And FYI… I’ll be filling in for Frank Shiers tonight on 710-KIRO from 9PM to 1AM. As always, in tribute to my mentor and friend, I will not believe in global warming during the first hour.
Name: I-960
Description: Financial responsibility, accountability, and transparency
Correct Vote: Yes
Rationale: Government greed and lying is out of control
Name: Referendum 67
Description: Consumer rights for insurance
Correct Vote: Yes
Rationale: Need to level the playing field
Name: Initiative 25
Description: Elections Director in King County
Correct Vote: Yes
Rationale: Ron Sims has shown he can’t be trusted.
Name: KC Prop 1
Description: Medic One as a luxury
Correct Vote: No
Rationale: Medic One should be paid out of the general fund not as a special levy
Name: Sound Transit Prop 1
Description: Squander $160B and not fix the problem
Correct Vote: No
Rationale: Even Ron Sims sees through this one
Name: HJR 4204
Description: School taxes
Correct Vote: No
Rationale: Taxes should be difficult to raise
Name: SJR 8206
Description: Rainy day fund
Correct Vote: Yes
Rationale: Economy runs in cycles
My goodness! Mark, you and I are actually in agreement on five out of seven. I might point out that I want to pass I25 just to make the Publicans shut the hell up.
Another TJspews:
Good copy, but the music sets the wrong mood.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Vagina lips supports R-67? Will wonders never cease!! I can’t wait for the thoughtful discussion between he and Piper on that one!
Hmmm …
you want us to come by and bencsch lichter?
BTW … the story about Bush going to Bidet seems to be true. I note that LB is learning to wear a Burk and D Cheney is also biying property in nearby Dubai.
The part I have trouble believing in is that GWB wants to create a UAE baseball team.
Wow! I am absolutely amazed that Jim McDermott, typically portrayed as a Democrat without redeeming values, does have redeeming values!! There was and interesting article in today’s Seattle Times at:
“ Think you’ve got problems? Let Ken Ilgunas offer you some perspective. Ken’s got problems, and the Buffalo News has generously offered him space to tell the world about them: “
“ “I am 24, live with my parents, can’t find work and am floundering in a sea of debt five figures high. I think of myself as ambitious, independent and hardworking. Now I’m dependent, unemployed and sleeping under the same Super Mario ceiling fan that I did when I was 7.” “
“ “How did this happen? I did what every upstanding citizen is supposed to do. I went to college. . . .Upon graduating, I was helplessly launched headfirst into the “real world,” equipped with a degree in history and $32,000 in student loans. Before ricocheting back home, I would learn two important lessons: 1) There are no well-paying–let alone paying–jobs for history majors. 2) The real world is really tough.” “
“ At one point, Ken was so “desperate” that he even considered working for a bank or an insurance company! “I had hit an all-time low. Could I surrender my soul for health coverage and a steady income? Could I sacrifice my ideals by falling into line?” Our hero stood firm: “
“ “My loan payments can’t wait much longer, and soon I must leave home to find work that doesn’t compromise my integrity. Although I sometimes wonder what it would be like if I had declared as an accounting major and got a cushy job punching numbers somewhere, I’ll take my history major, my debt and my mom’s cooking any day of the week.” “
“ Of course, if he had majored in economics, he might understand that government subsidies are a reason college costs are so high. Anyway, he can always take the Brady Center approach: You don’t like debt? Drop out of school. “
proud leftistspews:
The new Reject67 advertisement is shameless. The insurance industry has the audacity to claim that the dead firefighter’s daughter is lying. Moreover, despite the $11 million to $2 million differential between the campaign funds raised by the reject advocates versus those of the approve advocates, the insurance industry portrays the pro-67 side as trying to buy the election.
Interesting that Jim McDermott was involved with the article at http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ton27.html in overturning a case that occurred in 1944 with black soldiers at Ft Lawton. Way to go Jim1 (Totally unexpected)
How did this happen? I did what every upstanding citizen is supposed to do. I went to college. . . .Upon graduating, I was helplessly launched headfirst into the “real world,” equipped with a degree in history and $32,000 in student loans. Before ricocheting back home, I would learn two important lessons: 1) There are no well-paying–let alone paying–jobs for history majors.
Well, duh!
Should have majored in engineering!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Redneck — how about paying up on your last election predictions before making new ones? Deadbeat.
Or gone to medical school and become a dermatologist or anesthesiologist.
Piper Scottspews:
Or a proctologist so he could help HA regulars get their heads out…
Jean Godden is in trouble, and so is her trolling campaign manager.
Mark The Redneck-Goldsteinspews:
Flatulence @ 2
Which 2 do we disagree on?
I’m actually voting yes on 67…I hate insurance companies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 This guy is an obvious candidate for law school. That doesn’t pay, either, but at least it separates you from your soul, so you can look for something that does.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 I can remember when there were too many engineering graduates and they were complaining about having to pump gas in order to eat.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 Looks like the insurance boys are in deep trouble — they’ve even pissed off the wingnuts!
Roger Rabbitspews:
The insurance guys should feel glad we’re only coming after them with trial lawyers, and not a rope.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Public Notice: Roger Rabbit will be conducting a field ivnestigation tomorrow. In a farmer’s field! It’s that time of year again. I’ll be back Sunday to mete justice to you America-hating, troop-despising, fascist pigfuckers.
Mark The Redneck-Goldsteinspews:
You’re full of shit as usual. Engineers can write their own ticket. That’s how I extract compensation from my employer that can only be described as confiscatory. And they gladly pay up whatever I demand.
Works anytime, anywhere and always… That’s how “marketable skills” work.
Losers like you have to settle for whatever you can get. You settled for the low expectations, low pay, but guaranteed job security of gummint work. You made your bed. Lay in it loser…
proud leftistspews:
If you receive whatever you demand, whenever you demand, then why are you an employee and not an employer? I am an employer, and even provide health insurance for our employees. And, of course, I am proud as hell to say I’m a liberal.
My Left Footspews:
MTR talks a lot. He lives this fantasy here on HA. He is actually a 17 year old high school dropout. He uses his mommy’s computer to feed his undeveloped self esteem. When he is not busy scrubbing his face with Oxy-Clean.
Mark The Redneck’s Ballot Guide
Name: I-960
Description: Financial responsibility, accountability, and transparency
Correct Vote: Yes
Rationale: Government greed and lying is out of control
Name: Referendum 67
Description: Consumer rights for insurance
Correct Vote: Yes
Rationale: Need to level the playing field
Name: Initiative 25
Description: Elections Director in King County
Correct Vote: Yes
Rationale: Ron Sims has shown he can’t be trusted.
Name: KC Prop 1
Description: Medic One as a luxury
Correct Vote: No
Rationale: Medic One should be paid out of the general fund not as a special levy
Name: Sound Transit Prop 1
Description: Squander $160B and not fix the problem
Correct Vote: No
Rationale: Even Ron Sims sees through this one
Name: HJR 4204
Description: School taxes
Correct Vote: No
Rationale: Taxes should be difficult to raise
Name: SJR 8206
Description: Rainy day fund
Correct Vote: Yes
Rationale: Economy runs in cycles
My goodness! Mark, you and I are actually in agreement on five out of seven. I might point out that I want to pass I25 just to make the Publicans shut the hell up.
Good copy, but the music sets the wrong mood.
Vagina lips supports R-67? Will wonders never cease!! I can’t wait for the thoughtful discussion between he and Piper on that one!
Hmmm …
you want us to come by and bencsch lichter?
BTW … the story about Bush going to Bidet seems to be true. I note that LB is learning to wear a Burk and D Cheney is also biying property in nearby Dubai.
The part I have trouble believing in is that GWB wants to create a UAE baseball team.
Wow! I am absolutely amazed that Jim McDermott, typically portrayed as a Democrat without redeeming values, does have redeeming values!! There was and interesting article in today’s Seattle Times at:
U.S. Army overturns convictions of Fort Lawton soldiers court-martialed in 1944 after riot, lynching
that states:
“The Army agreed to review the case at the request of U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Seattle, and U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif.”
Good job Jim!!
I just love it when REALITY bites a liberal moron on his fat whiny ASS
The World’s Smallest Violin
“ Think you’ve got problems? Let Ken Ilgunas offer you some perspective. Ken’s got problems, and the Buffalo News has generously offered him space to tell the world about them: “
“ “I am 24, live with my parents, can’t find work and am floundering in a sea of debt five figures high. I think of myself as ambitious, independent and hardworking. Now I’m dependent, unemployed and sleeping under the same Super Mario ceiling fan that I did when I was 7.” “
“ “How did this happen? I did what every upstanding citizen is supposed to do. I went to college. . . .Upon graduating, I was helplessly launched headfirst into the “real world,” equipped with a degree in history and $32,000 in student loans. Before ricocheting back home, I would learn two important lessons: 1) There are no well-paying–let alone paying–jobs for history majors. 2) The real world is really tough.” “
“ At one point, Ken was so “desperate” that he even considered working for a bank or an insurance company! “I had hit an all-time low. Could I surrender my soul for health coverage and a steady income? Could I sacrifice my ideals by falling into line?” Our hero stood firm: “
“ “My loan payments can’t wait much longer, and soon I must leave home to find work that doesn’t compromise my integrity. Although I sometimes wonder what it would be like if I had declared as an accounting major and got a cushy job punching numbers somewhere, I’ll take my history major, my debt and my mom’s cooking any day of the week.” “
“ Of course, if he had majored in economics, he might understand that government subsidies are a reason college costs are so high. Anyway, he can always take the Brady Center approach: You don’t like debt? Drop out of school. “
Copyright © 2007 Dow Jones & Company, Inc., Best of the Web Today
The new Reject67 advertisement is shameless. The insurance industry has the audacity to claim that the dead firefighter’s daughter is lying. Moreover, despite the $11 million to $2 million differential between the campaign funds raised by the reject advocates versus those of the approve advocates, the insurance industry portrays the pro-67 side as trying to buy the election.
Interesting that Jim McDermott was involved with the article at http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ton27.html in overturning a case that occurred in 1944 with black soldiers at Ft Lawton. Way to go Jim1 (Totally unexpected)
How did this happen? I did what every upstanding citizen is supposed to do. I went to college. . . .Upon graduating, I was helplessly launched headfirst into the “real world,” equipped with a degree in history and $32,000 in student loans. Before ricocheting back home, I would learn two important lessons: 1) There are no well-paying–let alone paying–jobs for history majors.
Well, duh!
Should have majored in engineering!
Redneck — how about paying up on your last election predictions before making new ones? Deadbeat.
Or gone to medical school and become a dermatologist or anesthesiologist.
Or a proctologist so he could help HA regulars get their heads out…
The Piper
Jean Godden is in trouble, and so is her trolling campaign manager.
Flatulence @ 2
Which 2 do we disagree on?
I’m actually voting yes on 67…I hate insurance companies.
@7 This guy is an obvious candidate for law school. That doesn’t pay, either, but at least it separates you from your soul, so you can look for something that does.
@11 I can remember when there were too many engineering graduates and they were complaining about having to pump gas in order to eat.
@17 Looks like the insurance boys are in deep trouble — they’ve even pissed off the wingnuts!
The insurance guys should feel glad we’re only coming after them with trial lawyers, and not a rope.
Public Notice: Roger Rabbit will be conducting a field ivnestigation tomorrow. In a farmer’s field! It’s that time of year again. I’ll be back Sunday to mete justice to you America-hating, troop-despising, fascist pigfuckers.
You’re full of shit as usual. Engineers can write their own ticket. That’s how I extract compensation from my employer that can only be described as confiscatory. And they gladly pay up whatever I demand.
Works anytime, anywhere and always… That’s how “marketable skills” work.
Losers like you have to settle for whatever you can get. You settled for the low expectations, low pay, but guaranteed job security of gummint work. You made your bed. Lay in it loser…
If you receive whatever you demand, whenever you demand, then why are you an employee and not an employer? I am an employer, and even provide health insurance for our employees. And, of course, I am proud as hell to say I’m a liberal.
MTR talks a lot. He lives this fantasy here on HA. He is actually a 17 year old high school dropout. He uses his mommy’s computer to feed his undeveloped self esteem. When he is not busy scrubbing his face with Oxy-Clean.