– Oh hey, the Discovery Institute are still wrong.
– Cathy McMorris Rodgers press release translated into English.
– I may be (totally am) a big ol’ crank, but I’m not sure a random bluegrass band would be an improvement in my commute.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Oh hey, the Discovery Institute are still wrong.
– Cathy McMorris Rodgers press release translated into English.
– I may be (totally am) a big ol’ crank, but I’m not sure a random bluegrass band would be an improvement in my commute.
– So, welcome to Olympia. Don’t say Olympia.
Exiting bankrupcty with $50B in tax-loss carry-forwards gifted by the IRS tends to leave one flush with cash.
In gratitude for the incredibly generous bailout granted to it by Joe Taxpayer, GM intends to return the favor. As long as the buyer can afford a luxury vehicle, that is:
General Motors Co. intends to invest more than $12 billion into new Cadillac vehicle development over the next five years, paving the way for the luxury nameplate to build eight new vehicles.
The $12 billion investment gives de Nysschen the fire power he needs to expand Cadillac’s portfolio and compete in some of the “white spaces in China” where the brand doesn’t currently compete—such as in compact crossovers.
In case there is any lingering doubt, GM’s Cadillac division plans to give Motown the finger in the process:
One of his first steps as president is to move Cadillac’s headquarters to New York from Detroit. He intends to have staff relocate to temporary offices in New York in June, with permanent offices for about 120 employees opening in September. The move is designed to steep workers in the luxury trends found in a cosmopolitan city like New York.
Maybe GM didn’t hear that Detroit got to keep its art.
No Republican booster on Wall Street would be caught dead in a GM product..
GM workers all up and down the supply chain are happily working, providing for their families and paying taxes.
Of course nobody likes that last part but it’s important. Especially to our dear troll Bob.
Cheapshot “I support Torture” Bob, are you actually expecting gratitude from a corporation? That’s not part of most companies DNA. Only regulations and rules make a company play fair and do the right thing. You as a cheap labor conservative know that.
Funny I can’t recall Bob kvetching about the following like other silly klownservative trolls:
Oy vay! Doom and gloom from the klownservatives. Reads like something the village idiot troll would call “facts”..
Of course as we’ll see, reality is something quite different.
So what do we have now?
Facts klownservatives.. Facts..
Two headlines from today:
Romney moves to reassemble campaign apparatus for 2016
Paul Ryan Won’t Run for President in 2016
Romney v. Clinton sounds like a bronze medal match. Both lost to Obama.
Obummer delivers a cyber security speech and Obummer’s military CentCom got hacked? http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....pathizers/
DUMMOCRETINS ineptness in action! Probably paid the same company that made the ObummerCare web site work wonderfully October 2013!
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers translated into English:
“I want to empower millions of low-wage workers to not have health insurance and to face medical bankruptcy just like in the good old days before Republicans got their asses totally handed to them in the 2006 and 2008 elections.”
@6 Not a surprise. Ryan had been hinting at such a decision by dropping remarks that his family comes first. Rmoney’s moves are no surprise, either; that man’s ego is boundless.
In other news, two Albuquerque cops have been charged with murder in the highly publicized police killing of a mentally ill homeless man.
@7 Maybe your credit card will be next.
@5 Well, they can always run against the millions of jobs that Obama’s policies have created, and remind voters in key swing states like Ohio and Michigan how much better off they would be if Romney had been allowed to let the auto companies go under …
Now watch the buttspigot go nutzo… http://www.infowars.com/isis-h.....-maryland/
And IDIOT Wabbit, you leftists can run on the lowest labor participation rate since the 70s!
Now we learn Eric Holder was told NOT to attend the French Solidarity March yesterday!
Optics DUMMOCRETINS. Your preznit has none!
@14 “And IDIOT Wabbit, you leftists can run on the lowest labor participation rate since the 70s!”
Given what cheap labor conservatives have done to wages, why would anyone want to work?
Well IDIOT Wabbit, you just blew yourself up! Doesn’t match with post #12! Can’t say the job losses were due to Bush since the recession ended June 2009.
Job losses are Obummer’s issues! Failed Economy! Economic team bailed and went back to teaching their failed policies in academia!
@10 In this article posted on another blog, I explain why I strongly suspect the murder charges against the Albuquerque cops who killed a mentally ill homeless man, provoking outrage and protests in that community, are merely a cynical charade by the district attorney. http://handbill.us/?p=41480
@17 All I see blowing up is your inflated ego.
EPIC FAYLE again IDIOT Wabbit! Another worthless post!
“The White House cited security concerns and the fact that the rally came together quickly, in about 36 hours. Earnest said presidential or vice presidential security for events such as the march are ‘onerous’ and have a ‘significant impact’ on those who attend,” The Washington Post reported. “A Secret Service official said the agency was not asked or notified about a potential trip to Paris.”
“Officials acknowledge that the Secret Service could have pulled it off,” reported CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta on Monday. “The agency was not asked or notified about a trip. It would have been a challenge, but he did not say it was impossible.”
Hey look – Honkeys gone wild, like looters!
Ohhhhh noooooooooo, blame the hasbara….. http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....burbs.html
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM)
Police executing search warrants on a man who said “voices” told him to kill House Speaker John Boehner recovered an SKS rifle and ammunition. He had the opportunity; he was a bartender at a country club frequented by Boehner and could have poisoned Boehner’s drinks.
22. Why do they get a pass from conservatives?
Meanwhile IDIOT Wabbit claimed DUMMOCRETINS could run on the economy Well here is another strong point to display for Americans… http://www.cnsnews.com/news/ar.....ght-months
Yes, it’s Obummer’s economy baby!
@29. How would Romney and the conservatives done it right?