if something is legal or right.
Every federal official – including the President – who takes an oath of office swears to “uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia says he cringes when someone calls the Constitution a “living document.”
“”Oh, how I hate the phrase we have—a ‘living document,’” Scalia says. “We now have a Constitution that means whatever we want it to mean. The Constitution is not a living organism, for Pete’s sake.”
As a judge, Scalia says, “I don’t have to prove that the Constitution is perfect; I just have to prove that it’s better than anything else.”
President Bush has proposed seven amendments to the Constitution over the last five years, including a controversial amendment to define marriage as a “union between a man and woman.” Members of Congress have proposed some 11,000 amendments over the last decade, ranging from repeal of the right to bear arms to a Constitutional ban on abortion.
Scalia says the danger of tinkering with the Constitution comes from a loss of rights.
“We can take away rights just as we can grant new ones,” Scalia warns. “Don’t think that it’s a one-way street.”
And don’t buy the White House hype that the USA Patriot Act is a necessary tool to fight terrorism. It is a dangerous law that infringes on the rights of every American citizen and, as one brave aide told President Bush, something that undermines the Constitution of the United States.
But why should Bush care? After all, the Constitution is just “a goddamned piece of paper.”
roger@133…going into full damage control mode i see? couldn’t prove they didn’t put it on their site so now you are making excuses as to why it’s okay?
talk about hypocrites………….
i always knew you were a self absorbed fool[speaking about yourself constantly in the third person for god’s sake….what are you innuit?], and now you prove what you are really made of…..and i am too much of a lady to spell it out for you.
“Look, Goldy declined my offer, he wanted to play fucking games so I dropped it.”
BULLSHIT! You even admitted that you lost the bet, you fucking disingenuous asshole!
“It was dead. As a gesture of goodwill, I attempted to put $100 into Maria’s fund. Your “tech savvy” senator’s website wouldn’t accept my address. So I said fuck it.”
Sorry, dipshit, the site works just fine. You, apparently, are too stupid to fill in the required fields. Stupidity doesn’t release you from your obligations.
“In addition, Maria doesn’t need my money; her re-election is a sure thing. McGavicks’ chances are zero. None. Doesn’t stand a chance. Won’t happen.”
Maria’s “need” is completely irrelevant. That was not one of the terms of the bet.
Come on, Mark the Redneck, it will only take you 2 minutes to discharge your responsibility.
If you are unwilling to make good on your bets, perhaps you will be man enough to refrain from posting here.
So, which is the more factual paper, the Onion or Capitol Hill Blue? :) How does Doug Thompson know what happened in a private meeting in the Oval Office when no one else does?
By the way, this Thompson guy seems real nonpartisan. Here are some of his other works:
Burn in hell, Mr. President
A gutless, draft-dodging coward named Dick Cheney
By the way, Thompson was born in 1949, a prime candidate for the draft himself. He never served, here is his bio: My inquiry as to his qualifications to call someone else a draft-dodger have went unanswered.
@140 It was Goldy who tried to change the proposed offer, not Mark. They never reached an agreement.
Michael @ 142
“It was Goldy who tried to change the proposed offer, not Mark. They never reached an agreement.”
This is factually incorrect.
Goldy fully accepted the bet as MTR offered. It is true he proposed an amendment, which MTR never too up. MTR tried to accept the amendment retroactively, but Goldy declined.
In other words, by MTR’s own words and actions, Goldy and MTR had a valid bet. This was well established many many posts ago.
Harare – Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe lashed out Saturday at the few remaining white farmers in Zimbabwe at the end of a three-day ruling party conference.
Mugabe said Zimbabwe had to look after its own people’s interests first before those of white people.
‘We still have white Rhodesian farmers resisting land reform often supported by some of us in the party and government,’ he said.
Addressing thousands of members of his Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) at the conference in Esigodini, southern Zimbabwe, Mugabe said: ‘We do not defend Rhodesian settler interests against those of our people,’ in a speech broadcast live on radio and television.
Only about 300 white farmers out of 4,000 five years ago are left on the land.
Around a dozen white farmers have been killed in sometimes violent land seizures. At least 20 are reported to have been thrown off their farms in recent weeks.
Mugabe admitted Saturday that the land reform programme was beset by ‘numerous problems’ including disputes over land ownership by the new settlers, shortages of inputs such as seed, fertilizer and fuel as well as jobs. [Harare, the perfect Democrat “Hillary Village”!]
The Detroit News /
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It’s getting downright difficult to keep track of global warming science. National Geographic online and Nature magazine report the coming of a “mini ice age,” reminiscent of the “great cooling” predicted in the 1970s. [That tricky Bush!!! Now he’s cooling the planet!! The Democrats have him now!!!! [hehe]]
JCH…and goldy thinks it’s racist of stefan to compare mugabe to sims? and the difference would be…what? no one in king county has been actually killed for their land yet? just taxed to death……..
Authorities in Los Angeles are concerned about possible rioting if the co-founder of the Crips street gang, Stanley ”Tookie” Williams, is executed as planned. Williams, 51, is scheduled to die by lethal injection at San Quentin State Prison on Tuesday. However, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is currently weighing Williams’ request for clemency. /break/ There are also fears that Williams’ execution could cause unrest in the prison system.
Because what better way to observe the death of a man you call ‘reformed’ and ‘peaceful’ than to riot? [Dear Korean shopkeepers, I suggest 2 or 3 Mossberg 12 gauges with 5 to 10 boxes of buckshot. Stack the dead Democrats outside the door, and the Democrat looters tend to shy away from armed citizens. [Result: a few hundred dead Democrat looters. [Do I need to discribe the dead Democrats?]
Goldy: The mouthpiece of the Harare [Mugabe] Democrats!!
Thanks Michael
Ten members of an alleged counterfeit ring based in Orange County were arrested Friday on suspicion of passing about $7.5 million in phony $100 bills printed in Mexico. U.S. Secret Service agents began their investigation this year when a counterfeit bill was passed at a local mall, Assistant U.S. Atty. Robert J. Keenan said. A federal grand jury in Santa Ana charged 13 defendants in six indictments issued Wednesday [Democrats now can make money in the private sector!! It’s simple!! You just print it!! You don’t have to wait for the “guvment” check like Roger Rabbit!!!!]
Comrade Mccarthy did a grave disservice. By refusing to understand that evil must be confronted honestly, and defeated militarily, he left a legacy that haunts us to this day.
You moonbats who follow in his foosteps and fail to understand that peace comes from defeating evil, and not by attempting to weakly pacify it, are included as his pathetic victims.
Fortunately for civilization, you moonbats are out of power, and there are adults in charge now who will take care of things.
dj go fuck yourself as you are fond of saying and thanks for playing asshole.
dj @145
I was on a
junketbusiness trip, so I missed the details on this subject, but I admire your tenacity. What evidence would exonerate/relieve MTR of the betting burden? If he can prove to have donated $100 to his charity, I think that would be enough to discharge his debt. But if you think Cantwell needs $100, I think you are being petty (and wasting good charitable money).yo sez–
“dj go fuck yourself as you are fond of saying and thanks for playing asshole.
Comment by yo— 12/10/05 @ 6:08 pm”
yo, I regret to inform you that dj ain’t playing!
yes yo….i can attest to the fact that dj really isn’t playing. he is dead serious with the stuff he comes up with.
frightening,isn’t it?
Marks @ 152
“I was on a junket business trip, so I missed the details on this subject, but I admire your tenacity. What evidence would exonerate/relieve MTR of the betting burden? If he can prove to have donated $100 to his charity, I think that would be enough to discharge his debt.”
No…not exactly. The original bet—proposed in full by MTR— allowed the winner to cause the loser to donate $100 to the political cause of the winner’s choice. MTR stated up front that he would require Goldy to donate $100 to Tim Eyman if MTR won.
When Goldy won the bet, he directed MTR to donate $100 to Maria Cantwell’s campaign. MTR has not done so.
“But if you think Cantwell needs $100, I think you are being petty (and wasting good charitable money).”
It isn’t about whether or not Cantwell needs $100. It is about MTR fulfilling the terms of his bet (the same terms he would expect Goldy to fulfill if MTR had won). The ironic thing here is that after Goldy accepted MTR’s conditions, he proposed an amendment whereby the loser just donates to a mutually agreed-upon charity. MTR did not accept those terms.
Regarding proof: that is really between MTR and Goldy. I suppose MTR would mail Goldy some type of proof, but given that he cannot honorably meet his obligation, the proof issue is premature….
“YO eggs do not develop because many essential genes are carried on the X chromosome.”
Ahhh…that explains it…a congenital idiot!
The ironic thing here is that after Goldy accepted MTR’s conditions, he proposed an amendment whereby the loser just donates to a mutually agreed-upon charity. MTR did not accept those terms.
I admit, that does sound, er, show, irony. MTR? What say you? You have already made the donation, can you prove it? and will it matter according to the stringent terms set by, um, yourself? Well, as dj sees it…
Hell, I have no idea…
RR@65: “And then there’s the forthcoming 2006 hurricane season, which may be even worse than 2005 thanks to global warming, and the 2006 elections will arrive about the same time as peak fuel prices do. That should be interesting.” Sorry Roger but this is another whopper. BULLSHIT
Hey if you want more cough up the money! It’s a fun site with forward thinking scientists!
Goldy: Fucking A – You didn’t print one of the most important positions here in years. Is it because it doesn’t fit your small intellectual prison on Biblical thought?
Even Michael Neudow ( donnaged”stuckonstupid”don’s hero) must be pissed. Now this should really piss off the ASSes here like donnaged”stuckonstupid”don too. 9th Circus Court of Appeals: “said the Biblical quotations were not extrinsic but “the kind of common knowledge which most jurors are presumed to possess.”” – Wow, so if the ASSes here don’t read their Bible they can’t be jurors because they don’t possess intrinsic knowledge? Looks like we on the RIGHT are winning guys!;cset=true
You just got to love the lefties on the 9th Circus!
marks @ 157
The story can be found starting with this comment by Goldy, the links from that comment, and the subsequent discussion.
hey christmasghost
You’re one evil, dishonest bitch, anyone ever tell you that?
Well someone has now!
Did RP ever offer his services as arbiter?
windouthisAss sez about sweet christmasghost:
“You’re one evil, dishonest bitch, anyone ever tell you that?
Well someone has now!
Comment by windie— 12/11/05 @ 4:25 am”
Hey windouthisAss-
Has anyone ever suggested that you avoid blogging @ 4:25AM??
Obviously you have some horrible past issues with woman.
I’ll bet your mama was a “rollin’ stone” and made you wet your pants, huh?
Get help AssWind. Start here
You New Age Progressives have all the benefits of spiritual healers like this professional!!!
Good luck on conquering your IHateWoman complex!!
Even the Seattle Times can find a bone once in a while…..Imagine that!
Sounds like American politics….. stealing campaign signs!
Imagine that…Another Election in Iraq! And looks like most all of the Citizens are involved now. Could it be? Tha Ole Joe was not as wrong as some believe. Could it be that Democracy is forming? Is it too slow (how long were we in Germany protecting the borders…Let’s see the war was in the 40’s and I was there in the 80’s and we were still protecting their borders)
Goldy would never ever ever report on anything like this that is happening in Iraq, he would get the Joe Lieberman / Hillary Clinton NAZI NAZI NAZI NAZI treatment from his base!
Puddy, you amaze me with your stupidity some days.
Per article VI
“no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”
Knowledge of a specific Bible would be a religious test.
Also, you should do a little research before you quote something. In the scenerio you linked to, where the gulf stream current stops, the warm waters from the carribean stop flowing north and warming up coastal waters on the Atlantic, causing a mini ice-age. (That is based on this actually happening about 500 years ago due to a dam breakage causing a giant fresh water lake in Canada dumping into the Atlantic.)
However, with no movement in that stream, cool water from the north do not make it back down into the carribean (which the normally do) and that makes the water in the carribean hotter by a few degrees. Hurricane strength is directly proportional to the temperature of the water they are over. Hence, a mini ice-age, if it were to happen causes stronger hurricanes in the Atlantic.
sgmmac, Do you still think that these lunatics aren’t trying to destroy the US and establish a theocracy?
What? The illegitimate Queen thinks she has power and pull over our State’s Indian affairs? Hardy-har-har. Regarding her trying to push her BS indoor smoking issue on them: I hope every single tribe tells her to shove it up her smelly twat where it belongs. Watch their business increase and outside businesses the opposite. Hhhhmmmmmm….. Who would’a thunk it? Dec. 7th=Pearl Harbor Day/ Dec 7th= Washington States “loss of personal freedom and conformity worshipers day” All the above from a non-smoker too. Huh?!
Which lunatics are you talking about? We got them everywhere!
These nuts who are claiming that christmas and christianity are somehow under attack.
Goldy, How many blacks go to your daughter’s school?? [hehe…I thought so!! But what about “diversity”, Goldy?? hehe, JCH]
Well Bill, After I believe it was the menu’s in the Seattle Public Schools were printed with Merry Christmas on them, they made them reprint the whole damn bunch recently. No the last time I checked the Seattle Schools were not the Bastions of Conservatism, so that means the Libs are once again trying to remove all presence of the Christmas Holiday from the Public Schools. When is the last Christmas tree you saw in these schools…..Huh……………………
And another note, my boy goes to Odea, (A Catholic School) and the other day I saw his note cards and they were studying judaism and it’s holidays and relevance in the world today.
They were celebrating other religions.
Not under attack …huh>…………………………..:
Hey Cynical,
Roger Rabbit posted a pretty good picture of you recently. Here’s one with your makeup on!
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.” — Presidential Oath of Office
“‘Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,’ Bush screamed back. ‘It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!'”
How is this not a violation of his oath of office? Impeach the bastard.
I have no doubt in my mind that the Christian hard right wants Roe V Wade overturned, they want school prayer back, they want intelligent design back, in other words, they want to go back to the 50’s and earlier. We didn’t have a theocracy then and to assume that we would have one now, is not reasonable considering how divisive we have become.
Cute pic, but I don’t think it’s him.
“‘Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,’ Bush screamed back. ‘It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!’”
When did this happen?
I read some remarks in the Times or PI the other day that someone in Leavenworth is calling to impeach Gregoire for destroying their businesses over Thanksgiving………
GS@174: I don’t think its the libs at all. I don’t think they care that much, one way or the other – it’s just not their issue. And, while I don’t think it is religious fundamentalists either, the ones I know believe the only expressions of Christmas that are appropriate are those that are Biblically related, such as nativity scenes, etc. Why do I know this? Because I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian household. All of my relatives thought that anything not religious, at Christmas time was inappropriate. And..They did not teach us that Chist was born on the 25th of December; they made a point of teaching us that we were celebrating the birth of Christ, not Christ’s birthday. Also, they didn’t use “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays” as an expression. They used “peace on earth” and it if got personal, they said “We hope you have peace and many blessings this Christmas. The word “Merry” or “Happy” would have been a little too Santa Clausy for them. However, they would have resisted pushing their views to the point of divisiveness, because that would not have been Christian.
So…while don’t know who is generating all this silliness, I don’t think it is the liberals, and I don’t think it is those who are most religious. I think it is just cultural bullies who want a soapbox. I do think people are just confused at this point. I don’t get too exercised over it, however, when I see some over the top decorations, such as Santa/reindeer on the roof, a nativity scene on the ground, with a Christmas tree next to the manger, it still gives me pause.
Peace be upon you.
140 (continued)
“President Bush has proposed seven amendments to the Constitution over the last five years, including a controversial amendment to define marriage as a “union between a man and woman.” Members of Congress have proposed some 11,000 amendments over the last decade, ranging from repeal of the right to bear arms to a Constitutional ban on abortion.”
Thankfully, it’s hard to amend. Can you imagine a Constitution with 11,000 amendments? I can see it now: Amendment 11,003:
“The County of King, State of Washington, shall pass no ordinance or law infringing upon the eternal right of rural landowners to do whatever they fucking want to with their property, regardless of the proximity of any highway, stream, forest, urban boundray, or UFO.”
I don’t know whether they put it on their site or not, but I do know the right wing routinely circulates fake pictures, phony stories, and fictional e-mails. In my opinion, any accusation originating from the right is highly suspect, given their track record of lies and smears.
“Comrade Mccarthy did a grave disservice. By refusing to understand that evil must be confronted honestly, and defeated militarily, he left a legacy that haunts us to this day.”
What 5,000 years of history teaches those of us educated enough to know there is such a thing as history, is that this kind of thinking usually falls apart in the “defeated military” phase.
Hey MTR — if the bad guys don’t cooperate with being “defeated militarily,” what’s your Plan B?
Clueless MTR — few wars are fought to “defeat evil,” and those that are, invariably turn out badly (e.g., the Crusades). Most wars are fought for land, resources, control, and power by leaders to whom “good” or “evil” is a matter of indifference.
Also, MTR, I’m curious how torturing Iraqis is “good?” you know, as opposed to “evil?” hmmm?
160 et al.
A donation to a charity selected by MTR would count only if the donation was made after Goldy proposed the revised terms of the bet.
If MTR donated to a charity before the bet was made, or before Goldy offered to accept a charitable donation in lieu of a contribution to Cantwell’s campaign, it was not a donation made in fulfillment of the bet.
So you’re a scientist now, pudcheeks? Yeah, you’re right, global warming will fuck up the Gulf Stream (and other ocean currents), which could lead to another ice age. But I’ll bet money the 2006 hurricane season gets here before the next glaciation does. Duh.
On second though, I won’t bet money, because we’ve already seen what happens when you trolls lose a bet.
Do you know how to read case law, puddy? and understand what you’re reading? Newspapers don’t, so why should we believe you do? you got your law degree from where?
“I read some remarks in the Times or PI the other day that someone in Leavenworth is calling to impeach Gregoire for destroying their businesses over Thanksgiving……… ”
No, I think it was Cle Elum. Leavenworth is on SR 2, which was not closed. The business people in Cle Elum think it’s more important for them to make a buck than it is to save lives by closing I-90 until the rockfall hazard is removed. The 3 women killed by falling rocks is an acceptable casualty rate to them.
could be, but the whole article was on Leavenworth and how they are totally dependent on tourist dollars because they replicate a German town at Christmas
It’s Leavenworth, The article is “Leavenworth left out in the cold when state cautioned travelers.”
Bill Adams wants her impeached, and the retailers blame the Governor, WSDOT and the media……….
If only Roger Rabbit would lead us! You know, kind of like Fidel leads Cuba, or Dear Leader leads North Korea. [Democrat “guvnment hacks: economic parasites!!]
Yeah, well, they’re not the only ones — Katrina was lousy for business in New Orleans. Shit happens!
“Up and down Front and Commercial streets, the retail core, merchants blame the governor, the state Department of Transportation and the media for scaring travelers from crossing Stevens Pass.”
Looks like the good Republican businessmen of Leavenworth are blaming an act of God on their 3 favorite hate objects: Gov. Gregoire, WSDOT, and the so-called liberal media.
Fuck ’em. Now that I know what their town is really like, I’ll go around it, or if I have to pass through, I’ll stop somewhere else for gas and groceries. I’d just as soon not give my hard-earned money to a crowd of Republican whiners.
Roger must have got a Boost in his Washington State Pension….He definately knows more than anyone about anything, and has entirely too much time on his hands to have a clue…
Go out and get a real Job with a real company Roger, you won’t get any pension like you got now and won’t have time to sit on your ass and bitch…..
Well, as much as I miss Germany and their wonderful Christmas markets, I can’t bring myself to go to Leavenworth. It would just piss me off. My daughter went last year and brought me back some authentic Gluh wine and some Radko christmas tree ornaments, because I collect German/Polish ornaments and she said it was outrageously priced and is basically just a tourist trap. She did say the German food was good and that would be the only reason for me to get desperate enough to go. I go to a very good German restaurant in Las Vegas when I go home and visit my Dad.
Buttheads BillASS & Rupert WabbetASS: I never claimed to be lawyer. You hold that claim well. Go look up the direct quotes from 9th Circus Court jackasses. Just because most ASSes don’t have Intrinsic Biblical knowledge, you disagree? Not from any of the ASSes here? The only thing intrinsic is their hatred for GWB!!!
What does 9th Circus decision do to Article IV? Don’t you think the 9th Circus, the most overturned of all the Circuit Courts, crafted a decision evaluating Article IV? Gosh, it looks like some of the ASSes here are upset. Well good for you! The 9th Circus says something I can agree with.
All I did was print the output of a leftwing newspaper the LA Times. Look at their circulation numbers. Can you say…Plummeting? Can you say… firing leftwing reporters. Even your good friend Barbra Streisand dropped the newspaper. They are hiring more balanced (read right thinking) reporters.
Regarding the global warming, I personally agree the globe is warming, because it’s in the Bible. I give regards to Jesus and His Revelation as given to John. When the ASSes here start giving God the glory as stated in His Holy Word, I will stop putting up those opposing views! Look at the first of the seven last plagues. Blow off the dust from your Bible momma gave you as a child, and read it as I will not post it here. You ASSes need some intrinsic knowledge.
Does this mean Howard Dean is WRONG AGAIN about Iraq? – “”Zarqawi is an American, Israeli and Iranian agent who is trying to keep our country unstable so that the Sunnis will keep facing occupation,” said Abu Abdullah, a Ba’athist insurgent leader.”
Wow, if that were only true. Maybe he’s a donkocratic agent?
Read it and weep moonbats.
“Dec. 12, 2005 — Surprising levels of optimism prevail in Iraq with living conditions improved, security more a national worry than a local one, and expectations for the future high. But views of the country’s situation overall are far less positive, and there are vast differences in views among Iraqi groups — a study in contrasts between increasingly disaffected Sunni areas and vastly more positive Shiite and Kurdish provinces.
An ABC News poll in Iraq, conducted with Time magazine and other media partners, includes some remarkable results: Despite the daily violence there, most living conditions are rated positively, seven in 10 Iraqis say their own lives are going well, and nearly two-thirds expect things to improve in the year ahead.”
If it’s OK for a bunch of spoiled brats to shout down Anne Coulter, then it’s OK for a buch of spoiled brats to shout down Hillary Clinton.
Both Clinton and Coulter are reprehensible characters. The difference is that Clinton is a liberal, self-absorbed government employee, and Coulter is a conservative, self-absorbed opportunist.
Great! The Iraqis seem prepared to take matters into their own hands now. The Kurds and Shiites can just settle their “differences” with the Sunnis.
Can we take our soldiers out of the meatgrinder now? How many are dying and losing body parts every day? How many Iraqis are dying and losing body parts every day from jdams and death squads? How many millions of dollars are flushed down the toilet every day that my kids and their kids will have to pay back to the Japanese and Chinese?
Everyone knows the Democrats “assisted” the rocks to slide down onto I-90 on the eve of the election in order to defeat the initiative.
Don’t leave home without it.
Total posts on this thread as of 121PM, Monday, Dec 12th: 206
Total Roger “gov’t cheese” Rodent mouth spewings: 49
That is 23.8%
(A bit less than usual)
Total Roger Rodent posts with nothing more than ‘HAR, HAR….etc’:
The rest are pretty much delusional rantings as well. From an unemployed, welfare recieving loser, that sits behind a computer screen all day and most of the night on this miserable site in his bathrobe drinking coffee. He never gets laid, and never goes out, except to get refills on his meds., which the taxpayers get the tab; or to cash his gov’t cheese checks. There’s a shocker. He will respond to this with a barage of negative slander with no substance or truth, as he is truly the definition of an unproductive, worthless piece of human garbage element of society. Now everyone else get back to work, Roger depends of you for your handouts! Nuff said.
which of you folks secret masters’ ordered you to to go on about this ‘who posted how much’ stuff?
Its not even relevant as an attack… its just wierd. You guys studying word problems?
As I’ve said before, you personally are harldy worth anyone’s time or a response for that matter. Try the nutt house, maybe you’d make some new friends also in straight jackets.
hehe, mark mark… apparently many people would disagree that I’m barely worth the time… ’cause the nutjobs sure seem to spend alot of time on it.
Its okay to be threatened, but honesty is good!
Here is a winner. I distinctly remember a bolgger whom claimed Senator Dorgan-D North Dakota was not involved in the Jack Abramhoff scandal (Tom DeLay). Well, why would he return $$$ back?
Hmmm… Looks like all dem nigras dying in N’Awlins just ain’t true! Another progressive lie being put to rest. Before Katrina hit, New Orleans itself was more than two-thirds black (67%). White residents made up less than a third (28%) of the city’s population, according to U.S. Census bureau numbers.
The official coroners report so far:
African American—267————48%
Asian Pacific——–0————-0%
Native American——3————-1%
Yet, the black progressives still are perpetrating a lie. I guess if you say it enough it becomes true. – ““We were abandoned. City officials did nothing to protect us,” Patricia Thompson, a New Orleans evacuee said.
“We saw buses, helicopters and FEMA trucks, but no one stopped to help us. We never felt so cut off in all our lives. “No one is going to tell me it wasn’t a race issue,” she told Congress.
Community activist Leah Hodges said, with tears in her eyes, that Black residents “died from neglect.”
At times during the hearing, the survivors even compared themselves to victims of genocide and the Holocaust. That analogy didn’t sit too well with Rep. Jeff Miller (R-Fla.), who called the comparison inappropriate, AP reported.
“Not a single person was marched into a gas chamber and killed,” he said.
The longer the hearing went on, the more intense it got. At one point, Thompson told Congress that she and her granddaughter were police targets and that a gun was pointed at the 5-year-old’s forehead.
But Rep. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.) didn’t buy it.
“I don’t want to be offensive when you’ve gone through such incredible challenges,” said Shays, “but referring to some of the victims’ charges, like the gun pointed at the girl, I just don’t frankly believe it.”
Emotions flared even more when Shays told New Orleans resident Dyan French that he didn’t believe her claim that the levees were bombed on purpose. She fired back, saying that right before her neighborhood was buried by floodwaters, she heard two loud booms.
During Tuesday’s hearing, only one of the Black survivors who testified said the government’s response was not a race issue. Terrol Williams, a former federal worker, said that authorities were just not prepared and that a mandatory evacuation should have been ordered sooner, AP reported.”
Compare the response from those who think right to the moonbats on the left regarding the latest Iraqi vote. Of course the moonbats are upset. They said this day would not come either.