I’m testing my new ability to embed video with one of my favorite ever Daily Show clips. It’s Steve Carrell riding the “Straight Talk Express” with Senator John McCain in 1999. I think the bit at the 3:12 mark is priceless.
I have not seen any video on the topic yet, but I assume folks here are aware of the recent decision of the Bush family to buy property in Bidet, on the United Arab Emirates? The tax advatages alone are fabulous and the opportunities offered for Laura for a new career are very impressive.
Piper Scottspews:
So…isn’t KC Councilman Larry Gossett about as liberal a Democrat is you’ll find on the planet? He is, after all, a former member of the Black Panthers, late-60’s short-term resident of the King County Jail (arrested for unlawfully demonstrating), and as reliably a liberal vote on the KC Council as you could imagine. What, then, is he doing in this morning’s Times more or less slamming Richard Pope’s candidacy for KC Council and at least implicitly endorsing Pope’s oppenent? Per Keith Ervin’s piece:
“Democrat Gossett has no desire to see Pope elected to the council. ‘I believe strongly that (Jane Hague) would be, between the two of them, the best representative of the people in that district, despite all the problems that exist.'”
Uff da! When a former Black Panther disses HA’s fair-haired child, golden boy, annointed savior of the masses, true progressive Democrat, King County’s latter day reincarnation of William Jennings Bryan (“You shall not press down upon the brow of HA this crown of any Republican, you shall not crucify Goldy upon a cross of competence.”), what shall you do?
Who among you will now decry Gossett as a tool of Republican plutocrats, oligarchs, and Rovian neo-cons for his betrayal of true Marxist principles by not falling prostrate before His Holiness Richard the Pip…er, Pope?
Will there be barricades in the streets? Large red flags? Che Guevera T-shirts, little red books, and Neil Young CD’s? Film at 11:00?
If so, please advise…the guy who pushes the souvenir cart along the Torchlight Parade route would like to know so he can stock up to sell junk to on-lookers who will assemble thinking they’re watching some sort of low-budget circus replete with crazed human chimp impersonaters and clowns too cheap to spring for rubber noses and floppy shoes.
When you sail on the good ship Lolly-Pope, best wear your life jacket.
The Piper
The fellow who Steve is going over the bus seating roster is Todd Harris, who is now…….communications director for Fred Thompson.
I will take presidential flacks for $400 Alex.
Asshonker @3
Posting the same pathetic drivel on more than one thread at a time? Do you wear out a lot of copy machines on your life’s profession of mass LTE distribution? Does the Republican party support you totally, or do they consider you to challenged even for them?
@3 Pasta-eating Paduan
Aha! You found us out. Folks here secretly (we did not want you to know) are PATRIOTS! We actually care more about government than about allegiance to religious cults, sexual perversions, or fantasy foreign follies.
ATJ & YLB – The Clueless One:
PacMan called me and told me to come back to ‘Wipers. He mentioned you two are worthless cowards who couldn’t take the heat. Since I haven’t been here in a week I hope he conveyed that message on this blog. I told him I’d reply here and think about it. He being an college English major told me my comment didn’t equal what you were espousing ATJ.
BTW YLB – The Clueless One PacMan said you should quit because ATJ found it. Just think you were within 20 minutes of being shut up. So much for your “searching skillz”. I wasn’t going to remind you about it – MOE-RON.
So I’ll contemplate coming back. There was sooooo much liberal hijinks this past week. I got to really read web sites all over the world and not have to worry about keeping you two moe-rons in check.
Oh, And ASSIE Voice will validate the fact this is my first visit in over a week. He can review his blog trails.
Ah yes, and it seems to be working. Thanks Goldy!
Looks like fun.
I have not seen any video on the topic yet, but I assume folks here are aware of the recent decision of the Bush family to buy property in Bidet, on the United Arab Emirates? The tax advatages alone are fabulous and the opportunities offered for Laura for a new career are very impressive.
So…isn’t KC Councilman Larry Gossett about as liberal a Democrat is you’ll find on the planet? He is, after all, a former member of the Black Panthers, late-60’s short-term resident of the King County Jail (arrested for unlawfully demonstrating), and as reliably a liberal vote on the KC Council as you could imagine. What, then, is he doing in this morning’s Times more or less slamming Richard Pope’s candidacy for KC Council and at least implicitly endorsing Pope’s oppenent? Per Keith Ervin’s piece:
“Democrat Gossett has no desire to see Pope elected to the council. ‘I believe strongly that (Jane Hague) would be, between the two of them, the best representative of the people in that district, despite all the problems that exist.'”
Uff da! When a former Black Panther disses HA’s fair-haired child, golden boy, annointed savior of the masses, true progressive Democrat, King County’s latter day reincarnation of William Jennings Bryan (“You shall not press down upon the brow of HA this crown of any Republican, you shall not crucify Goldy upon a cross of competence.”), what shall you do?
Who among you will now decry Gossett as a tool of Republican plutocrats, oligarchs, and Rovian neo-cons for his betrayal of true Marxist principles by not falling prostrate before His Holiness Richard the Pip…er, Pope?
Will there be barricades in the streets? Large red flags? Che Guevera T-shirts, little red books, and Neil Young CD’s? Film at 11:00?
If so, please advise…the guy who pushes the souvenir cart along the Torchlight Parade route would like to know so he can stock up to sell junk to on-lookers who will assemble thinking they’re watching some sort of low-budget circus replete with crazed human chimp impersonaters and clowns too cheap to spring for rubber noses and floppy shoes.
When you sail on the good ship Lolly-Pope, best wear your life jacket.
The Piper
The fellow who Steve is going over the bus seating roster is Todd Harris, who is now…….communications director for Fred Thompson.
I will take presidential flacks for $400 Alex.
Asshonker @3
Posting the same pathetic drivel on more than one thread at a time? Do you wear out a lot of copy machines on your life’s profession of mass LTE distribution? Does the Republican party support you totally, or do they consider you to challenged even for them?
@3 Pasta-eating Paduan
Aha! You found us out. Folks here secretly (we did not want you to know) are PATRIOTS! We actually care more about government than about allegiance to religious cults, sexual perversions, or fantasy foreign follies.
ATJ & YLB – The Clueless One:
PacMan called me and told me to come back to ‘Wipers. He mentioned you two are worthless cowards who couldn’t take the heat. Since I haven’t been here in a week I hope he conveyed that message on this blog. I told him I’d reply here and think about it. He being an college English major told me my comment didn’t equal what you were espousing ATJ.
BTW YLB – The Clueless One PacMan said you should quit because ATJ found it. Just think you were within 20 minutes of being shut up. So much for your “searching skillz”. I wasn’t going to remind you about it – MOE-RON.
So I’ll contemplate coming back. There was sooooo much liberal hijinks this past week. I got to really read web sites all over the world and not have to worry about keeping you two moe-rons in check.
Oh, And ASSIE Voice will validate the fact this is my first visit in over a week. He can review his blog trails.
Ta ta
Who knew Puddydud would welch on his promise to leave forever? (hint: everybody)
…and it was almost pleasant around here for a bit.