– Hunger Strike at Texas Detention Center Swells Into the Hundreds
– Why I don’t encourage my patients to report sexual assault
– Well, the rest of the country had not so liberal an election night.
– Good old self-reliance
I mentioned on Monday, I’m going to be taking a bit of a break from writing. Probably just a couple weeks. I’ll still put up open threads, but they’ll be shorter than even this nonsense. See you in a few.
The Kansas conservative fiscal experiment continues to implode.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why do voters keep electing charlatans like Brownback (and now, in Kentucky, teapartier Matt Bevin)? For the same reason Washington voters apparently have passed Timmeh Lieman’s latest tax-cutting initiative: They want something for nothing. Remember, the average American will gladly pay $2,500 extra for a car to get a $2,000 rebate. This is something Detroit figured out a century ago. It took the Republicans longer, but they’re now wise to this mentality, too, with a twist — you don’t get the car. After all, government isn’t actually free, and when you vote for politicians who promise to defund it, you don’t get those “free” government services like schools and roads anymore.
Rand Paul compares free education to free heroin.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And this guy wants to be president? Nah, he’s not gonna be. For lots of reasons besides just this. In fact, I expect him to be the next major GOP candidate to call it quits. His campaign is nearly bankrupt, and his polls are already bankrupt.
Free COLLEGE education Roger idiot senile! There is no FREE anything Roger senile!
Yeah, where is the outrage?
Meanwhile the progressive looonatics are at it again! http://dailycaller.com/2015/11.....and-crazy/
Now that y’all got rid of your jack-o-lanterns because they were causing climate change… http://www.washingtontimes.com.....epartment/
now it’s time to attack air conditioning…
Y’all can find it! Google!
Remember that HA DUMMOCRETIN moron crazy crackerjack box dr checkmate two days ago on Heilary’s poll numbers after Benghazi? Well it seems the real people in the know disagree with checkmate. Doesn’t just about anyone with a working brain cell disagree with crazy crackerjack box dr checkmate? http://dailycaller.com/2015/11.....ate-video/
Who cares about Independents… crazy crackerjack box dr checkmate doesn’t! HA DUMMOCRETINS only care about DUMMOCRETINS!
A special thanks to all those people who voted. Thanks for putting our democracy first. And for all those that were “too busy” to vote, a big “fuck you, assholes”!
Just another DUMMOCRETIN scumbag… http://www.washingtontimes.com.....or-will-c/
Move along…
Does any HA DUMMOCRETIN remember in 2008, Heilary accused Barack Hussein Obummer of being a gun-grabber? You know, Obummer against those bitter clinger types! Seven years later, Heilary now complains that Obama hasn’t grabbed enough guns.
It’s great to see her gravitate so far left she it hitting the wall now!
@3 Why do wingnuts complain about “free stuff,” if there isn’t any free stuff? Well, is there or isn’t there? Make up your minds.
Houston conservatives defeat the LGBT HERO bill…..by saying, “No Men in Women’s Bathroom”. Or at least use the fear factor.
But isn’t this more of a reflection on straight men? Were they fearful of demons of their own kind? I mean why would a gay male or transgender male transition to female want to get their jollies off by going into a Woman’s toilet? Isn’t the straight men that the are concerned about?
How about the woman in the male bathroom – are they saying that that would be good – are they that perverted to want the woman to come into the men’s room? They didn’t use “No Men in Woman’s Toilet” scare tactic…..and we all knows that only applies to the workplace and a poker game.
Whenever we talk about
sensible gun controlseizing your guns people will point to a coordinated 10 person attack in China and say, “See, even without guns there are mass killings!” and pretend a gun isn’t the best tool for the job.Then there’s U.C. Merced where a lunatic today stabbed 5 people before being shot dead by campus police. Had he had a gun or multiple guns, doubt we’d be hearing
From a taxpayer’s point of view, providing free, four year college degrees has worked out pretty well. By vastly boosting the productivity of the workforce, programs like the GI Bill grew the economy, payrolls, and ultimately the tax base. Giving worthy individuals the skills and aptitudes to make it in the world, not only prevents them from seeking government assistance, it makes them into productive citizens willing and able to help others and contribute to the common weal. But conservatives can’t help but view these things through a moral lens. Regardless of how much easier and cheaper it is to educate people rather than imprison them, they will always choose the later.
Why do Republicans hate the environment?
@12 Yeah, I notice they didn’t campaign on “No women in men’s bathrooms,” I assume because they wouldn’t have a problem with that. I think they’re just jealous — they don’t want transgender males to have something they don’t have, i.e. access to women’s johns.
@12 Deja Equal Rights Amendment all over again…
@14 Can’t help but wonder, out of all the folks whingeing about people getting “free stuff”, how many of them, or their parents, were beneficiaries of free or inexpensive educations from land-grant colleges–or, for that matter, took advantage of private colleges’ well-organized machinations to obtain financial aid.
@16 point taken…but is the transgender male the one in the women’s room that women should have to be worry about? Or would it be the straight male?
So it seems to me – all thing logical – that they were basically indicted their own kind and saying that heterosexual males can’t be trusted and because of this law would be taking advantage of it an be running rampant in women’s rooms…..what perverts heterosexual males are or the illogical ones at least have a dirty mind.
But it is obvious – not only does fear work but fear doesn’t make people think logical….not that they were capable of being logical. Fear = Illogic
The Tea Party’s victory in Kentucky yesterday likely will cost 400,000 Kentuckians their health insurance.
The solution, of course, is to move from Kentucky to a state where they can get health insurance.
Puffy – weren’t you criticizing liberals for not defending the death of this man and jumped to conclusion that he was murdered and of course murdered by a liberal. You sure like to jump to conclusions.
Bob – who’s burning down all the black churches?
Rubio is, if nothing else, ingenious. Last week, he stood on a debate stage and said with a straight face that his tax plan benefits the poor more than the rich. Of course, even he admits this is true only if you talk in percentages, and that the wealthy would get far more of the dollars. But he gamed the percentages, too:
“Rubio’s claim … [is] based on the assumption that [his] tax plan contains a generous tax credit for the poor. But the Rubio campaign has indicated that the credit would be a lot less generous than it appears.”
But this isn’t the half of it. Republicans claim that cutting taxes increases revenues, but that patently isn’t true; all the Republican tax cutting schemes increase deficits. This then creates a “debt” crisis which they’d use as an excuse to cut entitlements. Who would entitlement cuts hurt? The poor and middle class — more than wiping out what little gain they got from the tax cuts. The result is a cleverly disguise net transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the wealthy.
Puffy – weren’t you criticizing liberals for not defending the death of this man and jumped to conclusion that he was murdered and of course murdered by a liberal.
Teabagged, Still Living; Go ahead and ax the crazed clueless databaze deala for a Puddy replay! Where did Puddy claim this? You are making the accusation without providing FACTS!
Piddles needed Chuck Todd to spin it for him. The numbers speak for themselves. Almong swing voters there was a 40% swing away from unsatisfied.
I see that Piddles, has nothing to say about the raw numbers. It’s all about what Chuck Todd said about the numbers. GOOD ENOUGH!
UnSkewed polls again?
But this isn’t the half of it. Republicans claim that cutting taxes increases revenues, but that patently isn’t true
Keep swigging that warm man juice Roger senile!
Puddy needed Chuck Todd to spin it for him.
Wrong again checkmate! Puddy used UpChuck Todd many times before. Unlike your kind whom hate people like Glenn Beck and when he says something you like you throw him up as your cause celebre, Puddy uses DUMMOCRETIN left wrong pukes all the time! The big difference is Puddy ridicules them, not hate them as your kind do!
You put forth DUMMOCRETIN love numbers and the Independents don’t love Heilary!
Here is some things checkmate can’t fathom as FACTS!
– NBC News is the official news organ of Obummer’s sadministration.
– Heilary lied. Independent People paid attention!
– NBC News has much better information than what’s “officially published”
– NBC News has inside information from the Heilary camp. Andrea Mitchell is an insider checkmate.
DAYUM you be real stooooooooooopid. Still mixing up the American Enterprise Institute with the Center for American Progress!
Still a sad sack of horsesASS manure!
Seems Heilary loses to just about every except Donald Trump and that’s with the margin of error.
Wow… those Benghazi lies are resonating in the real world!
Meet Jenean Hampton, the first black statewide officeholder in Kentucky. And, she’s a Republican.
Those racist Tea Party people just don’t understand. Per DUMMOCRETINS they are supposed to hate blacks. Those pesky FACTS smack silly DUMMOCRETIN ASSES all over!
Those racist Tea Party people just don’t understand. They are supposedly losing traction in America!
Those racist Tea Party people just don’t understand. They are not to vote on the issues.
538 analyzed the Kentucky polls before the election and then the Landslide Results! Polls missed by 12 points. http://fivethirtyeight.com/fea.....g-failure/
HIVs (higly informed voters) vote on the issues and these peeps on the left and right vote all the time. Lately this is why polling fails. LIVs (low informed voters) usually vote on presidential elections and mostly vote DUMMOCRETIN! These are the polling methods these groups look at in the off years!
Oh no the Wa Post said what? http://www.truthrevolt.org/new.....-justified
WaPo Admits ‘Vast Majority’ of Police Shootings Justified
Sooooooooooooo the fix was in? http://www.washingtontimes.com.....usion-rep/
With this sadministration, politics are injected in every policy!
A great video about Heilary… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G485ATBd2tI
#blacklivesmatter to Hollyweird DUMMOCRETINS until it affects the box office. Then the effect is STFU Tarantino! http://www.breitbart.com/big-h.....-explodes/
There is the money sentence!
Remember Tarantino claims it’s all about white supremacy! Well the boycott is beginning! Claims cops are feigning their outrage! Butt he decided to stand up there with those calling for cops to be killed!
Sux to be him!
Hmmm. The babbling jackass troll seems hellbent on distracting folks from the truth.
Its beloved Carson is a grifter!
Is this shit taught in the cult?
In other words, the poll needs unskewing. The secret polls are totally different from the public poll. All the hard numbers are wrong.
It worked for Romney, amirigjt?
@25 I posted the actual numbers a day or so ago, a couple threads back, and feel no compulsion to debunk your b.s. yet again. You’d just keep babbling baloney, as if nothing happened, like you always do.
@29 “WaPo Admits ‘Vast Majority’ of Police Shootings Justified”
And that, in Piddles’ little brain, makes the rest of them justified too. I guess it also depends on who’s defining “justified.” Given that the kill ratio is at least 10 dead civilians for every dead cop, one could argue that some of these cops aren’t really defending themselves, but are simply trigger-happy and killing people on slight or no provocation. When a kid with a toy gun gets shot, and when an elderly man getting out of his car with a cane gets shot, it’s pretty clear that jumpy cops are too quick to pull the trigger in some cases.
@30 “With this sadministration, politics are injected in every policy!”
You spit that out as if Republicans never do it. (For example, a Republican governor in Florida who, having predetermined that climate scientists are liars, terminates state employees for merely mentioning “climate change” in their written reports or professional conference speeches.)
Although, generally speaking, this kind of behavior is strictly a Republican phenomenon, I’m not against Democrats following the Golden Rule; that is, we should do to them what they do to us.
Silly Roger senile…
When the DUMMOCRETIN led media like Wa Post admits something that doesn’t meet Roger senile’s thoughts then pox on their house? If a court of law determines the cop was justified then attack those libtard prosecution attorneys?
Poor Roger senile!
@38 Ever heard of Baseball Rules, asshole? It works like this: If your pitcher hits our batter, our pitcher is gonna hit one of your batters. That’s how things should work, because it keeps the game civilized.
You see crackerjack box dr checkmate… Puddy reads Vox at times… Puddy doesn’t agree with the Journolist gang butt Puddy looks at their garbage to use against HA DUMMOCRETINS.
Let Puddy reissue that one sentence… But most political scientists agree that gerrymandering has very little impact on House elections, adding perhaps seven to 10 seats to the GOP total in 2012. Yet everyone will see Roger senile throw out its “gerrymandering argument” in 2016!
So you see crackerjack box dr checkmate… People know much more than you’ll ever know. Better go back and check AEI ummm… CAP!
Remember Travis Bickle claimed ISIS took down the Russian airplane? Remember the blowback from Roger senile? The chief of security of that Egyptian airport has been fired. They are looking at the food service people, airline people, baggage handlers, etc. Remember Obummer’s friends, the Muslim Brotherhood, are all over Egypt! And they bombed a Russian plane. Putin will react much different than Obummer would.
Aw shucks Puddy!
Seems ISIS is getting expeditionary now, spreading their wings. Yet the JV squad has graduated to Al Qaeda status!
Is Ben Carson Running for President? By Jonathan Chait
This is the source used by the clueless crazed databaze deala @33? A died in the wool libtard? Since that Mannatech attack failed now try this moron? And the clueless crazed databaze deala is calling Ben Carson a grifter? You whom sat on your ASS all those years while Mrs crazed databaze deala went out working? You are the fraud clueless crazed databaze deala! The money sentence from Chait which proves Chait is not a real journalist butt another left wrong libtard!
Well well well!
Jonathan Chait? – Google Jonathan Chait site:horsesass.org and learn how Chait is another HEAD HA DUMMOCRETIN favorite!
Carson, Rubio and Cruz smack Heilary!
Heilary only smacks Trump!
Republican victories all over last night. Terry McAuliffe, Heilary’s old money bundler, got smacked big time in Virginia!
@41 “Remember Travis Bickle claimed ISIS took down the Russian airplane?”
“Took down” are your words, not his. He didn’t say anything about a bomb. I remember him claiming ISIS shot it down. It doesn’t appear to have been shot down by ISIS or anyone else.
In any case, nothing’s been determined yet, but Puddy has never been one to wait for proper investigative findings. His personal opinion trumps all that stuff …
By the way, Bowe Bergdahl still hasn’t been convicted of anything, and it’s not even clear the Army intends to prosecute him … that, too, remains to be determined. But don’t let legal process or technicalities get in the way of the Puddy Lynch Mob.
Just another mom-and-pop small business being harassed by government regulators …
“In another case brought by the FTC and Illinois’ Attorney General, a couple that ran a phantom debt collection scheme settled charges filed against them, agreeing to a $6.4 million judgment and a ban on working in debt collection. The FTC said K.I.P. LLC, run by Charles and Chantelle Dickey, specifically targeted consumers who applied for payday or other short-term loans and then claimed the loans were delinquent, making threats to collect payment, including having their driver’s license revoked. Many paid out of fear or just wanting the harassment to stop, the regulator said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: “Phantom debt collectors” are people who try to collect debts they know are invalid. When combined with intimidation, bullying, threats, and other illegal collection tactics, their “business” activities amount to criminal fraud and extortion. Republikkkans want us all to live in a society in which crooks like that are given a license to run amok with no one to stop them. Republikkkans would defund every government consumer protection bureau and regulator agency in the country if they could. Their loyalties are to their fellow grifters, not innocent citizens. And they want people to vote for them???
Ben Carson, the undisputed frontrunner of the home-schooled party, not only thinks all of the world’s climate scientists are liars, but also thinks all of the world’s archaeologists are cranks, too:
“Ben Carson stood by his long-held belief about ancient pyramids in Egypt, that they were used to store grain, rather than to inter pharaohs. Asked about this Wednesday, Carson told CBS News, ‘It’s still my belief, yes.’ The subject came up when Buzzfeed published a 1998 commencement speech delivered by Carson at Andrews University, a college founded by Seventh-day Adventists. ‘My own personal theory is that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain,’ Carson said. ‘Now all the archeologists think that they were made for the pharaohs’ graves. But, you know, it would have to be something awfully big if you stop and think about it. And I don’t think it’d just disappear over the course of time to store that much grain.’ In the same speech, he went on to say, “[W]hen you look at the way that the pyramids are made, with many chambers that are hermetically sealed, they’d have to be that way for various reasons. And various of scientists have said, ‘Well, you know there were alien beings that came down and they have special knowledge and that’s how–‘ you know, it doesn’t require an alien being when God is with you.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t be too surprised if this idiot becomes our next president. The quality of American education has been deteriorating for some time, and there are now a lot of voters out there who are as stupid as he is.
What the hell, nobody lives forever, and I’m an old rabbit, so if the homeschoolers elect this guy president and he hits the Rapture Button to speed up the Second Coming, I’ve already had a full life and I’ll go out without regrets. And my species will take over what’s left — if even two of us survive, there’ll be billions of us a few years later, about the same time the vegetation starts coming back.
Awwww.. The babbling jackass troll can’t handle the truth – its beloved Carson is a grifter..
The fiend’s campaign has a 69 percent burn rate and appears to to spend most of its money on more fund raising.
Compare that to Bernie Sander’s 45 percent burn rate.
Who’s the wiser spender? The socialist or the cultist grifter?
Damn fucking liberal media -Always reporting on the facts. We need less media and more Nazi like policies.
OPEN AT LAST: H.W. SWIPES W’S MEN http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....75758.html
Hopefully there are others too that are willing to bomb Russian planes. I seem to remember Russia as an enemy. But people like Puffy are liking the Putin.
Sounds like Puffy is standing up to communist Nazi Russia or the U.S.S.R (as o e of the Tepublican Candidates refers to them).
Another fine example of the “Tea” party.
If you go far beyond the basic call to elect the stupidest, most imbecilic morons into office, don’t pretend to be surprised that they are, in fact, complete fucking imbeciles.
These people are going to end up submitting a constitutional amendment proclaiming that the Earth is indeed a flat surface, and only God can sign legislation into Law.
Just when one begins to think they cannot get any stupider, they always step up to prove one wrong.
In any case, nothing’s been determined yet, but Puddy has never been one to wait for proper investigative In any case, nothing’s been determined yet, but Puddy has never been one to wait for proper investigative findings. His personal opinion trumps all that stuff …findings. His personal opinion trumps all that stuff …
Personal opinion lazy Roger, the very sloppy senile wabbit? These are pronouncements from our intelligence sources last night. http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/04/.....ypt-sinai/ Soooooooooooo you don’t trust Obummer’s intelligence services Roger, the very sloppy senile wabbit? Do tell us!
DAYUM U B Stooooooooooooopid Roger, the very sloppy senile wabbit! That senility is making you more sloppy than Travis Bickle!
Teabagged farted above: Hopefully there are others too that are willing to bomb Russian planes.
So Teabagged Again Last Night hates human life. Well we knew that long ago about Teabagged!
Why do you hate your fellow humans Teabagged? Because they are heterosexual? Because there were at least 25 children on the flight?
Seems to Puddy Dr Carson is a real threat.
Self Made Man
From Detroit, land of DUMMOCRETINS
From Poor Beginnings
Father Left When Young
Found Christianity Before Middle School
Brilliant in High School
Brilliant in College
Brilliant in Medical School
Didn’t Hide College Transcripts
Best Pediatric Neurosurgeon of His Time
Implemented the 3D Brain Surgery Method
80+ % Success Rate for Difficult-To-Treat Trigeminal Neuralgia Disease
Revolutionized Hemispherectomies To Prevent Untreatable Severe Seizures, Like Those Caused By Rasmussen’s Encephalitis
Invented New Surgical Innovations, Better Ways Of Controlling Brain Bleeding And Infection
Invented New Techniques For Conjoined Twin Separation
Rightly Ignored Whitey House Requests from Fed 2013 Speech
Told The Truth on Taxes and Health Care at Speech
Sux to be the clueless crazed databaze deala who will NEVER attain these levels of sophistication or accomplishment sitting on the sofa criticizing Dr BEN!
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
“Well, you know there were alien beings that came down and they have special knowledge and that’s how–‘ you know, it doesn’t require an alien being when God is with you.”
Does anybody else see the patterns of similarity here with our own troll’ word salad?
From Roger, the very sloppy senile wabbit link above @47… The part he skipped over
Collectors at BAM Financial, which was accused of lying to and intimidating consumers, allegedly bought and tried to collect debt by posing as attorneys or process servers and telling people that they faced arrest or wage garnishment if they didn’t pay up.
Roger, the very sloppy senile wabbit poses as an intelligent human attorney every day butt we all know he’s just a senile old wabbit! Done deal in 2015!
Ahhh Lib the racist unscientist @56 is projecting again… Seems to know aliens personally
Dr Ben is talking about y’all Lib the racist unscientist… Evolutionists, Cosmologists, Godless scientists…
That includes you Lib the racist unscientist being one who believes that alien UFO garbage over God, His Son Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit. You believe in evolution, Ra, Ashtoreth, Chemosh, Molech, GAIA, etc. etc. etc.!
Seems HA DUMMOCRETIN libtards hate Dr Ben because he’s everything DUMMOCRETINS are not!
Unless you are a black DUMMOCRETIN self made man you don’t “exist” to DUMMOCRETINS
Unless you are a black DUMMOCRETIN self made man that worships at the altar of DUMMOCRETIN thought you don’t “exist” to DUMMOCRETINS
Unless you are a black DUMMOCRETIN self made man that acknowledges DUMMOCRETIN thought “is correct” you don’t “exist” to DUMMOCRETINS
Unless you are a black DUMMOCRETIN self made man whom acknowldeges the leadership of white DUMMOCRETINS you don’t “exist” to DUMMOCRETINS
Dr Ben is hated by HA DUMMOCRETINS!
More from Roger, the very sloppy senile wabbit from #47,
Republikkkans want us all to live in a society in which crooks like that are given a license to run amok with no one to stop them. Republikkkans would defund every government consumer protection bureau and regulator agency in the country if they could.
Yes Roger, the very sloppy senile wabbit superior argument above! .NOT.!
because they were Republican? From all the Chicago stories out there these twp DUMMOCRETINS preyed on the inner city minorities Roger, the very sloppy senile wabbit!
Another of your EPIC FAYLED posts! How many are there now Roger, the very sloppy senile wabbit? Well the crazed clueless databaze deala knows. Approaching 100,000 EPIC FAYLED posts!
My guy whoops your guy’s ass all day.
@ 14
From a taxpayer’s point of view, providing free, four year college degrees has worked out pretty well. By vastly boosting the productivity of the workforce, programs like the GI Bill grew the economy, payrolls, and ultimately the tax base. Giving worthy individuals the skills and aptitudes to make it in the world, not only prevents them from seeking government assistance, it makes them into productive citizens willing and able to help others and contribute to the common weal.
The key word in the preceding is “worthy”. That’s why the GI bill achieved what it did.
Not everyone is worthy. Not everyone should go to college. Giving worthy individuals tools to succeed makes sense. Giving everyone the same tools is more of a waste.
Oh. Aptitude isn’t something you give to someone else. Free or otherwise.
Dawkins? Evolution? Really?
Have you seen evolution happen Lib the racist unscientist? Watch.. the caterpillar into the butterfly will be its answer! All you got is some made up historical science creating an evolutionary argument. The evolution conclusion requires a leap of faith just like believing in God! Random chance? You can claim, being a product of conception that you happened by random chance. So you evolved from an amoeba? A DAYUM stooooooooooooopid random chance too!
What about the fossil record? What type of animal has ever evolved into another basic type of animal? How come we don’t see chimps or gorillas evolving between them? How does Lib the racist unscientist explain “punctuated equilibrium”? Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge’s explanation falls flat on its face! Where are those explosions of new life forms?
If humans came from apes; chimpanzees, baboons, gorillas, orangutans, etc.; (your ancestral claim), why aren’t apes (your forebears) evolving into a human like yourself today Lib the racist unscientist? How come Homo habilis, Homo neanderthalensis and Homo erectus all died off? The great ice age? God created Puddy, not Puddy evolving from an ape as you claim about yourself.
Oh. Aptitude isn’t something you give to someone else. Free or otherwise.
Puddy disagrees Travis… The crazed clueless databaze deala had the aptitude for couch sitting and screen scraping HA DUMMOCRETINS for years! It was born for that task! God did give that to the crazed clueless databaze deala!
Fascinating discussion over on Reddit about the changing nature of work.
Technology eliminates menial jobs, replaces them with more challenging, more productive, and better paying ones… jobs for which 99% of people are unqualified.
Fascinating comments:
“We have a job for you! It requires 5 years of experience, 4 years of training at $25,000 a year, and will be obsolete in three years.
Why can’t we find good people?”
The world’s on it’s way to looking more like professional sports, where only one in 16,000 is talented enough to make a living at it.
What’s interesting is that a Gas station attendant or an assistant manager at a grocery store in, say, the 1950s could raise a family on his income, and it was considered a respectable job. Popular attitudes towards low-skilled work like that now is ‘fuck you, you piece of shit, what do have a learning disability? I hope you die, you loser’
You want to talk about the “elephant in the room”? There’s an elephant in this thread: no one is talking about corporations’ increasing reluctance to train anyone to so much as use a stapler!
Correlation does not imply causation.
Rory Cooper @rorycooper
Under President Obama, Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats. That’s some legacy.
6:01 AM – 4 Nov 2015
Down ballot results matter.
Yes. To all. Unequivocally, yes. Up to, and including speciation, in directly observable time spans. Stay out of the deep end here, son. You’ll drown before you can attempt to save yourself with a spooky metaphysical life ring made up of superstitious belief systems. If kooks like you want to challenge science, best to steer clear of observation. We’ve got it. You don’t.
“After his death, pundits had called Gliniewicz a victim of an increasingly dangerous environment for police as some citizens challenge what they see as overzealous enforcement.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It seems the pundits were wrong; it appears this particular “hero cop” was a liar and thief. Even worse,
“Incriminating texts and Facebook messages Gliniewicz sent … revealing his increasing anxiety after Fox Lake hired its first professional administrator, Anne Marrin. She began auditing all the village departments, including the Explorer program. … On Aug. 31, the day before Gliniewicz’s death, Marrin said she asked him for an inventory of the Explorers program. In one of the texts, Gliniewicz discussed trying to get Marrin out of office, perhaps by arresting her for drunken driving, but also mentioning ‘planting things’ and a remote bog in the area.”
Sounds like he was planning to frame, and maybe murder, an honest city administrator because she was about to expose his criminal activities? Maybe the people who used his death to attack police reformers will now acknowledge there are bad cops, and there’s a legitimate and pressing need for police reforms? Cops have too much power, not enough accountability; even their bosses can’t control them. (See, e.g., New York cops disrespecting the mayor.) You know what they say about the corrupting influence of absolute power …
This is an example of a person doing a good deed.
State trooper delays telling children of parents’ death, takes care of them on Halloween
MORGAN COUNTY, Georgia — Faced with the somber task of informing four children that their parents had been killed in a car wreck on Halloween, a big-hearted Georgia state trooper opted to do things a little differently. Trooper Nathan Bradley decided to take the costume-clad kids under his wing for the evening and allow them to enjoy Halloween. He also started an online fundraising campaign to help the family.
I expect puddy will try to blame this on liberals and complain the cop wasn’t old testament enough and bob will find a way to mock they look and somehow use this to disparage unions and Hillary.
@ 65
There’s an elephant in this thread: no one is talking about corporations’ increasing reluctance to train anyone to so much as use a stapler!
Using a stapler isn’t worth $15/hr, Better.
Especially when you can buy a copier from HP, with stapling function, for $850.
upon further examination, it is quite clear that your entire post consists of ignorance. Your liberal use the the term “random” is the biggest give away. You posit a long list of claims about biology that simply are not true. It must be trivially easy to dispute something you don’t know anything about. But please rest assured, you don’t. You grasp at the principles of biological science like an ant trying to grip a basketball. You couldn’t begin to explain punctuated equilibrium. I’m shocked that you’d bring it up. If they’ve taught you in your cult meetings that Gould’s theories somehow conflict with gradualism, well, you’ve been lied to yet again.
@53 Just about everyone involved is walking back the bomb theory this morning. How about you?
“Aviation consultant Denny Kelly says, if there was a bomb on the Airbus A321, the wreckage and bodies will provide the evidence. ‘There are going to be certain types of markings on the body, and there’s going to be certain types of things, certain markings inside the airplane,’ he said, adding that such evidence ‘can readily be discovered at the scene if the people know what they’re doing.'”
Meanwhile, an alternate theory is emerging:
“The tail section of the plane was found nearly three miles from the main fuselage, reinforcing the theory that it could have broken off in flight due to damage caused 14 years ago when the plane suffered what is known as a ‘tail strike,’ the tail of the plane hitting the ground before the wheels on landing.”
But that won’t stop Rush-To-Judgment Puddy from pontificating his own pet theory. After all, facts have never slowed him down before, so why would they this time?
@55 A grifter and liar who disbelieves basic facts about science, the pyramids, and our adversaries isn’t a threat in a rocking chair on the front porch of a retirement home.
@57 Is there some sort of point in there? What is it? That if crooks pose as attorneys, that somehow implicates real attorneys? This looks like a feeble version of Puddy’s standard-issue guilt-by-association horseshit to me.
@ 72
Just about everyone involved is walking back the bomb theory this morning.
Headline on CNN, piece updated an hour ago:
UK leader: ‘More likely than not’ bomb brought down Russian plane
You must have bought a new plastic nose and big floppy shoes to wear at the computer today, RR.
@59 “Seems HA DUMMOCRETIN libtards hate Dr Ben because he’s everything DUMMOCRETINS are not!”
We don’t hate him, but yeah, he’s a lot of things we’re not that we have a hard time seeing as national leader material: He’s dishonest, ignorant, intolerant of college professors who teach science instead of his biblical views of the origins of the universe, etc. Like I said above, we have absolutely no problem with Dr. Carson enjoying a contented retirement after his distinguished career in neurosurgery …
The loonacy of LA judges knows no bounds… http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-.....irror_main
@70, Bob, The grasp of your understanding, your insightful analysis and the level of your ability to comprehend nuance always live up to my expectations.
“All you got is some made up historical science creating an evolutionary argument.”
What a fucking idiot.
Oh Roger, the very sloppy senile wabbit,
Dr Ben is against professors whom mark you down if you try to offer any alternative to evolution. Hence all the university and college take downs over progressive speech and grading over the last few months? Did you forget the WSU take down last month?
@60 I never said they were Republikkkans, and I don’t give a rat’s ass what their politics are; a crook is a crook. What I actually said — try wrapping your feeble brain around this idea — is that Republikkkans are against protecting consumers from scum like this. They apparently believe the “free market” can do the job. In primitive societies without government, such people would be beaten to death with clubs. That’s the “free market” solution to criminal predators who prey on villagers with no government to stop them. Why are Republikkkans against civilization? Why do Republikkkans want to make us all live like animals?
@62 “Not everyone is worthy. Not everyone should go to college.”
Go watch the movie “Rudy” again. Then look up the real-life bio of Daniel Ruettiger. You might learn something.
And the slippery slope gets more slick! https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/11/05/these-gay-men-became-father-and-son-now-they-want-to-get-married-but-cant/
@63 “Have you seen evolution happen Lib the racist unscientist? Watch.. the caterpillar into the butterfly will be its answer!”
Good God. They let you program computers?
@64 I gotta admit it’s sobering to follow this conversation between Bickle and Puddy, then read Puddy’s writings and realize that’s the end product of today’s educational system …
@65 “You want to talk about the “elephant in the room”? There’s an elephant in this thread: no one is talking about corporations’ increasing reluctance to train anyone to so much as use a stapler!”
I’ve been talking about that forever. Among other things, I’ve pointed out that today’s employers expect workers to have college degrees, technical skills, be job-ready in all respects at their own expense — and willing to work for $10 an hour with no benefits. My response is: Screw that; if those are the terms of employment, then nobody should work.
@ 82
I think you would be better off suggesting I watch “Invincible” again.
Or are you suggesting that everyone be given an opportunity to play college football? We could spend fall Saturdays watching Pac 12 matchups with every play looking like this:
Not everyone should play football. Not everyone should go to college. And Elizabeth Banks is way hot.
@70 “Using a stapler isn’t worth $15/hr, Better.”
Yes it is. Here’s the breakdown:
Showing up for work and giving the employer your time: $10.10
Figuring out which papers to staple together and in what order (this requires education): $8.75
Putting up with the boss’s and customers’ bullshit: $6.14
Picking up the stapler and stapling the papers together: $0.01
This employee is underpaid by $10.00 an hour.
Cognitive dissonance abounds.
To libtards an admitted lying DUMMOCRETIN woman whom has no identifiable accomplishments riding her cheating husband’s coattails is more qualified than a world renown BLACK doctor who has more innate intelligence in his pinky than her whole body?
@85 sez the loony Roger, the very sloppy senile wabbit whom writes easily deeeestroyed leftist propaganda and forgets the real FACTS in the same thread! Witness the Tuesday threads where he could not discern girls from girl’s!
Puddy would rather write ebonics than forget the simple history from yesterday not even that from last week!
@75 Let’s try this, Bickle, using your source (CNN):
“UK leader: ‘More likely than not’ bomb brought down Russian plane
“It is ‘more likely than not’ that a bomb brought down Metrojet Flight 9268 over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, British Prime Minister David Cameron said Thursday.”
“Cameron’s comment came as Russian and Egyptian officials warned about jumping to conclusions, and he conceded that he couldn’t confirm ‘with certainty’ why the Russian commercial jet crashed. Still, he said he believes there is enough reason to keep British citizens from flying back from Sharm el-Sheikh, a popular tourist destination in Egypt, until he’s sure it is safe to do so. That process, the Prime Minister acknowledged, could ‘take some time.'”
“U.S. officials have told CNN that intelligence suggests that ISIS or its affiliates planted a bomb on the Russian plane, which broke apart in midair, killing all 224 people on board. The flight was heading from Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg, Russia.”
“Those officials stressed that no formal conclusion has been reached by the U.S. intelligence community and that U.S. officials haven’t seen forensic evidence from the crash investigation.”
“But the intelligence also suggests that someone at the Sharm el-Sheikh airport helped get a bomb onto the plane, one U.S. official said. ‘This airport has lax security. It is known for that,’ the official said. ‘But there is intelligence suggesting an assist from someone at the airport.'”
“But Egyptian Civil Aviation Minister Hossam Kamel said officials have found no evidence to support the theory that a bomb caused the plane to crash. Neither the United States nor the United Kingdom has shared intelligence about a possible bomb with Egyptian authorities, Kamel told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.”
“The signs pointing to ISIS, another U.S. official said, are partially based on monitoring of the terrorist group’s internal messages. Those messages are separate from public ISIS claims of responsibility, the official said. In an audio message from ISIS’ Sinai branch that was posted on terror-related social media accounts Wednesday, the organization adamantly insisted that it brought down the flight.”
“Typically, ISIS is quick to trumpet how and who carried out any attacks for purposes of praise and propaganda. To some, the fact that ISIS hasn’t provided details in this case raises doubt about the group’s repeated claims of responsibility.”
“Officials in Egypt and Russia have said there’s no evidence to support ISIS’ claims.”
“The Egyptian Foreign Ministry said the decisions to halt air traffic were made without its input. ‘I think it is somewhat premature to make declarations related to what might or might not have happened to the aircraft before the investigation is completed and before there is a definitive cause for this crash,’ Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry told CNN.
“Sinai has been a battleground between ISIS-affiliated militants and Egyptian security forces in recent years. Hundreds have died in the fighting. If a bomb did cause the Sinai plane crash, one conceivable motive for ISIS to attack a Russian airliner is that Russia started launching airstrikes in Syria in September, saying it was coordinating with the Syrian regime to combat ISIS and other terrorists.”
BUT THEN … if ISIS did down a Russian airliner filled with children, don’t you think Putin will do something about it? So far, he hasn’t, because unlike you morons he’s waiting for investigators to figure out what happened. Is David Cameron an aviation accident expert? Nah, he’s a politician — so what does he know? Even Putin isn’t as jumpy as Cameron. That doesn’t say much for Cameron.
@78 “@70, Bob, The grasp of your understanding, your insightful analysis and the level of your ability to comprehend nuance always live down to my expectations.”
@79 Yeah, no kidding. If colleges are handing out degrees to people like him, Bickle may have a point @62.
@80 “Dr Ben is against professors whom mark you down if you try to offer any alternative to evolution.”
Only science professors do that. If you want to study the alternative to evolution, enroll in a divinity college. Meanwhile, keep the federal government out of arbitrating whether scientists or theologians are right, instead of trying to use the federal bureaucracy to turn our science universities into divinity colleges like Carson wants to do.
@87 I was pretty sure, when I posted it, that the meaning of #82 would be lost on you, and you didn’t disappoint in that respect.
@90 “Puddy would rather write ebonics … ”
FWIW, I doubt you could pass a third-grade ebonics test.
Thanks for admitting your senility abounds today!
@97 Weak.
Once again DUMMOCRETINS are exploiting minors for their political gain. As Puddy wrote yesterday
Way to go libtardos!
“It’s a grain Silo. I don’t care what the pinhead archeologists say. I have my beliefs and my bible.”
Dr. Ben is starting to get some attention. That can’t be good for him.
FACTS are FACTS no matter how strong or weak they are. You can’t remember what was previously written.
Remember girls ≠ girl’s except in the senile mind of Roger wabbit!
@101 I have better things to do than argue with a fencepost. Later.
Dr Ben is against any politically correct university professor. Puddy wonders how many of them work at UW?
Yes, the burned out 1 microwatt light bulb @102 runs away from the discussion!
Seems Heilary’s free super pad is now trying to take out Dr Ben. http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/05/.....index.html
Looking for anything to dismiss Dr Ben. So far nothing is working butt Heilary’s minions keep trying! CNN doesn’t get it because they are still using the 1990s DUMMOCRETIN playbook!
Putin Warns Isis – Obama Warns School District about Girls Shower Room
That headline says it all!
99 now conservatives can’t handle criticism from smart mouth kids?
Are conservatives embarrassed by the comments from the bigots who don’t agree with the message?
Bernie Sanders attacks Heilary on her wall street connections and that pesky email server and she whines “Bernie attacked me!” What happens when Putin attacks Heilary?
smart mouth kids?
Is that what you teach “your kids” to do when they disagree with adults moronic twit @107? So when “your kids” disagree with the teacher, it’s A-OK to flip off the teacher like the black girl in Carolina when told to turn off her phone by the teacher and the vice-principal?
You have no problem using children as political pawns eh moronic twit @107? Really?
Notice the moronic twit @107 used one of the Alinsky code words… bigot!
Very telling twit!
re: 106,
be suspicious. Be immediately suspicious.
Not just because of the links offered, but more so because of the subject. Transgender rights disputes involving minors cannot be fully reported out, due to the privacy rights of the minors involved. Much of the relevant information is redacted from public records. And all public statements from any of the parties involved must be carefully pre-screened and vetted in order to protect privacy. So: we really don’t know too much about this child, other than that she has lived as a female since a very early age, and that she is undergoing medical treatment aligned with her gender identity. We don’t know much about the arrangements made by the school district to grant her access to the regular girl’s locker room. We don’t know much about the protracted negotiations between the S.D. and the Dept of Ed., just that they failed. We do know that the White House has not been involved in this so far. We also know that many other school districts have managed to create policies that the Dept of Education has been okay with.
None of us are likely to know the specific details behind this or similar disputes, despite the claims of fearful bigots. But we can surmise that probably no student involved in such a circumstance would be more concerned for their privacy than the trans-gendered student.
checkmate @13,
We don’t know much about the arrangements made by the school district to grant her access to the regular girl’s locker room.
Oh yes we do libtard the racist unscientist @111. Puddy gave the link with the school district’s response! You chose to not read it fool!
We don’t know much about the protracted negotiations between the S.D. and the Dept of Ed., just that they failed.
Oh yes we do libtard the racist unscientist. Just Google “aclu illinois transgender” For example one link: http://www.aclu-il.org/departm.....ansgender/
We do know that the White House has not been involved in this so far.
Really libtard the racist unscientist? Nothing comes from any department except that approved by Obummer! He’s ben involved in American life since Henry Louis Gates in 2009!
Alinsky is your personal demon, not mine.
I don’t know your standards but for me, people who post things these comments are bigots. What would you call them?
“See the hideous mongrels? This is race impurity. Products of wars and rape.”
“Get the f**k out shit skinned future rapists and welfare recipients. We already feed enough lazy n*****s. GTFOH”
“Nice job Beaners.”
“Those little parasites are many things, innocent isn’t one of them.”
“You taco apes really stepped in it this time:-)”
and these non sequiturs
“It is probably put together and orchestrated by the Bush clan. They are big Latino lovers.”
“Jeb Bush.. Are you behind this..??”
Why would anyone want to associate with people who post like that?
More progressive libtard actions running amok… http://usatodayhss.com/2015/wr.....s-expected
So if you are a high school player and point to the sky you are wrong?
@104 No, I had to take a shit. Are wingnuts like you trying to impose constipation on us now? Fucking dictators.
@114 I can sort of understand why people who exercise their “right to work” by making $7.25/hr. shoveling out chicken barns resent the $1.25 a year they pay in taxes for welfare programs.
Notice the moronic twit ran away from #109. Guess that’s A-OK for his kids to be disrespectful to adults!
You make the ASSumption that all those comments are from conservatives! Libtards are just as racist!
Don’t these morons realize that they are under scrutiny? http://www.mcclatchydc.com/new.....84439.html
Went to town hall today to request a marriage license for me and my brown teddy bear.
To paraphrase puddy “Notice the puddy ran away from #114. Guess that’s A-OK for his kind to be bigots to brown people!”
I taught my son not to use that language around adults. However those are not my kids. Do you presume to tell other parents how to raise their kids?
@ 122
I taught my son not to use that language around adults.
You mean language like “his kind”, Better?
What happens when people who don’t know what they’re talking about seize upon an elementary principle of physics and yank it out of context.
@123 when paraphrasing puddy, it seemed the correct phrase
Too much like your wording?
A writer on Nate Silver’s blog has come up with a fascinating explanation of why hard-right candidates like Carson, Trump, and Cruz never win GOP presidential nominations.
It has to do with blue-state Republicans. Voters living in states where Republican candidates lose get to pick a majority of the delegates who nominate the GOP’s presidential candidate. To be precise, 1,247 of the 2016 GOP delegates will come from states Obama won, while 1,166 come from states Romney won.
In addition, blue-state Republicans possess disproportionate voting power: “The average blue district awards one convention delegate per 28,912 Romney voters, while the average red district awards one delegate per every 56,714 Romney voters.” This means hard-right candidates campaigning in red states need many more votes at the grassroots level to win a given number of delegates.
In short, by diluting red-state voting power, the GOP’s delegate selection process favors the moderate candidates supported by more centrist-leaning blue-state Republicans.
This is truly shocking……it’s like finding out the real truth of the Egyptian Pyramids (silos for grain)…..gay people can reproduce.
Science should have told us better. They have penises that can be inserted into holes while shooting jizz into the hole. Who knew? Truly shocking!
Seems like this gay guy produced more kids than some heterosexuals.
@120 I don’t know – Republicans seem to be oblivious to the truth.
Yes – certainly all self proclaimed heterosexuals are completely straight. I guess if you do something like this out of brutality it isn’t gay, only when you do something like that and you are enjoying it.
Boob – what do you say Mommy and Daddy are proud of these criminals?
Hey Boob – I know its not a tweet…but what do you think of GHWB comments about Rummy and Darth Vader?
You are kind of silent to that. I wonder why. You just wish it will go away.
So if the pyramids were built as grain silos, where are the hollow spaces the grain was stored in?
The moronic twit @122 can’t read… Puddy answered his latest sewage in #119!
Apparently the moronic twit @122 hasn’t read La Raza racial statements against blacks! Puddy posted them for the crazed clueless databaze deala, to remind it of their statements!
See ya!
@131 use your imagination…..there are several crevices where plenty of grain could be stored.
Puffy you say you fly all around the world proselytizing, you should head to one of Ben”s campaign stops and help him out by telling him that instead of rap he should do his ads in ebonics.
Hey Puffy look – cops kill 6 year old white boy.
Does that make you feel better that I posted it?
#BlueLivesMatter. #fergusoneffect
The DUMMOCRETIN protected class… http://www.gopusa.com/freshink.....bscriber=1
Teabagged Again,
Puddy read it and got real sad. That father will wake up and his son is gone. Puddy imagined how Puddy would have felt. Hence Puddy didn’t post it!
You on the other hand well… You always make poor decisions!
Puddy hopes she’s 65 before she sees freedom again… http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2403313
Did Ben Carson make up tales about his violent youth? Journalists who’ve interviewed people who knew him, grew up with him, and went to school with him couldn’t find a single witness to back up his stories.
“Ben Carson said Thursday that the names of two people he has previously identified as victims of his childhood violence are ‘fictitious.'”
This much is clear: “In the chapters of Carson’s 1990 autobiography that detail the incidents involving Bob and Jerry, there’s no note or indication to alert the reader that the names were fictitious.”
Wanna bet this is would have been an Obummer voter if he could have voted? http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2353296
The laws of a DUMMOCRETIN led city… http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2394977
@141 Prove it!
Christie, Huckabee Bumped From Next Debate
These two also-rans have been sent back to the minors, while Graham and Pataki are off the stage altogether.
Next week’s main event, sponsored by Rupert Murdoch d/b/a WSJ and Fox Business, features Trump, Carson, Cruz, Bush, Fiorina, Kasich, Paul, and eventual nominee Rubio.
Meanwhile, on his first day of full ownership of National Geographic, Murdoch began firing its editorial staff. As one observer noted, “The National Geographic Society has long stood for science, research, and investigation. Murdoch’s companies have long stood against all three … the editorial changes therefore will be severe.”
@139 at this rate we should ask to see Ben’s birth certificate, he probably wasn’t even born in the United States.
@141 I wonder if race has anything to do with that story? Or sexual orientation?
Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz – DUMMOCRETIN
Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer – DUMMOCRETIN
NYC Mayor William DiBlasio – DUMMOCRETIN
NYC – Nuff Said Sucka!
Fill-in DUMMOCRETIN judges… Useless in providing justice! http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2397990
Isn’t that what Roger senile claimed to do?
Meanwhile Mayor Rahm Deadfish Emanuel’s Chicago land still going strong… http://www.theblaze.com/storie.....witnessed/