– I’m glad Godden and Murray are being serious about fixing the pay gap for city employees. Here’s hoping that it’s more than just words.
– Well, much of the rest of the country is going to shit, but it’s nice that the Northwest is still OK.
– Of all of the story lines to come out of this election, I think Mitch McConnell as an agent of change might be the dumbest.
Roger, in another tread to made comment regarding a republicans comment regarding having a 100 year majority. I have to disagree with you. They will. They don’t plan on stopping to cheat. They’ll continue to suppress the vote, cheat at the ballot box, and steal elections. Afraid we are going to be stuck with these Nazi assholes for at least 100 years if not more. They can’t win by playing fair, they do not intend to be fair anytime soon. They are a bunch of mother fuckers, that says it all.
I am truly shocked that the Northwest aka “the New USSR” stayed so blue.
Regarding Democrats having a 100 year majority. They will try. They don’t plan on stopping to cheat. They’ll continue to suppress the vote, cheat at the ballot box, and steal elections. Afraid we are going to be stuck with these Communist assholes for at least 100 years if not more. They can’t win by playing fair, they do not intend to be fair anytime soon. They are a bunch of non-gender identifying parental unit fuckers, that says it all.
Damn, the return of DOOFUS @ 3…
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
@1 100 years is a loooong time, and you’re assuming Democrats won’t figure out how to counter the GOP’s anti-democratic gerrymandering and vote suppression strategies. They will.
@3 Personally, I think we should go for 500 years — why play small ball — but even that’s not long enough to keep you Fascist bastards out of power.
@4 When people change their names as frequently as this troll does, it’s usually because the police are looking for them.
When Repubs win elections, as bad as that is, at least I make money from it. I scooped up another $2,450 today. That’s nearly $5,000 in two days. You don’t have to work for their wages if you’re a capitalist like them.
the blog of Marxists and shysters continue their whining.
Chevron spen t$3 million Toby the Richmond, CA elections. They lost.
I am not sure if this got enough play in the Massachusetts Governor race. The contract to provide Charlie’s(the man who never returned in the protest song) New ride on the MBTA Red and Orange lines, was awarded late last month to a Chinese builder, although they will set up a factory in Springfield, MASS.
What pay gap?
The Unions continue to look at the Total Compensation. They do not want you to focus on Retirement, Vacation Pay, Golden Healthcare, Dental, Vision etc etc. Total Compensation is the key number. Plus, Job Security is worth something. Hard to fire incompetents.
Add 30-35% to those wages plus 7% for job security and see where they are at.
Of all people Carl, I figured you would be fair and objective in assessing this. Obviously the Election Results have blown your mind
@2 your party of non nothing fucks are closer to ISIS and the USSR than the democratic party. You are a bunch of Nazis. According to Repulicans Putin a good man.
@10 you guys have been whinnig for the last 6 years. All you do is whine – truly a bunch of sore losers for the past 6 years. And you will still whine for the next two years or more. Republicans have cornered the marke on whinning.
Have you beaten or killed your girlfreind or wife yet, or maybe your kids. Did you lock your kids up in a refrigerator yet?
Better yet take your gun and put it to your head.
@13…Here folks is a grand example of the tolerant, and peace loving left.
“Figures from the Center for Responsive Politics reveal Democrat-aligned groups spent $1.64 billion dollars, a sum nearly equal to that of Republican-aligned groups who spent $1.75 billion.”
So much for whining about Big Money!!
Does it bother you that some billionaires think you guys are full of shit?
Does it bother you that some billionaires think all you guys are full of shit too?
@14…You are gross.
More Friday Night Comix material… http://www.washingtonexaminer......n=obinsite Ed Schultz’ melt down on Scott Walker!
So with the DUMMOCRETIN failure on the Koch Brothers, will HA DUMMOCRETINS still bring them up? http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2555862
Prolly not!
@19 stop beating up your wife and kids.
@15 you are scum. You Nazi.
@23, http://www.psychiatry.org/mental-health You may find this link helpful in dealing with your mental illness. You need help, before you endanger yourself or others.
So how will the new US AG cover for Eric Holder? With the new F&F release of 64,000+ pages, what will Obummer do to cover Eric Holder?
@19 and @15 say hello to one of your cousins.
@24 you are the bomb.
Looks like we’re in for another polar vortex this winter. Which, of course, disproves global warming. After all, how can the climate be getting warmer when it’s so damn cold?
Late-breaking House races seem to be going for Democrats. According to a Act Blue email disseminated today, of 14 House seats that were too close to call on Tuesday, the score so far is Democrats 7, Republicans 0. Those races are: AZ-01, CA-24, -25, -31, -36, MD-06, NE-02, and NY-18. Still to be called are AZ-02, CA-7, -09, -16, -26, -52,and NY-25.
re 11: ” Hard to fire incompetents.” Especially if they’re management (re: Boeing).