– Don’t let the NRA have this one
– Wait, is Jesus the 12th Man?
– It’s not the biggest deal in the world, but it seems neat to let 16 and 17 year olds preregister to vote (TNT link)
– That really is the only conclusion to draw from opposition to hate crimes laws based on the fear that hate crimes will criminalize preaching
– 6 Shocking Realities of the Secret ‘Troubled Teen Industry’
– So, I don’t want to make a big deal about this, but I just realized that I’ve been blogging for more than a decade (although there was a break between blogs 1 and 2).
Jesus is not the 12th man; He is the backup QB for the Chargers – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Whitehurst.
I’ll take your 12 man and raise you one comic on the Christie Presidency.
It’s a shame about Chicago but they didn’t vote for Christie, so who cares.
Funny how people who think capital needs tax incentives to invest don’t believe labor needs wage incentives to work.
@3. It’s that classic double standard. The rich need to be paid well to work hard, the poor need to be paid less, to work hard.
IE. Get rid of the minimum wage, but don’t touch CEO bonuses.
Hey HorsesAss Head DUMMOCRETINS…
Why you blocking Puddy from access at the PuddyMansion? Comcast already checked and validated it for Puddy!
Didn’t y’all think Puddy would check?
That’s okay… Puddy realizes DUMMOCRETINS don’t like the truth.
So schmucko-lunatic… can’t answer your vile bile when blocked by HA head DUMMOCRETINS!
See ya. Gone for now!
@5 Quit the ego masturbation, Pudwax. You’re not worth the trouble.
@5 Poor little picked-on puddy. I’m having the same problem, dumbass. Slow response, access forbidden, resources limited, and all that. Goldy’s shitty web hosting service doesn’t discriminate,
it picks on everyone equally. He needs a better web host. Hey whiner, how about sending him a contribution to help him pay for a service upgrade? You get what you pay for.
Boeing’s actions have amounted to extortion. Inslee’s actions are crony capitalism.
Roger DipShit,
Not when Comcast asserts your IP address and they simulate your address hitting HA DUMMOCRETINS. No answer! You see leftist idiots, when you understand networks, you know how to simulate the problem from other locations.
Sux to be leftist morons like Roger Dipshit and FartStained Underpants
So that means what? You’re the asshole who’s been crashing HA? Anybody got the Puddy Decoder Ring? Never mind, I’m not interested in anything he says.
@ 9
So you did a tracert and found out it was being cut off at the NSA facility in Utah, just like everyone else has been off and on for the last few months.
My mother can do a tracert. Anyone with fingers can do a tracert. don’t think you’re anything special just because you have opposable thumbs.
Shooting Of The Day (TM)
A 19-year-old Oklahoma youth shot at least four people, including two ATF agents, before being killed by police late Thursday night.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It doesn’t matter how many kids get shot or become shooters; Republicans will still believe getting guns should be easy and voting should be hard.
A New Mexico police department has agreed to pay a $1.6 million settlement to a drug suspect they detained and searched with fingers, x-rays, enemas, and a colonoscopy. No drugs were found up the man’s ass, just shit.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wish someone would pay me $1.6 million for undergoing a colonoscopy. All I got out of it was a free enema kit.
Hey all you global warming deniers, here’s a handy map you can use to figure out if your burrow will end up underwater.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What the hell, if you’re already financially underwater, just hop for higher ground. That’s what I’m gonna do. As you can see on this map, Green Lake will become part of Puget Sound if you stupid humans keep spewing CO2 into the air.
Wrong again Fartstained Underpants… Continually wrong for so long… Apparently you can’t read. Puddy called Comcast and we methodically verified all connectivity from the house to Comcast. Then Comcast verified HA DUMMOCRETINS connections to Comcast. The IP Address was pingable and they could view the site. Then they simulated my static IP address from their location and KAAAAAAAABLAMMMMMMOOOOOO…… IP Address blocked by HA DUMMOCRETINS.
Sux to be a fartstained underpants wearer!
So why do Obummer’s cronies want Edward Snowden dead? Can’t blame this on Republicans!
DUMMOCRETINS claim to respect life unless, of course, it impedes DUMMOCRETIN jack booted thuggery!
w that we see Benghazi was a real terrorist event ignored by the State Department per the bipartisan Congressional reports and we see Shrillary had an enemies list, 2016 presidential race will be fun fun fun. Even James Carville looked bed trying to jock strap Shrillary on O’Reilly last night!
So much for that stooooooopid movie lie!
Jesus H Tapdancing Christ Spittles, did you ever graduate the second grade? You sound like my 8 year old aspie nephew.
Wow, you went through all that trouble and spent how long on the phone with Comcast just so you can come here and prove you’re an imbecile on a regular basis?
And the Oscar for “Best Obsessed Loser goes to….Piddles in the first ever unanimous vote!”
Ooops. Too much caffeine for those cops I guess.
Isn’t that the typical conservative mindset? Paranoid that everything they don’t like or that inconveniences them is a liberal plot targeting them specifically.
IRS = a plot against conservatives
horsesass.org = a plot against conservatives
Gay Marriage = a plot against conservatives
Obama = a plot against conservatives
You get the idea.
A vision of life after net neutrality is gotten rid of.
>>Leave the corporations alone, they will do the right thing.
. Magically Puddy has access again after that post from another net source. Sux to be you!
That’s the best you got with:
Obummer’s Iran strategy being mocked the world over
Obummercare being a real failure
Obummer economic policies have killed so many jobs over the last 5 years
Obummer IRS enemies list
Obummer Benghazi do nothing killed 4 Americans
Obummer illegal Fast and Furious Guns still appearing.
Truth makes imbeciles of DUMMOCRETINS like you!
@15 You sure are a loudmouth on this blog for a guy who’s blocked from this blog.
Btw, have you tried resetting your modem? That’s why Darryl told me to do when I got blocked from HA, and it worked. Just turn it off and turn it on again. Even I can do it, and I’m just a rabbit.
@19 Visualize a preening male peacock.
@23 Yep, it’s magic, isn’t it? Maybe some sort of black magic caused your problem in the first place. Has anyone put a hex on you lately?
@ 23
Well, thats what happens when you aren’t circumcised.
@21 You forgot one:
Washington bridge closure = a plot against conservatives
@27? WTF? That was totally non sequitur!
IMHO. No guy should be until they are 18, and have the maturity to make decisions about their bodies for themselves.
Satan decided to let you come out and play again?
That is becoming my understanding for all things conservative is an adaptation from that line from the Christie underlings and Romney.
“What do conservatives care if there is destructive climate change? It’s only effecting Californians who vote for democrats.”
@28 True, but I would have worded it like:
Reporting on the Washington bridge closure = a plot against conservatives
In case you forgot it was the Cheney regime that killed so many jobs and that since February 2010 jobs have been coming back.
Bikini Graph shows Pres. Obama’s 31st consecutive month of private sector job growth
@33. Don’t bother, he doesn’t pay attention to facts. He ignores them. He will be posting the same baseless disproven accusations tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day and the next day….
Well, it seems that Freedom Industries was just a shell company with a phony board of directors that had no identifiable ownership and no assets other than the inventory, equipment and the land the equipment was stationed on. Nobody seems to know who owns it. The company was only registered as a corporation only a few weeks prior to the spill and it is becoming apparent that the buyout occurred without any money changing hands.
The “CEO” is a convicted felon who had no previous chemical business experience and had never registered himself as a Corporate Executive with the SEC or the NYSE.
The original incorporators registered under W. Virginia State Law are apparently false names, and might not exist at all. They’re “no longer with the company” but cannot be located in any case, as the names under the registry apparently do not trace to anyone.
Ooh, this one is getting stinky. Like, mafia stinky. This is some serious organized crime shit.
More humorously, the company that got the no-bid contract for shipping bulk water to the people affected by this spill has been filling the tanker trucks at the treatment plant directly downstream from the spill, instead of actually acquiring uncontaminated water from other sources.
@35. It has filed for bankruptcy? You mean the corporation that caused the damage is no longer responsible for it’s crimes? If corporations are people, it’s like a person was created, poisoned people and vanished into smoke, leaving the cops baffled.
Must be nice to be consequenceless.
What is the teabagger position on this? Where does Rand Paul think the invisible hand of the market should do?
@ 36
Thats the Republican way. The company will “reorganize” and then come back under another name, with another phony CEO to take the heat for the next time.
Rroger Dipshit… The first thing we did. Comcast sent a special reset code after removing the system offline and resetting it myself. It was after they tested my static IP address we determined Puddy was being blocked Roger Dipshit. Puddy explained it earlier.
Pay attention. Wait a minute… not your strong suit.
oh my goatsucka is back… Facts hurt so much goatsucka…
Well you know about sucking… Just like Fascist Pigsty… Where did all dem jobs go now?
Sux to be you!
What are we doing to claw back living wage American jobs back to America? Let’s dump the job sucking trade deals like NAFTA, WTO and Trans Pacific whatever. None of them have helped American workers.
Now we see Fascist Pigsty changing his tune @40?
Don’t bother, Fascist Pigsty doesn’t pay attention to facts.
Obummer made a “NSA Policy” speech today. What a joke… Nuthin has changed
1) Obummer peeps want Ed Snowden dead
2) Phone metadata will continue to be acquired
3) Phone metadata will still be searched
4) Searches will still be approved by FISA Court
5) There won’t be this extra person on the FISA court
6) The FBI will still be in charge of the “security letters”.
7) You won’t know what they will be storing
8) The new location will be controlled by Obummer’s friends
9) Telcos’ will participate in what will be “acquired”
10) No one abused anything
Butt, don’t look at candidate Obummer in 2007 & 2008. Obummer had to say what he said to get erected!
@42 So what should he do with Snowden? Gift him to Putin? It seems he already did that.
Another Day, Another School
“A young male pulled a handgun Friday afternoon inside a Philadelphia high school gymnasium, firing and hitting two fellow students, police said. The injured boy and girl, each 15, were transported in stable condition after being shot in the arm just before 3:30 p.m., Philadelphia police Lt. John Stanford said.”
“Real men of Genius–ooo-oooo”
You spend a ton of effort shouting Benghazi
“Mr. I think a four year old “conspiracy” will hurt her!”
You spend hours on the phone with Comcast to get back on a blog
“I have no Life”
You get back on to talk about Benghazi
“One Note Idiot”
We salute you, Mr. Irrelevent delusional man.
“I need a doctor!”
Some guy who pivots to Obamercare when he’s beat down bad in a debate.
“Everywhere a theory”
Only you can see a thriving conservative movement rising in the West.
“Mr. Really Really Really Lifeless LOOOOOOser.”
There goes checkmate making a fool of hisself…
1) Puddy had access everywhere else except home. Why?
2) Puddy decided to verify with Comcast.
3) Puddy has a great life. Puddy is all over the world while you be stuck in King County
4) Puddy discusses all the ills perfected by Obummer’s Sadministration.
Life sux for checkmate so Psych 101 projection time.
Nuff Said sucka… another DUMMOCRETIN libtard led city!
Did ya notice no Republican gun horse crap from Roger the Moron?
“Real Men of Genius…”
You’ve broken away from the cube farm. Get on a plane and traveled….To another cube farm.
“Look at those frequent flyer miles.”
You go to exciting places, and brag about those exiting places when usually you end up in a suburb in a cube farm.
“Where’s the nearest Chili’s”
You brag about how good your life is, never knowing if others have a better life
“Man I love airports!”
When the boss says jump you say, well at least I’m in business class.
“Extra leg-room!”
We salute you Mr. Road trip man. You must be the nut holding the whole contraption together.
“Mr. I spend time in hotels eat chain restaurant food and sometimes a corporate caffeteria and know to have slip on shoes and no electronic devices at security and think I’m AWESOME!”