– Thank God, my doctor was into Jesus!
– No Congressional action? No problem!
– Technically, the trail user has the right-of-way, but is still expected to come to a stop.
– Ike’s speech if D-Day had been a failure is still moving.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Thank God, my doctor was into Jesus!
– No Congressional action? No problem!
– Technically, the trail user has the right-of-way, but is still expected to come to a stop.
– Ike’s speech if D-Day had been a failure is still moving.
Can it get any more vile than this?
When is enough, enough? It’s just indecent. This is what politics has become? We have to share our world with that?
Would any of our rightist posters care to comment on Rush?
Oh my lib scientist… The mother said the school was partially responsible. I listened to the show yesterday. He read from the LA Times Lib Headcase.
Of course the Thoughtless Progressives would spin the story. And the resident headcase runs to the kook-aid without hearing or reading the real story!
re 2: Are you saying that it’s OK to murder someone if you don’t like their behavior? That it’s their behavior that is the problem, not the killer’s?
I don’t like Grover Norquist’s behavior.
@ 2
Really, puddy?
The school is responsible for one sociopathic child firing a gun into the back of the head of another, because that second child, the victim, was too flamboyant? (whatever that is)
Really? You agree with Rush that the school should have forced the victim to be more conforming? That the school is responsible because, as Rush says,
Really, puddy? You agree with Rush?
Bloomberg Business Week, a U.S.-based conservative pro-business news magazine, says one political party is solely to blame for the collapse of deficit negotiations — the GOP.
Republicans bargained in bad faith from the beginning. Here’s an example:
“Republicans claim … they offered several proposals for raising revenue …. What they actually said, however, was that they would trade $250 billion in new revenue for a prolonged extension of the Bush-era tax cuts. Extending those cuts would have an impact of $3.7 trillion through 2019, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. So what the Republicans really offered was a bargain that reduced revenue by trillions of dollars.”
So the question is, why do Republicans hate America, and why do they want to inflict a financial crisis on Americans? The answer seems to be: Because they’re stupid, craven, dishonest, and enslaved by Grover Norquist’s anti-government, anti-tax ideology of anarchy.
headless dork,
Where did I say that? Where did Rush say that?
Lib Headcase Where did Rush say the school pulled the trigger?
I can see you two didn’t listen to the show otherwise you’d know Rush was quoting the Newsweek article.
When you rely on left wing biased kook-aid you look like a fool Lib Headcase!
When do the assholes who destroyed the economy get to go to jail?
“Agenda” based reporting is why nobody reads Newsweek anymore…except the kooky puddywuddyduddypussy who looks for ANYTHING to justify his bile and hate-filled rantings.
Oh my it seems the porkulus bill hurts us worse than first estimated…
ObamAA+ must go! Here are the reasons!
Yep, they spout off the leftist agenda!
Quoting Rush:
Does seem to imply that the school was responsible.
Puddy engaging in Rush apologetics:
And this matters? Regarding the mother and father of the teen gay murder victim:
and from the Newsweek drivel you posted:
and the happy home they created:
Regarding the perpetrator:
What is sounds like to me was that a teenager in middle school, exploring his feelings of gay-ness, makes his parents, some of his teachers, and some of his peers, uncomfortable. This, for what sounds like trying to respond honestly to his authentic self, at a time in life of confusion and exploration, all awash in emotion and sex.
What happens to him?
So, a child of a violent and dysfunctional home, with access to guns, brings one of those guns to school and obliterates the life of another child. I cannot imagine my heartbreak if that were to happen to one of my children. I would have a difficult time going on amid the living.
The child feeling and acting on his gay-ness, in remarkable bravery and honesty, is obliterated by a violent and gun-toting product of a violent home, and a violent society.
Rush comes in now that the murderer has been sentenced to 21 years, and holds the school responsible, not because it didn’t restrain the violent, but because it didn’t restrain the honest and the brave.
You seem to agree with this assessment. If so, you are as vile as Rush, of whom you seem to be a fan:
re 6: How does all that verbiage about the vice principal support your theory that it’s OK to murder someone whose behavior you dislike?
What about YOUR support of the murderer in writing and on the internet where malleable minds can read it and act upon it?
Next time something like this happens, they should take you to court for putting your extreme right wing views ahead of public safety.
This, of course, is a ridiculous argument — because it’s your argument.
Vote for YOUR favorite oligarch!!!!
I read several stories on this. This story is not black and white but shades of muddled gray. The kid was aggressively flirting in ways that would get a straight kid kicked out of school if it was done to girls. That said, guys should not get a free pass to shoot people who sexually harass them, any more that girls should.
But the comment was about rush and his take on the situation.
I strongly disagree with the linking of a so called “gay agenda” with letting boys sexually harass other boys.
Any “gay agenda” I have is to have gay people be well adjusted reasonably happy productive members of society. Allowing the kid to flirt aggressively with male students in ways that would get a straight kid kicked out, is not going to end up with a well adjusted kid. That’s just the school district not wanting to deal with the situation. That kind of bad behavior is not any normal gay person’s agenda and rush knows that. Rush is just whipping up homophobia among the puddys as usual. Idiot.
And where did you get this from headless dorky? I never said it. Neither did Rush.
Lib Headcase forgets the mother’s commentary and she holds the school partially responsible
Once again Lib demonstrates he is a headcase!
There goes P-dud again, now linking to Caddell and Schoen, in his side-job of relentlessly injecting the most inane of right-wing talking points into otherwise civil discourse here at HA.
This laughable reference he makes is telling, really. The take-downs of it were immediate and hilarious:
From WAPO:
From No More Mr. Nice Blog:
This last post takes a look at the issue in terms of bullying and aversion to actual governing by the right, apropos of discussion of bullying and murder, and support thereof by the rightwing above.
I’m going to click on the motherfuckes links to the Loony Moonie Washington Times. How does this “chistian follower of the “onetruejesus” (and NOT the catholic or
moronmormon one either…HEY! How many of them jesuses’ are there anyway?)…how does the loon truck with the moonies? MOONIES? The Reverend Sun Myung Moon? THIS guy?:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Myung_Moon
Wall Street Journal? Official organ of the rapidly disintegrating Murdoch Criminal Empire?
How do you know Republicans are going to try to steal an election?
Well, it almost always starts with them making false charged that it’s the Democrats who are trying to steal an election. That way, when they are caught, they will claim that “both sides do it”.
The Walker recall effort in Wisconsin shows how this works. Even before the first signatures were collected, Republicans had a Facebook site up purporting to be collecting evidence of “voter fraud” in the signing of petitions. A recent posting showed a young woman who they said was underage and signed in return for cigarettes. But it was quickly proved that she was 20 years old, but no apologies from the Republicans, who have made sure the video of her signing has gone viral.
In the meantime, a number of conservative websights have posters pledging to volunteer as signature gatherers so they can then destroy the petitions rather than turn them in. A number of posters engaged in a boasting match about how many thousands of signatures they thought they could personally destroy in such a fashion. Voters would think they had already signed the petition so would turn down other opportunities. Of course, it’s impossible to discern whether this is a credible threat since the poster’s screen names don’t reveal their true identities, but authorities are investigating since it is a felony to fail to turn in petition signatures.
At one shopping center, petition gatherers reported that an SUV drove up and asked to sign the petition. The gatherer gove the clipboard to the passenger, who then drow away triumphently waiving the petition which they had stolen. Fortunately, the page on the clipboard only had a couple of other signatures on it.
Expect more of this to follow, including attempts to Republicans to sign petitions with clearly flase information, then claim the whole recall drive should be thrown out.
Why not go to Rush’s dialog and read what he REALLY SAID! See if he agreed with the person who pulled the trigger. Nope you’ll not read his commentary over this incident.
Wrong again blue john. That’s why I placed the LA Times and Newsweek articles Rush referred to and read the mother’s pleas to the school before her child was killed.
Why does headless dorky like to project words never said on others? Still think I belong in the field headless dorky?
Some hapless loony-toon is getting his ass kicked here again.
Gone to the Doctor yet, puddy?
Pavlov called it. rujax appears with nothing to say!
Here’s an interesting article on the history and most likely future of mortgage lending in the U.S. Bottom line: Government housing programs that help ordinary people own homes generally have worked pretty well, despite the recent mortgage crisis.
I said plenty to the dumbass motherfucker, puddypussy.
He’s gotten mauled this morning. Shame shame on the puddywuddyduddypussy…a bunch of “libtards” are FUCKING HIS SHIT UP.
The “War on Christmas” is back!
Facebook is filling up with people posting that President Obama has directed that the Christmas Trees in the White House be refered to as “Holiday Trees”, with no religious ornaments being accepted.
This is, of course, a repeat of the false story first circulated in 2009. What’s really funny about the whole story is that it was during the George W. Bush administration that religious themes were excised from the decorations, and during the Obama administration that they were returned.
Read the real facts in Snopes.com:
White House Christmas Trees
Your dancing around this issue is just too precious.
A child is dead. Two bullets in the back of his head. A 14 year old child.
Rush is whipping up the homophobia and directing it at “blue state” schools advancing “an agenda”:
A child is fucking dead, puddy.
Another child, a product of a violent home, put two bullets in his head, and Rush is decrying the leftist agenda. Dog whistle, anyone?
And still, you refuse to repudiate Rush’s gay-hating tirade.
So, puddy, is it OK for one kid to put a few bullets in another kid’s head, because the the shooter didn’t like the victim’s gay behavior?
Christmas trees have their origins in the Pagan traditions of the Teutonic tribes of what is now known as Germany. In fact, so much Paganism has been incorporated into Christianity that the religion is far from “pure” like Fundamentalists Christianists claim.
Just follow the Golden Rule and you’ll be good to go! All the pomp and circumstance of religion is just noise and distraction.
I’ve got more productive things to do than kick that soul-less idiot P-dud around any more…later gang.
@30. thanks for succinctly saying what I was thinking. Good post.
Yep and it’s sad on both parts. But the mother thinks the school was partially responsible and the father did too. There was no gay-hatred except the contrived one by Lib Headcase. Read Rush’s transcript. It’s all there.
This is lost on Lib Headcase.
I’m done too…got pies to bake and a CLASSIC green bean casserole to put together.
I am thankful for all you guys and gals in this really great an knowledgeable little community.
Be safe, happy and FULL!!! LOL
To #2: I also heard Rush talk about this, but personally, I found what he said to be pretty hypocritical. The school was responsible? What happened to personal responsibility? His position on this seems to be at odds with a lot of other statements he’s made throughout the years.
This is the premise used by the libtards in this thread. Notice in all the screaming and shouting from the leftists here are the comments from Larry King’s mother and father who hold the school partially responsible. Where is this in the kook-aid article linked by Lib Headcase. Their concerns are skipped over because Rush discussed this and the gay agenda in schools which Larry King’s father Greg discussed above.
Nope they attack Rush for bring up the LA Times and Newsweek for printing that exact thing.
The 11th paragraph of the LA Times is the 3rd paragraph of Limbaugh’s commentary.
This is totally lost on these HA morons!
Partyin Hard… He was talking about the mother and father’s comments. That’s why he used the LA Times and Newsweek.
Puddy, nothing we type has any influence you, you see what you want to see. It’s like trying to reason with a TV screen, so I’m done on this topic.
And you blue john can’t fathom FACTS even when presented in liberal agenda rags
Aawwwwww..how are the occupy nuts going to spin this?
The whole “cops made me miscarry” is proven today to be a lie. Even her parents are saying she is lying.
She claimed she was 3 months preggo….that’s funy, she used the same story 3 months ago!
Poor occupy nutballs won’t get out of this one
re 23: Still think I belong in the field headless dorky?
Well, a strong back is a terrible thing to waste.
The debate about trail stop signs and right of way hilariously points to a uniquely Northwestern kind of cluelessness:
If you’re on the trail (whether there is a stop sign or not), you don’t enter the crosswalk until you are sure that you are seen by any vehicles approaching and that they are slowing down to yield. If you are a motorist, you look for people in crosswalks and yield to bikes and peds.
Both cases require making eye contact, using judgment, and being considerate–strange and alien behaviors in this region.
Heh. Funny that it would be a “socialist” doctor on salary with “Group Death” (as the wingdings call it)…
A health plan founded in (gasp!) Seattle…
I bet the right wing ding iranian oil loving freak @ 41 is shocked! shocked!
While driving around town within the last hour, I heard a funny ad on 770am (Seattle), the “conservative” radio station that preaches “accountability” (I listen to the station for laughs). The ad was for a company that helps people get chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcies, and it went something like this: “Are you having trouble making ends meet because the government can’t get its act together and is carrying a high deficit? Well we can help! Chapter 7 bankruptcy blah blah blah… chapter 13 bankruptcy blah blah blah…”
So let’s see… We “conservatives” (who listen to the constant inconsistency of Michael Medved) need to be “accountable” and “responsible”, but since it’s the government’s fault that you can’t manage your money, go ahead and… wait for it… declare bankruptcy!
Technically, in most cases the trail user is crossing a sidewalk (next to the roadway) and should give way to those on the sidewalk. Because of limited sight lines stopping is the best method.
By the way…
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you – and that even includes Puddy.
Back at you rhp6033.
Here is liberalism at it’s worst…
Absolutely haunting and a call to make changes in how we live. And of course it was made in the UK, not the USA where the media exists to reinforce the status quo.
re 48: That’s liberalism at it’s worst? A song that reflects poorly upon the guest of the Jimmy Fallon show?
What a nincompoop you sre.
Here’s conservatism at its “BEST”:
Struck close to home, huh lying assed puddybitch…?
@1, @2 and @3 – it doesn’t really matter. There are enough heterosexuals killing each other for fun to make up for this tragedy.
@9 – you mean the held a Nazi meeting (I’m sure there is a word for it but it escapes me).
@53 – and blacks killing blacks – they seem to do it best and are all heterosexuals (wink wink).
I’d love to listen to Rush talk about black on black crime.
I bet Rush would blame it on the bone thru the nose.
I may have posted this one before but maybe not.
boy its been a busy week
Ok, that’s it for now, I’m exhausted.
@48 If that’s the worst that liberals have thrown at you fascist traitors, then we need nastier liberals.
Roger Rabbit’s Investment Newsletter
I’ve been saying for a couple years now that the only decent invesments out there are large-cap, blue-chip, dividend-paying stocks.
Stock prices have been moving in lockstep in reaction to news events during the last few months, instead of individually based on business performance. This situation creates opportunities to buy high-quality stocks at irrationally low prices.
I’m closely following approximately five dozen stocks. While August 8 was the overall low point of this summer/fall’s stock market, these stocks did not uniformly record their recent lows on that date. For quite a few of them, their individual lows are scattered through late August, early and late September, early October, and a handful in November.
Today’s 234-point Dow drop was partly due to light trading on the day before Thanksgiving, but was primarily a reaction to the failure of a German bond auction. Germany is the largest and strongest economy in Europe, and German government bonds are deemed the safest of European securities. But Germany sold only 60% of its 10-year bonds today, in an offering totaling 6 billion Euros. What this tells us is that investors don’t trust even Germany’s bonds anymore. Professional traders interpreted this as evidence that the Euro currency is doomed. Europe is already in recession; a collapse of the Euro economic zone and Euro currency implies the recession could turn into a depression. A European depression would hurt U.S. banks holding European debt and U.S. corporations selling in European markets, possibly pushing the U.S. economy into another recession.
Investors also were spooked by the Federal Reserve’s announcement yesterday that it would “stress test” the largest U.S. banks to determine whether they are sufficiently capitalized to survive a European depression and a U.S. unemployment rate of 13% in 2013 — that gives you some idea of what the fallout of a European meltdown could be here at home.
But if the U.S. economy remains in stagnant or slow growth mode, I think this summer’s lows are a firm floor and we won’t see stocks go below those prices, at least not en masse. The reason I say that is because U.S. corporations are reporting strong profits and there’s a huge amount of cash sitting idle in mattresses, earning zero interest. It’s fear that’s keeping that cash out of the stock market. If Europe turns around, or if the owners of all that cash think they see the market’s bottom, that money will flood back into the stock market. There’s several trillion dollars of it, so the impact on stocks will be large.
Today might, or might not, be the fall bottom. Many pundits have been arguing for a December rally. My own feeling is that Europe is toast, and the U.S. stock market may go lower from here, but we’re probably talking a modest decline of 5% or so. I expect Friday to be another low-volume day, because most professional traders will be taking the day off, so I won’t be surprised to see the Dow average drop another 100 to 200 points on Friday, but after that we’re getting oversold and this week may be the short-term market bottom.
As of today, two high-quality blue-chip stocks that I follow closely have moved into buying range. Coca Cola closed today at $64.87, its lowest price since March 23, 2011, so Coke’s stock is now cheaper than it was when the overall market bottomed in August. The other one is AT&T, which closed today at $27.55, compared to $27.70 on August 8. At this price, AT&T yields 6.2%. (Coca Cola only yields 2.8%, but its dividend is growing much faster.)
I already own AT&T in my IRA, but I plan to acquire AT&T shares in my taxable account. I don’t own Coca Cola yet, but I’d like to have that one in my long-term portfolio, when the price is right. I can’t guarantee the market — and the prices of these stocks — won’t fall a lot further; but if these two stocks go down again on Friday, I may be a buyer of one or both. I think AT&T is probably my higher priority in this situation; I’d really like to get Coke at $60 instead of $64, but I’ll just have to play that by feel. Ultimately, buying and selling decisions are always seat-of-the-pants.
I was going to point out the Tea Bagger that wanted to hang Patty Murray or the guy that went to jail for threatening her. We on the left really are a nicer bunch. But, a quick search couldn’t turn up links to the story and since it was a Puddy thing anyway I didn’t think it was worth doing more searching.
Gman, maybe these guys offing their wives and families was a side effect of being gay and living their entire lives in the closet…
I’m just messing with ya.
@64 Speaking of nasties, Wisconsin GOPers are trying to sabotage the Walker recall with dirty tricks. They’re recruiting operatives to pose as signature collectors — who tear up the petitions. Voters think they signed a petition, so they don’t sign another one, and their names are never submitted. There have also been incidents of drivers pulling up near a signature collector, asking to see the petition, then they take off with it (and tear it up). Theoretically, anyone who intentionally destroys signed petitions is committing a felony, but what do you think the chances are that Republican prosecutors will charge them?
“Why not Washington?”
Because if we suspend our death penalty, all the murderers who migrated from Washington to Oregon will come back to Washington.
It’s sure amazing that Zitz and other leftists on HA.
NOPE you Dope! Surely not yours. Maybe you do that to some others eh Zitz? I ain’t no one’s bitch. I left the reservation long ago. I’m a Free Man! Must be you were one some time ago. How did that feel Zitz?
Zitz likes calling women BITCH. Seems that others do too.
Yeah, that’s the leftist ticket!
Well I knew you were headless lucy and dorky was #63. What will you think of next? Make it a tad more difficult next time!
how much you wanna bet gman went to Penn State?
Must be some of ylb’s buds…
ylb loves those sex offender posts!
71 – Nope, don’t care for likes of you fool..
Remember this?
The circle jerks between you and your sockpuppet MWS were the height of ha troll lunacy..
A quick search reveals 64 times that you called out to your sockpuppet..
This kind of shit ONLY happens on the right wing…
So does your buddy the asshat..
And what explains this???
╰─➤ b cs -h puddybud -b bitchslap -c
| count |
| 7 |
1 row in set
╰─➤ b cs -h puddybud -b “bitch slap” -c
| count |
| 17 |
1 row in set
Do you approve of slapping “bitches”??
@65 if that is the case then there are more gay people out there that there are willing to admit. How many of those types are in the closet here? Puffy? Wishy Washy? Come out and play.
@65 so I guess that dispells the notion that gay people can’t reproduce.
@65 Black and P. Rican gang members would really be offended by you comment.
Oh am don’t forget about them gay neonazi skinheads – all homes. The whole world is gay and in the closet.
@65 or maybe they were having a heterosexual fling and just couldn’t take the pressure of the guilt anymore.
Heterosexuals are too funny, you can’t make this shit up!
I wonder if Puffy and the Family is going to be eating Mac and Cheese today?
I doubt they’re closeted homosexuals. But they are insecure (to say the very least) about people being different.
On second thought Puddybud had quite the semen fetish going for a while.
And that asshat “maxie” is so filled with hate for gays it’s pretty easy to conclude he’s hiding something.
He’ll call someone a “fag” for watching the Grammy awards. How freakish is that?
what better way to spend a 4-day weekend than to be posting all day…..and all night.
ah, the life of anchorbaby-ylb….fat-n-lazy, “living off the web”….
gotta go pollute the water now, everyone else is finally ready to go….
Don’t get wet!
As you were here yesterday and today, so shall you be tomorrow and the next..
You’re hooked silly right wing dinger!
Hooked on being a terminal dumbass!