– Political talk radio is a tough business model, but the loss of it in Seattle is tough. Maybe whoever tries to take up the mantle next can air some local content.
– Who would have predicted that Rupert Murdoch tweet horrible things?
– This crisis could use more butterscotch pudding.
– Who could have predicted that one of the nastier impeachment managers (and that’s saying something) would be horrible the next time a Democrat was in the White House?
About Rupert Murdock and his alleged Jewish media conspiracy, I thought just yesterday SJ and puddl were telling us that ‘liberals’ were the terrible antisemites? How can this be?!
Doesn’t surprise me about Huckleberry Graham…using dead Americans to get elected…not unlike Allen West accusing Democrats of being Communists, or the entire Bush administration being predicated on a “Wartime Presidency” because they fucked up 9/11 and we therefore had to go to WWAAAAARRRRRR!!!! ….against the wrong nation, oh, and more tax cuts, too.
Republicans…especially twisted, self-loathing closeted gay ones like Graham are nasty people.
More on Rubio, who DailyKos is calling the ‘Great Right Hope’, but given the composition and orientation of the Republicans, letting go of the cutsie and just going ahead and calling him the ‘Great White Hope’ seem appropriate as well.
I really hope they keep this up.
LMFAO @ 1090 AM Talk Radio.
good riddance.
Last week Puddy linked to Breitbart when Anderson Pooper used faked Palestinian videos. Oopsie Anderson apologized for having his hand in the crapper!
Hmmm… so who changed those Benghazi talking points used by Susan Rice…? The CIA; The State Department; The FBI all said Al Qaeda. Well someone prepared her incorrect talking points.
DUMMOCRAPTS… liars of the first degree.
The Republican primal scream.
Puddl, instead of trying to craft a scandal out of whole cloth over how fast the Admin said the holy word, “Terrorism”, why not, you know, actually try to solve some of the nation’s problems?
Hey dunceman @1 & @2 & @7
Even big time libtard Maureen Dowd is wondering why Susan Rice copped out for Oblamer’s reerection campaign… “gravitas”?
This is even better…
Even HA’s dunceman can’t dance around Maureen Dowd, big time leftist of the NY Slimes!
Last week Oblamer and crew called criticism of Susan Rice racist and sexist. But morons like David Axelrod using the same campaign meme forgot about Kelly Ayotte being there leading the criticism… A woman oh noes… our sexist argument KAAAAABLLLAAAAAAMMMOOOOOOOOOOO! Notice David Axelrod never acknowledged any criticism of Rice that came from a woman, Senator Kelly Ayotte. He couldn’t because his lie would have been exposed! Well it is now!
Yet another good take on the Hostess closing. Why do conservatives hate workers?
Does anyone know how to register complains with the FCC that Clear Channel is not broadcasting in the public interest?
I know I cannot stop the format change, but I would like to do my part to help pull their licenses from every radio station they own in Seattle, until at least one channel does broadcast in the public interest.
Nobody cares about Benghazi, so knock yourself out with that one.
Just remember, the further you carry this little witch hunt, the closer you bring Bush and Cheney to being indicted.
You’re suggesting that women cannot be sexist.
You are wrong.
You also, in a discussion of fact, throw out Maureen Dowd. Yawn. Maureen Dowd does not speak for me, nor does the NYTimes.
You keep beating your pointy little head against the BEEENNNNGGGGHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZIIIIIII! conspiracy wall. Seems to keep you occupied and out of trouble – keep it up, Faux.
leftist propaganda is in the public interest?
free stuff!
Puddl, you should look up fallacious argument from authority. You make that mistake very very often.
Let me know if you have trouble with any of the words there – I’d be happy to help.
I love the ‘gimme gimme’ idiot…illustrating every day the stupidity, the greed, and, even better, the political malpractice of the right wing.
Keep it up!!
aww, Mr Bigot-n-hate sci-fientist is pouting again…..get a job.
That’s from Kuntsler’s blog so the writing’s geared towards “‘O FUCK WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!” but the facts are facts and the facts do spell trouble ahead.
Puddl, were you happy when Marco Rubio played dumb on a question of the age of the earth?
You know, when he refused to endorse either settled science or Roman Catholic dogma regarding the 4 billion year old age of the earth, and pandered to the Young Earth Creationists by refusing to state a position about the age of the earth.
What pander to the Teahaddists will he make next?
Fossil fuel is for dinosaurs, metaphorically speaking.
Pouting? Can’t you read? – wait, don’t answer that.
No, man, I was giving you props, encouragement, support.
Keep up the ‘free stuff’ and ‘gimme gimme’ meme – it’s plays wonderfully with the SoundPolitics crowd, and just about nobody else – the more you pound the table that way, the more the good guys win.
Angry, resentful, old white guys are the lefts’ best weapon – you piss off and repulse everybody normal, but your crowd is inexorably dying out. Perfect.
then who is going to pay for your gang’s free stuff?
Marco Rubio’s shameless pandering to the YECs, explained…
Great, just what we need as we head into an age of dwindling traditional energy resources, increased competition from nations not allergic to rationality, tremendous technical challenges including the critical warming of the planet…a pandering grifter with his aim on the Presidency, perfectly willing to play dumb in order to entice the rubes.
Why, the people who’ve been providing your gang’s free stuff for all these years.
ALL WEALTH COMES FROM LABOR…and the working people want it back.
lib sci-fientist is clueless.
free stuff!
and you employ how many people again?
talk is cheap, just like lib sci-fientist
This is just great.
The Republican buffoons who control the Ohio legislature are passing anti-choice bills right and left, but can’t be bothered to ensure that the children in public schools there get comprehensive, medically-correct sexuality education.
How soon until, like that unfortunate woman in Ireland, women here in the US start dying?
@6 Perhaps the main take-away (as if we didn’t all know anyway) from the entire Benghazi/Petraeus/Broadwell/Kelley/Agent Shirtless affair is a reminder that our various agencies involved in “intelligence” i. e. the Pentagon, FBI, CIA, NSA, State Dept. intel. division–not to mention Congress–are all in competition and often working at cross purposes.
That being said, it seems pretty evident that if Rice wasn’t “telling the truth”, it was because the truth was–get ready for it–classified information. And why was it classified? More than likely because somebody was concerned that revealing every detail of what was going on would have resulted in more Americans winding up dead.
Time’s almost up, angry bitter old white guy….
Must be terrible watching your assumptions and beliefs come crashing down in fiery shambles, vanquished by the people you most despise, just as your decrepitude and impotence reach their apogee and the lights start to go out…
wow…some serious projecting going on there…
we are happy and content, with a constantly rising income…im happy as hell, its you who sounds bitter(along with your ever present hatred of all people religious)
keep living in that funny little world you live in, Lib Sci-fientist.
Rather pathetic you choose to spend your twilight years babbling incoherently at people you hate.
Yeah FartyArt… Yeah!
Classified Information Version: The Benghazi compound was attacked by Al Qaeda.
Classified Information Version Modified:The Benghazi compound was attacked by protesters virulently upset about a movie.
AM 1090 didn’t really support progressive radio during the evening drive time. Randi Rhodes was good, but they didn’t let her own until 6:00 p.m. and often would cut over to minor-league hocky, soccar, or WNBA games just fifteen minutes into the broadast. That’s not much of a way to help build an audience for a time slot.
Mirror mirror on da wall, who is the most hateful of them all?
Well there are so many HA leftists Puddy… it would take a long time to explain each one…
re 32: “Classified Information Version: The Benghazi compound was attacked by Al Qaeda.
Classified Information Version Modified:The Benghazi compound was attacked by protesters virulently upset about a movie.”
It can’t be both? It’s got to be either/or?
Oh, and Lindsey Graham isn’t fooling anyone. We all know that he’s the first lesbian Senator.
Get off my lawn, you damn kids!!!!
Question for Roger and other lawyer types.
I have an elderly uncle that’s never been overly mentally stable and lives out in the middle of no where in Eastern Washington. Last summer we had things set up for me to have durable power of attorney over him if he were incapacitated, but we left the final filing of the paperwork up to him (Oops!). He’s now incapacitated and in a hospital, but we don’t know if I officially have power of attorney. I’ve explained the situation to the hospital and so far everyone’s acting as if I’m the real deal.
The questions I have are how would I check to see if I’m actually legit and how hard would it be for me to become legit if I’m not?
From the doctor side of that relationship, in the absence of a legal document stating otherwise, decision making powers devolve to the spouse, or in their absence, the children. Children have to agree, however, if one in particular was not designated DPOA – that’s sometimes the stickiest situation, particularly at end of life it seems the estranged child shows up and demands ‘everything’ be done to keep them going despite all evidence that the end is nigh.
Does your uncle have a spouse or children? If not, and there were a competent, interested, involved family member for whom there was evidence that the incapacitated patient intended to give decisional power to, I would think the hospital would be inclined to defer authority to you…though a judge saying so would be helpful and possibly necessary.
@38 Thanks!
No spouse or kids. It’s my dad’s brother and my dad’s said the decision’s come from me. So far everything’s gone just fine. It looks like he’s going to be released to a nursing home or assisted living facility in a few days.
It sounds like the folks at the hospital are familiar with rural elderly hoarder & self neglect cases and a doing well by my uncle.
Any ideas how you are all going to pay off all this massive debt you are racking up, when interest incomes, cd rates, muni bond rates, home values, etc etc are in the tank?
Owebummer will have well more than doubled the national debt in his term…Hope those Credit downgrades and interest rates don’t eat the golden gooses printing presses….Just sayin!
I never said I hated you – I just dont respect people like you. Two vastly different things.
Keep up with your hate there, Lib Sci-Fientist.
Thats because people would rather listen to minor-league hockey, “soccar”, and WNBA games than the spew that was coming from that babbly bullshit prog-talk BS.
Hey you damn lazy OWSers, quit smokin that pot and get a damn job!!!
@32 Uh-huh. And, frankly, it might have been a lot better to have said “I can’t speak about that at this time because it’s classified” or better still, simply “no comment”–in spite of the fact that it would have engendered shrieks that the administration was “stonewalling”.
Yeah – that’s not unfamiliar.
DPOA controversy mostly comes into play when there’s either an intrafamily argument, or secondary gain (decision maker(s) benefit from the sick person either living/dying), or a big change in the patient’s status – usually death – is on the line and the docs/hospital want to make absolutely sure that letting someone go is what the patient would want.
It might be pointed out–and believe it or not this came from someone on Fox News–that “al Qaeda” doesn’t mean exactly what it did in 2001. There are two-bit would-be revolutionaries all over the world claiming to be affiliated with al Qaeda. Some are actually getting support from the original gang. Others are just adopting the label attempting to gain some kind of credibility.
And the whole ‘controversy’ is a totally ginned-up non issue – how soon did the Obama Administration make the religious yodel “TRRRRRISM!!!!”
It is all theater – the blood thirsty religious right demanding fealty to the ‘War on Terra’ and how Obama adhered to their beliefs…and of course opportunism on the part of people like (sore loser) McCain and Huckleberry (campaign on the bodies of dead Americans) Graham.
standard Lib Sci-Fientist meme….
Yup, blood thirsty religious right – ready to sacrifice every woman, every Muslim, every rational person on their altar of hate and ignorance.
You seem to have a problem with adjectives. You know about those, right?
@8 Who gives a fuck what Susan Rice said and when she said it? 98.6% of the people in this country don’t even know who she is.
@17 I posted about this last week, citing an expert who said America has 10 years not 100 years of shale gas. If true, this is a big deal, because it means the current USA energy boom will not lead to energy dependence and will give the economy only a short-term bump. It also means coal will come back.
you seem to have a problem with reality – which is increasingly common with progressives who think they are the end-all be-all and that everyone else must be wrong.
you’re a clown.
@51 I’ve come to the conclusion that only the oil companies themselves really have any idea how much of what is in the ground anywhere, and that whatever numbers they’re required to report to the regulators are obfuscated if not deliberately falsified. What they tell us suits the business plan du jour. We’re told “Oh-my-GAWD-we’re-gonna-run-out” when they’re looking to jack the price at the pump at the beginning of the summer travel season or twist the politicians’ arms to get new prospecting rights. When the demand for big SUV’s starts to decline and people start putting in solar panels and heat pumps we get told “Oh, don’t worry–we’ve found a bunch of new or forgotten reserves”–and maybe the price drops a bit. If it starts to look like Elon Musk is going to sell a lot of new Teslas, look for a dramatic drop in the price of gasoline–or a mysterious fire at the Tesla factory.
sorry – double post
@53, 51
Doesn’t their valuation depend on an accounting of their reserves?
And unlike ordinary assets, these reserves are only accounted for by proprietary means and are closely held – therefore, we have to take their word for it.
Yeah, right, I’m SURE they’re telling the truth.
*eye roll*
The Atlantic has a very good article about the problems that the State Department is having around the world. The main reason is that they are underfunded. Marines are mainly used not to protect lives, but to protect government documents in embassies, protecting embassy personnel is the job of the Diplomatic Security Service and private contractors. Libya forbids the US from using private contractors in its country, so the State Department had to use its Diplomatic Security Service, which is already strained, which is why they are routinely rotated in and out.
If McCain and Graham are really serious about getting to the bottom of embassy security, perhaps they can subpoena members of the House who voted down increasing funding for the State Department.
Gimmie-Gimmie immi-gration & cheap fast food for Kirby Wilbur and the freedom KVI crowd!
In the US The Bureau Of Land Management and the Energy Information Admin track such things. But, the EIA’s numbers aren’t any more accurate than the oil companies. The BLM and EIA adjust their numbers every now and again, almost always down.
Keep in mind that when oil companies talk about “proven reserves” they’re talking about what’s recoverable at todays prices with todays technology. So, if the price of oil goes up the amount of proven reserve goes up with it.
The comments of our trolls on this thread make clear that they learned absolutely nothing from the thumping their ideology took in the last election. I am most pleased to see that.
Gimmie-gimmie cheap junk from China sweatshops & workers who qualify for food stamps!
Did Jerry the KLOWN make an appearance lately? Buried in his bunker it would seem.
Where’s Bob? Mired in “con despair” I’m sure.
All that’s left is slime at the bottom of the barrel trolls..
Puddydope aka “EnzyteBob” and little maxie still wanking to the tired “free stuff” meme.
@61 YLB,
You asked “Where’s Bob?” I suspect he is suffering from “The Pain”
Free Stuff!!!!!
Still on that silly meme? This was already discussed and rejected by the State Department.
Being a libtard you have 24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady!
Gimme-gimme Palin-Limbaugh 2016!
& Kirby Wilbur for Governor.
Hey! I am an old white guy. I just have retained a grip on reality and have had almost 70 years of knowing a bunch of conservatives WAY too well.
And I fully intend to stick around for YEARS more!
You may be an old white guy, but you’re not angry and resentful. You don’t yell at clouds, do you? Or yell, “You kids, get off my lawn!!”
No, you’re a sane old white guy, very different, very different!
Thanks. I don’t have to use plastic spoons, either. Yet. ;-)>
Don’t have a lawn here. Just lots of goats.
WA Democratic HQ Election Day Break-In
“A … police report suggests an Election Day burglary at the headquarters of the state Democratic Party might be something other than a routine break-in.
“The majority of items taken belonged to important campaign workers and the burglar attempted to make it look like a random crime, the report states. …
“Workers arriving about 5:30 a.m. Nov. 6 found the front door smashed. Police … found offices ransacked.
“In addition to the Democratic Party, the building held offices for Jay Inslee’s campaign for governor and Organizing for America, the campaign to re-elect President Barack Obama.
“A window had been broken to get into a director’s office and confidential files were rifled through and moved. Other offices that were hit included the media coordinator and fundraising section. A trash can was dumped and used to haul away the stolen property.
“The majority of items taken belonged to people who ‘were of major importance to the campaigns,’ the report states. … ‘The suspect/s were there to collect specific items but attempted to make it look like a random burglary,’ according to the report.”
Watergate Ver. 11.6.12
Why would someone burglarize Democratic Party, Inslee Campaign, and Obama Campaign headquarters during the night before Election Day? The only motive I can imagine is hinder GOTV efforts to swing a close election to McKenna.
Oh…so now the dumb fuck believes the State Department.
The asshole should make up his mind.
I love watching the GOP tear itself up over the last election, the various factions ripping flesh off each other about why they lost. And, then, of course, there’s that faction that doesn’t even believe they lost. Fascinating.
So let’s see your imaginary quote where State said they had all the money they asked for. The only reason Republicans are screaming about Benghazi now is to divert attention from the fact that their little attempt to obstruct the President from running this country caused the death of 4 government employees.
“Dana Milbank picked up on the same problem: inadequate diplomatic security is the direct result of Republican budget cuts.
For fiscal 2013, the GOP-controlled House proposed spending $1.934 billion for the State Department’s Worldwide Security Protection program — well below the $2.15 billion requested by the Obama administration. House Republicans cut the administration’s request for embassy security funding by $128 million in fiscal 2011 and $331 million in fiscal 2012. (Negotiations with the Democrat-controlled Senate restored about $88 million of the administration’s request.) Last year, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that Republicans’ proposed cuts to her department would be “detrimental to America’s national security” — a charge Republicans rejected.
Ryan, Issa and other House Republicans voted for an amendment in 2009 to cut $1.2 billion from State operations, including funds for 300 more diplomatic security positions. Under Ryan’s budget, non-defense discretionary spending, which includes State Department funding, would be slashed nearly 20 percent in 2014, which would translate to more than $400 million in additional cuts to embassy security.”
@71 “The asshole should make up his mind.”
If he had one.
Brooklyn police are searching for a serial killer who has gunned down three shopkeepers of middle eastern descent.
@72 Nothing but stunned silence from all my wingnut acquaintances. They still don’t know what hit them:
Tunnel. Light. Train …
Thug Allen West is GONE!!
West conceded, ungracious to the last.
I’m sure we haven’t heard the last of that psychopath…doubt a FoxNoise sinecure will satisfy his gargantuan ego…hopefully will run and lose again. Maybe he’ll torture another ‘enemy’ and get sent to the slammer. Dare to dream.
I thought this was pretty on the money, from David Atkins
Both sides need to be disincentivized from their respective intransigence. Wish I knew how, though it strikes me that if the world got over fossil fuels, the the accident that put lakes of oil under Iran and Saudi Arabia would be irrelevant; moreover, competing claims that ‘god’ gave a people deed to certain specific earthly territory need to be seen for the quaint anachronisms that they are.
rujax, another word for stoooooooooooooooopid. When she was asked under oath her answer is binding. BTW she said an emphatic NO! Now with Hillary or others, they prolly would lie under oath!
Ahhh David Atkins… another entry into the anti-semitic progressive libtard hall of shame for rob! When Puddy visited Israel, most Israelis love Bibi. Why? He puts country first. He served as a captain in the Israeli Special Forces. His brother Yonatan, was the Israeli Special Forces commander who died retrieving the Israeli hostages in Entebbe. Yeah Bibi don’t take shit from no body especially from crown fools like David Atkins… another of dunceman’s heroes!
Hey don, it’s not imaginary. Puddy posted her response twice. Ask HA crazed databaze deala ylbuttspigot for the EXACT response and the day she dealt it. Go on. Ask nicely. MikeFlubScout did and ylbuttspigot delivered for him. If you had reading comprehension instead of 24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady, you would have remembered it!
Oh my… this moron doesn’t read anything except left wrong sites… The two ex-Navy Seals worked for the CIA to do a special mission while in Libya. Can you figger it out don, or are you as stoooooooooooooopid as the average HA leftist pinhead? Sean Smith’s mama Patricia Smith said: “I believe Obama Murdered My Son”.
A sad day for black people. Now the only one left with a brain is Tim Scott. The rest still sit in the reservation! When you only get one side of the spectrum you don’t get all the information!
83 – GREAT DAY. Miserable scum bag who RED-BAITED Dems shamelessly for FUND-RAISING like ugly Michelle Bachmann who Muslim-baited.
Yet another right wing GRIFTER shown the door!
Don’t the let the door hit ya where PIdiot’s skygod spit ya!
BULLSHIT! State asked for a figure for security. The right wing HOUSE morons cut it shamelessly!
Now what will “House right wing morons do” the next time State asks for a figure for security?
After this Benghazi attack? Cut it?
Of course! They’re idiots and hypocrites! If they don’t – they’re still look stupid!
Who said you even had to bother? After 6500+ droppings of miserable excrement in these threads, it’s pretty obvious you hate anything not reflected when you stare at the nearest mirror.
Go eat a dick you chump….
Life must suck when your old lady has to wear the pants in the family.
free stuff
Tim Scott – Christianist dimwit, friend of Palin, anti-union, anti-poor, anti-immigrant, anti-earmark-except-for-his-projects grifter – quite a hero you got there, puddl.
Now the Wealth Concentrators are using concentrated wealth as an excuse for not taxing the wealthy!
“There is a price that comes with these tax increases on the very wealthiest because that is where the capital is concentrated,” said William McBride, chief economist at the Tax Foundation, a conservative research firm. “That price is economic growth and hiring.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is the same tired old shibboleth Wealth Concentrators have been peddling for ages. And it isn’t true. Customers create jobs. Not concentrating wealth at the top. The fact is most — nearly all — hiring is done by professional business managers who may not — usually are not — rich themselves. So let’s cut through the bullshit and face facts: Cutting taxes for the rich makes the rich richer, and does nothing for the rest of us.
“A former hedge fund manager was charged Tuesday in what prosecutors are calling the most lucrative insider trading scheme ever, with ill-gotten gains totaling more than $250 million.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This guy didn’t get rich by creating jobs. He got rich by stealing. Why does he deserve a tax cut?
@88 “free stuff”
See #91.
87 – LOL! What a life you got: wanking and hating!
And proud of an empty skull! It’s too pathetic: YOU NEED this website to dull the pain of an empty life!
b cs -t asshat -c
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That many stinking, hate-filled turds here and CLIMBING!
Fuck you, puddypussypissypants. You’re a really really stupid, arrogant twit.
Just another fucking stupid, low information techie dumbass (I get from a friend of mine who is a family law attorney that Redmond is LOUSY with dipshits like you). Go somewhere…anywhere other than here…you’d like Oklahoma. Or Kansas.
Take the war criminal Allen West, and the sorry-ass ultra-clown sex predator Clarence Thomas with you.
Just fuck off.
@83 “A sad day for black people.”
A good day for voters of Florida’s 22nd C.G. who looked past skin color at (1) character, (2) intellect, and (3) ability, who deserve a better representative than this loon, and just did something about it.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
A 13-year-old girl has been shot to death by a fellow student while riding on a school bus in Florida.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans think anyone should be able to buy a gun without a background check, and carry a gun anywhere without a permit. That’s stupid! Why would anyone vote for Republicans? Well, guess what, they didn’t. Republicans lost in this month’s election. Does anyone have to wonder why?
The victim of that shooting was on a school bus taking students to three different charter schools. Her little sister, also on the bus, witnessed her killing. Maybe this incident arose out of some inter-charter-school rivalry — you know, “my tribe hates your tribe” stuff. We won’t know until police establish a motive. The shooter, another child, is in custody.
You’ve got to wonder what a gun was doing on a school bus. Specifically, we must ask ourselves where the kid got the gun, who the gun belonged to, and why he was allowed to get it. Because this kid obviously is someone who shouldn’t have a gun.
Speaking of charter schools, two features of charter schools lacking at public schools is (1) they go broke and (2) they don’t pay the teachers.
But charter schools work great for those who know how to milk them.
“The principal of a charter school in Orange County, Fla., received a check for $519,453.36 in taxpayer money after the district school board agreed to let the school voluntarily close rather than be shut down for poor performance.”
Do you think that’s a good use of taxpayer education dollars?
@83. A sad day for black people.
What’s skin color got to do with? I could care less about their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc. I vote depending the character of the politician and whether I think the the values and actions they display would be good for the country. His district voted the same way.
But I guess, as a conservative, you see things through the lens of race first?
Suppose the Framers had inserted an Amendment in the Bill of Rights that says,
“Well regulated Traffic, being necessary to the prosperity of a free State, the right of the people to own and drove Cars, shall not be infringed.”
Does anyone seriously believe this would mean states couldn’t require driver’s licenses, adopt a minimum driving age, deny driving privileges to habitual drunkards and insane people, enact traffic laws, and employ traffic cops to enforce speed limits and other reasonable traffic regulations? If not, why shouldn’t the same reasoning apply to ownership, possession, and use of guns?
The perfect word to describe the puddles of diarrhea left by ylbuttspigot! What a shameless liar ylbuttspigot is. Puddy posted Charlene Lamb’s response to the question posed by the committee. Elijah Cummings libtard head DUMMOCRAPT and Black Caucasian leader on da committee heard her response and didn’t bring it up again. The leftist e-rags, wrong on many subjects are trying to keep it alive in the left wrong sphere.
You know ylbuttspigot, being the liar you are has Puddy’s twice delivered response in da databaze.
Stay dopey… you do that perfectly!
You know when you won the argument. This is what rujax has left in all his arguments against Puddy.
Suck on that sucka!
Anyone seen Mitt Lately?
Has West been charged or does rujax like to throw out accusations like he throws out moronic copied saying of left wrong sites? Yes he does.
How do you know if a background check wasn’t run Roger SENILE Wabbit?
NO, asshole, NO.
There IS no “argument” because with you there is no argue, no discuss, no “share”, no give and take.
There is only your warped and misshapened world view filtered through your wacked-out religiosity.
You are a fucking mess. Get help.
YLB and Rabbit and Lib Sci and Darryl and everybody, even ‘Ol Rujax eats your breakfast, lunch and dinner.
You , sir are a fool, a dupe. You have ben conned and stupidity of stupidity….
…you don’t even know it.
Except you really do, don’t you?
You KNOW the drivel you spew doesn’t really make sense, but you can’t help yourself, can you.
It feels sooooo good to be this “can’t censor meeeeee, bay-beee” BIG, BAAAAAD, BLACK MAN…STIKKKKIN’ IT TO THE FAGGY ‘LIL LIBTARDS!
Makes you feel like Allen West…blowing up some Iraqi devil’s ear drum just for fun. Because he could DO it.
Or Brother Clarence Thomas…talking that sweet sexy talk to Anita Hill, making her watch how a real bitch does a real black man and him KNOWING she has to take it.
Yep you’re a sick prick all right.
Add @ 105…
PS Fuck you.
Happy Birthday Vice President Joe Biden!!!
That’s the most HUMILIATING blow to a batshit insane right winger..
TO have the “gubmint” relieve the right wing FOOL of his COIN!
So? Had nothing to do with what Don said ya dumbass.
The right wing House morons cut the State Dept’s security funding request and the Senate was only able to restore part of what was asked for.
That’s a fact stupid!
Phuddydud nice little Nazi persona you’ve got going here. Love the black kid avatar! And all those creative hate names you come up with. Brilliant!
@106 Don’t bother. He can go fuck himself. Probably does regularly, too.
Again Puddy deals with ylbuttspigot and his “understanding” of facts. From the buttspigot’s NY Times
Such an ASShole! All arschloch!
rujax, you have to stop looking in da mirror!
So FartyArt, care to demonstrate?
Ahhh yes, the progressive swipe. Call him a Nazi. No clue what that means but sounds good!
112 – LOL! You don’t get it stupid..
The only “CHARGE” that matters to the right wing involves LOSS OF COIN!
To the “gubmint”??? That’s the WORST FOR YOU DOPES! In West’s case I see no admission of hey I screwed up. Made a mistake.. Shouldn’t have discharged that weapon.. Paying 5 large and keeping my pension is letting me off lightly.
Y’all a bunch of money grubbin’ FIENDS!
Soooooooooooooooooo ylbuttspigot admits Puddy posted Charlene’s answer. She said the budget cuts had no affect on security at Benghazi.
SUCKS TO BE YOU ylbuttspigot!
Told his supervisor he discharged his weapon! His men stood by him said they felt safe with him as their leader.
SUCKS TO BE YOU. No one would feel safe with an unemployed ylbuttspigot fool as their leader.
117 – Oh man are you stupid!! You quoted Don claiming there were budget cuts and that was the truth..
What Lamb said is neither here nor there..
Yawwwn… This Benghazi stuff is going nowhere stupid.
Poor fool.. You went all in on ODS and came up empty..
All you’re holding is more Faux News shit pulled out of the collective batshit insane lying right wing ass.
Pretty sad life to be playing a Faux News stooge here in these threads.
Can rujax name one time he handed Puddy his head in an argument? This should be really good!
Puddy already handed rujax his ASS on numerous times. Remember rujax you still owe Puddy an answer to you last ASSkicking. Did you forget the topic where you butt was kicked by Puddy?
No? Well ask your pal ylbuttspigot!
When the time is right… Puddy will replay the whole conversation… It was glorious. So you better ask ylbuttspigot for help so you won’t look stooooooooooooooooooopid for the 45 vigintillionth time!
Wait for it…
Why odd numbers? Well rujax is odd!
Thanks for playing… You don’t even realize you corroborated Puddy just now.
Regarding Benghazi, the libtard press isn’t covering it like they would if a Republican was in the whitey house. Media bias! That’s why it’s not going anywhere.
What happened to your Allen West attack?
Still stoooooooooooooooooopid!
Gotta go ylbuttspigot. Duty calls. Puddy knows you’ll leave another diarrhea stain, so Puddy will see it in the morning!
Clean up in thread 47913!
@120 “Can rujax name one time he handed Puddy his head in an argument?”
I’d guess yes.
Well, well, well…look at this in the Salt Lake Tribune…
Crazylady and puddl heroine Mia Love was screwed over by fellow Republicans who piggishly wanted even more darker red districts than they already had, and a governor who didn’t want the Democrat, Matheson, to be tempted to run against him:
Wow. Who’d a thunk it? Some entrenched and safe white Republican dudes out to get even more for themselves and thereby screw the chances of up-and-coming young black woman (and CrazyLady) Mia Love.
I’m sure puddl will have all sorts of intelligent and incisive thoughts about this topic – I can’t wait.
Problem is, puddl doesn’t argue. He dances around these treads braying his lunatic epithets and screeching the latest rightwing talking points. He lives in his own private Idaho and declares himself the winner of every discussion.
It’s impossible to actually argue with crazy.
Like I’ve said before, puddl is like a proud little boy, just potty trained, who demands the adults in the room all march into the bathroom to inspect his ability to produce a large poop and deposit it in the toilet.
We should all pat him on the head and resume adult discussion amongst ourselves.
I was thinking about Wisconsin – and bob’s grating “Thanks, unions” gloating before the election about how the recall election experience was going to spell disaster for Democrats in the General.
Haven’t heard much from him about this….
Looking at Wisconsin results…
Obama 53%, Romney 46%
Baldwin 52%, Romney 46%
What’s disturbing, however, are House seats and elections. Look here.
If you total the Dem and Rep votes for the 8 districts, you get 1.44 million, or 50.7 percent, Dem, and 1.40 million, or 49.2 percent, Rep, yet the 8 House seats are divided 5:3 in favor of Republicans.
This is repeated over and over and even more egregiously in other states, where republican gerrymandering has totally subverted the one-person/one-vote principle.
From DFA, here’s a chart of some of the states where gerrymandering has subverted the will of the people – mostly by Republicans, but Democrats are complicit, too.
This is a HUGE threat to representative government, and as usual, the party of more-power-to-fewer-people is the beneficiary.
“bob’s grating “Thanks, unions” gloating before the election”
That Bob vainly kept spiking the ball at mid-field tells me that he’s somebody who has never known the endzone in his life. I mean, really, collectively the progressives here have spiked the ball less in the endzone since November 6th than Bob did at the 50 yard-line prior to that date.
He’s feeling ‘The Pain’ from that particular repetitive motion injury!
Eeeeuuuuhhh! ButtPounder!
You don’t do that in public, do you?