– Two Ed Murray things. I love this story of him helping a fallen cyclist (Seattle Times link). Also, here’s the transition webpage if you’re interested.
– Does anyone care about the WA Dem Chair race? I tried to write about it, but nothing really came together. I could give it another try if y’all care.
– It was the 150th anniversary of The Gettysburg Address this week, and the biggest deal about it is that Obama was asked to read one of the versions of it. Also, how does it compare to President Whitmore’s speech from Independence Day? I’m glad you asked.
I’ve rather enjoyed making fun of GZ supporters.
It’s fun to watch FOX turn on Zimmerman now that he’s threatening another white woman.
Republican senators voted for rapists and against women again.
Harry Reid and Democratic senators have had enough of GOP obstructionism. They nuked ’em.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is only a partial measure to make America governable again. What’s really needed is for voters to nuke House Republicans at the ballot box in next year’s midterms.
@4. It’s about time. You know that if the dems had been blocking Rmoney’s choices, the repubs would have got rid of that rule in a heartbeat.
Greetings my most excellent Neo-socialist comrades! With regard to Zimmerman, perhaps all of you folks should take up a collection and have a bunch of thugs beat Zimmerman to death with baseball bats. It would be illegal, of course (and I wold never recommend it), but it certainly would make you all feel better!
Just a little kidding around….
I received that e-mail about Obama omitting “under God” from his reading of the Gettysburg Address from one of my friends who happens to be a conservative, and I called b.s. on it. We’ve known each other for 60 years, so I doubt this will cost me our friendship, but I’m sure it’ll put a strain on our relationship for a while.
I also have a sibling who can only be described as a mindless Koolaid-drinking wingnut who regularly sends me rightwing mass-circ e-mails. He knows I’m a Democrat, of course, and I think he just likes to be annoying. I usually send a reply debunking the e-mail’s claims with a link to Snopes, Media Matters, or some other debunker site. (Have you noticed that wingnut propaganda almost always consists of lies and fabrications?) That doesn’t faze him; people like him are impervious to reason and truth. They believe what they want to hear and screen out everything else.
I noticed this during the 2004 recount. The GOP observers were in their own little bubble. They had their script and to them nothing else existed. If the script said Dean Logan stuffed the ballot box, then he did, facts be damned.
Knowing how Republican mental processes work, I really believe Romney and his team sincerely believed they would win the election, and were genuinely surprised when they didn’t. To get there, they had to ignore numerous polls (including their own) that indicated otherwise, but ignoring reality is what these people are good at. That’s how they’re able to say with a straight face millions of Americans are unemployed because they’re lazy and don’t want to work, and food stamp recipients are bankrupting the country.
From there, for them, it’s a very small step to asserting (in so many words) that Obama is an atheist because he omitted “under God” when reading a version of the Gettysburg Address written by Lincoln in which Lincoln did not use the words. (Lincoln wrote five known and extant drafts of the Gettysburg Address, and the phrase “under God” doesn’t appear until the third draft.)
No, I haven’t forgotten that Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim. For them, calling Obama a Muslim and an atheist is not a contradiction, because Muslims are atheists. Islam is a sub-branch of atheism, or something like that. Let me illustrate how this works with an example. If you are not a conservative who thinks just like them, you are a communist. The same principle applies. Just as there is no distinction between communists and the various shades of non-conservatives, likewise there is no distinction between non-believers in their brand of Christianity; we’re all atheists in their eyes. (This works in reverse, too; Muslims think if you’re not a Sunni or a Shiite or whatever their brand of Islam is, you’re an infidel, and all infidels are atheists including Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, etc.)
It’s utterly useless to try explaining to these people that Obama attends a Christian church with his family and isn’t an atheist just because Lincoln didn’t write “under God” in his first two drafts of the Gettysburg Address. That’s exactly the kind of logic they’re impervious to. And that’s why I probably won’t lose my friend — he simply won’t realize that when I used the term “bullshit” to describe the e-mail he sent to me, I was effectively calling him a gullible fool who swallows blatant lies whole. He just doesn’t believe I would accuse him of something like that, and so, he’ll never realize that’s exactly what I did. I feel 100% sure I’m home free.
Re: 125th Street…the same thing’s been done on NE 75th St. east of 15th Avenue NE, largely in response to uber-jackass Mark Mullen mowing down a family of four by Nathan Ekstein last summer. I’ve heard something similar’s coming on 65th as well. This was applauded by most people in the area except homeowners along 75th, many of whom have single-car garages with driveways only about three feet long. Those folks do have something of a beef–having to park a second car around the corner (or a first car, if your garage is full of other things) is a pain in the ass and probably impacts property values. On the other hand, for the rest of us the two-way left turn lane makes it one hell of a lot easier to…well, turn left–and it’s certainly safer for pedestrians and bike riders. Of course, after almost playing nice for six months, a few motorists who see driving as a demonstration of personal virility have begun passing others via the left-turn lane or even trying to do so using the bike lane and climbing the curb. I suspect the SPD will take notice of this before long.
@6 We don’t have to. It’s satisfying enough for us to watch people like you hero-worship a child killer. That’s a mind-blowing rush right there.
@8 Maybe the city can create a special lane reserved just for the drivers and cyclists who deserve each other.
Beating people to death with baseball bats is a right wing thing. Same as shooting kids to death.
@10 Right. One lane, with traffic in both directions.
@7 The standard bagger response, programmed into their cerebral firmware, when faced with a reference to Snopes is to respond with great conviction that George Soros owns it.
As to thinking Obama is a Muslim, most of them also seem to firmly believe that he’s actually from Kenya…or Indonesia…or maybe Jupiter.
@13 …most of them also seem to firmly believe that he’s actually from Kenya…or Indonesia…or maybe Jupiter.
Or Hawaii. For some reason, a lot of the TeaNuts believe Hawaii is a foreign country.
I gotta idea for SpittlePuddles. He should move to Miami-Dade County and open up a convenience store. That way, he could prove to the world, what an ardent, entrepreneurial Randroid he really is. He could show his Republican conservative dominionist christian superiors at the bucket house where he works now a thing or two about what it means to be a “Real American®.”
@12 That’s what they do in Russia, with AK-47s added to the mix.
This Behavior Is Criminal
No, I’m not talking about the hitting, kicking, throwing, slamming, and eye gouging of farm animals shown in this undercover video.
What I’m talking about is that all across the farm belt, Republican legislatures are making it a felony to take pictures of, or report, this kind of treatment of farm animals.
GOATBOY is being reprogrammed after freezing up today. Reid using the “Nucular” option caused GOATBOY to get stuck in a program loop.
His programmers had to reset him to get him restarted, then reload his memory from the last backup and finally apply the “Reid” updates. Once testing is completed he will be back to posting garbage as usual, including pathetic comments about the “Nucular” option.
Ever helpful, McDonald’s Corporation has more financial advice for its low-wage employees:
McDonald’s is once again getting grilled over its employee advice, this time suggesting ways to get out of holiday debt that include returning unopened purchases and bringing a sack lunch.
The criticism comes months after it took heat over an employee budget guide that included no money for heat and $20 a month for health care.
“The labor advocacy group Low Pay Is Not OK is lambasting McDonald’s for articles on an employee website that suggest workers visit thrift stores instead of the mall, use stale bread and bruised apples rather than throwing them out, and ‘quit complaining’ as a way to reduce stress. And to pay off holiday debt, it suggested returning purchases.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The employee advice also includes selling personal possessions on Craigslist or eBay and taking a second job. What it does not include is any mention of asking for a raise.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns McDonalds stock.)
I want to personally thank the management of McDonalds Corporation for their support of initiatives to raise the minimum wage to $15/hr. I can’t think of anything more helpful to that cause than the financial advice that McDonalds Corporation is giving to its employees. They make me feel proud to be a McDonalds shareholder!
Senate Democrats dropped the nuclear option this afternoon. They had no choice. This isn’t about preserving the Senate tradition of “minority rights” for the out-of-power party. That was already trashed when Republicans ran the Senate. And what Republicans are doing now isn’t within the traditional boundaries of “minority rights.” They’ve been waging parliamentary warfare to prevent the party that won the election from governing. Their goal is to impose a conservative tyranny on the country that voters rejected at the ballot box. So we had to nuke ’em. Now, Republicans are promising retaliation. That’s fine. If they kick us again, we’ll kick ’em back again. That’s how it works. To paraphrase a Republican president, “They wanted war, and war is what they got.”
Meanwhile, in Utah. Johnny Swallows resigns under pressure of multiple investigations into his attempt to facilitate a $600,000 bribe to Harry Reid to quash an investigation into what amounted pretty much to Mob activities in the payday-loan industry. There are multiple State lawmakers and Congresspeople getting a good buttsniffing right now in relation to this. I can’t find the article now, but apparently McConnell has had his name mentioned in connection with this.
Sucks to be a grifter these days.
@22, In your link it says
It could be that Swallow just took Johnson $600K. No mention of Reid ever being contacted for any reason, let alone a bribe.
Wouldn’t be the first time a RETHUG cheated a “client” out of his money.
Mexican meth manufacturers are smuggling the drug into the US via tequila, according to KIRO-TV. Now is not the time to buy cheap tequila! Always buy the good stuff!
Awww… DUMMOCRETIN Congressional Chief of Staphs are upset Obummercare is hurting them. Welcome to the club dudes and dames!
Ahhh yes the law of unintended consequences strikes NYers again!
Remember Guvnur Cuomo claimed their exchanges are “working well”!
Yep, you’re screwed NY DUMMOCRETINS. You get what you jockstrapped!
BTW Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center has an impressive network system. Been there and improved that! They have openings for test tube cleaners. We all know who the DUMMOCRETIN could fill that position!
The right’s poster boy for “stand your ground” (aka “license to kill”) laws got called a “monster” today by his estranged wife after shoving a shotgun in his girlfriend’s face yesterday. And there’s more like him out there; see, e.g., the guy who blew away a 19-year-old girl (with a shotgun blast to the face) because she was knocking on his door for help after being injured in a car accident. Just the people we want to be arming, hey? Not!
Oh look… facts about Google DUMMOCRETINS. Of course certain HA DUMMOCRETIN will scream about the source of the facts!
@24 “Roger Rabbit is just a liberal progressive troll.”
You underestimate me. I’m a Democratic party hack, liberal propagandist, and successful capitalist.
Sure DUMB Wabbit. These are the same DUMMOCRETINS who screamed and shouted when Republican THREATENED it in 2005. Video has Obummer, BiteMe, and Reid commentary screaming how bad it would be. Yes, Puddy can’t wait until the nukular option is used on DUMMOCRETINS!
Yeah that called for the nukular option!
Now this is very interesting… Obummercare navigator too!
Now we know Obummer’s sadministration will claim it knew nothing or just learned about it when everyone else learned about it. Dumbest sadministration evah!
Wait for it… a certain HA DUMMOCRETIN will scream tea bagger!
Puddy found Obummer’s nukular option hypocrisy! Just a few years ago, Obummer was condemning the removal of the filibuster as a tool of gridlock would actually result in more gridlock.
Puddy bets some Obummer DUMMOCRETINS did this to a NY DUMMOCRETIN!
I see GOATBOY was successfully reset and made operational again.
Someone please let me know if GOATBOY manages to say anything intelligible.
I see puddibigot is all over this thread, leaving his droppings, running away from the confrontation of a simple question – asking him to name and defend the health care system he’d prefer to ACA/Obamacare – and why, with details.
He can’t, of course – all puddibigot is is a simpleton mimic, aping the propaganda he hears all day, broadcast from the Teahaddist mothership, and received through his dental fillings.
Obummer delivered new marching orders to his libtard DUMMOCRETIN pals.
PuddyCommentary: Did they ask Obummer how he singlehandedly destroyed the DUMMOCRETIN lead in people’s minds and also trash and ruin the biggest libtard handout program passed in years!
BINGO. Puddy called it. Facts are facts schmucko-lunatic! Suck on it!
Thanks for playing schmucko-lunatic!
It’s ekim goatsucker. Hey goatsucker got anything to say about
WA State Obummercare exchange programs can’t accurately calculate shit! Sux to be a goatsuckingekim!
Ah, more ball-spiking on your own 40th.
It’s part of puddibigotschtick….declare you’ve already responded, or declare you’ve won an argument, declare assertions made with ‘fact’ you clearly don’t understand. Bonus points for using words you don’t understand (remember vault/vaunt? How about neologism? There are so many over the years – all comedy)
C’mon, puddibigot, give it your best shot – show us atheist socialists, us ‘DUMMOCRETINS’, us ‘Libtards’ how much smarter you are – lay out, in detail, the medical system you would favor, and why.
Bonus points for comparing and contrasting the Broun and Ryan and Price plans, and how they differ from HR3121. You do remember that all of them were mentioned, though not discussed in detail, in the link you provided – by way of pretending you knew what you were talking about.
C’mon, puddibigot…tell us about the utopia you and your fellow right-wingers will usher in when we liberals get out of the way – or are smitten by Sky-Daddy.
Nah, no one with no health coverage ever goes to a planned parenthood clinic. Why would anyone go there, according to most Republicans the only thing they do is murder babies at Planned Parenthood.
Why anyone without insurance would go to a clinic that offers free or low cost medical services is beyond me. Planned Parenthood staff helping uninsured patients sign up for insurance is as silly as having dietitians help people sign up for Weight Watchers.
(Planned Parenthood…..BAAAAAAD!)
@37 “PuddyCommentary: Did they ask Obummer how he singlehandedly destroyed the DUMMOCRETIN lead in people’s minds and also trash and ruin the biggest libtard handout program passed in years!”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s not nearly as bad as fucking up a whole war.
@32 Yeah, and Mitch McConnell was threatening to use the nuclear option against Democrats.
Hey spud, it’s just politics, ya know? Both sides do it. They do it to each other. Right now, it’s our turn to mess with you. When — if — your side ever gets the Senate back, it’ll be their turn to do it to our side. Just like the Mafia Rules — you whack one of our guys, we whack one of your guys, you whack back, we whack back, and so on. Lighten up, man, it’s only a game!
21)They probably thought Reid would give them one more last chance.
Hey bitch-boi schmucko-lunatic… You damn betcha Puddy already responded. Puddy is one of the few who think right who put up link after link after link. Puddy ain’t yo bitch… It seems you can’t comprehend that with all your supposed larnin you claim to possess. If you want to view what Baucus and Pelosi said in 2010 along with the Republican plans of 2010, find the PuddyLinks! Search for them like Puddy did with your last resort argument Penguins! Actually Google found 83 separate HA threads where you were forced to revert to that silly last resort argument. Puddy delivered the first 15. Damn that is still sooooooooooooooo funny!
Well Obummer is weally messing up Afghanistan. And the surviving members of Seal Team Six… are so thrilled with Obummer. Obummer spiked the football and Daily Kooks reveled in it? Butt then the law of unintended consequences comes. Obummer bragged and 15 Seal Team Six Super Heroes died…
Wait for it… bitch-boi schmucko-lunatic will claim WikiPedia is a Teahaddist web site!
See bitch-boi schmucko-lunatic… Three more factual links.
As always… It really sux to be you.
I think conservatives are living in a parallel universe, where they see themselves as the moderates
Over at Red state…
And as many of us have shown over and over and over, most of the time the links you provide say something other than what you claim. It’s what you do – it’s like ‘truthiness’ – the appearance of something and nothing more – all form/no substance.
For example, when I first asked you to positively defend something you would favor, as opposed to just the silly and hollow attacks on the ACA website, you gave me this.
Unfortunately, that piece, at “Red Alert Politics” is a long whine about “Liberal are lyingggg!!” that the Republicans have no ideas – it’s just an echo of all the things you’re always saying. The one nugget in it was a single throw away line about HR3121, and the plans proposed by Ryan, Broun and Price, naming them but saying nothing about them.
So I dug deeper, and I’m still waiting for you to give us your thoughts about these fabulous Republican plans – c’mon, puddibigot, show us what you’ve got – which one do you like and why?
What’s the difference between the Ryan/Broun/Price plans? You clearly have an opinion, or you wouldn’t have given the link you did – clearly you thought it bolstered what you’re saying here, right? You wouldn’t just provide some throw-away link to look like your statements had some sort of backing, would you?
Tell us what the US medical system, access and treatments and doctors and hospitals, how to guarantee universal access, how it gets paid for, would look like in a perfect puddibigotworld.
No NO NO – I want to know what YOU think – what you have to say about your preferred plan, which of your Republicans plans you favor, and WHY – how would it better solve the problems we’re facing as a country. Don’t hide behind Nancy Pelosi – take your light out from under the bushel!
(BTW, you don’t want to change the subject to PENGUINS! like you appear to be trying to do – that just makes you look stupid, because that’s what rational people think about YECs! Let’s talk health care!)
Puddy knows why Fascist Pigsty left no Red State links…
One would have found this NUGGET!
Then you can see how it was strange ciphering to make it look good when they counted all those part time jobs.
Butt hey call it flawed; the DUMMOCRETIN way!
Yup…when squid ink doesn’t work, the puddibigot just runs away….
Noooooooooooooope, Puddy leaves that to you and Google.
Dayum you are an idiot and an ASShole. Just because the dirty test tube quantity is down doesn’t mean Puddy is available 24×7 bitch-boi schmucko-lunatic.
One link bitch-boi schmucko-lunatic. Puddy likes many of the ideas offered here bitch-boi schmucko-lunatic. This was one of the Puddy links from 2010.
That’s all you’re getting. If Puddy can recall the links through Google, do you own damn searches bitch-boi schmucko-lunatic.
As always… It REALLY sucks to be you! Puddy pities the son you have. Being brain washed with the horseshit you spew here everyday!
This was so sad
The system is broken.