I think this country is finally ready for single-payer government administered insurance. In Western European democracies, 3 cents of every healthcare dollar goes to administrative costs. In the U.S., a minimum of 25 cents of every healthcare dollar goes to administrative costs.
That doesn’t include all the people who show up at emergency rooms and receive free treatment. You and I pay for that with our premiums. So, in reality, it already is publicly funded medicine. But the only people who don’t benefit are those who are supposedly ‘covered’.
Why should our premium dollars and tax dollars go to keep a cheesy fraud like Bill Frist living high off the hog?
Puddy and Piper like that system. There’s one born every minute.
Jane Balogh's dogspews:
That doesn’t include all the people who show up at emergency rooms and receive free treatment. You and I pay for that with our premiums. So, in reality, it already is publicly funded medicine.
So if it is already publicly funded why the rush too nationalize??? If healthcare is such a deal why dont we see a rush of US citizens to those countries for medical care??? Why do they come here when they get really sick? I hope that people dont fall for another democrat lie.
joe pinespews:
#3 — You are infantile. You’d cut off your dick and bleed to death in a pair of new sneakers if your Republican masters told you too.
Go lick your ass, and leave the world to the adults.
On yet another (openly threaded) subject:
I’m researching Ken Hutcherson of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond. Is it possible that any HA people know of any news regarding his “special envoy to Latvia” status and the complaint made about it by Dave Coffman (or anyone else) to the FBI? From what I can find, there is no online, publicly available information about this issue since the beginning of Summer 2007. Is it possible that everyone has just given up on reporting the grime about this pumped up hustler since then? I wonder why…
For my part, I can only verify that Hutch is still alive and defiling much that is good and decent on the face of the earth. Also, he continues to have a public presence at Antioch Bible Church.
His antics should be an on-going hot story and of vital interest to the greater King County progressive/liberal/reality-based community. I certainly know that Hutch is important, in his own mind. Also, he attracts a devoted flock of fellow bigots.
The naughty, nasty pranks that the Hutch cult does have a “throwing gasoline on the fire” effect on society. I have seen the victims, and I have seen their burns. He is a would be nazi. I suspect that you HA readers (as do I) would not like to see Hutch victimize ourselves or our friends any more than he already has.
For my part, I would like to know if and how the wheels of justice are turning in regard to the issue of Hutch and his questionable relationship with the law. Of course the man’s “envoy to Latvia” hi-jink points to a law (US code, title 18, part 1, chapter 43, § 915 – Foreign diplomats, consuls or officers) that is meted out by the Bush administration. And of course we know what the relationship of the Bush administration is with the law: None at all.
I look forward to seeing recent information. From somebody…
Harry Reids DINGY dickspews:
What is the current cost to magnificently humiliate 41 STUPID SHEEP sitting senators?
As I said in the other thread, yes, I will never post again if I’m wrong. Are you that confident?
#6: Sickening isn’t it?
I hate being Dingy Harry's dirty dickspews:
RUSH: I’m going to match it, and I’ve asked Senator Reid and the other 40 Democrats that signed the letter to show their support for the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation —
DOOCY: Heh, heh, heh.
RUSH: — and ask them to match it as well.
DOOCY: Yeah. Good luck on that, Rush.
RUSH: Yeah. I’ve not heard from them.
DOOCY: Hey, Rush, speaking of Harry Reid, what kind of pleasure do you take in the fact that a local paper out in Nevada has done a public opinion poll, and your approval ratings are actually higher than Harry Reid in his own home state?
RUSH: Did you people happen to see the latest polling data out of Nevada? “Molly Ball of the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that Senator Harry Reid’s favorable rating in Nevada has ‘plunged dramatically,’ according to a new poll. Currently, Reid’s favorable rating is at 32%, while his unfavorable rating is at 51%, a net 23-point drop from the last poll taken in early May when Reid scored a 46/42 favorable/unfavorable rating. Ball reports this is the first time Reid’s unfavorable rating has eclipsed his favorable rating. It also puts him below the favorable ratings recorded by President Bush and,” me! They put me in this poll! Yes. I have a higher approval rating in Nevada than Dingy Harry. Here are the names in this poll in order: approval-disapproval.
Senator John Ensign 51/19
Bill Clinton 51/37
Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman 42/17
Hillary Clinton 38/51
Rush Limbaugh 34/50
President Bush 34/53
Senator Harry Reid 32/51
Governor Jim Gibbons 30/29
“Brad Coker of Mason-Dixon offered a wry observation of Reid and Limbaugh’s similar ratings: ‘That’s how polarizing Harry Reid has become. But Rush is trying to be polarizing. Reid just does it anyway.’” (laughing) So Dingy Harry’s approval rating is lower than mine and he’s an elected official. He’s not up for reelection ’til 2010, but his approval rating is lower than mine. He’s been an elected official for 30 years in Nevada, and he gets fawning press. I never do. Mrs. Clinton is four points higher than I am on approval rating in Nevada, and given the fawning press that she gets, she ought to be way higher. The 51% negative for Mrs. Clinton is higher than my negative, which is 50. Statistically, it’s a draw, but I don’t think people yet understand. In this country we do not elect such polarizing figures as president of the United States.
Another TJspews:
Well, Lambchop, do we have a deal?
Hey Puddybud – I’m ready to expose where MWS said he wasn’t you. Are you going to take up ATJ’s offer?
I’ll throw in where you circle jerked with MWS for laughs.
It’s funny I just saw Daniel Inouye on Ken Burn’s The War. He signed that letter condemning Limbaugh – that fat stogy-puffing gasbag who avoided serving his country with a boil on his ass.
Inouye’s remembrances were moving and an example to future generations of true courage.
The wingnuts cheerleading that auction are despicable cowards and traitors.
YLB – The Clueless One – I want to see where I said “I am NOT MWS” or MWS Said ” I am NOT Puddy”
I don’t remember writing those words.
If I wrote the exact quote above, I will leave. If the quote is not exact you and ATJ will leave, since both put the quote on the line.
Oh and ASSIE Voice and his minions, you have to never allow them to post their dopplegangers again.
joe pine says:
#3 — You are infantile. You’d cut off your dick and bleed to death in a pair of new sneakers if your Republican masters told you too.
Go lick your ass, and leave the world to the adults Wow! Your freedom of speech is way out there Joe. How many hospitals next to Mexico are going broke giving out free care? Ohh!!! You bought a ticket to move to Canada for that great health care. Maybe you plan to swim to Cuba for the best health care in the world? Yep save the children put everyone on the government dole and let the Socialist Democrats run all the programs like mother Russia. Joe have you been in a health care facilities in Cuba or North Korea?
I will leave. My wife has asked for months to leave and I tell her this is great mind expanding fun. In fact I won’t connect to HA again either. ASSIE Voice you can even have your site meter validate me.
So ATJ and YLB – The Clueless One. You both claim to have the “antidote” for ASSWipes.
I have 9:10 PM. So by 10:00 PM you produce my exact words since you made the offer or never post here again like I said I won’t.
YLB says:
It’s funny I just saw Daniel Inouye on Ken Burn’s The War. He signed that letter condemning Limbaugh – that fat stogy-puffing gasbag who avoided serving his country with a boil on his ass.
Inouye’s remembrances were moving and an example to future generations of true courage.
The wingnuts cheerleading that auction are despicable cowards and traitors.
What have you done for your Country besides run off at the mouth?
Another TJspews:
Lambchop, let’s leave it up to the community, shall we? If everyone agrees that you denied being MWS or MWS denied being you, you’ll leave?
Or better yet, let’s leave it to someone we both trust. How about JSA? Deal?
joe pinespews:
#16 — “If I wrote the exact quote above, I will leave.” The key word is ‘exact’. No matter the truth, you will deny that the quote is exact — even to the point of blaming a blog administrator for changing it.
Letter of the law and not the spirit will be your weasely ass defense.
You are despicable.
PuddyStupes – IIIRC, you didn’t say it with those exact words but you DID deny you were MWS and MWS DID DENY he was you.
You fucking weasel. Adjust your terms and we have a deal. I’m waiting with the evidence in hand.
Do we need any more proof of what scumbags wingnuts are? “Exact words” my ass!
ATJ You are now changing the terms you spouted off on the other thread.
Updated October 17, 2007: Hillary Proposed $1.75 Billion A Year In State Grants For Paid Family Leave And Child Care Programs; Multiplied By 4 Years = $7 Billion. “Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton … proposed giving $1 billion in grants to states that enact paid family leave laws and said that she would support requiring employers to provide workers seven days’ annual paid sick leave. … Mrs. Clinton also proposed tens of millions of additional dollars for block grants for child care programs. Together, the new proposals that Mrs. Clinton announced … in New Hampshire would cost $1.75 billion a year.” (Patrick Healy, “Clinton Proposes Big Grants For Family Leave,” The New York Times, 10/17/07)
ATJ You are now changing the terms you spouted off on the other thread.
Not in the slightest. In fact, I’ll show that you used those EXACT WORDS. Do you agree that JSA or someone else we both trust will judge?
I call bullshit on your stupid terms Stupes – so typical of a winger to weasel up a sucker’s bet.
Next I asked prove where I said I support Bob NEy.
Birds still a chirping away
ATJ: I want the original link where I said those exact words.
In my business my word is my bond. JSA doesn’t have to be the arbiter. Post the link. If I said those exact words I’m out of here forever!
As the YLB- The Clueless one visit the Bullshit link. This is what was blogged.
You’re changing the subject: will you leave if we produce evidence that you denied being MWS or MWS DENIED being you?
Simple question yes or no.
It’s ok if you say no because I know what a compulsive bullshitter you are. You’re as addicted to this place as you are to r/w bullshit. You come here because your addiction is rewarded in a way.
prove where I said I support Bob NEy.
To support ACVR is to support Bob Ney. Just ask DOOFUS.
As everyone can see I have not changed my wording or as YLB – The Clueless One claims it’s a sucka bet. No, I stated the terms and ATJ and YLB – The Clueless One have to post it by 10:00 PM since they claim to have the proof. It’s all in the This Week in Bullshit thread
Another TJspews:
Just so everyone’s clear:
Puddybud got caught using a sockpuppet named Mike Webb Sucks, or MWS (not just another alias, but another “character,” who praised Puddybud’s posts, had conversations with himself, etc.). He claims he has never denied it.
Earlier today, he challenged YLB to come up with any comment of his in which he denied being MWS or in which MWS denied being Puddybud.
Well, folks. Judge for yourselves:
Mike Webb SUCKS says:
Good Try For Thoroughly Clueless. I admit I voted for Brian Sonntag. I voted donk for once in my life. Wait a minute. I voted for Bill Clinton in 1992. That’s twice I voted donk.
Yes Clueless you got me. I am puddybud! NOT. Do I write like him? Do I attack you with the Internet like him? I would have to keep straight all the names I call you and all the names he calls you. Even for a conservative that’s a tough task.
I am also pbj, YO, yossarian, Kevin Cairns, Cynical, PacMan, righton, Janet S, Howcan too. There is only one person I am not. JCH. I don’t live in Hawaii.
Back to work now. Keep Searching. I’ll give you a hint Clueless. I showed my friends in an nacestrial search my ancestors came from Europe in the 1700’s. Now if Puddy is a black man, his ancestors came from where…? New Zealand?
“I am puddybud! NOT.” Your exact words. As clear a denial as anyone can make.
And just for giggles, continue reading the thread for a nice example of “having a conversation with yourself,” which I’m sure YLB will enjoy highlighting.
Have a nice life.
Another TJspews:
Oh, and check out #134 in that thread while you’re there.
YLB – The Clueless One, what are you saying in #35?
I asked plain and simple Where did I support Bob Ney. I found a quote where you mentioned “Hillary (aka puddybud?): It’s been zero days since you’ve been to Free Republic.”
So again you are a liar!
Okay ATJ: You proved me wrong. This is my last transmission on HorsesASS!
Jesse MacBethspews:
What is the current cost to magnificently humiliate 41 STUPID SHEEP sitting senators?
…which when combined with MATCHING FUNDS = $234,200.00 of priceless degradation for a true bunch of horses asses!
Fuck you very much, Harry.
If this goes on too long us fake democrat soldier will have to go incognito. Geeesh.
# Mike Webb SUCKS says:
For Thoroughly Clueless: I voted for Sonntagg because he is the opposite of you! GGGGGet itttttt?
10/01/2006 at 12:58 pm
# For the Clueless says:
133 – busted. Puddybud…
10/01/2006 at 1:01 pm
YLB Comment: Don’t sock puppet now Darrell.
ATJ: Nice shot!
Everyone: bookmark #40 right now in case a sock puppet shows up.
Another TJspews:
ATJ: Nice shot!
Well, I didn’t exactly have to be Annie Oakley with that particular barrel o’ fish.
Also, I don’t expect to be here much in the future either, so I wasn’t risking a lot.
Have a good one, everyone. Bedtime…
joe pinespews:
# 26 — Klake: Do you have any kids or grandkids. I found a great baby sitter for them. Have a look.
Suddenly the light bulb just went off. Go read Orcinus (there’s link on the left side of this page), and he’ll tell you about Hutch’s recent meetings with leaders of a Latvian immigrant group called “Watchers on the Walls”. These monsters take the term ‘gay-bashing’ quite seriously, and chapters have been sprining up all over the West. Consequentially, violence against the GLBT has also been on the rise.
Dave also mentioned something about a rally some of the local Jesus Inc. types (Hutcherson, Fuiten, et al) are holding with the Watchers in Lynnwood…..
The correlation of Hutch’s realtionship with the Watchers, and his government-funded trip to their homeland, okay, this just can’t be real, can it?
Jesse MacBethspews:
Did somebody say babysitter…. here is my lefty friend.
Thank you, Another TJ at comment #7. It is probably a good idea that all of us HA dabblers look at the photo of Hutch at
http://www.pamshouseblend.com/ showDiary.do?diaryId=1077
from time to time. Not only is it a clever poster with a concise message, but we can observe the man’s Judy Garland style plucked eyebrows. A subtle reminder of how conflicted the man is. Cross dressing anyone?
On the other hand, the age of the article at pamshouseblend.com is 1/2 a year old. This is exactly my point at comment #5. Does anyone know of any recent investigations about the Hutch man and his clan (meaning Antioch Bible Church)?
Keep the hate on … with HUTCH and his good for nothing Antichrist Bible Church in Redmond!
Thanks very much, Broadway Joe at comment #47. I took your advice and found a mother load of recent information on Hutch and his Latvian co-thugs in Sacramento, CA at
the Orcinus blog. The most recent post is October 7th, 2007! Thanks for the spare light bulb!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now that Bush has declared Iran nukes to be casus belli, the imaginary nukes will soon appear.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Iran’s nuclear weapons are currently stashed in:
[ ] 1. Bush’s imagination
[ ] 2. Nigeria
[ ] 3. Syria
[ ] 4. Los Angeles
(Only 1 answer is correct)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Idiotic Letter to the Editor of the Day
“Editor, The Times:
” … Washington Democratic Sens. Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray, Reps. Brian Baird, D-Vancouver, Norm Dicks, D-Bremerton, and others should be remembered for this during our next elections. They put a higher value on increasing their own campaign funding than on the safety of our front-line troops by forcing our military to spend its budget dollars (our tax money) on projects the military did not want or need. This money could have been spent on the purchase of improved vehicular and body armor to reduce the number of our boys killed and maimed while fighting for America. I suggest that, in future elections, your readers support candidates who work for what is best for America rather than what is best for their campaign funds. …
— Norman Christie (lt. col., U.S. Army [ret.]), Port Hadlock”
Hey Norm good buddy, thanks for your service, and I’ve got a question for ya: How come you didn’t mention any REPUBLICANS who spend taxpayer money on favors for their districts? How come you didn’t mention that a REPUBLICAN administration failed to buy body and vehicle armor for our troops in Iraq — until Democrats shoved it down their throats? Your partisan stripes are showing, pal. You’re full of shit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s Another One
“After reading ‘The favor factory,’ I was disgusted with our democratic representatives, the earmark process, and the solutions proposed. I was particularly frustrated with Seattle Democratic Rep. Jim McDermott’s support of government-funded congressional campaigns …. The solution is simple: Vote for new candidates who will take a stand against dishonestly giving no-bid contracts to companies that support their campaigns. — Matthew McCleary, Seattle”
(Same link)
Hey Matt good buddy, got a question for ya. Who are these “new candidates” you’re suggesting we vote for? You wouldn’t be referring to the crooked Republicans that voters threw out of office last year, would you? Yeah, I think you are … your solution to earmarking is to invite the biggest pigs in the barnyard back to the trough. You’re full of shit too, pal.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ll Bet This Guy Is A Republican
“A Mukilteo man has been arrested on charges of hacking into a telephone network to trick 911 dispatchers in Southern California into sending a SWAT team to the home of a randomly selected Lake Forest, Calif., family, authorities announced Tuesday.”
That doesn’t include all the people who show up at emergency rooms and receive free treatment. You and I pay for that with our premiums. So, in reality, it already is publicly funded medicine.
So if it is already publicly funded why the rush too nationalize???
Ummmm, because it is a phenomenally inefficient system that puts an unreasonable burden on employers and people with proper jobs?
You (and several other righties) seem to be working on the premise that the only thing people on the other side of the aisle care about is equality and social justice. That is, if indigent people can receive health care, the job is done and we can go home.
I’m a big fan of equality, social justice, and access to health care. I also have a job and have to live within a budget. I get resentful when I look at the (extraordinarily leaky) money pipe which is the American health care system and I say “Damn! I have to pay for that!”
Since we have to break the Owellian “Private sector good, public sector bad” chant you guys have been chanting forever, let’s take a good look at the medical system versus normal businesses.
Normal businesses are generally run by sharp, financially minded people who first look at a problem and say “Can I make a dollar solving this problem?” If they’ve been working on the same problem for a while, they will probably say “Is there a way this problem can be handled more efficiently, which will allow for higher salaries/more profits/less work or whatever else yanks my crank?”
There’s capitalism in a nutshell. Like anything else, it can be abused, but as far as systems go, it’s pretty good.
Medicine is not now, and never has been a business in that sense. Medicine is a practice and has a lot more in common with practices like law or architecture than with the cut-and-thrust capitalism we all know and love.
Doctors have a fee they receive for their services. While doctors with high-demand skills (i.e. surgeons or cardiologists) will get a bit more, and general practitioners will get a bit less. None of them compete on price, or even think about costs very much as long as they get their fees paid. Read this a few times until it sinks in. Because this is where the trouble starts.
American docs, especially specialists in secondary care are some of the best in the world. They are well-compensated, and as such, we get the cream of the crop here.
Unfortunately, as great as they are at medicine, very few have the business sense that God gave a goat. And why should they? That’s not their job.
The business end of most medical clinics (and this is true pretty much from top to bottom in the industry) is an absolute disaster area. Being a clinic manager is a $75,000-80,000 a year job. The doctors who work in your clinic will be paid more than you are and if there’s a dispute over how things are done, what the docs say goes. Needless to say, the people who handle the business end of medical clinics aren’t the A-team. Generally, they aren’t even the B or C team at that level of compensation. There are a lot of other intangibles involved in this. In my field (IT), I’ve talked with a few other people who have worked in that sphere. The general consensus is “Whew! Glad I don’t do that anymore!”
Because the financial side of medicine is amateur hour, you wind up with processes which are amazingly inefficient. Scheduling? Records management? Reimbursement? I could go on.
One of my favorite stories about this is from a company I used to work for. When we were going in to sell software, the first thing we did was to take a look at the clinic’s work flow. How did appointments get scheduled, how did records get stored? If we could show concretely how we could improve this, we’d have a sale. (Well, that’s the theory. That’s why I’m not there now).
One very large secondary care clinic in Denver’s process to schedule an appointment involved 4 people filling out various parts of a form, and faxing it to each other. Are you with me here? Person A answers the phone, scribbles stuff on a paper form. She stuffs it in the FAX to send to person B. Person B makes notes and FAXes to person C. Person C (if he can read the FAX at all at this point!) makes more notes and sends it to person D. Person D picks up the phone and confirms the appointment. This is a highly profitable multi-million dollar a year clinic!
We do not have a great medical system. We have half of a great medical system. The other half is straight out of Charles Dickens.
If healthcare is such a deal why dont we see a rush of US citizens to those countries for medical care??? Why do they come here when they get really sick? I hope that people dont fall for another democrat lie.
If you are insured in the US and are not insured in Canada, you will pay cash for all services in Canada. They are not especially cheap when it’s paid on a cash basis, because Canadian docs expect to be reimbursed for their services as well.
If you are indigent and uninsured you can’t go to Canada anyhow.
jsa on beacon hillspews:
(that message was in response to Jane’s Dog @ 3. It could have been a LOT longer, but I have to get on with my day).
I say let’s go ahead and nationalize the health care system so we can see how fucked up it’ll be and get it over with. After we get that socialist solution out of our systems, then maybe we can find something else that works.
Ron Paul had some good comments about health care that wre available on the opening video to this thread. Give him a listen.
Another TJspews:
Sorry for dragging you into the little thing upthread. I shouldn’t have “offered” you without asking.
@60: yeah, let’s go ahead and nationalize our health care system so we can be failures, like Canada. And Japan. And Australia. And England.
Oh wait, they all pay less for better results than we do?
jsa on beacon hillspews:
Another TJ @ 61:
No problem. It seems irrelevant anyhow.
Politically Incorrect @ 60:
You seem to mistake being iconoclastic with being original. I’ve lived in three different countries and dealt with their medical systems. I’ve worked in the medical sector in this country. Do you have any foundation for your opinions, or do you just like to repeat
Private sector good
Public sector bad
like Animal Farm’s sheep?
I wouldn’t mind the fact that you guys have a religious belief in the absolute infallibility of the private sector except that you don’t even have a good theological framework to understand it. You’re the 21st century equivalent of my dumb, illiterate European peasant ancestors who made the sign of the cross at every bad thing that came their way while living in mortal fear of drafts and devils.
It’s 2007 and everyone can at least afford themselves the benefits of a public education. Go off and read a book or two and come back when you have the slightest clue as to what you’re talking about.
Lambchop caught in another lie:
I think this country is finally ready for single-payer government administered insurance. In Western European democracies, 3 cents of every healthcare dollar goes to administrative costs. In the U.S., a minimum of 25 cents of every healthcare dollar goes to administrative costs.
That doesn’t include all the people who show up at emergency rooms and receive free treatment. You and I pay for that with our premiums. So, in reality, it already is publicly funded medicine. But the only people who don’t benefit are those who are supposedly ‘covered’.
Why should our premium dollars and tax dollars go to keep a cheesy fraud like Bill Frist living high off the hog?
Puddy and Piper like that system. There’s one born every minute.
That doesn’t include all the people who show up at emergency rooms and receive free treatment. You and I pay for that with our premiums. So, in reality, it already is publicly funded medicine.
So if it is already publicly funded why the rush too nationalize??? If healthcare is such a deal why dont we see a rush of US citizens to those countries for medical care??? Why do they come here when they get really sick? I hope that people dont fall for another democrat lie.
#3 — You are infantile. You’d cut off your dick and bleed to death in a pair of new sneakers if your Republican masters told you too.
Go lick your ass, and leave the world to the adults.
On yet another (openly threaded) subject:
I’m researching Ken Hutcherson of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond. Is it possible that any HA people know of any news regarding his “special envoy to Latvia” status and the complaint made about it by Dave Coffman (or anyone else) to the FBI? From what I can find, there is no online, publicly available information about this issue since the beginning of Summer 2007. Is it possible that everyone has just given up on reporting the grime about this pumped up hustler since then? I wonder why…
For my part, I can only verify that Hutch is still alive and defiling much that is good and decent on the face of the earth. Also, he continues to have a public presence at Antioch Bible Church.
His antics should be an on-going hot story and of vital interest to the greater King County progressive/liberal/reality-based community. I certainly know that Hutch is important, in his own mind. Also, he attracts a devoted flock of fellow bigots.
The naughty, nasty pranks that the Hutch cult does have a “throwing gasoline on the fire” effect on society. I have seen the victims, and I have seen their burns. He is a would be nazi. I suspect that you HA readers (as do I) would not like to see Hutch victimize ourselves or our friends any more than he already has.
For my part, I would like to know if and how the wheels of justice are turning in regard to the issue of Hutch and his questionable relationship with the law. Of course the man’s “envoy to Latvia” hi-jink points to a law (US code, title 18, part 1, chapter 43, § 915 – Foreign diplomats, consuls or officers) that is meted out by the Bush administration. And of course we know what the relationship of the Bush administration is with the law: None at all.
I look forward to seeing recent information. From somebody…
What is the current cost to magnificently humiliate 41
STUPID SHEEPsitting senators?$117,100.00
…which when combined with MATCHING FUNDS = $234,200.00 of priceless degradation for a true bunch of horses asses!
Fuck you very much, Harry.
All I’ve seen is this:
ATJ: What lie are you writing about Killatroll?
I was out entertaining a client this evening. It was a beautiful meeting.
Interesting proposition. If you can’t find one will you go away?
Hmmm… How will this turn out?
Let’s watch the fun.
As I said in the other thread, yes, I will never post again if I’m wrong. Are you that confident?
#6: Sickening isn’t it?
RUSH: I’m going to match it, and I’ve asked Senator Reid and the other 40 Democrats that signed the letter to show their support for the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation —
DOOCY: Heh, heh, heh.
RUSH: — and ask them to match it as well.
DOOCY: Yeah. Good luck on that, Rush.
RUSH: Yeah. I’ve not heard from them.
DOOCY: Hey, Rush, speaking of Harry Reid, what kind of pleasure do you take in the fact that a local paper out in Nevada has done a public opinion poll, and your approval ratings are actually higher than Harry Reid in his own home state?
RUSH: Did you people happen to see the latest polling data out of Nevada? “Molly Ball of the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that Senator Harry Reid’s favorable rating in Nevada has ‘plunged dramatically,’ according to a new poll. Currently, Reid’s favorable rating is at 32%, while his unfavorable rating is at 51%, a net 23-point drop from the last poll taken in early May when Reid scored a 46/42 favorable/unfavorable rating. Ball reports this is the first time Reid’s unfavorable rating has eclipsed his favorable rating. It also puts him below the favorable ratings recorded by President Bush and,” me! They put me in this poll! Yes. I have a higher approval rating in Nevada than Dingy Harry. Here are the names in this poll in order: approval-disapproval.
Senator John Ensign 51/19
Bill Clinton 51/37
Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman 42/17
Hillary Clinton 38/51
Rush Limbaugh 34/50
President Bush 34/53
Senator Harry Reid 32/51
Governor Jim Gibbons 30/29
“Brad Coker of Mason-Dixon offered a wry observation of Reid and Limbaugh’s similar ratings: ‘That’s how polarizing Harry Reid has become. But Rush is trying to be polarizing. Reid just does it anyway.’” (laughing) So Dingy Harry’s approval rating is lower than mine and he’s an elected official. He’s not up for reelection ’til 2010, but his approval rating is lower than mine. He’s been an elected official for 30 years in Nevada, and he gets fawning press. I never do. Mrs. Clinton is four points higher than I am on approval rating in Nevada, and given the fawning press that she gets, she ought to be way higher. The 51% negative for Mrs. Clinton is higher than my negative, which is 50. Statistically, it’s a draw, but I don’t think people yet understand. In this country we do not elect such polarizing figures as president of the United States.
Well, Lambchop, do we have a deal?
Hey Puddybud – I’m ready to expose where MWS said he wasn’t you. Are you going to take up ATJ’s offer?
I’ll throw in where you circle jerked with MWS for laughs.
It’s funny I just saw Daniel Inouye on Ken Burn’s The War. He signed that letter condemning Limbaugh – that fat stogy-puffing gasbag who avoided serving his country with a boil on his ass.
Inouye’s remembrances were moving and an example to future generations of true courage.
The wingnuts cheerleading that auction are despicable cowards and traitors.
YLB – The Clueless One – I want to see where I said “I am NOT MWS” or MWS Said ” I am NOT Puddy”
I don’t remember writing those words.
If I wrote the exact quote above, I will leave. If the quote is not exact you and ATJ will leave, since both put the quote on the line.
Oh and ASSIE Voice and his minions, you have to never allow them to post their dopplegangers again.
joe pine says:
#3 — You are infantile. You’d cut off your dick and bleed to death in a pair of new sneakers if your Republican masters told you too.
Go lick your ass, and leave the world to the adults
Wow! Your freedom of speech is way out there Joe. How many hospitals next to Mexico are going broke giving out free care? Ohh!!! You bought a ticket to move to Canada for that great health care. Maybe you plan to swim to Cuba for the best health care in the world? Yep save the children put everyone on the government dole and let the Socialist Democrats run all the programs like mother Russia. Joe have you been in a health care facilities in Cuba or North Korea?
I will leave. My wife has asked for months to leave and I tell her this is great mind expanding fun. In fact I won’t connect to HA again either. ASSIE Voice you can even have your site meter validate me.
So ATJ and YLB – The Clueless One. You both claim to have the “antidote” for ASSWipes.
I have 9:10 PM. So by 10:00 PM you produce my exact words since you made the offer or never post here again like I said I won’t.
YLB says:
It’s funny I just saw Daniel Inouye on Ken Burn’s The War. He signed that letter condemning Limbaugh – that fat stogy-puffing gasbag who avoided serving his country with a boil on his ass.
Inouye’s remembrances were moving and an example to future generations of true courage.
The wingnuts cheerleading that auction are despicable cowards and traitors.
What have you done for your Country besides run off at the mouth?
Lambchop, let’s leave it up to the community, shall we? If everyone agrees that you denied being MWS or MWS denied being you, you’ll leave?
Or better yet, let’s leave it to someone we both trust. How about JSA? Deal?
#16 — “If I wrote the exact quote above, I will leave.” The key word is ‘exact’. No matter the truth, you will deny that the quote is exact — even to the point of blaming a blog administrator for changing it.
Letter of the law and not the spirit will be your weasely ass defense.
You are despicable.
PuddyStupes – IIIRC, you didn’t say it with those exact words but you DID deny you were MWS and MWS DID DENY he was you.
You fucking weasel. Adjust your terms and we have a deal. I’m waiting with the evidence in hand.
Do we need any more proof of what scumbags wingnuts are? “Exact words” my ass!
ATJ You are now changing the terms you spouted off on the other thread.
Updated October 17, 2007: Hillary Proposed $1.75 Billion A Year In State Grants For Paid Family Leave And Child Care Programs; Multiplied By 4 Years = $7 Billion. “Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton … proposed giving $1 billion in grants to states that enact paid family leave laws and said that she would support requiring employers to provide workers seven days’ annual paid sick leave. … Mrs. Clinton also proposed tens of millions of additional dollars for block grants for child care programs. Together, the new proposals that Mrs. Clinton announced … in New Hampshire would cost $1.75 billion a year.” (Patrick Healy, “Clinton Proposes Big Grants For Family Leave,” The New York Times, 10/17/07)
Hillary is really in pay for everybodies child care even the RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
since both put the quote on the line.
Lie. Cite?
YLB – The Clueless One:
LEt’s recap. In the This Week IN Bullshit, you claimed in post #120 you knew I was MWS.
I provided proof you are a bald face liar
Then in post 128 I proved you are a liar.
ATJ You are now changing the terms you spouted off on the other thread.
Not in the slightest. In fact, I’ll show that you used those EXACT WORDS. Do you agree that JSA or someone else we both trust will judge?
I call bullshit on your stupid terms Stupes – so typical of a winger to weasel up a sucker’s bet.
Next I asked prove where I said I support Bob NEy.
Birds still a chirping away
ATJ: I want the original link where I said those exact words.
In my business my word is my bond. JSA doesn’t have to be the arbiter. Post the link. If I said those exact words I’m out of here forever!
As the YLB- The Clueless one visit the Bullshit link. This is what was blogged.
You’re changing the subject: will you leave if we produce evidence that you denied being MWS or MWS DENIED being you?
Simple question yes or no.
It’s ok if you say no because I know what a compulsive bullshitter you are. You’re as addicted to this place as you are to r/w bullshit. You come here because your addiction is rewarded in a way.
prove where I said I support Bob NEy.
To support ACVR is to support Bob Ney. Just ask DOOFUS.
As everyone can see I have not changed my wording or as YLB – The Clueless One claims it’s a sucka bet. No, I stated the terms and ATJ and YLB – The Clueless One have to post it by 10:00 PM since they claim to have the proof. It’s all in the This Week in Bullshit thread
Just so everyone’s clear:
Puddybud got caught using a sockpuppet named Mike Webb Sucks, or MWS (not just another alias, but another “character,” who praised Puddybud’s posts, had conversations with himself, etc.). He claims he has never denied it.
Earlier today, he challenged YLB to come up with any comment of his in which he denied being MWS or in which MWS denied being Puddybud.
Well, folks. Judge for yourselves:
Mike Webb SUCKS says:
Good Try For Thoroughly Clueless. I admit I voted for Brian Sonntag. I voted donk for once in my life. Wait a minute. I voted for Bill Clinton in 1992. That’s twice I voted donk.
Yes Clueless you got me. I am puddybud! NOT. Do I write like him? Do I attack you with the Internet like him? I would have to keep straight all the names I call you and all the names he calls you. Even for a conservative that’s a tough task.
I am also pbj, YO, yossarian, Kevin Cairns, Cynical, PacMan, righton, Janet S, Howcan too. There is only one person I am not. JCH. I don’t live in Hawaii.
Back to work now. Keep Searching. I’ll give you a hint Clueless. I showed my friends in an nacestrial search my ancestors came from Europe in the 1700’s. Now if Puddy is a black man, his ancestors came from where…? New Zealand?
10/01/2006 at 1:51 pm
“I am puddybud! NOT.” Your exact words. As clear a denial as anyone can make.
And just for giggles, continue reading the thread for a nice example of “having a conversation with yourself,” which I’m sure YLB will enjoy highlighting.
Have a nice life.
Oh, and check out #134 in that thread while you’re there.
YLB – The Clueless One, what are you saying in #35?
I asked plain and simple Where did I support Bob Ney. I found a quote where you mentioned “Hillary (aka puddybud?): It’s been zero days since you’ve been to Free Republic.”
So again you are a liar!
Okay ATJ: You proved me wrong. This is my last transmission on HorsesASS!
What is the current cost to magnificently humiliate 41 STUPID SHEEP sitting senators?
…which when combined with MATCHING FUNDS = $234,200.00 of priceless degradation for a true bunch of horses asses!
Fuck you very much, Harry.
If this goes on too long us fake democrat soldier will have to go incognito. Geeesh.
# Mike Webb SUCKS says:
For Thoroughly Clueless: I voted for Sonntagg because he is the opposite of you! GGGGGet itttttt?
10/01/2006 at 12:58 pm
# For the Clueless says:
133 – busted. Puddybud…
10/01/2006 at 1:01 pm
YLB Comment: Don’t sock puppet now Darrell.
ATJ: Nice shot!
Everyone: bookmark #40 right now in case a sock puppet shows up.
ATJ: Nice shot!
Well, I didn’t exactly have to be Annie Oakley with that particular barrel o’ fish.
Also, I don’t expect to be here much in the future either, so I wasn’t risking a lot.
Have a good one, everyone. Bedtime…
# 26 — Klake: Do you have any kids or grandkids. I found a great baby sitter for them. Have a look.
Suddenly the light bulb just went off. Go read Orcinus (there’s link on the left side of this page), and he’ll tell you about Hutch’s recent meetings with leaders of a Latvian immigrant group called “Watchers on the Walls”. These monsters take the term ‘gay-bashing’ quite seriously, and chapters have been sprining up all over the West. Consequentially, violence against the GLBT has also been on the rise.
Dave also mentioned something about a rally some of the local Jesus Inc. types (Hutcherson, Fuiten, et al) are holding with the Watchers in Lynnwood…..
The correlation of Hutch’s realtionship with the Watchers, and his government-funded trip to their homeland, okay, this just can’t be real, can it?
Did somebody say babysitter…. here is my lefty friend.
And here’s you with your very special Log Cabin friend:
Two stories that should interest folks here:
An artist exhibited a dog starving to death as “art.’ see it at SeattleJew and sign the petition
JD Watson, of Watson and Crick, is now saying Blacks are inferior to whites based on genetics see it at SeattleJew
Keeping up on hate – – with HUTCH:
Thank you, Another TJ at comment #7. It is probably a good idea that all of us HA dabblers look at the photo of Hutch at
http://www.pamshouseblend.com/ showDiary.do?diaryId=1077
from time to time. Not only is it a clever poster with a concise message, but we can observe the man’s Judy Garland style plucked eyebrows. A subtle reminder of how conflicted the man is. Cross dressing anyone?
On the other hand, the age of the article at pamshouseblend.com is 1/2 a year old. This is exactly my point at comment #5. Does anyone know of any recent investigations about the Hutch man and his clan (meaning Antioch Bible Church)?
Keep the hate on … with HUTCH and his good for nothing Antichrist Bible Church in Redmond!
Thanks very much, Broadway Joe at comment #47. I took your advice and found a mother load of recent information on Hutch and his Latvian co-thugs in Sacramento, CA at
the Orcinus blog. The most recent post is October 7th, 2007! Thanks for the spare light bulb!
Now that Bush has declared Iran nukes to be casus belli, the imaginary nukes will soon appear.
Iran’s nuclear weapons are currently stashed in:
[ ] 1. Bush’s imagination
[ ] 2. Nigeria
[ ] 3. Syria
[ ] 4. Los Angeles
(Only 1 answer is correct)
Idiotic Letter to the Editor of the Day
“Editor, The Times:
” … Washington Democratic Sens. Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray, Reps. Brian Baird, D-Vancouver, Norm Dicks, D-Bremerton, and others should be remembered for this during our next elections. They put a higher value on increasing their own campaign funding than on the safety of our front-line troops by forcing our military to spend its budget dollars (our tax money) on projects the military did not want or need. This money could have been spent on the purchase of improved vehicular and body armor to reduce the number of our boys killed and maimed while fighting for America. I suggest that, in future elections, your readers support candidates who work for what is best for America rather than what is best for their campaign funds. …
— Norman Christie (lt. col., U.S. Army [ret.]), Port Hadlock”
Hey Norm good buddy, thanks for your service, and I’ve got a question for ya: How come you didn’t mention any REPUBLICANS who spend taxpayer money on favors for their districts? How come you didn’t mention that a REPUBLICAN administration failed to buy body and vehicle armor for our troops in Iraq — until Democrats shoved it down their throats? Your partisan stripes are showing, pal. You’re full of shit.
Here’s Another One
“After reading ‘The favor factory,’ I was disgusted with our democratic representatives, the earmark process, and the solutions proposed. I was particularly frustrated with Seattle Democratic Rep. Jim McDermott’s support of government-funded congressional campaigns …. The solution is simple: Vote for new candidates who will take a stand against dishonestly giving no-bid contracts to companies that support their campaigns. — Matthew McCleary, Seattle”
(Same link)
Hey Matt good buddy, got a question for ya. Who are these “new candidates” you’re suggesting we vote for? You wouldn’t be referring to the crooked Republicans that voters threw out of office last year, would you? Yeah, I think you are … your solution to earmarking is to invite the biggest pigs in the barnyard back to the trough. You’re full of shit too, pal.
I’ll Bet This Guy Is A Republican
“A Mukilteo man has been arrested on charges of hacking into a telephone network to trick 911 dispatchers in Southern California into sending a SWAT team to the home of a randomly selected Lake Forest, Calif., family, authorities announced Tuesday.”
That doesn’t include all the people who show up at emergency rooms and receive free treatment. You and I pay for that with our premiums. So, in reality, it already is publicly funded medicine.
So if it is already publicly funded why the rush too nationalize???
Ummmm, because it is a phenomenally inefficient system that puts an unreasonable burden on employers and people with proper jobs?
You (and several other righties) seem to be working on the premise that the only thing people on the other side of the aisle care about is equality and social justice. That is, if indigent people can receive health care, the job is done and we can go home.
I’m a big fan of equality, social justice, and access to health care. I also have a job and have to live within a budget. I get resentful when I look at the (extraordinarily leaky) money pipe which is the American health care system and I say “Damn! I have to pay for that!”
Since we have to break the Owellian “Private sector good, public sector bad” chant you guys have been chanting forever, let’s take a good look at the medical system versus normal businesses.
Normal businesses are generally run by sharp, financially minded people who first look at a problem and say “Can I make a dollar solving this problem?” If they’ve been working on the same problem for a while, they will probably say “Is there a way this problem can be handled more efficiently, which will allow for higher salaries/more profits/less work or whatever else yanks my crank?”
There’s capitalism in a nutshell. Like anything else, it can be abused, but as far as systems go, it’s pretty good.
Medicine is not now, and never has been a business in that sense. Medicine is a practice and has a lot more in common with practices like law or architecture than with the cut-and-thrust capitalism we all know and love.
Doctors have a fee they receive for their services. While doctors with high-demand skills (i.e. surgeons or cardiologists) will get a bit more, and general practitioners will get a bit less. None of them compete on price, or even think about costs very much as long as they get their fees paid. Read this a few times until it sinks in. Because this is where the trouble starts.
American docs, especially specialists in secondary care are some of the best in the world. They are well-compensated, and as such, we get the cream of the crop here.
Unfortunately, as great as they are at medicine, very few have the business sense that God gave a goat. And why should they? That’s not their job.
The business end of most medical clinics (and this is true pretty much from top to bottom in the industry) is an absolute disaster area. Being a clinic manager is a $75,000-80,000 a year job. The doctors who work in your clinic will be paid more than you are and if there’s a dispute over how things are done, what the docs say goes. Needless to say, the people who handle the business end of medical clinics aren’t the A-team. Generally, they aren’t even the B or C team at that level of compensation. There are a lot of other intangibles involved in this. In my field (IT), I’ve talked with a few other people who have worked in that sphere. The general consensus is “Whew! Glad I don’t do that anymore!”
Because the financial side of medicine is amateur hour, you wind up with processes which are amazingly inefficient. Scheduling? Records management? Reimbursement? I could go on.
One of my favorite stories about this is from a company I used to work for. When we were going in to sell software, the first thing we did was to take a look at the clinic’s work flow. How did appointments get scheduled, how did records get stored? If we could show concretely how we could improve this, we’d have a sale. (Well, that’s the theory. That’s why I’m not there now).
One very large secondary care clinic in Denver’s process to schedule an appointment involved 4 people filling out various parts of a form, and faxing it to each other. Are you with me here? Person A answers the phone, scribbles stuff on a paper form. She stuffs it in the FAX to send to person B. Person B makes notes and FAXes to person C. Person C (if he can read the FAX at all at this point!) makes more notes and sends it to person D. Person D picks up the phone and confirms the appointment. This is a highly profitable multi-million dollar a year clinic!
We do not have a great medical system. We have half of a great medical system. The other half is straight out of Charles Dickens.
If healthcare is such a deal why dont we see a rush of US citizens to those countries for medical care??? Why do they come here when they get really sick? I hope that people dont fall for another democrat lie.
If you are insured in the US and are not insured in Canada, you will pay cash for all services in Canada. They are not especially cheap when it’s paid on a cash basis, because Canadian docs expect to be reimbursed for their services as well.
If you are indigent and uninsured you can’t go to Canada anyhow.
(that message was in response to Jane’s Dog @ 3. It could have been a LOT longer, but I have to get on with my day).
I say let’s go ahead and nationalize the health care system so we can see how fucked up it’ll be and get it over with. After we get that socialist solution out of our systems, then maybe we can find something else that works.
Ron Paul had some good comments about health care that wre available on the opening video to this thread. Give him a listen.
Sorry for dragging you into the little thing upthread. I shouldn’t have “offered” you without asking.
@60: yeah, let’s go ahead and nationalize our health care system so we can be failures, like Canada. And Japan. And Australia. And England.
Oh wait, they all pay less for better results than we do?
Another TJ @ 61:
No problem. It seems irrelevant anyhow.
Politically Incorrect @ 60:
You seem to mistake being iconoclastic with being original. I’ve lived in three different countries and dealt with their medical systems. I’ve worked in the medical sector in this country. Do you have any foundation for your opinions, or do you just like to repeat
Private sector good
Public sector bad
like Animal Farm’s sheep?
I wouldn’t mind the fact that you guys have a religious belief in the absolute infallibility of the private sector except that you don’t even have a good theological framework to understand it. You’re the 21st century equivalent of my dumb, illiterate European peasant ancestors who made the sign of the cross at every bad thing that came their way while living in mortal fear of drafts and devils.
It’s 2007 and everyone can at least afford themselves the benefits of a public education. Go off and read a book or two and come back when you have the slightest clue as to what you’re talking about.