– The $15 SeaTac minimum wage initiative looks like it has the votes. Congrats to everyone who made that happen.
– Virginia state Sen. Creigh Deeds in critical condition after stabbing
– People are submitting so many applications for state licenses to sell marijuana.
– A Shocking Number Of Non-Violent Americans Will Die In Prison (h/t)
– Seattle Transit Blog looks at what the service cuts to Metro might look like for Seattle and the East Side.
– I don’t even know with young Republicans.
I leave this here not in any way to make a political point, just that it’s interesting.
Husband of Katherine Harris dead of apparent suicide
In other news, Bibi is still kind of an asshole.
On the heals of trying to convince America to elect “Mitt” so the neocons would bomb-bomb-bomb-bomb-bomb Iran Bibi wants to scare Amreicans away from even considering disarmament talks and bringing Iran in from isolation.
But only 52% of American Jews favor war with Iran and 50% of the American public at large. Both those numbers are dropping.
Meanwhile, the neocons who were so positive that Saddam had WMD based on U.S. intelligence flat out don’t believe U.S. Intelligence that is emphatic about Iran not yet having any 20% or 80% enriched Uranium as needed for a dirty or conventional nuclear weapon.
But Bibi says they’ll be ready next year.
Piddles favorite fake news organization has a story I’m sure he believes 100%
Right Wing Cyber Attacks on Healthcare.gov Confirmed
An organization that takes a stab at ethical journalism has the same story but fails to note that the link and instructions for carrying out DDOS Attacks is being passed around the interwebs by conservatives because mainstream liberal media.
I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that Liberty University’s private cops have guns and shoot people with them.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The victim probably was just trying to visit his girlfriend on the fourth floor of the female dorm at 4 a.m.
The armed overthrow of the US government is now apparently inevitable as declared by the Florida branch of the “Tea” party.
I would love to see them try. Hell, they might even accept SpittlePuddles as their point man. After all, he’s the one still convinced that a black man holding public office couldn’t possibly be a US Citizen.
Yipee!!! for job killing wage increases!!!!!
I know some of you soft-hearted humans are against the death penalty in any and all circumstances; but in this case, I say good riddance to bad garbage.
Liberty “University” is NOT an accredited University. It is a private school for the functionally illiterate to confirm their biases and rationalize their greed and desire for power through the buybull. It is mostly about the bucks. This “University” graduates less than half of the people entering, and rakes in nearly $120 million on Federal Student aid programs every year while teaching nothing about how the real world functions.
The cop involved here should be indicted for murder.
Gee, Immages of Puddles charging up a hill, assaulting government positions with a rifle and bayonete. Too funny for words.
In other societies or historical periods, Klayman would have disappeared never to be seen again. People would assume the government killed him but there would be no proof left behind.
But yeah, Obama’s America is totally the fascist state Klayman says it is so he can call for the overthrow of government and be forced into hiding so Homeland Security never finds him. Never sleep in the same house, always moving. Keep one step ahead of the Revenuers.
Be witness to HISTORY!
Here’s a webcam shot where you can see Klayman’s forces assembled for their take down of Obama. If you look really closely, there’s a guy on the bottom left that looks slightly purturbed and I think he’s looking at the White House.
@5 Larry Klayman is a crackpot, and if Tea Partiers associate themselves with him, they establish themselves as crackpots too. But we already knew they are, didn’t we?
@6 It doesn’t matter to me, one way or the other, because I won’t work for what conservative employers want to pay, regardless of whether there’s a minimum wage law or right-to-work law in place.
The Boeing machinists had every right to reject the company’s contract offer. I have every right to reject any pay offer any employer makes to me. In America, land of the free, no one can be forced to work against their will.
In fact, I think no one should work, period. American companies used to make stuff, but they shipped those jobs overseas years ago. Now, the only thing U.S. companies “make” is creatively engineered profit numbers to facilitate flipping their stocks.
Since capitalists no longer make stuff, but simply flip assets to create paper profits in paper money, why should anyone expect workers to make stuff? Or, for that matter, to work? Why shouldn’t workers quit working and start flipping like everyone else? That’s where all the money is today.
With work paying less and less, and with workers disrespected and mistreated more and more, the handwriting is on the wall — work is obsolete.
We live in a flipping economy now.
@11 Doesn’t look like much of an army is assembling there.
The difference between being a government or merely a protester is whether you have an army — and whether your army wins. In medieval times, the “king” was the guy leading the victorious army.
“Less than 100 Tea-Party Affiliated protesters gathered…”
We few, we happy few on this St. Ronnie day showed up in numbers sufficient to overrun the Coast Guradmen who were taking pictures of each other. One of them said, “Pardon me, but you’re in my shot” as we menaced them. So mighty were we that the rest of the armed forces were left trembling of us in their barracks, refusing to meet on the field of battle.
Seeing as how that wingnut pussy Sharkansky banned me from (un)SP, I’ll be posting here again.
That’s right, Sharkansky, I’m calling you a pussy. Let’s see you do something about it, bitch. But first understand that I’m no fucking waitress, asshole. I’ll kick your fucking wingnut ass from Delridge Way to fucking Lake City Way, you goat-fucking SOB.
A Republican congressman from Florida has been arrested on cocaine charges.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This spoiled-brat trust fund baby and former conservative talk show host already had a checkered history. He lied on his financial disclosure statements, and purchased his opponents’ domain names before the election and used them to set up websites that attacked their voting records. (See Wikipedia.) Now, add “cokehead” to his credentials. He’s a scumbag.
In other news, most Americans no longer identify Lincoln with the GOP, and believe he wouldn’t be a Republican if he was around today.
Hey Puddy just leaving this for consumption, butt if you follow the bully home Puddy bets the bully’s parents voted for Obummer.
In other news we learned ObummerCare web site will NOT be ready for prime time Nov 30th. Why? The back end ain’t ready! How many people will send their info in knowing the back end is broken?
Listen to the truth!
A new Quinnipiac poll shows young people disapproving of OOOOObbbbbuuuuummmmmmmeeeeeerrrrrr 54 percent to 36 percent. Oh no! Look it up!
Remember, ObummerCare web site is like Amazon. NOT!
Man finally people are figuring out OOOOObbbbbuuuuummmmmmmeeeeeerrrrrr sucks. The slobbering libtard msm can’t cover for The Won anymore!
Where are DUMMOCRETINS Tavis Smiley, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and OOOOObbbbbuuuuummmmmmmeeeeeerrrrrr regarding the knockout game?
Haven’t heard the knockout game? It’s where black peeps knock out non-black peeps.
Hey dumb wabbit, it’s just drugs, so why are your pink paws up in arms?
Jessica Sanford, OOOOObbbbbuuuuummmmmmmeeeeeerrrrrr example for Obummercare doesn’t have insurance. Puddy used Politico, a way to the left libtard web page!
Increased costs? Tax Credit Miscalculations? Didn’t they use Excel?
Where is that goat sucking ekim now?
I think you mean “perps,” not “peeps.”
You got banned, too?!
Join the club. Pudge banned be because I’m a LIAR!!!!
I think Roger got banned, too.
I feel I’m in excellent company.
Pudge had already banned me but only from his threads. Now that Sharkansky has banned me I can’t post anywhere and all my previous comments have disappeared. I was going after that bastard real good. You can bet your ass I pissed that waitress-hating motherfucker off royally. God, it was fun. I had waited a long time for that SOB to show up.
Re: Eastside bus service. Sound Transit is finally assigning articulated coaches to the 542 between Greenlake and Redmond (AKA the Republic of Microsoft) via the U. District because the Gillig Phantoms are falling apart and they haven’t found another vendor for 45-foot buses since Daimler Benz pulled the plug on Orion. Although the glut of UW summer interns is over with, ridership has increased so on peak runs the bigger buses often cross the lake with all the seats occupied and a few people standing. If the 242 goes away, many of those folks will start using the 542 and most of the runs will be rolling sardine cans. This run and the 545 will then be pretty similar to many of the rush-hour runs through the downtown tunnel, where Metro has now resorted to having “packers” with hand-held ORCA readers shoving passengers into both doors, somewhat like loading practices in the Tokyo subway.
@8 That should read “takes in $120 million in Federal student loan funds while teaching those same students their government sucks donkey balls”.