– Happy Veterans Day.
– Reading Patty Murray’s Washington Post editorial on the need to close loopholes in the Federal tax code is yet another reminder of how intransigent the GOP really are.
– Here’s hoping Larry Phillips and Dow Constantine live up to their threats of going it alone.
– You know how gun nuts are always telling us that their having all the guns is protecting all the freedoms? I’m pretty sure they meant this sort of thing.
– Dudes Are Such Whiny Baby Liars About Girls With Short Hair
Second Amendment Report (TM)
“A man who was kicked out of an indie band from Iran about a year ago went to the Brooklyn apartment building where his former bandmates lived early Monday and fatally shot three of them with an assault rifle before killing himself on the roof, law enforcement officials said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Killing people with guns in America is so much fun even foreigners are getting in on the act, presumably because they would get stood before a firing squad in their countries for doing what now passes as normal behavior here.
Now that gun nuts have succeeded in arming all the criminals, psychopaths, and crazy people, I guess we’ll just have to live with gun murders being a regular feature of our daily lives.
President Obama had breakfast this morning with Richard Overton, 107, of Texas. Mr. Overton, an African-American, fought in World War 2. He is America’s oldest living veteran.
@1 Well…in this case the perp seems to have acted as his own firing squad. The whole thing is tragic, but under the circumstances it’s too bad he didn’t just kill himself instead of ventilating the other three. Better yet, the guy should have just found another band, for chrissakes.
The Graham piece…now, that’s really a tragedy. (Seems there are an awful lot of tragedies these days…) In the last few years before he ended his public ministry, Dr. Graham’s appearances became real celebrations of God’s love. After all the fire and brimstone of his youth, he seemed to have really “got it”, combing faith with the patient wisdom that comes from a long life well lived. Too bad he wasn’t able to impart much if any of that to his kid, although maybe Franklin will come around in another 30 years or so.
Sorry for the typos in my last post. HA’s correction feature seems to have taken a vacation.
I cannot ever understand, how anyone could ever, ever, take this woman seriously on any subject at all. It is obvious that she can understand how to flap her meat and create various noises, I think it could even be possible that she can comprehend the concept of verbal communication at the most basic level.
But it is certain that any relationship her utterances may have with a functioning language system is practically nonexistent. There is no perceptible correlation at all between the meat-sounds she is making, and any conscious effort on her part to structure those meat sounds into a pattern that other members of the species could perceive as information.
She is a meat puppet, making meat sounds. Any actual information she may transmit is purely accidental.
@7 Palin, without any apparent personal awareness of it, has transformed herself from a disappointment to a sick joke. Listening to her bloviate is about as pleasing and enlightening as watching a jackal retching.
@8 I prefer the jackal.
Remember the 19-year-old black girl who got in a car accident, went to a house for help, and was met with a shotgun blast to the face from the 54-year-old white male homeowner? The medical examiner ruled her death a homicide today.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That guy is a killer. Prosecute him.
The gun culture has gone too far. Too many yahoos think the right to own a gun confers a “right” to pull the trigger. What it should confer is a long stretch of free room and board at the
Graybar Inn.
Thank you, veterans.
This is interesting. Larry Flynt is trying to save his assailant from execution.
@13 Why? That guy is a sociopath. KKK, Nazi, serial killer, convicted of 8 murders and suspected of a dozen more. Would shoot Puddy on sight if he got the chance. He needs to be gone.
@12 Thanks, we appreciate that.
I’ll confess to not having followed the last few years of Billy Graham’s ministry so maybe I’ve missed some important shift but all I’ve ever seen is a large ego in expensive suits acting as a groupie to those in power. He sucked up to every president including Nixon without a hint of public reproach. If he had any concern for the Vietnamese and Cambodians I missed it in the general mush of American triumphalism. His son continues in that mold. Slightly more genteel versions of Elmer Gantry, nothing more.