– What could go wrong with catastrophic failure?
– I think we can all agree that when a celebrity talks about her abortion, the important thing to do is to talk about how sad they must be.
– Heads up, Burke-Gilman trail users, there will be closures under I-5 starting in mid-January, so be prepared for the detour.
– A Balloon Juice meetup would be fun.
What a content rich morning to study to… http://www.cnsnews.com/news/ar.....s-citizens
NYC Mayor on IDs For Illegals: ‘Don’t Want’ Them ‘To Feel Like Second-Class Citizens’
Hey DeBlasio… they are illegal aliens! Yessiree, now terrorists can get their ID cards and parade as first class citizens per DeBlasio. This moron took the informants out of the Brooklyn Mosque because we can’t “watch them”. Puddy hopes there is no NYC attack otherwise DeBlasio will really pay the price for left wrong looooonacy!
Second content rich comment… http://www.washingtontimes.com.....-islam-ta/
Islamic terrorist? Perish the thought! Yessiree, can’t use that term. Why? Howard Screech Dean sez so!
Goldy retweeted
Justin Wolfers @JustinWolfers · 19h 19 hours ago
Worth noting: Aetna’s stock price rose (by more than the S&P 500) after announcing higher wages for low-paid workers:
Yeah, that must be it. Aetna moves to increase its labor costs by around $40M/yr or so and is rewarded for higher expenses by capitalists. ’cause that’s how markets work.
Probably has absolutely nothing to do with, um, this:
Aetna Inc. expects to add more Medicare and public-exchange members in its current quarter than it had previously projected, as the insurer continues to benefit from the new health-care law.
Ahead of a presentation at the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference on Tuesday, Aetna backed its per-share earnings outlook for the current year of at least $6.90 a share and its revenue guidance of at least $62 billion. Analysts polled by Thomson Reuters are expecting $7.15 a share in earnings on $62.5 billion in revenue.
Aetna said Tuesday that it expects its overall membership for 2014 will exceed its previous projection of 23.4 million members.
or this:
Revenue guidance just missed Wall Street’s $57.7 billion target, which would be a 22.4% increase over 2013’s $47.2 billion.
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/busi.....z3Ooj3XslI
…and OxyContin and magic mushrooms are popular in Seattle.
…prescription drugs such as Xanax and Adderall dominate the south.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sci.....z3OorfwTDc
Kinda interesting trend discussion in the article.
@1 I think someone should plant an informant in your cave to keep an eye on you. Stupidity can be dangerous.
@3 Well waddya know, Obama’s socialism is juicing a capitalist stock. (I don’t own that one; maybe I should look into it. Roger Rabbit is not one to leave any stone unturned when it comes to groveling for profit opportunities.)
@ 6
Follow the money.
@1 “Puddy hopes there is no NYC attack otherwise DeBlasio will really pay the price for left wrong looooonacy!”
Will it be similar to the price paid by Rudy Giuliani for 911?
“…while sugar constitutes just 2 precent of the total value of U.S. crop produtction, the nations’ s sugar farmers account for 35 percent of the crop industry’s total campaign contributions and 40 percent of its lobbying expenditures.” – Reason, February 2015, pg. 70.
Crony capitalism.
@9 — It’s the invisible hand of the free market making sure that there is no free market.
And what price was that Rudy paid headless lucy @8? You mean that BULLSHITTIUM from that left wrong rag crooks and liars about the command center?
Do tell!
@1 ID Cards don’t kill people, people kill people. Your kind of of people, that have ID’s like yourself. And then again plenty of domestic violence in the USA by people without ID cards.
@3 boy the ACA is really a jobs killer!
@10 like the free market of petroleum. Supply and demand, is it now not working or is oil just another bubble that is bursting?
RR @8
“Will it be similar to the price paid by Rudy Giuliani for 911?”
Ah, yes, he insisted that the NY city crisis center be located in the twin towers. That worked out well on 9/11…
Religious right stsnding up for bigotry in the name of religion, kind if like ISIS. Defending fire chief in Atlanta. The guy deserves to be fired, but of course the loonies are up in arms. The mayor of Atlanta is now getting harrassing csls from the loonies. They are no different from terrorists.
Is the Atlanta fire chief, a public official, have the right to determine which fires to put out based on sexual orientation?
Loonies just fucking loonies. Nothing more to say about the right.
Thanks ekimthegoatabuser for swallowing that Crooks and Liars BULLSHITTIUM as Puddy called!
Any left wrong site… an HA DUMMOCRETIN opens their mouth wide and drinks the kook aid!
Sux to be the ekimthegoatabuser!
People upset that Obama didn’t send anyone to Paris.
The same people that were pour French wine down the drain and changing the name of French fries to freedom fries, and the same people that didn’t like that France didn’t join the alliance in the Iraq war?
And today France says that it will reduce, REDUCE, it’s level of involvement in the fight agains ISIS, I’m sure conservatives think they are heroes.
Religion is not bigotry you moron empty buttspigot! Freedom of religion is in the constitution! Seems you continue to miss that! What he wrote in his book is from the Bible. Someday you’ll meet the Creator of the Universe and He’ll tell you face to face. Then what you gonna do?
The reason for his firing was he didn’t run to Atlanta guvmint to approve his book!
The Atlanta Fire Chief is a bigoted hyper-religious pinhead, just like the puddyfuckwad.
By the way…Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed is a Christian. Just not a bigoted hyper-religious pinhead like the Atlanta Fire Chief and the puddyfuckwad.
@7 Trust me, I do.
@11 I dunno, something to do with his former political ambitions? What office does he currently hold?
(I feel like a teacher answering a question from the stupidest kid in the class. You know what I mean, you have an obligation to do it, but … )
@19 Since when is the municipal government of Atlanta a church?
@20 “The Atlanta Fire Chief is a bigoted hyper-religious pinhead, just like the puddyfuckwad.”
He has every right to be a bigoted hyper-religious pinhead on his own time, but he can’t take it to work with him. That’s what Puddy Pinhead doesn’t get.
@21 Basically what it boils down to is he violated city rules.
Yup, but to the fundies it’s a call to jihad.
Someday you’ll meet the Creator of the Universe and He’ll tell you face to face. Then what you gonna do?
One – I guess I should believe in that shit to be worried that it would happen.
Second – I guess I’ll do the same thing any murderer, rapist, thief, adulterer, lire, cheating businessman will do.
I’ll do whatever congressman Michael Grimm will do. So ask him, and you’ll have my answer.
Given the controversy of the science of being gay, I think I stand a better chance answering then any murderer, rapist, thief, adulterer, etc… And congressman Grimm.
Sux to be you, you ape.
You mean this Virginia DUMMOCRETIN Joseph Morrissey? http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2015.....d-staffer/
So if Puddy asks him, Puddy have your answer?
So let’s identify the hypocrisy of rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears:
If the Atlanta Police Chief was Muslim and did this where would your mouth be? SILENT!
Seems to you libtards you can’t be a Christian at work. So men and women of faith have no place in public management of any kind. That’s a no no! Butt, you can be an atheist and that’s no problem!
When you read the NY Slimes editorial they claim
That’s not what is book said. He didn’t compare homos to any of those other acts. FACTS are ignored by libtards! From the Slimes editorial
Handing out the book at church is wrong per the Slimes!
From the investigation
Except for the virulent DUMMOCRETINS the chief needed to be fired instead!
What he wrote was ““uncleanness — whatever is opposite of purity; including sodomy, homosexuality, lesbianism, pederasty, bestiality, all other forms of sexual perversion”
“Nobody can tell Mr. Cochran what he can or cannot believe,” the paper said in an editorial published Tuesday. “If he wants to work as a public official, however, he may not foist his religious views on other city employees who have the right to a boss who does not speak of them as second-class citizens.”
@30 exactly – and if you think that kind of morals, or lack of, is strictly aligned with democrats than you are just another fuckwad! Needless to say. And he’s a heterosexual! Maybe you should ask all heterosexuals to explain his misgivings. You know like one bad gay apple spoils it for the rest.
@31 I’ll anser for Rujax. Rujax’s answer would be the same as previously expressed.
You are a nutcase for thinking otherwise.
@31 – I’ll try to make you realize what is wrong with what you say in 31.
What if I expressed everything that the chief expressed and anyone else you cite on the belief of the color of their skin!
You know me – the big bigot – I think the same thing about black people, their being is like a “perversion,” compared to bestiality and pedophilia, and said heterosexual acts that are “vile, vulgar and inappropriate.”
Now let me serve to be your chief fireman!
Puffy you have the freedom to believe and express what you want. All of it – even the hate! But you don’t have the right to discriminate against anyone based on your beiliefs. And as a Public official you don’t have the right to do everything you want.
Your religious freedom doesn’t give you the right to discriminate.
Say what you want but it is your actions that are different.
And own up to and be accountable for the consequences of your freedom of speeck (or hate), such as when someone beats or kills a person (or acts badly) because of your free speech.
I’m not free to yell fire in a theater – and even if I were, there are consequences that I have to own, like a trampling of people, because of it.
You are a fucking moron! I have a religion of my own – and you wouldn’t like too much about what my religion has to say about heterosexuals and black people. You wouldn’t allow me to say it, as my religious freedom. Main stream society wouldn’t put up with my relgion’s beliefs.
@35 and not only that belief, but I want to hand out the book that I wrote that states that belief to all the people that work for me as fire chief, even if they don’t want it.
Now let me serve as your fire chief!
Or should I say as your Nazi!
As a matter of fact Darryl censored me and kicked me off the site for stating what my religious beliefs are, and he called it bigotry. But your religious beliefs seem to be religious freedom.
I’m sure the Pope would believe also that Free expression (religion) doesn’t mean right to insult others sexual orientation or the right to discriminate.
Puffy, you and your loony fundamentalists, get a fucking life. You have no life, if all you do is talk about my life. Stick to your fucking stupid life! Stay out of my life!
Right asshole Libertarian!
This is interesting. It’s an interactive website cataloging all the contradictions in the bible. Where it says one thing, and later it says the opposite.
Hey Puffy, why can the right take action but not the left?
This still doesn’t change that the right (platform) are a bunch of bigots
ahhh yes, all of the Putin lovers on the right must be very happy.
@ 42
Bear in mind that most of the die-hard anti-war/isolationists in the 1930’s were also highly vocal supporters of the National Socialist movement in Germany. Prescott Bush, the Coors family, W.R. Hearst, the DuPonts, Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh etc. Even as Germany was sinking American, Canadian and British cargo ships in the Atlantic. Hell, Charles Lindbergh even went to Germany as a consultant on how to develop their aerial warfare strategy and tactics. Prescott Bush was helping German spies get hired into shipping offices in ports all over the east coast.
It is the same now, as then. Conservatives just love the Police State.
Here is what Religious Freedom gets you.
Macy Closings
JC Penny Closings
The Coming College Decline
“Frey has calculated that if the U.S. does not improve its college completion rates for young people, the share of Americans holding at least a four-year degree will start to decline as soon as 2020. After that, his model forecasts that the share of college-educated Americans will not climb back to its level in 2015 (just under one-third) at least through 2050.”
“The reason the U.S. faces the risk of declining educational achievement is its failure to sufficiently respond to the profound demographic change reshaping society. The current school year marks the first time in American history when a majority of all K-12 public school students nationwide are minorities. Minority students already comprise nearly two-fifths of high-school graduates and will reach about half by 2023, the Education Department projects.”
Poking around on this issue, it seems to be a resources issue, the white kids go to better schools and have more time and money for education, the minority kids get less education and are less ready for college and cannot afford it.
Why do working class people vote more for republicans? What are dems doing wrong?
@47 losing the brainwashing game? The working class people making poor choices? If the working class people think that they would be better off with republican control, as they are always told, and if the working class people think that the poor are getting the better end of the stick than them, then again, all you have to do is convince the working class that they are better off if the poor are poorer – promising to cut taxes because they’ll eliminate wastly welfare.
Soooooo if the puffed buttspigot is taking the Pope seriously since the puffed buttspigot brought it up, then we should not see any religious attacks from the puffed buttspigot anymore!
Working class people are not part of the LIV crowd displayed by Jesse Watters and Jimmy Kimmel.
Plain and simple!
@ 47
Why do working class people vote more for republicans? What are dems doing wrong?
They’re not voting FOR Republicans. They’re voting against Democrats.
They’re largely white, blue-collar voters without substantial education.
There are all sorts of explanations.
Here’s one from a socialist:
Calling them racists
won’t help bring them back any time soon.
Or maybe, as some have written on HA, it’s in no small part because mid-terms are hard on the president’s party and 2014 was particularly hard on Obama’s Democrat party.
Maybe, Better, you need only wait until 2016.
Do you believe that?
Thanks better – What he wrote was ““uncleanness — whatever is opposite of purity; including sodomy, homosexuality, lesbianism, pederasty, bestiality, all other forms of sexual perversion” – for proving the NY Slimes editorial was a big lie! That’s what God has said is uncleanness!
Starbucks is using technology to make it easier on the baristas:
Or maybe, eventually, to cut back on the number of cashiers it needs to hire.
Speaking of Starbucks cutting back:
Starbucks lays off undisclosed number of employees at Seattle HQ
Spokeswoman Linda Mills would not disclose how many people were affected, but said that it was a small portion of the 3,500 employees based in the office. The layoffs started at the beginning of the year and will continue to take place through February.
Starbucks is targeting jobs “that are no longer aligned to our growth strategy or that have become redundant with other roles,” she said, adding that the layoffs are taking place across the board.
But no worries. They’re actually putting in new stores in a bunch of places all over the country that, wholly coincidentally, don’t have $15/hr minimum wage requirements. So we’re good.
Remember how the IDIOT Wabbit was bragging about the economy earlier this week? Well Obummer’s Commerce Department reports retail sales dropped .9% in December. So you anti-capitalist atheists must be cheering right now! So much for that booming economy, eh?
And now that it’s well known Obummer is anti-bidness we learn this from Gallup: http://www.breitbart.com/big-g.....-starting/
When you put onerous regulation after regulation on US bidness people say see ya! The anti-capitalist HA DUMMOCRETINS cheer!
Enter Kswama Savant… More bidness regulations… Soon Seattle will be a ghost town like Detroit! Did you see those Capital Hill restaurants shuttering due to higher rent and regulation costs?
See ya!
Who controls the inner city and their lousy schools? DUMMOCRETINS! Who makes asinine decisions on school curriculum and talent? DUMMOCRETINS! When did this decline start? 1965 when DUMMOCRETINS took over the school system through the NEA and AFT. Puddy already placed videos here where the orgs claimed they were not in it for the students just the politics and money. Ask the crazed databaze buttspigot for the replay!
Ahhh yes, Hollyweird goes racist again eh rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears? http://www.hollywoodreporter.c.....ite-764018 And just think tomorrow you’ll read of a blistering attack by Jesse and Al! Gotta love it how they slap back blacks!
For only the second time in nearly two decades, the 20 Academy Awards acting nominations went to a group made up entirely of white actors and actresses. Oh my, no raisins in the saucepan!
@53. Only a cheap labor conservative would take joy in the fact that a company is able to hire someone at below a living wage.
As I have talked about endlessly, the ability to automate jobs, even yours, is coming, and we need to find a way to train people in new needed skills (how are all those loggers doing as VCR repairmen?) or support them if they are unteachable or just simply unneeded. How will conservatives deal with that?
@55. Ok, puddy, where are the conservative schools that are doing fantastically well by applying conservative principles , and turning out well educated largely minority kids that have the same budget and requirements as inner city schools?
If you can give some examples that hold up to review, then you got something.
the ability to automate jobs, even yours, is coming, and we need to find a way to train people in new needed skills
It won’t be enough. It’s really scary how fast robotic technology is progressing..
The profits that will be reaped from practically zero cost labor will just force people and politicians to buckle down and guarantee a livable minimum income for all people.. Better that than social chaos that not even a police state can tamp down.
LOL! Which happens to be something that more than a couple of klownservative economist heroes have advocated.
Strange. At least Ted is trying to emulate the USMC as heroes now, if not back in the day by, you know, by actually serving instead of living with shit in his pants in order to dodge the draft.
I’m sure Palin will ignore all this and won’t find it “unacceptable and heartbreaking”, just as Ted’s other friend Huckabee ignores his lyrics, somehow not finding them to be “obnoxious and toxic mental poison”.
“I use the language of USMC heroes,” Nugent wrote back. “you clean it up & call me. till then, STFU & eat your crayons, plz”
“And if this offends you, then you’re exactly who he’s talking about,” someone else wrote.
“bingo” Nugent answered.
Nugent is scheduled to appear on Sarah Palin’s Sportsman Channel show, “Amazing America,” on Jan. 29. Palin, who has a son with Down syndrome, has in the past attacked people for using the slur.
As Raw Story points out, Palin called for Rahm Emanuel to be fired from his job as White House chief of staff when he reportedly used the phrase “fucking retarded.”
“Just as we’d be appalled if any public figure of Rahm’s stature ever used the ‘N-word’ or other such inappropriate language, Rahm’s slur on all God’s children with cognitive and developmental disabilities –- and the people who love them -– is unacceptable, and it’s heartbreaking,” Palin wrote on Facebook at the time.”
Huckabee’s kids grew up listening to Ted’s lyrics and look at how swell they turned out!
Oops. That somehow reminds me of Mitt and his dog, poor thing. Say, what’s up with Republicans and dogs? Is this something like goats?
I suppose Palin just shoots them from helicopters.
Well better, that’s easy… WA DC had a school voucher system until the NEA backed DUMMOCRETIN congress killed it. Students were reading 2 grades ahead in those private schools… http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....03546.html
DUMMOCRETINS and the NEA don’t care about inner city school children. Only care about their hides!
Say, what’s up with DUMMOCRETINS and eating dogs? Another People Eating Tasty Animal event?
Reading up on it, DC experiment is a mixed result, not a glowing example.
Yes the graduation rate is 12% higher but that’s not saying much, of the 1,000 kids who took advantage of the vouchers, only 500 graduated. The voucher system systemically weeded out the kids with special needs the regular schools have to take and accommodate.
“students in the voucher program were less likely to have access to special needs services and counselors”
So the pool of kids in the statics is skewed to the the better performers.
“The study concluded that there was no difference in standardized test scores in math and reading between the voucher students and those who applied but didn’t get voucher money.”
So that’s NOT a conservative success story.
Vouchers *DO* seem to be cheaper, in the same way that Uber is cheaper, Vouchers avoid all the “costly” regulations and controls that have evolved for regular schools to try to create a level playing field of quality and safety.
“Hundreds of students use their voucher dollars to attend schools that are unaccredited or are in unconventional settings, such as a family-run K-12 school operating out of a storefront, a Nation of Islam school based in a converted residence, and a school built around the philosophy of a Bulgarian psychotherapist. At a time when public schools face increasing demands for accountability and transparency, the 52 D.C. private schools that receive millions of federal voucher dollars are subject to few quality controls and offer widely disparate experiences.”
If regular schools would be called failures for that behavior, you can’t then claim voucher schools a success for that behavior without being a hypocrite.
Part of the problem was as soon as DUMMOCRETINS took over the House in 2007, the NEA backed House DUMMOCRETINS wanted the plan immediately killed. So you had families with children in the program and then younger siblings in the worst school district in America Wa DC United School System. Children gravitated down to the least common denominator knowing the program was ending! Did you read the link Puddy supplied? Did you read what some people claimed the reason why the program began to have problems? The standard public school system problem is you can’t get rid of bad teachers because of union protection for sucky teachers!
Up here our second son had a failure teacher as his first grade teacher. She was a failure as a teacher. He was much further behind his brother who had a great first grade teacher and had her again in third grade. When we saw her in a PTA conference she told us son #2’s teacher was known as a failure throughout the school system but because she had tenure they could not get rid of her even when parents complained. This is why Puddy dislikes unions!
“The standard public school system problem is you can’t get rid of bad teachers because of union protection for sucky teachers!”
And yet it’s proven to be far easier to get rid of a sucky union teacher than it is to get rid of a sucky non-union troll. Go figure.
“Say, what’s up with DUMMOCRETINS and eating dogs?”
Too bad for you that to talk of Democrats eating dogs means something entirely different than when we talk about Republicans eating dogs.
Another example, when a Republican says “wag the dog”, it doesn’t always mean what a Democrat thinks it means.
Wow Stupid Solution Steve…
Want proof of DUMMOCRETINS eating dog?
http://countercurrentnews.com/.....-executed/ Interesting story!
I know it won’t change your mind but because you had one bad teacher that you felt helpless to escape from, you now try to destroy all the protections and benefits unions help negotiate for all teachers, most of which are great and caring teachers.
And given the bragging about your kids, did not effect his academic career.
If your son’s education was important, Couldn’t you have raised a fuss and had him moved to a different classroom? Moved to a different school district? Enrolled in a private school for a year? Home school him for a year? Made it your mission to get that teacher fired? But instead of taking action, you got got mad at the union you were told was the problem. Maybe the PTA just told you that to get you to be quiet and go away.
Better asked,
Couldn’t you have raised a fuss and had him moved to a different classroom? – No the school system didn’t support that. We asked.
Moved to a different school district? – Had just moved here so getting district waivers were out of the question.
Enrolled in a private school for a year? – I was carrying two mortgages back east and the WA state apartment we were living in on my paycheck so no.
Home school him for a year? – Wife was trying to get a job to help me so no.
Made it your mission to get that teacher fired? – HAHAHAHA, we found out parents from the previous three years tried that and failed miserably! Union blocked their moves!
Thanks for asking!
you now try to destroy all the protections and benefits unions help negotiate for all teachers, most of which are great and caring teachers.
Wrong again better. We just wanted her removed for incompetence. If her fellow teachers knew she was incompetent wasn’t that a WARNING sign?
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-30737156 – This is a sad interview! Butt, Jeannette Bougrab is right. They French Police coddled the terrorist actions!
Obummer releases five more GITMO bad ASSES and people are asking why, especially after the attack in Paris!
These are some bad hombres and they are let go.
Hey puffed buttspigot with the empty tea bag…
Your buds in ISIS threw two gay guys off a tall building to their death! Is that something Christians would do? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....odomy.html
Well Al Sharpton is at it again… http://victorygirlsblog.com/al.....minations/
Anything to get in the news!
FBI Agent calls it right! http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/mccown.asp
“Is that something Christians would do?”
An extremist fundamentalist Christian, yes, of course. People of faith aren’t the problem, it’s the extremists of any faith. If you would tar all of Islam with the actions of its extremists, then you should be fair and use that same broad brush to tar Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and any other faith as well.
So Steve where has an fundamentalist extremist Christian done this?
The Packers are coming to town and the defending Super Bowl champion Seahawks are 7 1/2 point favorites. This is really cool!
Meanwhile the “religion of peace” is attacking this guy! http://www.bbc.com/news/entert.....s-30697645
Why is Al NotSoSharpton upset over some award ceremony honoring rich libtards faking it through on the big screen?
Oh then you shouldn’t have a problem talking about (or disliking) this union..
Fill us in. You’re not scared to talk about it are you?
The sea level is rising even faster than the global warming alarmists thought.
@75 In Vietnam, tall buildings weren’t available, so our Christian warriors threw the godless heathens out of helicopters.
NY Cops Face Public Backlash For Disrespecting Mayor
A new poll shows New Yorkers, by a 69-27 percent margin, disapprove of the police unions and police for turning their backs on Mayor DeBlasio.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: While the cops’ action of turning their backs on the mayor is, on a superficial level, just harmless symbolism, in a very real way it’s dangerous insubordination because it’s meant to communicate that the cops disrespect the civilian authority over them. What that implies is they won’t follow the orders of their civilian superiors; they will police New York’s streets in their own way, and become a law unto themselves, answerable to no one. If I were Mayor DeBlasio, I would respond to this with the Reagan treatment, which works like this: “I’m the boss, and you’re fired.”
“So Steve where has an fundamentalist extremist Christian done this?”
Good grief! After nearly 2,000 years of extremist Christian atrocities you have the nerve to even ask that question?
Oh Stupid Solution Steve,
We’re talking about 2015.
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeesh, that Stupid Solution must be very tasty!
So IDIOT Wabbit @86,
You have issues with how a libtard east coast union treats a whack job way out there libtard mayor in a city known for whack job libtard thought?
NY Times
NY Daily News
Puddy’s big bro lives there. The police are not in a rush to police the high crime areas. That’s the result of DeBlasio throwing them under the bus on Eric Garner. Remember IDIOT Wabbit, a black female sergeant was the commanding officer during the Garner take down and the precinct captain is black. In fact there are more minorities on the NYC force than whitey. So you must be racist to agree with that claim.
Do tell!
One of the biggest, more well known foreign policy libtards has spoken. Will HA DUMMOCRETINS listen? Puddy remembers that lone wolf HA’s crazed databaze buttspigot put forth whom had no gravitas. This guy has DUMMOCRETIN bona fides and well known libtard gravitas. This guy is a well known left wrong member from back in the 1960s with Robert McNamara! http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....hance.html Wow, the first two paragraphs kick ASS here…
Imagine Obummer without NSA and now UN ambassador Susan Rice, Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, Valerie Rasputin Jarrett or Ben Rhodes or John Effin Kerry or Marie Harf? Replace them with Republicans whom have foreign policy gravitas? Wow! Google “Valerie Jarrett Rasputin” and it’s an interesting read! Gelb has FINALLY seen the light!
Will the Friday Night Comix dare to place this as the lead lede? Puddy doubts it as truth doesn’t appear around midnight on Friday Nights on HA DUMMOCRETINS! Just some third and fourth tier toilet bowl flushers and morons from the lowest rated cable comedy channel appear each week!
Six years Real Americans have dealt with the Obummer sadministration (or as some call regime) and it’s change no one can fathom foreign or domestic, eh libtards. Ain’t it great y’all voted for a community organizer whom clearly has Gelb worried? Gelb can’t believe Obummeror Joe BiteME didn’t show up in France! HAHAHAHA! Meanwhile, the rest of the world is on high alert. We just witnessed Belgium take down some of your friends who hate Israel as much as most HA DUMMOCRETINS do! We watched the Charlie Hebdo attack from your friends who hate Israel as much as most HA DUMMOCRETINS do! And Obummer was watching football games in the whitey house! Even Josh Earnest has problems with this one all this week with the stuttering and looking down at his notes at the lectern! What we’ve gotten so far for Obummer’s change has come at a dear cost, and we’re not done paying per Gelb! Wow this is blistering!
Gelb received his PhD from Harvard so he and Obummer have something in common. While working for McNamara, the Pentagon Papers appeard. Hmmm…? Gelb worked for the NY Slimes so you know he’s a real libtard. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leslie_H._Gelb Look at all those libtard awards and groups he belongs to. It’s a long grocery list!
Remember HA DUMMOCRETINS, Gelb is probably best known for his 10 years as president of the Council on Foreign Relations; that dreaded CFR. CFR publishes Foreign Affairs Magazine, one of the widely read American magazines of the for libtard left wrong DUMMOCRETINS. Gelb has real gravitas!
Then Gelb has the libtard audacity to name Republican names! “Republicans with sterling records…” as he said! But his coup de grace was Gelb’s inference SoS John Effin Kerry should seek other guvmint work ASAP! Called Effin Kerry quixotic! Wonderful assessment! This guy has some potential here!
Then Gelb said talk to these gents… Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and James Baker. Oh my people HA DUMMOCRETINS hate with a passion!
In the end Obummer doesn’t care about the survival of America. He’s transforming America into a third world nation. Libtards scream America is too strong. Should not be the world’s super power. Should not be recognized as the leader of the world. That beacon of light everyone emigrates to for opportunity! He’s destroying that dream and ideal and a real deep seated libtard has finally woken up and said ENOUGH!
Gelb is now against everything you HA DUMMOCRETINS hold dear! Sadly Gelb took six years to finally ralize what Puddy has been saying for these same six years!
That Google search… Telling!
Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s Rasputin – Western Journalism
Obama’s Valerie Jarrett: Often Whispered about, But Never …
OBAMA’S RASPUTIN – Valerie Jarrett’s Influence on Obama
As Obama crashes and burns, insiders begin to blame …
valerie jarrett is a corrupt bitch – The Anti Liberal Zone
Obama Needs to Shake Up White House After Midterms …
Firing Offense? Valerie Jarrett is now scapegoat-in-chief …
Articles: Our Bored President – American Thinker
The unspoken WH rule: Don’t cross Valerie Jarrett – BizPac …
Valerie Jarrett—Obama’s Rasputin – Investors.com
Whistleblower Single Issue – March 2014 – WND Superstore
Valerie Jarrett, the New Rasputin? | PoliPundit.com – People saw this all the way back in Sept 2009
Daniel John Sobieski on Twitter: “(BD) Valerie Jarrett …
reFocusZone on Twitter: “‘Obama’s Rasputin?’ Valerie …
Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s Rasputin – LockerDome
Valerie Jarrett—Obama’s Rasputin | Message Board Posts
A portrait of Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s Rasputin … – Fark
Decided to visit the kook-aid site for Puddy’s view of this weeks Friday Night Comix material… And we can see where rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears gets his weekly commentary from…http://www.dailykos.com/story/.....tail=hide#
It’s so sad to see how reservation held DUMMOCRETINS view those who left the reservation. It’s like crabs in a boiling pot! YOU CAN’T LEAVE! IF YOU DO WE’LL USE OUR SPECIAL NAMES FOR YOU! How much more racist and sexist can a libtard DUMMOCRETIN get? Typical left wrong assumption from a very vile e-rag (that’s why HA DUMMOCRETINS rejoin themselves each day on Daily Kooks for the latest in the Kook Aid for their coffee, they are vile) this smart black woman is merely a dumb puppet for her white
slave ownersoverlordsmasters!Oliver-Velez is saying that Mia can’t think for herself and by natural extension black libtards all over America do not need to think for themselves either! Just accept the daily DUMMOCRETIN libtard jackboot frog march brown shirted left wrong doctrine. Visit the daily Rasputin Jarret tweets and all will be well. Libtards are continually bigoted and condescending. especially those who are stuck in the reservation. The sheer loonacy of these Daily Kook Klowns to view Mia this way is the perfect illustration of just how virulently racist you DUMMOCRETINS are! Puddy been saying this every day on HA! DUMMOCRETINS are the most vile racists on the planet!
Oliver-Velez once belonged to the Black Panther Party. We remember their bellicose statements in Ferguson and the 2012 elections in Philadelphia! Once again The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. No intelligent life found on Daily Kooks!
@75 – hey at least we aren’t throwing these guys off of builgings yet either. Does that make you feel better? hahaha, who says racism exists?
@79 – research the news – I think something like 6 gay hate crimes in NYC in 2014, that ended in death.
What was their relition? Christians? Most likey. Just because the church itself or an established gang of christians aren’t take claim for it. The perpetrators probably acted in the name of christianity and/or provoked by the hate of the right and christianity. See post 78. Does it really matter.
Does it matter if I ever enslaved a black person or ever killed one myself, if I used the Nigger word like drinking water?
What is your stupid point?
@87 You’re dealing with someone who has serious denial issues.
I guess, per Puffy, since we are no longer, for the most part, hanging black people, it is now acceptable to start using the word Nigger!
@79 and @88 – So your argument is that if we ignore 2,000 years of history and consider only the here-and-now, Christians are good guys who don’t commit atrocities? Hmm, have any abortion clinics been firebombed yet this year?
@89 You blame Garner’s death on blacks? Even though all 5 officers at the scene were white? Are you some kind of weird racist?
@97 – regardless of whether christians ever committed any atrocities, it is a stupid argument to say that ISIS is killing gays, but hey we Christians just don’t believe in thier existence and/or happiness, or in their morality. Like that makes everything better. And therefore we our religion is better because we treat them better, but still not equal.
Like I said, I never committed any atrocities against black people like murder, so I guess I can say for me to call one a nigger or fire them, or discrimnate against them, then that is acceptable.
Puffy’s brain is his ass – its got shit in it, that he hasn’t shit out in years.
@89 (continued) Note the lunatic called me a “racist” for posting that NY cops were disrespectful to civilian authority by turning their backs on their (wildly popular) mayor. I don’t get the connection, but won’t ask him to explain it, because I don’t want to get drenched in slobber.
@100 I wonder if he once lived next to Fukishima during its meltdown.
He’ll probaly respond to #97 and the 2000 years atrocities than to my comment. Just to avoid discussing it.
IDIOT Wabbit misses the point @89! Now why is that? Maybe the FACTS scramble his alzheimer laden brain so bad the fingers type something so strange it’s unbelievable. Those Garner FACTS were proven even by the NY Slimes IDIOT Wabbit. It’s just too bad you are too much of a moron to admit to those FACTS.
Eric Garner was 6′ 3″ and over 350. FACT! A little black female sergeant gonna get into the mix? FACT! She could have told them to cease and desist with the take down. FACT! She didn’t. FACT!
Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh you are worse off in 2015 than Puddy originally thought!
The NYC PoPo Police Force has more minorities on it that whitey. FACT. NY Slimes sez so! Sux to be the continually senile IDIOT Wabbit!
Calling you racist IDIOT Wabbit is the normal rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears thing to do when you pick on minorities! The NY City Police Force is minority now!
Seems that senile mind cant process FACTS!
@101 Of course, that’s why it overheated; I think he was just a visitor, though, but that’s all it took.
Hmm, have any abortion clinics been firebombed yet this year?
Well IDIOT Wabbit tell us how many?
@103 Oh dear, the police are being picked on!!! In truth, you don’t give a damn about the minority officers; you love the white bullies on the force who murder people of color in the streets.
Responding to the ever name changing morph empty tea buttspigot is not worth it. We’re discussing the here and now and these libtards want to revert back 600 years on purpose!
Fukushima? The only meltdowns we notice are your gay rants dude!
@106 and calling them disrespectful is being racist, because you know the majority of them are minorities, so therefor you are being a racist.
But Christians being disrespectfull, that’s religious freedon!
Just like I said @101, he isn’t going to acknowledge his failings in his response @107. we are reverting back 600 years – not me – What a fucking cry baby.
The big Ape is a chump.
@107 “Responding to the ever name changing morph empty tea buttspigot is not worth it.”
Then why do you spend so much time doing it? It’s your favorite pastime.
Exactly. When he knows he is starting to lose, he doesn’t want to talk. But then can’t resist later to bring up something even more stupid than his original post. But can never defend what he says.
Again, I never committed atrocities or death to black, so low an behold I can be a racist, so long as no death to them. What a fucking moron he is.
And to Bob, accusing me of being a sheep. Well, being a sheep isn’t that bad, sometimes you need guidance in this world. The problem is when you are a sheep to the GOP and being mis-guided versus when you are actually being guided.
Notice the sheep are free to roam when there is no sheep dogs or shepard, but when the Nazis (GOP) are present then the sheep become herded an no longer free.
In post-racial America, North Miami Beach police use mug shots of blacks for target practice.
Still waiting for Roger IDIOT Wabbit to post a recent Christian led bombing in the US!
What failings ever name changing morph empty tea buttspigot?
So much for the ever name changing morph empty tea buttspigot screams and shouts!
Damn, I did it. I just read the GOATSEBOY @17 ignorant gibberish. Wasn’t worth my time. But I will set the record straight.