This was delayed for about a week due to my house situation, but it’s finally up. I give you the first edition of the Crackpiper Chronicles. I’m not sure if anyone will ever give us as much to laugh at as our old friend Marvin, but the Crackpiper has been balls out recently. If you have any comments or exchanges that belong in part 2, feel free to drop me a mail.
Interesting post Lee.
I find Roger Rabbit more mentally challenged than Piper Scott.
Unfortuneately Darryl, Seattle Jew, and yourself suffer from the same delusions you accuse Piper.
You mean Piper is literally a BAG OF WIND? Priceless!
The fascinating thing about Piper is how fascinating he apparently imagines his run-of-the-mill rants to be. seen a lot of characters on the net. Not sure I’ve seen one who can measure up to Piper on the Cluelessly Self-Impressed scale.
@1 Just what this blog needs: Another wingnut liar pretending to be a Democrat. Why are so many wingnuts camouflaging themselves today? Is that because the GOP brand name is tarnished? Is being a Republican the mark of Cain? The scarlet letter of American politics? Why are you such a coward that you can’t admit what you are: A low-life, scumsucking, sewer-crawling, fascist pigfucker? The chickhawks have turned into chickenshits.
Lee, did Piper Scott agree to your revealing his identity in your Chronicles?
Here’s food for thought for all open-minded people from Carol Everett, former abortion clinic manager and owner who used to earn $250,000 a year marketing abortions:
Q: What’s the driving force behind the abortion industry?
Everett: Money. It is a very lucrative business.
Q: Do clinics give women all the facts?
Everett: No. Every woman has two questions, “Is it a baby?” and “Does it hurt?” In my experience, the personnel always denied the personhood of the child and the pain caused by the procedure. [They] always answered NO [to these questions],lying to secure the consent of the woman and to collect her money. Women were told that we were dealing with a “product of conception” or a “glob of tissue”. They were told that there would be only slight cramping, whereas in reality, an abortion is excruciatingly painful. I know, because I had one.
Q: How did you dispose of an aborted baby?
Everett: In our clinics we used a heavy duty garbage disposal.
Q: What complications did you witness?
Everett: In the last 18 months I was in the business, we were doing over 500 abortions monthly and killing or maiming one woman out of 500. Common were tears in the uterus. Many of them result in hysterectomies. The doctor might cut or harm the urinary tract, requiring surgical repair. A complication that is rarely publicized is one in which the doctor perforates the uterus and pulls the bowels through the vagina, resulting in a colostomy. Some can be reversed, others must live with the colostomy for the rest of their lives.
Q: Why did you get out of the business?
Everett: I finally realized that we weren’t helping women–we were expoiting them.
I left a dupe (as in “duplicate”, not a Piper) on Effin)
Wonderful. Are you working yet on Vol II?
The one thing that drives me slightly crazier than usual is his overwhelming sense of superiority…which he then proceeds to demonstrate laughably false.
It sometimes seems as though he has a huge repertoire of prolix vaporia which he squirts out his ass upon demand (his, not ours…). He seems incapable of preventing himself from constantly repeating the behaviour which gets him in trouble; a sort of obsessive-compulsive, self-destructive, orgy of vacuous verbal flatuence.
It doesn’t help. of course, that he’s not just a wingnut, but an all-too active evangelist for failed Republican philosophy.
He’s not, in the overview, a terribly bright person and gets in over his head.
The frustrating thing, as you point out, is that when he makes some fatuous statement that turns out to be far less brilliant than thinks, he just doesn’t “get it” when his argument is quickly refuted.
He’s an unjustified ego, all dressed up with nowhere to go.
As the Bush regime spirals down, some might like to know where the ex President plans to live and what he and Laura plan to do.
Of course we all lovingly remember the tortured decision of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton to move form their beloved Arkansas to New York. They made this choice to better serve their nation.
Now, the Bushies are faced with the same issue. As some here may know, both the Guggenheim of New York and the Louvre of Paris have planned to create branches and may someday move
whole hoglock, stock and barrel to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. It males sense then that Mr. Bush is negotiating a branch of the Bush Library and a replica of the Crawford Ranch to be built on the sands of the Emirate of Bidet. Details at:/2007/10/laura-bush-campaigns-against-breast.html
I find Roger Rabbit more mentally challenged than Piper Scott.
Concern troll! Nice!
Unfortuneately Darryl, Seattle Jew, and yourself suffer from the same delusions you accuse Piper.
I’m eagerly waiting for you to provide examples.
Lee, did Piper Scott agree to your revealing his identity in your Chronicles?
I can point you to comments where crackpiper has said that he doesn’t want to hide behind an anonymous moniker.
I could give a flying fig what you say about me just so long as you spell my name correctly.
Since everybody seems to get their jollies by outing me, re-outing me, then denying they were first to out me, I challenge all you HA Orifices to out yourselves so we can be mano y mano (apologies to all the non-mano among you, but my Spanish is limited) about all this.
I’m a process guy; me longevity teaches me that all good things come to those who wait. I’m guided by the following from the movie, Gandhi:
“Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won. There may be tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may seem invincible, but in the end, they always fail. Think of it: always.”
You may guess as to the category I assign you.
While you think you can stereotype and pigeonhole me, I promise you I will give you a genuine run for your money. I’m an iconoclast and a contrarian, which means I’ll play Minuteman to your Red Coats per the old Bill Cosby comedy routine.
Give it your best shot, Lee, at least it will keep you off the streets and out of trouble.
The Piper
Piper was outed some time ago by someone not using a regular’s handle here. It was in connection with revealing that he has been a thorn in the side of columnist Danny Westneat, who commented on Piper’s obnoxious fecundity, and also identified him by name and profession in the Times. Piper cheerfully admitted to it here. It’s in the archives.
“I can point you to comments where crackpiper has said that he doesn’t want to hide behind an anonymous moniker.”
Lee, yes, but did he reveal his identity to you with permission to post it, or did you or someone else dig it out?
The one thing that drives me slightly crazier than usual is his overwhelming sense of superiority…which he then proceeds to demonstrate laughably false.
Yeah, pompousness without the chops to back it up is quite annoying. If you look at the Iraq thread again, you get the sense that he really believed that he was coming in here ready to blow our minds with his wisdom. When you live in a bubble of political talking points, you almost have to actively avoid doing any kind of outside research to back up your position, and that process has nowhere else to go but down the toilet. This is why Crackpiper changes the subject rather than engages on points of fact. Because he’s terrified to do the research on what’s actually true.
Piper was outed some time ago by someone not using a regular’s handle here. It was in connection with revealing that he has been a thorn in the side of columnist Danny Westneat, who commented on Piper’s obnoxious fecundity, and also identified him by name and profession in the Times. Piper cheerfully admitted to it here. It’s in the archives.
If these wingnuts who masquerade as Democrats had a gram of cajones, they’d admit to being Republicans, and take our kicks like m … well, at least, like the screaming little toddlers they normally are … but no, the cowards hide behind the “D” label.
For the last six years, they’ve called us “traitors” and “terrorists” … but now, they call THEMSELVES “Democrats” … sure gives you the feeling it wouldn’t take much for them to go over to Al Qaida’s side, does it?
Fucking quislings.
@5 A Republican complaining about exploiting people is like Ted Bundy complaining about crime.
@7 He’ll probably move to his 98,000-acre ranch in extradition-proof Paraguay.
@9 “I challenge all you HA Orifices to out yourselves”
I’ve never made any secret about my identity. I’m a 32.3-lb. rabbit living in a hole under a tree in a public park.
@9 “stereotype and pigeonhole me”
The phrase “pretentious blowhard” works well in your case.
@11 What does that have to do with anything? Do you have in mind some sort of “professional courtesy” among bloggers?
@3 RR
Whats wrong with being a Caine? ;)
I could give a flying fig what you say about me just so long as you spell my name correctly.
Post the correct spelling and I’ll update the post.
Since everybody seems to get their jollies by outing me, re-outing me, then denying they were first to out me, I challenge all you HA Orifices to out yourselves so we can be mano y mano (apologies to all the non-mano among you, but my Spanish is limited) about all this.
I’ve long been public here, but I don’t do anything to “out” people who don’t want to be “outed”. Anonymity for some people is important. You’ve indicated in comments that you have no interest in hiding.
I’m a process guy; me longevity teaches me that all good things come to those who wait. I’m guided by the following from the movie, Gandhi:
“Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won. There may be tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may seem invincible, but in the end, they always fail. Think of it: always.”
You may guess as to the category I assign you.
I’m sure I can guess. And I’m sure you can guess how ridiculous I think you are for calling me a tyrant simply because I’ve pointed out how stupid some of things you’ve said are.
While you think you can stereotype and pigeonhole me, I promise you I will give you a genuine run for your money. I’m an iconoclast and a contrarian, which means I’ll play Minuteman to your Red Coats per the old Bill Cosby comedy routine.
Please, you couldn’t be any less like the Minutemen if you tried. If you were alive in the 1770s, you’d be calling the Boston Tea Party a terrorist attack.
Friendly reminder to wingnuts: YOU guys, not us, dreamed up the idea that politics is “civil war”:
“[T]his is a civil war, … only one side will prevail, and … the other side will be relegated to history. This war has to be fought with the scale and duration and savagery that is only true of civil wars. While we are lucky in this country that our civil wars are fought at the ballot box, not on the battlefields, nonetheless it is a civil war.” — Newt Gingrich, quoted by David Brock in “Blinded by the Right,” p. 51.
Whatsamatter, Nutz, the battle getting a little too hot for ya?
Then meet me face to face…Duelling Roget’s at 20-paces.
Archtypically HA, with not a man among ’em.
The Piper
Piper Scott says:
The Piper
10/24/2007 at 10:44 am
I could give a flying fig what you say about me just so long as you spell my name correctly.
Since everybody seems to get their jollies by outing me, re-outing me, then denying they were first to out me, I challenge all you HA Orifices to out yourselves so we can be mano y mano (apologies to all the non-mano among you, but my Spanish is limited) about all this.
Just because you want to brag about, well, everything about you, does not mean that the rest of us want go public and be harassed by your fellow-traveler, wingnut, guttersnipes
I’m a process guy; me longevity teaches me that all good things come to those who wait. I’m guided by the following from the movie, Gandhi:
“Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won. There may be tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may seem invincible, but in the end, they always fail. Think of it: always.’
Uhm, “me longevity”?, well, ok, me Chad. Me human. We communicate now? If so, can you cite something more authoritative than a movie?
You may guess as to the category I assign you.
Mmmmm. How Distressing.
While you think you can stereotype and pigeonhole me, I promise you I will give you a genuine run for your money.
When were you planning on starting?
I’m an iconoclast and a contrarian, which means I’ll play Minuteman to your Red Coats per the old Bill Cosby comedy routine.
So now we’ve worked our way up (?) from movies to Bill Cosby for argumentative resources. Good.
Give it your best shot, Lee, at least it will keep you off the streets and out of trouble.
If he gives it his best shot, you may not survive.
I assure you, you’ll be remembered in a fashion befitting your time here.
If we can obtain sufficient toilet paper.
Comment #80
I am indeed…No great secret, that, eh what?
No need for ME to hide my identity. How about you?
I think that’s a clear statement on whether he feels any need to remain anonymous.
The significance of Gingrich’s “civil war” rhetoric back in 1988 is two-fold: First, vast number of Republicans not only listened to it, but took it to heart, and acted on it; second, the notion implies that anything goes, and to Republicans, it literally meant taking off the gloves, removing all civilized restraints, breaking rules … it is the idea that validates the behavior that followed — lying, smearing, election stealing, malicious prosecutions, subverting governmental powers and processes for the purpose of partisan warfare, and so on. To these guys, the “civil war” ideology justifies all of their immoral and illegal behavior.
Patton knew how to deal with such people: “Grab ’em by the nose and kick ’em in the ass!!”
@19 So far as I know, the Caines aren’t related to Mr. Cain.
@9 Piper
I don’t even go by a nom de plume. On places where I am not allowed to post under my name I go as either TempusFi, TempusFigits or Tempus Figits depending on the name requirements. TempusFi/Tempus Figits is also my old and current (for the last 25 years) handle when I practice my deadly 3rd Person Shooter skills.
Crackpiper is a small mind armed with big words.
Roger Rabbit is a small creature with a big mind and a bigger mouth and even bigger teeth and claws.
@22 “Duelling Roget’s”
Are you planning to throw Vol. 7 of the Oxford Dictionary of the English Language at my long pink ears?
@20 Lee
I interpreted it as that you were a murderer, as in a character assassin. I very much disagree, I would view you closer to a satirist. However, I don’t think he actually had either in mind but just thought he was being cute.
Believe it or not, I think he enjoys trading verbal ripostes and purposely leaves gaping holes in his posts. You can usually tell the degree he actually believes something with the coherence and tightness of his posts. The more he resorts to simplistic and erroneous soundbites the less he actually cares or believes but is just tweaking noses.
@17 “Pompous ass” works well, too.
@27 RR
You obviously haven’t Googled my Grandfather Dr. Curtis Caine Sr. then. Go ahead and do so, believe it or not he is actually sane is actually one of the good guys. He just takes certain principled stances based upon Charity that is forced is worthless and that it should come from individuals not the Government.
He’d be better at using a Spanish dictionary, too.
“mano y mano” is “hand to hand”, and then,
“…apologies to all the non-mano among you…
So he’s thinking we have no hands, I guess….
Hmmm … here’s something interesting. If you (1) click on Lee’s link to his blog, then (2) click on Lee’s link to Scott’s consulting firm, you’ll (3) see a cartoon-rendition of Mr. St. Clair with some background blurbs, one of which says,
“Free Legal Advice”
AND if you go Mr. St. Clair’s listing in the WSBA’s Lawyer Director here ( you’ll see that his current status is “Inactive,” which (4) means he’s not currently authorized to practice law (i.e., give legal advice to clients), probably due to (a) not paying his bar dues and/or (b) not fulfilling CLE (continuing legal education) requirements WHICH MEANS that (5) if he is giving legal advice to paying clients, whether he charges them under the rubric of “legal advice” or something else, HE COULD GET INTO ONE HELL OF A LOT OF TROUBLE WITH THE BAR ASSOCIATION, as in criminal prosecution for unauthorized practice of law.
I’m not sayin’ anything … or even implyin’ … not even insinuatin’ or suggestin’ … merely wondering.
My link to the directory may not work. You might have to search for “Washington State Bar Association,” and when you get to their home page, click on “Lawyer Directory,” then use the search function to look up “St. Clair, Scott.” When you get to his listing, you’ll note that directly under his personal information is the boilerplate notification that:
“Only active members of the Washington State Bar Association, and others as authorized by law, may practice law in Washington.”
If any of the more academically gifted HA commenters REALLY want to see Piper’s head explode, deconstruct Victor Davis Hanson’s latest book on war.
I have the unhappy feeling that this guy is so emotionally deprived that he treasures the contempt shown here, because it gives him SOME sort authenticity, even if it’s to be known as an overinflated asshole dependent on literary reference books for his material. Most people would give it up as a bad job, since he clearly isn’t changing any minds with his material or his pomposity. His payoff is either masochistic or simply getting SOME attention, no matter how negative.
This would seem to be supported by his constant use of others (military kids, sister in Manhattan, etc)to validate himself.
@35 All I’m saying is you appear not to be related, by spelling, to Mr. Able’s late brother. (However, I realize family-name spellings evolve and change over time; and that it’s possible you are descended from the Cains; in which case, if your grandfather and father are guilty of raising Cains.)
sp correction
Mr. Abel
@40 The guy used to be a lawyer. Does that explain it?
Well, you would know better than. It explains your notable lack of compassion for him, since we all know you to be a compassionate animal.
MY attitude is much more compassionate, of course: I just want to find the flush handle.
Piper at too many for far too long:
You confuse ego with substance. Should you check your ego at the door, you would enter completely devoid of anything meaningful.
You have the gift of gab, Scot. It doesn’t make you smarter or better than the rest of us. It just means you can talk yourself in deeper and deeper, but you seem to lack the cajones to man up and back out gracefully when your backside is handed to you in a nice basket.
As for outing you, well, I asked you several weeks ago if you were Scot St Clair (sp). You confirmed that you were. That was your choice. Once your name is out, well, it is out. Most folks here know my name. Only one uses it regularly, and as a black man in our society, he is free to do so. Just as we are free to use yours. I imagine you are sensitive to having your name out here because it may adversely affect your business. To me, that is the cost of freedom of speech for you. You could ask the Dixie Chicks about the personal cost of that right.
Piper Scott feigns outrage: “Since everybody seems to get their jollies by outing me, re-outing me, then denying they were first to out me….”
Of course, if you look here, Piper Scott was blowing a different tune:
Really, Piper Scott, nobody gives a fuck what your real name is. Now…your friends, family, and business associates might be horrified by making that connection. But we don’t care. Seriously.
@44 When I toss another spider into the commode, I like to watch them struggle for a while before pushing the handle.
@45 It’s hard for me to understand how any lawyer (past or current) can still have an ego. Law is the only profession in which society holds our clients in greater esteem than us practitioners.
In honor of this most popular thread, I’ve sent another 50 bux to Richard Pope. Go ye, and do likewise.
He’s the Antipiper. Just ask Piper.
No, don’t. He’ll tell you anyway.
Perhaps as a “not currently licensed to practice law” lawyer Scot feels as if he has regained the ability to thrust his ego about. (Since he obviously is not thrusting his dick anymore, which is why he is posting so prolifically here).
In 2.5 hours, we have 50 posts. Shows a most remarkable loathing for Pipershitter. He should be proud.
He’ll post here to tell us what an honor it is that we lesser creatures are contemptuous of his obviously superior personna and body of work.
Where is Marvin Stamn?
That people know who I am doesn’t bother me, nor have I ever said anything to the contrary. What bothers me is the so-called claim of a “necessity” for anonymity. If you’re not willing to assign your name to your thoughts, your thoughts must not be that important to your or that exceptional.
And I could care less if my search clients know. For the most part, they think along my lines anyway. They do real work in the real world, after all.
And if you go w-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-y back to one of my first posts, you’ll see that I posited the premise that a difference between conservatives, of which I’m proud to be one since we’re on the right side of history in more ways than one, and liberals is that liberals think they’re better, smarter, more moral, wittier, more erudite, insightful, etc., than conservatives while conservatives simply think liberals are wrong.
Surprised though you may be, I agree that anyone who wishes to participate in what’s become the boxing ring of ideas better be prepared to take it as well as dish it out, hence my disdain for anonymous posters who, as far as I’m concerned, must lead double lives since they’re afraid to put their John Henry’s on the line.
What’s the matter? Afraid the boss or the girl friend or yo momma will find out?
I have high regard and respect for anyone who steps up to the plate in someone else’s ballpark and takes his best swing. Goofus that he is, I will give Dennis Kucinich credit for his willingness to go on Fox News and stand toe to toe with Bill O’Reilly. John Edwards won’t…Barack Obama won’t…Hillary Clinton won’t…
To me, there’s not much difference between the anonymous poster who vituperates and verbally assaults and the hooded nightrider who comes with a torch and a rope.
Genuinely clever and witty minds are proud to attach their names to their words, cowards aren’t.
Now…lest you think this angers me, think not (not that many of you do in the first place). If anything, it amuses me. That so many of you feel something akin to intellectual and emotional constipation such that you attack lil’ ol’ me tells me that in some form or fashion…I get to you.
Mock away, scorners…The more you do, the more I delight!
The Piper
Oh, YEAH !!
Easy enough to say that now that your identity is public.
BUT, YOU didn’t identify yourself, and while I had some initial qualms about an unknown (to us regulars) poster outing you, your subsequent, and the key word here is SUBSEQUENT, statement that you didn’t mind, relieved, probably, several of us.
For you you to screech RETROACTIVELY about your desire to be named is disingenuous at best, and total fucking bullshit on review.
How STUPID do you think we are?
Calling the rest of us cowards because you were involuntarily outed shows just how much of an intellectually dishonest chickenshit YOU are, and that’s patently obvious to everyone on this blog.
There seems to be no depth to which you will not go to promote your bankrupt ego.
piper scott = scott st. claire?!?!
Frankly, Mr. St. Clair, there is only the most tenuous connection between the two names. I remember you taunting people who chose to use monikers rather than their real names.
Yes,Mr. St. Clair, you congratulaed yourself and Carl on your boldness in using your real names. But YOU never told anyone who you really were.
And there is a 12 year old and his family who wish that you Wingers had never gotten ahold of their real names.
I’ll change my tune about anonymity when you start posting under your real name, ‘Piper’.
As ‘Piper’, you still have deniability. So put your money where your mouthis, ‘Piper’.
Piper: “Mock away, scorners…The more you do, the more I delight!”
So, we can take it to the bank that your purpose here is NOT, as you continually maintained in your first weeks, to have a discourse of ideas, but to be a vandal and trash the place for your own amusement.
Thank you for making that clear and establishing your level of credibility.
And, Piper, you might consider that Ben Franklin wrote many an editorial as the notorious, Poor Richard. Not to be confused with ‘Little ……’
“Shut Up!!!”
My moniker has remained constant in every post I’ve made at every blog where I’ve made them.
Additionally, my business website prominently features my piping endeavors, so anyone with access to Google and three spare seconds of time can find out who I am no sweat.
In addition, the fact that I’m a prolific writer of LTE’s who, as a result, ends up being profiled FAVORABLY in Danny Westneat’s column proves that you not only blow smoke out of your nether regions, you turn around and inhale it as fast as it comes out.
BTW…what is your name, what do you do, how can people contact you directly?
You seem to think that your wiener attempts to insult me cause me distress. How delusional is that? I think of you no more than I do a momentarily annoying bug who wanders across the floor until I squash him with either my heel or a newspaper, then I think of him no more.
Someday you might rise to the level of low rent, but I wouldn’t pin my hopes on it if I were you.
The Piper
And, Piper, Dr. Victor Davis Hanson is a popularizer. Academically, his work is a joke.The ‘West’ doesn’t always win militarily. Consider the battle of the Little Big Horn.
That people know who I am doesn’t bother me, nor have I ever said anything to the contrary. What bothers me is the so-called claim of a “necessity” for anonymity. If you’re not willing to assign your name to your thoughts, your thoughts must not be that important to your or that exceptional.
Some people have very valid reasons related to the work they do, or the subject matter of their postings, to remain anonymous. As someone who knows bloggers in places like Egypt, your notion that anonymity is a cop-out doesn’t quite pass the laugh test. Of course, you’d obviously feel quite at home in an authoritarian regime like that, and would delight at the prospect of outing the rabble-rousers. Or have I misunderstood you in your interpretations of how important it is to have a powerful executive?
Do we speak Souix or English?
The Piper
Some people have very valid reasons related to the work they do, or the subject matter of their postings, to remain anonymous.
Does this apply to you? Just curious.
Piper: You cited Victor Davis Hanson as one of your intellectual heroes. I’m trying to engage you in an intellectual discussion regarding his merits, or lack thereof, as a militatry historian.
Here’s an opportunity to joust in the aery fields of historical relativism rather than commune in the pedestrian fields of the ‘poopy-pants’ namecallers.
The game is afoot, Piper!
re 62: Depends on where you are. Who owns more land, you or the Navajo (Dineh.
More about the justice department being used to target dems. New York Times article.
Not like we didn’t already know they prosecuted Dems, and ignore Republiconvicts doing the exact same thing.
This is EXACTLY how Bush feels about our soldiers, our rights and the public in general.
Thank you Piper, I could not have said it better.
By the way, studies show that the conservative mind is inferior. Thank you for contributing and proving the study beyond all doubt.
We’re not in Egypt, Lee, so the point is both irrelevent and facile. I suspect that the overwhelming bulk of HA posters are within a 50 to 100-mile radius of where you sit, so the bravery of hiding behind an unsearchable appellation doesn’t cut as far as I’m concerned.
As for me and authoritarian regimes? I value liberty and freedom as first among civic virtures, and I oppose those who seek to take them away whether they do so in the name of a political ideology, religious zealotry, environmental do-goodism, welfare state nannyism, light rail, or any combination thereof.
“No man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.”
When the United States stands up to authoritarian regimes, then I think that’s a good thing, don’t you?
No, most of the excuses for anonymity here are simply the same used to justify tossing a rock through a window then speeding away in the dark of the night.
Whatever…If your job is so threatened by what you believe or say, then it must be a pretty pathetic job. My advice? Quit, go out on your own, seek your freedom and be your own boss.
The Piper
That is SO cute. Dude, iconoclasts think for themselves. You, on the other hand, simply spout the crap you get from O’Reilly and Little Green Footballs. You do dress it up with pseudo-historical crap but really…”iconoclast?”
Piper, the West does not always win continued:
The Battle of Viet Nam and The Battle of Iraq.
Just pointing out the facts.
Speaking of which…Did you see where Nancy Pelosi bitch-slapped Pete Stark into apologizing to the President for his stupid House-floor remarks about “amusement?”
Intelligence is a product of your gene pool, and since your pool is the kind that must be blown up and can be purchased as a seasonal close-out at Wal-Mart, I wouldn’t wage much war on that battlefield if I were you, which I’m damn lucky not to be.
The Piper
Iraq’s not over yet. Besides, that’s a battlefield in a larger war.
As to Vietnam? Nike and Starbucks won.
The Piper
Too easy, Scot. Surely based on this statement you oppose the Bush administration and its attacks on habeas corpus. Its attempt to democratize Iraq. All this in the name of POLITICAL IDEOLOGY and RIGHT WING RELIGIOUS ZEALOTRY.
WTF is wrong with your brain that you can not see that the very things you “value” are being used, abused, and, ultimately stolen from you?
You can put lipstick on a pig, but when you are done all you have a pig.
You wouldn’t recognize an original thought if it hit you in the nose with a brick, hence your need of HA to tell you how to think.
The Piper
You pissed because the prisoners at Gitmo weren’t given Miranda warnings? Give it a rest!
Enemy combatants and terrorist agents of foreign countries or entities aren’t entitled to the niceties of the criminal justice system.
Had you been around during WW II, would you have protested the decision in Ex Parte Quirin? I cite that case a lot, but it’s illustrative of the point that a fight to the death is just that: a fight to the death.
BTW…a Scot is someone from Scotland; my name is Scott.
What’s wrong with trying to democratize Iraq? We did it to Germany, Italy, Japan, and several others. And don’t give me any of that “doesn’t fit with the culture” crap. Human rights are human rights; they shouldn’t be for some and not others just because you find it inconvenient or outside your matchbox-sized view of the world.
Right-wing religious zealotry? Amusing! And typically cliched. Do you guys have a list from which you draw these epithets? Kind of a “when in doubt, choose one?”
You’re so Johnny-one-note…and predictable.
The Piper
@74: I can certainly recognize UN-original thoughts, witness every post you’ve ever made.
Nice to know I’ve touched a nerve, though.
“Eh, what?”
Dineh are citizens of the United States, not the other way around. And they’re excellent citizens, too. One of my favorite WW II stories is that of the Navajo Code Talkers. Dineh are so proud of that memory, even the local McDonalds has a Code Talker mini-museum, and a good one.
Love that flatbread!
The Piper
My parents paid for quite the education for me. Pac 10 school. Two degrees.
My gene pool includes Russian and German immigrants. None of whom received a high school education. My parents who struggled in the depression years, graduated high school and went to work. They worked for the sole purpose of providing me with OPPORTUNITY. An opportunity that they did have, but desired. So instead of pushing me to achieve in sports, they lived vicariously through my education and career. I was proud, I am still proud, to have provided them with that joy and accomplishment before they passed.
They shopped at Kmart and Zody’s the ’60s equivalent of WalMart. They shopped there not because of their genes. They shopped there to make the dollars stretch so they could provide me with a home to grow up in, a place where I was taught compassion and empathy. A place where I learned to appreciate your right to denigrate those less fortunate, those less educated. They also taught me to stand and defend the defenseless. To be a voice for those who could not speak.
You have picked the wrong opponent. I will not get into a battle of Google-ing quotes, of using lame, archaic and wholly immaterial crappola with you. I will however put my gene pool up against yours. Anytime. Anywhere.
So…what’s you beef with VD Hanson? Besides the fact he says stuff that bursts your bubble?
The Piper
Before you get started, I am not angry. I am filled, however, with righteous indignation at your total lack of respect for others you consider to be “less than” yourself.
Funny thing about that attitude. To the rest of the world, that puts you at the bottom of the gene pool. Kind of resting on the scum.
Get real yourself. Wiretapping, reading my email when a key word shows up, imprisoning enemy combatants for life, asking my neighbors to report suspicious activity and so on.
Tell me, Piper, why were POW’s returned to their country of origin after all previous conflicts? Why is this war different? Bush calls it a war. It is a war. When will the POW’s be returned. They are already irrelevant having been out of the loop for years. Your argument is empty. You are the one spouting the “company” line.
We have a president who continually thumbs his nose at the courts and congress. He is on his own and on his way out along with the rest of your party.
re 78: My beef is that his thesis, that Western Civilisation is always militarily successful, is false. The sack of Rome being a case in point.
One of the example that he gives of Western invincibility is Vietnam. He points to one battle that we won there, and forgets that we lost the war.
You brought up the fact that the Sioux won at Little Big Horn, but lost the larger war. The same is true of us in Vietnam.
So, contrary to bursting my bubble, I do believe that I have burst yours.
Got a beef with that? Let’s hear about it in the ‘beef box’!
“Genuinely clever and witty minds are proud to attach their names to their words, cowards aren’t.”
Aside from the obviously atrocious error in grammar, the oddity of this citation is that it was made by someone living behind the vapors of a pseudonym … I think it was Sausage-Maker German, or Noodlist Chinaman, or Lover Frenchie, or Dumbass Conservative, or Frozen Eskimo, or Latin Lover, or Piper Scott, or Banker the Jew, or African Black, or some such clever thing.
We’re not in Egypt, Lee, so the point is both irrelevent and facile.
Baloney. Even in democracies, and even in ours, people crack down on speech and people who fight for decent causes have to be wary of what they say. As someone who speaks out about the injustices of the drug war, I’m very familiar with how this can happen, and very well aware of how anonymity is sometimes the only option for people.
I suspect that the overwhelming bulk of HA posters are within a 50 to 100-mile radius of where you sit, so the bravery of hiding behind an unsearchable appellation doesn’t cut as far as I’m concerned.
Well, I’m not surprised to hear this from someone who is as thoroughly clueless about the world as you. Many people have lost jobs as a result of their blogging, and I know of others who would lose them if they were exposed.
As for me and authoritarian regimes? I value liberty and freedom as first among civic virtures, and I oppose those who seek to take them away whether they do so in the name of a political ideology, religious zealotry, environmental do-goodism, welfare state nannyism, light rail, or any combination thereof.
Light rail? Really? Light rail is a threat to your liberty? Are you fucking retarded? You argue with civil libertarians over Gitmo, then claim that light rail is a threat to your liberty, and then act surprised when everyone thinks you’re a complete retard? My god, were you born yesterday?
“No man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.”
So, what are you saying? That our founding father’s, who laid the groundwork for how our legislature should work, were anti-liberty? Really? Are you gonna stick with that, or do you want to try again with something that’s not outrageously stupid?
When the United States stands up to authoritarian regimes, then I think that’s a good thing, don’t you?
Of course, and when the President of the United States starts turning our own government into an authoritarian regime, that’s a bad thing. Comprende?
No, most of the excuses for anonymity here are simply the same used to justify tossing a rock through a window then speeding away in the dark of the night.
I’m sure that some people do remain anonymous for that reason, but accusing everyone for having that reason follows the same path that also leads you to buy into a number of political beliefs that are also anti-liberty, like the detention of people at Gitmo without access to representation and trials.
Ready for your next non-sequitur, crackpiper…
re 78:
“So…what’s you beef with VD Hanson? Besides the fact he says stuff that bursts your bubble?”
Can you provide me with specific examples of how VD Hanson has burst my bubble?
Lee, et al.
I do wish I were clever enough to elicit this much waste of Pixels but I have not read or seen anything as fatuous as this thread about pIPER sCOTT since I last used the men’s room in a Boston subway station.
Maybe we could add new rule? Boring threads get sent to Piper’s email instead of being posted at HA?
Mr. Jew: I’m having fun!
Good night, and straight ahead!
How wide was your stance when last in the subway gent’s loo?
The Piper
You’re the one complaining about him. Aside from your beef about who wins what, tell me what other bones you have to pick with him?
What I’ve read of him is pretty nuanced and subtle.
The Piper
This just in:
Piper is homosexual. (In my opinion).
He asked how wide SeattleJew’s stance is in the mens room. (He used “loo”, an English term for the can, which is effeminate in my opinion.. I resisted using “latrine”). We all know the meaning of “wide stance” when used by a conservative Republican. Thus, Piper is obviously a closeted consevative homosexual. (In my opinion).
I’m Michael. That’s what my momma named me. There ya go.
If it wasn’t for trolls and having to worry about wingers F’ing up my stuff all over the web I’d have my last name on my posts. But, sorry can’t do that.
“What’s wrong with trying to democratize Iraq?”
Well as a high concept, like mom and apple pie, it’s great.
However, as we’ve found out, when you try to do it via war it often doesn’t work out so well. Particularly when you go about it as stupidly as this bunch of incompetents has done (read “Fiasco”, “Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War” or any of the bajillion other recountings of the mess we’ve gotten ourselves into).
And anyway, that isn’t why we invaded Iraq. It’s not even the second or third reason Bush gave for invading. Remember? WMD? Support for Al Qaeda? Or did that little fact slip your little mind?
I’m sorry…but if anyone wants to participate in the market place of ideas by putting theirs out there, they have to be prepared for whateve comes back their way!
As there is no such thing as a free lunch, there is no such thing as a rhetorical pass. If you aren’t willing to have what you say dissected, picked apart, criticized, and hammered…stay at home under your bed wif’ you bwankie!
If someone’s job is so tenuous that continued tenure is threatened by opinions posted on something as nonsensical as HA, then some combination of that person’s worthlessness to their employer, their employer’s feckless nature, or the cancerous nature of that person’s words make both that person and that job total losers.
Light rail is a threat to my liberty, yes. The power to tax is the power to destroy, and light rail will depend upon tax revenue from now until the Second Coming. It sure is a threat to my liberty, especially when it’s being pimped via an implicit guilt trip: “If you don’t support light rail, polar bears and babies will die!” Baloney!
Give me busses any day.
The gang at Gitmo will get trials…before military tribunals. They’re not defendants in either state or federal criminal courts; they’re by and large dangerous foreign elements bent upon wholesale murder and mayhem.
You think Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is entitled to a grand jury indictment with trial before 12-men good and true? Tell it to the Marines!
I believe Hamdan v. Rumsfeld to be wrongly decided, and I’m certainly not alone in that. Still, it was decided, and Congress responded with the Military Commissions Act of 2006. Sine die.
I lose no sleep over the tribulations of those at Gitmo. I do, on occassion, lose some over those who fought to caputre them and send them to Gitmo.
The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, but many thought it gave too much power to government, hence their insistence upon a specific set of amendments to limit that power. The Bill of Rights is an absolute recognition of the truth of the fact that, “No man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.”
The Piper
“Light rail is a threat to my liberty, yes. The power to tax is the power to destroy, and light rail will depend upon tax revenue from now until the Second Coming.!”
Dude, The roads you drive on will depend on tax revenue from here till whenever.
On a passenger per mile bases that light rail will suck far fewer tax dollars than the road network. Light-rail will also move far more people with a given amount of energy over a given distance than the road network. So, light rail is cheaper in that manner too. Light-rail also has fewer environmental issues ’cause it runs on electricity. So, the air gets cleaned up and fewer kids go to the E.R. with asthma attacks. Saves some money there too. the the US 40,000 people a year get killed in traffic accidents a year. Almost no-one ever dies in light-rail accidents. Which again ups productivity and saves money.
I am the father of five children. How gay is that?
BTW…Bravo to your parents and forefathers and mothers…The American story and work ethic isn’t limited to one party or POV.
Raised by a mostly single-mother, I grew up with my own depression stories about how my grandmother, with my mother in tow, rode the trolley in St. Paul to Mr. Fingers’ office every week so that Grandma could make her meager deposits in the Wisconsin Fund and Chemical Fund. All this during the depression, but she did it faithfully such that she put her three sons through law school, MBA business school, and medical school, respectively.
I’ve no doubt your people are as proud of you as mine are of me…
The Piper
Piper/chickenshit/plagiarist/moronSucker of Republican dick/nsamedropper/intellectual parasite/pretentious asshonker says:”@69…OM…
You wouldn’t recognize an original thought if it hit you in the nose with a brick, hence your need of HA to tell you how to think.
Since when have YOU ever had an “Original Thought”????
90% of the crap you post is recycled quotations of REAL people, whether germaine or not, and the other 10% is grammatically or syntactically challenged dreck requiring way too much time to try to decipher.
Your idea of Original Thought is regurgitate things by other people that strike you as significant at the time, whether you understand them or not.
Your feckless atempts to use foreign phrases is sometimes greatly amusing, but doesn’t establish anything about your putative ideas, other than that their sterility is not enhanced by your ignorance of language and grammatical usage.
As for your rants on anonymity, you’re blowing desperate smoke and we all know it. Call everybody cowards if it pleases you. You have only to glance at the contents of this thread to ascertain how much validity your commentary has here. Your shrieking to the contrary changes nothing.
There you go again! Proving my point for me!
Prop 1 gives us 50 very measly miles. And those miles can’t be used to haul freight, aren’t flexible, and require enormous infusions of subsidy dollars to work.
Tell you what…you can have all the light rail you want IF…ticket revenue pays the bills.
And you still can’t tell me how I can use light rail to run errands or go places rail doesn’t reach. It just ain’t built for multi-tasking!
Can you decide to take a left instead of a right on light rail? Can you take light rail to Enumclaw? Does light rail work for you to go grocery shopping?
BTW…what experience with light rail have we had to date that justifies your blind faith in it? What so many devotees regard as almost messianic salvation of light rail as the ultimate bees’ knees?
As for me…I’ll pass.
The Piper
@95…You may be the only one here that believes that they’re really sired by you.
What’s your real name?
Straight up question deserving of a straight up answer.
“It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations.” Sir Winston Churchill, My Early Life, 1930
Sure, I use a lot of quotes and the occasional foreign phrase. So? Your point?
When I run across something said by someone else that encapsulates a good thought, I try to remember it or, more likely, keep it on file.
You can do the same, or you can remain uneducated the rest of your life.
Since I’m human, I do make occasional spelling and other grammatical errors. When they’re pointed out to me, I respect that and take no offense…even if offense was intended.
How long have you been perfect?
Another straight up question deserving of a straight up answer.
In case it has escaped you, I’m not seeking your approval in order to validate my beliefs. To the contrary, my beliefs are validated the more you, almost more than anyone at HA, howl about them.
What did you say your name was? I might have missed it…
The Piper
Ashhonker/Redundant/childish, etc
If you think I’m going to give a nutcase like YOU my name, you can fuck yourself. I have no doubt that you would use it in any way you could to damage me.
Does anyone here dispute that?
Above should be “Asshonker” et al.
I’m not even going to bother anymore. Have fun in the little world inside your head. Give the hamsters plenty of water and exercise.
I guess I’ll just have to be satisfied with the uneducated dolt that I am.
Piper: You are incapable of sustained or intelligent argument.
Piper: Neo-Classicism is a mainstay of your conservative argument. I’m challenging it by questioning the validity of your thesis as propounded by one of its important intellectual spokesman. I use historical facts to decimate your argument and all you have to say is: “What I’ve read of him is pretty nuanced and subtle.”
Piper, Piper, Piper! Surely you realize that that is meaningless drivel. I think you are afraid to confront me on this issue. I’m a pitbull. I’d tear you apart.
I’m with ya.
Whoa, eager to give me material for part 2, huh?
I’m sorry…but if anyone wants to participate in the market place of ideas by putting theirs out there, they have to be prepared for whateve comes back their way!
And I used as an example what’s happening in Egypt, where bloggers have faced serious consequences for speaking out for liberty. It’s true that this isn’t as much of a problem here, but the problem can exist here, and that it can present valid scenarios for remaining anonymous. How many more times do you want to keep going around in circles on this point?
As there is no such thing as a free lunch, there is no such thing as a rhetorical pass. If you aren’t willing to have what you say dissected, picked apart, criticized, and hammered…stay at home under your bed wif’ you bwankie!
No one is saying that they can’t be criticized or dissected, they’re just saying that they don’t want personal information about them to be known.
If someone’s job is so tenuous that continued tenure is threatened by opinions posted on something as nonsensical as HA, then some combination of that person’s worthlessness to their employer, their employer’s feckless nature, or the cancerous nature of that person’s words make both that person and that job total losers.
That’s a tremendous oversimplification. There are any number of reasons why a person would express an opinion that is perfectly acceptable in isolation, but might be inconvenient or embarrassing if it was attributed to a company.
Light rail is a threat to my liberty, yes.
Oh, wow, you’re really going for the highlight reel now.
The power to tax is the power to destroy, and light rail will depend upon tax revenue from now until the Second Coming.
First of all, taxes aren’t destroying anybody. We are taxed by elected officials who we can vote out if we don’t like the taxes. The bottom line is that a certain percentage of the people in our society want to pay taxes for things like light rail and others don’t. For you to say that being in the minority opinion on that point is a violation of your liberty is no different than someone who wants to build light rail saying that his liberty is violated if they were in the minority. That’s how democracy should work when different people define liberty in different ways.
It sure is a threat to my liberty, especially when it’s being pimped via an implicit guilt trip: “If you don’t support light rail, polar bears and babies will die!” Baloney!
That doesn’t make any sense. Being made to feel guilty is no more an affront to your personal liberty than the free speech of others.
Give me busses any day.
Fine, but those buses cost taxpayer money, so aren’t you violating the liberty of others by wanting them?
The gang at Gitmo will get trials…before military tribunals. They’re not defendants in either state or federal criminal courts; they’re by and large dangerous foreign elements bent upon wholesale murder and mayhem.
They haven’t had military tribunals, and it’s been years. Gitmo is a national embarrassment, and no one who really cares about what liberty means can be happy with what’s happened there.
You think Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is entitled to a grand jury indictment with trial before 12-men good and true? Tell it to the Marines!
Again, I don’t care if you want to believe that, but you don’t believe in liberty if you think that you can pick and choose which people get basic rights.
I believe Hamdan v. Rumsfeld to be wrongly decided, and I’m certainly not alone in that. Still, it was decided, and Congress responded with the Military Commissions Act of 2006. Sine die.
And the Military Commissions Act is a disgrace of epic proportions. Anybody who supports that bill is an enemy of liberty and freedom. Period.
I lose no sleep over the tribulations of those at Gitmo. I do, on occassion, lose some over those who fought to caputre them and send them to Gitmo.
And this is why you will never understand the concepts of liberty and freedom.
The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, but many thought it gave too much power to government, hence their insistence upon a specific set of amendments to limit that power. The Bill of Rights is an absolute recognition of the truth of the fact that, “No man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.”
The Bill of Rights is as much a check on the Executive Branch as it is on the Legislative Branch. You should know that.
Wow. Here all this time I thought chadt’s name was Chad. Boy, am I slow.
klake is Keith Lake, professional nazi, right?
klake is Keith Lake, professional nazi, right?
I hope he’s only an amateur. No one should be paying for that level of incoherence.
@50 “Perhaps as a ‘not currently licensed to practice law’ lawyer Scot feels as if he has regained the ability to thrust his ego about.”
Good point. Now that he no longer is a lawyer, and no longer thinks of a lawyer, he has stopped charging for his legal advice. Now, his legal advice is free.
@50 “Perhaps as a ‘not currently licensed to practice law’ lawyer Scot feels as if he has regained the ability to thrust his ego about.”
Good point. Now that he no longer is a lawyer, and no longer thinks of himself as a lawyer, he has stopped charging for his legal advice. Now, his legal advice is free.
@95 Lutist Latvian
I am not sure why you asked about my stance? Are you propositioning me? I am straight and rather old but am always willing to see what lies beyond the cubicle wall. Why not ocme to the next DL and we can at least size each other up.
I should warn you, however, my wife comes too and she is far tougher and less tolerant of men in skirts than I am.
I am in the meantime very moved by the Minnesota story, Is it true that all the kids in St. Paul are above average?
One question, for real? For someone who seems to spout off abut the importance of ideas, yours seem … well rather superficial. Gee… I unnerstan how you feel about Gitmo, but .. isn’t it at least a little more complicated than we are fair folks so they are being treated OK Dokey>
I went inactive a dozen or so years ago when the cost of CLE’s and annual dues really took off. Since I hadn’t actively practiced in years, it was a good economic decision.
And you should know that an inactive member of the WSBA cannot give legal advice, nor do I.
The Piper
@53 I don’t suppose it occurs to you that some of us are mindful of what your side has demonstrated itself capable of:
“RENTON – A local woman claims someone vandalized her car because of a Kerry-Edwards campaign sticker in her back window. Joni Job told KOMO 4 News someone put a confederate flag alongside her sticker. They also used red paint to write ‘Bush in 2004’ on her passenger side door … [and] dented her car, causing hundreds of dollars in damage.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story see
@53 Personally, I think you’re a fool to not conceal your identity on political blogs.
@59 I have to admit that a guy who plays bagpipes isn’t all bad. The rest of him is bad, though.
@62 What does Custer speak?
Guess what? I’ve had my car(s) vandalized because they displayed conservative bumper stickers, and every election cycle, I have campaign signs stolen from my yard.
What’s your point? Vandals are crooks, and crooks should be prosecuted…except under a Bill Sherman-led PAO, only crimes against Democratic interests will come under scrutiny, the rest of us will have to fend for ourselves.
The Piper
Nothing, he’s dead. When he was alive, he spoke English.
The Piper
@68 “As for me and authoritarian regimes? I value liberty and freedom as first among civic virtures, and I oppose those who seek to take them away whether they do so in the name of a political ideology, religious zealotry, environmental do-goodism, welfare state nannyism, light rail, or any combination thereof.”
So … when did you become a Democrat?
@68 “When the United States stands up to authoritarian regimes, then I think that’s a good thing, don’t you?”
Right now, I’ll be settle for Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid sanding up to one authoritarian regime.
@71 “Speaking of which…Did you see where Nancy Pelosi bitch-slapped Pete Stark into apologizing to the President for his stupid House-floor remarks about ‘amusement?'”
I call that a case of misplaced priorities.
@72 “Iraq’s not over yet.”
Yes, it is. It’s all over except for the useless dying. We lost that war the day you fucking idiots decided to torture innocent Iraqis.
@78 “So…what’s you beef with VD Hanson? Besides the fact he says stuff that bursts your bubble?”
The same thing that’s wrong with following Jim Cramer’s investment advice.
But hey, it’s your money, and if you don’t need it anymore I’ll be happy to lighten your burden.
@83 “Light rail? Really? Light rail is a threat to your liberty?”
Lee, you gotta remember you’re dealing with people who equate “liberty” with “wallet.”
@93 “I’m sorry…but if anyone wants to participate in the market place of ideas by putting theirs out there, they have to be prepared for whateve comes back their way!”
True enough; if you feed hay to a horse, you’d better be ready to get back horseshit.
@93 For someone who bitches as much about the cost of light rail as you do, you are strangely silent about the cost of Bush’s recreational war in Iraq.
I bitch about the cost of light rail, too, but the difference between us is that I also bitch about the money being wasted in Iraq. You could build Sound Transit 10 times over with the money this administration wastes on corruption in one fucking month.
@68 .. Loving Frenchie
So the skirted guy wants his government to stand up to authoritarian regimes. Hmmmm….
Lets see ….
We could invade Burma???
oh … but they are a client of China. Where would we get gizmos or loans?
Oh, Oh .. I get it! Lets invade Cuba!!!!
uh oh, what would we do with all them commie refugees?
Or … howsa about Saudi Arabia?
no, George in planning to move to The Emirate of Bidet when he retires.
hmmmm ….. where CAN we invade???? Sweden would be good but, we do want more Nobels. Howsa about Khazakastzan?
hmmm good idea but they do have oil, better be careful too we don’ wanna get Putin any more angry.
I did suggest Panama didn’t I ..
yeh but bin there done that.
Ya know what? We REALLY need a good old totalitarian regime that is safe to invade! Personally I think we should invade Fiji. It si a much nicer place than Iraq, the population is small but easily as brown as the folks in Iraq, there is clear evidence for WMD .. weapons of mas distraction, and the strategic location near the soon to be farm lands of Anatarica would be very good.
@113 I quote from your own web site: “Free legal advice.”
Of course, merely advertising it won’t get you in trouble; doing it will. I don’t know what you do or don’t do, nor is it any concern of mine.
I do get the feeling from the volume of your posting on HA that you have as much free time on your hands as I do. Not exactly a thriving concern you have there, is it?
@113 (continued) If you don’t want to pay a few hundred dollars a year to keep your license current, why did you rip 3 years out of your life and $100,000 out of your bank account to attend law school in the first place? Sounds like you made a bad economic decision way back when.
@130 RR
I wouldm like to go to the website .. can you pass it on? If not here, do you have my email?
So how much economic sense does this make: You give up 3 years of earnings, pay 3 years of law school tuition, buy dozens of law textbooks at $50 or $100 a pop, spend $1,000 or more on a bar review course, pay I forget how much to take the bar exam, then you surrender the license b ecause you’re too fucking cheap to pay $450 in annual dues and attend a few CLEs. Sure, there are CLEs that cost $500 or more, but I’ve never gone to one. You can get all of your annual credits for a couple hundred dollars, and if you really look around and spend a little elbow grease, there are even some free CLE credits available. Such as being a presenter at a CLE, which requires you to know something about a legal subject, or writing a legal article for publication. Even the poorest lawyers — and there are plenty of lawyers with modest means — manage to pay their dues and get their credits. Which makes me wonder if there’s something more going on than you’re letting on? It’s hard for me to believe nayone would voluntarily give up his license.
And you’re retired, whereas the Buffoon Asshonker claims to have a business.
His wife supports him and encourages him to all his time posting on blogs and sending letters to editors. Do you blame her? The poor thing must be demented herself to have married him in the first place.
But don’t think for a minute, as I’m sure as as a lawyer you don’t, that he wouldn’t spend an equal amount of time harrassing the employer and associates of anyone who annoys him, hence his attempt to get me to give him my full name. I can just see endless complaints, however fictitious, being lodged with the postal authorities. He’s an asshole, and any claims to honour are limited by his interpretation. He makes his own rules of argument, I’m sure he makes up the rest of his realities to fit the moment.
Above post 134 by Chad references comment 130 by Roger. Sorry.
Democrat? Pardon me, but Democrats positively lust after the nanny state, Draconian environmental regulation, political correctness and enforced ideological orthodoxy, and every big government, atrocious spending idea that comes down the pike.
When Republicans act like Democrats, they get waxed and deservedly so.
Democrat? Get real…Who was it during the Cold War who said, “Why are we worried about communists when there are still Democrats left to be jailed?”
The Piper
When I got out of school (in those days, the $$$ cost wasn’t what you portend), I didn’t want to be someone’s papers-draw-upper, so I did labor relations work for several years (including nearly three years as an organizer/business agent for the now-defunct Tacoma local of the SEIU!).
By the way, an essence of freedom and liberty includes the right to live and work as you see fit. I made choices I thought best for me. End of story.
The Piper
So, Buffoon Asshonker, YOU killed the Tacoma union?
Now THAT’S believable!
And they probably thought it was INVOLUNTARY incompetence. Clever.
Myanmar? Check out:
Gotta go…
The Piper
Roger Rabbit says:
Patton knew how to deal with such people: “Grab ‘em by the nose and kick ‘em in the ass!!”
Thanks Roger you do read what I write and retain what is being said. “WOW there is still hope for you yet.”
Go Piper, Go Piper, spread the word, truth wins out in end, every one eventually changes.
My Left Foot says:
Piper, the West does not always win continued:
The Battle of Viet Nam and The Battle of Iraq.
Just pointing out the facts.
Yep; only a shit head would make a statement like that. You can pick up your prayer rug at the Seattle Center this week end and Goldy will be holding prayers. Check out the rug Roger bought last week, real kool silk one that feels really great on his knees.
I gather you spend a lot of time on your knees, Klake?
Doubtless a fan of Senator Craig…
Roger Rabbit says:
@72 “Iraq’s not over yet.”
Yes, it is. It’s all over except for the useless dying. We lost that war the day you fucking idiots decided to torture innocent Iraqis.
Roger what makes you the expert on War? How many of those bumper sticker did you sell FREE IRAQ support bin Laden defence team. Call Nancy Pelosi and Hairy Reed to continue supporting the terriorest on their war effort.
Lee says:
klake is Keith Lake, professional nazi, right?
I hope he’s only an amateur. No one should be paying for that level of incoherence.
Thanks Lee for the support, I wouldn’t want you to tell the truth would we might, make you look good to the clowns.
OneMan says:
“What’s wrong with trying to democratize Iraq?”
Well as a high concept, like mom and apple pie, it’s great.
And anyway, that isn’t why we invaded Iraq. It’s not even the second or third reason Bush gave for invading. Remember? WMD? Support for Al Qaeda? Or did that little fact slip your little mind?
Yes you we there when the opening bell toll? I was and the shit that you listed wasn’t the whole reason, but your children will read about it in the history books. Hint! We needed a place to fight the enemy, you know your friends Al Qaeda. One thing for sure we the United States did change the dynamics in the Middle East and hopefully for the best. But looking at things in a positive way is a forgein concept for you.
chadt says:
I gather you spend a lot of time on your knees, Klake?
Doubtless a fan of Senator Craig…
Not really but he could give you a few pointers since you show such high admireation of him. Hope you enjoy your new prayer rug chadt.
Flew right over your head, didn’t it, Klake?
chadt says:
Flew right over your head, didn’t it, Klake?
NO but it only means something to you
Get spell check.
Are you going to tell me that we won The Battle of Viet Nam? Are you also claiming victory in Iraq?
(someone who is not only stupid, but an asshole too)
Get spell check.
Are you going to tell me that we won The Battle of Viet Nam? Are you also claiming victory in Iraq?
(someone who is not only stupid, but an asshole too)
That would be “ignoramus,” My Left Foot. And it’s generally known as the “Vietnam War.”
You have to see it to believe it . . . .
I see the rocket scientists are visiting tonight.
Is this the Neewollah Etis??? Oooops Halloween Site?
Good night! And straight ahead!
“ Yes you we there when the opening bell toll? I was and the shit that you listed wasn’t the whole reason, but your children will read about it in the history books. Hint! We needed a place to fight the enemy, you know your friends Al Qaeda. One thing for sure we the United States did change the dynamics in the Middle East and hopefully for the best. But looking at things in a positive way is a forgein concept for you.”
Well, smart guy, don’t keep me in suspense. What was the whole reason? No “hints” — lay it out ’cause I’m obviously not smart enough to follow you. C’mon, tell me.
Please, please tell me we were laying a honey trap for the terrists. I haven’t had a good belly laugh in a long time.
Was the Honey Trap Defense the reason we sent political hacks over to take over administration of the Iraqi government? Was it part of the plan to fuck up the place to the point it was impossible for average people to live?
Was it part of Bush’s brilliant plan to allow anyone who wanted to to loot the ammo dumps scattered around the country? Were we priming the terrists pump, so to speak?
Man…I have to give you points for originality.
However, I have to take away double points for morals. Even if this incredibly stupid idea of yours was true, what right would we have to destroy an entire country and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people and displace millions more in order to “fight ’em over there so we don’t have to fight ’em over here”?
If you even for a minute thought that was justifiable, you’re a treasonous bastard who has no idea what the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, or any other aspect of Western thought really means.
And that’s fucking pathetic. You, and any one who thinks like you, should be ashamed.
@156 con’t:
Oh by the way, we sure did change the Middle East but I can’t see “for the best” out of the clusterfuck that is Iraq.
If you can, I suggest you get your prescription changed. You’re nearsighted.
MColluci at 152:
Dear Asshole: (first notice the colon, not a comma. commonly used to denote business and not friendly)
I used “ignoranus” and I explained its meaning. See the last four letters of the word A-N-U-S. The polite term for asshole, Asshole. (see how I capitalized the second asshole, Asshole? that is because you should always capitalize a person’s name. Got it now, Asshole?)
As for the Battle of Viet Nam. I was merely parodying a previous poster who brought up the the Battle of Little Big Horn. If you could actually read an entire thread without drooling all over yourself you would have realized this. I know this technical stuff is beyond most conservative minds, but please, for the love of God, at least attempt to keep up.
See what happens when you come into the middle of the conversation, you get your ass handed back to you for being a complete fool and asshole, Asshole.
Still feeling smug?
All the best,
Personal note:
“Saw” Viet Nam through my fathers eyes and heard it through his stories, studied it at school, lived similar experiences (albeit in a desert, not a jungle).
Next time you want to take a crack at someone, here is a little advice. Know your opponent. Do not assume. And always, and I mean always, remember to take a man to do a boy’s job. (translation: if you think you need 5 men to take the sniper out, you take 10. You are here to win, not play games.)
Crawl back under whichever rock you slithered out from. Your lack of comprehension is astounding and you are obviously overtired and in need of rest. And don’t forget to take your meds.
My Left Foot says:
Next time you want to take a crack at someone, here is a little advice. Know your opponent. Do not assume. And always, and I mean always, remember to take a man to do a boy’s job. (translation: if you think you need 5 men to take the sniper out, you take 10. You are here to win, not play games.)
For someone to post will a bumb ass name let help you with your translation it only take two men to take out a sniper. Another sniper with better eyes, weapon, and spotter. When you call people boy’s don’t forget to look in the mirror before you insert your left foot.
For someone to post will a bumb ass name let help you with your translation it only take two men to take out a sniper. Another sniper with better eyes, weapon, and spotter. When you call people boy’s don’t forget to look in the mirror before you insert your left foot.
Can we get this translated to English?
@161: Klakian is so much more fun though.
Hey Fake: when are you going to respond to 156?
Oh, and nice rhetorical touch to call a bunch of us Muslims and then imply we must support the Terrists ’cause EVERYBODY KNOWS that all them Mooslems are terrists, right?
That’s why it’s impossible to actually have an intelligent conversation with wingnuts…they aren’t interested in THAT…they just want to spew and run.
Nice going, Fake.
klake @ 160