– Oh hey, it looks like the class size initiative is probably going to pass.
– I’m glad to read about the good work being done by the UW chapter of United Students Against Sweatshops [h/t]
– It’s a little late, but an immigration reform executive order sounds pretty OK.
– Chuck Todd is bad on policy even if he knows process.
– Welcome, Oregon to the you can get stoned at a gay wedding club.
– Oh man. The culture war is really heatingzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
– I know that light very well. The worst is then if the bridge is up.
This explains the DUMMOCRETIN debacle last week. PMSNBC the channel of HA DUMMOCRETINS! http://www.usatoday.com/story/...../18601843/
PuddyCommentary: Apparently, Michael Wolff is clueless to the NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbats who are dedicated masochists! And it sux to be them.
And more analysis regarding DUMMOCRETINS incessant screaming over the Koch Brothers. Butt don’t worry… HA DUMMOCRETINS, members of the NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbats, will continue to harp on the Koch Brothers! http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html
PuddyCommentary: Low information voters still live in New Hampshire and Michigan while enlightened voters live in those other highlighted states. Tom Steyer be damned!
DUMMOCRETINS are real scum! http://www.freerepublic.com/fo.....5368/posts
PuddyCommentary: Scumbags like this moron are another reason why y’all lost on Tuesday. People are reacting to the scum DUMMOCRETINS really are!
Obama Urges FCC To Set ‘Strongest Possible Rules’ To Protect Net Neutrality
“Obama’s plan won’t be popular with telecom companies, but it has wide support from the U.S. public, which submitted to the FCC almost 4 million comments overwhelmingly in favor of net neutrality this summer. Whether FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler will adopt Obama’s plan remains in question. ”
Let’s hope it happens.
Why did he wait till after the election?
Sooooooooooooo, the truth comes out… http://dailycaller.com/2014/11.....obamacare/
PuddyCommentary: Transparency? This is the reason libtard policies are always convoluted and written in a tortured way! Yessiree! Otherwise they would be rejected out-of-hand!
When are Derpocrats going to realize that simply throwing cash at education (WEA) isn’t fixing anything?
@6, I agree. Now, how would you change education policy to make it more effective, more equitable, and more fair for everyone? Go into detail.
If you just want to bust the union, without better alternatives, that isn’t worth listening to. If you can’t. you are like republicans wanting to get rid of the ACA but have not idea what to replace it with that would be better. If that’s your goal, fuck off.
If Obama misuses Executive Order on Amnesty, he will not get it funded, will not get his AG approved etc etc.
He is arrogant enough to do it knowing it will go no where.
His AG nominee will be deluged with questions about use of Executive Orders. That will be very informative how she answers them because she is bound to uphold the Law…not make it.
Obama’s legacy is on the line
The dope @ 8 must be the same a-hole who thought fast-n-furious and solyndra would go anywhere.
Yet another angry klownservative with a blood pressure problem suffering from incurable Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Obama wouldn’t be far off the mark to take some kind of executive action. The Senate passed immigration legislation and it has languished in the miserable bagger-addled House.. And Agent Orange Boner complains about obstruction of the useless bagger tax giveaways to the oil and gas industry by Harry Reid?
Oh yeah. Boner calls those “jobs” bills.
And by the way klownservatives, many prominent klownservative pundits like Charles Krauthammer support amnesty.
There’s just no way upwards of 11 million people are going to
“self-deport” like the silly candidates for President you vote for say they will.
Just like there’s no way cheap labor klownservatives will pay more for workers born in the USA.
@8 Someone has to govern when Republicans won’t.
This is too precious. The Rupert Murdoch Journal says the Federal goverment is employing the fewest government workers since 1966:
And this rich, bagger elected Senate jerk says it’s too much!
Too funny the fast ones these bagger jerks try to pull. But it’s the play the klownservatives have used for many years. Cut the government workforce and howl to the moon when the workforce can’t handle the workload – the only solution is to cut it some more!
Mitch McConnell will be looking at the IRS scandal, Benghazi coverup, Fast & Furious gun running. Then the fun will begin with advise and consent in the senate!
As you see monomaniacal moronic moonbat… Harry Reid has a dilemma… http://www.politico.com/story/.....12727.html
It always sux to be you!
Hey monomaniacal moronic moonbat,
So you like Krauthammer on his amnesty stance on illegal aliens? So you like Krauthammer? Puddy knows how much you hate Krauthammer. A quick Google search gave Puddy about 3,620 results (0.47 seconds) with your feckless wit on Charles Krauthammer!
One thing you forget in your love fest with Charles Krauthammer is his support for the border fence. Oh noes, no more illegals getting in illegally! Also Krauthammer wants to create a point system in which credit is given for education, skills and English competence for illegals. Yeah, Puddy knew you didn’t read the fine print. Imagine that… no points for your low IQ! And those with criminal records like that illegal alien who killed those two police officers two weeks ago, would be deported. Puddy still waiting for a comment from the monomaniacal moronic moonbat denouncing that illegal alien scum for killing those two police officers!
Yes you are DUMMOCRETIN scum for your illegal alien silence! And it always sux to be you!
Idiot Wabbit@10,
That’s why all those DUMMOCRETINS in the House and Senate and Governors were kicked to the curb by the electorate last Tuesday!
Meanwhile Dartmouth DUMMOCRETIN scum are at it again! http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=6048
Meanwhile NBC on the weekend newscasts are providing Obummer cover again… http://www.mrctv.org/videos/nb.....mplishment
Can anyone produce a LEGITIMATE poll where ObummerCare polls positive over the NOs?
There are democrats against amnesty, including this one.
There are millions of people who want to come to America.
Why should those who come illegally get to cut inline?
How is that morally ok?
If we put everyone who knowingly hired an illegal and didn’t do their due diligence to check if they were illegal in jail, for a day on first offense and longer terms for each violation after that, from CEOs down down to little people who hire farm workers, nannies and day laborers, the demand would dry up and the bulk of them would not stay.
Course costs would skyrocket if you had pay for lazy Americans to do the work, bu the illegals would be gone.
What is your solution for dealing with upwards of 11 million people who have “cut inline”?
If it’s rounding them up and loading them in detention centers before shipping them south in cattle cars. Well damn there’s little that’s moral about that let alone practicable.
For years I’ve asked why do cheap labor klownservatives use the cheap labor of undocumented immigrants if they don’t like them for being scofflaws? Klownservatives don’t want to answer that question because the answer is too obvious.
Cheap labor klownservatives line their pockets with undocumented worker cheap labor. Just go out to just south of Yakima one day around election time. You see the largest signs urging people to vote for klownservative Republicans and then look past those huge signs at who is working in the fields.
The hypocrisy is unfathomable.
LMAO@ 13!!!!
Notice that the village idiot troll’s beloved Krauthammer whose klownservative slop the troll fiend has pasted COUNTLESS TIMES in these threads,
supports AMNESTY for undocumented immigrants!
DAMN! That makes the village idiot’s HEAD EXPLODE!!!!
Oooh he’s for a fence. – Been there done that.. Klownservatives wasted a lotta money.. Got no where!
Go ahead fiend, keeping jerkin’ off to that one!
HAHAHAHAHA! We’ll keep making your fool head blow up with that klownservative support for amnesty. It’s too freaking entertaining.
Those who perpetrate the crime of murder should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Damn! That’ll be so good for the economy burning up countless klownservative politician’s hours on the public dime for these trumped up “scandals”.
What happened to ending gridlock? Damn it again! With friends like the Kentucky turtle and our own village idiot troll carrying water for the turtle…
Klownservatism needs no enemies!
Meanwhile Bob Woodward tells it like it is… http://youtu.be/wPOmDadU_bU
PuddyCommentary: Obummer will NOT admit he is the reason DUMMOCRETINS lost more House seats, the Senate control and State Governors . Well his policies were on the ballot. Obummer said so. And… they were summarily REJECTED. Obummer is so full of himself and it’s very apparent!
Been fun.. Gotta go.
Notice the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat claims Puddy’s head exploded! NOPE! Puddy laid out Krauthammer’s amnesty rules. That’s when all can see it’s granite head met tri-nitro toluene and exploded @ 20!
Notice the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat doesn’t deal with Krauthammer’s amnesty rules. This is why low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat is HA’s dumb brick! Unless the commentary is on a left wrong site, the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat has no clue on how to respond.
That’s why is always sux to be the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat!
Hey liar @ 21. Puddy didn’t write that! The low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat is no hero to no one!
See.. Puddy can make the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat do what Puddy wants. Bark low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat… bark!
Still sux to be the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat!
Notice how the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat granit head exploded when another DUMMOCRETIN stands up and is against illegal amnesty!
Still sux to be the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat!
Awwww… Mitch McConnell whipped Alison Blundering Grimes and the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat had another exploded head!
Still sux to be the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat!
Notice no HA DUMMOCRETIN will respond to the hiding of the truth about ObummerCare by the writers. #5.
Outright Lying
Admits it’s really a tax!
Wow, DUMMOCRETIN University professors are scum too. http://freebeacon.com/issues/h.....project-2/
Nuthin more need to be said!
Ahhh yes CBS David Rhodes protecting little brother Obummer Stapher Ben Rhodes. And now the truth comes out… Sharyl Attkisson blows it up. http://www.breitbart.com/Breit.....Reelection
So what does the empty tea bag with his puffed butt have to say about this? http://nypost.com/2014/11/10/c.....heir-farm/
So religious beliefs don’t cut it for this group. They will cause a person to lose their job, companies to have to cut staff, and companies to go out of business. Those whom fight have to pay hefty fines.
Meanwhile Mary Landrieu is an ASS just like many of you DUMMOCRETINS here… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgmrRup5JDo&feature=youtu.be
So where was her opponent Bill Cassidy?
Puddy’s here. Get the pooper scooper. A big one, like they use for the Clydesdales. Whew.
Locomotive builder/rebuilder National Railway Equipment Cosby has become an employee-owned company. Of the companies that convert non-compliant locomotives to the new EPA Tier 4 Emissions regs, this is one of the best.
Texas Central Railway, the private proposal to build high speed rail between Dallas and Houston, has given the Dallas Area Rapid Transit an excuse to consider accelerating the timetable for several transit lines within Downtown Dallas. The TCR has an interesting foreign backer, Japan Central Railway.
To all Veterans, thank you for your service.
Also, on November 11, 1889, President Benjamin Harrison, signed the proclamation that made Washington the 42nd State. Happy 125th Birthday, Washington.
Meanwhile they discovered the libtard virus… It makes you more stoooooooopid http://www.independent.co.uk/n.....49920.html
Maybe that’s why libtards stayed home a week ago!
Happy Veteran’s Day!
America is Ebola-free!
Ugly klownservative haters still gonna hate.
Thank you TWO-TERM President Obama’s CDC!
@39 Dang! Now they’ll have to find something else to frighten the electorate with.