– Shelter Beds or Westlake Park
– You know what, I’m sort of coming to the conclusion that I don’t like that Mitt Romney fellow all that much.
– Cascade Bikes is going to make a push for safe routes to parks in a levy in 2014. Here’s a change.org petition if you’re interested.
– My biggest hope here is that Jay Inslee embarrasses Dori Monson on the basketball court half as much as Monson embarrasses the medium of radio on a daily basis.
From the story about the Teahaddists/Talibangelicals….”Scared, dumb, and hateful is no way to go through life.”
Perhaps the puddybigot will read these words and……nah, ain’t gonna happen. The thought distortion field is just too strong.
The “No GMO labeling” faction are carpet bombing the TV channels today.
I voted for it. After all if they don’t have anything to hide, there is no reason not to list the GMO ingredients.
More from Jezebel….
Institutions that don’t value women are bad for everyone.
Yup, in a story about highest divorce rates among the God-believing, particularly the Evangelicals, as compared to atheists.
I loved the last line: “I’ll bring the lighter fluid, and Satan”
That’s sad that evangelicals cannot seem to keep their marriages together, especially when they claim it’s so important to them.
I liked the analysis that Atheists were not particularly good at staying together, it was Baptists and nondenominational “Bible-believing” Christians were so much worst at it.
The (Still-Not-Dead) Confederacy (and some Neo-Confederate crackers in Indiana and West Virginia) continue to engage in nullification….this time screwing over families in their respective National Guard units in defiance of Federal law, Defense Department policy and the direct orders of the SecDef.
The kicker? The vast majority of the funding for the states’ ‘sovereign’ militias come from all of us – that is, the Federal Government.
Fuckin’ assholes.
I watched (on TV) the Seahawks play Sunday afternoon. I need a doctor close at hand for these games, I’m just one play away from a heart attack.
How can a team that is now 8-0 and at the top of the NFC have so much trouble squeeking out a win against the team (no 0-8) which is at the bottom of the NFL?
There is no way in the world we can win in the playoffs with that level of play, much less the superbowl. The Seahawks need to get a commanding lead early, then rest Russell Wilson before he gets hurt. We already lost the center Max Unger to a concussion in yesterday’s game, meaning that the entire center of the line is populated by back-ups who clearly aren’t up to the task.
Billionaire Says ‘You Didn’t Build That’
Bill Gross, who runs the world’s largest bond fund, describes his fellow billionaires “as lucky beneficiaries of a decades-long credit boom that poured money into the hands of the financially skilled” (quoting CNBC) and said, “You did not, as President Obama averred, ‘build that,’ you did not create that wave. You rode it.”
Gross, who believes the ultra-rich should pay higher taxes, had previously written in 2007 that “the wealthy got rich by ‘taking risks with other people’s money’ and low taxes. He added that America coddles the rich and that ‘it is in fact society’s wind and its current willingness to nurture the rich that fills their sails.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Tax reform is becoming a major topic of political discussion in Washington D.C., and pressures are building for raising taxes on high earners and high net worth individuals, driven by growing income inequality, the fact that many of today’s billion-dollar fortunes were created by finance which doesn’t really produce anything or create jobs, public perceptions that the rich have gamed the system for their own benefit, and the fact that government needs more revenue to reduce deficits and invest in needed infrastructure and the obvious place to get money is from the people who have all the money. Republicans are fighting tooth-and-claw to protect the wealthy from higher taxes, but I think they’re fighting a losing battle. The rich got most of the tax cuts of recent years, and they’re doing much better than everyone else, so they’re the logical ones to bear the burden of tax increases.
Wherein Joan Walsh dismembers Rand Paul.
@2 The Everett Herald editorial board urged their reads to vote “no” on I-522. Their rationale? The legislature will pass GMO labeling.
The best argument opponents have seems to be the initiative exempts some GMO-containing food products from the labeling requirement.
Yeah, well, some is better than none. The solution to that is pass the initiative and then lobby the legislature to add to the list of products required to be labeled.
Oh my. This poor little child – it’s a form of child abuse – normalizing hate.
And the mother…
I think that’s what puddibigot stands for, too.
@11. The outside world must terrify them.
I love that Monson, for his 5 on 5 game with Inslee and local pols, has recruited former professional athletes from their sports-talk sister station to play. Bringing in ringers exhibits exactly the same sort of sense of fair play that jock-sniffing little twerp brings every day to his radio show. There’s a reason most local politicians won’t go on air with him – he’s an abusive, dishonest asshole, on air and off.
KIRO radio has steadily plummeted over the past two decades from being a respected community member to a media afterthought, tolerable only to overgrown Ayn Rand teenagers in the bodies of old men, and Monson’s a big reason why. John Curley is only icing on the, er, festering heap of dung.
Yeah, full of heathens and miscegenists and teh gayz, oh my!
#7: Another reason we need to go on the offensive in the 2014 bi-elections. If we can’t take back the House, we should at least have those remaining scared enough that they don’t put up a fight (like what happened to some Democrats after the 1980 Reagan election).
I don’t really like to ascribe motives to troubled people but wonder how Piddles”Loughner was a Satanist”Bud feels about the LAX shooter carrying Patriot and other right wing literature on his person.
Nah, there are no unstable people out there listening. Urging armed rebellion against government and their agents when you can’t win elections will be just fine. I mean, everybody knows it’s entertainment and shouldn’t be taken seriously. If you don’t know it’s entertainment then you’re unstable.
@7 Many of us sometimes wish we could confront the rich and tell them, “Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!” Trouble is…we’re the horse.
New silly web ad for no on 522
“Unnecessary labeling and regulating on any farmer is pointless.”
I wholeheartedly agree. No one should put a label on a farmer without their consent. Why I tried to take a pricing gun to a potato farmer and he got really upset. I don’t blame him. I was over reaching my authority. Besides, are there people walking the fields that won’t know he’s a farmer unless we put a label on him?
Yes, Paul just thinks it’s haters. But he really did steal other people’s words in speeches and books. It’s not an accusation, it’s a fact.
All modern universities now avail themselves of technology. It used to be the essays for purchase and you could scan a student’s essay and come up with a % of how much the text matches known on-line essays. Now it’s even easier, scan the document and it will tell you if any significant portions are lifted from online sources.
Nope, not every professor scans every paper. But if you lose that random draw, you fail. At some Universities you get expelled.
Randworld, A play in three acts.
Professor – “1300 words of this essay you turned in to me were not written by you and I can prove it. I’ve notified the administration and you have failed my class and a disciplinary hearing will be scheduled.”
Rand Paul – “But I have footnotes, not for those 1300 words but I said I may have used sources.”
Professor – “A source should be quoted and expounded upon. Cut and pasting an entire essay without explicitly noting it is plagiarism and everyone knows that. Please leave my office, you have failed my class.”
Rand Paul – “I challenge you to a duel.”
Da poolpit iz responzible for it.
This prick ought go back to Cuba where he’d learn the real meaning of oppressive government. Come to my country, bad mouth its people, openly lie about and degrade our Constitution, raise a sociopathic, egotistical Royalist prick of a son who does the same and is most handsomely paid for it.
Fuck you, Rafael Cruz. Go back to your own fucked-up Country if you want to make a career out of talking shit about mine.
Rafael Cruz is deep in the crazy Dominionism.
Ted is “anointed”
Rafael is also part of the Benny/Suzanne Hinn worldwide grift-for-God, Purifying Fire Ministries.
They’re the Palins, only smarter.
The news media is picking up on the fact that the Democrat, with all his flaws, is headed toward a victory against the Repubican Tea Party candidate. Virginia is swinging slowly towards being a consistent blue state, at least in nationally-significant elections.
I cannot listen to Dori Monson any more, he takes too much enjoyment in being willfully ignorant and petty.
@21. Don’t celebrate until the votes are counted. There is still time for the republicans to cheat.
This headline somehow seems redundant, or clunky, diction-wise, but it’s a pretty damn cool milestone:
Suck on that, Tallibangelicals!
And yet I heard a third-tier rightie radio guy swearing up and down that the President’s visit to Virginia this weekend is just the thing to turn it around and give the election to Cuccinelli. So close was the margin in 2012 (a mere couple hundred thousand votes is a real barn-burner) and Obama is so deeply unpopular in the state that it was the greatest gift to republicans ever for the President to visit.
“The polls are skewed….yargh!!!”
It’s totally about voter suppression of democrats. When conservatives get demographiced out of power, it’s going to be so ugly. Both to them, and by them.
SCOTUS has let stand an Oklahoma Supreme Court ruling striking down a state law that outlawed abortion-inducing prescription drugs.
@26 Democrats need to get serious about suppressing Republican votes. We should station burly union men with tire irons and baseball bats at polling stations. If they look Republican,
swat ’em. Heh, just kidding, this is a GOP-inspired profiling joke.
@28….easy….BPP and Nation of Islam observers at every suburban Ohio polling place
The Swaps Regulatory Improvement Act.
Who Voted for it.
Basically this bill sustains the exemption of foreign banks and holding companies from reporting how many CDSs they’re holding until they
lose everythingsteal it all and need payback from the US Federal Government.If they have nothing to hide, then why are they hiding it?
Second Amendment Report (TM)
This is a developing story:
“A shooter opened fire at a New Jersey mall late Monday, sending panic through the shopping center and igniting a massive police response. The gunman … has not yet been found during a sweep of the shopping center …. There were no immediate reports of injuries.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Is it too easy for nuts to get guns?
Interesting article about the Oregon and Wisconsin Talgo trains. The Oregon ones are in service, the Wisconsin trains are in storage. TALGO is suing Wisconsin for money still owed, and if TALGO does get to keep the yrains, they say that they will sell them to another state.
Interesting article about the Oregon and Wisconsin Talgo trains. The Oregon ones are in service, the Wisconsin trains are in storage. TALGO is suing Wisconsin for money still owed, and if TALGO does get to keep the yrains, they say that they will sell them to another state.
Yet schmucko-moron brays all over how great DUMMOCRETINS are with race.
N O T !
Wait for it… schmucko-moron will deliver some insipid insane idiotic inept excuse for this DUMMOCRETIN!
Whackadoodle grifter site where puddibigot gets his daily outrage….is OUTRAGED!!
Watch the clip….it gets cut off right as EWWWWW Jackson hits his opponent in gesture resembling offer to shake hands. I’d love to see another 10 or 15 seconds of video – though even then we’re playing ‘let’s attribute nefarious motives to body language’. Maybe the Democrat simply doesn’t want to catch whatever it is that makes EWWWWW Jackson say all those insane/nasty/Jesusy/condemning/CRAZY things. Of course, Brietbart is on the case, so we know it must be true. THIS IS GROUNDBREAKING!!!
** EYE ROLL **
It must be because of DUMMOCrETIN RACISMS!!!1!
Please, puddibigot, you need to do better than that.
BTW, here are some headlines from puddibigot’s go-to site ( I read them so you don’t have to!)….
Like we couldn’t have guessed this…
…it’s still nice that the scientists are on the case.
“Stand Your Ground”? ALEC? Republican gun worship/fetish? FEAR? Violence?
It’s all tied up in a nasty package, and it’s ruining this country. While the old/stupid/fearful white people of the Teahaddists are dying off, they’re still beating their kids and crafting little Republicans to take their places. I really wonder if we should partition the country – they get the Confederacy (minus south Florida, New Orleans, northern Virginia and most of Texas and any present Federal property; plus part of the great plains as well as Utah/Wyoming and part of Idaho), call it ‘Dumbfuckistan’ and let them have their white libertarian versus Tea Party cage match.
Given their well known desire for duels (apparently Rand Paul stole even that!), perhaps the cage-match could be codified and made the form of deciding who their leaders will be.
I wonder how the puddibigot will fit in to that society?
Oh, my…the grift is strong in these two….
A couple of Christianist zealots from Texas dared enter the belly of the beast….and lived to tell about it.
These grifters allegedly attended an ACLU PRO-CHOICE rally…and heard the crowd chant…
Let that sink in. They have no expectation of anyone having any problem with that story. There is no guffaw or contradiction from the pews, er, the audience. The style of the speaker is all TVPreachery, as you’d expect, and he’s mesmerizing the marks with his story.
Their political opponents chant “Hail Satan” at their coven, er, political rallies.
Dumbfuckistan, indeed.
This is terrifying, or really quite sad.
Gun nuts come together to shoot off machine guns and artillery. OK. But manuals for fertilizer bombs, grenades, racist literature, Nazi-fetish, and Confederate battle flags??
All too real, and too expected.
Raving herds of semi-literate, fear-driven, paranoid rural white people with guns, explosives and grudges, gleefully awaiting the day when ammo is currency and Mad Max more like a Disney flick.
What is wrong with these people?
@ 39
Well, a lot of the basic seed-planting of these ideas go back probably throughout the history of Dogmatic belief systems. But copies of this pamphlet were scattered around the site of the Kent State Massacre after the shootings.
A few Kent State University students who were present that day, went on to become this.
Puddy wrote:
Yeah if it’s not Daily Kooks…
@41, 35
Yup – you got nothin’, again, puddibigot. No news there.
You do have EWWWWWW Jackson, though, and that’s no surprise either.
There’s nothing to excuse, dipshit. There’s nothing to be outraged about.
Don’t you get it?!
You’re a little wind-up toy for the Tallibangelical grifters like Dobson and Hinn and Cruz and Palin and Perkins…dutifully vomiting their OUTRAGE stories on every venue you can find. You’re probably sending them money, too, aren’t you? They do need their Gulfstreams, that’s for sure.
You’re a tool, puddibigot (in more ways than one), in the hands of some deeply evil, deeply greedy, deeply destructive people…they count on your credulous stupidity, and you apparently don’t disappoint.
Dumb and hateful really isn’t a good way to go through life, puddibigot….there’s still time for you to change.
Yeah but that would take Divine intervention.
Oh look more DUMMOCRETIN dirty tricks in VA Governor race!
@ “45”
“The Blaze”?
Fuck, oh dear.
Yeah, what do you expect at this point?
It’s notable that the puddibigot skipped over this from the Washington Post:
Or this, from a local Virginia news outlet in Hampton Roads:
Here CBS has a story about Republicans dumping voter registration forms that they suspect – GASP – of being from Democrats:
See, it’s only noteworthy in the puddibigot’s twisted psyche if 1. Republicans can be construed as ‘victims’, and 2. If it comes from a whackjob Christianist or Teahaddist distortion field site.
I’ll be thinking about puddibigot, if only briefly, as I watch the kulture krusader krue of Cuccinelli and Ewwwww Jackson go down in flames tonight.
Oh, lookee here at WaPo….Rand Paul sends out an aide to try to explain away the plagiarism with a non-non-apology apology.
He blames, in the passive voice, of course, ‘typesetting’ issues – no joke! Check it out:
Good God – all they did was fuck up the indentations, and what, you people won’t leave them alone.
The junior Randroid is an entitled, unprincipled skeevy little weasel.
How ’bout it, puddibigot? Gonna keep defending the indefensible?
I love the fact that the puddibigot’s signature line continues to be a clunky and tortured attempt to explain away his nasty racism.
He’s too fucking dumb to realized with with every post, we’re all reminded of his foul belief system.
Also, his thinking is so concrete, and his position so desperate, that he needs to insist that the dumb statement of some earlier poster on HA somehow absolves him of his foulness. It’s like he’s stomping his feet in a tantrum with every post.
For someone who brags about being “educated” you are really dumb schmucko-moron… Puddy’s comments were about Rachel MadCow and her attacks last week. It HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH what you’re farting now.
Sheeeeeeeesh… It’s like talking to a effin brick wall dealing with a DUMMOCRETIN such as you!
Gotta go. Work to do!
Oh and The Blaze… much more credible than those DUMMOCRETIN left wrong sites y’all love to plagiarize from! It’s not true what the link says?
Um, no. But even if this particular Blaze story is accurate, it’s all about a known rich Libertarian who also bundles for Obama nationally, donating to Libertarians running for Virginia Governor and Legislature.
He’s big in the Libertarian movement well before this. What are you so hot about – that his interests coincide here with Democrats?
And of course, not a word from you about Republican efforts to disenfranchise TENS OF THOUSANDS of voters in Virginia – many/most brown and/or poor. Of course, they’re the ones “on the reservation” as you say, so it’s A-OK to fuck them over, huh, puddibigot?
Um, puddibigot, I’ll try to type slowly so you can keep up.
1. Maddow’s comments were all about Rand Paul’s serial plagiarism. It’s called the broader context. It’s the real story here.
2. You were bitching about Maddow reaming Randy a new one, and in so doing linked (stupidly) to a site alleging Maddow misconduct/plagiarism. Problem is, that site listed two instances of Maddow behavior which were manifestly NOT PLAGIARISM. It then went on to discuss what Paul did, in detail, further supporting the charge of plagiarism against him.
3. Now you’re bitching and whining about being lumped together with Randy Paul, and acting incredulous that anyone would be discussing a Teahaddist US Senator who seems unable to stop stealing intellectual property and fobbing it off as his own.
You seem to want to be able to attack Maddow, but have no one able to discuss the context. Moreover, when it all blows up in your face (AGAIN!), you’re whining that you never said anything about the original issue – Paul’s dishonesty.
Really, i’m starting to believe that you are indeed that stupid.