– Seriously, seriously, seriously. One seat on a crowded bus, people [h/t].
– Why We Only Freak Out About Brown Terrorists — And Why That Helps Terrorism Spread
– Now we know the specific improvements Seattle bus riders will get thanks to the vote for Prop 1.
– We have some questions about the Seahawks “Would?” video.
– The animals at Woodland Park Zoo are supporting the Seahawks.
In Pakistan they aren’t letting kids go to school.
So according to Puffy that means.
“We take care of our Kids”
I can’t wait to get my cake made at the black bakery – it is going to say, “blacks are better slaves – here comes the KKK”
The first
openlygay president.HH: I don’t know. Now I have to change to politics, because yesterday Senator McCain called you his illegitimate son, and said that he wants you running for president. Is your presidential campaign a single state/favorite son? Or if you do it, will you be on all the ballots?
LG: If I do it, I’ll be on all the ballots.
Oh, whatever will
one-trick ponysingle-issue voter Teabagger do if it happens?@4 – there is only one person making it a single Issue, and that is conservatives.
And you obviously are one big bigoted fraud yourself for being an enabler to bigotry.
@4 what are you even suggesting? That if LG ever became Presidnet all gays would disappear? I really don’t know what you are trying to say. You are loonier than the Big Ape.
And I have more than one issue – it is just that one issue that you think makes me a one trick pony can be used as an argument to distinquish just about everything you or the Big Ape says.
@3. Dude, that’s nasty. Being a parody worse than they are won’t make them realize what assholes and bigots they are and change.
@7 shock and awe baby!
@7 sure a better answer would be to fight this on thier level. And claim as a Christian, and folllowing my religion, and cite from the Bible, that it is against my moral values, lke the Bible tells me, to insult and trespass against my fellow person to write dispicable shit on a cake, and then take them to court on grounds of Religions Freedom being denied.
For all the right wing bigots – see how it works. Checkmate!
I wonder if Puffybutt would like to argue that these cops aren’t a pack of racists.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This case raises some interesting copyright questions. Assuming the cops didn’t get these individuals’ permission to use their likenesses as targets, there’s probably a legal cause of action here for misappropriation of intellectual property. Probably several other compensable torts, too.
“LG: If I do it, I’ll be on all the ballots.”
Lindsey Graham, “We’re still in a religious war”
Eh, he must be talking about right-wing war on the Pope.
Rush Limbaugh, “Well, this pope sure has got his priorities right. Climate change, the biggest thing facing Catholicism and Christianity. You believe this? You know, when this guy came out with his economic statements and I said it’s Marxism”
“We’re talking about the Vicar of Christ here. The Vicar of Christ believes man is not part of nature? Okay, I’m going to leave it there. My religious beliefs are what — one of many things that inform me, that we couldn’t have any impact on the climate, the planet, the globe, creation, no matter what, no matter how much we wanted to.”
Barrack Hussein Obama lost the Middle Class. Article by a lefty.
Read and try to absorb
@12 Maybe that explains why he won twice against GOP suckups to Wall Street and big banks. By the why, when are you going to stop whining about those elections?
Of course, the only reason the government would file criminal charges against David Petraeus for leaking classified secrets to his mistress is to keep him from revealing Obama’s Benghazi treason.
The French government has decided to award citizenship to the Muslim immigrant who saved several people during last week’s terrorist attack in Paris.
Roger IDIOT Wabbit,
They are a bunch of racists… DUMMOCRETIN racists! North Miami, another libtard bastion of worthless thought. http://results.enr.clarityelec.....mmary.html To Puddy it’s just another disgusting display of racist libtards practicing herd culling on black people. More DUMMOCRETIN racism on display!
You DUMMOCRETINS are a strange lot! Maybe you all should complain to Valerie Rasputin Jarrett or Eric Fast and Furious Holder!
Puddy noticed y’all ran away from the libtard Leslie Gelb and his correct call out of Obummer being feckless on foreign policy! http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....hance.html
Yessiree, Puddy knows why! HA DUMMOCRETINS run away from TRUTH and FACTS when thoughful intelligent libtards disagree with your stoooopid and ignorant puny world thoughts!
“They are a bunch of racists… DUMMOCRETIN racists!”
Puddy-logic. on display Since Miami-Dade voted Democrat, the cops there are all Democrats.
Lose touch with reality much?
@18 Yeah, in PuddyLogic (TM; pat. pend.) having racist cops who use pictures of black people for shooting range targets makes a town “liberal.”
The good little Christian boy who claimed he went to Heaven and back? He was lying, of course.
Stupid Solution Steve,
Sheeeesh apparently demographics treat you badly because that’s absolutely right. That whole Palm Beach County/Broward County/Miami-Dade County area votes DUMMOCRETIN all the time in BIG TIME numbers! That’s where all those Al Gore hanging chads came from!
FACTS are such inconvenient things! Hey Stupid Solution Steve and IDIOT Wabbit… sux to you the twins of looonacy on HA!
@21 Nowadays even Democratic towns get stuck with racist Republican cops.
News Alert — Attorney General Eric Holder announced a major overhaul of the much-abused federal asset forfeiture program today that will make it harder for cops to steal innocent citizens’ money and property without due process. You’d never get this badly-needed reform from a Republican administration.
Re crowded buses: “Gray says the problem extends well beyond guys simply spreading out. ‘It is something we hear on our customer service lines and it’s mostly bags and feet,’ he says. ‘People need to understand one seat for one body. Seats are for butts, not your bags or your feet.'”
The solution for this is your own car. Buses just don’t work for some people and things. There are times when you need extra seat space, extra foot room, and/or a trunk.
Got proof?= or another gaseous excretion from the IDIOT Wabbit?
He’s at it again..
He was supporting neocons then with his support for Iraq (Obama, notably opposed Iraq) and now he’s touting establishment Republicans to “save us” and heh, Obama’s legacy.. Wow – how popular will that be with the bagger types in the krackpot kongress? Gelb is a beltway type who rarely if ever saw an opportunity for foreign intervention (spilling American blood and treasure) that he didn’t like.
Nice try village idiot troll…
Ummm well known arschloch buttspigot @26,
Gelb is fully respected DUMMOCRETIN all over, unlike you whom is not respected even on this blog! He’s a DUMMOCRETIN through and through! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leslie_H._Gelb
FACTS… those inconvenient things!
See you later buttspigot!
Puffy is dreaming if he thinks he isn’t the most unrespected fool on this blog. One small fact that he overlooks. Go YLB!
@22 Some things are so obvious they don’t need to be proved. Except maybe to you …
Wait for it; Puffybutt’s going to assure us that Ferguson’s racist white cops are “liberals.”
How’d that Putin shit work out for you, you pathetic dumbass???
Obama rallied the allies and imposed sanctions, the worldwide oil market did the rest!
The other shoe will drop on this Islamist terror stuff and what will happen? You’ll look like the moronic tool you’ve always been and always will be!
Thank you TWO-TERM President Obama!
Hey left wrong east coast empty tea bagging buttbigot,
Puddy could care less what left wrong freakazoids like you and the senile IDIOT Wabbit think. You are already wrong because you are libtards.
BTW St Louis County did vote overwhelmingly for Obummer and local DUMMOCRETINS! Puddy already proved it by election results. Remember the County Manager – DUMMOCRETIN! The Prosecutor – DUMMOCRETIN!
FACTS… those inconvenient things!
left wrong east coast empty tea bagging buttbigot,
I like that. Has a nice ring to it. Thanks. Sounds gangster.
Talk about a one trick pony – Puffys got nothing.