The local sports club seems to have pulled off a victory in the cold Minnesota winter. It wasn’t pretty and frankly there was as much luck as anything else with the last play. Still, it was well fought and well won.
One thing I didn’t like was there seemed to be a lot of complaining about the refereeing. I’m not saying that they got it right with that last minute pass interference penalty. It’s just that that when you lose because of the refs, complaining is almost always covering for bad play. And always always poor sportsmanship. And when you complain about it after a win, it’s just pathetic.
Ouch! Trump uses the work of Laurence Tribe, who taught Cruz at Harvard Law School, to cast doubt on Cruz’s eligibility.
“Harvard law professor: Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be president is ‘murky and unsettled’”
“Despite Sen[ator] Cruz’s repeated statements that the legal/constitutional issues around whether he’s a natural-born citizen are clear and settled,” he told the Guardian by email, “the truth is that they’re murky and unsettled.”
Apparently this is Trump’s world and the likes of Cruz and Carson merely live in it.
Trump is just asking questions.
Nothing wrong with asking questions.
Such a shame Mr. Cruz won’t answer.
Probably makes it harder for some folks to trust him.
I hate awards shows and celebrity hubris. But Ricky Gervais was fucking brilliant! One of the funniest people ever. Slice and dice until the whole crowd was tossed salad.
I can’t believe the weather had nothing to do with that missed field goal. Take it from a rabbit, it’s harder to kick straight when you can’t feel your toes.
Day 295 since he declared his intention to seize The White House, and Rafael Cruz continues to withhold the documentation establishing his citizenship.
“I have no idea if Ted Cruz is a Christian. They practice Santeria in much of Cuba and his father is Cuban and he wasn’t born in America proper so how would I know? I’ve never personally seen him at services but if you want to take his claims at face value you can assume he’s a Christian.”
Mark Driscoll, or words to that effect.
Pam Geller, or words to that effect
James Dobson, or words to that effect
Cardinal Raymond Burke, or words to that effect
Complaints about refereeing after a victory?
Supreme Court Seems Poised to Deal Unions a Major Setback
Your whining has barely begun.
Goldy @GoldyHA
Cornell School of Hotel Admin:
“Have Minimum Wage Increases Hurt the Restaurant Industry? The Evidence Says No!”
http://scholarship.sha.cornell.....chrreports …
OK, can the School of Hotel Administration maybe look at, say, whether hotel workers in, say, Los Angeles
have been harmed by minimum wage increases? Or is that something that Cornell will leave to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences?
very good questions.
I wish I knew the answer. But unfortunately, like the questions surrounding his foreign place of birth, his citizenship status, and the fluidity of his parent’s citizenship, Rafael Cruz has not been very responsive.
He has said he’s a “born again Christian”. But he has also said he was born, raised, and confirmed a Roman Catholic. It’s very confusing and it hasn’t really been reported out yet.
Something else for Republican primary voters to be concerned about. Very troubling.
Puddy’s doctor can’t stop the bleeding:
“All five paid staffers in the New Hampshire office of a pro-Ben Carson super-PAC have quit their jobs to volunteer for rival presidential candidate Ted Cruz, a state television station reported Monday. …
“The five former staffers had worked at the 2016 Committee, a super-PAC founded in 2013 to convince the retired neurosurgeon to run for president. Their decision to leave the Carson super-PAC comes less than two weeks after three of Carson’s highest-ranking staffers, among them campaign manager Barry Bennett, stepped down from the campaign.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Is it time to call in Bickle? Does Bickle know ER procedures?
The Doctor is In?
Gifted Handwringing?
I own no copyrights, Dr. Ben is free to use.
@7 Know what, Bickle? I don’t care. I dropped out of the labor force years ago, so it doesn’t matter to me if the unions are destroyed, jobs are sent overseas, and employers crush everyone’s wages to the $3/hr. that Uber drivers make. A lot of blue-collar union guys used to have good jobs, wages, and benefits, then they started voting Republican, just like farmers did after getting on government dole. You reap what you sow. I won’t waste my tears on these people.
What will Republicans do if Hillary isn’t our nominee?
@8 Yeah, yeah, you believe workers are hurt by higher wages. You must be descended from the assholes who argued that slavery was good for the slaves. They said slaves were better off in chains. The slave owners actually argued that, you know. You should remember what happened to them, because you may be next.
The shitshow that is the GOP primaries has the same problem the Democrats had in 2004. All they are running against is being against the current president. (Note that only Fiorina regularly campaigns against Hillary and she has less of a chance of being the nominee than BEN! er JEB!)
“Elect me and I will get rid of Obamacare!” Yes, but what are you for? Where’s the replacement plan?
“Elect me and I will get rid of Obama’s Economic disaster!” So then you’re for speanding trillions off-books and standing on the sidelines while Wall Street speculates us into a Crash. Is that what you’re for?
“Elect me and I’ll get rid of the EPA?” OK, what are you FOR? Boiling water before consumption in Flint, MI?
“Elect me and I’ll get rid of all these regulations.” O.K. against regulations in a vague-feely way but what are you for? Making workplaces less safe by gutting OSHA? Letting polluters pollute (see Flint), pardoning BP for killing people and poisoning the gulf?
“Elect me because I’m not Obama!” Yes, but neither is Hillary/Bernie/Biden or anyone else still eligible to run for President.
you’re leaving out the moral and identity politics of it.
They actually manage to sell this shit to the rubes on those grounds despite the obviously negative potential consequences.
First, you associate whatever it is your campaigning against with “the others”. “The others” might be the shiftless, lazy, shit-heel working poor. They might be dirty, rapey, immigrants. They might be the arrogant, limp-wristed, smarty-pants, intellectual hippies. But often as not they are African Americans (thugs, 47%, urban, “hip-hop”, etc).
Next, you gotta frame whatever it is you’re campaigning against in moral terms. Public assistance “enables” laziness. Public school resources are immorally “wasted” on African American students due to their innate inferiority. Government regulations create a moral role reversal, giving aggressive upstart, secularist bureaucrat “children” power over wise, experienced, dominionist, industry expert “adults”.
The alternative they offer is the “correction” of the moral error or imbalance. They offer nothing of substance because viewed in this moral framework, nothing is needed beyond correcting the moral transgression. With the morally correct people in charge, and balance restored, everything will simply take care of itself without any specific program or intervention. Aside from its inherent appeal to the conservative mindset, one of the great advantages to this sort of political program is that it relieves both politicians and their supporters from dealing with the highly technical nature of modern post-industrial democratic governance. Although, obviously, Republicans and conservatives can be highly skilled when it comes to devising complex, technocratic solutions to benefit the very wealthy.
@10 you have to wonder why they took the job in the first place. Were they just after money and couldn’t get a gig with any other of the candidates. Must be good part time work.
@12 I’m with you Roger. I don’t care either. I’m close to retirement too, and I have no kids to have to care about. But I do have 3 nephews and 1 niece who will inherit a little from me – it will help them to keep going.
But who really cares if there are no jobs for the minions. Who cares if the we have have an have nots! Fuck’em!
@14 the best part of slavery? That we didn’t educate the slaves! Hahahahahaha! That’s working so well for us today!
I’m gonna rape me some white womenz!
Where has this Nazi been? Doesn’t he know that white college frat boys be rapin z white womenz?
@4 Hey the weather affects several NFL games every year in the outcome. It definitely affected this game. Usually this kind of thing would have worked out better for the Vikings, but this is probably the first game they have had to play in the cold this year. Yep it’s been that warm in Minnesota and we have actually been colder.
It looked to me like the kicker slipped a little during the kick and didn’t get properly planted for the kick. Harder to do that when the ground is frozen.
Every year the NFL lets games like this happen, and the playoff season has a lot of games like this. It’s no accident that many Superbowls were played in New Orleans at a stadium arguable build for the Superbowl. Because footballs past lies more in field hockey or soccer it makes sense that games are rarely called due to weather, where baseball has actual rules dealing with weather conditions. Yet football is played in conditions that even the most ardent soccer players would agree just aren’t playable in.
Of course rabbits would have enough sense to look out of their hole and go: “Nope not playing today…kicking that darn fool ball could be painfull.” Then go down in the hold and have a matai with an umbrella and think of warmer climes. Thinking a little a little global warming could be good.
So are you one of our native pygmy rabbits or one of our endangered species of rabbit or just your regular gray rabbits who hang out at the fair RR?
@22 “kicking that darn fool ball could be painfull”
Only for whoever the ball belongs to. Rabbits usually kick them in pairs.
@22 “So are you one of our native pygmy rabbits or one of our endangered species of rabbit or just your regular gray rabbits who hang out at the fair RR?”
I’m an exotic.
@7 The problem is that the decision will actually be based more on the written briefs which are not mentioned. The hearing lets justices ask questions and their line of questioning does not always reveal whether they will vote one way or the other on a case. Sure this is likely to be close and tend to go down the liberal and conservatives voting that way, they may not and it may come out an be a 6 to 3 or even 7 to 2 decision. Either would be very surprising, but not impossible. This one is frankly a sticky one. If we were in Europe the unions would have gone on walk out today and would definitely go on strike with a negative court decision.
@12 Glass-Steagall and too big to fail. Or your one of those democrats who are friend with wall street? That mythical place that may or may not mirror main street.
@18 Which is why the democrats need a candidate able to tell the moneyed class that is a problem for their continued well being. Roosevelt and Truman did just that. Bernie and amazingly Trump are actual capable candidates able to talk in a certain way to the well heeled about their best interests. IE you will be taxed on your excessive income and you will like the taxes as there are more of those ummm little minions (people) the government has to well protect you from should they become upset and uppity.
The FBI is a digging…
Martha, pop some more popcorn please! This is getting more interesting!
And with Trump explaining to millennials how Bill Clinton abused wimenz, this is getting more interesting each day!
Remember this BULLSHITTIUM…?
and Kynect was viewed as a national model for other states and was a success story for a Democratic administration plagued by technical problems with the federal system. Former Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear created it with the help of about $290 million in federal grants. He has estimated it will take at least nine months and cost $23 million to dismantle the system.So Kynect spent $290 Million for DUMMOCRETINS to brag it was good? Really?
Of course the Oregon moron will not see this fiasco. Puddy is glad the Oregon moron won’t see this. In fact Puddy is glad the Oregon moron skips over posts. Puddy has free reign now against the Oregon moron. Puddy can say anything Puddy wants with no worries from the Oregon moron!
Imagine of the FBI subpoenas the Clinton Crime Family Foundation financial records next?
This will make the McDonnell’s Virginia case look like child’s play!
This will make the Petraeus email case look like child’s play!
Of course the Oregon moron won’t see this one either!
@28 “How?”
I don’t know. Let me ask Bill Cosby.
“Hey Bill, what kind of drugz was them that you rape z womenz with? I could use me some of them drugz. Word”
Day 296 since he declared his intention to seize The White House, and Rafael Cruz continues to withhold the documentation establishing his citizenship.