Ann Coulter is basically boring. Making fun of her has become almost equally boring.
I hope Ann Coulter shows up at Dino Rossi’s big announcement tomorrow. She’d be a great ‘special guest’ to add comic relief and a more coherent message.
I am sick to death of hearing the fake opposition Dems in Congress moan about not having enough votes to end the war in Iraq. They give lip service to the myth that the only way to end the war is to write a bill saying “the war is now over” and send it to Bush for a prompt veto, then override the veto. They then throw up their hands, saying “Well, as you can see, we don’t have the votes to override any veto, so there’s no way to end the war. Sorry folks.”
This is disingenious and vividly illustrates who the Dems are really serving: the establishment, not their constituents.
Here’s how to end the war: No bill specifically ending the war is even necessary. Remember those supplemental funding bills the Cheney regime has to constantly ask for, to continue funding the Iraq war piecemeal instead of in yearly lump sums attached to the actual defense budget? That’s the achilles’ heel of their war effort. The next time Bush asks for another $80 billion or whatever to keep the Iraq bloodbath going, all the Democrats have to do to end the war is to say: NO. To say “We won’t allocate one more penny for your illegal war”. Last I checked the Dems have a wafer-thin majority in both houses. With no Dems voting for the next spending bill it won’t be passed and thus it won’t make it to Bush’s desk for signing. Bush (and especially his puppetmaster Cheney) may have concentrated an inordinate amount of power in the hands of the executive branch, but even they can’t send spending bills to their own desk. That necessarily has to come from Congress. If it never reaches his desk he can’t sign it, and will have 2 choices: 1.pull the troops out while there is still enough money left in the pipeline so to speak to allow an orderly withdrawl (and anyone who has five or more brain cells knows that the money isn’t going to run out the next day, that’s a non-issue that the right wing tries to use as a scare tactic but it is ridiculously dumbed down and simply not true; they don’t wait until they have $5 left before asking for another supplemental OK?); or 2.don’t pull them out right away, and leave them to wither on the vine in Iraq until the money DOES completely run out and they have to withdraw from Iraq chaotically, burning their supplies and vehicles. Either way the war will end pretty soon if the Dems refuse to vote on supplementals. They don’t have to write a bill saying they are cutting off funding; this is only a fig leaf so they can pretend to be doing something to end the war when all they are doing is purposely spinning their wheels. All they have to do is to NOT VOTE ON SUPPLEMENTALS. Pretty effing simple. The people NOW need to DEMAND in so many words that if the Democrats are a genuine opposition party that they will carry out the will of the people and NOT VOTE on supplementals. If they are a fake opposition party as I feel they are, and are acting not in the people’s interest but playing for the same team as the Republicans, then continue with more of the same hand-wringing and impotent nonbinding resolutions that resolve nothing. Decision time Democrats. Which are you? Genuine? Or fake opposition? I think I already know the answer to that one but why don’t you surprise me?
The good thing about Ann Coulter is that she keeps you nimrods pissin’ and moanin’ about her antics. She’s working you moron’s like a pickpocket works a crowd at a backwoods carnival.
That’s a pretty good song for that anus-sniffing, coprophagous, right-wing dog (DOOFUS) that haunts these parts.
That gal’s brilliant, and cute as hell. Who is she? Let me say this–as a lifelong and devout Christian, if Ann Coulter’s values actually reflect Christianity, then I don’t know what the fuck I am. Ann Coulter also would turn my erection into a withered reflection of its former self, falling to the ground like an autum leaf.
Maybe PBS will pick her up in a concert series… that’s her only hope to make any money with that crap. Yikes.
joe pinespews:
Here’s a bunch of sources (courtesy of that demonstrates the fact that this administration will attack Iran. The results will be catastrophic.
@3 I checked a Coulter book out of the public library this week because Mrs. Rabbit wanted to read the enemy propaganda to see what she’s saying about us. I asked the librarian to put it in a lead-lined container so I wouldn’t get radiation burns on my paws. The librarian thought that was funny. I didn’t. I have the skin grafts to prove it.
A poodle who married a St Bernard giving birth sounds better than that crap.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Coulter book is in a special underground chamber constructed especially for this purpose. It is lined with reinforced concrete walls eight feet think and Mrs. Rabbit uses robotic arms to turn the pages. She views the print on a TV monitor. The robot’s hands have radiation burns, too. After I return the book to the library, the reading chamber will be declared a Superfund site. I plan to ask the Department of Energy for $10 billion for the cleanup.
” The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to the point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism – ownership of government by an individual, by a group or any controlling private power. ”
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt – on the threat to democracy by corporate power
“ownership of government by an individual, by a group or any controlling private power”
Hmmmm….ain’t that what we have here in Washington now? The Democratic Party owns the damn state, lock stock and barrel.
joe pinespews:
#17 — No. That’s completely incorrect.
joe pinespews:
#17 — You just pick and choose what you want to hear without consideration of the actual meaning of the statement. It’s completely obvious that there is a military/industrial/congressional conmplex that runs the government and it is no longer run by the elected officials.
Bush and Cheney couldn’t start or stop this war — or the one coming with Iran. War has become too profitable.
” The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to the point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself.”
joe pinespews:
#17 — Do you think the concentration camps the corporatist government is finished building are there for some theoretical purpose.
If you really want to be politically incorrect, who do you think Hillary would fill them with?
joe pinespews:
#17 — The stuff you say is about as relevant as trying to impeach Earl Warren. That train has come and gone. That’s why trolls like you are an albatross around our necks. You are not so much politically incorrect as politically irrellevant.
Eeeek! A Terrorist!spews:
“while there is still enough money left in the pipeline so to speak”
Well that there’s the big hitch, isn’t it Lev.
With 130,000 troops, plus U.S. civilian personnel, plus NGOs depending entirely on private contractors for their daily bread, water, fuel, spares, ammo, medical supplies, communications, etc., “enough money” is obviously quite a bit more than “the pipeline” can hold. So in order to maintain the safety and security of all the troops and U.S. civilians you have to keep “the pipeline” fully supplied in perpetuity.
And with every single one of the contractors upon whom the troops depend being completely unanswerable to any legal or criminal authority, there’s only one thing that keeps them working hard for our troops.
And it ain’t patriotism.
This whole thing was perfected from the get go by Cheney and the AEI. A carefully designed “Self-Licking-Ice-Cream-Cone”. To be able to safely and responsibly reduce funding you first have to draw down the troop numbers. And Congress is simply too chickenshit scared of a constitutional crisis to order a reduction in troop numbers. Combine that with the thousands of earmarks available in every supplemental for every single CD and you get Dick Cheney’s fondest wet dream come true. A war without end. A war that perfectly serves the needs of the political elites, the media elites, and the corporate classes. A war that, unlike Vietnam, cannot be stopped by popular political disaffection.
JCH is a nazi.
Thanks Goldy. Perfection.
Ann Coulter is basically boring. Making fun of her has become almost equally boring.
I hope Ann Coulter shows up at Dino Rossi’s big announcement tomorrow. She’d be a great ‘special guest’ to add comic relief and a more coherent message.
I am sick to death of hearing the fake opposition Dems in Congress moan about not having enough votes to end the war in Iraq. They give lip service to the myth that the only way to end the war is to write a bill saying “the war is now over” and send it to Bush for a prompt veto, then override the veto. They then throw up their hands, saying “Well, as you can see, we don’t have the votes to override any veto, so there’s no way to end the war. Sorry folks.”
This is disingenious and vividly illustrates who the Dems are really serving: the establishment, not their constituents.
Here’s how to end the war: No bill specifically ending the war is even necessary. Remember those supplemental funding bills the Cheney regime has to constantly ask for, to continue funding the Iraq war piecemeal instead of in yearly lump sums attached to the actual defense budget? That’s the achilles’ heel of their war effort. The next time Bush asks for another $80 billion or whatever to keep the Iraq bloodbath going, all the Democrats have to do to end the war is to say: NO. To say “We won’t allocate one more penny for your illegal war”. Last I checked the Dems have a wafer-thin majority in both houses. With no Dems voting for the next spending bill it won’t be passed and thus it won’t make it to Bush’s desk for signing. Bush (and especially his puppetmaster Cheney) may have concentrated an inordinate amount of power in the hands of the executive branch, but even they can’t send spending bills to their own desk. That necessarily has to come from Congress. If it never reaches his desk he can’t sign it, and will have 2 choices: 1.pull the troops out while there is still enough money left in the pipeline so to speak to allow an orderly withdrawl (and anyone who has five or more brain cells knows that the money isn’t going to run out the next day, that’s a non-issue that the right wing tries to use as a scare tactic but it is ridiculously dumbed down and simply not true; they don’t wait until they have $5 left before asking for another supplemental OK?); or 2.don’t pull them out right away, and leave them to wither on the vine in Iraq until the money DOES completely run out and they have to withdraw from Iraq chaotically, burning their supplies and vehicles. Either way the war will end pretty soon if the Dems refuse to vote on supplementals. They don’t have to write a bill saying they are cutting off funding; this is only a fig leaf so they can pretend to be doing something to end the war when all they are doing is purposely spinning their wheels. All they have to do is to NOT VOTE ON SUPPLEMENTALS. Pretty effing simple. The people NOW need to DEMAND in so many words that if the Democrats are a genuine opposition party that they will carry out the will of the people and NOT VOTE on supplementals. If they are a fake opposition party as I feel they are, and are acting not in the people’s interest but playing for the same team as the Republicans, then continue with more of the same hand-wringing and impotent nonbinding resolutions that resolve nothing. Decision time Democrats. Which are you? Genuine? Or fake opposition? I think I already know the answer to that one but why don’t you surprise me?
The good thing about Ann Coulter is that she keeps you nimrods pissin’ and moanin’ about her antics. She’s working you moron’s like a pickpocket works a crowd at a backwoods carnival.
That’s a pretty good song for that anus-sniffing, coprophagous, right-wing dog (DOOFUS) that haunts these parts.
Piper, MTR et al…..
Suck on this:
As Furball would say:
That gal’s brilliant, and cute as hell. Who is she? Let me say this–as a lifelong and devout Christian, if Ann Coulter’s values actually reflect Christianity, then I don’t know what the fuck I am. Ann Coulter also would turn my erection into a withered reflection of its former self, falling to the ground like an autum leaf.
Maybe PBS will pick her up in a concert series… that’s her only hope to make any money with that crap. Yikes.
Here’s a bunch of sources (courtesy of that demonstrates the fact that this administration will attack Iran. The results will be catastrophic.
1. “Shifting Targets: The Administration’s plan for Iran,” The New Yorker, October 8, 2007.
2. “Cheney Targets Iran,” Rolling Stone, October 18, 2007.
3. “The Redirection,” The New Yorker, March 5, 2007.
4. “The Secret History of the Impending War with Iran That the White House Doesn’t Want You to Know,” Esquire, October 18, 2007.
5. “Big Coffers and a Rising Voice Lift a New Conservative Group,” New York Times, September 30, 2007.
6. “Freedom’s Watch targeting Iran,” Media Transparency, October 17, 2007.
7. “Nuclear-Armed Iran Risks World War, Bush Says,” New York Times, October 18, 2007.
8. “Cheney Targets Iran,” Rolling Stone, October 18, 2007.
9. Video clip of Sen. McCain in Republican Debate. October 9, 2007.
@3 I checked a Coulter book out of the public library this week because Mrs. Rabbit wanted to read the enemy propaganda to see what she’s saying about us. I asked the librarian to put it in a lead-lined container so I wouldn’t get radiation burns on my paws. The librarian thought that was funny. I didn’t. I have the skin grafts to prove it.
A poodle who married a St Bernard giving birth sounds better than that crap.
The Coulter book is in a special underground chamber constructed especially for this purpose. It is lined with reinforced concrete walls eight feet think and Mrs. Rabbit uses robotic arms to turn the pages. She views the print on a TV monitor. The robot’s hands have radiation burns, too. After I return the book to the library, the reading chamber will be declared a Superfund site. I plan to ask the Department of Energy for $10 billion for the cleanup.
@12 Your mother was a $5 King Dog.
King as in Kingdome.
” The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to the point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism – ownership of government by an individual, by a group or any controlling private power. ”
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt – on the threat to democracy by corporate power
“ownership of government by an individual, by a group or any controlling private power”
Hmmmm….ain’t that what we have here in Washington now? The Democratic Party owns the damn state, lock stock and barrel.
#17 — No. That’s completely incorrect.
#17 — You just pick and choose what you want to hear without consideration of the actual meaning of the statement. It’s completely obvious that there is a military/industrial/congressional conmplex that runs the government and it is no longer run by the elected officials.
Bush and Cheney couldn’t start or stop this war — or the one coming with Iran. War has become too profitable.
” The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to the point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself.”
#17 — Do you think the concentration camps the corporatist government is finished building are there for some theoretical purpose.
If you really want to be politically incorrect, who do you think Hillary would fill them with?
#17 — The stuff you say is about as relevant as trying to impeach Earl Warren. That train has come and gone. That’s why trolls like you are an albatross around our necks. You are not so much politically incorrect as politically irrellevant.
“while there is still enough money left in the pipeline so to speak”
Well that there’s the big hitch, isn’t it Lev.
With 130,000 troops, plus U.S. civilian personnel, plus NGOs depending entirely on private contractors for their daily bread, water, fuel, spares, ammo, medical supplies, communications, etc., “enough money” is obviously quite a bit more than “the pipeline” can hold. So in order to maintain the safety and security of all the troops and U.S. civilians you have to keep “the pipeline” fully supplied in perpetuity.
And with every single one of the contractors upon whom the troops depend being completely unanswerable to any legal or criminal authority, there’s only one thing that keeps them working hard for our troops.
And it ain’t patriotism.
This whole thing was perfected from the get go by Cheney and the AEI. A carefully designed “Self-Licking-Ice-Cream-Cone”. To be able to safely and responsibly reduce funding you first have to draw down the troop numbers. And Congress is simply too chickenshit scared of a constitutional crisis to order a reduction in troop numbers. Combine that with the thousands of earmarks available in every supplemental for every single CD and you get Dick Cheney’s fondest wet dream come true. A war without end. A war that perfectly serves the needs of the political elites, the media elites, and the corporate classes. A war that, unlike Vietnam, cannot be stopped by popular political disaffection.
I have visited your site 361-times