– I like most of these ideas for Revenue-Positive Policy Changes Made Politically Possible By Low-Income ORCA. I’m not sure about 4, although it would probably quicken up the tunnel.
– There is a long space between good and better than the Ferguson PD
– On the one hand, the airlines throwing everything against the wall and generally being assholes is pretty much par for the course. On the other hand, what a bunch of assholes.
– You can’t just arrest people for being dipshits who don’t understand the law they were opposed to.
– They haven’t even taken back the reigns of the Senate, and already the GOP can’t help but look at a government shutdown.
– Congrats to the European Space Agency.
– Kirk Cameron seems neat
The GOP is looking to shut down the government the same way the GOP is looking to impeach the president.
(AllPolitics, December 20) — In the wake of the House of Representatives’ approval of two articles of impeachment, Bill Clinton’s approval rating has jumped 10 points to 73 percent, the latest CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll shows.
That’s not only an all-time high for Clinton, it also beats the highest approval rating President Ronald Reagan ever had.
At the same time, the number of Americans with an unfavorable view of the Republican Party has jumped 10 points; less than a third of the country now has a favorable view of the GOP.
A lesson learned is a lesson learned, even by knuckle-dragging Neanderthals.
Obama will have to do something else to improve his poll numbers, and issuing a veto to a Congress-passed budget bill (one that might even be bipartisan), in the process causing a shutdown, probably won’t be the way to accomplish that.
Which is not to say that he would not try.
If one woke up one morning and found that Hell had frozen over, pigs had begun flying, the GOP took over the Senate, and
Paseo had closed
where would one go instead for a good Cuban sandwich?
Were the Paseo owners cheep labor libtard DUMMOCRETINS mistreating Mexican workers?
Where is the hue and cry over HA DUMMOCRETINS screaming bloody murder on this?
What does the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat thnk about this?
Meanwhile one of Da Perfessa’s favrit British libtards is John Oliver. While national DUMMOCRETINS fretted over the house and the senate… Oliver said DUMMOCRETINS missed the big picture, state legislatures. More governorships and state legislatures in 2015!!!!!
DAYUM this is funny http://www.nationaljournal.com.....s-20141112
PuddyCommentary: Ron, not Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbats! They lap up the funky chunky liquids of anything progressive no matter how vile it really is.
Remember, Jonathan Gruber has never worked in the real world one day of his life. Libtards “know” what is good for the plebes. Gruber and gang had to lie because the American people are too stooooooooooopid and to keep the libtard media in bed with Obummer’s sadministration. In reality the libtard DUMMOCRETIN msm are stooooooooooooopid too!
Sux to be a DUMMOCRETIN pleading this in front of the SCOTUS next spring!
New rates for Obamacare coverage beginning January 1 should be available when enrollment begins, November 15th.
Bet Mary Landrieu can’t wait.
I do not think it means what you think it means.
“Si se puede!” Landrieu said Wednesday while pushing for the pipeline on the Senate floor, re-purposing another bit of progressive politics (this time from the United Farmworkers) in service of a project that’s not very popular with the left.
On the other hand, nice to see that one Senate seat has already flipped.
Bob. how’s your solar enegy system working? Saving any money or are you till planting trees the more laborous way?
Bob. how’s your solar enegy system working? Saving any money or are you till planting trees the more laborous way?
Teabagger, howdy.
Solar working just fine. 5000 kWh in 16 months.
You will love this: Apparently since it was acquired and paid for under my solely-owned LLC, which holds the building, rather than as an asset owned by me as an individual, I cannot take the 30% federal credit now. It sits on the balance sheet, tantalizingly, until I sell the building.
IOW I shoulda found out what was in it before I voted for it.
Headline du jour:
George W. Bush Says Bill Clinton Is His ‘Brother From Another Mother’
Lick Bush.
Now that Democrats have agreed to approve Keystone XL, economists are saying the pipeline isn’t viable and analysts aren’t saying it probably won’t be built, thanks to falling oil prices that make the oil it was meant to carry costlier to produce than it would sell for.
This isn’t the first time Republican oil and gas economics have been caught out to lunch: “The situation is broadly similar to that faced by an earlier proposal to build a natural-gas pipeline from Alaska to the Midwest …. After being approved by then-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in 2007, the pipeline was never built, because newly discovered supplies of gas in the Lower 48 states pushed gas prices down by about two-thirds.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maybe it’s time for TransCanada, the owner/operator of Keystone XL, to thank the Democrats for saving them from building an expensive white elephant?
Different Loretta Lynch.
Different Gruber.
verb, intransitive
1. to make incorrect predictions with great confidence: Dude, you really grubered that one, didn’t you?
2. to swing and miss; to strike out: I like Manny Ramirez, but he grubers so much.
grubered [past tense], grubering [present participle].
1. one who errs, but does not repent: Sir, you promised there would be an iPod Touch with a camera, and you’re not even sorry — what a gruber!
2. an asshat who blames others for his mistakes; a dicknose: Buddy, you are such a gruber.
gruberly [adjective]
1. being similar to or resembling a gruber
The filter doesn’t like it when you post too many links even they are to within HA.. So this will be in several parts:
From the 11/11 open thread:
Yes you did! You ran away like you always do to a new thread when you’re caught with your pants down pulling shit from your incontinent ass..
Once again YOU ASKED [barked ugly orders] FOR THIS…
Now regarding the tax argument… still waiting for the “brief”. Where is it moonbat? PROVE IT!
Here it is is again:
Now answer this you dumbass coward: what is in SECTION II of the argument?
But we know you won’t answer the question because you’re a frightened troll who can’t admit he makes shit up.
And remember you said this:
Obummer sadministration claimed it was a mandate not a tax when they pled their case. It was Roberts who made it a tax.
and when you read the transcript Verrilli offers it as a tax in front of the court because he’s forced to.
Anyone need any clearer proof of a klownservative pulling stuff from their ass???
Imagine that – a Solicitor General “forced” to offer the tax argument for the ACA’s individual mandate after writing a brief to the SCOTUS making the same argument – only from the mind of a klownservative idiot.
So klownservative village idiot troll?? How’s that brief you asked for working out for you?
Today, Nancy Pelosi claimed she has no clue whom noted MIT health care economist Jonathan Gruber is…
Y’all can find noted MIT health care economist Jonathan Gruber original ANALyses here… all over this web page… SWEEEEEEEEET… Once again Nancy Pelosi is proving she a moron. http://www.democraticleader.go.....-premiums/
BOUUUUYEAH… Even the NY SLimes claimed he was the architect…
Y’all can read about the architect here… http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03.....1& You’ll learn the Obummer’s whitey house sent him to Pelosi and Baucus to help Congressional staff members draft the specifics of the legislation… So that’s where the tortured language came from… http://www.c-span.org/video/?c.....r-analysis: “I don’t know if you have seen Jonathan Gruber from MIT’s analysis” Oopsie… Nancy Pelosi thinks Real Americans are dumb and need to be lied to!
Now the Slimes is trying to downplay Gruber too today… Butt, putting four or more links puts the comment into never never land if you are a Conservative. Don’t you libtard DUMMOCRETINS realize the Internet carries all the info forever?
low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat @ 14-16
Remember a libtard DUMMOCRETIN named you:
mono·ma·nia·cal – pathological obsession, psychoneurotic, neurotic – affected with emotional disorder
Why? Because they identified you as whack, gone off the deep end, no contact with reality, demented, feckless, crazy, touched by stoooooooooopidity, infected by the stoooooooooooopid virus!
I G N O R E D! Butt you keep on ranting… no one is listening!
Sux to be you low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat!
Awwww poor Bob. All is not well in Galtian paradise.. I thought Randians did their homework before making a business decision..
Just picture Ronnie Raygun’s ugly smiley mug on your dorm or frat house wall as you “tear those panels down..”
Old panels might not add as much value to a building as you might expect when it comes times to sell but there are always greater fools out there. Take heart.
@18 Like I thought.. A coward..
This fracking thing is a bubble that will burst and might take down the economy with it.. Last I looked no producer is making any money and the bubble is running out of greater fools to keep the ponzi scheme going. And how much investment was made in plants and equipment for secondary products (power, plastics, fertilizer, etc) – all based on the good times that the new gas and oil would bring?
It’s all going to go down the tubes.. The new production has forced the oil and gas prices down, the wells are very costly to produce, run dry very fast, the environmental cost is disastrous..
Maybe this is why the klownservatives in Congress are so desperate to give more feckless tax breaks to oil and gas producers which they call “jobs bills” (on top of the existing ones) – it’s all to keep the party going for just a bit longer. But like the housing bubble it’s doomed to pop eventually.
Prices for oil and gas can only go back up again. They are finite resources that have been on the cusp of global peak production for a long time. But I’m thinking it’s going to be a while before we see higher prices if the economy is forced into recession first.. The rest of the world is already ahead of us on that one. Been good for the greenback and prices at the pump.
Oh no… the libtard racism theorem explodes… http://dailycaller.com/2014/11.....ourselves/
Once again hotair.com nails it about the libtard DUMMOCRETIN media… http://hotair.com/archives/201.....nd-gruber/
You can call Puddy a coward all you want for identifying your traits… Here are they again…
Remember a libtard DUMMOCRETIN named you:
mono·ma·nia·cal – pathological obsession, psychoneurotic, neurotic – affected with emotional disorder
Why? Because they identified you as whack, gone off the deep end, no contact with reality, demented, feckless, crazy, touched by stoooooooooopidity, infected by the stoooooooooooopid virus!
I G N O R E D! Butt you keep on ranting… no one is listening!
Sux to be you low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat!
Yawwwn. There he goes again.. Talking about his lonesome..
The old word for it is “projection”..
This is one sad, sad troll. Been fun, l8r..
Search the crazed databaze and prove to all someone called Puddy monomaniacal.
YOU CAN’T FIND IT! There is no projection. You are nutz low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat!
Sux to be you low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat!
@17 Who gives a damn about Gruber? Besides you, I mean. He’s irrelevant. (Hint: So are you.)
Gruber will kill ObummerCare…
I enjoyed Paseo many times. Too bad the owner seems to be an asshole. Had I found out about the wage theft lawsuit while they were still open I’d have headed for Mr. Gyro (owned by really nice Palestinians) or Martino’s or Senor Moose or
Why not in America?
RE: Gun nuts at the Capital
Maybe people should retire tyranny from their vocabulary. And which tyrant’s boots would be licked? Since this is an initiative, demonstrating at the Capitol and trying to lick the boots of people who didn’t pass or sign legislation? Perhaps they should lick the boots of the near 60% who voted for the measure, all 1,193,360 so far they are all tyrants?
Tyranny (n.) /ˈtirənē/ – Putting an idea you don’t like to a vote of the public who by an overwhelming majority disagree with you.
@10 sounds like a small system….my system already generated 1693 Kw in 4 months. Starting July thru today. With the last month being the worst because of many cloudy days. And I only paid $6000 to lease for 20 years, inlcuding installation costs.
Sounds like todays solar panels are more efficient then when you installed yours.
More on Paseo.
Now that they are out of a job there doesn’t seem to be motive for ex employees to ‘cover’ for the boss. It’s possible that the place had just run it’s course and pouring capital into opening a second location sometimes kills them both. The second Paseo wasn’t a high traffic area or a destination for people to go on the way to other parts of Ballard. That and a lawsuit may have killed it off.
@ 32
Enjoy your system. Yours is 12 months newer than mine.
I am happy with what I have – 3.3 kW.
@34 I have 3kw sustem
Puffy my republican friend is probably going to be pretty unhappy about losing ACA. He retired early and was in wife’s insurance for a while and the only reason why she continued to work, up untill when they were able to get themselves some obamacare. He raved about, she retired. It’s only fitting she has to go back to work. Wait till people start getting hassled again they we be crying for obamacare. Can’t wait till it is repealed and dismantled, republicans will take a hit. People are stupid!
If Republicans are going to have a long shelf life they will have to come up with useful substitutes to ObummerCare without tortured language!
Sooooooooo, the latest Gruber video claims Ted Kennedy financed RomneyCare to the bill of $400,000,000 per year. HA DUMMOCRETINS like the monomaniacal moronic moonbat claimed it would be a winner. Claims it’s a winner. So now we know ObummerCare WILL BE A BIG BUDGET LOSER (more debt) after all!
Hey IDIOT Wabbit,
If the Senate DUMMOCRETINS hadn’t blocked the Keystone Pipeline since 2009, it would be partially or fully built and operational by now.
DUMMOCRETIN malfeasance at it’s best! Waytogo libtardos!
DUMMOCRETINS are scum! People woke up last week!
Long ago, I looked at the ONE and ONLY “crazed databaze” in the history of these comment threads and definitely saw evidence of YOU being mono-maniacally deranged..
Not to mention split personality.. Witness the cooing back and forth between you and your sockpuppet MWS.
Damn, it sux to be you fool. Just more projection, another nail in your idiot coffin.
Thanks for playing..
Went to Paseo once. It was pretty good. Didn’t care much for the oversized grilled onion on the sandwich. The long lines and not so convenient location were more marks against.
But definitely wanted to try more things on the menu..
Oh well – one less scumbag to steal wages from workers. Good riddance.
All can see #40 is more EPIC FAYLE proof the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat is squawking from a position of lunacy! Notice there is nothing in the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat crazed databaze about Puddy being monomaniacal.
YOU CAN’T FIND IT! There is no projection. You are nutz low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat!
Remember a libtard DUMMOCRETIN named you:
mono·ma·nia·cal – pathological obsession, psychoneurotic, neurotic – affected with emotional disorder They identified you as whack, gone off the deep end, no contact with reality, demented, feckless, crazy, touched by stoooooooooopidity, clueless, insipid, and infected by the stoooooooooooopid virus!
Butt you keep on ranting… So sad to be I G N O R E D; no DUMMOCRETIN cares what you enter!
More EPIC FAYLE from the crazed databaze! EPIC FAYLE 203 and counting. P A T H E T I C!
Your so called nails popped out again! No one came to your help AT ALL! It really sux to be you. Your fellow DUMMOCRETINS ignore the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat 24x7x365!
Sux to be the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat!
Menawhile Obummer has fired another 9 generals who don’t kiss his ASS! http://conservativetribune.com.....erals-why/
PuddyCommentary: Disagree with the won and you are purged! And…
Oh my!
@39 thanks!
State Patrol Spokesman about 594 rally/transfer baiting exercise planned – “We don’t see handing a weapon to someone else as a violation of the law,” Calkins said. “We don’t see that as a transfer.”
Doesn’t mean that the initiative, as written, could be construed the way anti-594’ers are saying. Just like that not-used vulnerable users law just shows that the police are fine with bicyclists being meat-based speed bumps…. no reason to believe it wasn’t an accident.
@37. Millions of people will be dead before that happens. You think everyone on obamacare are lazy democrats? There will be many upset republicans, who deserve nothing better than to lose their healthcare plan. Good luck with repeal an plan, if there was a plan why aren’t they talking about a plan. They have no plan. Their plan is Obamacare.
Without verification to the validity of what you are saying. But republicans are no different. What’s your stupid point. You just one big fucking whiner?
Almost 6 million lost their doctors and their plans due to ObummerCare after Nov 1, 2013. What do you say to them?
DIdn’t Puddy tell you DUMMOCRETINS are scum… Here’s proof. Remember all the brouhaha over Tammy Duckworth? Pelosi is real SCUM! It’s all about politics! http://www.nationaljournal.com.....h-20141113
Net Neutrality Poll… Of course this goes against DUMMOCRETIN thought!!! http://www.rasmussenreports.co.....e_internet
Meanwhile states are like the federal guvmint… DEFICITS!http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....-reported/
Wow… DUMMOCRETIN led FBI attacking MLK, Jr. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/new.....-King.html
Notice the mentally ill troll @ 42 had another diss associative break..
monomanical: Fanatical, or obsessed with one cause or idea to the exclusion of other concerns.
That’s our village idiot troll… And this is the evidence.
And oh my there’s so much more evidence.. Especially during his “special year” of 2009.. Personal bests for most comments in one hour, one day, one week, one year… And he knows why..
To the exclusion of all else indeed…
Pavlov calls it! This monomaniacal moron does Puddy’s bidding and doesn’t even get it! Butt you keep on ranting… monomaniacally. And you are clueless how stooooooooooooopid you are on this blog.
Has Puddy revisited that post? Does Puddy dwell on that post? You are truly monomaniacal!
Remember a libtard DUMMOCRETIN named you:
mono·ma·nia·cal – pathological obsession, psychoneurotic, neurotic – affected with emotional disorder They identified you as whack, gone off the deep end, no contact with reality, demented, feckless, crazy, touched by stoooooooooopidity, clueless, insipid, and infected by the stoooooooooooopid virus!
So sad to be I G N O R E D; no DUMMOCRETIN cares what you enter!
More EPIC FAYLE from the crazed databaze! EPIC FAYLE 204 and counting. P A T H E T I C!
Sux to be the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat!
Hmmm.. what will HA DUMMOCRETINS think of this? http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....uxnet.html
Did it again!!
Made the troll @ 54’s HEAD EXPLODE!!!
Too simple this fool… sux be be him..
Yep, every time you say “crazed databaze” you are referring to that post.. And you’ve said “crazed databaze” MANY MANY TIMES..
That post was crazed.. What motivated that post? Craziness pure and simple.. It’s an enemies list.
Anything I did was way more constructive. I produced working code that collects, quantifies and analyzes troll madness and obsession. Had a lot of fun with it. Laughed a lot and learned a lot and not just about the trolls here.
What have you gotten out of compiling your enemies list, your “crazed databaze”?
Stupid hammers that you claim are proof of creationism?
Non existent Chinese oil wells in Cuban waters “slant drilling” our oil??
Nothing but a pile of nothing.. Sux to be you..
Fascinating. Do you ever think about history or just make it up as you go along?
J. Edgar Hoover, appointed Acting Director of FBI during the Coolidge (Republican) Administration. Appointed full Director of FBI during the Coolidge (Republican) administration. Served the next nine years under Coolidge/Hoover (Republican) administrations, served the next 20 years under Roosevelt/Truman (Democratic) administrations and Truman openly considered dismissing him, served eight years for the Eisenhower (Republican) administration, serves three years under the Kennedy (Democratic) administration which openly considered dismissing him and before the first full year of the Johnson (Democratic) administration personally it would seem writes the letter that you are rightfully upset about.
Yep, that was a Democratic FBI under Hoover I guess.
@55 So now you’re in favor of letting Iran get nuclear weapons? Figures. That’s your speed.
@59 he doesn’t know what he wants. All he does is piss in the wind. One hypocritical schizophrenic Ape.
IDIOT Wabbit,
Where and when has Puddy EVER approved Iran getting nuclear weapons? More of your insipid inferred word sophistry. EPIC FAYLE! Always speaking from your ASS! Puddy supports Israel you nut! Israel is AGAINST Iran acquiring nuclear weapons.
You and your ilk support Obummer! Obummer has been trying to make some secret deal with the Ayatollahs. Now that Republicans have the senate things are a changing!
That clears the air perfectly!
Sux to be you!
Where is the link to your “knowledge”? Or just another of your standard hijacks without attribution. Plagiarism is your game. No link… no proof! Being a DUMMOCRETIN allows you to put anything up on the thread without worries.
Hoover did his dirty work against MLK, JR during two DUMMOCRETIN sadministrations. Are you telling Puddy that Kennedy and Johnson could not reign in the FBI?
Do tell!
More blustering from your ASS!
Psych 101 Projection from low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat! The low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat head exploded from the 2009 link above. Pavlov called it. Bark low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat, bark! You run to the crazed databaze on command! Each entry is another EPIC FAYLE!
It’s the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat who runs to the crazed databaze when the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat loses in each thread. 204 direct argument losses and counting. That’s why you were called monomaniacal by someone on your political aisle (read another DUMMOCRETIN). You keep harping on the same thing over and over and over and over. No one has come to your aid yet!
mono·ma·nia·cal – pathological obsession, psychoneurotic, neurotic – diseased person, sick person, sufferer – a person suffering from an illness – affected with emotional disorder – an inordinate or obsessive zeal for or interest in a single thing, idea, subject, or the like. They identified you as whack, gone off the deep end, no contact with reality, demented, feckless, crazy, touched by stoooooooooopidity, clueless, insipid, and infected by the stoooooooooooopid virus!
Did the empty tea bag with the puffed butt fart again?
Wow very smelly!
@48. Nobody lost their healthcare plans. You don’t lose your plan if it is replaced with another plan offered. And those that had to change their plan got more comprehensive coverage. That is just you playing politics. I think if 6 million people lost their healthcare, without replacing with another plan, we’d hear more about it. Send me a link that show 6 million lost their plan without being offered another plan, aka Obamacare.
Their is no Republican plan to provide good healthcare for all.
@64 that smell you smell is your wife.
Hey Suckers,
Here is what the Democrat Party think of you:
DAYUM, interesting tool… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/fem.....acker.html
Moron @ 66,
You are too moronic to understand this; I love the smell of my wife!
What a feckless worthless useless tool!
Empty suit @ 65, walking with a chafed butt
What a moron you are. If the “offered plan” does not offer what you previously had, takes away the doctor you knew for years, and costs a hell of a lot more for less coverage, you LOST YOUR PLAN! Sheesh you are as stooooooooooopid as the crazed databaze deala!
Karma is lacking in this one!
Oh my another Jonathan Gruber quote!
Really? J. Edgar Hoover. Kind of famous historical figure? A guy about whom volumes have been written about his secret dossiers on ‘enemies’? The FBI director whose abuse of power is well known by anyone who is even slightly curious about history? You require links?
You’re that ignorant about 20th century America?
Links won’t really cut it. I suggest you read a book.
Hmmm… checkmate offers…
Nuthin for the 3rd link…
Soooooooooooooooo you put forth a whole bunch of sentences and still no attribution. You made these “claims” checkmate. Those links prove nuthin…
Sux to be checkmated again!
Oh Piddles..no wonder you have the intellect of a pre-teen. You think reading an online review of a book is the same as reading the book. I bet your personal bookshelf is 17 different translations of the bible, no original text naturally, and 50 dog eared cliff notes yellow booklets.
“we want no Gestapo or secret police. The FBI is trending in that direction. They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail. J. Edgar Hoover would give his right eye to take over, and all congressmen and senators are afraid of him”. Harry S. Truman.
That quote is pretty famous. I’m not fond of it as it is cited by paranoid conspiracy theorists a little too often but there it is.
The guy you’re trying to defend…Hoover started surveillance and trying to discredit King after the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955. Eisenhower (r) administration. Ever hear of Cointelpro? Sad sad little man you are Piddles. So sure of your convictions, so lacking in knowledge.
After having spent many flicks of the finger scrolling thru all the posts by puddy I have come to believe that instead of being an asinine troll, puddy is instead just employing Cunningham’s Law trying to get at the truth. At least that is what I would like to think, the former being so much more depressing than the latter.
@73 You humans are strange. Your psyches demonstrate an inverse relationship between knowledge and conviction; to wit, the more ignorant a member of your species is, the most sure of his beliefs he is. Very strange. How did you survive long enough to become the dominant species? There must be a few capable members of your species who are protecting the rest from their own folly. I believe you call them “liberals.”
There goes checkmate making wild ASSed accusations. You offered those links as RESPONSE to Puddy’s request. You then try to change the tune and claim Puddy this, Puddy that, Puddy the other.
Now you are claiming Puddy is DEFENDING Hoover? Prove it!
Time and Date?
HA DUMMOCRETIN blog entry?
You lost the argument of no atribution, just another plagiaristic hijack of sentences with no sources! You are as crazy as the empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt. Hoover was scum, just like you are today!
Where are the links or book hijacks to post #58.
Put up or STCU. It really sux to be you!
Puddy posts truths from all web sites. DUMOCRETINS are scum. They can’t tell the truth!
@77 the only problem is that Republicans are worse than scum – they are ISIS.
@78 Where do Republicans advocate their political opponents be shut up?
Did the Republicans use the IRS against DUMMOCRETIN progressives like Obummer and Senate DUMMOCRETINS did against Tea Party groups?
Well you blamed the threatening letter that Hoover personal wrote on a ‘Democrat FBI’ rather than the 30 years on the job FBI director who actually wrote the letter and has a historical record of illegal and abusive tactics.
So yeah, I’m comfortable saying you’re defending Hoover.
Now go stomp you’re feet in some other corner of the internet and say, “Did not…DID Not…DID NOT…DID NOT!”
Sorry klownservatives, one less witchhunt off your list:
For you asking for something to back up something I posted, I deliver and you run away..
A person of integrity would “concede”.. Admit he or she was wrong not to mention made shit up.
You couldn’t do that. You’re a coward. NO BALLS!!!
Posts yet more Betsy the loon McCaughey crap.. Can I get a side order of discredited hack Avik Roy with that??
checkmate, checkmate, checkmate,
Changing the subject as you always do when opponents foot meets checkmate ASS!
There you ago again… Puddy wrote Hoover created the letter during a DUMMOCRETIN administration. You don’t think RFK as Atty General didn’t know about it?
Sheeeeesh you are moronic!
Still waiting for those original links to #58.
Sux to be you!
Let’s see about the monomaniacal moronic moonbat…
You asked if others could open a link in at least two different threads. No takers whatsoever. Now you are still at it days later!
mono·ma·nia·cal – pathological obsession, psychoneurotic, neurotic – diseased person, sick person, sufferer – a person suffering from an illness – affected with emotional disorder – an inordinate or obsessive zeal for or interest in a single thing, idea, subject, or the like. They identified you as whack, gone off the deep end, no contact with reality, demented, feckless, crazy, touched by stoooooooooopidity, clueless, insipid, and infected by the stoooooooooooopid virus!
Sux to be you!
@ 81
YLB, remember when post-bailout Chrysler crowed that it had paid back loans? Then we learned that they paid them back with money they had received as replacement loans?
Did this:
World’s largest solar plant applying for federal grant to pay off federal loan
get included in the DOE’s numbers? Was money granted or loaned to the projects used to pad the moneys ‘paid back’ to the government, similar to what Chrysler tried to pull?
Do you have any idea, YLB?
@84 I was able to open the link and read the PDF just fine.
Yes the libtard mind is a strange thing. Puddy been having a hard time explaining truths to HA DUMMOCRETINS since 2005… Jonathan Gruber explains it. DUMMOCRETINS are stoooooooooooopid! http://www.nationalreview.com/.....rich-lowry
So here’s what we know now…
1) According to the CBO, the newest ObummerCare cost projections over the next 10 years has crossed $1.4 Trillion. Butt Obummer promised everyone with keeping your healthcare plan and your doctor in 2009 and ObummerCare would cost less than $1 trillion over 10 years. Liar… – liar, liar! ObummerCare added 20+ new taxes totaling over $500 billion. Butt you had to pass the bill before you could find this out!
2) ObummerCare adds 159 new boards and guvmint agencies. Even Howard Dean admitted Sarah Palin was right, there are death panels (Independent Payment Advisory Board) in ObummerCare. Butt that’s not onerous per DUMMOCRETINS… “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help” – Ronald Reagan
3) Many poorly running and screwed-up state exchanges with high deductible ObummerCare policies, narrow ObummerCare doctor choices (you can’t keep your doctor after all?), with only 14 states running exchanges butt the feds are giving away subsidies even though Gruber told everyone it’s not supposed to. SCOTUS gonna review this next year! John Roberts was called stooooooooooopid. Yeah, that’s the ticket!
Thank you DUMMOCRETIN Professor Jonathan Gruber! DUMMOCRETINS are stoooooooooopid! That’s why they voted for the law!
In 2015 something magical is happening multiple times.
This year, the penalty is $95 per person or 1% of income. Next year, the penalty will be $325 per person or 2% of income, whichever is higher because ObummerCare has to make up for the lost revenue from UNION cadillac health policies. If you don’t pay they will take it out of your 2014 tax refund you hope to get in 2015.
Next ObummerCare rates are gonna rise immensely http://news.investors.com/poli.....NewsLatest
Butt that’s okay for HA DUMMOCRETINS because ObummerCare is progressive! The lowest priced catastrophic policy will climb 18 percent on average. Yes HA DUMMOCRETINS are cheering right now.
And last butt not least is the employer mandate which will affect between 25-60 Million more American peeps so they can offer health care to illegal aliens. http://www.washingtontimes.com.....ve-citize/
FACTS, things that make DUMMOCRETIN cringe!
@86, where was your voice until Puddy forced your hand? What did the link say? What was the link about?
Soooooooooooooooooo Obummer lied about RomneyCare being the basis for Obummercare… http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/.....an-gruber/ Ted Kennedy got Massachusetts a yearly slushy fund of $400,000,000 to fund the healthcare of the uninsured in MA through RomneyCare. No wonder ObummerCare is now costing $1.4+ Trillion and climbing! That’s why your premiums and deductibles are so high in these “plans”! That’s why ObummerCare taxes your insurance company (per Gruber which you are too stoooooooooooooopid economically to comprehend), which then passes on the cost to you!
Sux to be a stoooooooooooooopid DUMMOCRETIN!
Thanks for proving Puddy is well read on this blog!
@88 I waited because it would be much funnier if you howled about it for a couple of days first.
I hope you aren’t straining yourself, what with all those heavy goalposts you are moving around!
It was a brief to the Supreme Court, filed by the government (the Department of Health and Human Services), making the argument that the individual mandate is a tax. Here’s a link to the same file from the Big Court itself:
You had said “It was Roberts who made it a tax.” YLB disagreed and proved it. You were wrong and YLB was right. It’s OK. I know you won’t look at the PDF. Why not head outside, rest your back, and enjoy the nice clear weather we’ve been having?
@90 “Well read” in the sense that the funnies are the most read section in the Sunday paper, absolutely.
Ummm… Puddy asked the monomaniacal moronic moonbat about this hijack from the LA Times…
Not found in your “offered” document. That’s Puddy’s argument. What the monomaniacal moronic moonbat put up in the LA Times is not in your “link” Soooooooooo, that’s not the original brief.
Puddy not straining at all. Goalposts… Only in your mind. Still waiting…
Thanks for playing.
Regarding well read, remember all you DUMMOCRETINS claim you don’t read Puddy. Well it seems Puddy is well read. And since you call it comix relief, FACTS are comedy to DUMMOCRETINS such as yourself. Butt, tonight your comedy returns in the Friday Night Comix.
How Police Departments are operated in Conservative states.
No surprises here. The GOP and the modern American Conservative only believe in business and that includes that of law enforcement. As they consider Law Enforcement organizations to be just another form of business, the primary purpose of the industry should be to pay the salaries of their own staff, and the ancillary systems dependent on it while generating a surplus of funds to the parent organization such as a City or County or State government to be distributed around the individual members of the managing bureaucracy.
It’s all about the money. Rape investigations are not nearly as profitable as traffic tickets, drug busts and such where large fines and extrajudicial confiscation of valuable property are the real goals.
It must be nice to live in a national-corporatist paradise like New Orleans. Perhaps our resident schizophreniac fucktard should move there. He certainly hates this State with a rabid, spittle-flecked passion. Besides, there is a large population of his own kind, so to speak.
On CNN today Jay Carney admitted Jonathan Gruber was the economic architect of ObummerCare… Jay Carney would know… Official Obummer Sadministration mouthpiece then!
See ya. Thanks for Playing IDIOT Wabbit!
Ahhh the idiot racist deadtoad @ 94 provides a useless link. And it’s very misleading what the racist deadtoad offers!
@95 You really should see a psychiatrist about your Gruber obsession.
I see Don Blankenship got indicted. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. hahahahaha
Is there some way to just block the comments of the resident dumbass?
Blankenship is probably the most surprised guy in the house: “What? Workers? Who fucking care about THEM!!!! What about MEEEEEEEE?????”
@96 and @97. And while your at it talk to the shrink about you obsession with pulling the race card. Have another banana you ape. You upset because It’s no longer watermelon season.
Always calling someone a racist, coming from the biggest bigot. Funny.
re 99 — I second that demotion. Apologies to the Smokester.
I have simply been ignoring puddy’s posts. When I see his little round head icon, I just skip to the next post. It’s much more pleasant. There is no point in engaging him, he just lies and ignores facts and logic. Worst, he’s a terrible example of a christian and gives real Christians a bad name.
@103 Conservatives aren’t real Christians. They just use their churches for networking. They like to scam each other.
Hey Suckers,
Get a load of what Joe Biden thinks of you:
@105 It’s worse on the GOP side. They think we’re their slaves.
Hey Suckers,
Here is more proof that you really are suckers. No wonder Democrats call you stupid
Hey dummy.
“I was called middle class Joe which in Washington…means you’re not sophisticated.”
Other people say middle class is unsophisticated.
Another translation, people call me “Middle class joe” as some sort of insult.
Are you really stupid or just playing stupid? Wait dumb question. You’re stupid.