– I don’t know why Darryl didn’t include the links to King County or Washington State results last night, but here they are. Most counties report this afternoon.
– Yikes.
– Call for artists for mile markers in the Interurban Trail in Shoreline.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– I don’t know why Darryl didn’t include the links to King County or Washington State results last night, but here they are. Most counties report this afternoon.
– Yikes.
– Call for artists for mile markers in the Interurban Trail in Shoreline.
Here’s a morality tale from the U.S. debt implosion that’s worth reading. If nothing else, it’s informative about what kind of people become financial planners, and whether you should take commercial financial planners’ advice at face value.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Years ago I memorized this ditty, and it has served me very well: “Most people work at jobs they hate to earn money they don’t need to buy things they don’t want to impress people they don’t like.” I didn’t do that. I gave my life and career to public service. It didn’t pay well; but that had a big advantage: Living on a public servant’s income, it was hopelessly impossible to indulge in keep-up-with-the-Joneses spending, so I was never tempted to try. Instead, I used what income I did have to get out of debt and stay out of debt. Today, I’m not a millionaire, but I have a high-six-figures net worth and own everything free and clear. My tax return is so simple I can do it myself, and if it weren’t for my lousy health and high medical expenses, I could file a 1040-EZ return.
The stock market is down 250 Dow points this morning as investors begin waking up to the fact that Italy’s IOUs aren’t any better than everyone else’s IOUs. Actually, they’re probably worse, because that country is run by a mobster.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Things are so gd simple; I can’t understand why people are so gd blind. The stock market rally of the last few weeks makes no gd sense to me.
“A credit default swap (CDS) is similar to a traditional insurance policy, in as much as it obliges the seller of the CDS to compensate the buyer in the event of loan default.
“However, there is a significant difference between a traditional insurance policy and a CDS. Anyone can purchase a CDS, even buyers who do not hold the loan instrument and may have no direct ‘insurable interest’ in the loan. …
“CDSs are not traded on an exchange and there is no required reporting of transactions to a government agency.
“During the 2007-2010 financial crisis the lack of transparency became a concern to regulators, as was the multi-trillion dollar size of the market, which could pose a systemic risk to the economy.
“Credit default swaps and other derivatives are unusual–and potentially dangerous–in that they combine priority in bankruptcy with a lack of transparency.”
— Wikipedia
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Anyone who thought for one moment that this wouldn’t blow up the global financial system had rocks in his head.
CDS’s are a type of derivative, about which Wikipedia says, “Derivatives massively leverage the debt in an economy, making it ever more difficult for the underlying real economy to service its debt obligations, thereby curtailing real economic activity, which can cause a recession or even depression.” [Emphasis added]
Did you get that?
According to the Bank for International Settlements, the total value of derivatives worldwide, as of June 2007, was over $500 trillion — many times the total value of all global assets.
Anyone who doesn’t think this was batshit-crazy-insane is a menace to society and should be locked in a asylum in the interest of public safety. That would include nearly everyone working on Wall Street.
Homophobic Toronto zookeepers have decided to segregate two male penguins who, in the zookeepers’ opinion, are too friendly with each other.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Anybody out there in Wingnut Land still wanna argue same-sex affinity is strictly a learned human behavior?
Here’s how NBC’s political analysts read yesterday’s election results:
“In Ohio last night, Democrats and organized labor overturned Gov. John Kasich’s (R) anti-collective-bargaining law. In New Jersey, Democrats expanded their majority in the state legislature, despite Gov. Chris Christie’s (R) active campaigning for the GOP. And even in Virginia, where Republicans could still win control of the state Senate (with the deciding race separated by just 86 votes), the GOP gains were much smaller than expected.
“But if last night’s results suggested that this is no longer 2010, it’s also no longer 2008, when Democrats held the political upper hand. ….
“But there’s another way to look at last night’s results, especially when you add the surprising defeat of that anti-abortion/’personhood’ amendment in Mississippi, the … recall of anti-illegal-immigration Arizona state Senate President Russell Pearce (R), the … Ohio ballot measures, and the rejection of a Maine law ending same-day voter registration: Voters punished elected officials for going too far.
“They might not be happy with public-sector unions, but they don’t support taking away their collective-bargaining rights …. They might be against abortion in Mississippi, but don’t want to … outlaw … birth control. They might be troubled by illegal immigration, but they don’t want their elected officials to look like they are targeting a specific community. They might believe government should do something about health care, but they don’t want to be forced to buy insurance. And they might be concerned about the idea of voter fraud, but they don’t want to lose rights ….
“Politicians may be pushing absolutes, but voters are sending a different message.”
@5: The dead liberal class loves anything that supports the notion that we’re a center-right (sensibly moderate) nation, however that is defined at the moment.
So when Democrats sweep, it’s just a protest/check against immoderate Republican governance. But when any Republican wins, or when Republicans sweep, it’s a sign that Americans are still essentially uncomfortable with liberalism. And so, the media suggests, politically savvy and expedient Democrat lawmakers should of course abandon all conviction and govern from the center (where they belong).
Dig this poster…
Tear down Toledo.
How can a city afford to provide services to an area where half the houses are vacant?
We need to help places like Toledo tear out their blighted homes and move residents that live in those neighborhoods into functioning neighborhoods.
It’s close, but it looks like I-1125 is going down.
Yes 552,441 49.07%
No 573,376 50.93%
The next question is, how much longer are Timmy’s sugar daddies going to pay him to put losing Initiatives on the ballot?
The true cost of commuting. Excellent graphic.
From the “Battles Won” link above:
“For all the awful things mainstream Republicans do, they can’t actually come out and say ‘Obama isn’t fit to be president because he’s black, and black people are intellectually inferior.’ And they can’t … say ‘Women aren’t capable of handling jobs like being a Senator.’ They can try sly ways to insinuate … and … use … racial and gender prejudices to support policies that harm the poor or restrict abortion. But things have progressed to where everybody in the political mainstream understands, or at least pretends to understand, that racism and sexism are bad things.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let’s get this out of the way first: I’m among those who believeabortion is a moral wrong, and you’ll never convince me that position equates with sexism; and I think injecting this polemic creates an unnecessary distraction from an otherwise sound argument. With that out of the way:
Yes, we’ve made a lot of progress in our social thinking over the last 50 years, and the progressive who fought for these changes can be proud of that. Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker goes even farther and argues the world is much less violent now than in the past (and has published a new book in which he tries to explain why). So, maybe there’s hope for you humans after all, although I still prefer to be a rabbit. (How anyone can think dead cow tastes better than fresh garden-grown organic lettuce or carrots is beyond me. YUMMY!!! I (heart) carrots!!!)
The thing is, we still have ugly undercurrents of racism and sexism and fascism and other isms running rampant in our society. Which is why we need the Republican Party. We have to warehouse those people somewhere, and we sure as hell don’t want them in our party, do we?
I spent a couple years at a southern college, and I remember a very smart girl who signed up for courses in the College of Engineering because she wanted to learn how to design things (bridges, airplanes, consumer products, or what have you). What the engineering professors told her on the first day of class was that she would receive failing grades in their courses, no matter how hard she studied or how well she performed on exams, because engineering was a man’s profession and women had no business enrolling in the College of Engineering, in other words, if she didn’t drop her engineering courses and leave the COE voluntarily they would throw her out. So she dropped out of engineering and majored in languages and literature.
Our Chinese enemies aren’t that stupid. They send their women to our universities to get the best education in the world, then repatriate those people to their economy, and use their knowledge and skills to compete against us. Those good ol’ boys in the College of Engineering should have seen this coming 40 years ago, but they didn’t; and I’m willing to bet that if their pension fund is broke by now, none of them have figured out why. (Actually, they’re probably all dead now, which may not be altogether a bad thing — Einstein once said “the way to get a new scientific theory accepted is to wait for the proponents of the old one to die off,” and that applies to a lot of other things as well. Someday America is going to run out of racists simply because no one lives forever.)
Back then, that same college under court order to admit blacks to their law school, so they did — they admitted exactly one black in each entering law school class, and did everything they could to make sure he didn’t graduate. Back then, law school were another all-white-male preserve.
Things have changed. When I went to law school 40 years ago, about 10% of my class was female. Today, the majority of law students and lawyers are women. And if those good ol’ boys were still around, and still throwing women out of the College of Engineering because “women have no business becoming engineers,” they’d have a pack of female lawyers descending on them and suing the shit out of them. That’s a good thing; that’s progress; that’s a better society than the one we had 50 years ago.
Republicans want to undo all this. They want to revert to a world run by good ol’ boys for the sole benefit of good ol’ boys. From what I can see they’d take us all the way back to slavery if they could; the more realistic ones who realize repealing the 13th Amendment probably isn’t a feasible project seem grudgingly willing to settle for letting people have their de jure liberty and only requiring them to work for slave wages, so long as they don’t vote for Democrats and preferably don’t vote at all.
Why would anyone except a complete asshole want an America like that? In other words, who but a complete asshole votes Republican? Only assholes vote Republican.
@9 Another “moral victory” for Timmeh Lieman.
@10 People don’t choose to commute long distances. They understand commuting is not only a hassle but also expensive. Have you priced close-in homes lately? The donkeys who carry the freight for the people who live in those pricey in-city homes have to commute to work from the suburbs because the suburbs are the only places they can afford to live on what donkeys get paid for the work that makes their bosses rich.
– Gretchen Morgenson, Reckle$$ Endangerment
– Ron Suskind, Confidence Men
So BoyToy Barney blew (off) Bush: “Did it matter that Barney’s partner, Herb Moses, had worked at Fannie, a job Barney helped him get, or that his mother, the sainted Mrs. Frank, had received a $75,000 grant from Fannie for a foundation she ran that helped the elderly?”
Maybe, ma;ybe not, but the point of Suskind’s point is that Robber Baron Rabbit is the old face of liberal greedhead shakedown capitalism. The face of the New and Now is BoyToy Barney.
Rabbit and Barney give liberalism, neo-capitalism, incest, and sodomy a bad name, but I’m just jealous because I didn’t cash in. If I’d been nicer to Barney and Barney’s fannie, he’d have fixed my tickets, set me up as a he-man whore, qand set me up with a sweet deal from Franklin Delano Raines, Barack’s very good friend, at the other Fannie.
@12 RE: Timmeh.
Can an amoral asshole claim moral victory?
$2,000 on artsy-fartsy mile markers?…way to be fuckin ridiculous.
Derivatives. Perhaps Chimpface Rujax! has heard of them. But probably not.
And Cantwell. Who was she moving in to kill? Why, that would be TurboTax Tiny Tim Geithner. Perhaps you’ve heard of him.
And did Kaka Maria Cantwell kill him? Tiny Tim? Hell no. She’s a goddam Democrat. She voted for him.
He’s a rotter and she’s a wanker. Just like Rujax! the wanker. Apparently that’s why we call him Rujaxoff. !.
[Blockquote’s from Suskind.]
So far today, about 400 points have melted off the Dow average (about 100 off Nasdaq and 45 off S&P), which is surprisingly mild as selloffs go given that bond markets decided this morning that Italy is a deadbeat country and isn’g going to pay its debts.
That’s most likely because investors aren’t stupid and have expected this all along, so it’s already priced into the market to some extent.
What’s harder to explain is why the U.S. stock market rose over 10% from its August, September, and October lows on nothing more than hot air from European politicians who are even more spineless and dishonest than our politicians (if that’s possible).
In trying to rationalize what appears to be irrational market behavior, I conjured up from my hyperactive imagination the following scenario: There are so many people who have been sitting on so much money for so long they just can’t stand sleeping on mattresses stuffed full of money any longer.
That’s right, the world is awash in cash, just as it’s awash in oil, natural gas, and other fossil fuels. We (by “we” I mean all of us, disregarding distributional nuances) have cash up to our eyeballs. We’re drowning in cash. Corporations alone have over a trillion dollars of cash they don’t know what to do with. (It never occurs to CEOs or CFOs anymore to HIRE people with it to generate DEMAND in order to get the ECONOMY off dead-stop and moving again.) A couple triple more is parked in mattresses. There’s simply no place to invest cash in a world starved of demand for goods and services that no one wants to produce because no one wants to buy them. What money is still left invested is getting out while there’s still something left to get out of.
I’m not inventing this stuff. I’m merely a rabbit that squawks like a parrot — I read tons of financial news and pick up the opinions of market experts and market pundits like birdseed dribbled onto the floor under the perch. What those folks are saying is Europe’s financial crisis is worse than our 2008 financial crisis, and this is “going to be worse than Lehman.”
The whole thing is unfolding like a slo-mo train wreck in a stop-action video. Next week and next month and next year are interesting stories in themselves; but the only thing I’m thinking about right now is whether, about an hour before the close, today’s selloff is going to be 300 Dow points or 500 Dow points. My guess is we’ll hit 500 points, but not all today; I think we’ll close about 330 points lower and burn off another 150 to 200 points tomorrow.
Does anyone know how to say “bend over and kiss your ass goodbye” in Italian?
Dow’s down 400 points??? According to the right wing idiots that must must Obama’s fault right?
Wrong as always.
This is weird: My stock that’s down the least today (percentage-wise) is Lockheed Martin.
This doesn’t make any damn sense. LMT is the most vulnerable defense stock in the entire galaxy. Of all the Pentagon’s bloated defense projects, none sticks out like a sore thumb so much as the F-35 stealth fighter program! It goes around with a sign taped to its back that says, “Cut me!” Meanwhile, the congressional supercommittee is deadlocked, making automatic defense cuts look more a sure thing with every passing day.
I don’t get it. People should be burning their Lockheed stock certificates to keep warm. Why is LMT so resistant to price collapse? It’s as if investors believe anti-defense-cut Republicans swept yesterday’s elections. They didn’t.
There’s an air of unreality hanging over all this. Maybe you humans finally went collectively insane?
16 – Silly HNMT.. Your memory is going fast. What about the whining from Republicans that Republican Presidents should be given the benefit of the doubt when choosing their team?
Obviously doesn’t apply to Dems…
@7 Old Curmudgeon sez: “Young people don’t know when they’re well off! They don’t own stocks! They don’t own houses! They don’t own retirement accounts! They don’t have jobs to lose! They don’t have money to become worthless! Oh, to be young again!”
@13 Neo-capitalism doesn’t need me to give it a bad name. It does just fine by itself.
@14 Only on a relative basis, and I’m not much into moral relativism.
I understand why conservatives diss moral relativism, though. It’s a hard concept to wrap your head around if you have no understanding at all of the underlying concept of basic morality.
re hippies suck @15: You do know what happened to the hippies, don’t you? They’re all neocon greedheads now. True to the laws of physics, the pendulum swung from one extreme to the other.
So, yeah, you’re right — hippies suck, and I don’t vote for them or their party.
@16 And GOP swine are better? Perhaps you can explain how …
I saw a sign at one of the occupy rallies that said “Debt is Evil.” Man, that is definitely the truth! Debt is like a chemo drug: a little bit might be good to kill the cancer, but a lot will kill the patient.
My advice is for everyone to get out of debt as soon as possible and to only use debt when absolutely fuckin’ necessary. Buy second-hand and third-hand cars(or no car at all!), put as much down on the purchase of a home – whatever it takes to stop using debt or to get out of debt ASAP!
@26 I totally agree. Debt is slavery. Remember,
“I owe, I owe, so off to work I go …”
I don’t have a job, but I have no debts either, so I don’t need a job or a boss or a car for commuting or …
(I have a car, but the damn thing is rotting from disuse. The only reason I pay for insurance is in case a tree falls on it.)
17: “because no one wants to buy them.” I think it’s more they can’t buy them, because everybody’s out of work and broke.
(Yes, for all practical purposes, 9% is everybody..)
@9: If Costco is any guide, they’ll probably just keep adding gimmicks, putting it on the ballot, and running bullshit saturation advertising until people get tired of voting against it.
$$ @ #17: I believe you are right – investors became addicted to double-digit returns, first in the high-tech market bubble of the late 1990’s, then in health care and military stocks in the early 2000’s, then in housing and financial firms in the mid-2000’s (until the 2008 collapse). They are searching for the next bubble to catch onto, hoping to ride it to the top and sell quickly to the next “greater fool than I”, before moving on to the next enrichment opportunity.
The problem is that the cash can’t sit long, unused. A few weeks, a handful of months, they can deal with. But investors have traditionally parked cash in investments which are relatively safe, yet offer at least a modest return. Now there are no such safe harbors to shelter unused cash and receive a return on investment. Bonds, currency funds, even treasury certificates have increased risk now, but the returns are so low to be non-existent.
Wall street investment bankers like to say that they can make money when the market goes up, or they can make money when the market goes down. What they can’t do is make money when the market stays the same for any period of time. But recent market swings have had nothing to do with the intrinsic value of the companies who’s shares are being traded. They are trades based on rumor and guesses as to what’s going to happen overseas.
Which brings us back to why the market is jumping up and down with wild swings, but staying within the 11,000 range, +/- 500 points. The investors are scrambling hoping that the next rumor, if true, will allow them to jump in on the ground floor. But when it turns around in the other direction the next day, most get caught flat-footed, and end up the week just about where they started it. They are trying to push the market into giving them back the double-digit returns they believe they are entitled to, when what they really need is to sit things out until the market fundamentals make sense again.
I am dissapointed at how close the vote is on the Eyman initiative. But when I got my ballot, I kind of smelled a rat. The short description of the measure was very misleading, it did nothing to indicate it’s real consequences. A lot of low-information voters might have voted for it, not understanding the true nature of the initiative.
Fortunately, the no campaign did a pretty good effort with TV ad buys to educate voters. But a lot of voters tune out these “dueling initiative” ads – the conflicting claims on the Costco initiative pretty much wore everyone out with their competing claims.
Liberal Greed via Suskind:
* Robber Rubin’s boys had turned Clinton jobs into Wall Street wealth.
* Citigroup, where piles of old Clinton cronies ended up, “went from esteemed financial behemoth to bumbling charity case” while giving Rubin $126 million. – p.147
* Obama would finally admit “there’s no such thing as ‘shovel-ready’ projects,” something he’d been told back when he told us there were shovel-ready projects.
* Obama stimulus was “(h)astily constructed policy … miscalculations of political strategy” in which principles were never exchanged for hard commitment.
* Summers referred to Clinton “moves to undercut what was left of Glass-Steagall and then block the regulation of derivatives. … Obama, after all, had selected for his top domestic officials two men whose actions had contributed to the financial disaster they were hired to solve.” – p.164
* Tim with TurboTax failed to pay $34,000 in taxes for his 3-4 years at IMF. Then he deducted his kids’ summer camp costs.
Discuss: Being Democrat means never having to say you’re sorry.
obmunists = obamunists
The trolls seem to be getting more and more desperate.
After 60 billion (yeah, can you say “lowball”?) “lost” in Iraq, the best the HNMT can do is 34k???
What a pathetic waste of skin.
Why is the HNMT reading so many books from “liberal media” types???
I thought Regnery right wing bullshit is more the right wing cup of tea..
Much ownage of liberals today….very entertaining
Looks like pedestrians and cyclists got sold down the river. We need better Democrats. Or Greens. Or The Working Families Party. Or something.
Prop 1 in Pierce County passing was ownage of liberals?
Prop 1 in Tacoma passing was ownage of liberals?
I-1125 failing was ownage of liberals?
I-1163 passing in every single county was ownage of liberals?
Sorry, there’s no ownage of liberals going on here.
It does look like we got sold down the river by Senate Democrats today. But, we’ll deal with those fuckers.
much stupid from right wing dings always…
boring usually, entertaining occasionally.
Spending anything on bike shit, is the biggest waste of money.
Obamunist Suskind at random:
* The 1994 Dem Congress voted down an amendment to regulate AIG-style derivative transactions.
* While the whole world was watching, Obama shielded Wall Street fat cats against “winds of cultural change, while he fired a man who had effectively managed four hundred thousand workers in their making of seven million cars a year – without even bothering to meet him.” – p.241
* Obama, meanwhile, “had never managed anything beyond his own personal journey …”
* CBO scored Obama’s budget at $2.3 trillion more red ink than Obama projected.
* Obama’s White House finding big gap between campaign talk and governing.
* Romer pushing the stimulus said stimulated unemployment would not be > 8% in 2009.
* BO took on three big jobs for which he wasn’t prepared: the crash, financial restructuring, health care reform.
* Summers said that Obama’s administration was home alone, no adult in charge.
* Meanwhile Dead Fish Rahm tightened his hold; all that was needed was all Rahm all the time.
Right wing deadbeat dad/politician screams at constituents:
“Don’t blame banks!”
There’re 4 million fewer cars on the roads this year than there were last year and a hell of a lot more bikes. You’re going to get lonely peddling that shit soon.
never mind.
Yo mike….I’m not talking about election results
I probably missed it…most likely ’cause it didn’t happen.
you shouldn’t have missed…..you were called out and chbumped more than once, right lee rosenberg?
Bikes will never reach a much higher percentage on the road than they are now…why? Because they are a useless form of transportation.
@49. Ha. You sound like dori munson. He hates anything that doesn’t promote a single person in a car, the way god intended. I’ve always assumed he hated bicycles because he heard a socialist some where once rode a bicycle so he was against them.
I liked this observation about the bicycle
Al Roker stopped to chat and still beat his co-workers to work. On a bike!