– Who could have predicted?
– You don’t know how much time I tried to think of a war on Cranksgiving joke for here. Like 3 minutes at least. There isn’t one.
– Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell have a petition asking the House to take up ENDA.
– Regional subtext to the Boeing special session: Left Coast (Cascadia) vs. Deep South Also, I’ve linked to several from the series, but I don’t think I’ve come out and said go read Emmett’s Cascadia Exists pieces, but you totally should if you’re interested in what makes the region unique.
– I realize you shouldn’t read too much into a press release, but it looks like good numbers for the Washington exchange.
-There is no nadir.
I love the first comment of the ‘nadir’ piece:
Yes, who would have predicted…
Oh wait it was on This Week an ABC News activity reported by the WA Times. Truth and Facts butt, idiotic morons like checkmate dismiss truth and fact not found on Daily Kooks!
So all those senators and congress DUMMOCRETINS are a bunch of liars! Obummercare will be a player in next year’s erections!
In puddibigot’s Washington Times link @2, here are the sum totals of Gillibrand’s quotes:
The rest is typical Washington Times filler, though they do acknowledge that the cancelled policies are “substandard”.
As usual, puddibigot’s comments are regurgitated talking points from the Wingnut mothership, which like the dutiful peon that he is, he mindlessly spews here….motivated solely by fear and loathing, without regard for or interest in solving a massive and often lethal national problem, oblivious to the fact that he is again spending his time advancing the agenda of people who despise him.
What a pathetic little fuck.
I see also that the puddibigot has changed his sig – I guess open ridicule is able to get past his desperate wheedling – and he realized that with every post he was admitting that he was a bigot.
Now he’s back to the closet, I guess.
I see also, that in showing up on this thread, puddibigot has conceded that he can’t defend his moral midget and intellectually stunted hero, Ben Carson, on the other thread.
Tsk, tsk.
The woman obviously shouldn’t have driven off from a traffic stop, but police shooting their guns into her carload of kids?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: America’s gun culture is out of control; and nowhere is it more out of control than in our police departments. Stop-and-frisk is becoming stop-and-kill. In today’s America, you’re more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist.
@2 Republican Big Liars vs. Democrat little liars
Should be interesting …
Wrong again schmucko-moron. Puddy changed the sig because it was taking up too much real estate on the HA web page. Thoughtful and Considerate… That’s Puddy!
Ben Carson is a Library of Congress HERO! You are a HA DUMMOCRETIN Zero. Puddy moves on because arguing with you about REAL FACTS is like kicking a can down the street. It scuffs your shoes and the problem still remains!
SENILE and LUNATIC DUMBASS Wabbit, look at the polls. After the shutdown DUMMOCRETINS had a 7 point advantage… Obummercare took care of that to where Republicans are on top again.
See ya. Glad not to be ya!
So Nancy Pelosi was right for once.
was very prescient! Now we see how bad this bill sucks!
“- No, Mr. Feaver, Katrina isn’t shorthand for “bungled administration policy.” It’s an actual tragedy in which at least 1,800 people lost their lives. Thousands of others were left stranded without food or water in their flooded neighborhoods, on freeway viaducts, in hospitals and nursing homes, and in the televised hell-hole of the Superdome.”
And were shot at by cops who were supposed to help them.
@9 “look at the polls”
I did.
Puddidiot just sank to a new depth of stupidity. When I can rub Newsmax in his face, he’s seriously out of whack.
The Everett Herald reports this morning that Boeing will make a decision on where to build the 777x within 3 months.
Boeing is acting so fast to move 777x production to another state it’s a lead-pipe cinch the union contract modification was nothing but a setup.
Its clear they always intended to move the 777x out of state. The last thing they wanted was for union members to approve that contract. It was designed to fail.
You still don’t get that whole ‘appeal to authority’ thingy, do you, simpleton?
Here are some more Library of Congress Living Legends (they’re not called heroes, bozo), a brief selection:
Since that’s one of your big claims to fame for nutjob Carson, are you going to afford all of these people, and all the others on the list, the same sort of reverence you do for fellow YEC’er Carson? Do all of their views on the ACA have the same validity as Carson’s?
Didn’t think so.
You really do need to shut up and try to learn something for a change, rather than bellow your unvarnished ignorance and bigotry at the top of your lungs.
Could the state take Boeing’s property in Washington by eminent domain and convert it to something that actually benefits both the workers who toil there, and all the citizens of the state?
The sign should read:
This is the right-wing dystopia – the fabled private charity taking over for government safety net. After all, when you whack the safety net, all those SNAP payments and other support that these wage-slaves need to keep their heads above water – in the absence of a living wage, natch – disappear – then what’s going to keep the plutocracy gravy train going for the vaunted ‘Makers’?
October 7th SENILE and Very STUPID LUNATIC Wabbit? DAYUM you be funny!
Shut and learn something schmucko-moron?
When you get to the level of Ben Carson… Puddy will shut and learn. Until then STFU yourself and learn something jackASS!
Oh wait… it’s always about you!
@16: One word: AIRBUS.
Somehow they manage to compete very, very well using the totally unionized, socialist French workforce.
A real D gov (Fuck you, Jay!) would have had a senior AIRBUS official at his side as he raised a rhetorical middle finger to a no longer local corporation that’s now run by the deep south execs from the failed MD.
We’re better off without them.
I’d suggest that you could be even more thoughtful and considerate of HA’s webspace by taking your performance art elsewhere.
I’m just sayin’…
WOW. I love that idea.
I hope never to descend to that level…may I never be a close-minded Bibul-thumping bigot that compares gay people wanting to marry to goat-fuckers like you, puddybigot, and who fears evolution and clings to ancient fairy tales about God making the Universe in 6 days 6000 years ago.
You threw your mancrush Carson up on these threads obviously (and wrongly) thinking that his esteemed surgical skills would provide gravitas for his bogus ACA opinions.
I’ve skewered him, and you, and you haven’t a cogent reply.
I wonder what fellow Library of Congress “Living Legend’ Barbara Streisand has to say about the ACA? For that matter, what does “Living Legend” Madeleine Albright have to say about BENGHAAAAAAZZZZZIIIIII!!!1!1!!!?
And when God proves Ben Carson right schmucko-moron what will you have left to say?
Absolutely nuthin like you do every day on HA DUMMOCRETINS.
Ah, yes, the fabled “Clouds O’Glory ™”, Sky-Daddy coming back to smite all the people you hate, eh, puddibigot?
So, puddibigot, what is Carson “right” about?
Gay people are child molesters?
The Earth is only 6000 years old?
“God” teleported penguins to Noah’s Ark?
Which? All three? Do tell….
schmucko-moron has a real fixation with Dr Carson. Must have been one of schmucko-moron’s heroes! So much his other destroyed rants went by the wayside and he’s focused like a laser screaming worthlessness as usual!
Back to that same old tired stuff in #25. It’s so sad the latest incarnation of schmucko-moron! So shrill, still egotistical; it’s all about him!
As always… It sux to be schmucko-moron! Would NEVER want to be him!
@22 Yeah, all you have to do is take down the “Boeing” sign and put up the “Airbus” sign at Paine Field.
Florida Vigilante In Jail Again
“George Zimmerman has been arrested in Florida, NBC News has learned. A Seminole County Sheriff’s Office statement says Zimmerman was arrested Monday afternoon after deputies responded to a disturbance call at a house in Apopka, Fla., about 15 miles northwest of Orlando.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Anyone still having trouble understanding the NRA’s poster boy is an habitual criminal?
@27 “same old tired stuff”
I’m under the impression this “stuff” showed up on this blog because you brought it here. But I haven’t been following this Carson stuff, because frankly, I don’t read most of the crap you post. I have better use for my time.
@18 ??? What are you talking about?
@18 (continued) If you’re referring to my post about Boeing’s 777x production plans, that story was in the Everett Herald this morning, not back in October, and it’s you not me who can’t read a dateline.
I’m awaiting your clarification …
Puddy is right about one thing, I’m a lunatic. The VA says so, and that’s why they send me checks in the mail. That makes it official! At least I’m smart enough to figure out how to get paid for being crazy. Puddy does it as a hobby.
Big Bird is on the same level.
Barbara Streisand (twice in two days) is on the same level
Mickey Hart of World Wide fame and father of a childhood friend is on the same level.
Gloria Steinem is on the same level.
in your own words, these are “Library of Congress Heroes.”
“Now I will tell you a story that’s filled with words that start with the letter N.” Ben Carson colleague and equal Big Bird.
Watching Piddles dig in and ignore his own rhetoric is always fun.
Cue an Alinsky retort in 5…4…
It shouldn’t come as a great big shock to anyone that the VA concluded a Vietnam Veteran who thinks he’s a 30-inch tall rabbit dropped some of his marbles in a rice paddy. Where did you lose yours, Puddy? At a Tea Party rally? I can see how that would happen. Hanging out with Tea Partiers isn’t much different from socializing with the Viet Cong.
@34 Last I heard, the righties were trying to kill Big Bird and the PBS network she flew in on.
Yes I know I just regurgitated an earlier post, but as any educator will tell you, some students will get it by being told, some will get it by reading, some will get it through repetition and the occasional Piddles will need to be held back a year.
Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food To Its Needy Employees
Cause you know, a living wage would cut into their $15.7 billion in profits, and that’s not acceptable.
Violent storms sweep across Midwest, killing 8
The unusually powerful late-season wave of thunderstorms brought damaging winds and tornadoes to 12 states: Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and western New York.
But you conservatives keep repeating there is no climate change.
It’s a good thing all the tornadoes avoided red counties that don’t believe it exists so they won’t have to ask for socialist goverment help to rebuild after what didn’t exist destroyed their counties.
It’s all the republicans alternatives to the Affordable Care Act.
Woman Fined $3500 for Leaving a Negative Review Online
A fine for every time the person who pretends to be puddy says something willfully ignorant?
Update on George Zimmerman Arrest
AOL News reports that Zimmerman is in jail for domestic violence against his pregnant girlfriend.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What kind of jerk beats up a pregnant woman? Hey, I’m not saying that’s what Trayvon Martin’s killer did; it’s just a general question, not about a specific person. I’m simply trying to understand you humans, because I have to live next door to you.
@41 Interesting. When a company is really bad they make consumers agree to be fined for saying anything bad about them. I doubt courts would enforce such a “contract.” But in this case, it appears the agreement didn’t even exist and the company unilaterally imposed it ex post facto. Cute. Kleargear.com sounds like the kind of company I’d never want to do business with. Maybe this couple could sue them for damaging their credit reputation.
In other weird news.
Louie Gohmert, everyones second-favorite TeaBagger, is apparently incensed again.
Now, I was under the impression that the New Testament was intended to replace the Old Testament. That once Da LAHRD JAYZUZ! (cannahgeddaAMENTHANK YOU JAHZUZ!) had come, the old Testament was rendered obsolete.
Just once, I would like to hear anyone who calls themselves a “republican” act rationally, perhaps make the effort to actually speak in a way that would allow the rest of the human race to take them seriously instead of surreptitiously start looking around for the nearest exit, or a handy object that might be useful as a weapon.
Our resident imbecile in here is only here to remind people of what the TeaFascist party stems from and where it gets it’s power. So there really is no point in attempting to converse rationally with it. There is no point whatsoever to attempt rational discourse with an unstable individual like that. They aren’t working on reason. They just make shit up out of whole cloth, and then get outraged by your facepalming.
Fuck these morons.
Oh, speaking of cloth, and the old testament, I wonder if our esteemed Mr. Gohmert knows that he’s wearing double-knit slacks?
@42 Maybe he thought the fetus was threatening him.
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956
“- Who could have predicted?”
According to your link, the engineers did:
“Meanwhile, state Transportation Department officials say they always knew something like this was possible in the particular area where it happened, under King Street.
“The sinkhole was 15 feet long, 20 feet wide and 7 feet deep, and it formed in a secure area blocked off from the public.
State DOT officials say this is the only area where Bertha will be digging through loose soil. For the first time in her journey, she’s digging through soil that hasn’t been strengthened with concrete.”
Please, by all means, please keep throwing every last bit of “bad news” about something local you don’t like onto the screen. I’m sure this method will work as well for you as it does for the crowd of political geniuses at uSP.
@26,27 – the puddibigot doing his usual backtracking when it finally dawns on him he’s been beaten to smithereens again.
I’m fixated on Carson? – laughable – he’s your hero, I’m just knocking the ever-loving legs out from under him, and you.
Puddybigot makes claims about his Sky-Daddy coming back and showing us all that puddybigot was ‘right’ – and then when confronted, he skitters away, denying denying denying.
I think the puddibigot has figured out that if he ‘testifies’ to his belief in a young Earth, a 6600 year old Earth, he’ll be taunted and ridiculed even more, and rightly so. He and his BFF Benny Carson have some seriously whackadoodle notions about science – something neither of them have an inkling of understanding about.
C’mon, puddibigot, what’s ‘God’ going to show me when He arrives?
@29 We may be approaching the point at which the right’s response to anyone bring this up will be accusations of “Zimmerman derangement syndrome”.
@ 29 & 49
SpittlePuddles favorite one-man lynch mob is in real deep shit this time. It was only a matter of time. The guy was out hunting niggers the night he killed Trayvon Martin, and that particular attitude is obviously leaking into the rest of his personality.
This time, he loses the right to possess a weapon, permanently and any time henceforth, will be charged as a felon in possession of a firearm. This time, he does four years. Next time, he can do life. Florida is a “two-strikes” State for using a firearm in the course of a crime. And mere possession of a firearm by a convicted felon is a felony that qualifies an individual for that second strike.
Looks like House Republicans are just as intransigent as ever in their attempts to force their budget on the country, by holding the government and economy hostage, even though they lost the 2012 elections and are the minority party without a governing mandate.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Although this article doesn’t say so, I’ll betcha the two-year budget House Republicans are insisting Democrats agree to defunds Obamacare, guts social programs, and restores Pentagon cuts. In other words, it’s another “my way or the highway document” from folks who don’t know how to talk in any other language. Well, I know this: Losing 40 or 50 House seats next year might not get a message across or change their attitude, but it will give Nancy Pelosi the gavel and the power to replace all the committee chairs with Democrats, control floor debate, bring bills to a vote, and shut them up.
Meanwhile, Senate Republicans have made it clear they will filibuster every Obama nominee, regardless of the person’s qualifications or merits, simply to make the country ungovernable until Democrats give them what they want.
The ball is now in Democrats’ court. They have two choices: Give in, or get tough.
That should be a no-brainer.
George Zimmerman Update
This is a developing story, and we’re gradually get more details from the news media:
“George Zimmerman was charged with assault Monday after his girlfriend called deputies to the home where they were living and claimed he pointed a shotgun at her during an argument, authorities said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Who would’ve guess the NRA’s poster boy for “Stand Your Ground” laws has no dispute resolution skills beyond aiming a shotgun at his pregnant girlfriend?
George Zimmerman is a loose cannon, and I predict he’ll eventually be convicted of a crime of violence and go to prison, but the ultimate cost to society of getting this guy off the streets is likely to be another innocent life. Thanks for nothing, jurors; I hope it’s at least clear to you in hindsight that you should have put him away when you had the chance.
keep telling yourself that Puddybud
The NRA’s and Puffy’s poster child for responsible citizen and gun owner seems to have fucked up again. I bet they just want this guy to go away.
Man you are sooooooooooooooo full of yourself.
The delusions are strong in schmucko-moron. No backtracking schmucko-moron. You are truly a crazy mofo. When you lose every argument you drop back to the penguins. Witness a quick Google search. Puddy pulled up 15 quick ones. Google found many many more!
Stay the course schmucko-moron… You are truly a lunatic!
Wait for the next installment of crazy schmucko-moron. Think Crazy Ivan and you’ll understand!
Don’t need to. No need to repeat Puddyself like schmucko-moron does.
View the above evidence!
@57 Why do you hang around with a crowd of lunatics? Because that’s the company you prefer? Takes one to know one.
@58 You wouldn’t know what evidence is even if it bit your balls.
Ben Carson is a real American.
schmucko-moron… is he an American? With the shit schmucko-moron spews one really wonders!
Puddy don’t hang with schmucko-moron. Perish that thought. He’s an ASShole, pure and simple.
Is that why you “know” and “hang” with them all the time Roger stooooooopid Wabbit?
Apparently the crazed wabbit can’t read!
Puddy remembers Carl Grossman offering you virtual oxygen bottles back in 2010. He spotted your memory issues way before others did dumb wabbit. It’s only getting worse. And the crazed wabbit forgets what he originally posts… The evidence:
31. Roger Rabbit spews:
@18 ??? What are you talking about?
11/18/2013 at 12:51 pm
Can you say clueless?
C L U E L E S S!
Big Bird is a real American, Q.E.D.
checkmate calling schmucko-moron big bird? Must be checkmate met schmucko-moron.
Q.E.D – So you “win” checkmate? Puddy guesses so. Puddy never met schmucko-moron!
@62 “Is that why you “know” and “hang” with them all the time Roger stooooooopid Wabbit?”
I hang out here with you. In case you haven’t noticed, I and you are the #1 and #2 posters on HA, it’s almost like we’re married, Piddles. But don’t worry, I don’t consider hanging with you in a place like HA beneath my dignity, because I’m only a rabbit and my species isn’t prideful like yours. Of course, if you like, you can tell your friends you hang out with a Vietnam Veteran who gets monthly checks from the VA because he thinks he’s a rabbit, I’m sure that’ll go over big in your circle of friends and colleagues.
@64 Personally, I think people who hate Big Bird should get government disability checks, too.
Meanwhile, in Tennessee.
@68 This particular stupid cop also doesn’t understand that citizens are allowed to videotape police officers making arrests as long as they don’t interfere.
@68 Unfortunately, this kind of official behavior turns ordinary citizens into government-haters.
He’s googling and cataloging my comments here.
He had references to my taunting of him in his sig line, and then I shamed him into changing it.
Puddybigot is like one of those wind-op toys that bobbles across you desk (just not a cool one like the spark-spitting Godzilla) – wind him up and away he spins!
What a fucking nutcase.
This obviously doesn’t speak well of the quality of his ideas or arguments, either.
Puddibigot still hasn’t defended his hero Ben Carson beyond putting him in the same elite circles as Big Bird and Barbara Streisand.
Puddibigot hasn’t explained what precisely God is going to show me when He shows up.
Finally, puddibigot won’t own or defend Young Earth Creationism that he has endorsed in the past. We even had a bit of a debate, or rather for puddles, a debacle, over that topic some time ago, and yet when it comes up with his BFF Carson, he runs and hides.
Not only is he hateful and stupid, he’s a coward as well.
@ 71
The major part of that problem being, that a quarter of the population of the country think pretty much exactly as he does.
So what could it be? Congenital syphilis? Perhaps a combination of environmental toxins, food preservatives and too much lead paint in the childhood diet. Couple that with eight or more hours of television every single day literally from birth, and you have a whole new standard for Stupid that cannot be measured by any means.
It’s fucking WEIRD man. Deliberately arguing the almost comically obtuse position, in spite of all evidence to the contrary is just psychotic behavior.
And thats a quarter of the goddamn American population.
Meanwhile, in Arizona.
Another god-fearing Republican NRA member gives the world yet another demonstration on the real reason they want to keep guns in the house. It’s all in good, wholesome, clean, family fun, right TeaBaggers?
A white supremacist who’s trying to take over a North Dakota town and turn it into a haven for racists has been arrested and charged with 3 counts of “terrorizing” for displaying guns on what he called “armed patrols.” This is the same guy who learned on TV that he’s part black.
Construction of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s Expo Line Light Rail’s Phase II has reached the halfway point.
In Toronto, the City Council voted to strip Mayor Ford of some of his powers. He only got 5 votes. He’s not taking it well.
He would not have been mayor if the provincial government had not consolidated Toronto with a few of it’s suburbs. One of which, Etobicoke, eas in Mayor Ford’s city council ward. The other reason he got elected, was the liberal vote was split. In Canada, party labels are different, the Federal Liberals are a center-right party, while the unaffiliated BC Liberals are a conservative party.
As for the major Canadian city to the North of us, all Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson has admitted to, is riding SkyTrain for two zones, but only paying for a one zone trip, and paid the fine. Translink is in the middle of fixing it so that would not happen again. They are installing fare gates.
In Toronto, the City Council voted to strip Mayor Ford of some of his powers. He only got 5 votes. He’s not taking it well.
He would not have been mayor if the provincial government had not consolidated Toronto with a few of it’s suburbs. One of which, Etobicoke, eas in Mayor Ford’s city council ward. The other reason he got elected, was the liberal vote was split. In Canada, party labels are different, the Federal Liberals are a center-right party, while the unaffiliated BC Liberals are a conservative party.
As for the major Canadian city to the North of us, all Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson has admitted to, is riding SkyTrain for two zones, but only paying for a one zone trip, and paid the fine. Translink is in the middle of fixing it so that would not happen again. They are installing fare gates.
I’d give anything to see George Zimmerman in a dark ally with Puffy.
Wow notice the response to The continual penguin commentary
Well as all can see it’s all about schmucko-moron. When presented with factual evidence about losing the argument schmucko-moron claims he wins by reverting to… Penguins? Can you say penguins on the brain? schmucko-moron has it wrong again… Puddy lives in schmucko-moron’s mind so much he gets thoroughly mad! Like a rabid dog! So he has his one fall back plan… Penguins! That’s schmucko-moron’s final fall back position. It’s all schmucko-moron has. Penguins! And then this P R I C E L E S S comment
Shamed Puddy? D E L U S I O N S are strong in schmucko-moron! The delusions are so strong schmucko-moron did it twice in the same thread. schmucko-moron forgets how he immediately changed his sig line to add the ORIGINAL PUDDYCOMMENT
Now where did that come from? Somehow schmucko-moron wants all to forget this fact.
Puddy hasn’t run away from Ben Carson. There’s nothing to defend Dr Ben Carson on! You hate Ben Carson. Ben is a revered surgeon. CNN and Time said he’s one of the best ever. You can’t fathom two libtard mouthpieces admitting Ben Carson is one of the best ever. And the Living Legends… Ben is one of the few doctors on the list schmucko-moron! Remember, you are NOTHING compared to Ben Carson. You can’t wear his shoes let alone stay in the operating room 22 hours straight disconnecting cranially co-joined twins! Oh yeah Ben Carson was a poor Detroit kid who made it “BIG TIME”. You are very “little time” butt big in your lettle mind schmucko-moron. Keep washing those test tubes looking in the mirror saying you are somebody.
BTW schmucko-moron, you ran away from these argument: You stopped the Dr. Howard Dean didn’t call for death panels commentary. You stopped you Obummercare support commentary. Puddy noticed you fell back to Benghazi. That’s your Obummer sadministration fall back comment. The Benghazi investigation isn’t over yet. And, AG Holder hasn’t had his contempt of Congress charge thrown out by the courts on Fast and Furious although he’s trying. That’s another of your dropped rants.
What happened to those DUMMOCRETIN led cities you ranted about in early November? Oh yeah from Daily Kooks, schmucko-moron’s go to site when all other comments are destroyed on HA DUMMOCRETINS:
What was it again? Oh yeah DUMMOCRETIN gun fail! Another of schmucko-moron’s lost arguments. Except they were DUMMOCRETIN libtard led cities. Then what happened soon after? Penguins!
Then of course anytime Puddy uses a word on HA DUMMOCRETINS… schmucko-moron trots out and claims “copyright” on HA DUMMOCRETINS. The last time it was about riotously. Y’all remember that schmucko-moron steaming pile of comedy?
So schmucko-moron… it’s all about Puddy being in schmucko-moron’s head. This stuff is readily available from Google searches. Puddy don’t live to post against schmucko-moron. Puddy posts against all HA DUMMOCRETINS! Unlike the unemployed moron ylb who had his crazed databaze crutch (he’s still collecting even though he’s “gone”), Puddy doesn’t ever cache your crap. Why would Puddy waste kilobytes saving your worthless commentary? Instead it’s about your feckless attempts at smearing and ad hominem attacks against Puddy. Then when that fails it’s Benghazi. When that fails it’s schmucko-moron’s final fall back… Penguins!
See ya!
Beat being in a dark alley with gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman. Puddy wouldn’t be bending over anywhere near you gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman!
Puddy notices OWS Racist Fraggy finally identified hisself!
Finally determined what he is at 49! Well better late than never!
Yeah SENILE and DUMB LUNATIC Wabbit… You really need that virtual oxygen from Carl Grossman. Too bad he’s gone. At least he could think straight at all times of the day and night; unlike you SENILE and DUMB LUNATIC Wabbit!
Why does Puddibogot allow the Vile Leftist to get SO TOTALLY IN HIS HEAD?
I really got you wound up tight that time.
Not. At. All.
Don’t you get it? I guess not.
Being called the “most vile leftist” by you in a fit of pique is a badge of honor. I so pissed you off one day (with facts and reason) and a leftist analysis that you sneered what you though was a slur, an epithet.
I am a leftist.
And to be considered ‘vile’ by a Teahaddist nutcase like you means I’m doing something right.
To be considered THE MOST VILE, well, now that’s icing on the cake, and has caused no small amount of jealousy among my fellow leftists, to my delight. (You know who you are!)
So, the term “Most Vile Leftist on this Blog” is both a badge of honor I wear proudly, and an insult and taunt to you every time I post, reminding you how I always reduce you to blubbering semi-coherent name calling.
Contrary to what you post above about wanting people to forget, I revel in the fact that we all remember where my title came from!
How do you say? Sux to be you!
Now, about your now defunct sig….
You see, you ARE a bigot.
You hate on MOOSLUMS, non-crazy God-believers, non-God-believers, teh GAYZ, uppity women, not to mention Democrats, particularly black and brown and poor Democrats who don’t agree with you – you know, the ones you’re perfectly happy are losing their voting rights due to the works of your allies.
I think it became most clear to me when you displayed both your anti-MOOSLUM fear/hate, and your cackling glee about torture, regarding the younger Tsarnaev brother.
We dissected your rambling, spit-flecked hate-posts way back then, and I think that’s when I labeled you “puddibigot”…which as obviously stuck, and stung, given your sig…
Every time you used that, you reminded everyone that you indeed are a bigot. And the clumsy, wheedling denial/excuse? That only added to the picture of you desperately explaining your moral failings – mostly to yourself – somewhere deep down inside, grasping at some anonymous words you claim to remember from someone you disagreed with way back when – as if that justified the rancid hate you constantly spew.
It was really pathetic. And transparent.
I was beginning to wince every time I saw a post of yours, because you looked like more of a pathetic, lost fool than just your writing could convey. There was something deeply sad about what you were doing, made all the more so by your utter obliviousness.
Like I’ve said before, stupid and nasty is no way to go through life. Unfortunately, changing your sig line is only covering up what we all know is there, deep inside – you’re just back in the hate closet.
So…deconstructing the rest of that rant @80 might take all day…
-Ben Carson
-Howard Dean/Death Panels
-Gun Failure/Republican gun fetish/culture
-puddibigot appropriating words he doesn’t understand
and finally…
-WATB whining victimhood:
Oh, and lest we forget…PENGUINS!
I love when the burbling incoherence gets to the fact, and it often does, that puddibigot is a Young Earth Creationist. You know, the nuts (like Ben Carson) who think that the Earth (and entire Universe) was created 6000 years ago, in 6 literal days, based on the 18th century writings of some Irish bishop “analyzing” the words in the Bible – that compendium of bronze-age tribal wisdom.
Nothing quite captures, for me anyway, puddibigot’s ability to tune out facts and rational analysis than the fact that he believes this lunacy. Fossils were placed where they are by God (or the Devil) just to confuse and tempt us….Adam and Eve cavorted with Triceratops (apparently while the Bibul was being written)…Noah had two velociraptors, along with two Emperor penguins and two of everything else, on his Ark.
That how “Penguins” becomes shorthand for this whole hot mess of delusion and magical thinking…and it really seems to piss off the puddibigot (BONUS!).
But delusion and magical (or errant) thinking is what the puddibigot is all about…it undergirds everything he writes on these threads…all the regurgitated Teahaddist fever swamp propaganda that he posts here, the gullible belief in Breitbart and WND and the Washington Times and all the other fantastic sources for the voices coming through his dental fillings…
…and so we have PENGUINS!
It would surprise me not in the least if Piddles pulls a gold leaf embossed copy of “Who’s Who Among American High School Students” to prove to guests that he was a somebody once.
I bet he got all excited the first time he saw his name in the phone book. You can’t buy that sort of publicity.
People may even love him on Yelp.
And schmucko-moron claims Puddy is all wound up? Puddy posts against all HA DUMMOCRETINS. schmucko-moron tries and fails in its attack on Puddy.
You brought up Penguins schmucko-moron, not Puddy. Did you forget that as Roger SENILE and DUMB LUNATIC Wabbit does all the time? Puddy reminds everyone how it’s your fall back position. Penguins!
Wait for the next schmucko-moron installment on Penguins coming to a HA DUMMOCRETIN thread soon.
BTW schmucko-moron… Dr Ben Carson is somebody. You are a NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBODY. Deal with it.
Oh checkmate… didn’t Freud on say you project those things you once acted upon. So you were a
What year? Did you make national honor roll society? Was your name printed in the newspaper?
Wow, who knew with your posting skill set? Or, did that mack truck facial scramble those brains in later life? You’ve been fooling the world for years!
The puddibigot comes back with a devastating “I’m rubber, you’re glue…” retort.
…and yes, BTW, I did come up with PENGUINS!
It’s shorthand – and cute! – for your inability to answer the question as to how Noah or God got them from Antarctica, to Mesopotamia for the cruise, and back home again to the ice floes. It illustrates in one quick and easy and memorable taunt all the raving lunacy and magical thinking and Sky Daddy worship you engage in, rather than critical and rational analysis, in reaching your nasty and bigoted talking points.
Thank you for bringing it up again and again and again….
There you go again…that White Goodman schtick you have down so well….Touche!
Allright Piddles I’ll play along.
Answers: I have no idea, I didn’t send in the card saying I could have the book with my name in it for $29.99, Yes, and many many times.
As usual, you didn’t get the joke. It was a touch too intellectual for you to grasp.
I’m sure you bring up in conversation the national honor roll a lot and miss the subtle eye-rolls usually reserved for 40-somethings as they tell of the glorious day they rushed for 180 yards and two touchdowns against the rival high school.
Penguins didn’t exist at the time of Noah’s cruise, they were introduced more recently from the planet Kolab.
Joke? There was no joke there. Direct attack by you upon Puddy. Never fails! That’s a time worn screed by your kind. When trapped… Go Jon Lovitz… “Yeah, That’s The Ticket!”
Nope you dope… We were poor so I got a job in high school!
If you remember, does schmucko-moron ever remember… Puddy wrote Puddy didn’t care because God can do anything. God created Adam from the dust of the ground. God spoke and BANG it happened!
Besides schmucko-moron… Puddy’s arms are way to short to box with GOD. You go ahead and do that!
@91 vs @97
So you were bragging about things that you admit you were too poor to accomplish an hour later?
You really need to keep your act straight. They have improve classes for what you do here. One of the things they teach is how to remember what you’ve said previously as the scene moves along.
Out come the fairy tales….next we’ll hear about God coming in “Clouds O’Glory ™” to smite all of us heathens and atheists.