Jesus, guys. I love the American ideal, but damn did we not live up to it last night. I know Darryl has a lot of analysis, but all I have is hope.
The markets seem to know this is bad, but all I have is hope. Hope that we can figure something out at the state level if Obamacare gets repealed. Hope that we can survive it. Hope that we can prevent national stop and frisk. Hope that the bottom isn’t as far as we think it is. It’s scary. And it’s infinitely scarier if you’re not white. If you’re not a man. If you’re not Christian. America is trying to tell a lot of people that it’s not for them, but I still have hope because America still is for all Americans.
I don’t know what the future holds, but even now, when we’ve elected a man who looks like a fascist, and while there are checks and balances, the other branches are also controlled by Republicans, so who the fuck knows? Anyway, I’m much drunker writing this at 11:30 than I usually am just in general (and sorry (?) it’s so late). In conclusion, fuck, but don’t give up hope.
Perhaps as a first indication that HA libbies will live through this, the Dow is up single digits as of this writing.
Sober and current trumps inebriated and emotional most of the time.
First! Woman! President! ultimately was unable to lead and reassure last night. Small wonder libbies feel the way they do this morning.
Everyone make sure they get a good look at Goldy’s rational and very mature tweets on the sidebar this morning.
He is a leader in the Seattle liberal community.
When Bernie Sanders supporters rightly cried foul over the way their preferred candidate was treated by the DNC, Goldy was one who implored them to stand down.
Goldy, in the words of Sarah Silverman: You’re being ridiculous.
Well, I guess I’ll have to go back to being just a grandma. It’s OK, however: Bill and I have around $100 million to take care of ourselves in retirement.
(Bill and I went to Washington to do good and ended up doing DAMN good!)
Were getting things ready on the National Mall for the big inauguration party!
Hope you all can join us!
If this is democracy, it’s a failure.
Lolz @5
I get it… your version of democracy, large swaths of the country should just shut the fuck up and do what the progressive urbanites tell them to do.
Go eat shit.
Lol @ goldy.
What a joke.
O.K. We’ll crazy glue the economy back together again you ungrateful sonsabitches.
-Democrats 2020
On my final day as a regular commenter around here I wish to inaugurate the first HA Special Snowflake Award.
And I wish to present it to Ima Dunce, for outstanding display of spinelessness in the face of the slightest adversity.
Chris Hagen @chrishagentb
The Clinton Foundation has issued a brief statement: No Refunds. #election2016 #WheresHillary
4:13 AM – 9 Nov 2016
I can’t find it at the moment but last night I ran across a tweet that announced that The Clinton Foundation is changing its name, effective immediately, to The Clinton Legal Defense Fund.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Yes. Interstate compacts. That’s how we defend our economy, our culture, and our people.
So, like sister cities, then. Sorta.
Except unconstitutional.
Yawn. Rabbits can live through anything. To us, the self-destruction of the human species is merely another reality show.
Probably for the best. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit doesn’t have enough life left to recover from a major investment misstep. He makes so many minor ones.
Dow up triple digits as health care, financials lead; Trump shock with victory
Or maybe it’s just CNBC belatedly attempting to make amends after that primary debate performance of theirs.
So many crying Liberals, what a nice morning.
Over on the Twitter sidebar, Goldy’s gone from Full Godwin to Full Ostrich in only 20 minutes.
It was just a couple of weeks ago that #CrookedHillary joked,
“I have great respect for Kellyanne Conway, and since she’s a contractor, [Trump] probably won’t be paying her.”
Perhaps we should begin to wonder whether Hanauer will pay Goldy.
Black men went 13% for Trump.
Latino men went 33% for Trump.
White college-grad men went 54% for Trump.
And middle-class voters most likely to feel the pinch of taxes and unsubsidized Obamacare premium increases went for Trump: he took 4% more voters who earned $50-100k, and he took 1% more voters who earned $100-250k.
Maybe now we can talk more about Obamacare premium increases and high deductibles, and less about making the penalties more onerous.
@6 No- because evil has triumphed over good. Celebrate now because tomorrow will be ugly.
@13 Yeah, I noticed I’m richer this morning. Dow up 178 points right now. Thanks for the free money, deplorables. Heads I win, tails I win. I’m covered both ways.
As of right now, Clinton leads the popular vote, and turnout is about 5 million less than in ’08 and ’12, so Drumpf can hardly claim a sweeping mandate. He’ll have to be on his good behavior, or the fickle voters will abandon him just as quickly as they elected him.
Take heart, HA libbies.
Y’all still are gonna have Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit and YLB to speak their minds.
Oh, and Goldy’s strong leadership, demonstrated aptly in today’s Twitter sidebar.
Hold each other close. You know why that’s important, libbies?
Stronger Together
Gotta get back to work, so I can do a better job
paying my fair share.
@ 19
He’ll have to be on his good behavior, or the fickle voters will abandon him just as quickly as they
elected himabandoned #CrookedHillary.ftfy
@17 Okay, it’s time to calm down and figure out what this really means. The upset is easy to understand: A lot of folks who felt ignored voted against the system. The policies of the last eight years saved the economy from a depression, but the working class and Main Street were left out of the recovery. There was bound to be a backlash. They understand Trump isn’t an ideal vessel for their frustrations, but he spoke their language. Now Trump has to deliver results. If he can rebuild our infrastructure and bring back some blue collar factory jobs, that’s not a bad thing. He’s not an ideologue, and likely will be a pragmatic leader, which is not a bad thing. He may even keep the ideologues in Congress in line. He’s starting out with a conciliatory pose, and if he maintains that and tries to bring the country together behind things we can all agree on, that’s not a bad thing. The voters have spoken, and they were not wrong to demand to be ignored no longer, so let’s wait and see where this goes.
@20 Paying your fair share? Are you kidding? Republicans, by definition, are freeloaders. They get rich on the backs of other people’s hard work. They send other people’s children to fight their exploitive wars (Iraq was all about free oil). They don’t pay taxes. They don’t create jobs. They don’t support this country. They’re not interested in saving the planet or their own species. All they’re good for is extracting rents. How much in taxes has your new exalted leader paid? How much time did he or his kids spend in the military defending our country?
About 14 or 15 months ago, I said on this blog that I thought Hillary would run but not get elected. Roger Rabbit asked who could possibly beat Hillary.
Well, as it turned out Roger, Hillary got her ass whipped by Donald Trump. I was right, and YOU were WRONG! Hope you ego can handle it.
Disclosure: I did not vote for Donald Trump.
@24 “Hillary got her ass whipped by Donald Trump.”
No, she didn’t. The election was close. Trump didn’t win the electoral vote by very much, barely won several swing states, and he apparently lost the popular vote. That’s not an ass-whipping, it’s a squeaker.
Meanwhile, you crow about his victory, but didn’t even vote for him. What does that make you?
You celebrate the victory of a morally bankrupt man who won by appealing to this country’s worst instincts of racism, bigotry, and extreme nationalism. What does that make you?
Even this morning, I’d rather be me than you. I was blindsided, like millions of other people, but at least no one can accuse me of being unprincipled. The most honorable thing you can say for yourself is that you didn’t vote for him, either.
So go ahead and crow about a victory you didn’t help create, if that somehow makes you feel good about yourself.
Right now I blame Bernie Sanders and his idiots. I don’t want him anywhere near the DNC. He delivered Wall Street to the billionaires on a silver platter and screwed the rest of the country. And as always, I blame the people who don’t vote for this fiasco. Including the people who thought Clinton wasn’t “pure” enough for them. It’s another George W. Bush, only this time on steroids. War and economic ruin await.
Well, here’s one explanation of what happened and why, which strikes me as good as any.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I get what this writer says about Vietnam, and I think it’s true, although thankfully Vietnam veterans are treated much better now by the general public than we were 50 years ago, and most of us recognize and appreciate that.
This election reminded us that the non-college-educated outnumber the college-educated. But that doesn’t make science wrong, or facts irrelevant, or knowledge unimportant. It remains crucial that people making decisions know what they’re doing. Competence still matters, and always will. Filling in policy blanks with wrong answers will cost us all dearly. If this election was a triumph of ignorance over reason, then Trump’s victory will morph into the disaster many people predicted.
@ 26
Right now I blame Bernie Sanders and his idiots.
Of course you do. Blame everyone else and excuse your own choices, Special Snowflake.
You went with an unpopular, deeply flawed, noticeably ill woman who repeatedly demonstrated her truth-challenged approach to governance, as your choice for Leader of the Free World. As those under her took the Fifth to avoid or were granted immunity to participate in interviews during an FBI investigation into her affairs, you chose to believe what others on this site and elsewhere have claimed- that she is not corrupt.
You failed to persuade sufficient numbers of others to join you in your Goldsteinean windmill tilt of the past few months.
And now, clearly, it is the fault of someone else that your choice lost.
Will it still be BernieBros tomorrow to whom you will assign blame? Or will you have moved on to blame Comey, or Weiner?
Goldy is right (Twitter sidebar) in that there is no shame in tilting at windmills.
Although keep in mind that for those of us watching from a respectful distance, there is plenty of humor in it. Tilt away, Special Snowflake.
You should just save yourself the pain and kill yourself now.
@28&29 You’ll eat your words when this mentally ill man fucks everything up.
From Godwin to ostrich and back to Godwin, all in the space of one morning.
If that isn’t the firm and steady hand of leadership in the face of adversity, then I don’t know what is.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Happy Kristallnact, America!
Seems it’s not just Goldy going Godwin this morning. Others, usually with better ability to spell difficult words, are doing it as well:
Kristallnacht Trending on Twitter — and Not Just for a History Lesson
I don’t think it will be long before Goldy uses the words “Trump”, “literally”, and “Hitler” in the same sentence.
Boob is a bleater in the deplorable community. Oh it plans to retire from HA today?
HAHAHAHAHAHA!! It just might. We’ll see about that.
Ground zero starts here. It will be updated for 2016. (Unless it’s “classified” wink wink.) Only 800 of the 9000 positions will need to be Senate confirmed.
Start searching for the graft and corruption.
Opposition. Full stop.
The HA deplorables probably missed this opportunity to put themselves into the ranks of major deplorable donors. Oh well.
And don’t forget to look for the deplorable deals with Putin that will protect the Donilld’s bidnesses and its spawn from some of the worst criminal low lifes to which the Donilld is in hock. The Donilld will have the secret service to have its back for the rest. For 4 years. Maybe.
The criminal depravity of Drumpf U can rise to the level of “high crimes and misdemeanors” sez a Utah law prof.
Thank you Roger Rabbit @ 19 for the most thoughful article I’ve read all day.
Here’s the best line for me:
More or less what Michael Moore said. Yes Michael Moore said the unthinkable: that Drumpf would probably win. More to say on that.
@34, so then President Pence, so you’d still be fucked. Nice try but still no Clinton cigar.
@ 34
Then you get a true conservative in the White House. And the GOP-led Senate gets to confirm the next VP selection.
Season it all you like, YLB. It’s still a hot, steaming crap sandwich.
YLB, think of the bright side.
Those calluses on your knees will finally have a chance to get better.
@28 Hillary was the only alternative to a world-class jerk. Given that choice, I don’t have a problem defending the choice I made. Whatever happens now, I’m not responsible for it.
@29 In case you didn’t notice, you’re in the same boat he’s in.
Shell shocked Dems shouldn’t be wondering “how did this happen” by this time..
It was pretty simple. Hillary couldn’t afford to do much worse than Barack did in 2012. She had to hold on to the States he won.
Instead critical battleground states flipped from D to R. Five at this writing. Michigan may yet flip.
But states obscure the picture. Counties within those States flipped from blue to red. From Barack supporting in 2012 to (ugh!) Drumpf voting yesterday.
My take: those counties rewarded Barack in 2012 for extending them a lifeline through the worst of the Bush depression. Saved the country from an unhinged greedhead vulture krapitalist.
And for better or worse they gave him and his SecState the middle finger for TPP.
Michael Moore vindicated. #fuckyouboob
Heh. Let’s see the homophobic Pence scumbag get 4 more years after the worst of the Drumpf excesses.
#deplorableU #impeachthesonofabitch
@ 41
YLB, for four years you have given me crap for comments I made about polls unfavorable to Romney being “skewed” or otherwise unrepresentative of the population they sampled.
I just want to make sure you realize that the object of your hero worship did
pretty much the same thing this week, YLB. Although as I recall I wasn’t suggesting intentional misrepresentation by the pollsters.
You’re not going to grow if you keep following the same guy with those puppy-dog eyes, YLB. Tell me you don’t behave in front of your children the way you behave here. Because God help them if you do.
How excited you must be, YLB, at the prospect of four more years of playing grab-ass with Puddy. Or you can choose to look beyond Goldy and Mediaite(!) and find out what some of the rest of the world has to say.
Up to you.
@43 I don’t get the impression the rest of the world is overjoyed.
Lastly a big FUCK YOU to little maxwipe butt plugg..
The people I just talked about are NOT middle class. They are struggling working people who work crap jobs in fulfillment centers, Wal-marts, etc, who barely cling on with food stamps and EITC.
They are the same people who threaten their Republican congress critters with retirement at the slightest whiff of someone touching their Social Security and Medicare. Yes that’s YOU Paul fucking Ryan.
They probably made a very bad call. We’ll see.
RR @44
Putin has a boner.
@43 First of all
Fuck your misogyny, fuck your obtuse choice of reading material.
You were NOT a DRUMPF supporter. You supported any one of the 16 dwarfs he slaughtered in the primaries.
Which btw should have been a big clue to the rest of us. R turnout in the primaries was record. D turnout was lackluster.
Again Michael Moore pointed this out. Vindicated.
YOU ARE A HILLARY HATER. No matter how much you season it, it’s not becoming.
You can retire now. Proudly I’m sure.
Boob’s farrago @ 43 was pretty rich. I’ll have more to say later.
lmfao…..lookd like YLBs head is exploding!!!
All the SJW tears…this is an awesome day to be alive.
@34 So what? You really don’t expect the next Congress to do anything about it, do you?
WRONG AGAIN! Sanders exposed Wall Street’s love of DUMMOCRETINS. Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton proved it with those speeches. Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sux loved her. FACTS are FACTS. You can’t deal with FACTS dunceman. DUMMOCRETIN corruption and arrogant power actions were kicked to the curb.
Malcolm Gladwell is right to a degree. People hate Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton not because she’s a woman. They hate Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton because of her actions.
Remember DUMMOCRETINS love sanctuary cities and hate Kate’s law. People noticed.
All that blathering BULLSHITTIUM from the vomit producer and its OWS dipshit friends on wall street being Republican was proven WRONG AGAIN last night with stock futures last night.
Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton proved her stoooooooooooopidity by her love on partial birth abortion!
The FOOLS in libtard msm circles blame her loss on her gender. WRONG! Her emails killed her chances, not the FBI!
The libtard msm was proven to be in the DUMMOCRETIN tank. IBD poll was CORRECT!
@51 No but there’s always the next Congress aka 2018. By then for sure there will be even more uncovered crimes.
However imagine a preznitcy so freaking bad that even the likes of the current kraptastic kongress can #impeachthesonofabitch..
One can dream.
@50 Here we have yet another butt plugg who’ll buy Drumpf’s swamp land in a New York second.
Oh but you take him “seriously” not “literally”..
Good luck with that.
@49 “lmfao” Sane people who are tired of few transportation choices in the Puget Sound region voted to raise your car tab and property taxes. BOOYAH!
#moveawaynowlittlemaxwipe #whothefneedsya #takksed
DAYUM Travis
The only grab arschloch the fetid one does is on Puddy’s command. Puddy PWNS the fool!
Great head explosions though Travis!
False rumors on internment camps from Van Jones supporters in Chicago. 6,080,042 DUMMOCRETINS didn’t vote for Careless Crooked Heilary.
Why? Many figgered out the DUMMOCRETIN elites were for her!
@57 Nice to know you answer to my call:
babbling jackass troll
You know what you are. We’ll deal with you later.
Sane people who are tired of few transportation choices in the Puget Sound region voted to raise your car tab and property taxes. BOOYAH!
The fetid moron forgets that they raised its taxes too!
“I sat watching in astonishment. … I thought the hard-core support for Trump had dwindled … If you don’t count Newt Gingrich — and I don’t … I called my conservative brother to see what the heck was going on. … Trump was like Rasputin … I was in Europe … I woke up … I asked my brother … I asked my brother … I began election night writing a column … I have more fear than I’ve ever had in my 63 years … I’ve taken seriously the possibility … I knew that it was a possibility … Before I lay out all my fears … I’ve been searching for hours, and the only one I can find is this: I don’t think … ” – Maureen/Friedman, NYT, today.
It’s all about I. The egomaniacal depraved twisted media that were deplored by the most preposterous candidate since
Victoria Woodhull in 1872 is just getting geared up to let its inner bullies out for a long hard run.
It’ll be 2005 once more, but on a triple-steroid Mojito. In November 2004 Dandy Dan Savage & his Strangers were whimpering & simpering that they’d just have to jump out of bed with Norm Stamper and run to Canada. By 2005 every indolent goldy in the country was riding the Brownie of his dreams into the big time. Heck of a job, Crats. From grovel & snivel to long knives in less than a year.
My bet for 2017 is that you tender sensitive compassionate progressives will have the Don dude progressively sliced & diced no later than Groundhogs’ Day, and probably before January 20th. He’ll be like Roth’s President Lindbergh bailing out & flying away, handing it off to VP Bolshevik Burt Wheeler.
Now if these libtard morons will keep their word!
#52: Please post a ref for your riff on Gladwell. Was giving some thought to giving him a smack-down citation for his ridiculous misrepresentations of our First Black President, Warren G. Harding.
you riff = your riff
Deal with Puddy fetid crazed buffoon?
You got your ASS smacked!
Who’s next? Doofus? Pooper Scott?
Seems the morons at are coordinating these demonstrations!
Van Jones head still exploding on CNN!
Hey libtards, get yours soon!
Google his name! There are a few comments!
A national recall went out Wednesday for the special “Madame President” issue of Newsweek that was prematurely shipped to stores and newsstands across the country.
At the same time, the publisher of the magazine will rush the “President Trump” version of the commemorative issue to press on Thursday — so it will get to stores next week.
“Like everybody else, we got it wrong,” said Tony Romando, CEO of Topix Media, the Newsweek partner which produces special issues under the popular brand.
John Oliver what a klown.
F Upchuck Todd – The last poll you moron!
Got any I’m With Her T-shirts left libtards?
Your college $$$$ in action at Yale
Remember ALL THOSE Obummer’s executive action overreaches? Well Trump can undo them ALL! Remember what Professor Jonathan Turley?
Go at it alone Obummer – “King” Obummer got dethroned by his worse enemy now!
Well one thing is for sure, YLB and his fellow progrrssives are turning to the biggest sore loser pussies in election history.
Trump wins!
Learn it. Know it. Ponder it. Accept it.
Required reading for progressives.
“We’re going to punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends” – President Obama
… “you lost because you governed the nation as if you owned it, and everyone in it. Did you think that you could lie to people, and take away their health insurance, either to give it to someone else, or to swirl it down the rat hole of bureaucratic incompetence, and there would be no price to pay?
Did you think you could scream ‘racist’ at every dissenter and that the 70% of the country that is still white wouldn’t be offended by your grotesque insults? Did you believe that the vicious campaign of intimidation waged by the media, the IRS, and every other organ of your socialist empire would bear no blowback?
When large majorities objected to your policies and gave Congress to the other party to stop you, did you reconsider, or did you double down on illegal immigration through unconstitutional executive orders? Did you think no one would notice doubling the national debt, or that the entitlement state is accelerating towards national bankruptcy?”
You thought you got lucky when Republicans picked Trump, and you thought that alone would be enough to win, but it wasn’t. Maybe you should stop calling everyone who disagrees with you a Nazi, if only to hold in reserve such labels for when you truly believe them.
Third, you’ve forgotten that there is a whole country out there – the size of a continent – that doesn’t live on the coast; that doesn’t read the New York Times, listen to NPR, or go to Starbucks to sip mocha cream lattes. They’re part of this country too, and have a purpose other than providing a blue wall to protect the power of your bi-coastal elitism. In case you haven’t noticed for lack of ever visiting, they’re not doing so well in the globalized economy in which you’re prospering.
They don’t work at Google, or Facebook, or Apple. They can’t afford to eat at a fancy restaurant even if there were one where they live. They don’t have much savings, and may be deeply in debt. They break their backs to send their kids – if they can afford to have them – to obscenely overpriced colleges and universities, where your ideological soulmates indoctrinate them to hate the nation their parents love.
They are seldom educated with skills that make a living. They part of the 94 million Americans who aren’t working, and while they’ll cash a welfare check if they have to, they want to earn a paycheck. They’re not victims of anything except big government, big spending, and the high debt policies ushering in the era of American decline.
They don’t care about Caitlyn Jenner, Trayvon Martin, or Michelle’s sleeveless dresses, and if they know who Lena Dunham is, they probably hope their daughter doesn’t. They worry about their communities, the breakdown of families, and the cultural rot impeding their attempts to lead a normal happy life. More than anything, the 59 million Americans who voted to dethrone the Clinton Dynasty, and flipped the bird to the ruling class, resent being looked down upon by people they consider to be no better than themselves, and in many ways, a whole hell of a lot worse.
Not that any know it all, sanctimonious, Seattle liberal is ever given to self reflection.
@76 and Puffybutt @all: So you morons and your ilk are proud of what you’ve done? That figures.
@78 wins the internet.
Well said
Boob’s little rant @43 cont..
Big shrug on those particular Republican polls boob. Darryl included them in his analyses right up to Goldy’s post and beyond. Given their provenance, they deserved some inquiry. Goldy presented his case. Your faith in the “unskewed” went on a lot longer than just the week before the election and I don’t recall very much credibly argued support for “the unskewed” from you. The final story on the whole 2016 poll fiasco is a ways off from being written.
Intentional? Maybe not on your part but almost certainly on the part of the idiocractic propagandists that make up your favorite reading. was some balm after the 2004 Bush re-election debacle. All of us rallied here behind Chris Gregoire standing up to the execrable Dino Rossi. We won. And that threw a damper on the gloating of the Bushies in this state. As things played out in Iraq, New Orleans, the 2006 midterms, etc we liberals were more than vindicated.
Then 2008 came. No I’m not talking about Obama. Remember the economic meltdown? All of your ilk’s stupid love of tax cuts, endless war and “reforming” entitlements did jack shit for that. But you knew all along that rhetoric was bullshit right? Like David Stockman said so long ago – a trojan horse for the rich getting richer. Vindication again.
What is Drumpf bringing to the table? More of the same old discredited bullshit that did so much for Louisiana and Kansas during the Obama years – no boob, those unfortunate places never supported Barack. And supposedly Drumpf’s tax cuts will more than finance a xenophobia wall (it’ll be paid by Mexico, huh?) and an infrastructure rebuild. Yes and you’d for sure buy Drumpf’s swamp land in a New York second.
And what else? Oh yeah. Drumpf and the execrable Republicans in the kraphole of a kongress (with few exceptions) will go balls to the wall reversing the black guy’s legacy. Affordable Care Act, Dodd-Frank, Iran Deal, DACA and on and on..
That’ll get you off over in Boob’s gulch.
As for the future I’m going to do whatever the fuck I please just like your fellow troll who is a babbling jackass.
And Mediaite(!)??? I learned about that website from trolls. The babbling jackass. and YOU.. The babbling jackass kept the dope alive in 2012 using that very same website.
Just another poke in the ribs.
I’m sure we’ll be hearing more from you boob. Please, by all means, prove me wrong.
@78 worthless dailycaller garbage.
@76 No one around here on the better side of the issues ever whined about where Drumpf was born.
We’re OPPOSING a narcissistic liar, birther, misogynist, sexual predator and know nothing jerk. If you had half a brain you’d oppose him as well.
But we all know you don’t even have shit for brains.
@75 Nope you dope. Not overreaching. Just covering for a do-nothing kraphead kongress and being a decent man representing America as a compassionate country – not as a selfish jerk of a country like you want.
Doh! on the Drumpf rolling Barack’s actions back and then following up with true overreaches – starting with miss teen universes.
@66-74 worthless spam.
That all the trolls got? Oh well they’re all busy circling jerking each other in the echo chamber.
@78 & @80 No Democrat ever campaigned using Trump’s hateful rhetoric. The GOP is a party of racists and haters.
Someone fired into a crowd and shot five people near a demonstration in downtown Seattle.
Hillary Clinton might win the popular vote. She was ahead last I looked.
But so far she’s gotten 6 million votes LESS than Barack got in 2012..
That says even MORE about Drumpf – his turnout was good considering his operation but no earth-shaking records were set except maybe for turning out more angry white guys and evangelicals.
Yeah Hillary didn’t inspire or inspire enough anyway. Everyone knows she doesn’t have anywhere near the stuff Bill has. Too bad for the country.
Democrooks, thanks for a crooked DNC, thanks for the crooked superdelegate scam, thanks for giving us crooked hillary to beat, and thanks for just being you, crooked and stupid.
Nate Silver originally gave Trump a 35% chance of winning yesterday morning.
Libtard heads exploded.
During the night Nate changed to higher values.
Libtard heads exploded.
DAYUM funny!
The shooting has nothing to do with the protests according to the news.
Probably just some moochers getting into an arguement.
Polls sucked.
DUMMOCRETINS thought they had it in the bag!
@87 Donilld Drumpf regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.
Thanks for nothing.
@90 You and your beloved karsen kook-koo supported a freak who regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.
You suck.
What we have to do now. In short, fight against the evil that has just been handed the keys of power in our country.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We progressives are still here and we’re not going away. Let’s make the next four years our finest hour.
We also need to examine the voter suppression that went on in the states that flipped to red.
I’ve learned it’s not too hard to supress votes. All you got to do is shut down polling places. Put distance between voters you don’t want to vote and the polling venue. Even if they get there, they wait too long in line.
That cuts out a lot of voters especially elderly, handicapped, single moms with kids, etc.
The more exotic tactics get stopped in the courts but fewer polling places are justified by budgets cuts for tax breaks for the rich. Fewer polling places survive the lawsuits.
We use mail-in ballots here in WA. So what you’re talking about does not apply to us. All we have to do is have mail-in ballots country-wide. Very difficult to suppress the vote.
Lol….keep searching for excuses YLB.
@94 Yes I’m well aware of what we have here in WA State. WA State is a model for the nation. But the different practices and subsequent outcomes in other states have lead to the very silly and morally compromised man who’s going to make an ass of himself in the other Washington. If more people care that might just keep that from happening again.
@96 Keep being a jerk whoever you are. It changes nothing save for diminishing you. And pay your taxes for better transportation options for the citizens of Puget Sound – or move. It’s your choice. #whothefneedsya
@60 D’oh.. You figured that out all by yourself? I’m so impressed!
Little maxwipe was most surprised when it saw its ballot.
I bet you were too! Idiot..
Not to worry YLB…you moochers need support from people like me. We will make sure you dont go hungry…for now.
Man, i bet this election is still stinging isnt it?
Think about it: the prez, both houses of congress, and soon the supreme court….all run and put in office by people you despise. This is what you have earned by hating your fellow American. Hope if feels realllllllll good.
Gonna be a fun 4 years……
Oh hey….go ahead and burn down your city, i will get paid very well to rebuild it.
@99 We’ll be OPPOSING IT ALL. We won’t stop.
I don’t hate my fellow American. That’s a waste of energy. I’ll continue to support and advocate for what I believe in. It’s worked well here in WA State, could be a little better but we’ll get there.
Heh. Like the Hunger Games – you’re the funny types wearing makeup and wigs.
Now be a good little selfish tool and move away so you can cut your taxes. You stupidly believed you weren’t in ST’s taxing zone.
Carl doubt you would have liked Jacksonian democracy, but he was a Democrat though the Whigs did think the sky was falling. It was a fun filled 4 umm 8 years. The system is not working exactly the way it was designed.
And what if Trump is really the Democrat in Republican cloths or is a real independent. It’s going to be a fun four years.
@$ Will you be serving s’mores?
And if you really are those KKK guys the National Park Rangers are not going to allow you to have those bonfires on the National Mall.
And well Jack Reacher will be there and he hates those fucking KKK guys. Could be justice Reacher style.
@5 Last time I checked it’s a Republic. Little d democracy.
@18 And you will win big when the British Supreme Court tells the government parliament must vote on leaving the European Union. Most likely there will be a new government and you will see an uptick in the stock market and finally the Parliament will vote and vote to stay in and you will get another few bucks.
I need rabbits to do well as one never knows when one could use some rabbit stew. Or if the rich rabbit is your buddy that can help in the lean times. So you enjoyed some rum, me I had some Wicked Cider Baked Apple. Pretty good.
The Canadian immigration site keeps crashing. So when the nice Canadians put the Mounties at the border and go American stay in the US would that be folks finding out how Mexicans feel or surprise at just how chilly Canucks can be. I guess that it’s ok to use that name as they have a hockey team with that name. Though they get upset if some American baseball team plays the playoffs in Toronto. Which Indian community in Toronto was most insulted? The real Indians from India or the ones native to North America?
@25 Since I have said much the same thing out of no love for Trump, but that he had at least an even chance of winning just based on reality and basic political theory. Guess going to WWU paid off. I’m not surprised he won. If It had been Jeb Bush he likely would have won for the same reasons. Probably won the popular vote and bigger win in the electoral college. The only thing I was hopeful for was the possibility a strong third party candidate could emerge with America getting a third party. Which would be a healthy outcome for this nation. Rather than the Democratic/Republican hegemony. The Democrats need the Republicans and vice versa and the two rig the game. The rigging occassionally backfires. So I voted for Jill Stine who really most people on this list actually voted their political beliefs should have voted for. Maybe in four years the Democrats will put someone up that I can vote for or maybe the Republicans will.
@26 Bernie played well on the playground. You have no reason to scapegoat him. The fact he actually did kick Hillary butt in more than one primary should have been a wake up call. In addition had Hillary been an adroit politician the man would have been her running mate sink or swim and that might have made the difference.
Red Scare. United States Committee on Public Information. We got our own dirty laundry without adding German linens. And both of the above the Progressives had a hand in. Well meaning Patriotic Progressives.
@34 No wonder the man is a law professor. It’s a civil suit and most likely it will end up being settled out of court. Even if it goes to court and the ruling goes against Trump U it’s a civil judgment. In one sense I would agree that the House could call this a high crime or misdemeanor. Actually politically the House can make that call even if it’s about a blow job and lying about it. Weak tea but someone got impeached over it. Politically it could happen, but it’s a Republican House so I’m not holding my breath. Virtually every President on the past 100 years has had one or more college professors, politicians opposed to their policies, crackpots, religious leaders, ect threaten to start an impeachment action. Rarely do they start this early, but that is the state of American politics. Not likely this has any legs at this time or for the next couple of years. Though unfortunately the Republican House would have initiated some kind of impeachment hearings on President Clinton. The only question would be how many days into the term before a special prosecutor would have been named.
@41 Or it could just be it’s hard to win a second term as President and it’s even fucking harder for the same party to win a third term. It can happen often it’s the economy stupid or just being willing to fight over empty Supreme Court seat often and loudly. And maybe wagging the dog.
@43 Of course there is the political scientist who has a system with 13 questions that has correctly predicted the outcome of every election since 1981.
What do you expect when you use the troll signal?
Please turn it off it’s disturbing suburbanites and pilotsin Seatac
@84 John C. Breckenridge? Stephen Douglas?
Sound transits map showed me outside their borders. Guess I should learn not to trust a govt agency run by a bunch of leftist crooks.
Still…i can afford it, no biggie. Its the moocher class who will feel the sting. They bitch about high rents, scream for rent control, then vote to have their rents go up.
You cant make up their kind of stupid….yay seattle.
@87 You’re welcome. Enjoy your hookup with Putin while it lasts. Sooner or later, he’s going to screw you, and then turn his back on you.
@114 You’re overlooking the fact a lot of those people don’t own cars. For them, ST3 taxes are way cheaper than a car.
@110 “it’s the economy stupid”
Of course it’s the economy, and what do you think will happen when Trump fails to bring back all the factory and coal mining jobs he promised?
Yes, there will be a lot of infrastructure jobs, but Republicans don’t believe in prevailing wage, so those jobs will pay $10 an hour.
Check out the WH staff faces in the photos in this piece:
Jarrett. Rice. Psaki.
And the one of the aide in full-blown agony about what the DNC did to her job prospects is just too precious. I see her and I think Ima Dunce.
Who would have thought that between Goldy
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Congressional Dems have 3 jobs over next 3 yrs: Obstruct. Obstruct. Obstruct. GOP is now a fascist party and there is no appeasing fascists.
and Miley Cyrus
Crushed by Hillary’s Loss
it would be Billy Ray’s daughter coming off as the more mature of the two?
This is your local leadership, HA libbies.
Think on your sins.
How does absolute power corrupt the already absolutely corrupted? I’ll never get behind pure evil.
“As far as I’m concerned Colin Kaepernick is absolutely irrelevant.”
Won’t stop the bleeding, ESPN, but it might slow it down. It’s a nice start.
@76: “Well one thing is for sure, YLB and his fellow progrrssives are turning to the biggest sore loser pussies in election history.”
Dead Rabbit Commentary: As LBJ & HTML HNMT could have told you, YLB, when you’ve grabbed ’em by the pussies, their hearts & minds will follow.
Have a nice ****tard day.
“All of us rallied here behind Chris Gregoire standing up to the execrable Dino Rossi. We won.”
As I recall, YLBlub-blub-blub, you won by about one illegal amigo vote. Hasta la taco.
You’ve probably been paying ST taxes for freaking ever.
Thanks for the support!
@123 You forgot everything was given the seal of approval by a Republican judge in a Republican county.
Republican complaint “Dismissed with prejudice”
Get your memory checked.
Oh you old rapist you! Continue to molder away.
A fascist? Sex predator? Con-man? Would a thinking person accept Roger Ailes as Preznit?
No freaking way. Drumpf is the PINO – Preznit in name only.
WI libbies taking that Special Snowflake label a bit too seriously:
As if Donald Trump’s victory weren’t enough for local progressives, insult was added to injury today when radio station 92.1 FM The Mic changed format from liberal news and opinion to…Christmas music.
The station’s website names the new format “BEST FM” and “Madison’s Home for the Holidays.”
– See more at:
Donald we now our gay apparel.
@118 That’s nothing. Get a load of you reveling in a barnyard of pig shit like you’re in heaven.
You might know the feeling of watching the other side in pain, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
I believe you have described it thusly:
856 times, in fact:
From the network of John Harwood:
Dow rips to all time high as investors embrace Trump presidency
Wait until all of that offshore corporate cash is repatriated at a lower tax rate. Dem Senators facing re-election in ’18 will be singing a new tune in the new year.
It’s been done before you ignoramus.
Did NOTHING but make ASSHOLES like Carly Fiorina RICH.
She used the offshore funds to buy back stock and cut 14,500 jobs.
Oh but the Donilld will be different!!! Damn boob you must own a lot of swamp land.
Love the stock market. Damn it sure pays to own a lot of stock if CEO’s are only going to bid it up with all the cash they’ve parked offshore. Surely that applies to all the millions of shit poor white folks who wanted RESPECT by voting for a greedhead sex predator.
@ 131
You’re right, YLB.
Best leave all that money parked overseas, where all it does is serve as collateral for corporations like Apple to borrow against at current historically low rates, so they can pay higher dividends and buy back stock during market pullbacks, as is currently occurring.
That does so much more to help the average taxpayer. Not to mention the tax flows into the US Treasury that, um, don’t occur at all as long as the money stays overseas.
Yes, that’s a much better idea. Thank you for setting me straight.
Look there’s a squirrel – a few coppers for the U.S. Treasury.
Don’t look at NOTHING changing for the poor slob who voted for Drumpf. And no thought at all to going after the tax dodgers – no that’s job-killing for damn sure.
131, 132
Well, half a loaf is better than none.
@ 133
YLB, dearest:
With respect to the money held offshore, can you tell me what changed for the poor slob who twice voted for Obama?
What about your children, YLB: Did that money held offshore for the past eight years do them any good?
It might make you feel better, YLB, but “Fuck you asshole!” is an incredibly weak position to stake out in response. It’s also unlikely to make #CrookedHillary president.
You DUMMOCRETINS are fascist pigs!
The GREAT actor and director Clint Eastwood had his Twitter account suspended on Wednesday night! It happened after he fired off a tweet praising the OUR president-elect Trump.
Apparently the
chumpschimps at twatter had issues with the truth! Yet these twats will love anti Trump hashtags to abound everywhere!More fascist pig evidence!
Heh. Yeah if only Meg Whitman was so lucky for Carly having tapped that cash hoard before her.
… and so Meg Whitman clearly needed to spend even more on buybacks. But where to get the money? Wait, here’s an idea: lets fire another 30,000!
Greedheads just gonna greed. #youvotedforit
Look there’s a squirrel! They’d been so better off with McSame putting boots on the ground in the Middle East while negotiating an 8.75 percent repatriation holiday to “pay” for it.
They’d been so better off with Willard R-Money guiding a “soft landing” to a 6 percent unemployment rate.
They’d be so better off with boob’s ilk dancing in the office with his stock portfolio going through the roof.
And they were certainly better off ticket splitting and/or letting the gerrymander of 2010 make things so much better for them.
Just gotta be on the “right side of the divide”.. #youvotedforit #fuckyouboob
Poor fetid one @138. Head still exploding knowing the Supremes will be conservative for years to come. Conservative until Jesus Christ comes in His Father’s cloud of glory!
All those irredeemable deplorables who disagreed with the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Sux to be that DUMMOCRETIN moron!
If only it was half a loaf. Can I get a complementary order of mass layoffs with that?
Thanks a lot a-hole.
Yeah we heard that shit back in 2005. Still waiting.
Deluded for life. Write a book about your “anger management” problems in your youth.
Embellish a bit for the Sunday rubes. Cash out. Tithe harder.
What I was implying is that a compromise might be better for both sides in the conflict over overseas corporate profits. Would you rather have half of an amount of money or none at all?
Hey, this reminds me:
Did that Gay Pride Week attack ever pan out into anything?
Naw, I really didn’t think it would, either. Bet the SPD police chief hated doing the dog-and-pony show for the cameras afterward.
Police: Student fabricated report she was beaten, robbed
A Louisiana college student has acknowledged she fabricated a report that she was assaulted and robbed of her wallet and Muslim headscarf by two men, one of whom she described as wearing a white “Trump” hat, police said Thursday.
The Lafayette Police Department said in a statement that it is no longer investigating the 18-year-old woman’s claims, which were made within hours of Donald Trump’s presidential victory.
@143 What about the assaults that weren’t fabricated, Boob? It didn’t take long for the haters Trump’s victory has emboldened to come crawling out of the woodwork. For some people, spray-painting the word “Trump” is the new swastika symbol.
“Also Wednesday morning, the word ‘Trump!’ was found scrawled across the door to a prayer room for Muslim students at New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering in Brooklyn, the Anti-Defamation League said in a statement.”
Meanwhile, Boob may want to hang onto the Krugerrands he stashed under his mattress, just in case.
“And if Trump were to follow through on his campaign-trail promises, economists say all bets are off.”
Trump will make a BIG mistake if he has Christi or Giuliana as Attorney General. Their views on cannabis are mired firmly in the Nixon Era and Reefer Madness Club.
Please contact our senators, Murray and Cantwell, and your local representative to let them know it’s time for legalization and sanity when it comes to cannabis.
What about the assaults that weren’t fabricated, senile wabbit fool?
FACTS smack dumb wabbit’s ASS!
Burning Trump in effigy.
Was that the Oregon moron?
You are so deucedly clever, YLBlah-Blah-Blah, setting me straight about reprehensible reprobate repulsively reactionary Republican reptile Rossi. It’s an honor being set straight by a twisted little sister like you, YLBoo-Hoo-Hoo. It’s such an honor being set straight that I’m gonna go Savage and pull you into bed for some Stormin’ Norman Stamper snuggle bunnies. Sound like fun? Fuck yeah. Or maybe I’ll give you a new peppermint pacifier.
But first, tell me why Scooty Libber is twisting in the wind while Rodham is free as a bird, just like Obama pal Bill Ayers. General Mukasey wrote in the Wall Street Journal, weekend edition (no relation to NPR), late October, that Rodham’s already in for about four felonies, based on what my homey Comey knew in July, starting with violation of the crown of progressive creation, progressive paragon Woodrow Wilson’s Espionage Act. Set me straight on this, YLBleat-Bleat-Bleat, before I regret my recent vote for none of the above.
If the Big He was the most preposterous candidate since 1872, the Big She was the most ridiculous since Henry Wallace, who was a wholly-owned subsidiary of CPUSA in 1948. Even HST, who seldom told the truth about anything, was a right-on master (Red) baiter when it came to Wallace. Even commie Lillian Hellman tried to tell Wallace that he was being run by commies.
Even the We Can’t Stand Pat (Nixon? Buchanan?) Party of 1968 was totally better than Henry Wallace & over-the-Hillary.
Oh well. Back to reruns of the Ruminant. You know, the part where mama grizzly Sarah Palin eats Leo DiCaprio while wishing that YLB was mewling at this moment about President-elect Dino Rossi, somebody we could have voted for.
An old Scooty Libber tune, slightly modified for the younger generation:
When Rodham Rodham Rodham
Goes to jail jail jail
She will take it take it take it
In the tail tail tail.
And tell me this … Why does that “black” man in the “White” House look like a boyo with a really good tan … Barack Bogtrotter O’Bama? What up with that?
Elizabeth Warren is a joke.
She was against wall street until she was for wall street!
Remember “elections have consequences!” – Barack Hussein Obama
Google “jimmy kimmel obama mean tweets” HA DUMMOCRETINS!
DAYUM funny now!
Remember Obummer claimed he had a pen and a phone?
Now Trump will have the same January 20th, 2017!
Title IX Funding – false accusations UVA, Duke, etc.
Keystone Pipeline
See ya Obummer legacy!
Are hollyweird “celebrities” leaving yet?
Are hollyweird “celebrities” leaving yet?
@142 Given recent history on the matter, I don’t take you the least bit seriously.
Peddle your bromides somewhere else.
Budget reconciliation… ObummerCare… See ya!
EXTREMELY sick in the head person @157,
We never took you seriously! This is why everyone ridicules you, monomaniacal one!
What was that again? monomaniacal!
You are all doomed and Pence will be sucking my dick when I get my bombs and missiles working.
HEY YLB…..guess what….just checked….I am MILES outside the ST taxing border.
HAHAHHAHHAAHHAHHAHA……no tax hike for me…but you poor bastards, well thats another story.
WOW….tenderhandsYLB’s head is STILL exploding! the damn thing is going off like an Ivars New Years Eve show!
those the same economists that said the market would tank the day after trump was elected?
howd that turn out?
I see that the double posting, keyboard fist-pounding, batshit crazy loon still can’t figure out Chrome. What a stupid motherfucker!
Hey libtards, this really crazed woman is a moron.
You libtards are crybabies.
When McCain lost in 2008 where were the demonstrations?
When Romney was lied about by Scary Land Deal Reid, where were the demonstrations?
Waaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Hey libtards, this really crazed woman is a moron.
You libtards are crybabies.
When McCain lost in 2008 where were the demonstrations?
When Romney was lied about by Scary Land Deal Reid, where were the demonstrations?
Waaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Poor poor QPPS@165.
Maybe Puddy knows how to double post now moron! See how some don’t and other do?
Here’s the first broken Trump promise. There will be many more.
And here’s the new swastika graffiti. Hey, Republicans, you built this.
MOM @164,
The stock market tanked because DUMMOCRETINS panicked when their lying heroine started losing and Republicans went on a buying spree!
Oh no, Trump won…
We’re going to have a lot of fun on this blog over the next four years reminding our asswipe trolls of what they voted for.
First in line to take it in the butt will be our old friend Puffybutt.
senile wabbit @169,
These are part of the swamp? Or are they tea party people?
The only swamp dweller is DUMMOCRETIN Jamie Dimon, loved by Elizabeth Warren and HA’s very own vomit producer!
@ 173
We’re going to have a lot of fun on this blog over the next four years reminding our asswipe trolls of what they voted for.
Have all the fun you want. You had tons of fun over the past four years reminding us how #CrookedHillary was going to win ’16. How’d that work out for you?
Seems like a fair trade to me. You claim to have the fun, the GOP gets the SCOTUS nominations.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you’re the guy who crows about his 5% dividend, and neglects to mention that it was a 2% dividend before the stock dropped 60%.
senile wabbit @174,
That’s the best you can do? You got your ASS kicked Tuesday!
And you voted on it. Makes sense. Yawwwwwn.. Still smells like you’re full of shit.
Well it’s always smelled that way.
You and the nine, ten, whatever many voice in your head?
Who cares?
Likewise. Say hello to MWS with your drawers around your knees. We HA HEROES will know the topic of discussion.
And we’ll have a chuckle over that.
Creaming its jeans again. Ewwwww. Too much information.
HNMT @ 149
Insomnia is wearing off. Sorry. Your rant is a bit too long winded to digest. Maybe later.
Our self-loathing black loon cheers for Putin and white racists. My God, has anyone ever hated himself and America more than our self-loathing black loon? Doesn’t seem possible.
Corruption Dems won’t have to teach. It’s already in her DNA.
Chelsea Clinton being groomed to run for Congress
Because in the right neighborhood, sometimes a silver spoon is all you need.
Team Bernie, with the shiv:
Hillary Clinton’s Vaunted GOTV Operation May Have Turned Out Trump Voters
We’ll never know the extent to which earnest volunteers helping the Clinton campaign get out the vote helped put the Trump campaign over the top in states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. But we do know that it’s time for Democrats to take a hard look at their small organizing approach and plot a return to big organizing. When campaigns stop over-relying on predictive models and start talking to voters on a large scale, they won’t only discover who is for their candidate and who is not. They also might learn a few things about how their messages and policies are resonating with voters or gain the courage they need to forge a new way forward.
This story is written by Becky Bond and Zack Exley, who were senior advisers to Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign.
Hey, anyone remember erstwhile congressional candidate, lied-about-being-a-Microsoft-executive Darcy Burner?
For those of you watching my race, the votes counted today make it clear that Paul Graves has won. I called him earlier this afternoon to concede and wish him great success in representing the 5th Legislative District in what will no doubt be a very challenging session.
The above from her FB page.
She lost to a Republican who sits on the board of Exel Charter School in Kent.
“A North Carolina chapter of the Ku Klux Klan announced that it will hold a victory parade celebrating the election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, now we know who the real winner of Tuesday’s election was. I wonder if they’ll invite Puffy?
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Can we all now agree that the old paradigm of “objective” journalism had failed, and move on to something worthy of the First Amendment?
No more convincing way to show you’re serious about this than by retweeting something out of the Hollywood Reporter nearly simultaneously, Goldy.
The NRA’s poster boy is being a swine again.
Holy fuck… many time has Darcy Burner lost an election…..she gonna have more losses than Mike the Mover soon…
@185 Looks like Darcy has a stalker. Someone should alert her, so she can protect herself.
Oh for the good old days, c.1866-c.1966, when the KKK was the Crat action faction, busily lynching blacks, Republicans, and black Republicans. The solid KKK South was so integral to the Crat Southern Strategy that Crats in convention assembled, 1924, couldn’t bring themselves to disrespect the Klan. Or that progressive Woodrow, almost a decade earlier, was avidly sucking up Birth of a Nation, eyes all aglow. Or that progressive Delano, riding into office on money from the opium trade, appeased Southern segs over & over. He belatedly went after a few Southern pols, but only because they wouldn’t let him take over the Court like he’d taken over Congress. And then FDR packed the Court anyway with very white Hugo Black, lifetime pampered pet of the KKK.
And let’s not get your cute little cottontails in a twist by mentioning libs’ twisted slobbering HA-style love affairs with Bobby Byrd, senator from West Virginia & the KKK.
And yet, over and over, latter-day libs go on & on about Nixon’s Southern Strategy, 1968, after Jedgar Hoover had done an excellent job of sanitizing the worst excesses of the Democrat South. A bad movie, Mississippi Burning, does a sort-of good job of showing how Hoover’s FBI did a good job of shutting down Crat lynch-mob racism before 1968. Yes, Jedgar used time-tested methods of nullifying the Klan — infiltration, black-bagging, bugging, tapping … all that stuff that fills Crats with fear and loathing when used against other terrorists such as the Black Panthers & the Weather Underground — but … oh well.
Being Crat means never having to say that many of your Crat icons were terrorist racists, that you were viciously wrong for a century, & that you’re very belatedly sorry.
YL-BS @ 181: Don’t bother.
Did a Gladwell Google, because Pud told me to, and my oh my. There he/she/it is, Malcolm Gladwell, the ugliest trannie on Planet Ur-anus or Planet Hollywood. A face that only provincial parochial simpering suck-up sycophant pud-pulling New Yorkers who read the New Yorker could look at without running into a dark nite of the soul, screaming. A face that only YLB or Roger could love. My brother Steve’s too sensible & sane to fall into the Gladwell abyss, even if Gladwell did have some kind of come-to-Jesus foxhole conversion on his way to the bank.
Speaking of conversion, where’s my old friend born-again Peanut Jimmy? He’s probably peeing at this very moment into his Depends while wondering why he didn’t build a proto-Clinton Foundation instead of building all those houses before jetting off to fellowship with more left-wing terrorist tyrants.
Shorter first paragraph of HNMT screed @193: it hates Gladwell.
Second paragraph. Glad you brought that up. Old 90 plus year old Jimmy Carter was SAVED SAVED SAVED by the babbling jackass’ kult.
Carter made a full recovery from brain freaking cancer! Still kicking and doing his own part to further HNMT’s life-long project: becoming even more HNMT i.e. YECCH!
Could there be any other explanation for Carter’s recovery? One shouldn’t think so. The babbling jackass’ kult adherents always go on and on about who they “pray for” and brain cancer is so oh wow fatal and final (and in the narrow Jimmy case, HNMT ED medicine) – so why not Jimmy?
And after reading about Ben Carson and after reading the babbling jackass’s babblings since 2005 – well, it’s so apparent the kult has the direct dial to the man upstairs.
The HNMT owes the SDA faithful so much for furthering the HNMT’s lifelong “project”.
OUT OF THIS “WORLD”!!! (and definitely not “of” it.)
Funny thing though when yours truly asked the babbling jackass if it would pray similarly for the current incumbent President who has served almost TWO WHOLE FREAKING TERMS…
it didn’t answer.
Repent HNMT. Join the “true” church. Attend services on the proper day. Pay close attention to Friday and Saturday sunset times. And you must TITHE. TITHE HARD. Or eternal soul sleep awaits.
@193 Welcome back, old friend! It’s been too long.
@192 we’ll get there. Later.
Re: Ben Carson’s confirmation to be Secretary of Education
Senator Elizabeth Warren: Dr. Carson, can you inform the committee, or shall we say educate “the world” what YOU believe to be the approximate number of years the planet earth has been in existence?
Carson: You ask that question because you’re trying to make me look like the bad guy. The train is going off the cliff!!!!
head exploding is still going on, full tilt.
the inside of YLB’s head must look like the landscape of Verdun in 1916
YLB…how come your peeps are pulling people out of cars and beating them up now? Good ole Lefty violence is alive and well.
@197 YAwwwwwwwn..
Your peeps are a little slow to get warmed up, eh hater?.
A warm VD (Vets’ Day) shout out to Steve. This American Life is a better place with you in it.
@117 At the appropriate time one can use the 13 questions and determine whether Trump will win a 2nd term or not. Assuming he runs for a 2nd term.
Well he has to do policy to reward his supporters. An infuse of manufacturing and industrial jobs would be a big shot in the arm to the US economy. Could be Make America Great again is code for Buy American?
@126 Since it’s Veteran’s Day if some weirdness happens in the world, and the unlikely event the result will be something different in the Electoral college. (If you don’t like it well you folks can try to get your state legislatures to change how our electors are divided up, something other than winner take all.) Being retired military and something really drastic happens and I and other retired vets are ordered up he will be the President. Like it or not.
@146 Yes Congress needs to legislate. While the Obama White House choose to let things slide, it still tried to have things both ways. Rather then lead a fight in Congress to make Cannabis legal we still have the stuff legal here and illegal at the Federal level. Yep looks like there is going to be a showdown now, and that is a good thing. Will put Congress in the drivers seat and it will have to act or not act. You going to act if your current Senators don’t do squat on the issue?
@161 Oh Kim you silly boy. One B-52 built before you were but a wet dream, can deliver a Mark 4 anywhere you are.
@166 Hey there were some broken beer mugs down at a few VFW’s.
@173 It will be fun. Murphy’s law says there is a chance some of their stuff might work. They did win so they ought to get a few things done. I think Obama care is headed for the proverbial trans bin. I don’t think fighting that one too much is advisable. The silver lining is we could fight for a single payer system.
@182 And how do the black racists feel? We do have them in this country. We have about 6000-8000 KKK members, and I suspect the majority of them particularly those in the deep south are still members of the Democratic members. These folks have been, are and will continue to be part of our American society. We will never be rid of them. Some maybe your neighbor or live in their community just as they did the day before the election. Some may be encouraged to act out now, and it’s important to remind them if they act on their beliefs then society can and will deal with them appropriately.
How pitiful you lefty’s are. How pitiful the wonderful cities of Seattle and Portland, chasing away their greatest economic resource: TOURISTS. People come for beautiful cities not to have immature paid protesters ( (http://16004-presscdn-0-50.pag.....15;337.jpg) ruin their time.
Your behavior is exactly what elected Trump.
Barack Obama: “Now, everybody is sad when their side loses an election, but the day after we have to remember that we’re actually all on one team. This is an intramural scrimmage. We’re not Democrats first. We’re not Republicans first. We are Americans first. We’re patriots first,” he said.
“We all want what’s best for this country. That’s what I heard in Mr Trump’s remarks last night. That’s what I heard when I spoke to him directly. And I was heartened by that. That’s what the country needs – a sense of unity, a sense of inclusion, a respect for our institutions, our way of life, rule of law, and respect for each other.”
Hillary Clinton: Last night I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country.
I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans.
Our campaign was never about one person, or even one election. It was about the country we love and building an America that is hopeful, inclusive, and big-hearted. We have seen that our nation is more deeply divided than we thought. But I still believe in America, and I always will. And if you do, then we must accept this result and then look to the future. Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power.
Nancy Pelosi: “The peaceful transfer of power is the cornerstone of our democracy. After an election in which Donald Trump won the electoral college and Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, we have a responsibility to come together and find common ground.
Starbucks’ CEO Delivered a Powerful Post-Election Message to His Employees
“Together is where our collective power lies, as partners, and as Americans.”
Elizabeth Warren: In a statement Wednesday, Warren said the integrity of U.S. democracy is more important than an individual election.
Please, grow up petulant babies.
@149 BOOOOOORING HNMT.. Thanks for excusing yours truly from responding to this stream of incomprehensible puerile blather made up mostly of old dated obsessions.
HNMT “Sagretti” @ 191
Two words: David Duke – there’s still an R next to its name. Why not a D?
Two more words: Steve Scalise – House whip, R next to its name, the white supremacist whisperer. Why not a D?
Ancient history before the CRA and VRA (which made Dixiecrats bolt to the open arms of the Republicans) is just that – ancient history. It has nothing to do with the Democrats I’ve voted for since I could vote and that started a long time after the CRA and VRA.
Still the same old painfully obtuse HNMT.
@208 We know what campaign we saw on TV these last umpteen months. We know what the a-hole said and did.
We’ll respond in kind.
You can go to hell.