Republicans love labels. If they could just stick to the facts, oh but facts don’t always work for them, then the wouldn’t come up with words like thugs.
I point to the sky, point to the sky…..oh wait, first I have to go to jail, then I’ll find God, and when I come out of jail I wanna see if I can play football so I can point to the sky.
Teabsgged to Deathspews:
Maybe the preacher @5 should have gotten with this woman.
In the Friday Night Comix lib the racist schmuck farted this: “He’s an enemy combatant who willfully engaged in warfare against the United States.” So Puddy will use Jim Geraghty. Remember how many libtards used Jim Geraghty when he wrongly disagreed with Ben Carson? Many of you did! Need to review those comments again. Well… Puddy will even replay them for you so you don’t need to grow a pair of balls and ask the crazed clueless databaze cretin!
Now look at all these enemy combatants who willfully engaged in warfare against the United States and thoroughly excused by leftist libtards…
…but chants where people describe police as ‘pigs’ and call for them to be ‘fried like bacon’ doesn’t lead to attacks on police…
… while the shooter who opened fire in the lobby of the Family Research Council in downtown Washington in 2012, who planned to target the Traditional Values Coalition next, does not spur any need for a broader discussion or societal lessons about the demonization of political opponents…
From the PuddyCommentariat: Seems only those actions from conservatives need demonization while left wrong commentary and actions always gets that daily pass from morons like lib the racist schmucko!
When the libtards on HA DUMMOCRETINS decide to correctly articulate the actions left wrong pinheads are just as heinous as those they scream about right thinking people; then we’ll have a lively SANE discussion. Instead the left wrong pinheads here are always running to that predetermined end result: “He’s an enemy combatant who willfully engaged in warfare against the United States.”
Teabagged to Deathspews:
When the news and facts go against you, just blame the media. Bad medi, bad media. Repukes talk about the media as if it is nazism, but there bullshit is righteous.
How long can this work?
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
When the news and facts go against you, just blame the media. Bill Clinton did when Heilary’s private email server came under attack!
Teabagged to Deathspews:
When asked about global warming and doing anything about it, republicans standard response is that it’s not worth it because China is a bigger polluter nowadays, and so why bother.
But why do they stop there. Why don’t the use the rhetoric towards China that they do ISIS, do a different level of course, to get China to act? Why use that as an excuse if your are not going to make any effort in persuading China to improve? Don’t they realize that there are a bunch of fetuses in that country that will have to eventually leave the womb and breathe the wonderful air if China?
I’ve always said that China has to eventually do something unless they are suicidal. What will Republicans do then? They going to let China show them that them commies are more responsible then them conservative Nazis?
Teabagged to Deathspews:
@9 what a weak response, he’s getting light in his loafers. Must be a bad somber day for the Puffy. He should have thrown in a DEMOCREATIN or two.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
@7. You might have something with the first quote, people calling the police pigs…. Mvut a little different when you are upset that they did “you” wrong before the name calling.
PP did nothing wrong, directly, to the people that are using the rhetoric against them, just plain old dirty tactics.
And the quote regarding Tiny Dick Perkins’ group, well maybe it was the bullshit rhetoric spewed by him and his group that pissed someone off enough for that individual to, wrongly, do what they did.
Your comparisons are borderline equivalent to some bully picking a fight or playing with the snake and getting hit back or bitten and then blame the other person or the snake, as opposed to someone innocently minding there own business, and then someone coming along and blowing you up like an ISIS terrorist, just because they didn’t like you.
Eat shit, dip shit. How has PP done anything directly to you or to the republicans that incite the violence against them?
Teabagged to Deathspews:
Yes, definitely something wrong with Puffy today, kind of like he just woke from a couple week coma filled with complete insanity and just heard that Ben is dropping in the polls.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
Puffy is stewing in his dunce corner saying “nobody will come out and play”
“Yes, definitely something wrong with Puffy today”
Indeed, it’s been a bad month for Carson and the loon. Trump is going up in the polls, Carson is plummeting. On November 3rd, the RCP national average had Carson 0.2% ahead of Trump and now he’s nine points behind.
There’s always a few jerks in every crowd, except these particular jerks were their own crowd, and nowhere near the protest crowd. I suppose you could say the same thing about the pro-life crowd, except they seem to have more than their fair share of murderers, arsonists, harassers, name-callers, and all-around jerks.
Distant Replayspews:
“When the libtards on HA DUMMOCRETINS decide to correctly articulate the actions left wrong pinheads are just as heinous as those they scream about right thinking people…”
Anyone, regardless of their political motivation, who obtains a weapon and uses it to terrorize our civilian population shall be deemed an enemy combatant.
Don’t really have anything to say at all about the rest of your fucking post except it has absofuckinglutely nothing to do with me. But I for one am game. Attack the United States? We make no distinctions, no exceptions.
Send them all to Gitmo. No trials. No exceptions.
Gather an arsenal? Off to Gitmo.
Build a bomb? Off to Gitmo.
Set up a training camp to practice revolution? Off to Gitmo.
Anytime some crazed shithead loads up and goes gunning we send ’em to Gitmo. Likewise anyone who helps them organize, supplies ’em, or tries to hide ’em after. Off to Gitmo.
Cheryl Sullenger and all her co-conspirators? Off to Gitmo.
Bundy and all his friends? Off to Gitmo.
Lampleys? Gitmo.
Creativity Movement? Round ’em up. Off to Gitmo!
Border Vigilantes? Gitmo.
Randy Weaver and Bo Gritz? Gitmo.
Christian Identity? Shut ’em down. Send ’em to Gitmo.
World Church of The Creator? Gitmo.
JDL? Gitmo.
KKK? Gitmo.
National Socialist Movement? Gitmo.
Minutemen American Defense? Round ’em up. Gitmo.
All the people and all the groups involved in all the various domestic terrorism attacks, and all the people associated with those groups should be disarmed, arrested, and transported immediately without trial to detainment facilities in Guantanamo Bay Cuba, there to be held indefinitely without trial. I’m game if you are, Fuckwad. Let’s make their mailbox sticker fantasies come true.
@18 But…but…but… Gitmo doesn’t that much room.
I guess we could build one giant Joe Arapaio style Tent City in some God forsaken corner of the USA. That might work…
Teabagged to Deathspews:
@19 Wasilla, Alaska probably has plenty of room, nothing but hot air and empty space up there.
The only other place that I think could be similar is Boob’s hometown….oops, there go the trees.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
Hate speech. Brought to you by riders in the Klown mobile fear mongerers. The Klowns have no other substance or intelligence.
Well just have to. It’s the only way to fight terrorism.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Indiscriminately open fire at Army base like Ft Hood – Off to Gitmo
People like Maurice Clemmons – Off to Gitmo
People like George Tiller – Off to Gitmo
People like Kermit Gosnell – Off to Gitmo
People like John Holdren – Off to Gitmo
People like Dr. Robert Petzel – Off to Gitmo
People like Ismaaiyl Brinsley – Off to Gitmo
People like Secret Service Assistant Director Edward Lowery – Off to Gitmo
People like Azizah al-Hibri- Off to Gitmo
People like Sharon Helman – Off to Gitmo
People like Cass Sunstein – Off to Gitmo
People like Dr. Deborah L. Nucatola – Off to Gitmo
People like Kevin Jennings, friend of Harry Hay – Off to Gitmo
People like Lois Lerner – Off to Gitmo
People like Vester Lee Flanagan II – Off to Gitmo
People Like Eric Holder – Off to Gitmo
People like Dr Mary Gatter – Off to Gitmo
People like Jared Lee Loughner – Off to Gitmo
People Rashad Hassan – Off to Gitmo
People like John Koskinen – Off to Gitmo
Liars like Heilary Clinton – Off to Gitmo
People like Diana Rubens and Kimberly Graves – Off to Gitmo
People like Seattle May Day DUMMOCRETIN Anarchists – Off to Gitmo
People like Occupy Wall Street Anarchists – Off to Gitmo
People like Bill Ayers – Off to Gitmo
People like Bernadine Dohrn – Off to Gitmo
People like Ward Churchill – Off to Gitmo
People like Assata Shakur – Off to Gitmo
People like PSY – Off to Gitmo
People like Sami al-Arian – Off to Gitmo
People like Bernie Madoff – Off to Gitmo
People like Tony Rezko – Off to Gitmo
People who as commander in chief of US forces whom refuse a US flag pin on his lapel, calling it “false” patriotism – Off to Gitmo
December 1 marks World AIDS Day, a time for reflection on the pandemic that we continue to fight. For over 30 years the world has come together to find a cure for this devastating disease, beginning with treating those affected, identifying the virus responsible (HIV), developing antiretroviral treatment, implementing social and behavioral interventions, designing a vaccine, and finding a cure.
We should not forget the contribution of the Religious Right back at the start of this pandemic. Without their efforts there would not have been nearly as many millions of families devastated by HIV.
Distant Replayspews:
Any of them who arm themselves and go to war against us, yes. Any of them who directly assist those who arm themselves and go to war with us, yes.
Sorry ’bout refusin’ to go along with the rest. But you’re just straining to fill the card. Not my problem.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Straining to fill the card? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
That was an easy exercise from the Puddy Archives! Most everything posted above has multiple Puddy entries in the crazed clueless cretin databaze!
See ya!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
What a bunch of BULLSHITTIUM from ekim the goat abuser above… Seems this moron discounts this PBS article… – how it began: hiv before the age of aids
You see ekim, Puddy remembers!
Distant Replayspews:
Too bad most of those you name can’t even be charged with owning a box cutter. This isn’t about stifling dissent. It’s about extreme violence. Sorry you don’t like losing elections. Get used to it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 That’s quite a hate list. How come war criminals like Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld aren’t on it? Why no bankers or CEOs? What about people who torch abortion clinics and shoot abortion doctors? No Gitmo for them? You have a weird sense of right and wrong, but we’re not surprised, as you’re just plain all-around weird.
Distant Replayspews:
Unreliable source since it depends on evolution.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 My reaction to the first name on your list was, Why would Puddy want to dig up Maurice Clemmons and send his rotting corpse to Gitmo? Is Puddy a ghoul who pillages cemeteries in the dead of night?
Distant Replayspews:
Seems the Fuckwad believes that salting his list with one or two genuine violent extremists will make a difference somehow.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
This isn’t about stifling dissent.
You mean all those university protests are about love and peace?
Bernie Madoff… Bush isn’t a war criminal just because some senile old coot thinks so! Remember Obummer is killing civilians with those drones! Need to review the left wrong web sites again Roger senile?
Puddy rests his case.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Once again Roger senile has comprehension issues…
People like Maurice Clemmons – Off to Gitmo
Seems Roger Senile is 2 stoooooooooopid all the time!
Distant Replayspews:
Dont care what they’re “about”. They aren’t armed and violent.
Distant Replayspews:
Im okay with evolution. Are you? ‘Cause if yer not you need to stop leaning on it so hard.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 “Bush isn’t a war criminal just because some senile old coot thinks so!”
True enough. He’s a war criminal because he started an unnecessary war that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians on false pretenses. However, if you prefer to go the “well-meaning mistake” route, then we at least can agree that he was stupid and incompetent, no?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 Well, okay, if you want to play that game:
The first person “like” Maurice Clemmons who comes to mind — i.e., an angry nutjob who targets police officers — is the anti-abortion movement’s latest hero, Robert Lewis Dear Jr.
Do you agree he belongs in Gitmo? He’s a terrorist, so there’s a rational basis for that (unlike most of your ravings). However, I think he’ll more likely end up in Florence if he’s convicted of domestic terrorism. That is, if Colorado doesn’t execute him for murder.
Well, I see the CONGENITAL LIAR @27 is at it again.
I will admit that the PBS link is interesting but I am not sure how the EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY of HIV relates to the BIGOTRY of the RELIGIOUS REICH and their highly successful efforts to delay and disrupt the research into HIV since the outbreak of the pandemic.
The nutjob had me going until John Holdren. I had to look up a couple of those until I realized it was all about stifling dissent. Although, gitmo is probably too good for Kermit Gosnell. Kind of wish I hadn’t looked that up. Still I’ve learned stuff today. I learned the “Creativity Movement” is only creative in terms of how they look at “the” creation. And, I don’t have to look up the “police are pigs” “fry’em like bacon” nonsense. Saved me some time. Thanks!
Mark Adamsspews:
@42 The current proper slang phrase for coppers is keuf. Did you know pig has been underworld slang for coppers since 1811 and it’s British slang. Think I’ll go have a banger. Oh and guys left and right you are all kinda loosing sight of a certain document called the US Constitution though I get a serious sense of sarcasm from at least one individual. Though your smile is beginning to droop.
Oh no! Say it ain’t so! Behead this traitor!
Republicans love labels. If they could just stick to the facts, oh but facts don’t always work for them, then the wouldn’t come up with words like thugs.
A White Terrorist Is A ‘Troubled Loner,’ But Unarmed Black Kids Are ‘Thugs’
Remember everyone, the Duggar boy was a good Christian who just made mistakes.
Oh yes, ISIS are thugs….but how are they any different from theses thugs?
If The Anti-Abortion Movement Doesn’t Condone Violence, How Do Republicans Explain These Remarks?
More beheadings for these slime balls!
MLB Couple Hosts 17 Syrian Refugee Families For Thanksgiving
One of Puffy’s friends?
Maryland preacher accused of raping, robbing escorts
I point to the sky, point to the sky…..oh wait, first I have to go to jail, then I’ll find God, and when I come out of jail I wanna see if I can play football so I can point to the sky.
Maybe the preacher @5 should have gotten with this woman.
Florida health care aide arrested for having sex with teen
In the Friday Night Comix lib the racist schmuck farted this: “He’s an enemy combatant who willfully engaged in warfare against the United States.” So Puddy will use Jim Geraghty. Remember how many libtards used Jim Geraghty when he wrongly disagreed with Ben Carson? Many of you did! Need to review those comments again. Well… Puddy will even replay them for you so you don’t need to grow a pair of balls and ask the crazed clueless databaze cretin!
Now look at all these enemy combatants who willfully engaged in warfare against the United States and thoroughly excused by leftist libtards…
From the PuddyCommentariat: Seems only those actions from conservatives need demonization while left wrong commentary and actions always gets that daily pass from morons like lib the racist schmucko!
When the libtards on HA DUMMOCRETINS decide to correctly articulate the actions left wrong pinheads are just as heinous as those they scream about right thinking people; then we’ll have a lively SANE discussion. Instead the left wrong pinheads here are always running to that predetermined end result: “He’s an enemy combatant who willfully engaged in warfare against the United States.”
When the news and facts go against you, just blame the media. Bad medi, bad media. Repukes talk about the media as if it is nazism, but there bullshit is righteous.
How long can this work?
When the news and facts go against you, just blame the media. Bill Clinton did when Heilary’s private email server came under attack!
When asked about global warming and doing anything about it, republicans standard response is that it’s not worth it because China is a bigger polluter nowadays, and so why bother.
But why do they stop there. Why don’t the use the rhetoric towards China that they do ISIS, do a different level of course, to get China to act? Why use that as an excuse if your are not going to make any effort in persuading China to improve? Don’t they realize that there are a bunch of fetuses in that country that will have to eventually leave the womb and breathe the wonderful air if China?
I’ve always said that China has to eventually do something unless they are suicidal. What will Republicans do then? They going to let China show them that them commies are more responsible then them conservative Nazis?
@9 what a weak response, he’s getting light in his loafers. Must be a bad somber day for the Puffy. He should have thrown in a DEMOCREATIN or two.
@7. You might have something with the first quote, people calling the police pigs…. Mvut a little different when you are upset that they did “you” wrong before the name calling.
PP did nothing wrong, directly, to the people that are using the rhetoric against them, just plain old dirty tactics.
And the quote regarding Tiny Dick Perkins’ group, well maybe it was the bullshit rhetoric spewed by him and his group that pissed someone off enough for that individual to, wrongly, do what they did.
Your comparisons are borderline equivalent to some bully picking a fight or playing with the snake and getting hit back or bitten and then blame the other person or the snake, as opposed to someone innocently minding there own business, and then someone coming along and blowing you up like an ISIS terrorist, just because they didn’t like you.
Eat shit, dip shit. How has PP done anything directly to you or to the republicans that incite the violence against them?
Yes, definitely something wrong with Puffy today, kind of like he just woke from a couple week coma filled with complete insanity and just heard that Ben is dropping in the polls.
Puffy is stewing in his dunce corner saying “nobody will come out and play”
“Yes, definitely something wrong with Puffy today”
Indeed, it’s been a bad month for Carson and the loon. Trump is going up in the polls, Carson is plummeting. On November 3rd, the RCP national average had Carson 0.2% ahead of Trump and now he’s nine points behind.
It’s pretty obvious to everyone except the loon that Carson’s lying, plagiarism, grifting and batshit insane views aren’t going over too well.
Sucks to be a batshit crazy loon, huh?
@5 Future GOP congressional candidate.
@7 This has been hashed and rehashed, but in case you’ve forgotten,
There’s always a few jerks in every crowd, except these particular jerks were their own crowd, and nowhere near the protest crowd. I suppose you could say the same thing about the pro-life crowd, except they seem to have more than their fair share of murderers, arsonists, harassers, name-callers, and all-around jerks.
“When the libtards on HA DUMMOCRETINS decide to correctly articulate the actions left wrong pinheads are just as heinous as those they scream about right thinking people…”
Anyone, regardless of their political motivation, who obtains a weapon and uses it to terrorize our civilian population shall be deemed an enemy combatant.
Don’t really have anything to say at all about the rest of your fucking post except it has absofuckinglutely nothing to do with me. But I for one am game. Attack the United States? We make no distinctions, no exceptions.
Send them all to Gitmo. No trials. No exceptions.
Gather an arsenal? Off to Gitmo.
Build a bomb? Off to Gitmo.
Set up a training camp to practice revolution? Off to Gitmo.
Anytime some crazed shithead loads up and goes gunning we send ’em to Gitmo. Likewise anyone who helps them organize, supplies ’em, or tries to hide ’em after. Off to Gitmo.
Cheryl Sullenger and all her co-conspirators? Off to Gitmo.
Bundy and all his friends? Off to Gitmo.
Lampleys? Gitmo.
Creativity Movement? Round ’em up. Off to Gitmo!
Border Vigilantes? Gitmo.
Randy Weaver and Bo Gritz? Gitmo.
Christian Identity? Shut ’em down. Send ’em to Gitmo.
World Church of The Creator? Gitmo.
JDL? Gitmo.
KKK? Gitmo.
National Socialist Movement? Gitmo.
Minutemen American Defense? Round ’em up. Gitmo.
All the people and all the groups involved in all the various domestic terrorism attacks, and all the people associated with those groups should be disarmed, arrested, and transported immediately without trial to detainment facilities in Guantanamo Bay Cuba, there to be held indefinitely without trial. I’m game if you are, Fuckwad. Let’s make their mailbox sticker fantasies come true.
@18 But…but…but… Gitmo doesn’t that much room.
I guess we could build one giant Joe Arapaio style Tent City in some God forsaken corner of the USA. That might work…
@19 Wasilla, Alaska probably has plenty of room, nothing but hot air and empty space up there.
The only other place that I think could be similar is Boob’s hometown….oops, there go the trees.
Hate speech. Brought to you by riders in the Klown mobile fear mongerers. The Klowns have no other substance or intelligence.
Why Hate Speech by Presidential Candidates Is Despicable
Well just have to. It’s the only way to fight terrorism.
Indiscriminately open fire at Army base like Ft Hood – Off to Gitmo
People like Maurice Clemmons – Off to Gitmo
People like George Tiller – Off to Gitmo
People like Kermit Gosnell – Off to Gitmo
People like John Holdren – Off to Gitmo
People like Dr. Robert Petzel – Off to Gitmo
People like Ismaaiyl Brinsley – Off to Gitmo
People like Secret Service Assistant Director Edward Lowery – Off to Gitmo
People like Azizah al-Hibri- Off to Gitmo
People like Sharon Helman – Off to Gitmo
People like Cass Sunstein – Off to Gitmo
People like Dr. Deborah L. Nucatola – Off to Gitmo
People like Kevin Jennings, friend of Harry Hay – Off to Gitmo
People like Lois Lerner – Off to Gitmo
People like Vester Lee Flanagan II – Off to Gitmo
People Like Eric Holder – Off to Gitmo
People like Dr Mary Gatter – Off to Gitmo
People like Jared Lee Loughner – Off to Gitmo
People Rashad Hassan – Off to Gitmo
People like John Koskinen – Off to Gitmo
Liars like Heilary Clinton – Off to Gitmo
People like Diana Rubens and Kimberly Graves – Off to Gitmo
People like Seattle May Day DUMMOCRETIN Anarchists – Off to Gitmo
People like Occupy Wall Street Anarchists – Off to Gitmo
People like Bill Ayers – Off to Gitmo
People like Bernadine Dohrn – Off to Gitmo
People like Ward Churchill – Off to Gitmo
People like Assata Shakur – Off to Gitmo
People like PSY – Off to Gitmo
People like Sami al-Arian – Off to Gitmo
People like Bernie Madoff – Off to Gitmo
People like Tony Rezko – Off to Gitmo
People who as commander in chief of US forces whom refuse a US flag pin on his lapel, calling it “false” patriotism – Off to Gitmo
We should not forget the contribution of the Religious Right back at the start of this pandemic. Without their efforts there would not have been nearly as many millions of families devastated by HIV.
Any of them who arm themselves and go to war against us, yes. Any of them who directly assist those who arm themselves and go to war with us, yes.
Sorry ’bout refusin’ to go along with the rest. But you’re just straining to fill the card. Not my problem.
Straining to fill the card? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
That was an easy exercise from the Puddy Archives! Most everything posted above has multiple Puddy entries in the crazed clueless cretin databaze!
See ya!
What a bunch of BULLSHITTIUM from ekim the goat abuser above… Seems this moron discounts this PBS article… – how it began: hiv before the age of aids
You see ekim, Puddy remembers!
Too bad most of those you name can’t even be charged with owning a box cutter. This isn’t about stifling dissent. It’s about extreme violence. Sorry you don’t like losing elections. Get used to it.
@23 That’s quite a hate list. How come war criminals like Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld aren’t on it? Why no bankers or CEOs? What about people who torch abortion clinics and shoot abortion doctors? No Gitmo for them? You have a weird sense of right and wrong, but we’re not surprised, as you’re just plain all-around weird.
Unreliable source since it depends on evolution.
@26 My reaction to the first name on your list was, Why would Puddy want to dig up Maurice Clemmons and send his rotting corpse to Gitmo? Is Puddy a ghoul who pillages cemeteries in the dead of night?
Seems the Fuckwad believes that salting his list with one or two genuine violent extremists will make a difference somehow.
This isn’t about stifling dissent.
You mean all those university protests are about love and peace?
PBS is an unreliable source.
Oh stop! Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Roger senile can’t read!
Bernie Madoff… Bush isn’t a war criminal just because some senile old coot thinks so! Remember Obummer is killing civilians with those drones! Need to review the left wrong web sites again Roger senile?
Puddy rests his case.
Once again Roger senile has comprehension issues…
People like Maurice Clemmons – Off to Gitmo
Seems Roger Senile is 2 stoooooooooopid all the time!
Dont care what they’re “about”. They aren’t armed and violent.
Im okay with evolution. Are you? ‘Cause if yer not you need to stop leaning on it so hard.
@35 “Bush isn’t a war criminal just because some senile old coot thinks so!”
True enough. He’s a war criminal because he started an unnecessary war that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians on false pretenses. However, if you prefer to go the “well-meaning mistake” route, then we at least can agree that he was stupid and incompetent, no?
@36 Well, okay, if you want to play that game:
The first person “like” Maurice Clemmons who comes to mind — i.e., an angry nutjob who targets police officers — is the anti-abortion movement’s latest hero, Robert Lewis Dear Jr.
Do you agree he belongs in Gitmo? He’s a terrorist, so there’s a rational basis for that (unlike most of your ravings). However, I think he’ll more likely end up in Florence if he’s convicted of domestic terrorism. That is, if Colorado doesn’t execute him for murder.
Well, I see the CONGENITAL LIAR @27 is at it again.
I will admit that the PBS link is interesting but I am not sure how the EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY of HIV relates to the BIGOTRY of the RELIGIOUS REICH and their highly successful efforts to delay and disrupt the research into HIV since the outbreak of the pandemic.
The nutjob had me going until John Holdren. I had to look up a couple of those until I realized it was all about stifling dissent. Although, gitmo is probably too good for Kermit Gosnell. Kind of wish I hadn’t looked that up. Still I’ve learned stuff today. I learned the “Creativity Movement” is only creative in terms of how they look at “the” creation. And, I don’t have to look up the “police are pigs” “fry’em like bacon” nonsense. Saved me some time. Thanks!
@42 The current proper slang phrase for coppers is keuf. Did you know pig has been underworld slang for coppers since 1811 and it’s British slang. Think I’ll go have a banger. Oh and guys left and right you are all kinda loosing sight of a certain document called the US Constitution though I get a serious sense of sarcasm from at least one individual. Though your smile is beginning to droop.