“the statements, which he previously refused to make public, raise more questions about how Rubio used the card, rather than laying them to rest”
Increased income disparity is the path to American greatness.
“Real estate mogul Donald Trump flatly opposed raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour during Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate, arguing that the country’s wages are already “too high.””
I heard the klowns had a stimulating discussion last night on how best to hold down wage hikes.
LMAO! We’ve been hearing that from our trolls for f’ing YEARS!
Even Rubio, “the billionaire whisperer”, said that wages you can’t fucking live on will hold off the robots!
Holy krap! Rubio and our Boob – separated at birth?????
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
John M. Donnelly, chairman of the National Press Club’s press freedom committee, told the Herald he was puzzled by Click’s actions.
“This kind of thing — worrying that the reporters are not going to tell the story in a friendly way and limiting access, saying, no you can’t take pictures. This is the kind of thing dictators do — not liberal protesters,” he said.
@6 par for the course with Republicans. Just more hypocrisy from the Boob.
Roger Rabbitspews:
When jackasses have guns: Guy purchases cigarets at Walmart, approaches woman in parking lot, and asks her for a light. She pulls a gun on him, which she also points at other shoppers (including kids), and later claims she “feared for her life.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: At least this nutcase has been charged with felony assault, and if she’s convicted she’ll lose her right to possess firearms. But we clearly need a better system for regulating who can or can’t have guns. Gun ownership should be a privilege, not a constitutional right, but the fact we can’t change that doesn’t mean we’re helpless. Even if we can’t limit the right to OWN guns, we can try to enact reasonable regulations on who can CARRY them in public places, with the aim of limiting the packing of heat to the sane, rational, not-overly-impulsive elements of the population. But if we can’t even do that, then yes, let’s prosecute idiots like this woman to the hilt and slap them with felony records so they can’t pack heat anymore. A fringe benefit is they won’t be able to vote anymore, either. My guess is most of these types are Republican voters, if they vote at all.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Mormon’s newly announced discriminatory policy against gay couples is prompting mass resignations from the church.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We already knew you don’t have to be smart to be a radiologist, so this makes perfect sense.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A former Colorado mayor who backed a Ten Comandments monument on public property has been arrested for shoplifting candy. What is it with these religious freaks with sticky fingers?
@3 You’re welcome. I’d do it again. Meanwhile, I consider all those chest-beating, flag-waving, Republican candidates who dodged military service when their turn came up a national embarrassment.
@8 Actually I get a chuckle about the NRA’s stance. It made sense when they were truly a gun safety organization and not overly politicized. Their position has never been that bad people (however you or they define bad people) should have a gun. Just law abiding Americans when the argument that if it’s a right to own a gun then those bad people should be able to own one,
Guns are a tool and they do a specific function. There are some bad people who arguable have a real need for a gun. The laws you enact isn’t going to stop them from obtaining a gun, or even from using one. Ultimately it’s about holding people accountable for their actions. It’s very difficult to convince people that a gun isn’t going to make them safer. Or will make them more secure. There are a lot of myths in our American culture. We probably don’t play Johnny Cash’s “Don’t Take Your Guns to Town” nearly often enough.
We arm our cops in nearly all circumstances. Does the guy directing traffic really need a side arm. Does the cop at the school? Because 3% of all killings are done with automatic weapons then all cops need an automatic weapon or sub machine guns to have more power fire than the bad guys. Just the fact most guns who kill someone are used in a suicide.
Yes guns are a very effective way of committing suicide, though men are more likely to use them for that purpose. Guess old Jeb Bush wouldn’t keep the suicide weapon away from Adolf Hitler or would have put the fun in baby Hitler’s hands or boy Hitler.
Mark Adamsspews:
Yep another Armistice day. Too bad the peace was so badly flawed, and it keeps giving even today.
Willy Vomitspews:
It’s starting to look like much of Ben Carson’s famous book is plagiarized from other people’s work. This is apparently glaring enough so that the Publisher is tentatively talking about pulling it off the shelves.
The funny thing is, that in this book he openly confesses that he plagiarized other peoples work while in college and got caught. Why he wasn’t expelled for that is anyone’s guess.
This guy is just another lying Republican scumbag. We all knew this already, but it’s becoming obvious that the GOP never even bothered itself to verify this guy’s bona fides. I suppose they did, and considered the shit they dug up to be a net positive on their image. So, like Rand Paul and Allen West, he cannot even write his own bullshit. He has to steal it from other people.
How the hell can anyone take him seriously about anything?
Oh, right. He’s a “christian”.
Ima Duncespews:
I retract what I said about Hillary’s plan to reform the VA. She’s adamantly opposed to privatization. That is what I wanted to hear. Or so she says. Now, if only she doesn’t cave to RepubliKKKlans in some sort of “compromise”. We cannot let them destroy our veterans care for the short term profits of the corporatocracy. The same corporatocracy that profits from baseless wars.
Roger Rabbitspews:
You know Benghazi is out of gas when Trump starts griping about Hillary’s hairstyle.
@20 It’s only poor people that are afraid of “spoiling” their children.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Clinton, at least, is offering distressed coal-dependent communities $30 billion of federal assistance. What have Republicans brought to the table besides heated rhetoric? Um, kicking 500,000 people in Kentucky off their health insurance, that’s what. Oh, and by the way, coal’s collapse is most due to fracking and cheap natural gas, not Obama’s policies.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit has lost about $10,000 on coal stocks. Serves him right! That’s what he gets for gambling on an obsolete industry. Capitalists deserve no sympathy for that kind of stupidity.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
How NOT to write an ad. (What were they thinking?)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This ad crossed a lot of desks before it hit print. That’s how the advertising industry works: The creative people come up with an idea, vet it before a committee, the client approves it, etc. (You can view the Hollywood version of this process in “Trains, Planes, and Automobiles.”) In other words, a lot of people failed to put a red check mark on it. What the hell were they thinking? If I were the CEO of Bloomingdale’s, I’d fire my advertising director and shop for a new ad agency, because the blooming fools I’ve got now are incompetent. And a few other things as well.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 Yeah, those poor people feel so entitled! Believe it or not, I actually read that on an investing blog this morning, where the topic of discussion was the minimum wage, by a commenter I’m sure was being perfectly serious. He actually used the words “entitled” and “victim mentality” to describe the fast food workers demonstrating for a higher minimum wage. This from someone who’s doing well enough to own a stock portfolio.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 That’s not the only plagiarized Carson book. He’s a serial plagiarizer.
I wonder if this is the same reason why Kim Davis was lawless (because she followed the role of the GOP Right Wing Fascists).
Teabagged to Deathspews:
@17 I think some “Christians” would take offense to calling Ben Carson a “Christian”.
Sounds like you were being a little sarcastic and therefore the ” “. I know there is probably some thin line of how Christianity or a specific religion is to be followed, but I think what makes the world a free world is to be able to believe in Christianity or a specific religion on how ever you want, and therefore deserves quotations (or any Religion).
Teabagged to Deathspews:
@24 all that demonstrates is that commenter thinks of himself as the victim. He is jealous of all victims, but doesn’t want to be one….he’s in conflict with his own mind.
Jealousy is an emotion that make people do weird things, typically aggressive demonstrable behavior.
Think of Puffy. He’s the victim of Socialism.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
@23 oh yeah but you know she wants it…………just kidding.
@26 What you have there is Mr. Fat Ass using overheated rhetoric to stir up the rubes in hopes they’ll send him twenty-five bucks.
I thought Cruz repeated himself on the Rick Perry test, but I wasn’t sure, and no one mentioned it.
THE FACTS: He flubbed his own list, naming the Commerce Department twice and leaving out one of the agencies he proposes to close, according to his website: the Education Department.
is what a Corporate Lie looks like.
I hope that helps you, going forward.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Goldy @GoldyHA
Media mergers hit public broadcasting: @KPLU selling out to @KUOW. And they pitch this as “good news?”
Hey, wasn’t it good news when you sold out?
Bob now it’s a corporate lie now that CEO and facts don’t agree with your cheap labor ideology?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Here are a couple of facts for you, Better:
Wal-Mart stock price at close of day (2/19) on which the increase in minimum wage was announced:
Wal-Mart stock price at close yesterday:
That’s a drop of more than 25%, Better. By comparison, the S&P 500 index dropped only 1% over the same period.
Given that the bottom has fallen out of the Wal-Mart stock price since the announcement of higher wages, Better, if it WAS working, how the hell would you know?
And if you were an embattled Wal-Mart CEO, isn’t this the spin you’d put on it?
@44 Macy’s stock dropped 14% yesterday, and that had nothing to do with wages. Correlation and causation aren’t the same.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 47
I have no idea.
If I knew several times during the day how well my investments were doing, I probably would be as insecure about them as you are about yours, your bluster notwithstanding, RR.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Add Nordstrom to the list of tanking retailer stocks.
Of course, if you choose not to believe anything CNBC publishes, you can always get investing tips from alternative sources of market insights like Doctor Boob’s comments on HorsesAss.org.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 “I have no idea.”
First honest thing you’ve said today.
Roger Rabbitspews:
You know, Boob, you obviously have a fetish about other people’s wages. The idea of decent wages drives you crazy. I’m curious where that comes from. Do you own a partnership interest in a fast-food outlet or two? Was your great-great-grandfather a slave trader? Just wondering why you hate workers so. Were you one of those trust fund babies raised by Republicans to believe nobody else should be allowed to have anything? You sure don’t believe in paying people to work.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 My stocks dropped almost $7,000 today, and I’m not the least bit insecure about it. In fact, I could lose everything, and I’d still be the same rabbit. My life doesn’t revolve around money. Being a capitalist and robbing Wall Street are just my hobbies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s a news item that will drive Boob wild. A Texas-based restaurant chain is eliminating tipping, raising waitstaff wages to $14 an hour, and increasing prices by 12% – 14% to cover the wage increase. Customers who tipped 15% – 20% will end up paying less. Cheapskates who didn’t tip will pay more. Sorry, Boob.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hamtramck, Michigan, just elected a Muslim-majority city council. It’ll probably be the next Michigan city to be put in receivership by the Republican governor and legislature. Does Hamtramck have anything worth selling to their cronies for two cents on the dollar?
I just learned it’s the Koch brothers that are behind the effort to destroy the VA. And I thought they were disgusting lowlifes before.
Now I can’t even say what I think of them.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 53
I assume you mean Joe’s Crab Shack.
It’s a test and it’s in a small minority of their restaurants – 18 out of 131. None of them are in Texas.
Meanwhile, McDonald’s is doing something IN Texas – it’s testing sweet potato fries.
@56 Who said they’re doing this in Texas? I said the company is based in Texas. Who in Texas pays $14 an hour? Texas is a right-to-work-for-low-wages state.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I can buy sweet potato fries from the frozen foods case of my local supermarket. I tried them, they’re not bad. Probably better for you than all that starch, eh, doc?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 55
I just learned it’s the Koch brothers that are behind the effort to destroy the VA.
Well, the VA higher-ups can’t very well say they’re responsible for their own mess, can they?
It’s too bad Obama couldn’t fire a Koch, and had to can Shinseki’s ass instead.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ben Carson Unveils Immigration Plan
Immigrants like working for U.S. farmers so much he thinks American corporations should set up U.S.-owned farms in their home countries so they’ll want to work there.
@59 I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. When you go marching into other countries by choice, and expect easy victories, you are courting disaster. They didn’t prepare for mass casualties and you can’t expect miracles. I don’t hold the VA responsible. I hold war criminals Bush/Cheney responsible.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 61
Well, Cheney was Defense Secretary once. And I heard GWB43 missed some work when he was in the Guard.
1945 — President Harry Truman accepts the resignation of VA Administrator Frank Hines after a series of news reports detailing shoddy care in VA-run hospitals, according to a 2010 history produced by the Independent Institute.
1946 — The American Legion leads the charge seeking the ouster of VA Administrator Gen. Omar Bradley, citing an ongoing lack of facilities, troubles faced by hundreds of thousands of veterans in getting services and a proposal to limit access to services for some combat veterans, according to the 2010 history.
VA head Gen. Omar Bradley at a congressional hearing in 1945 asking for the creation of VA Medical Corps.
VA head Gen. Omar Bradley at a congressional hearing in 1945 asking for the creation of VA Medical Corps.
1947 — A government commission on reforming government uncovers enormous waste, duplication and inadequate care in the VA system and calls for wholesale changes in the agency’s structure.
1955 — A second government reform commission again finds widespread instances of waste and poor care in the VA system, according to the Independent Institute.
1970s — Veterans grow increasingly frustrated with the VA for failing to better fund treatment and assistance programs, and later to recognize exposure to the herbicide Agent Orange by troops in Vietnam as the cause for numerous medical problems among veterans.
1972 — Vietnam veteran Ron Kovic, the subject of the book and movie, “Born on the Fouth of July,” interrupts Richard Nixon’s GOP presidential nomination acceptance speech, saying, according to his biography, “I’m a Vietnam veteran. I gave America my all, and the leaders of this government threw me and others away to rot in their VA hospitals.”
1974 — Kovic leads a 19-day hunger strike at a federal building in Los Angeles to protest poor treatment of veterans in VA hospitals. He and fellow veterans demand to meet with VA Director Donald Johnson. The embattled director eventually flies to California to meet with the activists, but leaves after they reject his demand to meet in the VA’s office in the building, according to Johnson’s 1999 Los Angeles Times obituary. The ensuing uproar results in widespread criticism of Johnson. A few weeks later, Johnson resigns after President Richard Nixon announces an investigation into VA operations.
1976 — A General Accounting Office investigation into Denver’s VA hospital finds numerous shortcomings in patient care, including veterans whose surgical dressings are rarely changed. The GAO also looked at the New Orleans VA hospital, and found ever-increasing patient loads were contributing to a decline in the quality of care there, as well.
1981 — Veterans camp out in front of the Wadsworth Veterans Medical Center in Los Angeles after the suicide of a former Marine who had rammed the hospital’s lobby with his Jeep and fired shots into the wall after claiming the VA had failed to attend to his service-related disabilities, the New York Times reported at the time.
1982 — Controversial VA director Robert Nimmo, who once described symptoms of exposure to the herbicide Agent Orange during the Vietnam war as little more than “teenage acne,” resigns under pressure from veteran’s groups. Nimmo was criticized for wasteful spending, including use of a chauffeured car and an expensive office redecorating project, according to a 1983 GAO investigation. The same year, the agency issues a report supporting veterans’ claims that the VA had failed to provide them with enough information and assistance about Agent Orange exposure.
1984 — Congressional investigators find evidence that VA officials had diverted or refused to spend more than $40 million that Congress approved to help Vietnam veterans with readjustment problems, the Washington Post reports at the time.
1986 — The VA’s Inspector General’s office finds 93 physicians working for the agency have sanctions against their medical licenses, including suspensions and revocations, according to a 1988 GAO report.
1989 — President Ronald Reagan signs legislation elevating the Veterans Administration to Cabinet status, creating the Department of Veterans Affairs.
1991 — The Chicago Tribune reports that doctors at the VA’s North Chicago hospital sometimes ignored test results, failed to treat patients in a timely manner and conducted unnecessary surgery. The agency later takes responsibility for the deaths of eight patients, leading to the suspension of most surgery at the center, the newspaper reported.
1993 — VA Deputy Undersecretary of Benefits R.J. Vogel testifies to Congress that a growing backlog of appeals from veterans denied benefits is due to a federal court established in 1988 to oversee the claims process, the Washington Post reports. The VA, Vogel tells the lawmakers, is “reeling under this judicial review thing.”
1999 — Lawmakers open an investigation into widespread problems with clinical research procedures at the VA West Los Angeles Healthcare Center. The investigation followed years of problems at the hospital, including ethical violations by hospital researchers that included failing to get consent from some patients before conducting research involving them, according to the Los Angeles Times.
2000 — The GAO finds “substantial problems” with the VA’s handling of research trials involving human subjects.
2001 — Despite a 1995 goal to reduce waiting times for primary care and specialty appointments to less than 30 days, the GAO finds that veterans still often wait more than two months for appointments.
Stupid people want to go into Syria and push the Russians around. Smart people would just watch them wallow in the Syrian mire.
“That’s the logic much of the GOP presidential field has embraced now: If Russia intervenes in Syria and we don’t, then Russia is strong and we’re weak. But you don’t measure a country’s strength by how many bombs it drops, and how many armies it funds, especially when it’s doing so with borrowed money. In the 1970s and 1980s, Russia’s third-world adventures—most disastrously in Afghanistan—drained its treasury, demoralized its people, and hastened its collapse. And its current intervention in Syria, which is already breeding hatred among Sunni Arabs and sparking apparent terrorism against Russian civilians, is unlikely to end well either. Meanwhile, China, America’s foremost competitor for global dominance, avoids entangling itself in far-off civil wars. By contemporary Republican standards, that makes it weak.”
But trust me, Republicans are too stupid to figure this out.
@62 Gee, Bickle, I appreciate your concern. What will my VA health benefits look like after your reforms? Right now, when I visit the Seattle VA campus on Beacon Hill, I can’t find parking within 1/4 mile of the clinic door. Let’s fix the parking situation first, then talk about getting doctor’s appointments, etc.
Ima Duncespews:
@62 I get my care at the VA. I have for more than a decade. It’s been great. So my first hand experience trumps your anecdotes with political motivations for me.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 64
Right now, when I visit the Seattle VA campus on Beacon Hill, I can’t find parking within 1/4 mile of the clinic door. Let’s fix the parking situation first, then talk about getting doctor’s appointments, etc.
Funny you should mention that. There was a parking area near Marginal, with a shuttle, that was used by residents and UW physicians when they attended patients at the VA.
The VA shut it down.
I was told last week that UW is paying to resurrect it. UW paying for parking so that their own people can practice at the VA.
So try the Marginal thing and take the shuttle. God knows you’ve got enough fucking spare time, RR.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@66 “God knows you’ve got enough fucking spare time, RR.”
As someone who spends nearly as much time on this blog as I do, you’re in a position to know.
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Why isn’t the media remembering when Heilary Clinton talked to dead people?
At the dedication for the Four Freedoms Park, in 2012 “As all of you famously learned when I served as president, my wife, now the secretary of state, was known to commune with Eleanor on a regular basis. So she called me last night on her way home from Peru to remind me to say that: That Eleanor had talked to her and reminded her that I should say that.”
William Jefferson Blythe Clinton.
Yet national press libtard left wrong DUMMOCRETINS are all over Dr Ben Carson for telling the truth about his past! They fact check him and no one remembers this on purpose!
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
I heard the klowns had a stimulating discussion last night on how best to hold down wage hikes.
And you care about this how again crazed clueless databaze cretin? You lived off your SEIU wife for years creating the crazed clueless databaze to attack us whom think right!
It’s been an EPIC FAYLE too!
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Teabagged again @7… Apparently you are confused. Wait a minute… you are always confused. The Click woman is a FASCIST DUMMOCRETIN you moron. Here, allow Puddy to assist you education… http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2015.....-backlash/
Saul Alinksy tactics abound. These students are Lenin’s useful idiots! This is what you get when you allow progressive professors and administrators out and running the zoo! Coming to UW really soon!
PuddyCommentary: This is the outcome of 50 years of progressivism on college campii. Now they are eating their own!
Gotta love them being teabagged!
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
So now that every other attack on Dr Ben has failed the left starting with Newsweek back in September is on the Dr Carson is not smart. Now why is that? Maybe because every left wrong libtard theory is being exploded
by Dr Ben? So now let’s push that meme of Dr Carson is not smart… Puddy read the alternet http://www.alternet.org/news-a.....-not-smart
horsesASS maure from three days ago and now the gravitas gravy train is rolling along in daily kooks now!
And Roger senile is right that to suck up the every present crazy kooks man juice!
Go senile go!
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Hey Roger senile @12… From your link
There has also been a deterioration of infrastructure to the point that Wisconsin’s roads are now rated the 3rd-worst in America by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Yet when you read the report… Wisconsin is doing well with their bridge maintenance!
Puddy would worry about the bridges more than the roads… You can fall into a river and drown or onto another road surface and go splat!
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Hey clueless crazed databaze cretin @14,
Yeah… about that McClatchy-Marist Poll clueless crazed databaze cretin drooled…
This survey of 1,465 adults was conducted October 29th through November 4th, 2015 by The Marist Poll sponsored and funded in partnership with the McClatchy News Service. Adults 18 years of age and older residing in the continental United States were interviewed in English or Spanish by telephone using live interviewers. Landline telephone numbers were randomly selected based upon a list of telephone exchanges from throughout the nation from ASDE Survey Sampler, Inc. The exchanges were selected to ensure that each region was represented in proportion to its population. Respondents in the household were then selected by first asking for the youngest male. To increase coverage, this landline sample was supplemented by respondents reached through random dialing of cell phone numbers from Survey Sampling International. The two samples were then combined and balanced to reflect the 2013 American Community Survey 1-year estimates for age, gender, income, race, and region. Results are statistically significant within ±2.6 percentage points. There are 1,080 registered voters. The results for this subset are statistically significant within ±3.0 percentage points. There are 431 Republicans and Republican leaning independents. The results for this subset are statistically significant within ±4.7 percentage
points. The error margin was not adjusted for sample weights and increases for cross-tabulations.
So what do we gather here from clueless crazed databaze cretin’s “pronouncement”?
1465 total adults = 1034 DUMMOCRETINS or DUMMOCRETIN leaning independents and only 431 Republicans and Republican leaning independents
1080 registered voters = 649 DUMMOCRETINS or DUMMOCRETIN leaning independents and only 431 Republicans and Republican leaning independents
Yes clueless crazed databaze cretin, a really balanced political sampling there right?
@62 Step right up folks , see that bob has mastered the skill of mass copy and paste.
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Another smelly fart from the vomit man… This guy is just another lying Republican scumbag. We all knew this already, but it’s becoming obvious that the GOP never even bothered itself to verify this guy’s bona fides.
Yes, just like the vetting was done before 2008 on Obummer right? Now we see the lying DUMMOCRETIN scumbag results for almost seven years and counting! It’s becoming obvious that the DUMMOCRETIN party never even bothered itself to verify their guy’s bona fides.
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
When parents want to deliver discipline of any kind progressive pinheads cry fowl!
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Maureen Dowd was skeptical if Heilary Clinton was trying to join the the few, the proud, the marines..
Dowd asked: “So, if she was talking to a Marine recruiter in 1975 before the marriage, was she briefly considering joining the few, the proud and the brave of the corps as an alternative to life with Mr. Clinton, who was already being widely touted as a sure thing for Arkansas Attorney General?”
Or maybe Heilary got wind of all those wimens Bill had on the side. Maybe Bill Clinton was Tiger Woods womanizing idol? Well he was the first black president!
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
This is a big time lie… It’s spin either by the author or the polled DUMMOCRETINS trying to be charlatans with their Trump answer…
But which Republican presidential candidate would be the most challenging for the Democratic nominee? At this point, Democratic primary voters say it’s Donald Trump: 31 percent say he would be the most difficult Republican for a Democratic nominee to beat. Ben Carson (15 percent) is a distant second, followed by Marco Rubio (13 percent) and Jeb Bush (13 percent). https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2015/11/12/hillary-clintons-claim-that-she-tried-to-join-the-marines/
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
College DUMMOCRETIN libtards demand freedom with their bodies and freedom for drug use butt mommy and daddy dean, his/her words hurt me… The fog of progressive FASCISM is descending all over America! These little cupcakes on college campii! These are not the oppressed college students, these are the elite censorship movement after the First Amendment removal!
DUMMOCRETINS want to be the arbiters of all speech! We witness it here from most of the HA DUMMOCRETINS wanting to shut up Travis, Puddy or others whom appear and disappear!
Way to go libtards on your cupcake generation!
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
“There is a very, very carefully calibrated attempt on college campuses today to delegitimatize Jewish students, particularly those who show any support for Israel,” he said. “It starts at the very top.”
And now we see how progressive DUMMOCRETIN thought is moving the useful idiots to riot against their own perfessas!
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Seems Jonathan Butler, Mizzou hunger strike guy is 1% of the top 1%. He is like Heilary. He’s not a poor, struggling student at Mizzou like Roger senile claimed to be!
Unsurprisingly to sane rational people the evidence continues to mount that leading GOP candidate for President, Dr. Ben Carson is a criminal crank.
Hillary Clinton has a new headache to add to her list: Federal investigators are reportedly working overtime to determine if she lied to the government about her classified email scandal and considering whether to charge her with a cover-up crime that could draw a five-year prison term.
The expanded legal approach could put the former secretary of state in the same boat as TV hostess Martha Stewart, who famously drew a 5-month jail term in a 2004 insider-trading case.
PuddyCommentary: Puddy is skeptical on this. Why? How many Clinton misinformation campaigns have there been over the years. Why it would be sweet to see this Puddy doubts it will really happen! Butt, if Comey does determine this happened and it gets blown off it will be leaked!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@90 Trump just compared Carson to “a child molester.” The GOP race is starting to get interesting.
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
“sane rational people”
Really Mike FlubScout? Puddy has studied most all these libtards so it’s very easy to know their “bone fides”!
This guy writes for Media Morons!
Yeah that’s really “sane”!
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Once again Trump doesn’t understand the power of God and how God can transform your life! Trump has been around too many DUMMOCRETINS most of his life! Thanks for the link Roger senile
“Mr. Trump likes Dr. Carson, but Mr. Trump has resentment when he sees Dr. Carson rise,” top aide Armstrong Williams told CNN. “He lashes out like he did tonight and resents Dr. Carson’s continued rise and Dr. Carson (getting) the attention of the press and American people.”
“Donald, sorry, I’ve got to interrupt again. You would know something about pathological,” Fiorina said in a Facebook post. “How was that meeting with Putin? Or Wharton? Or your self funded campaign? Anyone can turn a multi-million dollar inheritance into more money, but all the money in the world won’t make you as smart as Ben Carson.”
I actually hope this is the case, that Trump or Carson is the republican nominee. Not because I think the Democrat nominee would have a better chance, I guess that is debatable. But I’d much rather see Trump or Carson be the potential President over Rubio or Cruz or any other republican that is currently polling well. The only republican candidate that I truly don’t have a problem is Kasich, but I don’t think he has a shot.
I think Cruz and Rubio would be worse for this Country. And Trump and Carson better because they’ll fuck up more or be bigger embarrassments to this Country, thereby hoping that no other Republican will ever be elected President or in Congress.
Puffy must be going in for a colonoscopy. I see he shit his brains out.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
@70 no, not confused. Maybe I wasn’t clear enough. Maybe just you didn’t understand or may e everyone didn’t understand but at least they didn’t waste their time responding.
I know she is a Democrat or at least being called out to be a Democrat. What I was implying or getting across is the Hypocracy in the comment by Boob or what he’s was trying to infer, that this example shows that Dems are afraid of the media.
“That this thing – worrying….”
No this is what republicans think – why are they always blasting the “liberal” media? The media with those gotcha questions?
They fear the media for reporting factual information that shows what dumb fucks they are.
Boob was trying to just twist reality. Kind of rewriting history. Stick to your Bible, there is no other history!
Get it now? Now go to sleep, you have your colonoscopy in they morning.
Little wonder that the batshit crazy loon has come here to share his imploding head with us again.
Heh. No cure for Carson. No cure for the loon either.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
Puffy not sure if you can see me through the monitor of you computer or smartphone or tablet, but after typing @97, I celebrated by pointing to the sky!
Sucks to be Carson. Sucks even more to be a batshit crazy loon.
“AP: Carson Profits From Ties With Felon Convicted Of Health Care Fraud”
“In his book, Carson wrote that anyone found guilty of health care fraud should face what he called the “Saudi Arabian Solution.”
“Why don’t people steal very often in Saudi Arabia?” Carson asked. “Obviously because the punishment is the amputation of one or more fingers. I would not advocate chopping off people’s limbs, but there would be some very stiff penalties for this kind of fraud, such as loss of one’s medical license for life, no less than 10 years in prison, and loss of all of one’s personal possessions.”
Despite the tough-on-crime message, Carson and his wife kept their investment with Costa in the years since his conviction.”
Just trying this out as my new nickname. When I attacked my Grandmother with the hammer and stabbed my uncle and aunt, I use to point to the ground and dance, but now I point to the sky!!! Alleluia, alleluia.
“I see he shit his brains out.”
Caused by shit-fer-brains’ head imploding.
“Sky Pointer”
I like it!
Sky Pointerspews:
@104 thanks. I think it’s a keeper. I should probably trade mark it before the Rabbit does.
Sky Pointerspews:
Wonder if Carson ever lived in NYC? That might explain the 1 in 5 crazies that they have out here.
On that note – good night, have to wake @4:30am. In 5 hours.
Hope that colonoscopy goes well for Puffy, maybe less shit will come out of his mouth, oops I meant ass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh shit, Puddy showed up.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I can’t tell you how happy I am to see these two guys taken out of circulation.
And I’ll be very happy if this guy has been taken out of circulation, too:
“U.S. forces have conducted an airstrike in Syria targeting the British man known as “Jihadi John” who participated in the beheading videos of two American journalists and the slayings of several other captives, according to the Pentagon. ‘We are assessing the results of tonight’s operation and will provide additional information as and where appropriate,’ Cook said in a statement.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Just another reminder that Obama gets things done, whereas his Republican predecessor sat around and twiddled his thumbs for eight years.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 “Why isn’t the media remembering when Heilary Clinton talked to dead people?”
Because nobody gives a flying fuck about your Hillary fetish.
Steve, is it possible that the Pudster has gotten even more crazy in the past couple years? I kind of worry about him. The spew on this thread is unfathomable.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@74 Not surprising. You Republicans have always been big fans of bridges to nowhere. Not to mention bridge closures.
I see the guys Christie hired to do his dirty work– and take the fall for him — are now complaining through their lawyers that he’s hiding thousands of Bridgegate documents.
I would’ve sworn you’ve been here longer than that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@85 The Washington Post has sure gone downhill since Jeff Bezos bought it.
Hey Puddy, did you see where Trump called Carson a child molester?
Ben Carson is about as competent to lead this nation as is a sprouted potato. The Chinese are in Syria? Really? And Ben has special intelligence? Good God, and he’s in the lead on the GOP side. Hey, PuddyBuddy, I know you have a man-crush on the good doctor, but for fuck’s sake.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@86 Boy, you sure know how to pick your sources. (snark)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@89 Unless things have changed in the last 50 years, and I doubt they have, being the top 1% of the top 1% doesn’t do you much good if you’re black in that racist town.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@90 Apparently I’m not the only one who gets the feeling that Carson came to believe Jesus is a black man by looking in a mirror.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@95 “Once again Trump doesn’t understand the power of God and how God can transform your life!”
He apparently knows a child molester when he sees one, though.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@97 This happens every time he eats lentils.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@105 Already did. I’ll send you my standard form license agreement in the mail.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@111 “Steve, is it possible that the Pudster has gotten even more crazy in the past couple years?”
Not really. Once you hit 100% crazy, you can’t really go any higher.
Roger @ 122, I suppose you’re right about that. But, still, it’s painful to watch the madness that is Puddy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Breaking News: U.S. Kills Jihadi John
The U.S. launched a drone strike tonight against Jihadi John, the ISIS s.o.b. who cuts people’s heads off, and it looks like we got him. A U.S. briefer said John “evaporated” when the missile hit him. Confirming the kill may take a while if he’s scattered across half of Syria. Team Obama scores again!
Mark Adamsspews:
@45 So is this guy Puddy’s best bud?
Mark Adamsspews:
@68 Well old Ben wasn’t communing with Eleanor. If he had she would have asked how the policies she tried to push her husband to support had worked out and helped Dr. Carson in his endeavors. Does Dr. Carson support the 4 Freedoms? Do any of the Republican candidates support them? Oddly if you say Trump I might believe you.
Mark Adamsspews:
It’s the Daily Mail rather like the National Observer occassionally they do real news. Always good for a laugh. And they quoting from Fox.
Whose the classification authority for the State Department? Hmmmm
Mark Adamsspews:
@124 No message to Putin about our cruise missile technology.
The Chinese are probably very upset about the two B-52’s that flew near one of the Spratley’s.
I’m not sure about Ted Cruz’s comments about the President fearing god and praying on his knees. I’d rather have a President able to give God the finger. Able to dissent like Abraham and Job. Maybe Cruz is trying to tell us he’s the current version of Jaon of Arc. He doesn’t have the figure, and is probably inept with a sword.
Sky Pointerspews:
Good morning All,
I saw this headline and read s bit of it, but not much, just me being lazy and in a little bit of a rush,
But I thought to myself – how courageous, what a nice act of compassion or love. The I said to myself, self – this guy who donated his kidney is so nice that if he ever needed a kidney because the last one that he had went bad that id donate him one of mine, if I were a match, regardless if I am dead or alive (I am earmarked my organs for donation upon my death). He deserved this compassion in return.
Do I thought to my self – with regard to kidney donations, they should make it a rule that any kidney donates themselves should jump ahead of all waiting for kidneys, also with respect to dire need. They should encourage people to donate kidneys by matching you up or promising you a guaranteed kidney transplant in the future.
I don’t understand why our problems are so hard fixing. Does anyone even think anymore. Or do they just boo and hiss?
Sky Pointerspews:
Here is a money maker for you Roger, I think.
Put the following on a bumper sticker or t-shirt – “don’t be bullied, intimidated or brainwashed, it’s ok to say Happy Holidays”
Might be a little too long for a bumper sticker or it might have to be small font size to fit in a t-shirt, but I think they would sell pretty good, maybe best time is right around Christmas.
And here is another idea – put a Starbucks coffee cup right under the words.
Sky Pointerspews:
Must suck knowing you can’t push the agenda you ran behind.
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
He apparently knows a child molester when he sees one, though.
So you met Trump when again Roger senile?
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Wait a minute, if Jihadi John was indeed killed like Alwaki in a air strike that’s wrong per progressive libtards. He should have been caught and brought back to Britain for a court trial!
@133 yeah, we are all outraged. You are a loon and have nothing valid to cut us down with.
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Puddy has a friend on the Olympic peninsula who was just kicked off ObummerCare because he is a child of an Vietnam Agent Orange survivor. Yes, he was kicked off of Washington Health Finder! So much for the benefits of ObummerCare!
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
So Sky Pointer, you mock Russell Wilson when he throws a touchdown pass?
Or are you thanking Jesus for making you one of the NY crazies?
Do tell!
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
On the ground looking up at the sky seeing another Teabag @136,
Those were libtards you moron! Oh excuse Puddy you are one of the NY crazies…
My bad!
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
I don’t understand why our problems are so hard fixing. Does anyone even think anymore. Or do they just boo and hiss?
Once again Puffy likes to twist the facts. From my experience, a Repiblican whom I know was outraged that the US drone killed the American citizen. Not one liberal person that I know has ever mentioned any outrage.
And Puffy wants to further muddy the waters by comparing jihadi John, not an American to al-fucky. Nice try dirt bag.
You may have missed or can’t comprehend but it was because al-fucky was an American citizen that made a difference of why republicans didn’t like that Obsma killed him. You know anything Obama did they were and are against even though they would normally cheer if regan or bush did it and say “he kept us safe”.
Puffy you and your ilk are pathetic.
How was the colonoscopy?
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
@68 Well old Ben wasn’t communing with Eleanor.
That’s right butt Heilary communicates with the dead. Except the Bible has something to say about that Mark Adams @126. It’s not Christian for one! You should look it up!
Sky Pointerspews:
Mark…. Better suggestion, don’t look it up, burn it instead.
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
From my experience, a Repiblican whom I know was outraged that the US drone killed the American citizen. Not one liberal person that I know has ever mentioned any outrage.
Ohhh poor poor On the ground looking up at the sky seeing another Teabag! Puddy remembered the article from four years ago an the On the ground looking up at the sky seeing another Teabag head went..
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
On the ground looking up at the sky seeing another Teabag @143.,
You’d suggest burning the Koran too?
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
And Puddy correctly compares jihadi John, not an American to Alwaki the American.
Yes you moronic twit On the ground looking up at the sky seeing another Teabag. Our laws are mostly derived from British laws.
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Meanwhile Sista Souljah (the black commentator mentioned in libtard shows today – “if black people kill black people every day, why not have a week and kill white people?”) weighs in on Heilary
But what does she think of Hillary Clinton? She pauses for a long moment, then pulls out an unsealed envelope. “I want to control what I say so that I can be quoted properly. I have this past history of being misquoted or misunderstood.” She slides an index card across the table. It reads, “She reminds me too much of the slave plantation white wife of the white ‘Master.’ She talks down to people, is condescending and pandering. She even talked down to the Commander in Chief, President Barack Obama, while she was under his command!”
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
You see On the ground looking up at the sky seeing another Teabag, this is progressive FASCISM; spawned by the progressive libtards running the DUMMOCRETIN led university zoos all over America! Remember the mess at Cornell recently when a college professor claimed they should not hire a Republican professor On the ground looking up at the sky seeing another Teabag? No? Well you are a moron, part of the NY crazies!
http://time.com/4109987/freedom-speech-princeton/ – What’s the point of a liberal arts education if the only ideas expressed are ones with which we already agree? Well, that’s because libtards don’t have original thought! They parrot what
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars
Daily Kos
Media Matters
Huff Post
have to say! Witness the number of Daily Kooks links from Roger senile above!
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
See how On the ground looking up at the sky seeing another Teabag ran away when confronted with #145?
Very Telling!
Sky Pointerspews:
Is there a full moon! Or is just that time of the month for Puffy?
Sky Pointerspews:
I’m not looking up at the sky, I’m just pointing at the sky. My favorite star is up there. Do you have a problem with that?
10 right-wing conspiracy theories that have slowly invaded American politics http://www.salon.com/2015/11/1.....socialflow
1. Common Core – The Plot Against Our Children
2. Military Exercises – Prelude To Martial Law
3. Agenda 21 – Conspiracy Of The Greens
4. North American Union – U.S Sovereignty On The Bank
5. Shariah Law – Coming To A Courtroom Near You
6. Gun Grab – The Coming Seizure Of Americans’ Firearms
7. FEMA – America’s Secret Concentration Camps
8. Money Manipulators – How The Bankers Keep Us Down
9. Secret Muslim Training Camps – The Enemy Within
10. The Homosexual Agenda – The End Of Civilization
The only ones I didn’t know about was #3, 4 and 8. If they were all true at the same time, would make for a great Paranoia style role playing game.
The feverish lashing out is highly predictable and entirely consistent with social psychology theories about the behavior of cult-like groups undergoing failure. It’s a defense of core identity against cognitive dissonance. When the Carson thing finally implodes we can expect a brief quiet period, followed by regrouping around a revised core identity. Hopefully a non-violent one. My guess is this one keeps guns around.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s panic button time for GOP poobahs.
“Less than three months before the kickoff Iowa caucuses, there is growing anxiety bordering on panic among Republican elites about the dominance and durability of Donald Trump and Ben Carson and widespread bewilderment over how to defeat them. Party leaders and donors fear that nominating either man would have negative ramifications for the GOP ticket up and down the ballot, virtually ensuring a Hillary Rodham Clinton presidency and increasing the odds that the Senate falls into Democratic hands. [But] the party establishment is paralyzed.”
Their solution? What else?
“One friend of Romney’s said there were some calls to Romney confidant Beth Meyers and others in his circle asking him to consider being a lifeline to the Republican Party and its chaotic primary fight.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, I have no problem with Romney being their nominee! Sure, he’d get his ass kicked in the general by a woman — they all would — but I think he would go down fighting like a man.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wow. Just wow. A mysogynist South Carolina state senator called his female GOP colleague “a lesser cut of meat.” How’s that for sexism? I guess this is who South Carolina voters elect to represent them nowadays.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m beginning to suspect that when the Founding Fathers saw a necessity for checks and balances, it was the voters they had in mind.
Number of write-ins is three times the margin between the runoff candidates.
“Is there a full moon! Or is just that time of the month for Puffy?”
Since his breakdown and descent into insanity, every day is a batshit crazy day for the loon.
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
The feverish lashing out is highly predictable and entirely consistent with social psychology theories about the behavior of cult-like groups undergoing failure.
Thanks for the definition lib the racist unscientist. Finally the racist one has an apt defintion for what Lenin’s useful idiots are doing on college campii. So let’s use Jim Geraght! Yeah, the same Jim Geraghty libtards ran to to besmirch Dr Ben. http://www.nationalreview.com/.....m-geraghty
At the heart of the collective liberal angst over the pesky burden of free speech is the nagging perception that they have lost the argument. There is no great progressive era about to dawn; we may never see a more liberal presidential administration than this in our lifetimes. While the dangerous impulse to silence their critics is merely sad in fully-formed adults, it is terrifying to witness in the generation just coming of age. When asked if he had built for ensuing generations of Americans a republic or a monarchy, Dr. Benjamin Franklin was said to quip “A Republic, if you can keep it.” That is a proposition set to be tested like never before.
This is the failure of progressive libtard left wrong leftist thought! Libtards on college campii are revolting against their libtard administrations. This revolt isn’t happening at Liberty University or other Christian schools. It’s the failure of secular progressive morons leading these schools!
Truth is difficult to swallow butt these are easy for libtards to swallow… We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars
Daily Kos
Media Matters
Huff Post
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Here’s one for the moronic libtards to think about!
If Dr Ben is low energy per Trump now that Dr Ben has a pathological temper? Trump fears Dr Ben. Dr Ben once did a 22 hour operation on co-joined twins! Butt that’s low energy!
Remember Trump called the Iowa voters stupid… “How stupid are the people of Iowa? How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?”
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Ms. Magazine @msmagazine – While ISIS endorses rape, American college administrations similarly facilitate the rape of women on campuses http://bit.ly/1ljgsdB 6:01 PM – 10 Nov 2015
The link!
ISIS’ treatment of Yazidi women as sexual slaves may seem far removed from fraternity or athletic team members’ treatment of women as sexual objects for conquest, however the results are distressingly similar. As tempting as it is to deny the parallels, we must acknowledge that institutionalized rape exists throughout the world and in the face of legal prohibitions. Recognition will help identify and eliminate the behaviors within our own culture. ISIS’ sexual enslavement of the Yazidi population is abhorrent and must be addressed. Propagating the idea that “they” commit atrocities while implying that “we” are innocent of condoning sexual assault does not help us understand and effectively act to end sexual violence against women and girls everywhere.
Puddy loves it when the moronic twit the progressive left compares fellow libtard DUMMOCRETINS whom run college campii to ISIS!
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
In short, the whole interview is a complete and utter disaster. It rehashes many of the talking points we saw during the Occupy Wall Street movement (yeah, remember those guys), and Mullen even has temerity to say that she and her friends would be happy to pay a 90 percent income tax rate if they start making a salary at some point in whatever careers they embark on in the future, that placed them in the bracket. Cavuto aptly noted that one would have to be on drugs to voluntarily pay more taxes. Everyone hates paying taxes. And even when the country had a top rate of 90 percent, the wealthy never really paid it due to deductions and exemptions.
Remember Neil Cavuto is one of those people who ran a real debate!
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
In states where Democratic despair is deepest, recruiting and even retaining candidates can be a challenge. Jody Steverson, a state representative from Mississippi, announced that he was switching parties two days after he was re-elected on the Democratic ticket last week. “You just can’t be a conservative and a Democrat in Mississippi anymore,” he said.
@160 et al. – Puffy, when you cut and paste quotes from other comments in order to respond to them, the proper thing to do is put quote marks (“”) around the material you’re quoting.
Although, I have to acknowledge that I have no difficulty distinguishing your insane ravings from the material written by others (and I doubt anyone else does either); so, I suppose you could argue with some measure of plausibility that practicing formal quote mark usage is less necessary when you’re the person who’s posting.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@161 “How stupid are the people of Iowa? How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?”
Well, I guess we’re going to find out starting in a few weeks. We already know you are.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@164 I don’t see why you drag the left into this. This custom is a better fit with your tribe.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@165 I agree. You can’t be a conservative and a Democrat anywhere. We Democrats won’t put up with it. Whatever happened in the past, we’re better than that now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s a gem: “Marco Rubio (R-Fla) ranks 98th in the Senate with an estimated net worth of $443,509 in 2013.”
A guy worth only $443.5K ranks second from dead-last in personal wealth among senators. Not a very representative institution, is it?
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Roger senile @168… Puddy places their comments in blockquote form! Been doing it for years! Don’t like it…
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Roger senile… The progressive left DUMMOCRETINS hate Christianity butt love Islam!
See ya!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@173 Listen, I would be the happiest rabbit on earth if that was the only thing wrong with your comments.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@174 Prove it.
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Prove what Roger senile? The Christian hate on this blog is well documented.
Oh wait you’re senile so you forgot the last 20 minutes!
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
The morons in Paris screamed “This is for Syria” and “Allahu Akbar”
And Obummer wants to bring 200,000 Syrians to America of which 70% are males?
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
This is an attack on regular Parisians. Sabbath keepers and Jews are home on Friday night. So this was an attack on secular people.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@177 Yada, yada, yada.
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
At least 35 people now dead in Paris. Hostages taken and HA DUMMOCRETINS still ridicule Republicans whom take this whacko islamic jihad seriously!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@181 Meanwhile, a Democratic president is bombing them just for fun.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@181 This nonsense is brought to you by a nut who votes for a party whose leader did nothing about Osama bin Laden for 10 years.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Much as I dislike the prospect of another U.S. military involvement in the Middle East (or anywhere else, for that matter), I think the U.S. has to join the rest of the world and stamp out ISIS, completely and permanently, even if it takes a ground war to do it. Unless Putin gets there first and saves us the trouble, which is a distinct possibility if it turns out that ISIS did indeed murder a planeload of Russian children.
Puddybud, The Natural Disinfectant to DUMMOCRETINSspews:
Giving Rubio a credit card – not a good idea.
“New info raises more questions: Did Marco Rubio use his GOP credit card to subsidize his life?”
“the statements, which he previously refused to make public, raise more questions about how Rubio used the card, rather than laying them to rest”
Increased income disparity is the path to American greatness.
“Real estate mogul Donald Trump flatly opposed raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour during Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate, arguing that the country’s wages are already “too high.””
If American workers would work their butts off for less pay, America could be great again!
Thank you, veterans.
I’m sure Trump thinks he deserves a raise for last night’s contribution.
I heard the klowns had a stimulating discussion last night on how best to hold down wage hikes.
LMAO! We’ve been hearing that from our trolls for f’ing YEARS!
Even Rubio, “the billionaire whisperer”, said that wages you can’t fucking live on will hold off the robots!
Holy krap! Rubio and our Boob – separated at birth?????
John M. Donnelly, chairman of the National Press Club’s press freedom committee, told the Herald he was puzzled by Click’s actions.
“This kind of thing — worrying that the reporters are not going to tell the story in a friendly way and limiting access, saying, no you can’t take pictures. This is the kind of thing dictators do — not liberal protesters,” he said.
Dude, you haven’t been paying attention.
@6 par for the course with Republicans. Just more hypocrisy from the Boob.
When jackasses have guns: Guy purchases cigarets at Walmart, approaches woman in parking lot, and asks her for a light. She pulls a gun on him, which she also points at other shoppers (including kids), and later claims she “feared for her life.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: At least this nutcase has been charged with felony assault, and if she’s convicted she’ll lose her right to possess firearms. But we clearly need a better system for regulating who can or can’t have guns. Gun ownership should be a privilege, not a constitutional right, but the fact we can’t change that doesn’t mean we’re helpless. Even if we can’t limit the right to OWN guns, we can try to enact reasonable regulations on who can CARRY them in public places, with the aim of limiting the packing of heat to the sane, rational, not-overly-impulsive elements of the population. But if we can’t even do that, then yes, let’s prosecute idiots like this woman to the hilt and slap them with felony records so they can’t pack heat anymore. A fringe benefit is they won’t be able to vote anymore, either. My guess is most of these types are Republican voters, if they vote at all.
The Mormon’s newly announced discriminatory policy against gay couples is prompting mass resignations from the church.
You don’t actually have to be smart to be a neurosurgeon.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We already knew you don’t have to be smart to be a radiologist, so this makes perfect sense.
A former Colorado mayor who backed a Ten Comandments monument on public property has been arrested for shoplifting candy. What is it with these religious freaks with sticky fingers?
Add Wisconsin to the growing list of the GOP’s failed economic experiments.
@3 You’re welcome. I’d do it again. Meanwhile, I consider all those chest-beating, flag-waving, Republican candidates who dodged military service when their turn came up a national embarrassment.
Bernie kicks always wrong wing ass!
Feel the BERN!
@8 Actually I get a chuckle about the NRA’s stance. It made sense when they were truly a gun safety organization and not overly politicized. Their position has never been that bad people (however you or they define bad people) should have a gun. Just law abiding Americans when the argument that if it’s a right to own a gun then those bad people should be able to own one,
Guns are a tool and they do a specific function. There are some bad people who arguable have a real need for a gun. The laws you enact isn’t going to stop them from obtaining a gun, or even from using one. Ultimately it’s about holding people accountable for their actions. It’s very difficult to convince people that a gun isn’t going to make them safer. Or will make them more secure. There are a lot of myths in our American culture. We probably don’t play Johnny Cash’s “Don’t Take Your Guns to Town” nearly often enough.
We arm our cops in nearly all circumstances. Does the guy directing traffic really need a side arm. Does the cop at the school? Because 3% of all killings are done with automatic weapons then all cops need an automatic weapon or sub machine guns to have more power fire than the bad guys. Just the fact most guns who kill someone are used in a suicide.
Yes guns are a very effective way of committing suicide, though men are more likely to use them for that purpose. Guess old Jeb Bush wouldn’t keep the suicide weapon away from Adolf Hitler or would have put the fun in baby Hitler’s hands or boy Hitler.
Yep another Armistice day. Too bad the peace was so badly flawed, and it keeps giving even today.
It’s starting to look like much of Ben Carson’s famous book is plagiarized from other people’s work. This is apparently glaring enough so that the Publisher is tentatively talking about pulling it off the shelves.
The funny thing is, that in this book he openly confesses that he plagiarized other peoples work while in college and got caught. Why he wasn’t expelled for that is anyone’s guess.
This guy is just another lying Republican scumbag. We all knew this already, but it’s becoming obvious that the GOP never even bothered itself to verify this guy’s bona fides. I suppose they did, and considered the shit they dug up to be a net positive on their image. So, like Rand Paul and Allen West, he cannot even write his own bullshit. He has to steal it from other people.
How the hell can anyone take him seriously about anything?
Oh, right. He’s a “christian”.
I retract what I said about Hillary’s plan to reform the VA. She’s adamantly opposed to privatization. That is what I wanted to hear. Or so she says. Now, if only she doesn’t cave to RepubliKKKlans in some sort of “compromise”. We cannot let them destroy our veterans care for the short term profits of the corporatocracy. The same corporatocracy that profits from baseless wars.
You know Benghazi is out of gas when Trump starts griping about Hillary’s hairstyle.
You know someone has too much money when he spends $100M on diamonds for his kids.
@20 It’s only poor people that are afraid of “spoiling” their children.
Clinton, at least, is offering distressed coal-dependent communities $30 billion of federal assistance. What have Republicans brought to the table besides heated rhetoric? Um, kicking 500,000 people in Kentucky off their health insurance, that’s what. Oh, and by the way, coal’s collapse is most due to fracking and cheap natural gas, not Obama’s policies.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit has lost about $10,000 on coal stocks. Serves him right! That’s what he gets for gambling on an obsolete industry. Capitalists deserve no sympathy for that kind of stupidity.)
How NOT to write an ad. (What were they thinking?)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This ad crossed a lot of desks before it hit print. That’s how the advertising industry works: The creative people come up with an idea, vet it before a committee, the client approves it, etc. (You can view the Hollywood version of this process in “Trains, Planes, and Automobiles.”) In other words, a lot of people failed to put a red check mark on it. What the hell were they thinking? If I were the CEO of Bloomingdale’s, I’d fire my advertising director and shop for a new ad agency, because the blooming fools I’ve got now are incompetent. And a few other things as well.
@21 Yeah, those poor people feel so entitled! Believe it or not, I actually read that on an investing blog this morning, where the topic of discussion was the minimum wage, by a commenter I’m sure was being perfectly serious. He actually used the words “entitled” and “victim mentality” to describe the fast food workers demonstrating for a higher minimum wage. This from someone who’s doing well enough to own a stock portfolio.
@17 That’s not the only plagiarized Carson book. He’s a serial plagiarizer.
I wonder when this fat ass is going to jail?
I wonder if this is the same reason why Kim Davis was lawless (because she followed the role of the GOP Right Wing Fascists).
@17 I think some “Christians” would take offense to calling Ben Carson a “Christian”.
Sounds like you were being a little sarcastic and therefore the ” “. I know there is probably some thin line of how Christianity or a specific religion is to be followed, but I think what makes the world a free world is to be able to believe in Christianity or a specific religion on how ever you want, and therefore deserves quotations (or any Religion).
@24 all that demonstrates is that commenter thinks of himself as the victim. He is jealous of all victims, but doesn’t want to be one….he’s in conflict with his own mind.
Jealousy is an emotion that make people do weird things, typically aggressive demonstrable behavior.
Think of Puffy. He’s the victim of Socialism.
@23 oh yeah but you know she wants it…………just kidding.
Beats wearing teabags from the brim of your hat.
Her disclaimer is pretty funny. Hilarious.
Hey Boob – go fuck yourself.
Lies, plagiarize, being a hypocrite – all spells Nazi to me.
@26 What you have there is Mr. Fat Ass using overheated rhetoric to stir up the rubes in hopes they’ll send him twenty-five bucks.
I thought Cruz repeated himself on the Rick Perry test, but I wasn’t sure, and no one mentioned it.
THE FACTS: He flubbed his own list, naming the Commerce Department twice and leaving out one of the agencies he proposes to close, according to his website: the Education Department.
LMAO! You guys hear that Jeb! the fix-it man APOLOGIZED TO THE FRENCH?????
LMAO!!! How could it be possible that Jeb! mr. fix-it is a emptier suit than the idiot brother the trolls voted for twice??
Unbelievable! Oh well just makes it all the more likely a Krackpot like Karson will be nominated and we’ll have 8 years of Bernie Sanders or Hillary.
Klownservatics HATE Gov Terry McAuliffe of Virginia. Indeed the guy is controversial across the spectrum..
And this makes the klownservatics HATE McAuliffe to WHITE HOT intensity.
Klownservatics are staunch proponents of lip service – it lowers rich people’s taxes.
YLB, I’m deeply and sincerely sorry you are an idiot.
I wonder if bob think’s the wal-mart CEO is wrong too?
I don’t think jeb:( cares if he loses.
@35 i wonder how republican economic states like Kansas or Wisconsin are doing for homeless vets.
President Obama today bestowed the Medal of Honor on a French expatriate.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Those damn immigrants again! French cowards! Freedom fries! Freedom fries!
@ 37
Better, this
is what a Corporate Lie looks like.
I hope that helps you, going forward.
Goldy @GoldyHA
Media mergers hit public broadcasting: @KPLU selling out to @KUOW. And they pitch this as “good news?”
Hey, wasn’t it good news when you sold out?
Bob now it’s a corporate lie now that CEO and facts don’t agree with your cheap labor ideology?
Here are a couple of facts for you, Better:
Wal-Mart stock price at close of day (2/19) on which the increase in minimum wage was announced:
Wal-Mart stock price at close yesterday:
That’s a drop of more than 25%, Better. By comparison, the S&P 500 index dropped only 1% over the same period.
Given that the bottom has fallen out of the Wal-Mart stock price since the announcement of higher wages, Better, if it WAS working, how the hell would you know?
And if you were an embattled Wal-Mart CEO, isn’t this the spin you’d put on it?
Meet the guy behind the anti-Starbucks tirade.
Yup the response i expected
@44 Macy’s stock dropped 14% yesterday, and that had nothing to do with wages. Correlation and causation aren’t the same.
@ 47
I have no idea.
If I knew several times during the day how well my investments were doing, I probably would be as insecure about them as you are about yours, your bluster notwithstanding, RR.
Add Nordstrom to the list of tanking retailer stocks.
This article might help shed some light on what’s happening to brick-and-mortar retailers like WalMart, Macy’s, and Nordstrom.
Of course, if you choose not to believe anything CNBC publishes, you can always get investing tips from alternative sources of market insights like Doctor Boob’s comments on HorsesAss.org.
@48 “I have no idea.”
First honest thing you’ve said today.
You know, Boob, you obviously have a fetish about other people’s wages. The idea of decent wages drives you crazy. I’m curious where that comes from. Do you own a partnership interest in a fast-food outlet or two? Was your great-great-grandfather a slave trader? Just wondering why you hate workers so. Were you one of those trust fund babies raised by Republicans to believe nobody else should be allowed to have anything? You sure don’t believe in paying people to work.
@48 My stocks dropped almost $7,000 today, and I’m not the least bit insecure about it. In fact, I could lose everything, and I’d still be the same rabbit. My life doesn’t revolve around money. Being a capitalist and robbing Wall Street are just my hobbies.
Here’s a news item that will drive Boob wild. A Texas-based restaurant chain is eliminating tipping, raising waitstaff wages to $14 an hour, and increasing prices by 12% – 14% to cover the wage increase. Customers who tipped 15% – 20% will end up paying less. Cheapskates who didn’t tip will pay more. Sorry, Boob.
Hamtramck, Michigan, just elected a Muslim-majority city council. It’ll probably be the next Michigan city to be put in receivership by the Republican governor and legislature. Does Hamtramck have anything worth selling to their cronies for two cents on the dollar?
I just learned it’s the Koch brothers that are behind the effort to destroy the VA. And I thought they were disgusting lowlifes before.
Now I can’t even say what I think of them.
@ 53
I assume you mean Joe’s Crab Shack.
It’s a test and it’s in a small minority of their restaurants – 18 out of 131. None of them are in Texas.
Meanwhile, McDonald’s is doing something IN Texas – it’s testing sweet potato fries.
@56 Who said they’re doing this in Texas? I said the company is based in Texas. Who in Texas pays $14 an hour? Texas is a right-to-work-for-low-wages state.
I can buy sweet potato fries from the frozen foods case of my local supermarket. I tried them, they’re not bad. Probably better for you than all that starch, eh, doc?
@ 55
I just learned it’s the Koch brothers that are behind the effort to destroy the VA.
Well, the VA higher-ups can’t very well say they’re responsible for their own mess, can they?
It’s too bad Obama couldn’t fire a Koch, and had to can Shinseki’s ass instead.
Ben Carson Unveils Immigration Plan
Immigrants like working for U.S. farmers so much he thinks American corporations should set up U.S.-owned farms in their home countries so they’ll want to work there.
Carson not only has unusual ideas, he also has unusual friends.
@59 I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. When you go marching into other countries by choice, and expect easy victories, you are courting disaster. They didn’t prepare for mass casualties and you can’t expect miracles. I don’t hold the VA responsible. I hold war criminals Bush/Cheney responsible.
@ 61
Well, Cheney was Defense Secretary once. And I heard GWB43 missed some work when he was in the Guard.
1945 — President Harry Truman accepts the resignation of VA Administrator Frank Hines after a series of news reports detailing shoddy care in VA-run hospitals, according to a 2010 history produced by the Independent Institute.
1946 — The American Legion leads the charge seeking the ouster of VA Administrator Gen. Omar Bradley, citing an ongoing lack of facilities, troubles faced by hundreds of thousands of veterans in getting services and a proposal to limit access to services for some combat veterans, according to the 2010 history.
VA head Gen. Omar Bradley at a congressional hearing in 1945 asking for the creation of VA Medical Corps.
VA head Gen. Omar Bradley at a congressional hearing in 1945 asking for the creation of VA Medical Corps.
1947 — A government commission on reforming government uncovers enormous waste, duplication and inadequate care in the VA system and calls for wholesale changes in the agency’s structure.
1955 — A second government reform commission again finds widespread instances of waste and poor care in the VA system, according to the Independent Institute.
1970s — Veterans grow increasingly frustrated with the VA for failing to better fund treatment and assistance programs, and later to recognize exposure to the herbicide Agent Orange by troops in Vietnam as the cause for numerous medical problems among veterans.
1972 — Vietnam veteran Ron Kovic, the subject of the book and movie, “Born on the Fouth of July,” interrupts Richard Nixon’s GOP presidential nomination acceptance speech, saying, according to his biography, “I’m a Vietnam veteran. I gave America my all, and the leaders of this government threw me and others away to rot in their VA hospitals.”
1974 — Kovic leads a 19-day hunger strike at a federal building in Los Angeles to protest poor treatment of veterans in VA hospitals. He and fellow veterans demand to meet with VA Director Donald Johnson. The embattled director eventually flies to California to meet with the activists, but leaves after they reject his demand to meet in the VA’s office in the building, according to Johnson’s 1999 Los Angeles Times obituary. The ensuing uproar results in widespread criticism of Johnson. A few weeks later, Johnson resigns after President Richard Nixon announces an investigation into VA operations.
1976 — A General Accounting Office investigation into Denver’s VA hospital finds numerous shortcomings in patient care, including veterans whose surgical dressings are rarely changed. The GAO also looked at the New Orleans VA hospital, and found ever-increasing patient loads were contributing to a decline in the quality of care there, as well.
1981 — Veterans camp out in front of the Wadsworth Veterans Medical Center in Los Angeles after the suicide of a former Marine who had rammed the hospital’s lobby with his Jeep and fired shots into the wall after claiming the VA had failed to attend to his service-related disabilities, the New York Times reported at the time.
1982 — Controversial VA director Robert Nimmo, who once described symptoms of exposure to the herbicide Agent Orange during the Vietnam war as little more than “teenage acne,” resigns under pressure from veteran’s groups. Nimmo was criticized for wasteful spending, including use of a chauffeured car and an expensive office redecorating project, according to a 1983 GAO investigation. The same year, the agency issues a report supporting veterans’ claims that the VA had failed to provide them with enough information and assistance about Agent Orange exposure.
1984 — Congressional investigators find evidence that VA officials had diverted or refused to spend more than $40 million that Congress approved to help Vietnam veterans with readjustment problems, the Washington Post reports at the time.
1986 — The VA’s Inspector General’s office finds 93 physicians working for the agency have sanctions against their medical licenses, including suspensions and revocations, according to a 1988 GAO report.
1989 — President Ronald Reagan signs legislation elevating the Veterans Administration to Cabinet status, creating the Department of Veterans Affairs.
1991 — The Chicago Tribune reports that doctors at the VA’s North Chicago hospital sometimes ignored test results, failed to treat patients in a timely manner and conducted unnecessary surgery. The agency later takes responsibility for the deaths of eight patients, leading to the suspension of most surgery at the center, the newspaper reported.
1993 — VA Deputy Undersecretary of Benefits R.J. Vogel testifies to Congress that a growing backlog of appeals from veterans denied benefits is due to a federal court established in 1988 to oversee the claims process, the Washington Post reports. The VA, Vogel tells the lawmakers, is “reeling under this judicial review thing.”
1999 — Lawmakers open an investigation into widespread problems with clinical research procedures at the VA West Los Angeles Healthcare Center. The investigation followed years of problems at the hospital, including ethical violations by hospital researchers that included failing to get consent from some patients before conducting research involving them, according to the Los Angeles Times.
2000 — The GAO finds “substantial problems” with the VA’s handling of research trials involving human subjects.
2001 — Despite a 1995 goal to reduce waiting times for primary care and specialty appointments to less than 30 days, the GAO finds that veterans still often wait more than two months for appointments.
Stupid people want to go into Syria and push the Russians around. Smart people would just watch them wallow in the Syrian mire.
“That’s the logic much of the GOP presidential field has embraced now: If Russia intervenes in Syria and we don’t, then Russia is strong and we’re weak. But you don’t measure a country’s strength by how many bombs it drops, and how many armies it funds, especially when it’s doing so with borrowed money. In the 1970s and 1980s, Russia’s third-world adventures—most disastrously in Afghanistan—drained its treasury, demoralized its people, and hastened its collapse. And its current intervention in Syria, which is already breeding hatred among Sunni Arabs and sparking apparent terrorism against Russian civilians, is unlikely to end well either. Meanwhile, China, America’s foremost competitor for global dominance, avoids entangling itself in far-off civil wars. By contemporary Republican standards, that makes it weak.”
But trust me, Republicans are too stupid to figure this out.
@62 Gee, Bickle, I appreciate your concern. What will my VA health benefits look like after your reforms? Right now, when I visit the Seattle VA campus on Beacon Hill, I can’t find parking within 1/4 mile of the clinic door. Let’s fix the parking situation first, then talk about getting doctor’s appointments, etc.
@62 I get my care at the VA. I have for more than a decade. It’s been great. So my first hand experience trumps your anecdotes with political motivations for me.
@ 64
Right now, when I visit the Seattle VA campus on Beacon Hill, I can’t find parking within 1/4 mile of the clinic door. Let’s fix the parking situation first, then talk about getting doctor’s appointments, etc.
Funny you should mention that. There was a parking area near Marginal, with a shuttle, that was used by residents and UW physicians when they attended patients at the VA.
The VA shut it down.
I was told last week that UW is paying to resurrect it. UW paying for parking so that their own people can practice at the VA.
So try the Marginal thing and take the shuttle. God knows you’ve got enough fucking spare time, RR.
@66 “God knows you’ve got enough fucking spare time, RR.”
As someone who spends nearly as much time on this blog as I do, you’re in a position to know.
Why isn’t the media remembering when Heilary Clinton talked to dead people?
William Jefferson Blythe Clinton.
Yet national press libtard left wrong DUMMOCRETINS are all over Dr Ben Carson for telling the truth about his past! They fact check him and no one remembers this on purpose!
I heard the klowns had a stimulating discussion last night on how best to hold down wage hikes.
And you care about this how again crazed clueless databaze cretin? You lived off your SEIU wife for years creating the crazed clueless databaze to attack us whom think right!
It’s been an EPIC FAYLE too!
Teabagged again @7… Apparently you are confused. Wait a minute… you are always confused. The Click woman is a FASCIST DUMMOCRETIN you moron. Here, allow Puddy to assist you education… http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2015.....-backlash/
Saul Alinksy tactics abound. These students are Lenin’s useful idiots! This is what you get when you allow progressive professors and administrators out and running the zoo! Coming to UW really soon!
Oh wait… it already arrived! http://www.kirotv.com/news/new.....ton/npMJM/
PuddyCommentary: This is the outcome of 50 years of progressivism on college campii. Now they are eating their own!
Gotta love them being teabagged!
So now that every other attack on Dr Ben has failed the left starting with Newsweek back in September is on the Dr Carson is not smart. Now why is that? Maybe because every left wrong libtard theory is being exploded
by Dr Ben? So now let’s push that meme of Dr Carson is not smart… Puddy read the alternet
horsesASS maure from three days ago and now the gravitas gravy train is rolling along in daily kooks now!
And Roger senile is right that to suck up the every present crazy kooks man juice!
Go senile go!
You see more FASCISM abounds. Professor forced to resign because of Alinsky bullying tactics. http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2015.....pone-exam/
Gotta love it!
You see HA DUMMOCRETINS, leveled headed people realize progressive DUMMOCRETIN FASCISM needs to be checked… http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2015.....v-faculty/
All these claims of mike row agreshuns!
Hey Roger senile @12… From your link
Yet when you read the report… Wisconsin is doing well with their bridge maintenance!
Puddy would worry about the bridges more than the roads… You can fall into a river and drown or onto another road surface and go splat!
Hey clueless crazed databaze cretin @14,
Yeah… about that McClatchy-Marist Poll clueless crazed databaze cretin drooled…
This survey of 1,465 adults was conducted October 29th through November 4th, 2015 by The Marist Poll sponsored and funded in partnership with the McClatchy News Service. Adults 18 years of age and older residing in the continental United States were interviewed in English or Spanish by telephone using live interviewers. Landline telephone numbers were randomly selected based upon a list of telephone exchanges from throughout the nation from ASDE Survey Sampler, Inc. The exchanges were selected to ensure that each region was represented in proportion to its population. Respondents in the household were then selected by first asking for the youngest male. To increase coverage, this landline sample was supplemented by respondents reached through random dialing of cell phone numbers from Survey Sampling International. The two samples were then combined and balanced to reflect the 2013 American Community Survey 1-year estimates for age, gender, income, race, and region. Results are statistically significant within ±2.6 percentage points. There are 1,080 registered voters. The results for this subset are statistically significant within ±3.0 percentage points. There are 431 Republicans and Republican leaning independents. The results for this subset are statistically significant within ±4.7 percentage
points. The error margin was not adjusted for sample weights and increases for cross-tabulations.
So what do we gather here from clueless crazed databaze cretin’s “pronouncement”?
1465 total adults = 1034 DUMMOCRETINS or DUMMOCRETIN leaning independents and only 431 Republicans and Republican leaning independents
1080 registered voters = 649 DUMMOCRETINS or DUMMOCRETIN leaning independents and only 431 Republicans and Republican leaning independents
Yes clueless crazed databaze cretin, a really balanced political sampling there right?
@62 Step right up folks , see that bob has mastered the skill of mass copy and paste.
Another smelly fart from the vomit man… This guy is just another lying Republican scumbag. We all knew this already, but it’s becoming obvious that the GOP never even bothered itself to verify this guy’s bona fides.
Yes, just like the vetting was done before 2008 on Obummer right? Now we see the lying DUMMOCRETIN scumbag results for almost seven years and counting! It’s becoming obvious that the DUMMOCRETIN party never even bothered itself to verify their guy’s bona fides.
Is Heilary channeling her Tipper Gore? http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2.....ideogames/
Maybe this explains the teabagged problem… http://www.reuters.com/article.....OO20151112 – New York City finds one in five adults has mental health problems
crazed clueless databaze cretin @35,
Yeah DUMMOCRETINS really love McAuliffe https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/mcauliffes-hopes-for-senate-majority-dashed/2015/11/03/95400f9c-826a-11e5-8ba6-cec48b74b2a7_story.html
Been an idiot since 2005!
Meanwhile… Do HA DUMMOCRETINS remember Ray LaHood? http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11......html?_r=0
The outcome of the progressive leftists running the show more and more with their permissive society… The chickens come home to roost http://gothamist.com/2015/11/1.....candal.php
Parents will define deviancy down – Senator Daniel Moynihan! http://www2.sunysuffolk.edu/fo.....viancy.htm
Or blaming the school or law enforcement
Or what can the parent do because it’s the times
When parents want to deliver discipline of any kind progressive pinheads cry fowl!
Maureen Dowd was skeptical if Heilary Clinton was trying to join the the few, the proud, the marines..
Dowd asked: “So, if she was talking to a Marine recruiter in 1975 before the marriage, was she briefly considering joining the few, the proud and the brave of the corps as an alternative to life with Mr. Clinton, who was already being widely touted as a sure thing for Arkansas Attorney General?”
Or maybe Heilary got wind of all those wimens Bill had on the side. Maybe Bill Clinton was Tiger Woods womanizing idol? Well he was the first black president!
You really need to read this article… Funny!
This is a big time lie… It’s spin either by the author or the polled DUMMOCRETINS trying to be charlatans with their Trump answer…
But which Republican presidential candidate would be the most challenging for the Democratic nominee? At this point, Democratic primary voters say it’s Donald Trump: 31 percent say he would be the most difficult Republican for a Democratic nominee to beat. Ben Carson (15 percent) is a distant second, followed by Marco Rubio (13 percent) and Jeb Bush (13 percent). https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2015/11/12/hillary-clintons-claim-that-she-tried-to-join-the-marines/
Downright amazing about this guy… http://www.westernjournalism.c.....narrative/
College DUMMOCRETIN libtards demand freedom with their bodies and freedom for drug use butt mommy and daddy dean, his/her words hurt me… The fog of progressive FASCISM is descending all over America! These little cupcakes on college campii! These are not the oppressed college students, these are the elite censorship movement after the First Amendment removal!
DUMMOCRETINS want to be the arbiters of all speech! We witness it here from most of the HA DUMMOCRETINS wanting to shut up Travis, Puddy or others whom appear and disappear!
Way to go libtards on your cupcake generation!
Puddy found this from Alan Dershowitz… http://www.newsmax.com/Newsmax.....id/629176/
And now we see how progressive DUMMOCRETIN thought is moving the useful idiots to riot against their own perfessas!
Sooooooooooooo DUMMOCRETIN Harry Truman deported illegal aliens? http://www.factcheck.org/2010/.....deporters/
Seems Jonathan Butler, Mizzou hunger strike guy is 1% of the top 1%. He is like Heilary. He’s not a poor, struggling student at Mizzou like Roger senile claimed to be!
Unsurprisingly to sane rational people the evidence continues to mount that leading GOP candidate for President, Dr. Ben Carson is a criminal crank.
Wow… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....rison.html
PuddyCommentary: Puddy is skeptical on this. Why? How many Clinton misinformation campaigns have there been over the years. Why it would be sweet to see this Puddy doubts it will really happen! Butt, if Comey does determine this happened and it gets blown off it will be leaked!
@90 Trump just compared Carson to “a child molester.” The GOP race is starting to get interesting.
American press never covers this…
“sane rational people”
Really Mike FlubScout? Puddy has studied most all these libtards so it’s very easy to know their “bone fides”!
This guy writes for Media Morons!
Yeah that’s really “sane”!
Once again Trump doesn’t understand the power of God and how God can transform your life! Trump has been around too many DUMMOCRETINS most of his life! Thanks for the link Roger senile
This attack will hurt Trump!
I actually hope this is the case, that Trump or Carson is the republican nominee. Not because I think the Democrat nominee would have a better chance, I guess that is debatable. But I’d much rather see Trump or Carson be the potential President over Rubio or Cruz or any other republican that is currently polling well. The only republican candidate that I truly don’t have a problem is Kasich, but I don’t think he has a shot.
I think Cruz and Rubio would be worse for this Country. And Trump and Carson better because they’ll fuck up more or be bigger embarrassments to this Country, thereby hoping that no other Republican will ever be elected President or in Congress.
WAPO: GOP PREZ PANIC https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/time-for-gop-panic-establishment-worried-carson-and-trump-might-win/2015/11/12/38ea88a6-895b-11e5-be8b-1ae2e4f50f76_story.html
Puffy must be going in for a colonoscopy. I see he shit his brains out.
@70 no, not confused. Maybe I wasn’t clear enough. Maybe just you didn’t understand or may e everyone didn’t understand but at least they didn’t waste their time responding.
I know she is a Democrat or at least being called out to be a Democrat. What I was implying or getting across is the Hypocracy in the comment by Boob or what he’s was trying to infer, that this example shows that Dems are afraid of the media.
“That this thing – worrying….”
No this is what republicans think – why are they always blasting the “liberal” media? The media with those gotcha questions?
They fear the media for reporting factual information that shows what dumb fucks they are.
Boob was trying to just twist reality. Kind of rewriting history. Stick to your Bible, there is no other history!
Get it now? Now go to sleep, you have your colonoscopy in they morning.
Little wonder that the batshit crazy loon has come here to share his imploding head with us again.
“Carson’s History Book Filled With Plagiarism”
“Trump compares Carson’s ‘pathological temper’ to child molesting: ‘You don’t cure that’”
Heh. No cure for Carson. No cure for the loon either.
Puffy not sure if you can see me through the monitor of you computer or smartphone or tablet, but after typing @97, I celebrated by pointing to the sky!
Sucks to be Carson. Sucks even more to be a batshit crazy loon.
“AP: Carson Profits From Ties With Felon Convicted Of Health Care Fraud”
“In his book, Carson wrote that anyone found guilty of health care fraud should face what he called the “Saudi Arabian Solution.”
“Why don’t people steal very often in Saudi Arabia?” Carson asked. “Obviously because the punishment is the amputation of one or more fingers. I would not advocate chopping off people’s limbs, but there would be some very stiff penalties for this kind of fraud, such as loss of one’s medical license for life, no less than 10 years in prison, and loss of all of one’s personal possessions.”
Despite the tough-on-crime message, Carson and his wife kept their investment with Costa in the years since his conviction.”
What a fucking hypocrite.
Just trying this out as my new nickname. When I attacked my Grandmother with the hammer and stabbed my uncle and aunt, I use to point to the ground and dance, but now I point to the sky!!! Alleluia, alleluia.
“I see he shit his brains out.”
Caused by shit-fer-brains’ head imploding.
“Sky Pointer”
I like it!
@104 thanks. I think it’s a keeper. I should probably trade mark it before the Rabbit does.
Wonder if Carson ever lived in NYC? That might explain the 1 in 5 crazies that they have out here.
On that note – good night, have to wake @4:30am. In 5 hours.
Hope that colonoscopy goes well for Puffy, maybe less shit will come out of his mouth, oops I meant ass.
Oh shit, Puddy showed up.
I can’t tell you how happy I am to see these two guys taken out of circulation.
And I’ll be very happy if this guy has been taken out of circulation, too:
“U.S. forces have conducted an airstrike in Syria targeting the British man known as “Jihadi John” who participated in the beheading videos of two American journalists and the slayings of several other captives, according to the Pentagon. ‘We are assessing the results of tonight’s operation and will provide additional information as and where appropriate,’ Cook said in a statement.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Just another reminder that Obama gets things done, whereas his Republican predecessor sat around and twiddled his thumbs for eight years.
@68 “Why isn’t the media remembering when Heilary Clinton talked to dead people?”
Because nobody gives a flying fuck about your Hillary fetish.
Steve, is it possible that the Pudster has gotten even more crazy in the past couple years? I kind of worry about him. The spew on this thread is unfathomable.
@74 Not surprising. You Republicans have always been big fans of bridges to nowhere. Not to mention bridge closures.
I see the guys Christie hired to do his dirty work– and take the fall for him — are now complaining through their lawyers that he’s hiding thousands of Bridgegate documents.
That should go over well with the grand jury …
@81 “Been an idiot since 2005!”
I would’ve sworn you’ve been here longer than that.
@85 The Washington Post has sure gone downhill since Jeff Bezos bought it.
Hey Puddy, did you see where Trump called Carson a child molester?
Ben Carson is about as competent to lead this nation as is a sprouted potato. The Chinese are in Syria? Really? And Ben has special intelligence? Good God, and he’s in the lead on the GOP side. Hey, PuddyBuddy, I know you have a man-crush on the good doctor, but for fuck’s sake.
@86 Boy, you sure know how to pick your sources. (snark)
@89 Unless things have changed in the last 50 years, and I doubt they have, being the top 1% of the top 1% doesn’t do you much good if you’re black in that racist town.
@90 Apparently I’m not the only one who gets the feeling that Carson came to believe Jesus is a black man by looking in a mirror.
@95 “Once again Trump doesn’t understand the power of God and how God can transform your life!”
He apparently knows a child molester when he sees one, though.
@97 This happens every time he eats lentils.
@105 Already did. I’ll send you my standard form license agreement in the mail.
@111 “Steve, is it possible that the Pudster has gotten even more crazy in the past couple years?”
Not really. Once you hit 100% crazy, you can’t really go any higher.
Roger @ 122, I suppose you’re right about that. But, still, it’s painful to watch the madness that is Puddy.
Breaking News: U.S. Kills Jihadi John
The U.S. launched a drone strike tonight against Jihadi John, the ISIS s.o.b. who cuts people’s heads off, and it looks like we got him. A U.S. briefer said John “evaporated” when the missile hit him. Confirming the kill may take a while if he’s scattered across half of Syria. Team Obama scores again!
@45 So is this guy Puddy’s best bud?
@68 Well old Ben wasn’t communing with Eleanor. If he had she would have asked how the policies she tried to push her husband to support had worked out and helped Dr. Carson in his endeavors. Does Dr. Carson support the 4 Freedoms? Do any of the Republican candidates support them? Oddly if you say Trump I might believe you.
It’s the Daily Mail rather like the National Observer occassionally they do real news. Always good for a laugh. And they quoting from Fox.
Whose the classification authority for the State Department? Hmmmm
@124 No message to Putin about our cruise missile technology.
The Chinese are probably very upset about the two B-52’s that flew near one of the Spratley’s.
I’m not sure about Ted Cruz’s comments about the President fearing god and praying on his knees. I’d rather have a President able to give God the finger. Able to dissent like Abraham and Job. Maybe Cruz is trying to tell us he’s the current version of Jaon of Arc. He doesn’t have the figure, and is probably inept with a sword.
Good morning All,
I saw this headline and read s bit of it, but not much, just me being lazy and in a little bit of a rush,
Woman Finds Kidney Donor On Tinder http://www.huffingtonpost.co.u.....41990.html
But I thought to myself – how courageous, what a nice act of compassion or love. The I said to myself, self – this guy who donated his kidney is so nice that if he ever needed a kidney because the last one that he had went bad that id donate him one of mine, if I were a match, regardless if I am dead or alive (I am earmarked my organs for donation upon my death). He deserved this compassion in return.
Do I thought to my self – with regard to kidney donations, they should make it a rule that any kidney donates themselves should jump ahead of all waiting for kidneys, also with respect to dire need. They should encourage people to donate kidneys by matching you up or promising you a guaranteed kidney transplant in the future.
I don’t understand why our problems are so hard fixing. Does anyone even think anymore. Or do they just boo and hiss?
Here is a money maker for you Roger, I think.
Put the following on a bumper sticker or t-shirt – “don’t be bullied, intimidated or brainwashed, it’s ok to say Happy Holidays”
Might be a little too long for a bumper sticker or it might have to be small font size to fit in a t-shirt, but I think they would sell pretty good, maybe best time is right around Christmas.
And here is another idea – put a Starbucks coffee cup right under the words.
Must suck knowing you can’t push the agenda you ran behind.
Republicans Realize Taking Obamacare Away From Voters Isn’t A Great Idea http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....49038.html
He apparently knows a child molester when he sees one, though.
So you met Trump when again Roger senile?
Wait a minute, if Jihadi John was indeed killed like Alwaki in a air strike that’s wrong per progressive libtards. He should have been caught and brought back to Britain for a court trial!
Y’all forgot this because progressives change their tune when it fits their narratives… http://www.cnn.com/2011/09/30/.....-citizens/
Roger senile,
Heilary is the “enemy”. She said so! http://content.jwplatform.com/.....j-hLb0vkFd
Butt butt butt
Terrence J. McNeil, 25 was just a member of the JV squad!
@133 yeah, we are all outraged. You are a loon and have nothing valid to cut us down with.
Puddy has a friend on the Olympic peninsula who was just kicked off ObummerCare because he is a child of an Vietnam Agent Orange survivor. Yes, he was kicked off of Washington Health Finder! So much for the benefits of ObummerCare!
So Sky Pointer, you mock Russell Wilson when he throws a touchdown pass?
Or are you thanking Jesus for making you one of the NY crazies?
Do tell!
On the ground looking up at the sky seeing another Teabag @136,
Those were libtards you moron! Oh excuse Puddy you are one of the NY crazies…
My bad!
I don’t understand why our problems are so hard fixing. Does anyone even think anymore. Or do they just boo and hiss?
College and University DUMMOCRETINS today right On the ground looking up at the sky seeing another Teabag? http://www.mediaite.com/online.....be-racist/
Once again Puffy likes to twist the facts. From my experience, a Repiblican whom I know was outraged that the US drone killed the American citizen. Not one liberal person that I know has ever mentioned any outrage.
And Puffy wants to further muddy the waters by comparing jihadi John, not an American to al-fucky. Nice try dirt bag.
You may have missed or can’t comprehend but it was because al-fucky was an American citizen that made a difference of why republicans didn’t like that Obsma killed him. You know anything Obama did they were and are against even though they would normally cheer if regan or bush did it and say “he kept us safe”.
Puffy you and your ilk are pathetic.
How was the colonoscopy?
@68 Well old Ben wasn’t communing with Eleanor.
That’s right butt Heilary communicates with the dead. Except the Bible has something to say about that Mark Adams @126. It’s not Christian for one! You should look it up!
Mark…. Better suggestion, don’t look it up, burn it instead.
From my experience, a Repiblican whom I know was outraged that the US drone killed the American citizen. Not one liberal person that I know has ever mentioned any outrage.
Ohhh poor poor On the ground looking up at the sky seeing another Teabag! Puddy remembered the article from four years ago an the On the ground looking up at the sky seeing another Teabag head went..
On the ground looking up at the sky seeing another Teabag @143.,
You’d suggest burning the Koran too?
And Puddy correctly compares jihadi John, not an American to Alwaki the American.
Yes you moronic twit On the ground looking up at the sky seeing another Teabag. Our laws are mostly derived from British laws.
Meanwhile Sista Souljah (the black commentator mentioned in libtard shows today – “if black people kill black people every day, why not have a week and kill white people?”) weighs in on Heilary
Can one claim mike rowe agreshuns here?
You see On the ground looking up at the sky seeing another Teabag, this is progressive FASCISM; spawned by the progressive libtards running the DUMMOCRETIN led university zoos all over America! Remember the mess at Cornell recently when a college professor claimed they should not hire a Republican professor On the ground looking up at the sky seeing another Teabag? No? Well you are a moron, part of the NY crazies!
http://time.com/4109987/freedom-speech-princeton/ – What’s the point of a liberal arts education if the only ideas expressed are ones with which we already agree? Well, that’s because libtards don’t have original thought! They parrot what
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars
Daily Kos
Media Matters
Huff Post
have to say! Witness the number of Daily Kooks links from Roger senile above!
Ahhh yes, the tension of the progressive libtARd DUMMOCRETIN mind… http://www.politico.com/story/.....ter-215814
See how On the ground looking up at the sky seeing another Teabag ran away when confronted with #145?
Very Telling!
Is there a full moon! Or is just that time of the month for Puffy?
I’m not looking up at the sky, I’m just pointing at the sky. My favorite star is up there. Do you have a problem with that?
10 right-wing conspiracy theories that have slowly invaded American politics
1. Common Core – The Plot Against Our Children
2. Military Exercises – Prelude To Martial Law
3. Agenda 21 – Conspiracy Of The Greens
4. North American Union – U.S Sovereignty On The Bank
5. Shariah Law – Coming To A Courtroom Near You
6. Gun Grab – The Coming Seizure Of Americans’ Firearms
7. FEMA – America’s Secret Concentration Camps
8. Money Manipulators – How The Bankers Keep Us Down
9. Secret Muslim Training Camps – The Enemy Within
10. The Homosexual Agenda – The End Of Civilization
The only ones I didn’t know about was #3, 4 and 8. If they were all true at the same time, would make for a great Paranoia style role playing game.
Dont forget the FEMA mailbox stickers.
The feverish lashing out is highly predictable and entirely consistent with social psychology theories about the behavior of cult-like groups undergoing failure. It’s a defense of core identity against cognitive dissonance. When the Carson thing finally implodes we can expect a brief quiet period, followed by regrouping around a revised core identity. Hopefully a non-violent one. My guess is this one keeps guns around.
It’s panic button time for GOP poobahs.
“Less than three months before the kickoff Iowa caucuses, there is growing anxiety bordering on panic among Republican elites about the dominance and durability of Donald Trump and Ben Carson and widespread bewilderment over how to defeat them. Party leaders and donors fear that nominating either man would have negative ramifications for the GOP ticket up and down the ballot, virtually ensuring a Hillary Rodham Clinton presidency and increasing the odds that the Senate falls into Democratic hands. [But] the party establishment is paralyzed.”
Their solution? What else?
“One friend of Romney’s said there were some calls to Romney confidant Beth Meyers and others in his circle asking him to consider being a lifeline to the Republican Party and its chaotic primary fight.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, I have no problem with Romney being their nominee! Sure, he’d get his ass kicked in the general by a woman — they all would — but I think he would go down fighting like a man.
Wow. Just wow. A mysogynist South Carolina state senator called his female GOP colleague “a lesser cut of meat.” How’s that for sexism? I guess this is who South Carolina voters elect to represent them nowadays.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m beginning to suspect that when the Founding Fathers saw a necessity for checks and balances, it was the voters they had in mind.
Goldy @GoldyHA
Damn. Guess it really is a toss up now. https://twitter.com/heidigroover/status/664955737404080128 …
Number of write-ins is three times the margin between the runoff candidates.
“Is there a full moon! Or is just that time of the month for Puffy?”
Since his breakdown and descent into insanity, every day is a batshit crazy day for the loon.
The feverish lashing out is highly predictable and entirely consistent with social psychology theories about the behavior of cult-like groups undergoing failure.
Thanks for the definition lib the racist unscientist. Finally the racist one has an apt defintion for what Lenin’s useful idiots are doing on college campii. So let’s use Jim Geraght! Yeah, the same Jim Geraghty libtards ran to to besmirch Dr Ben. http://www.nationalreview.com/.....m-geraghty
This is the failure of progressive libtard left wrong leftist thought! Libtards on college campii are revolting against their libtard administrations. This revolt isn’t happening at Liberty University or other Christian schools. It’s the failure of secular progressive morons leading these schools!
Truth is difficult to swallow butt these are easy for libtards to swallow… We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars
Daily Kos
Media Matters
Huff Post
Here’s one for the moronic libtards to think about!
If Dr Ben is low energy per Trump now that Dr Ben has a pathological temper? Trump fears Dr Ben. Dr Ben once did a 22 hour operation on co-joined twins! Butt that’s low energy!
Remember Trump called the Iowa voters stupid… “How stupid are the people of Iowa? How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?”
Ms. Magazine @msmagazine – While ISIS endorses rape, American college administrations similarly facilitate the rape of women on campuses http://bit.ly/1ljgsdB 6:01 PM – 10 Nov 2015
The link!
Puddy loves it when the moronic twit the progressive left compares fellow libtard DUMMOCRETINS whom run college campii to ISIS!
Meanwhile one of Lenin’s useful idiots met someone who challenges them on their beliefs and hilarity ensues! http://townhall.com/tipsheet/m.....s-n2080049
Remember Neil Cavuto is one of those people who ran a real debate!
Something else cheered by the moronic left whom hate Christianity butt cheer Islam… http://townhall.com/tipsheet/k.....wsCarousel
In states where Democratic despair is deepest, recruiting and even retaining candidates can be a challenge. Jody Steverson, a state representative from Mississippi, announced that he was switching parties two days after he was re-elected on the Democratic ticket last week. “You just can’t be a conservative and a Democrat in Mississippi anymore,” he said.
Not just in Mississippi. I doubt Evan Bayh would even recognize his party today.
Breaking news… HA DUMMOCRETIN friends are at it again.. https://twitter.com/search?q=terrorist+attack+in+Paris
Three different locations! 18 dead so far!
Curious black woman goes to Trump rally, and discovers the candidate and his supporters are exactly what she expected them to be.
@160 et al. – Puffy, when you cut and paste quotes from other comments in order to respond to them, the proper thing to do is put quote marks (“”) around the material you’re quoting.
Although, I have to acknowledge that I have no difficulty distinguishing your insane ravings from the material written by others (and I doubt anyone else does either); so, I suppose you could argue with some measure of plausibility that practicing formal quote mark usage is less necessary when you’re the person who’s posting.
@161 “How stupid are the people of Iowa? How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?”
Well, I guess we’re going to find out starting in a few weeks. We already know you are.
@164 I don’t see why you drag the left into this. This custom is a better fit with your tribe.
@165 I agree. You can’t be a conservative and a Democrat anywhere. We Democrats won’t put up with it. Whatever happened in the past, we’re better than that now.
Here’s a gem: “Marco Rubio (R-Fla) ranks 98th in the Senate with an estimated net worth of $443,509 in 2013.”
A guy worth only $443.5K ranks second from dead-last in personal wealth among senators. Not a very representative institution, is it?
Roger senile @168… Puddy places their comments in blockquote form! Been doing it for years! Don’t like it…
Roger senile… The progressive left DUMMOCRETINS hate Christianity butt love Islam!
See ya!
@173 Listen, I would be the happiest rabbit on earth if that was the only thing wrong with your comments.
@174 Prove it.
Prove what Roger senile? The Christian hate on this blog is well documented.
Oh wait you’re senile so you forgot the last 20 minutes!
The morons in Paris screamed “This is for Syria” and “Allahu Akbar”
And Obummer wants to bring 200,000 Syrians to America of which 70% are males?
This is an attack on regular Parisians. Sabbath keepers and Jews are home on Friday night. So this was an attack on secular people.
@177 Yada, yada, yada.
At least 35 people now dead in Paris. Hostages taken and HA DUMMOCRETINS still ridicule Republicans whom take this whacko islamic jihad seriously!
@181 Meanwhile, a Democratic president is bombing them just for fun.
@181 This nonsense is brought to you by a nut who votes for a party whose leader did nothing about Osama bin Laden for 10 years.
Much as I dislike the prospect of another U.S. military involvement in the Middle East (or anywhere else, for that matter), I think the U.S. has to join the rest of the world and stamp out ISIS, completely and permanently, even if it takes a ground war to do it. Unless Putin gets there first and saves us the trouble, which is a distinct possibility if it turns out that ISIS did indeed murder a planeload of Russian children.
Yeah that aspirin rocket attack in the Sudan by Clinton really worked on Bin Laden eh Roger senile? http://www.cbsnews.com/news/bi.....bin-laden/
The ISIS JV is a creation of Obummer plain and simple Roger senile!
“The ISIS JV is a creation of Obummer plain and simple Roger senile!”
Damn. The batshit crazy loon is even more batshit insane than yesterday. I didn’t think it was possible.
“Trump fears Dr Ben.”
Trump doesn’t fear Ben. He realizes that Carson is a psychopath and child molester and that, as such, he bears watching.
@185 Whoooo killed OBL? Whoooo said he didn’t care where OBL was? Still running against Bill Clinton? Are we going to see some blue dress ads in 2016?
@187 Yeah, he’s off the fucking charts.
@186 See #183 again.