– A pretty damn good night.
– Donald Trump wants a revolution because of the electoral college. Also, maybe he should have waited until the California votes had come in.
– But Bill O’Reilly is worse.
– Rosemary McAuliffe keeps her seat.
– When do I take down my Jay Inslee sign in my window and take the Obama button off my coat?
– Technology is helping kick polio’s ass.
– Don’t block the window seat.
The Stock market is sounding it’s amazing approval of Obama’s reelection.
It’s only down 356 points
Donald Trump wants a revolution?
Someone should remind him of how the French Revolution turned out. It wasn’t the poor or the minorities who got marched up onto the guillotine.
Colorado’s still bright blue! The re-urbanization of America is good for the left.
It looks like Michelle Bachmann’s going to hold onto her seat in the house.
Mike Boy Scout:
Thank you for your service to our country..
I can’t thank you enough really.
As for the electoral college, I remember the smug snickers from Republicans when we complained about the Electoral College in 2000. “That’s just the rules!” they shrugged.
Suddenly, when it was clear the President was going to win re-election based on the Electoral College, they were were going into fits, and calling for a revolution.
But it looks like Obama is also winning the popular vote totals (by some 3 million votes as of this morning), so it’s a moot point now. At least we won’t have the election thrown into the House of Representatives, which would be a disaster!
@4 YLB, well … there is something I would really like from you. :-)
doing the voodoo that you do with queries on the comments … I’d like to know stuff about Kap’n Kornflake.
I think Darryl may be thinking about a post about Bob and our wager, and it would be nice to know how many comments, comments per day, some data on specific stoopid stuff he said, like how many comments used “pain”, “money bomb”, ..
Can you do that? :-D
“When do I take down my Jay Inslee sign in my window and take the Obama button off my coat?”
I recommend you display your flare for a week … at least.
Folks, this election is effectively over, but the work, the political work remains to be done.
6 – Coming right up..
I usually wait till the 10th to refresh the db so I’m absolutely sure I get ALL the comments. So my queries are up-to-date through the end of Sept.
I’ll make an exception.
MBS: Prelims..
Bob popped up on the radar around the Nov 2010 teahaddist debacle. Goldy made an ass of him. Posted a couple dozen or so comments.
In 2011 I see 134 comments..
2012: a nearly 3K shit load.
I’m scraping Oct as I write and then I’ll do a Nov “snapshot”..
@5 Republicans want to play by shifting rules that always produces the same result: “We win!”
They must be shell shocked over at (u)SP. Not a peep from them since their Benghazi rant on Monday. Maybe they committed mass suicide?
Where are the usual suspects this morning?
MBS: Scraping and snapshots are done.
This is Bob’s total comments in 2012 through the end of Oct from my “master” db:
b cs -t bob -d 2012 -c
| count |
| 3621 |
1 row in set
And from my November “snapshot”..
b cs -t bob -d 2012 -s 201211 -c
| count |
| 142 |
1 row in set
Obsessive? Ya think? More to come.
MBS and ylb…I have a strong suspicion as to who he actually is…email me if you want it.
Donald Trump is revolting? Seems pretty obvious…
House Majority Leader John Boener released this statement (at 3:10 a.m.):
Translation: “If Obama cares to join us by moving so far to the right we are all hanging off the edge of a cliff, we will dein to open negotionas with him as long as it includes (more) tax cuts for the rich, and an privatization or elimination of the social safety net.”
It seems to me that they haven’t learned a thing. I’m guessing he was coming out of a meeting of party leaders which began around midnight, and where a decision was made to stick to the strategy they’ve maintained over the past four years.
It’s (well past) time for Obama to turn up the heat on these traiters who hold American families hostage for their political advantage. He should name names, and take a few scalps, blaming them specifically for the gridlock in Washington.
This is the kind of day where listening to El Drugbo is fun…
“None of the external information pointed to an Obama win.” Except almost all the state by state polls, the trend in the National polls in the last weeks, Nate Silver, the poll of polls, the averaging of polls…
“Folks, there’s another explanation for how this happened. GEORGE SOROS, rigging the election machines but letting a few Republicans win so no one knows it’s rigged.” (I shit you not. He said it.)
“Only 45% thought they were better off than four years ago.” And back to polling that showed a slim majority of people knowing that Mitt would be worse for the economy.
All the signs were there, unless of course people were relying on you for information.
And my personal favorite…
“Folks, lets face it, there are more of these people than there are of us.”
MBS: I have a cute little program that pinpoints a troll’s most unhinged hour, day, week, year, etc
Bob entered 18 comments in one hour here and here.
Pretty modest compared to some trolls.
Bob’s most unhinged day (through the end of Oct) was 75 comments posted between 2012-10-22 21:57:00 and 2012-10-23 20:04:00 bulk of which was entered here and here.
Not too shabby..
Most unhinged week was 277 comments entered between 2012-10-14 09:59:00 and 2012-10-20 21:13:00.
Pretty modest compared to Puddybud
The most unhinged month is drum roll… October 02 through Nov 1.. 832 comments..
Next up is Bob’s patented words and phrases..
Which, in a democracy, means you lose.
15 – I don’t want to know. I draw the line there.
Everything they post here is public knowledge up for scrutiny but they have a right to make an ass of themselves and they have a right to be left alone.
@15 I was looking at a pic and reading someone’s work bio within 30 seconds of seeing your comment the other day. So for just a “suspicion”, that was probably a little too much as it was. My intent is to assume that you’re possibly mistaken and forget about it.
If you read my email of a few days ago, before you posted that comment, you know that I recommended that you not go there. I still think you need to let go of it, at least as far as this blog is concerned. If you believe that you have legitimate professional issues, then I think you should leave us out of it and take them to the proper arena.
This is my best guess as to Bob’s “true” identity:
I leave it there.
Donald Trump, “lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!” “The world is laughing at us” “Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice!”
It’d be nice to hear someone on the right tell Trump to STFU.
Speak of the Trump …
I was in Chicago recently, looking to do a tourist thing:
eat at some restaurant at the top of a tall building downtown, pay too much for the food to get the view …
I happened to walk by the Trump tower.
It seemed like just the kind of place I was looking for –
except the name “Trump” on the front was ruining my appetite even though I was REALLY hungry.
Nope… not going in there …
@23 Heh. That works for me.
LMFAO!! Until Bob came along I hadn’t seen anyone capitalize the word “pain” so much since since I read Art Janov’s book “The Primal Scream” back in the late 1960’s.
OK, OK…I hear you guys.
I think later tonight I’ll work on a recipe for a new cocktail…”Bitter Wingnut Tears”…hope to have it perfected by the 2014 election, and certainly by 2016 and the second defeat of Paul “Eddie Munster” Ryan.
(h/t MBS over at (un)SP – commenting on the 2-day old thread at the top of their fron page – he coind the term “Bitter Wingnut Tears”)
MBS: looking at the actual words that Bob posts here a few things pop out.
He’s a compulsive linker (I’m the same).. So I see a lot of links to various places both traditional media and right wing.
Looking at single words, first a digression. The one word you see the most in Puddybud’s comments (excluding stop words of course) is:
That says a lot about who he is. A pathological narcissist..
What is it for Bob? Drum roll:
“Obama” at 2359 cites in his comments. Followed quite distantly by “Romney” at 1454 cites..
My analysis: Bob has had a monstrous Ahab complex with Obama being the Whale and Romney the harpoon.
I’ll follow up later with a rundown of Bob’s links to right wing bullshit websites.
Where are the trolls this morning?
@29: They left for Galt’s Gulch. Good riddance.
Boehner was just on the toob saying that the election results were a mandate for President Obama to surrender to the Gekko/Galt tax plan. Or something like that. I was hoping for better. Chris Christie, your country and party need you to continue to elevate your game.
“I think later tonight I’ll work on a recipe for a new cocktail…”Bitter Wingnut Tears”…”
I imagine Bob has beat you to it.
Limb-butt blaming Romney’s loss on George Sorros rigging the election machines?
(excuse me while I collapse into fits of laughter).
Okay, better now.
I remember an interview a few months back with Sorros. The journalist asked him to respond to accusations that he is using his money to influence elections. He laughed, pointing out that the Koch brothers have many times the amount of money he has, and they could buy and sell him many times over.
Besides, it takes a political machine to rig an election. Like the Republicans have in Ohio and Florida. But it wasn’t enough this time – especially with all the scrutiny.
30 Good riddance indeed.
Jennifer Rubin, humiliated Romney shill at the WAPO:
It goes on and on. Devastating.. Of course, Rubin was huge favorite of the trolls.
Right at the Western station of the Blue line ‘L’ there’s a classic Chicago dog stand. Dog/Fries/Coke $4 last time I was there. That’s tourist eating if you ask me. (That and a deep dish or a hot beef sandwich.) On the way to/from O’Hare on public transit.
I found it ’cause Western is the stop for The Map Room, one of Chicago’s better beer bars.
An overlooked result of yesterday’s election is Puerto Rico’s referendum on statehood. While support for statehood wasn’t overwhelming, it’s possibly strong enough now to move Puerto Rico closer in Congress to becoming the 51st state. We’ll see.
Tim Eaves lost in my district. He knocked on my door. Told me that it was outrageous that Olympia Democrats wanted to make 2/3rds vote for tax increases unconstitutional. That was the sum total of his pitch to me.
I kind of politely explained to him that if he thought that was a problem he’s not familiar with Washington’s constitution and was therefore unqualified for office. I even offered to let him come in and read the relevant section on my computer. He left.
From (un)SP, “the comment window seems really laggy – is your server in mourning, too?”
Heh. Nice one, Lib Sci.
It’s not completely dead over there but our old friend RickyD sure seems a bit surly today. And delusional. He’s saying that he and his party didn’t lose last night. Sigh! I reckon this is what it comes to. That and the stanky mess of Klown brains in the ol’ goat barn.
# 31: There’s just no dealing with those folks. Boener will say or do anything to keep the speaker’s chair, and he knows that there are several Tea Party folks in Congress who will mount a challenge. Paul Ryan might even make a play for it.
But I think the best way to deal with Boener is to get the party leadership to put pressure on Boeing (and the Tea Party Representatives) to compromise. The only way to do that is for Obama to start on the attack mode, making it clear that the House Republicans (and naming specific ones in particular) are behind the gridlock. Once they realize that their national brand is suffering even more, perhaps they will form a coalition among the more reasonable House Republicans (who are pretty few in number, admittedly) to back a compromise.
And Obama shouldn’t be afraid to shut down the government. It worked for Clinton. But keep the pizza-carrying interns out of the oval office, please.
Even the Freepers are subdued this morning. This from the Freeper sandbox:
“On Nov. 6, the same day that saw the election of Abraham Lincoln and reelection of Ronald Reagan, they opted to reelect Barack Obama ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maybe the voters are onto something here.
is it just me or did the Donald’s hair look better in the link?
But then, we’ll always have these:
“Something just doesn’t add up about this whole election. One side of me is telling me that the election was legit while the other is telling me that election fraud is deeper than you and I may envision. It just seems out of the realm of possibilty that all the key states went in O’s favor and not by big margins. Just enough to put him over the top. Coincidence or very well calculated? Again, not a sore loser but something just doesn’t add up and it’s been gnawing at me all day.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The crazy right blames the GOP’s disastrous relationship with a majority of America’s voters on “election fraud”??? Who could have predicted!!
The absolutely funniest Freeper comment today:
“My remarks will be brief, since this is not a political blog, …”
Nixon re-elected in Missouri.
I first heard of this more-centrist Democratic Governor when he vetoed a voter-ID bill. I at first thought, a Republican going his own way, then learned more about him and found out he was a Democrat. He started his statewide-office career running against then-US Senator Danforth(R), and his loss was Danforth’s biggest margin of victory ever.
tctmgr search -pv -ord count numdesc .ha/data/lexicon/bob.tct ” strinc ‘pain’ | cut -f1,4,5
pain count 23
the pain count 14
painful count 10
for the pain count 10
ready for the pain count 9
be painful count 7
stupidity should be painful count 7
should be painful count 5
paint count 4
painting count 3
painted count 3
spain count 3
pain its count 3
to paint count 2
the pain its count 2
pain its almost here count 2
tctmgr search -pv -ord count numdesc .ha/data/lexicon/bob.tct ” strinc ‘bomb’ | cut -f1,4,5
bombshell count 14
bomb count 11
bombs count 5
bombing count 5
bombshell revelation count 4
bombers count 3
bombshell obama count 3
bomb in count 2
bombing libya count 2
bombshell announcement count 2
bomb airwaves count 2
carpet bomb count 2
bomb airwaves after count 2
to carpet bomb airwaves count 2
bombshell obama administration deleted count 2
Let me know of any other “bobisms” you’re interested in.
@20 …which goes a long way to explaining why at least one conservative organization used the slogan, “This is a republic, not a democracy. Let’s keep it that way.”
Meanwhile, in Montana, the Governor’s office in Helena stays pretty much the same, with the Democrats winning. Bullock fought Citizens United, trying to use Montana’s experience with the corrupt Copper Kings, but the Supreme Court refused to hear oral arguments.
I skimmed the free republic this morning.
I found it inadvertently amusing like one thread was
“10 dire things about the Obama Reelection” and there was no link and it was blank.
Also a very glum link to an honest essay about how the GOP is dead, because it’s no longer relevant to enough Americans.
There’s actually a wonderful cri du coeur from ‘slatherring’ over at (un)SP, here, post #46.
Among the ‘highlights’ – decrying what was passed yesterday…
No wonder these people are in decline. Surprised he hasn’t proposed stoning, or burning at the stake for the wicked.
The Big Bird pic and caption here is pretty funny.
I don’t get it Puddydope. I thought you said Politico was “leftist”.. Why did they attack Nate Silver???
Whose math by the way (along with Prof Darryl’s) is “damn accurate”.
49 – That whackjob is about the most unhinged I’ve ever seen over there. Pudge is decently rational by comparison and his position on gay marriage while a bit silly is surprisingly balanced.
John Tester’s in in Montana! So, were at +2 for the Dems in the senate, +6(?) for Dems in the house and a whole lot of Tea Baggers bit the dust last night. Sounds like a good election to me.
One race too close to call in Montana is interesting. Superintendent of Public Instruction, incumbent Denise Juneau is in a tight race with a GOP challenger. If she wins, it will be great to see, a Native American, female, statewide office-holder. Juneau is part Mandan, part Hadatse.
I own you ylbuttspigot!!!!!
You can’t live without a specific comment about me!
One person on Politico leans right and ylbuttspigot makes another of his useless analogies… Politico is leftist!
Still a buttspigot today and forevermore!
Meanwhile Chris Matthews loves it when people die and are misable
That’s why Puddy is not a pregressive. Puddy doesn’t enjoy other peoples misery.
Context is everything and I have no idea how that was said.
For all we know the actual quote was
Ahhh fascist pig… Puddy didn’t write that and Chris didn’t hint that!
Chris didn’t put context around his comment.
Yes, puddl is chasing his tail about a nothing comment made at 3AM by a dead-tired commentator.
Inartful? Yes.
Containing the meaning puddl is infering? Obviously not.
We should be tender with poor puddl, his whole world just imploded. Not only did Obama get reelcted, but Allen West was sent packing, along with Scotty Brown and deadbeat dad Joe Walsh, and ELIZABETH WARREN IS GOING TO THE SENATE. Oh, and Alan Grayson got elected too. Oh, and crazylady Mia Love got rejected, too.
That last one must really hurt – that wingnut couldn’t get elected in UTAH!
Puddl must be wallowing in a puddl of bitter wingnut tears.
Shorter every single Republican talking head on TV: Nothing changed yesterday.
Which is fine with me, I like seeing those lying asshats slipping into irrelevance.
Oh, and the whole Chris Mathews thingy is a meme of the wingnutosphere, they too trying to salve deep, stinging wounds, wounds washed with tears of impotent rage.
Of course puddl is rebraodcasting it here…it’s all he’s got.
I know Boner and the House Teahaddists are digging in their heels.
I have a hard time imagining anyone on the Democratic side seeing conciliation and bipartisanship having any merit whatsoever at this point. Not this time around.
Do you think the wingnuts see what’s coming at them?
I had to share this…I ventured over to (un)SP for a look around (BLEAK!). My comment drew this line from RagnarDaneskold (a pseudonym, John Galt’s buddy from Atlas Shrugged)…
Does it seem odd that John Galt’s buddy would be complaining about ‘ungracious winners’? I suppose Objectivism is only a (superficially) workable philosophy when one is on top. Not a terribly robust way of approching the world.
Either the one’s on TV don’t see it or they don’t care and would rather go down with the ship than change.
The one John Boehner quote I saw was consolatory and all let’s work together up front and then made working together unworkable as he kept talking.
Hey, I found a picture of Puddy!
Thinking about this election you liberals have to congratulate Richard Mourdock and Todd Akin. They brought the reproductive rights narrative back into the last two weeks of the campaign. Romney had tied with Obummer on women until those two paired their comments. Akin was a forgone conclusion until Mourdock went there again. Of course your friends in the media carried those comments to a fevered pitch but those two clowns I think did Romney in. Both were way ahead in their senate campaigns when they stepped on the tongues.
Ahhh yes the mascot of the USMC and Yale University! Good choice of doggie!
I believe they merely told the truth, as they understand it.
Seems the take home message is that Republicans lose when the tell their truth.
Severely conservative.
Legitimate rape.
Rape pregnancy=gift from ‘god’
‘makers and takers’
All these guys did, puddl, was tell what they believe, and the people chose.
Women care about ‘gray-faced men with $2 haircuts explaining rape to them’, and they tend not to like it.
Reproductive autonomy is absolutely essential for women to maintain economic autonomy, and that is especially true of poor women. Do you think they’re stupid? Sluts? To silly to take care of themselves?
No, when Mitt parroted a progressive agenda (ie first debate) he grew more popular. When he, and others, spoke in a way totaly consistent with the Republican platform, and contemporary conservative/Teahaddist belief, they got clobbered.
Heidi Heitkamp’s in the senate from North Dakota!
David Brooks: The GOP needs to adapt to the new reality.
Good comeback.
Well, duh.
Mourdock and Akin didn’t hurt Obama’s chances, that’s for sure. But, Obama was always on the path to victory. Romney had to tack to the far right to survive the primary and then couldn’t get any traction until he tacked back so far to the left that he became The White Obama and turned off his own base.
The Right spent record amounts of money and all they could do was flip two Republican states back to Republican. That’s pretty weak sauce.
Brooks seems to be the only Righty wiling to say it.
Lindsey Graham’s planning on going down with the ship.
Just like Chris Matthews told us what he believed then apologizes
After NBC was blistered by calls he apologizes. Chris, you a disgrace, period!
Puddy saw on the ‘net’s Chris had a climax change!
Well let’s hope Nancy Pelosi retires since she ain’t Speaker of the House!
Almost correct.
The GOP needs to
adaptreturn tothe newreality.79. BUTTputty’s wet dream:
Well Obummer’s win will be good news for flag makers overseas
ekim… anagram for goat!
Yep these are libtards…
Bin Laden’s dead.
GM is alive.
Allen West is kicked out of the House.
Alan Grayson is in da HOUUUUUSE!!!
United States Senator Elizabeth warren sounds real good!
So does the re-election of President Barack Hussein Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden.
…and the really really stupid motherfucker puddypussypissypants is dead fucking wrong again.
Some more.
OMG! The ButtPounder is fixating on me!
Help! Keep him away from my goodies!
…Ronald Reagan is finally dead.
@84 Well, waddya know, there are some people in America who think Palestinians should get a fair shake! Who knows, that might even work as a Middle East peace plan. But I doubt it.
Personally, I think the Israelis and Palestinians deserve each other.
Heh. Indeed you talked a lot of stupid right wing shit.. We’ll be asking how it all worked out for you.
@90 circle jerking himself again.
91 – Merely correcting your stupidity.
How’d that right wing bullshit ODS work out for you?
LOL! Fayle..
Ol’ ButtPounder, the neutered one.
He told a joke. It was bad.
And all the voices in his head thought he was funny.
It’s so sad.
The true dimensions of the GOP’s pounding in Senate races are becoming clear.
Democrats won 25 of 33 Senate races.
Democrats held 22 of 23 Democrat-held seats.
Democrats won 3 of 10 GOP-held seats.
Democrats won 6 of 8 tossup seats, GOP 1, (I) 1.
Democrats expanded their Senate majority from 53 to 55 seats.*
* Includes independent(s) caucusing with Dems.
In the House, Democrats won 192 and lead in 8, Republicans won 233 and lead in 2, which puts Democrats on track to gain 7 House seats.
Here’s what GOPers got for the billion$ they spent in 2012:
President Obama re-elected
Democrats +2 in Senate
Democrats +7 in House
Lol! And their rich donors are supposed to know something about investing?
“Following Mitt Romney’s loss to President Barack Obama, conservative leaders wasted no time Wednesday offering pointed criticism of the Republican Party and its pick for president.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I love to watch Republican cannibals eat each other!
“All the activists at the press conference agreed that Tuesday’s election signaled a need for the GOP to re-institute more conservative ‘fundamentals.’ While some argue the Republican Party’s failure to retake the Senate or make gains in the House suggests the tea party is losing steam, the group of individuals Wednesday argued the opposite. Given this week’s results, they said, conservatives will be even more motivated to reform the party. Richard A. Viguerie … ended the press conference with one final prediction. ‘Tea partiers will take over the Republican Party within four years,’ he said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The crazies’ answer to getting their butts kicked is … be crazier!
Oh yeah, there’s one more election result to report:
Ohio 9th C.D.
Marcy Kaptur (D) – 205,091
Joe the Plumber (R) – 66,351
The asshat troll ought to love this one:
According to you asshat money is the most. The more you have, the better you are.
Why did your fellow asshat Adelson fail? He pissed away a lot of cash. I guess he’s not as “good” as he once was.
hint to YLB: pot still isnt legal – you shouldnt be smoking it yet…I know its hard, but try to be relevant for a change.
and stop being so jealous…geez.
Yawwwwn. Haven’t touched it in over 20 years. Doesn’t agree with me. I value a clear head.
Way more than money.
You? You value money more than anything and your head is up your ass. Hardly clear.
I thought I was being topical.. A billionaire sets a record on political funding, all right wing, and flames out like a fatuous fool.
I bet you really identify with a guy like that.
LOL! Money is supposed to buy everything asshat. Why couldn’t it buy a world safe for asshats like you last Tuesday?
The flameout of big money:
They’ll learn from this.. You can’t squander this much coin and not (or can you?)..
We won’t sit on our laurels if we know what’s good for us.
LOL!!! Right wing billionaires are pissed!
A sampling of Bob’s right wing website cites:
hotair 48
dailycaller 21
realclearpolitics 19
washingtonexaminer 18
rasmussenreports 18
nationalreview 13
breitbart 13
foxnews 9
cnsnews 7
investors 6
volokh 6
gatewaypundit 5
redstate 5
theblaze 5
pjmedia 4
therightscoop 3
townhall 2
mrctv 2
There’s more to be sure buried in cites to right wing blogs through blogspot, WSJ Editorial page buried in wsj links, etc.
One of Puffy’s Pastors
Not that it’s surprising or anything, but it looks like the folks at Red State are planning on going down with the ship.