– I know y’all know this but since it’s my last open thread before the election (depending on how late Tuesday’s is, but most post offices will probably be closed), hey everybody vote please. Our trolls are voting, so, you know at the very least cancel them out. But if you need a reason, here are some Spine-Chilling Reasons to Vote in These Midterms.
– The Koch Brothers spending money on knocking out Jeff Merkley this late in the game seems a bit strange, especially in Oregon where most of the ballots should already be in.
– You guys, I’m really sad for Mars Hill
– #ILookGoodOnAPronto looks like a fun little event.
It’s so much fun when libtards eat their own! http://www.truthrevolt.org/new.....mmencement
PuddyCommentary: What do you expect from the clueless at Berkeley? Dumb and Dumber!
Libtard? U decide? http://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com.....-officers/
Hey NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit,
Seems public pressure got to Obummer’s latest mouthpiece! http://www.mediaite.com/tv/kac.....-her-town/
Why is this so typical of Hollyweird and Music libtards? http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....t-midterm/
PuddyCommentary: Guess all that hope left no change in their pants after all!
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide give more to the donk! Now gonna reduce their staff in hotels. http://www.hospitalitynet.org/news/4067613.html Fewer interactions mean fewer people needed. Another way to reduce their ObummerCare footprint!
Baucus, Max (D-MT) $1,000
Blumenthal, Richard (D-CT) $2,500
Cantwell, Maria (D-WA) ($1,000)
Menendez, Robert (D-NJ) ($1,000)
Schatz, Brian (D-HI) $2,500
Schumer, Charles E (D-NY) $1,000
Wyden, Ron (D-OR) $1,000
Meanwhile if you are a DUMMOCRETIN, sexist commentary is A-OK! http://yidwithlid.blogspot.com.....ds-to.html
Meanwhile if you are an ape you probably applaud The dismantling of Apple’s Steve Jobs “memorial”. Jus because the present man in charge comes out as gay.
If you are the ape you spit in the face of freedom and opine for the days when Republicans do the same here in what will become the great country of no freedoms.
I bet Russians don’t like the negroes either.
But there is some hope that the bigots won’t prevail.
Gordon College President Was Surprised At Reaction To Anti-Gay Stance – http://huff.to/1tzSJH5
Hey puffy this gay guy is stronger than you.
Rob Kearney, Professional Strongman Champion, Comes Out – http://huff.to/1tA04Xl
Nothing comes closer to Islamic radicals than conservative evangelical Republicans.
This thread is full of Puddy vomit. Someone get a shovel.
@3 No, she’s being a class act, something you know nothing about. I wouldn’t be as gentle as her. If a rightwing lynch mob came to my door, I’d meet them with a shotgun, loaded and leveled.
@2 You believe everything an obnoxious stadium drunk says? Of course you do. It’s what we expect from you.
@1 Thanks for linking us to that video, Spuds. Maher is another class act. Why are all the class acts in this country libs? There’s a pattern here.
Sold a stock today. I owned it 2 1/2 years and made a 60% return, which works out to about 24% a year. Sure beats $7.25 an hour. I don’t get why anyone works for Republican minimum wage. When it costs more to work than they’re willing to pay, you might as well stay home.
Wow, Shrillary is cheep! http://www.washingtontimes.com.....tab-for-c/ Well… might as well make Alison Blundering Crimes pay for it!
Another “Responsible” Gun Owner
A Texas judge has sentenced a 28-year-old woman to 3 years in prison. Here’s what she did. She was living with a boyfriend, and didn’t like her boyfriend’s son, so she stashed a handgun in the kid’s school backpack, then went to a payphone and called the school so he’d be arrested. The kid spent several days in juvenile detention before detectives figured out what happened and arrested her.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Call me crazy if you want but I think it’s too easy to get guns in this country, and I think the wrong people have too much easy access to guns. At least the boyfriend lost custody. The kid’s with his mother now.
Remember to vote. I put my mail in ballot in the mail today. If you don’t vote, you are letting the other side’s votes count for more.
19)Dropped mine off at the Rainier Community Center drop-van on Saturday. Usually wait until Tuesday, but I work nights, and I got about an hour and a half to get to Ballard.
M-1 Rail, the private effort to build a streetcar line on Detroit’s Woodward Ave, has announced it’s rolling stock supplier. They have chosen Inekon of the Czech Republic. It appears to be a different design, or at least the preliminary specifications appear to be, different than the streetcars built by the same company that operate in Seattle.
Meanwhile a friend of the puffed butt was attracted to the same principles puffed butt espouses here. http://abcnews.go.com/US/nyc-a.....d=26664787
Why are DUMMOCRETINS running away from the Obummer policies? Why are DUMMOCRETINS running from as the monomaniacal moron moonbat calls the “two term oneder”? http://www.cnn.com/2014/11/03/.....ng-acosta/
PuddyCommentary: This must be the same person who called Netanyahu the same term!