Geez Goldy, my arms would be tired too, if I had flown all the way to Seattle from Philadelphia. How come you didn’t take a plane?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Q: How do you know you’re having Thanksgiving dinner in Roy, Washington?
A: You’ve been married 5 times and you’re still eating road kill with the same in-laws.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This weekend, the local TV news is running stories about business people on the east side of Snoqualmie Pass complaining because the WSDOT is warning travelers to avoid crossing I-90 if possible. They’re losing business.
I’m tempted to call these business people “heartless” and “incredibly selfish” because they seem to be saying their profits are more important than the lives of travelers. The unstable rock walls in pass obviously are unsafe — 3 people have already been killed — and no one with a conscience can credibly argue that WSDOT should allow the public to use the unsafe lanes at the risk of their lives so these folks can make money.
However, I’m sympathetic to everyone trying to eke a living in our state’s poorer counties. The I-90 lane closures do hurt these folks’ livelihoods, and the employees they’ve been forced to lay off because of slow business. The appropriate solution, though, is not re-opening the roadway before it’s safe, but rather emergency economic assistance for these communities and businesses. The governor and her staff need to get to work on it forthwith, if they haven’t already.
So Goldy, how big is Ron Sims victory now? Has is grown by 2, 3 percentage points?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Another transportation issue is in the news: The federal gas tax. According to KOMO News,
“Less than four months after President Bush signed a six-year, $286.4 billion highway and public transit act, a report commissioned by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce says the federal Highway Trust Fund is running out of money and … recommended that the federal gas tax, set at 18.4 cents a gallon since 1993, be indexed for inflation.”
The study estimated the federal gas tax will bring in only $231 billion over that period, and will be broke by 2008.
The CEO of the Associated General Contractors of America says, “Without a significant influx of new revenues, our nation’s transportation network will also continue to deteriorate, impacting mobility and economic well-being.”
Now watch our resident trolls attack the USCC and AGCA as “lefty groups” because they’re calling for RAISING THE GAS TAX!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
MSM is mostly paying up the U.S. Chamber of Commerce report’s call for a mileage fee on hybrid vehicles. This proposal is, of course, horrible public relations. The USSC is a conservative, business-oriented, organization; and Republicans already are perceived as anti-environment. It makes it look like the SUV-driving crowd are trying to punish hybrid owners for being “green.” In short, it doesn’t pass the smell test.
But wait! It takes X dollars to build and maintain Y miles of freeway. To pay for it, transportation budget planners divide that cost into the gallons of fuel consumed, and come up with the cents-per-gallon amount of tax necessary to raise X dollars. Let’s call this number Z.
But when Z is based on A vehicles driving B miles and consuming C gallons of fuel, and then suddenly A vehicles are still driving B miles but now are consuming C minus D gallons of fuel, the number D representing improvements in gas mileage of the new vehicles, it takes more cents of tax per gallon to raise X dollars.
There’s no free lunch. Highways don’t suddenly cost less simply because people are driving vehicles that get better gas mileage.
The idea of raising money for highways through a mileage fee on vehicles, instead of a fuel tax, makes a great deal of sense. It’s fair, because those who use the highways more pay more. But the key to the report’s proposal is that the mileage fee must apply to ALL vehicles, not just vehicles getting good gas mileage. There are other factors affecting the cost of building and maintaining highways, such as vehicle size and weight, that should be taken into account — if fuel taxes are replaced by mileage fee, heavier vehicles should pay a higher per-mile fee because they inflict more wear and tear on the roadway.
Roger Rabbitspews:
should read “MSM is mostly playing up”
I’ll attack that! How many billions are identified as Pork? The road to nowhere? The Seattle Art Museum Sculpture Park with it’s male nude statue reaching out to his nude male son? I know Washington and Alaska arn’t the only states with pork in that crazy bill. How many billions went into the Big Dig in Boston, that’s leaking like a sieve?
Roger Rabbitspews:
We’re probably also going to hear from bicyclists who use roads and bike paths free, and bristle at any suggestion that bicycle owners should be required to get a license plate or pay any road fees.
How about a transponder on every vehicle and charging people for the actual miles that they drive?
We are wasting millions in this state alone for the bike riders. I am still holding my breath for the day that I see a bike in a bike lane here in Lacey. They must all be in Seattle, because I don’t see any bike riders down here.
It seems the illegitimate queen misled Washingtonians – you know, when her pearls, edicts and dire warnings for Washingtonians hoping to traverse I-90 were issued… in the Oregon paper.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 9
Most of the world runs on the baksheesh system; our system runs on pork. It’s unrealistic to think you can eliminate pork spending in a representative democracy. As long as voters keep electing as their congressmen and senators the people most skilled at bringing home the “bacon” to their districts, a pork-barrel Congress is what we’re going to get. If you don’t like it, blame the voters! Pork spending exists because of popular demand.
Pork is a fact of life, and it’s not going away. In defense of pork, most “pork spending” helps someone and does some good. Most highways and bridges are useful, and help local economies. You could call spending on the New Orleans levees “pork” too, and in that case, there wasn’t enough pork spending, and consequently the levees failed and a city drowned — resulting in a much larger bill for the taxpayers for emergency operations, relocation assistance, and rebuilding.
The truth is, the anti-tax/anti-government crowd loves to pore through federal, state, and local government budgets, cherry-pick a few pork projects — then use them as props for their obstructionist anti-government caterwauling.
And it’s utterly hypocritical. The proof of this is, the anti-tax/anti-government crowd is now in charge of the government — and we’re seeing waste and pork on a scale we’ve never seen before.
Waising money on cyclists? Is that even possible? They ride on the fucking road, with the cars? Besides, its Lacey, don’t folks drive pick-up trucks and rusted Civics? In Lacey the only folks riding their bike to work are dude who have DUIs, atleast that’s what Laceyites tell me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Public Notice: I clicked on ASS’s link to the “Oregon newspaper” and got the (Spokane) Spokesman-Review’s web site.
Would someone please tell ASS that Spokane is, ahem, not in Oregon.
You are right about we are seeing waste and pork on a scale we have never seen before. Maybe part of the reason is the nastiness of politics in the last 10 years or so. The left screams that the defecit is out of control (it is) and the right screams that we are spending too much and then approves spending more. Our state legislature went crazy last year with spending increases and 3/4 of a billion in new taxes.
There is more to the story in New Orleans and those levees….. Like out of control corruption in the local, state and federal agencies there. All of those people didn’t have to die and it wasn’t just the feds.
Shit, Oregon can fuckin’ KEEP Spokane. What with their Mayor and his “recruiting violations”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
That’s the proposal, except they’re thinking in terms of GPS, not transponders. Or … is there such a thing as a GPS transponder? I thought “transponders” were old technology?
Anyway, a better formula would be miles X weight X fee rate = fee.
I rememeber when I was a kid, the conservatives were against spending shitloads of dough of dubious matters (Medicare drug benefit, wars of occupation, after-the-fact bailouts, etc.)
I do have a pickup truck. How astute of you! If the bike lanes were ever used by bikers, I wouldn’t complain about our money being wasted on them. We have other roads that are congested and need help.
That’ll go over well with the guys in Auburn who live in school buses surrounded by landmines with MREs and a shitload of guns. Gov’t wants to know where i am at all times? Sure, they’ll like that… ..
As a matter of fact, the transponders can log you on and off the roads and the state can send you a monthly bill.
Certainly sir, not dissing your vehicle of choice. So the provision of bike lanes in said city detracts from congestion relief? Roads will be clogged/cleared regardless of accomidation to cyclists. Besides, bike lanes are so cheap, and they are intended to give cyclists an opportunity to get out of the traffic lanes, makes cars get by quicker.
If they are in buses with landmines, they shouldn’t be driving anyways!
Not dissing the idea, but I work with guys who don’t vote because they think the voter rolls are given to Kofi Annan for the coming World Government.
The truck was free and my Bronco was breaking down. My dad broke his hip and driving the truck was uncomfortable for him, so he kept his cadillac and gave me his truck. It’s a 96 Dodge magnum, 8 cyclinders, gas guzzling, jacked up with a lift kit, extended cab, that he only drove out in the desert off-roading. So, it only has 26,000 miles……..
The lanes are a waste because nobody is using them. They are pretty and empty. It is the perfect example of they don’t always come when you build it!
That is a fine rig. Rig is the word. That’s what men call their trucks. I called my Geo Metro a rig, and people laughed. But now I don’t have a car, so there everybody!
We’ll us Seattle folks sure love our bike lanes, so let’s swap.
I don’t want to see us use the term GOP anymore. It’s a positive term for what has become an infested zombie monster of a political party. The right-wing might be old, but they’re hardly ‘grand’ any more.
Heath, the Republicans aren’t the same group of people who opted to free slaves and create national parks. The term “right-wing” isn’t necessarily accurate now as the real GOP used to be inclusive of more than religious zealots, homophobes and chickenhawks.
If by “Freeing” you mean “Cutting Taxes for” and by “Slaves” you mean “Very Wealthy People”.
I’ve been to Seattle a half a dozen times in the last year and the only traffic jams I was in was getting to and from Seattle on I-5. Never in the city and I did see bikes on the streets. Lacey has built up as a suburb of Olympia and the city parts with business are only basically on two or three streets. Those areas are full of congestion and we keep building more houses. There are another two thousand planned and next year, I will be lucky to get to I-5 through the congested streets.
From the housing ads in the Times/PI, Lacey looks to be quite afforable. I hope they have some quality urban planners doing good work, because that’s half the battle when it comes to traffic management. As far as I-5 is concerned, they’re doing quite a bit of work on it in south King county. Its tough because there is a limit to how many lanes can be added. Someday, I’d like to see light rail go from Everett to Olympia. I’d love to buy a house in Lacey if I could just take the train to work in downtown Seattle (considering my career path, I’ll probably be working downtown)
The rail might come here – eventually. Our council just got rid of a major park & ride to build a Home Depot a few months ago. We are supposed to be the “City of Trees” and our city council is under heavy fire for allowing developers clear cut lots of heavenly firs, build and replace the trees with maples and other low growing decorative trees. The new 2000 homes they are building are on top of each other and ugly too!
HARBIN, China, – A toxic 50-mile band of contaminated river water slowly washed through this frigid provincial capital on Friday, leaving schools and many businesses closed, forcing millions of people to spend a third straight day without running water and raising fears of a long-term environmental disaster.
“…the government has earned growing praise from international health officials for being more open and responsive about public health outbreaks, like avian influenza.”
Anyone who believes any communist govts’ “openess” about anything is a simpleton. The wests’ major enviro freaks seldom comment on China’s “accidents.” Too complicated, perhaps? Where are Green Peace and the Environmental wackos? [Save the Planet!!!] hehe…
BREAKING NEWS: Looks like up to SIX right wing, chickenhawk, do nothing republican maggots in Congress are about to be indicted in fallout from the Delay lobbying investigation, according to an article in the Washington Post.
Good thing the republicans brought honesty back to Washington. Yeah right!
not to start a pissing match here…but I live in Lacey too, AND i ride my bicycle all over the freaking place! 5,000 miles a couple years back, but i average about 2,000 miles a year. (Raising my adopted son has taken some of the miles away.)
I ride the bike lanes, I ride the Chehalis trail, I ride all over Thurston, Pierce, and Lewis counties. I ride to work, I ride for fun too. I also own two vehicles, pay gas taxes and license fees on those vehicles, so I do pay my fair share.
I wouldn’t mind paying a small fee each year to build more bike lanes, but I’d want it to be a fair fee. If my vehicle tabs are $30 to pay for the use and abuse to the roads, then an equivalent fee for a bike would need to be about 10-cents or less to pay for the use and damage to the roadways that my bike causes.
In reality, it would cost more money to collect a bike fee than it would being in. And, it wouldn’t pass…what legislator is going to mandate 3-year olds to pay taxes when they get their first bike?
Gotta ride to work. Flame on!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
It was exciting for you to be back home in Philly for Thanksgiving. Probably brought back plenty of childhood memories, huh???
On your trip down memory lane, I’ll bet you recall the many hours you spent in your folks bathroom jerking off to National Geographic magazines!
Reliving those “Glory Days” probably explains your tired little Wiener arms!
I”m hoping you had time to reflect on the dual screwups by DOT
….rusty cables left out in the rain (duh)
….continuous rockfall at the pass (was their design flawed? I think that mountain has been there like forever)
Righton: If WSDOT has to scrap all those miles of cables, they’ll revisit the original project cost and change it to new higher value. Hence, they can be on-time and on-budget.
But wait, More Katrina news. Since the progressives said cannibalism was rampant in Katrina land, no wait, there were 10s of deaths in the Superdome, no wait, the food was no ordered for Katrina land, now the next biggest no wait:,0,5443409,full.story
Remember the “progressive”chant? “We created these islamofascist terrorists”. If the calendar is correct (always is) when is November 2002? Way before March 2003! Didn’t the Bali bombing occur before we entered Iraq? Yes, “progressives” it did! Well looks like they were trying to bomb Bali again afterall. But, what does that matter to clueless. If he can’t keep up his chant, he’s a lost puppy. Clueless, is Yahoo a “right-wing newspaper? Ya Dipshit! I can hear the wimpering now from clueless, aptly named! sgmmac, christmasghost, they just can’t stand the truth.
But wait, it’s from Yahoo, another Republican MSM rag, when the high level company officers threw big bucks into donkocratic coffers. Puddybud – 61 days and no Free Republic. CLueless – 0 days and no Daily Kurse. The 0 is recycled each day.
Speaking of John Murtha: How many ASSes really checked him out? None of course. He’s the “progressive” ASSes hereo. But when checked, he and his “girlfriend” Pelosi said this: Rep. John Murtha, D-Pennsylvania, in a news conference with Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, said the problems in Iraq are due to a “lack of planning” by Pentagon chiefs and “the direction has got be changed or it is unwinnable.”
I know I’ll hear it from Rupert Wabbet about the last paragraphs. I am writing that Murtha was already coming out against the war back in May 2005. This November prouncement was already in the works as the Newsweek article referenced by me this past week proved. But “progressives” can’t put 2 and 2 together. It would tax their small pea-sized brains.
But wait, Murtha “forced” Clinton to withdraw from Somalia:
You “progressives” should buy Murtha’s book. Murtha’s own words from his book “From Vietnam to 9/11″, Penn State University Press. In it you’ll find this passage:
” In Somalia a well-meaning humanitarian intervention ended in failure because we interjected ourselves into a civil war. I am not arguing that we should have acted decisively with a larger military force in either case. As I have explained, I opposed the intervention in Somalia from the day the decision to intervene was made.” – Where was the MSM when he made this attacks on Clinton? I know all about Somalia because one of my employees was SEVERELY wounded there. He was in a drug-induced coma for six months. He was a halo-trained green beret/army ranger sniper.
I’m still waiting for the truth to be told. I look for it, but I haven’t found it yet………….
About those loose rocks on the pass. GREGOIRE KNEW! WHEN DID SHE
#42 Looks like dark meat again for thanksgiving.
Mom@48, that was in bad taste. Oops… another pun for perfesser DJ!
For those pin-headed leftist “I never volunteered for military service” ASS morons – HALOs are high altitude low oxygen trained special forces people. Esteban was forced out due to his injuries. His joints squeak at times from the multiple titanium pins in his body. Esteban hated Clinton (he lived through Black Hawk down) and likes both Bushes.
As stated before, >70% of the military votes Rebuplican. So for the leftiest moron whom said only POOR PEEPLES join the military; if that’s true, then a high percentage of them POOR PEEPLES like Republicans. So if the poll numbers hold up, why would donkocratic leaders want the military vote counted? They follow their old leader’s (Al Gore) marching orders in Florida 2000. Clueless search the Internet. You’ll view how Al Gore submitted a lawsuit against his friends in the military. But what Al Gore didn’t comprehend it was 58/42 not 70/30. So he was acutally killing 12% of his voting base that year. Why was it 58/42? Al Gore was a TRUE Vietnam veteran! He was there much longer than Cut & Run Kerry!
Righton and Puddy re cables-
OK, from what I read, WSDOT caught what may be a supplier problem. If the cables do not meet spec, they will be replaced at no cost to the state.
And they’re supposed to be outside. It’s not an indoor bridge.
But you guys never let faacts get in the way of a good rant.
I would hope that they test the cables, before they put up a bridge with them. A bridge that could fail and kill hundreds.
Yes, they test the cables. A project this size will have a QA/QC plan which includes testing of materials as well as monitoring their installation.
For the Cluelessspews:
50 – TripleP (Pod Person Puddy), I’m not taking orders from you blowhard!
Yeah, i dunno, lib tv guys reported they were oxidized from sitting outside.
Ah, its someone else’s fault. Can you tie in Rove and Nixon as culprits?
Righton- If you get technical information from TV news, that explains a lot. I say again, did you expect the cables to stay indoors? It’s a BRIDGE!!
The contract (which I am not familiar with) no doubt specifies materials and procedures. Yeah, it is someone’s fault. Either the supplier for sub-standard materials, the contractor for improper handling or the engineer for improper specifications.
This is a design-build project, so the engineer and contractor are part of the same entity. THe State specifies an end product, the Design-Build contractor is responsible for getting it done. So you cannot blame WSDOT engineers for this one.
I guess you cannot accept anything other than blaming the State. And you accuse the other side of pinning everything on Rove, et al!!
By the way, the design firm is Bechtel. A good Republican company.
For the Cluelessspews:
Wow, WrongOne – George Schultz and Cap Weinberger’s company is going to have to take one in the shorts due to their incompetence unless of course they wrote in a little “escape hatch” in the fine print.
Good grief … only a LIBERAL would truly believe a slogan will build self-esteem… and then actually spend money to try it…
Mr. Cynicalspews:
PROUD sez:
“Good grief … only a LIBERAL would truly believe a slogan will build self-esteem… and then actually spend money to try it…”
Actually my friend who is always RIGHT, this is a prime example of what seperates Liberals from LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“BREAKING NEWS: Looks like up to SIX right wing, chickenhawk, do nothing republican maggots in Congress are about to be indicted in fallout from the Delay lobbying investigation, according to an article in the Washington Post.”
I heard a guest journalist on Air America say a couple days ago that 6 GOP congressmen will be indicted and another 60 GOP congressmen will be implicated in the DeLay scandal.
Roger Rabbitspews:
But then, what do you expect of a GOP congress that made it legal for corporations to go bankrupt in order to break union contracts and welsh pension obligations, and made it illegal for low-wage workers and impoverished retirees to bankrupt medical debts they can’t afford to pay?
Roger Rabbitspews:
And it’s not hard for a retiree whose pension has vaporized in a cloud of accounting fraud and CEO theft to go broke when the Frist family’s hospital chain charges him $25 for a kleenex …
I heard a guest journalist on Air America …. -Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/26/05 @ 12:46 pm
That cute little oxymoron is your attempt at humor in your drug induced state…. correct?
darn, I think I forgot to close another tag… get over it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41, 42
Hey, you 2 apologists for corporate malfeasance, how is the rusty cable WSDOT’s fault and not the fault of the contractor? Who left the cable outside in the rain, the contractor building the bridge, or the state agency paying the bills? That’s like saying if a crooked remodeler installs faulty wiring, the homeowner who got ripped off is to blame.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why do wingnuts compulsively feel a need to inject racist language into topics that have nothing to do with race? Is it because — Eureka! light bulb goes on — they’re racists?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Last I heard, the wingfucks were dissing the Somalia intervention because it was a fiasco and — mainly — because Clinton was president at the time. So now Somalia was good? We should have gone there? We should have stayed? Well, it would be consistent — these armchair warmongers can’t seem to get enough of vicarious war.
Well, let me explain it this way. You don’t need 37 years in the Marines to see that sending a token contingent of U.S. troops into Mogadishu to quell a warlord with an army was, um, not good tactical planning. Nor do you need 37 years in the Marines to see that Bush’s invasion of Iraq was poorly planned and executed. In both cases, the planners blithely assumed an absence of opposition. When in hell has an army ever invaded a foreign country and not been opposed? How can anyone be this stupid? Well, in both cases, the problem was the same — the commander in chief shirked military duty and didn’t know a damn thing about military reality.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Let me clarify: I wasn’t necessarily against getting rid of Saddam, who is an evil dictator. I am, however, against military incompetence that costs lives; and we have plenty of that going on right now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
As for the loose rocks on I-90, they weren’t loose when I-90 was built. However, it’s remarkable that WSDOT’s engineers don’t understand frost-wedging, and didn’t send anyone out to check those rock cuts from time to time. It took 3 deaths to call their attention to the fact that water seeping into cracks and freezing breaks apart solid rock. Every mountain climber knows that, and we have lots of mountain climbers around here. However, having fucked up Step 1, they at least got Step 2 right — they closed the unsafe roadway (despite the whining of business owners who value their profits more than travelers’ lives) and went to work fixing the problem.
Meanwhile, the anti-roads crowd continues to bray their resentment at any expenditure of public money on public highways. Hey, listen up, we just had a referendum on whether to spend public money on public highways — and you LOST! Howwever, you can take a small comfort in knowing that your anti-roads initiative was more popular than cigarette smoke:
Votes in Favor of Falling Rocks: 818,658
Votes in Favor of Cigarette Smoke: 665,487
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I believe after many years of careful & detailed research, I have come up with both the PROBLEM and more importantly the cure for what ails the great State of Washington.
It appears the LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS suffer from a rather common affliction caused by a back-up of fecal matter that has caused massive swelling and dysfunction of the “reasoning” area of the brain.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, here is the solution!
“A COLOSTOMY is done when the lower large intestine, rectum, or anus is unable to function normally or needs rest from normal functions. Intestinal obstruction with associated inflammation, as in diverticulitis, is a common indication for colostomy.”
We owe this major medical, political and philosophical break thru to myself, Puddybud, PACMAN, HowCan and many others on the RIGHT who repeatedly have recognized how FULL OF SHIT the CLOWNS are!
Just one huge group COLOSTOMY of the LEFTIST PINHEADS and things are certain to improve!!!!!!!
We’re talkin’ Nobel Prize here Pudster!
I want the rocks fixed, I want the viaduct fixed, I want the 520 fixed. I voted yes. Why, I see almost a billion dollars in waste in the transportation package. I see landscaped lids, I see sound walls, I see filmsy cable barriers, I see taxes which just siphons off about 80 million back to the general fund. I see too many HOV lanes and not enough general purpose lanes. There are 4 bad congestion spots here in my area, and what did our legislators choose for the Lacey/Olympia area? Sound Walls!
Democrats lose voters in the Mid West. Read On!!!!!! OMAHA-U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement special agents said they have arrested more than 47 gang members and associates in eastern Nebraska and western Iowa. The agency said on Friday that of those people arrested, 35 of them have been deported. Seven of the people arrested are being prosecuted for illegally re-entering the U.S. after they were previously deported.
Cynical: Yes, the Full of Shit ASSes Crowd continues to grow daily too.
Clueless, maybe you should listen. Take some Fukitol and get that Colostomy.
you also need your peter steinbruck viaduct salmon beaches
sure hope they dont’ find some indian cemetary as they get spending..
Looks like the left’s favorite guy is a liar too! Goldy, why why why are you covering this up?
Roger Rabbitspews:
So, as I understand it, if WSDOT doesn’t build our highways to your personal specifications, you are unwilling to help pay for them?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Okay, fair enough. But I have my own. If Bush doesn’t fight his war in Iraq according to my precise directions, Congress should immediately cut off all funding for military operations and bring the troops home.
It doesn’t have anything to do with my personal specifications, it has to do with waste. How many people are going to die on bridges that fail and roads that don’t have real barriers, because someone wants sound walls and those microsoft guru’s need landscaped lids on their bridges? There is a bridge in Seattle that is NOT in the transportation package that the WSDOT engineers rate as something like 8 times more likely to fail than the viaduct and there isn’t any MONEY to fix it! The Times or PI ran a story on it. Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention that I object to the 100 million for animal bridges on I -90 so that critters can cross it to mate!
If he would have followed my precise directions, the war would have been won a long time ago!
In his conclusion, in stating what KCRE needed, Judge Bridges quoted an old Army saying, but he policed it up for the ladies…. He said tush
But you know it’s: Kick Ass and take names!
‘kick ass and take names’? You mean like the prosecutors in the Abramoff have been doing with all the wingnut congrssmen in DC?
I can’t believe this is true. How can this be? Why isn’t Brownie being charged with criminal negligence due to his {in}actions during the Katrina crisis instead of being allowed to profit from them? Didn’t people DIE because of his incompetence? Isn’t that a crime?
People please read this article which appeared today in the Washington Post:
Oops, guess the HTML link didn’t work. (maybe held for approval?)
I’ll try typing the URL to the article in question. In case that doesn’t work, the title of the article is: “Brown’s New Job: Readiness Consultant”
That could be! I am not up for saving the corrupt politicians. If they are corrupt, they need to get prosecuted just like you or me. If it’s a witch hunt (only 1 party), I might have a problem with it. The Delay case is interesting. I’ve never heard of someone being prosecuted for a “crime” with a law that didn’t exist when they committed the “crime.” I hope they figure out their laws otherwise a lot of us might be in trouble and not know it until they pass a law against what we did in the past!
More Democrats at Play!!! Read on!! [Gays, Trail Lawyers, “guvment” NEA money…not a Republican within miles!!! Democrats: social parasites!!!!!] New York – A gay man charged with helping his lover loot a wealthy school district has asked a judge to rule that state law protecting spouses from having to testify against each other also applies to same-sex partners. Stephen Signorelli, fighting charges that he stole at least $219,000 from the Roslyn, N.Y., school district, is seeking to bar testimony by his longtime companion, Frank Tassone, the district’s former superintendent.
Did I read this right? Jimmy Cahhhhhrter wants voting ID Cards. Goldy you’s be holding out on us whom always think right again.
Carter-Baker Commission Endorses Voter IDs
Former President Jimmy Carter On Voter IDs: “This Will Be, I Think, A Move Forward In Getting More People To Vote. It Would Not Restrict People From Voting. It Will Be Uniformly Applied Throughout The Country. And It Will Be Nondiscriminatory.”
Wow, now if the King County “progressives” who love Jimmy Cahhhhhhrter for other things should love him now!
PuddyDolt @ 87
Ummmm…If you actually bothered to read the recommendations, you would learn that the report recommends that states provide photo IDs free of charge to people who do not already have a photo ID.
Once photo IDs become accessible (i.e. free to those who otherwise don’t have an id) and ubiquitous, most people don’t have any problems with the requirement.
Until photo ids are easy, cheap and widespread, a photo id requirement appears to be unconstitutional (according to the federal court that voted on the Georgia law), so your opinion, my opinion and Jimmy Carter’s opinion is irrelevant.
“Wow, now if the King County “progressives” who love Jimmy Cahhhhhhrter for other things should love him now!”
Naturally, since you didn’t understand the details of the recommendations, you are, once again, tilting at windmills.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“How many people are going to die on bridges that fail and roads that don’t have real barriers, because someone wants sound walls and those microsoft guru’s need landscaped lids on their bridges?”
You don’t solve problems like this by voting against highway funding.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“If he would have followed my precise directions, the war would have been won a long time ago!”
I don’t doubt that for an instant. Almost any randomly selected Army sergeant would have done a better job of prosecuting this war than Bush has. He is an incompetent, and he is surrounded by incompetents.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“I’ve never heard of someone being prosecuted for a ‘crime’ with a law that didn’t exist when they committed the ‘crime.'”
Which rightwing shouting-points did you get this piece of nonsense from? That’s called an ex poste facto law, and it’s unconstitutional. You can be very sure that the law(s) DeLay is indicted under were, in fact, on the books when he violated them. DeLay’s lawyers have not moved to get a higher court to throw out the indictment on ex poste facto grounds. Don’t you think they would?
Sadly, it is no longer possible to find a Republican prosecutor willing to prosecute corrupt Republicans. He would face retribution from his own party, which has become so partisan it’s blind to wrongdoing in its own ranks. Even worse, the GOP debased itself by suspending the House ethics rules to shield DeLay from consequences for criminal wrongdoing — then retaliated against Rep. John Murtha for making his anti-war speech by opening an ethics investigation against him!
It is because of such blatantly partisan and overtly dishonest behavior that two-thirds of the public now believes the Republican Party is dishonest.
Yes, you do. It is the only way to have solved it. Had I-912 passed, Gregoire would have called a special session and fixed the package. Now it won’t be fixed, we will get the sound walls, the critter bridges, the filmsy cable barriers, they will continue to divert tax dollars by taxing trans projects to the general fund, and the landscaped lids, etc. Those lids are on another bridge somewhere too, Mercer Island? They are extremely expensive because of a fire sprinkler sytem inside them with lights that apparently are made by one company and hard to get parts for and expensive! There are probably more rocks getting ready to go somewhere too! Oh and did I mention all of people are made that the capacity is not increasing in the viaduct replacement or 520 replacement plan?
Roger Rabbitspews:
The GOP’s rabid partisanship and rampant wrongdoing will be its downfall. The latest polls indicate the GOP has lost the backing of virtually all Democrats and 80% of independents, and has little support left outside of its own hard-core base, comprising about a third of the electorate. Dissatisfaction with GOP governance is so widespread it now seems likely that control of Congress will flip in the 2006 election, which will effectively end any chance of Bush’s agenda being enacted and conceivably could set the stage for impeachment proceedings. I don’t believe Bush will be impeached, but Republicans have blown their credibility and standing with the general public so badly that I now think it’s possible for Hillary Clinton to win the White House in 2008.
RUFUS @ 83
“No one is above the law. Well no one except democratic presidents who blow their wads on interns that is. Can anyone say PERJURY!!”
Once again, you are incorrect.
Clinton was impeached (the equivalent of being indicted) and was found not guilty of both the perjury and obstruction of justice charges in the Senate trial that followed.
y0 @ 84
No they didn’t.
More made up bullshit from the Wingnuts.
sgmmac @ 91
Please…take a valium or have a good stiff drink or something. You have become positively apoplectic over stuff that you don’t seem to really have a handle on (outside of talk radio talking points).
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 91
“Had I-912 passed, Gregoire would have called a special session and fixed the package.”
By this single statement, you demonstrate your ignorance of Washington State politics. The gas tax passed the legislature with bipartisan support. Boeing demanded it, most of the rest of the business community backed it, and 18 Republican senators and representatives voted for it.
If it hadn’t passed in the regular session, it wouldn’t have been fixed, and there would have been no special session. There would have been no transportation bill, period. It took years to broker this compromise, and Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Finkbeiner explicitly old Gov. Gregoire that if it didn’t pass in the regular session, calling a special session would be fruitless.
Sgt. Mac, it’s obvious you are simply marching in lock-step with the rightwing noise machine. For God’s sake, think for yourself. This bill was written to procure the maximum amount of agreement possible among legislators, yet it passed with mere 2-vote margins in both houses; if it had been defeated in the legislature or at the polls, there would have been no rewriting, no recrafting, no “fixing.” Transportation funding would have been dead for years to come, leaving our state’s economy at risk. This state already has transportation accountability up the yazoo — that’s nothing but a specious rationalize thrown out by the “no taxes, no way” obstructionists who are determined to stop ANY government spending, no matter what it’s for or how badly it’s needed.
Well, ma’am, this is a democracy and the bad guys lost. You are new to this blog, and have an opportunity to establish yourself as an independent (and reputable) thinker; you are not doing yourself any favors by parroting the party line of the antis, considering that the horse you are beating on is very, very dead. The gas tax increase and highway bill are a fact-in-being.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey dj, good to have you on board tonight! :D
Roger Rabbit @ 97
Thanks…and welcome back from the land of pain killers!
Roger Rabbitspews:
At #70 above, Mr. Cynical postulates: “I believe after many years of careful & detailed research, I have come up with both the PROBLEM and more importantly the cure for what ails the great State of Washington. It appears the LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS suffer from a rather common affliction caused by a back-up of fecal matter that has caused massive swelling and dysfunction of the ‘reasoning’ area of the brain ….”
Actually, you’re close to the mark, C. Our state suffers from a surfeit of process. We discuss things to death — and never decide anything, never do anything. We just talk, and talk, and talk. Liberal Seattle leads the way as the state’s worst offender. In fact, a term has been coined for endless talk followed by inaction — it’s called “The Seattle Way.” (I.e., the Seattle way of doing things, or more accurately, the Seattle way of doing nothing about pressing problems.)
Guilty. Seattle liberals are GUILTY of worshipping process, talking things to death, doing nothing. But wingnuts like you are giving us a race. You guys must want to be the Champions of the Seattle Way really badly, because your response to all of our state’s pressing problems is more process, more accountability schemes, more let’s-vote-this-down-and-talk-some-more — in short, you guys are rapidly mastering the techniques and methodologies of The Seattle Way.
Talk things to death, do nothing. That’s what Washington Republicans propose to do about all of our state’s problems. As if we don’t get enough of that already from the liberals.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Thanks, I’m doing okay, this is going to hurt the most in my pocketbook — in the world the free-market Republicans have given us, insurance doesn’t insure anything anymore. This one tooth is probably going to cost me five grand out-of-pocket. Too bad prr didn’t show up last week and extract it for me, it would have saved me an oral surgeon’s bill.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I don’t even want to think about what it costs to die nowadays.
Roger Rabbitspews:
At post #50 Puddybutt said: “>70% of the military votes Rebuplican. So for the leftiest moron whom said only POOR PEEPLES join the military; if that’s true, then a high percentage of them POOR PEEPLES like Republicans.”
I don’t know what the percentage is, but I don’t dispute that Republicans enjoy a lot of support among military voters. (Have you noticed how Bush always gives his speeches on military bases, and never exposes himself to America’s civilian population, where he is much less popular?*)
(* Of course, if you’re a military man, you can’t boo the president because he’s in your chain of command and showing such disrespect to a superior is a court-martial offense; so by making his speeches exclusively on military bases, Bush is guaranteed a friendly or at least a not-overtly-hostile audience.)
Support among military personnel (and veterans) for Bush and his policies is more complicated than ordinary politics, however. it has to do with the psychology of war.
This may be a little hard to understand for someone who has never been in a war. For those who fight wars, “their” war (except for career military, most veterans fight in only 1 war) is (a) the biggest adventure of their lives, (b) the most difficult and dangerous thing they will ever do, and (c) entailed a heavy investment of personal suffering, exertion, and sacrifice.
Human nature being as it is, none of us want to be told that something in which we’ve invested so much is pointless, meaningless, or an evil enterprise. We want our efforts validated; we desperately want to believe we fought for a noble cause, and accomplished something good.
The American soldiers who endured the horrors of World War I were told they were fighting to “end all wars.” In fact, their victory only created the conditions for an even bigger and bloodier war. World War I was, in all respects, a failure. Its military strategies failed. It failed to resolve the issues over which it was fought. Above all, it failed to make the world secure, or to secure a lasting peace.
Vietnam also was a failure, with an additional dimension — it was a war we overtly lost. Countless Vietnam veterans have spent a lifetime struggling with the knowledge their efforts and sacrifices were pointless, in vain, accomplished nothing.**
(** Actually, I think Vietnam DID accomplish something — I believe that even though it was a military failure, the high casualty toll inflicted on the communist “people’s army” deterred or prevented other “wars of national liberation” that were on communists’ drawing boards in other parts of the world.)
For the families who lost loved ones in a war, the emotional investment — and the need to believe the war (and therefore their personal sacrifice) is good for something — goes even deeper. For these people, it goes way deeper than any reasoning process can reach, and the need for the war to mean something worthwhile becomes a compelling emotional necessity.
Here is the pernicious and fatal truth about all wars: Once blood has been spilled, the emotional investment in the spilled blood creates an emotion-driven constituency FOR the war, and the more blood that is spilled the more difficult it is to end the war, no matter how fruitless it is or how patent its failure is to the intellectual senses.
Dictators know this. That’s why a Hitler or a Stalin needs his own side to suffer casualties — preferably tremendous casualties. Only a public emotionally invested in the bloodletting that has already occurred will keep going in the face of further loss, will throw reason to the winds and support an evil or lost cause.
It is what kept the Confederates and Yankees going through four long years of bloody see-saw mayhem. At the end, some of the Confederates wanted to continue fighting as guerillas, and in a sense, some of them did — for them, the war never ended, could never end, until they were dead; and they passed on their emotional investment in spilled blood to the children and grandchildren, subjecting our nation to a multi-generational paroxysm of violence against the freed slaves and their descendants.
The Iraq war will be no different. Every time another casualty comes home from Iraq, a desperate need is created for another family to believe in this war, and insist on their neighbors and their country seeing it through to what they hope will be a successful conclusion.
Trouble is, few wars are successful, and even fewer achieve any of the aims for which they were fought. History — for those of us who bother to learn from history — teaches us that most wars produce inconclusive results, and most of the sacrifices made in war are vain sacrifices tha accomplished little or nothing.
Of course, Bush instinctively, if not intellectually, understands how human nature converts blood into pro-war sentiment — and is exploiting it ruthlessly and efficiently.
Like a Hitler or Stalin would.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sergeant Mac, I know this isn’t what you want to hear, and you don’t have to reply; I only ask you to engage your intellect and be honest with yourself, and think about what I have said about the nature of war and what it does to a nation’s politics is true or not.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Puddybutt — you don’t have to reply either; frankly, I don’t give a damn what YOU think.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Rog@99 sez:
“Actually, you’re close to the mark, C. Our state suffers from a surfeit of process. We discuss things to death – and never decide anything, never do anything. We just talk, and talk, and talk. Liberal Seattle leads the way as the state’s worst offender. In fact, a term has been coined for endless talk followed by inaction – it’s called “The Seattle Way.” (I.e., the Seattle way of doing things, or more accurately, the Seattle way of doing nothing about pressing problems.)
Guilty. Seattle liberals are GUILTY of worshipping process, talking things to death, doing nothing. But wingnuts like you are giving us a race. You guys must want to be the Champions of the Seattle Way really badly, because your response to all of our state’s pressing problems is more process, more accountability schemes, more let’s-vote-this-down-and-talk-some-more – in short, you guys are rapidly mastering the techniques and methodologies of The Seattle Way.
Talk things to death, do nothing. That’s what Washington Republicans propose to do about all of our state’s problems. As if we don’t get enough of that already from the liberals.”
Rog, you have NAILED it.
The Seattle LEFTISTS talk and plan away nearly all the money so there is little remaining for actual product. It’s a classic case of PLANNER and CONSULTANTitis.
The Washington Republicans don’t even have a FUCKING PLAN!!! They are constantly reacting to the Dems. No leadership. No well-thoughout ideas on assessing the problems, the options, how to cost-effectively address those options and how to pay for it.
The R’s need a FUCKING PLAN!
Sadly I don’t have any valium and I don’t drink either.
Happily, I don’t listen to talk radio either, it totally aggravates me.
Roger Rabbit: 32 posts……..I’m trying to get one throught the filter. Why does this remind me of Democrats in Broward County, Fl during Gore 2000? Goldy, What a sham!!! SHAM!!! Democrats: cheaters!!! Libs will always cheat to win!!
Roger, It didn’t make any sense to me either when I read it. I get two newspapers at home, the Olympian, and the Tacoma Tribune, I read 3 online, The Times, The PI, and the Olympian.
Previously I read that, Delay was charged with a law that didn’t exist by the 1st Grand Jury, then Ronnie realized it was a problem and went to a second grand jury – they failed to charge him, then Ronnie went to the third grand jury and they charged him with other crimes. The article I read yesterday or the day before (right after his last court appearance) said that Delay’s attorneys requested the charges dropped because the law didn’t exist when he committed the crimes.
I think a lot of them need ethics investigations, that said if they opened one on Sen Murtha after making his speech, it’s wrong. I was also astounded to learn how many millions lobbyist spent in this state last year, I haven’t read how many millions are spent in Washington, but it is clear that they need new rules to prevent all of the corruption going on.
You may be right about Hillary, I like Guillani and then McCain. They say Guillani won’t get the Republican nod because he’s pro-choice, and that’s why I like him.
Roger, Your beliefs on the nature of war are correct. It was a very good post. Vietnam veterans suffered immensely and many still suffer because of the way they were treated after the war. The Vietnam war did stop other wars, that is proven too. Somalia was good intentioned, but it also showed the world that if you inflict casualties on the US, that we will withdraw. Somalia was worse after we left and so was Vietnam. I don’t know where Iraq will end up, but I do know that Al-Qida is waiting for us to leave. If we leave before the Iraqi Army can defend themselves, there will be killing fields all over Iraq.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I had a very interesting conversation with 2 couples (Republicans) this AM who are live-a-boards at Shilshole Marina. 3 out of the 4 of them were challenged by Sotelo because of PO Boxes for residence.
Bottom-line is when they registered 3 years ago, they were told on several occassions they COULD NOT use Shilshole Marina as their RESIDENCE ADDRESS by KingCo Elections. They went thru a real hassle but were eventually allowed to register using their PO Box mailing address as their residence address. They followed the improper directions of KingCo Elections!!!
They were also really pi**ed that the Republicans waiting until 3 days before Election Day to file these challenges. Really pi**ed!! I tried to explain that the delay was in large part due to failures of KingCo to timely release all Public Records. I also informed them that it was DEAN LOGANclown who said there is nothing he is willing to do about this and the Party’s are free to challenge improper registrations.
These folks unfortunately got most of their information about this debacle from the Seattle P-I. They believed only a handful of challenges were LEGIT!!!! When the reality is they vast majority were legit…..and only a few were challenged by people like them.
Lot’s more to this conversation….but quite interesting.
The R’s NEED to explain even better than Chris Vance has tried to WHY they waited until 3 days before the election.
Rupert “Truth Teller” Wabbet, that was an impassioned written tome in #102. Too bad most of it was BULLSHIT!
Rupert, how can you equate following orders with voting? I thought all of you moonbat “progressives” here on ASSes said voting was a private matter? If it’s a private matter, how would the military upper eschelon know how you voted? I thought all you WA lefty “progressives” say people vote their conscience? Now you try to say otherwise. I understand why you said “Puddybutt – you don’t have to reply either;”. You know I can easily dissect it being a minority. You have no idea what makes us tick, but since you are “progressive” you know what’s good for us. Isn’t that what you all want us to do anyway? Come on over to leftist thought, “We know what’s good for you?” Minorities enter the military because they:
1.) Didn’t receive the life skills from “progressive” donkocratic city schools
2.) Were led there by “progressive” donkocratic city school guidance counselors to the military
3.) See the military as a upward mobility path
4.) No jobs in the “progressive”ly controlled donkocratic cities
I was hoping the tooth pulling would remove the BULLSHIT spewing forth from your fingers. I sadly see this is not the case. Keep trying Rupert, you have no clue.
Rupert, I have an answer to #102 once Goldy clears it.
Goldy: I remember you ASSes gloating over Arnold and his initiative defeats.
“The bad news for California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is that his approval rating now stands at only 38 percent.
The good news: None of his would-be rivals in next year’s election has a higher rating.
A new statewide Field Poll found that 54 percent of respondents hold a negative view of the Republican governor, compared to the 38 percent favorable. But the likely Democratic nominee, state treasurer Phil Angelides, fared even worse: Only 23 percent hold a positive view of him.
And only 18 percent have a favorable view of the other Democrat who has publicly announced his candidacy, Controller Steve Westly.
Two politically active actor-directors, Rob Reiner and Warren Beatty, have been mentioned as potential Democratic challengers to Schwarzenegger. But they can’t match Arnold’s figure – 25 percent of respondents said they have a positive view of Reiner, and just 16 percent feel that way toward Beatty, according to the poll reported by the Sacramento Bee.
The only incumbent or potential candidate listed by the pollsters who scored higher than Schwarzenegger was former Gov. Jerry Brown, at 39 percent.
Fortunately for Arnold, Brown – who’s now the mayor of Oakland – is running for attorney general next year.
“What these numbers suggest is that while Schwarzenegger’s popularity has dropped by 30 percentage points in the past year, that doesn’t necessarily mean that his bid for a second term in 2006 is doomed,” the Bee reports.
“While Schwarzenegger may be damaged, none of his announced or potential challengers is, at this point, more than a political blank slate, waiting to be defined.” “
Since Goldy refuses to educate you moonbats, I guess I will have to take on the responsibility.
Just a couple of links to prove how successful you have been in your war against the military.
“Seventy percent of people surveyed said that criticism of the war by Democratic senators hurts troop morale — with 44 percent saying morale is hurt “a lot,” according to a poll taken by RT Strategies. Even self-identified Democrats agree: 55 percent believe criticism hurts morale, while 21 percent say it helps morale.”
Those pictures of this mentally ailing CLOWN are worth a thousand words!!!!
However, when she comes to Seattle, it will be a different story….especially in the FREEMOUNT District where it is vogue to CLOWNworship!
I think it’s important for the moonbats to get an “unsanitized” perspective of american public opinion.
In other words, the left coast perception of “normal” is really outside of american mainstream public opinion.
This is why it is important for those conservatives that live here to expose them to the truth.
You can’t influence the “Koolaid Drinkers”, but there are many mainstream democrats that need to see and read the truth.
Should Cindy Sheehan apologize to environmental groups for the following?
“Sheehan’s group still planned to release nearly 300 blue and white balloons with anti-war messages and pictures and names of fallen soldiers.”
Isn’t this considered possibly littering a natural environment (depending on where they end up landing?) with these balloons?
For the Cluelessspews:
jaybo the idiot and fool:
Nobody cares what you think. Bush’s approval is in the tank. WA state has rejected the wingnut agenda.
Most people think Iraq was no threat and wasn’t worth the blood, body parts and treasure (over 200 billion and climbing).
Wingnuts are losing all over this country and it’s long overdue.
For the Cluelessspews:
Cynical Irrelevant Bozo @ 105
The R’s have a plan – use the Rove playbook.
Run reactionary candidates in stealth mode – play them up with warm fuzzies on TV and elsewhere, do anything to hide their true nature. Cases in point: the BIAW creature Rossi and the violent, lying sycophant to out of control developers David Irons.
Use voting suppression tactics to squeeze out close wins, i.e. cheat.
This is the nature of the party closest to your heart Bozo.
Here is another:
“Wrong. This year Kerry would be better advised to throw the post-Vietnam Democratic playbook out the window and reconnect with a different Democratic strategy, one whose time, after 44 years, has come again.” – Shit lefties, you are still using this.
Clueless, another jackASS of the ASSes! Did you put some brown sugar in that kool-aid?
As I said in my previous post, I was not posting it for the “koolaid drinkers” like you.
It looks like Goldy is SLOOOOOOOOW on the filter releases or maybe he went to the football game. So Clueless you are talking about the playbooks that work vs. dem that don’t? Anyway here is the links modified.
www. redefeatbush. com / modules.php? name = Forums & file = viewtopic & t = 22 – HEre’s one that failed MISERABLY against the Rove Playbook.
www . mrc . org / cyberalerts / 2004 / cyb20040415 . asp – Even the MSM gets their playbook from the Donkocrats
www . dlc . org / ndol_ka .cfm ? kaid = 139 Notice the kaid at the end! The Donkocratic Party even knows this is Kool-AID! _ Clueless this may work? NOT!
So Clueless if your party calls them kaid, what should we call it?
Another huge Democrat victory!!! Who would have thought??? [hehe] HARARE, Zimbabwe — Zimbabwe’s ruling party cemented its grip on power Sunday, sweeping an overwhelming majority of seats in a new Senate amid bitter and potentially irreconcilable divisions in the main opposition group. Partial results from Saturday’s vote gave President Robert Mugabe’s ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front at least 49 of 66 seats in the Senate.
Is this insanity what you liberal proborts aspire to?
Is this your beloved choice?
Paragraph 4 and 5 are particularly telling about how much you value life.
Shame on each and every one of you who stand for or are silent against this atrocity.
Goldy: I suggest Clueless, JustDumbBozo, StuckonStupiddon, Windbag, Rugrat602, Roger Wabbet, Belltowner, Mount Olympus Hiker, Proud to be da ASS, JDB, DJ, K, etc. visit Cindy Sheehan. Get a bus and get down there stat!!! Looks like not too many people showed up for the book signing:
For the Cluelessspews:
TripleP – who cares what you think? Go drown your sorrows in the Kool-Aid of your Regnery and Murdoch publication library and take your buddy jaybo with you.
You have lost and will keep on losing, but have no fear. Dr. Michael Aquino will never leave your side.
Clueless, do you have anything new to bring to the table? Same tired retreaded daily kurse crap. Blah, blah, blah, bullshit, blah, blah, blah, garbage!
I don’t know jaybo, but if he gets under the clueless’ skin, he is DA MAN! kaid – on the donkocratic web site clueless. Read and weep, it’s all Kool-AID! Glug glug glug clueless. Be sure to add sugar and needed.
For the Cluelessspews:
TripleP – Same old tired crap from Lt. Col. Aquino, Murdoch, Regnery, InstaHack, Captain Ed and that cut taxes to zero, subsidize my business and bomb ’em if they look at us cross-eyed crowd…
Wife distracted me. Damn hit the key too fast. Should read add sugar and needed straw to suck! I know you can suck clueless. Your commentary proves it everyday!
Puddybud – Day 62 of no Free Republic. Clueless – Day 0 of continuous Daily Kos. The “0” is recycled daily. Good night clueless. My wife is calling me. Why isn’t your wife calling you? Oh, yes, it’s Longs Drugs hand lotion and Rosy Palm!
ProudASS: Remember the words of PacMan that make sense. We whom always think right are against infantocide in general, but if the “progressive” donkocrats want to cull/thin their herd or not replace their species, then by all means we’ll support your attempts at donkoinfantocide! Who are we to stop your insanity?
Clueless, be glad your parents didn’t cull your sorry ass from the herd! We whom always think right wouldn’t have you to kick around here! Have a great Monday DKC (Daily Kos Clueless). Puddybud – Day 63 of no Free Republic. Clueless – Day 0 of continuous Daily Kos. The “0” is recycled daily.
For the Cluelessspews:
TripleP – you’re still the same worthless wingnut blowhard know-it-all who showed up here before the election contest. You were wrong then, you’re wrong now, you’ll always be wrong. You had your had your day in the sun. It’s over for you. However, Lt. Col. Aquino will always be your comrade till the last embers of the burning building are extinquished.
I don’t know what kind of nutty tangent you’re on with Free Republic and Kos – maybe it goes to show who’s the real enthusiast with lotion and the rosy palm.
DKClueless: You must know Lt. Col. Aquino personally. Since you claim know me and you say he’s my comrade (commie speak right?).
Clueless. Do those large words in Daily Kos (< seven letters) confuse you? Still reading and partially comprehending Daily Kos (four letter words and below) every day.
Damn I forgot the less than sign.
Clueless. Do those large words in Daily Kos (less than five letters) stump you?
Don’t any of your ASSes have pity on Mrs. Cindy Sheehan? She needs to get her book on the NY Times Best Seller list!
GBS, did you buy her book? If so can I borrow it?
For the Cluelessspews:
I only know OF Lt. Col. Michael Aquino Phd. Higher ranked than you TripleP both militarily and academically.
I know who he worships through his religious practices.
I know he’s a staunch Republican – and I know why he’s a staunch Republican. You should know why as well by now.
He’s a natural leader for you TripleP.
Sorry DKClueless: I don’t listen or act upon YOUR words. I don’t know Dr Aquino or care what he thinks. You said he is a satanist. You should send him to stuckonstupiddon. Since you know of Dr. Aquino, are you a satanist also. Did you actively search him out or was it from the Kurse or Matters web site?
Your words are ridiculed by us whom think right all the time. You try to define us through standard moonbat liberal labels. Didn’t work then and doesn’t work now. So find rugrat and play in his sandbox!
You know clueless has nothing left in the tank except bong vapors when he continues to use Dr Aquino as his argument base. Have you been visiting the perfessor? Did you steal his bulbous cigar bong? Are you smoking that Vancouver bud or the special Thai asian blend? Your arguments are losing their sting clueless!
TripleP: I’m not letting go of Aquino TripleP – he goes to the heart of your hypocrisy and your holier than thou attitude. You’re in complete denial if not active collaboration with the man downstairs. Aquino, a dirty tricks man, who labored for your favored presidents Reagan and Bush I, is your guide to your delusional worldview.
Your latest links are pretty lame TripleP and point to your desperation. Cyndy’s friends are free to do whatever they can do to put an end to this senseless meatgrinder in Iraq. They don’t have millions to their name unlike the rich bozos you suck up to. Homelessness is a problem in France? Sure why not? There’s a guy running for Congress who just spent 100 hours as a homeless person. Nearly freaking died. What does TripleP do? He goes to France. Some patriot you are, TripleP.
For the Cluelessspews:
TripleP – I learned of Aquino through Brad Hicks.
Rebut Hicks’ thesis – if you’ve got the guts TripleP
What? Huh? Did someone yank DKCluelessASS’ chain and he shitted out a blog entry? I don’t listen to Kool-Aid drinkers like you. Keep your mentor of hate Dr. Aquino. You need a hero. Worship him if you must. I don’t visit web sites you present because I ignore most of the clueless shit like others here who think right. Have you stopped visiting daily kos yet? If so are you having withdrawal symptoms? Is the “0” being recycled each day?
My links are lame? Wrongoh stupid one. All I do if identify your heroes and show how dumb your heroes are. Keep on absorbing that karma cluelessASS.
Speaking of meat grinders, I remember Vietnam. 60-100 men died a week there. That was a meat grinder. Every Friday each of the major news networks displayed the weekly death toll. So if I am to believe your attitude, you want the US to surrender in Iraq right? Did I hear that correctly clueless? SURRENDER. Do you understand how Arabs think? Do you understand how jihadists think? So I ask cluelessASS; did we create terrorism by invading Iraq? Careful now, think it through!
Clueless: Here’s one for ya.
50 Cent likes George W. Bush, for one. 50 thinks the president is “incredible … a gangsta.” “I wanna meet George Bush, just shake his hand and tell him how much of me I see in him,” 50 told GQ. If the rapper’s felony conviction didn’t prevent him from voting, 50 said he would have voted for Bush.
Hmmm…? I guess 50 Cent left da reservation also. I dislike his music and how he denigrates the sistas. But he thinks for himself.
Clueless, since windbag would not answer christmasghost, maybe you can. Do you think stanley “tookie” williams, crips founder, should be given life in prison after the SCOTUS said he should die for his crimes against humanity?
For the Cluelessspews:
Sigh. So much of TripleP’s poop to scoop, so little time…
I don’t listen to Kool-Aid drinkers like you.
Well whadayaknow? We have something in common Puddy Koresh. Never cared much for that Murdoch-Regnery-MoonieTimes Kool-Aid. That shit’ll poison ya!
Keep your mentor of hate Dr. Aquino.
Sorry TripleP. Unlike you, I haven’t found a reason to support Republicans yet.
You need a hero. Worship him if you must. I don’t visit web sites you present because I ignore most of the clueless shit like others here who think right.
Bawwwk. Bawwwk. BAwwwwwkk.. Chickenhawwwk! You already have Puddy. Don’t you remember? I do. Calm down. It’s livejournal. Not a private website where someone can trace your ip. Relax.. Try it. Unless you’re an effin’ coward. What are you, tripleP?
Have you stopped visiting daily kos yet? If so are you having withdrawal symptoms? Is the “0″ being recycled each day?
Thanks for you concern for my well-being TripleP…
My links are lame? Wrongoh stupid one. All I do if identify your heroes and show how dumb your heroes are. Keep on absorbing that karma cluelessASS.
Then I guess you wouldn’t have a problem with rebutting Brad Hicks would you now? Contradiction, freepy one.
Speaking of meat grinders, I remember Vietnam. 60-100 men died a week there. That was a meat grinder. Every Friday each of the major news networks displayed the weekly death toll.
Fast forward to today. Medical tech allows more people to survive only without body parts and with messed up heads not to mention maladies like Gulf War Syndrome. Vietnam today wouldn’t be as much of a meat grinder (for American soldiers that is, sol for the native) but would be an utter catastrophe for this country.
So if I am to believe your attitude, you want the US to surrender in Iraq right?
Congressman Murtha supports a pull back to Kuwait or Qatar and a rapid deployment force. That hardly sounds like abandoning our interests in the region. Sounds preferable to a meat grinder to me. Sounds preferable to dead kids, missing body parts, messed up minds and billions of treasure down the toilet and funneled to those you suck up to. Let the Iraqis sort out their own affairs.
Did I hear that correctly clueless? SURRENDER.
Hello? TripleP? Can you hear me over the voices in your head?
Do you understand how Arabs think? Do you understand how jihadists think?
Do you? Of course you do – you’re a freakin’ know-it-all blowhard!
So I ask cluelessASS; did we create terrorism by invading Iraq? Careful now, think it through!
We sure didn’t do much to discourage it. Phony war on terror just like the phony war on drugs. Bin Laden still loose. Al-Zawahiri still loose. Maybe we got Zarqawi, maybe not. Taliban still around. However, lots of people makin’ money like Cunningham. Any trickle down to you TripleP?
Hmmm…? I guess 50 Cent left da reservation also. I dislike his music and how he denigrates the sistas. But he thinks for himself.
I don’t know the guy. I don’t know his music and I despise gratuitous mysogyny. I certainly don’t care for his judgement of character.
Do you think stanley “tookie” williams, crips founder, should be given life in prison after the SCOTUS said he should die for his crimes against humanity?
TripleP – don’t know the guy, not familiar with his case. If he broke the law, hurt someone, he should pay the price. I don’t support the death penalty – if he took a person’s life – he should be removed from society.
Geez Goldy, my arms would be tired too, if I had flown all the way to Seattle from Philadelphia. How come you didn’t take a plane?
Q: How do you know you’re having Thanksgiving dinner in Roy, Washington?
A: You’ve been married 5 times and you’re still eating road kill with the same in-laws.
This weekend, the local TV news is running stories about business people on the east side of Snoqualmie Pass complaining because the WSDOT is warning travelers to avoid crossing I-90 if possible. They’re losing business.
I’m tempted to call these business people “heartless” and “incredibly selfish” because they seem to be saying their profits are more important than the lives of travelers. The unstable rock walls in pass obviously are unsafe — 3 people have already been killed — and no one with a conscience can credibly argue that WSDOT should allow the public to use the unsafe lanes at the risk of their lives so these folks can make money.
However, I’m sympathetic to everyone trying to eke a living in our state’s poorer counties. The I-90 lane closures do hurt these folks’ livelihoods, and the employees they’ve been forced to lay off because of slow business. The appropriate solution, though, is not re-opening the roadway before it’s safe, but rather emergency economic assistance for these communities and businesses. The governor and her staff need to get to work on it forthwith, if they haven’t already.
David Irons: “I’ve been beating my mother all weekend, and boy are my arms tired!”
So Goldy, how big is Ron Sims victory now? Has is grown by 2, 3 percentage points?
Another transportation issue is in the news: The federal gas tax. According to KOMO News,
“Less than four months after President Bush signed a six-year, $286.4 billion highway and public transit act, a report commissioned by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce says the federal Highway Trust Fund is running out of money and … recommended that the federal gas tax, set at 18.4 cents a gallon since 1993, be indexed for inflation.”
The study estimated the federal gas tax will bring in only $231 billion over that period, and will be broke by 2008.
The CEO of the Associated General Contractors of America says, “Without a significant influx of new revenues, our nation’s transportation network will also continue to deteriorate, impacting mobility and economic well-being.”
Now watch our resident trolls attack the USCC and AGCA as “lefty groups” because they’re calling for RAISING THE GAS TAX!!!
MSM is mostly paying up the U.S. Chamber of Commerce report’s call for a mileage fee on hybrid vehicles. This proposal is, of course, horrible public relations. The USSC is a conservative, business-oriented, organization; and Republicans already are perceived as anti-environment. It makes it look like the SUV-driving crowd are trying to punish hybrid owners for being “green.” In short, it doesn’t pass the smell test.
But wait! It takes X dollars to build and maintain Y miles of freeway. To pay for it, transportation budget planners divide that cost into the gallons of fuel consumed, and come up with the cents-per-gallon amount of tax necessary to raise X dollars. Let’s call this number Z.
But when Z is based on A vehicles driving B miles and consuming C gallons of fuel, and then suddenly A vehicles are still driving B miles but now are consuming C minus D gallons of fuel, the number D representing improvements in gas mileage of the new vehicles, it takes more cents of tax per gallon to raise X dollars.
There’s no free lunch. Highways don’t suddenly cost less simply because people are driving vehicles that get better gas mileage.
The idea of raising money for highways through a mileage fee on vehicles, instead of a fuel tax, makes a great deal of sense. It’s fair, because those who use the highways more pay more. But the key to the report’s proposal is that the mileage fee must apply to ALL vehicles, not just vehicles getting good gas mileage. There are other factors affecting the cost of building and maintaining highways, such as vehicle size and weight, that should be taken into account — if fuel taxes are replaced by mileage fee, heavier vehicles should pay a higher per-mile fee because they inflict more wear and tear on the roadway.
should read “MSM is mostly playing up”
I’ll attack that! How many billions are identified as Pork? The road to nowhere? The Seattle Art Museum Sculpture Park with it’s male nude statue reaching out to his nude male son? I know Washington and Alaska arn’t the only states with pork in that crazy bill. How many billions went into the Big Dig in Boston, that’s leaking like a sieve?
We’re probably also going to hear from bicyclists who use roads and bike paths free, and bristle at any suggestion that bicycle owners should be required to get a license plate or pay any road fees.
How about a transponder on every vehicle and charging people for the actual miles that they drive?
We are wasting millions in this state alone for the bike riders. I am still holding my breath for the day that I see a bike in a bike lane here in Lacey. They must all be in Seattle, because I don’t see any bike riders down here.
It seems the illegitimate queen misled Washingtonians – you know, when her pearls, edicts and dire warnings for Washingtonians hoping to traverse I-90 were issued… in the Oregon paper.
Reply to 9
Most of the world runs on the baksheesh system; our system runs on pork. It’s unrealistic to think you can eliminate pork spending in a representative democracy. As long as voters keep electing as their congressmen and senators the people most skilled at bringing home the “bacon” to their districts, a pork-barrel Congress is what we’re going to get. If you don’t like it, blame the voters! Pork spending exists because of popular demand.
Pork is a fact of life, and it’s not going away. In defense of pork, most “pork spending” helps someone and does some good. Most highways and bridges are useful, and help local economies. You could call spending on the New Orleans levees “pork” too, and in that case, there wasn’t enough pork spending, and consequently the levees failed and a city drowned — resulting in a much larger bill for the taxpayers for emergency operations, relocation assistance, and rebuilding.
The truth is, the anti-tax/anti-government crowd loves to pore through federal, state, and local government budgets, cherry-pick a few pork projects — then use them as props for their obstructionist anti-government caterwauling.
And it’s utterly hypocritical. The proof of this is, the anti-tax/anti-government crowd is now in charge of the government — and we’re seeing waste and pork on a scale we’ve never seen before.
Waising money on cyclists? Is that even possible? They ride on the fucking road, with the cars? Besides, its Lacey, don’t folks drive pick-up trucks and rusted Civics? In Lacey the only folks riding their bike to work are dude who have DUIs, atleast that’s what Laceyites tell me.
Public Notice: I clicked on ASS’s link to the “Oregon newspaper” and got the (Spokane) Spokesman-Review’s web site.
Would someone please tell ASS that Spokane is, ahem, not in Oregon.
You are right about we are seeing waste and pork on a scale we have never seen before. Maybe part of the reason is the nastiness of politics in the last 10 years or so. The left screams that the defecit is out of control (it is) and the right screams that we are spending too much and then approves spending more. Our state legislature went crazy last year with spending increases and 3/4 of a billion in new taxes.
There is more to the story in New Orleans and those levees….. Like out of control corruption in the local, state and federal agencies there. All of those people didn’t have to die and it wasn’t just the feds.
Shit, Oregon can fuckin’ KEEP Spokane. What with their Mayor and his “recruiting violations”.
That’s the proposal, except they’re thinking in terms of GPS, not transponders. Or … is there such a thing as a GPS transponder? I thought “transponders” were old technology?
Anyway, a better formula would be miles X weight X fee rate = fee.
@ 17
I rememeber when I was a kid, the conservatives were against spending shitloads of dough of dubious matters (Medicare drug benefit, wars of occupation, after-the-fact bailouts, etc.)
I do have a pickup truck. How astute of you! If the bike lanes were ever used by bikers, I wouldn’t complain about our money being wasted on them. We have other roads that are congested and need help.
@ 11
That’ll go over well with the guys in Auburn who live in school buses surrounded by landmines with MREs and a shitload of guns. Gov’t wants to know where i am at all times? Sure, they’ll like that… ..
As a matter of fact, the transponders can log you on and off the roads and the state can send you a monthly bill.
@ 21
Certainly sir, not dissing your vehicle of choice. So the provision of bike lanes in said city detracts from congestion relief? Roads will be clogged/cleared regardless of accomidation to cyclists. Besides, bike lanes are so cheap, and they are intended to give cyclists an opportunity to get out of the traffic lanes, makes cars get by quicker.
If they are in buses with landmines, they shouldn’t be driving anyways!
@ 23
Not dissing the idea, but I work with guys who don’t vote because they think the voter rolls are given to Kofi Annan for the coming World Government.
The truck was free and my Bronco was breaking down. My dad broke his hip and driving the truck was uncomfortable for him, so he kept his cadillac and gave me his truck. It’s a 96 Dodge magnum, 8 cyclinders, gas guzzling, jacked up with a lift kit, extended cab, that he only drove out in the desert off-roading. So, it only has 26,000 miles……..
The lanes are a waste because nobody is using them. They are pretty and empty. It is the perfect example of they don’t always come when you build it!
That is a fine rig. Rig is the word. That’s what men call their trucks. I called my Geo Metro a rig, and people laughed. But now I don’t have a car, so there everybody!
@ 28
We’ll us Seattle folks sure love our bike lanes, so let’s swap.
I don’t want to see us use the term GOP anymore. It’s a positive term for what has become an infested zombie monster of a political party. The right-wing might be old, but they’re hardly ‘grand’ any more.
Heath, the Republicans aren’t the same group of people who opted to free slaves and create national parks. The term “right-wing” isn’t necessarily accurate now as the real GOP used to be inclusive of more than religious zealots, homophobes and chickenhawks.
@ 32
They’re still for Freeing The Slaves.
If by “Freeing” you mean “Cutting Taxes for” and by “Slaves” you mean “Very Wealthy People”.
I’ve been to Seattle a half a dozen times in the last year and the only traffic jams I was in was getting to and from Seattle on I-5. Never in the city and I did see bikes on the streets. Lacey has built up as a suburb of Olympia and the city parts with business are only basically on two or three streets. Those areas are full of congestion and we keep building more houses. There are another two thousand planned and next year, I will be lucky to get to I-5 through the congested streets.
From the housing ads in the Times/PI, Lacey looks to be quite afforable. I hope they have some quality urban planners doing good work, because that’s half the battle when it comes to traffic management. As far as I-5 is concerned, they’re doing quite a bit of work on it in south King county. Its tough because there is a limit to how many lanes can be added. Someday, I’d like to see light rail go from Everett to Olympia. I’d love to buy a house in Lacey if I could just take the train to work in downtown Seattle (considering my career path, I’ll probably be working downtown)
The rail might come here – eventually. Our council just got rid of a major park & ride to build a Home Depot a few months ago. We are supposed to be the “City of Trees” and our city council is under heavy fire for allowing developers clear cut lots of heavenly firs, build and replace the trees with maples and other low growing decorative trees. The new 2000 homes they are building are on top of each other and ugly too!
HARBIN, China, – A toxic 50-mile band of contaminated river water slowly washed through this frigid provincial capital on Friday, leaving schools and many businesses closed, forcing millions of people to spend a third straight day without running water and raising fears of a long-term environmental disaster.
“…the government has earned growing praise from international health officials for being more open and responsive about public health outbreaks, like avian influenza.”
Anyone who believes any communist govts’ “openess” about anything is a simpleton. The wests’ major enviro freaks seldom comment on China’s “accidents.” Too complicated, perhaps? Where are Green Peace and the Environmental wackos? [Save the Planet!!!] hehe…
BREAKING NEWS: Looks like up to SIX right wing, chickenhawk, do nothing republican maggots in Congress are about to be indicted in fallout from the Delay lobbying investigation, according to an article in the Washington Post.
Good thing the republicans brought honesty back to Washington. Yeah right!
not to start a pissing match here…but I live in Lacey too, AND i ride my bicycle all over the freaking place! 5,000 miles a couple years back, but i average about 2,000 miles a year. (Raising my adopted son has taken some of the miles away.)
I ride the bike lanes, I ride the Chehalis trail, I ride all over Thurston, Pierce, and Lewis counties. I ride to work, I ride for fun too. I also own two vehicles, pay gas taxes and license fees on those vehicles, so I do pay my fair share.
I wouldn’t mind paying a small fee each year to build more bike lanes, but I’d want it to be a fair fee. If my vehicle tabs are $30 to pay for the use and abuse to the roads, then an equivalent fee for a bike would need to be about 10-cents or less to pay for the use and damage to the roadways that my bike causes.
In reality, it would cost more money to collect a bike fee than it would being in. And, it wouldn’t pass…what legislator is going to mandate 3-year olds to pay taxes when they get their first bike?
Gotta ride to work. Flame on!
It was exciting for you to be back home in Philly for Thanksgiving. Probably brought back plenty of childhood memories, huh???
On your trip down memory lane, I’ll bet you recall the many hours you spent in your folks bathroom jerking off to National Geographic magazines!
Reliving those “Glory Days” probably explains your tired little Wiener arms!
I”m hoping you had time to reflect on the dual screwups by DOT
….rusty cables left out in the rain (duh)
….continuous rockfall at the pass (was their design flawed? I think that mountain has been there like forever)
Righton: If WSDOT has to scrap all those miles of cables, they’ll revisit the original project cost and change it to new higher value. Hence, they can be on-time and on-budget.
But wait, More Katrina news. Since the progressives said cannibalism was rampant in Katrina land, no wait, there were 10s of deaths in the Superdome, no wait, the food was no ordered for Katrina land, now the next biggest no wait:,0,5443409,full.story
Remember the “progressive”chant? “We created these islamofascist terrorists”. If the calendar is correct (always is) when is November 2002? Way before March 2003! Didn’t the Bali bombing occur before we entered Iraq? Yes, “progressives” it did! Well looks like they were trying to bomb Bali again afterall. But, what does that matter to clueless. If he can’t keep up his chant, he’s a lost puppy. Clueless, is Yahoo a “right-wing newspaper? Ya Dipshit! I can hear the wimpering now from clueless, aptly named! sgmmac, christmasghost, they just can’t stand the truth.
Naah, “progressives” don’t pad their resumes. I saw this earlier but Goldy didn’t print it.
But wait, it’s from Yahoo, another Republican MSM rag, when the high level company officers threw big bucks into donkocratic coffers. Puddybud – 61 days and no Free Republic. CLueless – 0 days and no Daily Kurse. The 0 is recycled each day.
Speaking of John Murtha: How many ASSes really checked him out? None of course. He’s the “progressive” ASSes hereo. But when checked, he and his “girlfriend” Pelosi said this: Rep. John Murtha, D-Pennsylvania, in a news conference with Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, said the problems in Iraq are due to a “lack of planning” by Pentagon chiefs and “the direction has got be changed or it is unwinnable.”
I know I’ll hear it from Rupert Wabbet about the last paragraphs. I am writing that Murtha was already coming out against the war back in May 2005. This November prouncement was already in the works as the Newsweek article referenced by me this past week proved. But “progressives” can’t put 2 and 2 together. It would tax their small pea-sized brains.
But wait, Murtha “forced” Clinton to withdraw from Somalia:
You “progressives” should buy Murtha’s book. Murtha’s own words from his book “From Vietnam to 9/11″, Penn State University Press. In it you’ll find this passage:
” In Somalia a well-meaning humanitarian intervention ended in failure because we interjected ourselves into a civil war. I am not arguing that we should have acted decisively with a larger military force in either case. As I have explained, I opposed the intervention in Somalia from the day the decision to intervene was made.” – Where was the MSM when he made this attacks on Clinton? I know all about Somalia because one of my employees was SEVERELY wounded there. He was in a drug-induced coma for six months. He was a halo-trained green beret/army ranger sniper.
I’m still waiting for the truth to be told. I look for it, but I haven’t found it yet………….
About those loose rocks on the pass. GREGOIRE KNEW! WHEN DID SHE
#42 Looks like dark meat again for thanksgiving.
Mom@48, that was in bad taste. Oops… another pun for perfesser DJ!
For those pin-headed leftist “I never volunteered for military service” ASS morons – HALOs are high altitude low oxygen trained special forces people. Esteban was forced out due to his injuries. His joints squeak at times from the multiple titanium pins in his body. Esteban hated Clinton (he lived through Black Hawk down) and likes both Bushes.
As stated before, >70% of the military votes Rebuplican. So for the leftiest moron whom said only POOR PEEPLES join the military; if that’s true, then a high percentage of them POOR PEEPLES like Republicans. So if the poll numbers hold up, why would donkocratic leaders want the military vote counted? They follow their old leader’s (Al Gore) marching orders in Florida 2000. Clueless search the Internet. You’ll view how Al Gore submitted a lawsuit against his friends in the military. But what Al Gore didn’t comprehend it was 58/42 not 70/30. So he was acutally killing 12% of his voting base that year. Why was it 58/42? Al Gore was a TRUE Vietnam veteran! He was there much longer than Cut & Run Kerry!
Righton and Puddy re cables-
OK, from what I read, WSDOT caught what may be a supplier problem. If the cables do not meet spec, they will be replaced at no cost to the state.
And they’re supposed to be outside. It’s not an indoor bridge.
But you guys never let faacts get in the way of a good rant.
I would hope that they test the cables, before they put up a bridge with them. A bridge that could fail and kill hundreds.
Yes, they test the cables. A project this size will have a QA/QC plan which includes testing of materials as well as monitoring their installation.
50 – TripleP (Pod Person Puddy), I’m not taking orders from you blowhard!
Yeah, i dunno, lib tv guys reported they were oxidized from sitting outside.
Ah, its someone else’s fault. Can you tie in Rove and Nixon as culprits?
Righton- If you get technical information from TV news, that explains a lot. I say again, did you expect the cables to stay indoors? It’s a BRIDGE!!
The contract (which I am not familiar with) no doubt specifies materials and procedures. Yeah, it is someone’s fault. Either the supplier for sub-standard materials, the contractor for improper handling or the engineer for improper specifications.
This is a design-build project, so the engineer and contractor are part of the same entity. THe State specifies an end product, the Design-Build contractor is responsible for getting it done. So you cannot blame WSDOT engineers for this one.
I guess you cannot accept anything other than blaming the State. And you accuse the other side of pinning everything on Rove, et al!!
By the way, the design firm is Bechtel. A good Republican company.
Wow, WrongOne – George Schultz and Cap Weinberger’s company is going to have to take one in the shorts due to their incompetence unless of course they wrote in a little “escape hatch” in the fine print.
Good grief … only a LIBERAL would truly believe a slogan will build self-esteem… and then actually spend money to try it…
PROUD sez:
“Good grief … only a LIBERAL would truly believe a slogan will build self-esteem… and then actually spend money to try it…”
Actually my friend who is always RIGHT, this is a prime example of what seperates Liberals from LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS!!!
“BREAKING NEWS: Looks like up to SIX right wing, chickenhawk, do nothing republican maggots in Congress are about to be indicted in fallout from the Delay lobbying investigation, according to an article in the Washington Post.”
I heard a guest journalist on Air America say a couple days ago that 6 GOP congressmen will be indicted and another 60 GOP congressmen will be implicated in the DeLay scandal.
But then, what do you expect of a GOP congress that made it legal for corporations to go bankrupt in order to break union contracts and welsh pension obligations, and made it illegal for low-wage workers and impoverished retirees to bankrupt medical debts they can’t afford to pay?
And it’s not hard for a retiree whose pension has vaporized in a cloud of accounting fraud and CEO theft to go broke when the Frist family’s hospital chain charges him $25 for a kleenex …
I heard a guest journalist on Air America …. -Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/26/05 @ 12:46 pm
That cute little oxymoron is your attempt at humor in your drug induced state…. correct?
darn, I think I forgot to close another tag… get over it.
@41, 42
Hey, you 2 apologists for corporate malfeasance, how is the rusty cable WSDOT’s fault and not the fault of the contractor? Who left the cable outside in the rain, the contractor building the bridge, or the state agency paying the bills? That’s like saying if a crooked remodeler installs faulty wiring, the homeowner who got ripped off is to blame.
Why do wingnuts compulsively feel a need to inject racist language into topics that have nothing to do with race? Is it because — Eureka! light bulb goes on — they’re racists?
Last I heard, the wingfucks were dissing the Somalia intervention because it was a fiasco and — mainly — because Clinton was president at the time. So now Somalia was good? We should have gone there? We should have stayed? Well, it would be consistent — these armchair warmongers can’t seem to get enough of vicarious war.
Well, let me explain it this way. You don’t need 37 years in the Marines to see that sending a token contingent of U.S. troops into Mogadishu to quell a warlord with an army was, um, not good tactical planning. Nor do you need 37 years in the Marines to see that Bush’s invasion of Iraq was poorly planned and executed. In both cases, the planners blithely assumed an absence of opposition. When in hell has an army ever invaded a foreign country and not been opposed? How can anyone be this stupid? Well, in both cases, the problem was the same — the commander in chief shirked military duty and didn’t know a damn thing about military reality.
Let me clarify: I wasn’t necessarily against getting rid of Saddam, who is an evil dictator. I am, however, against military incompetence that costs lives; and we have plenty of that going on right now.
As for the loose rocks on I-90, they weren’t loose when I-90 was built. However, it’s remarkable that WSDOT’s engineers don’t understand frost-wedging, and didn’t send anyone out to check those rock cuts from time to time. It took 3 deaths to call their attention to the fact that water seeping into cracks and freezing breaks apart solid rock. Every mountain climber knows that, and we have lots of mountain climbers around here. However, having fucked up Step 1, they at least got Step 2 right — they closed the unsafe roadway (despite the whining of business owners who value their profits more than travelers’ lives) and went to work fixing the problem.
Meanwhile, the anti-roads crowd continues to bray their resentment at any expenditure of public money on public highways. Hey, listen up, we just had a referendum on whether to spend public money on public highways — and you LOST! Howwever, you can take a small comfort in knowing that your anti-roads initiative was more popular than cigarette smoke:
Votes in Favor of Falling Rocks: 818,658
Votes in Favor of Cigarette Smoke: 665,487
I believe after many years of careful & detailed research, I have come up with both the PROBLEM and more importantly the cure for what ails the great State of Washington.
It appears the LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS suffer from a rather common affliction caused by a back-up of fecal matter that has caused massive swelling and dysfunction of the “reasoning” area of the brain.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, here is the solution!
“A COLOSTOMY is done when the lower large intestine, rectum, or anus is unable to function normally or needs rest from normal functions. Intestinal obstruction with associated inflammation, as in diverticulitis, is a common indication for colostomy.”
We owe this major medical, political and philosophical break thru to myself, Puddybud, PACMAN, HowCan and many others on the RIGHT who repeatedly have recognized how FULL OF SHIT the CLOWNS are!
Just one huge group COLOSTOMY of the LEFTIST PINHEADS and things are certain to improve!!!!!!!
We’re talkin’ Nobel Prize here Pudster!
I want the rocks fixed, I want the viaduct fixed, I want the 520 fixed. I voted yes. Why, I see almost a billion dollars in waste in the transportation package. I see landscaped lids, I see sound walls, I see filmsy cable barriers, I see taxes which just siphons off about 80 million back to the general fund. I see too many HOV lanes and not enough general purpose lanes. There are 4 bad congestion spots here in my area, and what did our legislators choose for the Lacey/Olympia area? Sound Walls!
Democrats lose voters in the Mid West. Read On!!!!!! OMAHA-U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement special agents said they have arrested more than 47 gang members and associates in eastern Nebraska and western Iowa. The agency said on Friday that of those people arrested, 35 of them have been deported. Seven of the people arrested are being prosecuted for illegally re-entering the U.S. after they were previously deported.
Cynical: Yes, the Full of Shit ASSes Crowd continues to grow daily too.
Clueless, maybe you should listen. Take some Fukitol and get that Colostomy.
you also need your peter steinbruck viaduct salmon beaches
sure hope they dont’ find some indian cemetary as they get spending..
Sgmmac: Here is something:
Looks like the left’s favorite guy is a liar too! Goldy, why why why are you covering this up?
So, as I understand it, if WSDOT doesn’t build our highways to your personal specifications, you are unwilling to help pay for them?
Okay, fair enough. But I have my own. If Bush doesn’t fight his war in Iraq according to my precise directions, Congress should immediately cut off all funding for military operations and bring the troops home.
It doesn’t have anything to do with my personal specifications, it has to do with waste. How many people are going to die on bridges that fail and roads that don’t have real barriers, because someone wants sound walls and those microsoft guru’s need landscaped lids on their bridges? There is a bridge in Seattle that is NOT in the transportation package that the WSDOT engineers rate as something like 8 times more likely to fail than the viaduct and there isn’t any MONEY to fix it! The Times or PI ran a story on it. Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention that I object to the 100 million for animal bridges on I -90 so that critters can cross it to mate!
If he would have followed my precise directions, the war would have been won a long time ago!
In his conclusion, in stating what KCRE needed, Judge Bridges quoted an old Army saying, but he policed it up for the ladies…. He said tush
But you know it’s: Kick Ass and take names!
‘kick ass and take names’? You mean like the prosecutors in the Abramoff have been doing with all the wingnut congrssmen in DC?
I can’t believe this is true. How can this be? Why isn’t Brownie being charged with criminal negligence due to his {in}actions during the Katrina crisis instead of being allowed to profit from them? Didn’t people DIE because of his incompetence? Isn’t that a crime?
People please read this article which appeared today in the Washington Post:
Oops, guess the HTML link didn’t work. (maybe held for approval?)
I’ll try typing the URL to the article in question. In case that doesn’t work, the title of the article is: “Brown’s New Job: Readiness Consultant”
That could be! I am not up for saving the corrupt politicians. If they are corrupt, they need to get prosecuted just like you or me. If it’s a witch hunt (only 1 party), I might have a problem with it. The Delay case is interesting. I’ve never heard of someone being prosecuted for a “crime” with a law that didn’t exist when they committed the “crime.” I hope they figure out their laws otherwise a lot of us might be in trouble and not know it until they pass a law against what we did in the past!
More Democrats at Play!!! Read on!! [Gays, Trail Lawyers, “guvment” NEA money…not a Republican within miles!!! Democrats: social parasites!!!!!] New York – A gay man charged with helping his lover loot a wealthy school district has asked a judge to rule that state law protecting spouses from having to testify against each other also applies to same-sex partners. Stephen Signorelli, fighting charges that he stole at least $219,000 from the Roslyn, N.Y., school district, is seeking to bar testimony by his longtime companion, Frank Tassone, the district’s former superintendent.
No one is above the law. Well no one except democratic presidents who blow their wads on interns that is. Can anyone say PERJURY!!
At least there’s one Goldstein that gets it right.
Hey Clueless, loosy, JDB, rugrat602, etc.
Your banners from days gone past.
Did I read this right? Jimmy Cahhhhhrter wants voting ID Cards. Goldy you’s be holding out on us whom always think right again.
Carter-Baker Commission Endorses Voter IDs
Former President Jimmy Carter On Voter IDs: “This Will Be, I Think, A Move Forward In Getting More People To Vote. It Would Not Restrict People From Voting. It Will Be Uniformly Applied Throughout The Country. And It Will Be Nondiscriminatory.”
Wow, now if the King County “progressives” who love Jimmy Cahhhhhhrter for other things should love him now!
PuddyDolt @ 87
Ummmm…If you actually bothered to read the recommendations, you would learn that the report recommends that states provide photo IDs free of charge to people who do not already have a photo ID.
Once photo IDs become accessible (i.e. free to those who otherwise don’t have an id) and ubiquitous, most people don’t have any problems with the requirement.
Until photo ids are easy, cheap and widespread, a photo id requirement appears to be unconstitutional (according to the federal court that voted on the Georgia law), so your opinion, my opinion and Jimmy Carter’s opinion is irrelevant.
“Wow, now if the King County “progressives” who love Jimmy Cahhhhhhrter for other things should love him now!”
Naturally, since you didn’t understand the details of the recommendations, you are, once again, tilting at windmills.
“How many people are going to die on bridges that fail and roads that don’t have real barriers, because someone wants sound walls and those microsoft guru’s need landscaped lids on their bridges?”
You don’t solve problems like this by voting against highway funding.
“If he would have followed my precise directions, the war would have been won a long time ago!”
I don’t doubt that for an instant. Almost any randomly selected Army sergeant would have done a better job of prosecuting this war than Bush has. He is an incompetent, and he is surrounded by incompetents.
“I’ve never heard of someone being prosecuted for a ‘crime’ with a law that didn’t exist when they committed the ‘crime.'”
Which rightwing shouting-points did you get this piece of nonsense from? That’s called an ex poste facto law, and it’s unconstitutional. You can be very sure that the law(s) DeLay is indicted under were, in fact, on the books when he violated them. DeLay’s lawyers have not moved to get a higher court to throw out the indictment on ex poste facto grounds. Don’t you think they would?
Yes, the prosecutor in the DeLay case is a Democrat — but he has prosecuted many Democrats, too.
Sadly, it is no longer possible to find a Republican prosecutor willing to prosecute corrupt Republicans. He would face retribution from his own party, which has become so partisan it’s blind to wrongdoing in its own ranks. Even worse, the GOP debased itself by suspending the House ethics rules to shield DeLay from consequences for criminal wrongdoing — then retaliated against Rep. John Murtha for making his anti-war speech by opening an ethics investigation against him!
It is because of such blatantly partisan and overtly dishonest behavior that two-thirds of the public now believes the Republican Party is dishonest.
Yes, you do. It is the only way to have solved it. Had I-912 passed, Gregoire would have called a special session and fixed the package. Now it won’t be fixed, we will get the sound walls, the critter bridges, the filmsy cable barriers, they will continue to divert tax dollars by taxing trans projects to the general fund, and the landscaped lids, etc. Those lids are on another bridge somewhere too, Mercer Island? They are extremely expensive because of a fire sprinkler sytem inside them with lights that apparently are made by one company and hard to get parts for and expensive! There are probably more rocks getting ready to go somewhere too! Oh and did I mention all of people are made that the capacity is not increasing in the viaduct replacement or 520 replacement plan?
The GOP’s rabid partisanship and rampant wrongdoing will be its downfall. The latest polls indicate the GOP has lost the backing of virtually all Democrats and 80% of independents, and has little support left outside of its own hard-core base, comprising about a third of the electorate. Dissatisfaction with GOP governance is so widespread it now seems likely that control of Congress will flip in the 2006 election, which will effectively end any chance of Bush’s agenda being enacted and conceivably could set the stage for impeachment proceedings. I don’t believe Bush will be impeached, but Republicans have blown their credibility and standing with the general public so badly that I now think it’s possible for Hillary Clinton to win the White House in 2008.
RUFUS @ 83
“No one is above the law. Well no one except democratic presidents who blow their wads on interns that is. Can anyone say PERJURY!!”
Once again, you are incorrect.
Clinton was impeached (the equivalent of being indicted) and was found not guilty of both the perjury and obstruction of justice charges in the Senate trial that followed.
y0 @ 84
No they didn’t.
More made up bullshit from the Wingnuts.
sgmmac @ 91
Please…take a valium or have a good stiff drink or something. You have become positively apoplectic over stuff that you don’t seem to really have a handle on (outside of talk radio talking points).
Reply to 91
“Had I-912 passed, Gregoire would have called a special session and fixed the package.”
By this single statement, you demonstrate your ignorance of Washington State politics. The gas tax passed the legislature with bipartisan support. Boeing demanded it, most of the rest of the business community backed it, and 18 Republican senators and representatives voted for it.
If it hadn’t passed in the regular session, it wouldn’t have been fixed, and there would have been no special session. There would have been no transportation bill, period. It took years to broker this compromise, and Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Finkbeiner explicitly old Gov. Gregoire that if it didn’t pass in the regular session, calling a special session would be fruitless.
Sgt. Mac, it’s obvious you are simply marching in lock-step with the rightwing noise machine. For God’s sake, think for yourself. This bill was written to procure the maximum amount of agreement possible among legislators, yet it passed with mere 2-vote margins in both houses; if it had been defeated in the legislature or at the polls, there would have been no rewriting, no recrafting, no “fixing.” Transportation funding would have been dead for years to come, leaving our state’s economy at risk. This state already has transportation accountability up the yazoo — that’s nothing but a specious rationalize thrown out by the “no taxes, no way” obstructionists who are determined to stop ANY government spending, no matter what it’s for or how badly it’s needed.
Well, ma’am, this is a democracy and the bad guys lost. You are new to this blog, and have an opportunity to establish yourself as an independent (and reputable) thinker; you are not doing yourself any favors by parroting the party line of the antis, considering that the horse you are beating on is very, very dead. The gas tax increase and highway bill are a fact-in-being.
Hey dj, good to have you on board tonight! :D
Roger Rabbit @ 97
Thanks…and welcome back from the land of pain killers!
At #70 above, Mr. Cynical postulates: “I believe after many years of careful & detailed research, I have come up with both the PROBLEM and more importantly the cure for what ails the great State of Washington. It appears the LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS suffer from a rather common affliction caused by a back-up of fecal matter that has caused massive swelling and dysfunction of the ‘reasoning’ area of the brain ….”
Actually, you’re close to the mark, C. Our state suffers from a surfeit of process. We discuss things to death — and never decide anything, never do anything. We just talk, and talk, and talk. Liberal Seattle leads the way as the state’s worst offender. In fact, a term has been coined for endless talk followed by inaction — it’s called “The Seattle Way.” (I.e., the Seattle way of doing things, or more accurately, the Seattle way of doing nothing about pressing problems.)
Guilty. Seattle liberals are GUILTY of worshipping process, talking things to death, doing nothing. But wingnuts like you are giving us a race. You guys must want to be the Champions of the Seattle Way really badly, because your response to all of our state’s pressing problems is more process, more accountability schemes, more let’s-vote-this-down-and-talk-some-more — in short, you guys are rapidly mastering the techniques and methodologies of The Seattle Way.
Talk things to death, do nothing. That’s what Washington Republicans propose to do about all of our state’s problems. As if we don’t get enough of that already from the liberals.
Thanks, I’m doing okay, this is going to hurt the most in my pocketbook — in the world the free-market Republicans have given us, insurance doesn’t insure anything anymore. This one tooth is probably going to cost me five grand out-of-pocket. Too bad prr didn’t show up last week and extract it for me, it would have saved me an oral surgeon’s bill.
I don’t even want to think about what it costs to die nowadays.
At post #50 Puddybutt said: “>70% of the military votes Rebuplican. So for the leftiest moron whom said only POOR PEEPLES join the military; if that’s true, then a high percentage of them POOR PEEPLES like Republicans.”
I don’t know what the percentage is, but I don’t dispute that Republicans enjoy a lot of support among military voters. (Have you noticed how Bush always gives his speeches on military bases, and never exposes himself to America’s civilian population, where he is much less popular?*)
(* Of course, if you’re a military man, you can’t boo the president because he’s in your chain of command and showing such disrespect to a superior is a court-martial offense; so by making his speeches exclusively on military bases, Bush is guaranteed a friendly or at least a not-overtly-hostile audience.)
Support among military personnel (and veterans) for Bush and his policies is more complicated than ordinary politics, however. it has to do with the psychology of war.
This may be a little hard to understand for someone who has never been in a war. For those who fight wars, “their” war (except for career military, most veterans fight in only 1 war) is (a) the biggest adventure of their lives, (b) the most difficult and dangerous thing they will ever do, and (c) entailed a heavy investment of personal suffering, exertion, and sacrifice.
Human nature being as it is, none of us want to be told that something in which we’ve invested so much is pointless, meaningless, or an evil enterprise. We want our efforts validated; we desperately want to believe we fought for a noble cause, and accomplished something good.
The American soldiers who endured the horrors of World War I were told they were fighting to “end all wars.” In fact, their victory only created the conditions for an even bigger and bloodier war. World War I was, in all respects, a failure. Its military strategies failed. It failed to resolve the issues over which it was fought. Above all, it failed to make the world secure, or to secure a lasting peace.
Vietnam also was a failure, with an additional dimension — it was a war we overtly lost. Countless Vietnam veterans have spent a lifetime struggling with the knowledge their efforts and sacrifices were pointless, in vain, accomplished nothing.**
(** Actually, I think Vietnam DID accomplish something — I believe that even though it was a military failure, the high casualty toll inflicted on the communist “people’s army” deterred or prevented other “wars of national liberation” that were on communists’ drawing boards in other parts of the world.)
For the families who lost loved ones in a war, the emotional investment — and the need to believe the war (and therefore their personal sacrifice) is good for something — goes even deeper. For these people, it goes way deeper than any reasoning process can reach, and the need for the war to mean something worthwhile becomes a compelling emotional necessity.
Here is the pernicious and fatal truth about all wars: Once blood has been spilled, the emotional investment in the spilled blood creates an emotion-driven constituency FOR the war, and the more blood that is spilled the more difficult it is to end the war, no matter how fruitless it is or how patent its failure is to the intellectual senses.
Dictators know this. That’s why a Hitler or a Stalin needs his own side to suffer casualties — preferably tremendous casualties. Only a public emotionally invested in the bloodletting that has already occurred will keep going in the face of further loss, will throw reason to the winds and support an evil or lost cause.
It is what kept the Confederates and Yankees going through four long years of bloody see-saw mayhem. At the end, some of the Confederates wanted to continue fighting as guerillas, and in a sense, some of them did — for them, the war never ended, could never end, until they were dead; and they passed on their emotional investment in spilled blood to the children and grandchildren, subjecting our nation to a multi-generational paroxysm of violence against the freed slaves and their descendants.
The Iraq war will be no different. Every time another casualty comes home from Iraq, a desperate need is created for another family to believe in this war, and insist on their neighbors and their country seeing it through to what they hope will be a successful conclusion.
Trouble is, few wars are successful, and even fewer achieve any of the aims for which they were fought. History — for those of us who bother to learn from history — teaches us that most wars produce inconclusive results, and most of the sacrifices made in war are vain sacrifices tha accomplished little or nothing.
Of course, Bush instinctively, if not intellectually, understands how human nature converts blood into pro-war sentiment — and is exploiting it ruthlessly and efficiently.
Like a Hitler or Stalin would.
Sergeant Mac, I know this isn’t what you want to hear, and you don’t have to reply; I only ask you to engage your intellect and be honest with yourself, and think about what I have said about the nature of war and what it does to a nation’s politics is true or not.
Puddybutt — you don’t have to reply either; frankly, I don’t give a damn what YOU think.
Rog@99 sez:
“Actually, you’re close to the mark, C. Our state suffers from a surfeit of process. We discuss things to death – and never decide anything, never do anything. We just talk, and talk, and talk. Liberal Seattle leads the way as the state’s worst offender. In fact, a term has been coined for endless talk followed by inaction – it’s called “The Seattle Way.” (I.e., the Seattle way of doing things, or more accurately, the Seattle way of doing nothing about pressing problems.)
Guilty. Seattle liberals are GUILTY of worshipping process, talking things to death, doing nothing. But wingnuts like you are giving us a race. You guys must want to be the Champions of the Seattle Way really badly, because your response to all of our state’s pressing problems is more process, more accountability schemes, more let’s-vote-this-down-and-talk-some-more – in short, you guys are rapidly mastering the techniques and methodologies of The Seattle Way.
Talk things to death, do nothing. That’s what Washington Republicans propose to do about all of our state’s problems. As if we don’t get enough of that already from the liberals.”
Rog, you have NAILED it.
The Seattle LEFTISTS talk and plan away nearly all the money so there is little remaining for actual product. It’s a classic case of PLANNER and CONSULTANTitis.
The Washington Republicans don’t even have a FUCKING PLAN!!! They are constantly reacting to the Dems. No leadership. No well-thoughout ideas on assessing the problems, the options, how to cost-effectively address those options and how to pay for it.
The R’s need a FUCKING PLAN!
Sadly I don’t have any valium and I don’t drink either.
Happily, I don’t listen to talk radio either, it totally aggravates me.
Roger Rabbit: 32 posts……..I’m trying to get one throught the filter. Why does this remind me of Democrats in Broward County, Fl during Gore 2000? Goldy, What a sham!!! SHAM!!! Democrats: cheaters!!! Libs will always cheat to win!!
Roger, It didn’t make any sense to me either when I read it. I get two newspapers at home, the Olympian, and the Tacoma Tribune, I read 3 online, The Times, The PI, and the Olympian.
Previously I read that, Delay was charged with a law that didn’t exist by the 1st Grand Jury, then Ronnie realized it was a problem and went to a second grand jury – they failed to charge him, then Ronnie went to the third grand jury and they charged him with other crimes. The article I read yesterday or the day before (right after his last court appearance) said that Delay’s attorneys requested the charges dropped because the law didn’t exist when he committed the crimes.
I think a lot of them need ethics investigations, that said if they opened one on Sen Murtha after making his speech, it’s wrong. I was also astounded to learn how many millions lobbyist spent in this state last year, I haven’t read how many millions are spent in Washington, but it is clear that they need new rules to prevent all of the corruption going on.
You may be right about Hillary, I like Guillani and then McCain. They say Guillani won’t get the Republican nod because he’s pro-choice, and that’s why I like him.
Roger, Your beliefs on the nature of war are correct. It was a very good post. Vietnam veterans suffered immensely and many still suffer because of the way they were treated after the war. The Vietnam war did stop other wars, that is proven too. Somalia was good intentioned, but it also showed the world that if you inflict casualties on the US, that we will withdraw. Somalia was worse after we left and so was Vietnam. I don’t know where Iraq will end up, but I do know that Al-Qida is waiting for us to leave. If we leave before the Iraqi Army can defend themselves, there will be killing fields all over Iraq.
I had a very interesting conversation with 2 couples (Republicans) this AM who are live-a-boards at Shilshole Marina. 3 out of the 4 of them were challenged by Sotelo because of PO Boxes for residence.
Bottom-line is when they registered 3 years ago, they were told on several occassions they COULD NOT use Shilshole Marina as their RESIDENCE ADDRESS by KingCo Elections. They went thru a real hassle but were eventually allowed to register using their PO Box mailing address as their residence address. They followed the improper directions of KingCo Elections!!!
They were also really pi**ed that the Republicans waiting until 3 days before Election Day to file these challenges. Really pi**ed!! I tried to explain that the delay was in large part due to failures of KingCo to timely release all Public Records. I also informed them that it was DEAN LOGANclown who said there is nothing he is willing to do about this and the Party’s are free to challenge improper registrations.
These folks unfortunately got most of their information about this debacle from the Seattle P-I. They believed only a handful of challenges were LEGIT!!!! When the reality is they vast majority were legit…..and only a few were challenged by people like them.
Lot’s more to this conversation….but quite interesting.
The R’s NEED to explain even better than Chris Vance has tried to WHY they waited until 3 days before the election.
Rupert “Truth Teller” Wabbet, that was an impassioned written tome in #102. Too bad most of it was BULLSHIT!
Rupert, how can you equate following orders with voting? I thought all of you moonbat “progressives” here on ASSes said voting was a private matter? If it’s a private matter, how would the military upper eschelon know how you voted? I thought all you WA lefty “progressives” say people vote their conscience? Now you try to say otherwise. I understand why you said “Puddybutt – you don’t have to reply either;”. You know I can easily dissect it being a minority. You have no idea what makes us tick, but since you are “progressive” you know what’s good for us. Isn’t that what you all want us to do anyway? Come on over to leftist thought, “We know what’s good for you?” Minorities enter the military because they:
1.) Didn’t receive the life skills from “progressive” donkocratic city schools
2.) Were led there by “progressive” donkocratic city school guidance counselors to the military
3.) See the military as a upward mobility path
4.) No jobs in the “progressive”ly controlled donkocratic cities
I was hoping the tooth pulling would remove the BULLSHIT spewing forth from your fingers. I sadly see this is not the case. Keep trying Rupert, you have no clue.
Rupert, I have an answer to #102 once Goldy clears it.
Goldy: I remember you ASSes gloating over Arnold and his initiative defeats.
“The bad news for California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is that his approval rating now stands at only 38 percent.
The good news: None of his would-be rivals in next year’s election has a higher rating.
A new statewide Field Poll found that 54 percent of respondents hold a negative view of the Republican governor, compared to the 38 percent favorable. But the likely Democratic nominee, state treasurer Phil Angelides, fared even worse: Only 23 percent hold a positive view of him.
And only 18 percent have a favorable view of the other Democrat who has publicly announced his candidacy, Controller Steve Westly.
Two politically active actor-directors, Rob Reiner and Warren Beatty, have been mentioned as potential Democratic challengers to Schwarzenegger. But they can’t match Arnold’s figure – 25 percent of respondents said they have a positive view of Reiner, and just 16 percent feel that way toward Beatty, according to the poll reported by the Sacramento Bee.
The only incumbent or potential candidate listed by the pollsters who scored higher than Schwarzenegger was former Gov. Jerry Brown, at 39 percent.
Fortunately for Arnold, Brown – who’s now the mayor of Oakland – is running for attorney general next year.
“What these numbers suggest is that while Schwarzenegger’s popularity has dropped by 30 percentage points in the past year, that doesn’t necessarily mean that his bid for a second term in 2006 is doomed,” the Bee reports.
“While Schwarzenegger may be damaged, none of his announced or potential challengers is, at this point, more than a political blank slate, waiting to be defined.” “
Since Goldy refuses to educate you moonbats, I guess I will have to take on the responsibility.
Just a couple of links to prove how successful you have been in your war against the military.
“Seventy percent of people surveyed said that criticism of the war by Democratic senators hurts troop morale — with 44 percent saying morale is hurt “a lot,” according to a poll taken by RT Strategies. Even self-identified Democrats agree: 55 percent believe criticism hurts morale, while 21 percent say it helps morale.”
A few photos of the moonbat’s hero.
Those pictures of this mentally ailing CLOWN are worth a thousand words!!!!
However, when she comes to Seattle, it will be a different story….especially in the FREEMOUNT District where it is vogue to CLOWNworship!
I think it’s important for the moonbats to get an “unsanitized” perspective of american public opinion.
In other words, the left coast perception of “normal” is really outside of american mainstream public opinion.
This is why it is important for those conservatives that live here to expose them to the truth.
You can’t influence the “Koolaid Drinkers”, but there are many mainstream democrats that need to see and read the truth.
Should Cindy Sheehan apologize to environmental groups for the following?
“Sheehan’s group still planned to release nearly 300 blue and white balloons with anti-war messages and pictures and names of fallen soldiers.”
Isn’t this considered possibly littering a natural environment (depending on where they end up landing?) with these balloons?
jaybo the idiot and fool:
Nobody cares what you think. Bush’s approval is in the tank. WA state has rejected the wingnut agenda.
Most people think Iraq was no threat and wasn’t worth the blood, body parts and treasure (over 200 billion and climbing).
Wingnuts are losing all over this country and it’s long overdue.
Cynical Irrelevant Bozo @ 105
The R’s have a plan – use the Rove playbook.
Run reactionary candidates in stealth mode – play them up with warm fuzzies on TV and elsewhere, do anything to hide their true nature. Cases in point: the BIAW creature Rossi and the violent, lying sycophant to out of control developers David Irons.
Use voting suppression tactics to squeeze out close wins, i.e. cheat.
This is the nature of the party closest to your heart Bozo.
He is Clueless: Here is one of your playbooks. – Yeah this really worked in 2004!
Here is another: – More Kool-Aid!
Here is another: – Da Truth!
Here is another:
“Wrong. This year Kerry would be better advised to throw the post-Vietnam Democratic playbook out the window and reconnect with a different Democratic strategy, one whose time, after 44 years, has come again.” – Shit lefties, you are still using this.
Clueless, another jackASS of the ASSes! Did you put some brown sugar in that kool-aid?
As I said in my previous post, I was not posting it for the “koolaid drinkers” like you.
It looks like Goldy is SLOOOOOOOOW on the filter releases or maybe he went to the football game. So Clueless you are talking about the playbooks that work vs. dem that don’t? Anyway here is the links modified.
www. redefeatbush. com / modules.php? name = Forums & file = viewtopic & t = 22 – HEre’s one that failed MISERABLY against the Rove Playbook.
www . mrc . org / cyberalerts / 2004 / cyb20040415 . asp – Even the MSM gets their playbook from the Donkocrats
www . dlc . org / ndol_ka .cfm ? kaid = 139 Notice the kaid at the end! The Donkocratic Party even knows this is Kool-AID! _ Clueless this may work? NOT!
So Clueless if your party calls them kaid, what should we call it?
Another huge Democrat victory!!! Who would have thought??? [hehe] HARARE, Zimbabwe — Zimbabwe’s ruling party cemented its grip on power Sunday, sweeping an overwhelming majority of seats in a new Senate amid bitter and potentially irreconcilable divisions in the main opposition group. Partial results from Saturday’s vote gave President Robert Mugabe’s ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front at least 49 of 66 seats in the Senate.
Is this insanity what you liberal proborts aspire to?
Is this your beloved choice?
Paragraph 4 and 5 are particularly telling about how much you value life.
Shame on each and every one of you who stand for or are silent against this atrocity.
Goldy: I suggest Clueless, JustDumbBozo, StuckonStupiddon, Windbag, Rugrat602, Roger Wabbet, Belltowner, Mount Olympus Hiker, Proud to be da ASS, JDB, DJ, K, etc. visit Cindy Sheehan. Get a bus and get down there stat!!! Looks like not too many people showed up for the book signing:
TripleP – who cares what you think? Go drown your sorrows in the Kool-Aid of your Regnery and Murdoch publication library and take your buddy jaybo with you.
You have lost and will keep on losing, but have no fear. Dr. Michael Aquino will never leave your side.
Clueless, do you have anything new to bring to the table? Same tired retreaded daily kurse crap. Blah, blah, blah, bullshit, blah, blah, blah, garbage!
I don’t know jaybo, but if he gets under the clueless’ skin, he is DA MAN! kaid – on the donkocratic web site clueless. Read and weep, it’s all Kool-AID! Glug glug glug clueless. Be sure to add sugar and needed.
TripleP – Same old tired crap from Lt. Col. Aquino, Murdoch, Regnery, InstaHack, Captain Ed and that cut taxes to zero, subsidize my business and bomb ’em if they look at us cross-eyed crowd…
Wife distracted me. Damn hit the key too fast. Should read add sugar and needed straw to suck! I know you can suck clueless. Your commentary proves it everyday!
Puddybud – Day 62 of no Free Republic. Clueless – Day 0 of continuous Daily Kos. The “0” is recycled daily. Good night clueless. My wife is calling me. Why isn’t your wife calling you? Oh, yes, it’s Longs Drugs hand lotion and Rosy Palm!
ProudASS: Remember the words of PacMan that make sense. We whom always think right are against infantocide in general, but if the “progressive” donkocrats want to cull/thin their herd or not replace their species, then by all means we’ll support your attempts at donkoinfantocide! Who are we to stop your insanity?
Clueless, be glad your parents didn’t cull your sorry ass from the herd! We whom always think right wouldn’t have you to kick around here! Have a great Monday DKC (Daily Kos Clueless). Puddybud – Day 63 of no Free Republic. Clueless – Day 0 of continuous Daily Kos. The “0” is recycled daily.
TripleP – you’re still the same worthless wingnut blowhard know-it-all who showed up here before the election contest. You were wrong then, you’re wrong now, you’ll always be wrong. You had your had your day in the sun. It’s over for you. However, Lt. Col. Aquino will always be your comrade till the last embers of the burning building are extinquished.
I don’t know what kind of nutty tangent you’re on with Free Republic and Kos – maybe it goes to show who’s the real enthusiast with lotion and the rosy palm.
DKClueless: You must know Lt. Col. Aquino personally. Since you claim know me and you say he’s my comrade (commie speak right?).
Clueless. Do those large words in Daily Kos (< seven letters) confuse you? Still reading and partially comprehending Daily Kos (four letter words and below) every day.
Damn I forgot the less than sign.
Clueless. Do those large words in Daily Kos (less than five letters) stump you?
Don’t any of your ASSes have pity on Mrs. Cindy Sheehan? She needs to get her book on the NY Times Best Seller list!
GBS, did you buy her book? If so can I borrow it?
I only know OF Lt. Col. Michael Aquino Phd. Higher ranked than you TripleP both militarily and academically.
I know who he worships through his religious practices.
I know he’s a staunch Republican – and I know why he’s a staunch Republican. You should know why as well by now.
He’s a natural leader for you TripleP.
Sorry DKClueless: I don’t listen or act upon YOUR words. I don’t know Dr Aquino or care what he thinks. You said he is a satanist. You should send him to stuckonstupiddon. Since you know of Dr. Aquino, are you a satanist also. Did you actively search him out or was it from the Kurse or Matters web site?
Your words are ridiculed by us whom think right all the time. You try to define us through standard moonbat liberal labels. Didn’t work then and doesn’t work now. So find rugrat and play in his sandbox!
You know clueless has nothing left in the tank except bong vapors when he continues to use Dr Aquino as his argument base. Have you been visiting the perfessor? Did you steal his bulbous cigar bong? Are you smoking that Vancouver bud or the special Thai asian blend? Your arguments are losing their sting clueless!
Here you go clueless. Here is a new topic for you to chew on!
Where is the ASSes outrage?
TripleP: I’m not letting go of Aquino TripleP – he goes to the heart of your hypocrisy and your holier than thou attitude. You’re in complete denial if not active collaboration with the man downstairs. Aquino, a dirty tricks man, who labored for your favored presidents Reagan and Bush I, is your guide to your delusional worldview.
Your latest links are pretty lame TripleP and point to your desperation. Cyndy’s friends are free to do whatever they can do to put an end to this senseless meatgrinder in Iraq. They don’t have millions to their name unlike the rich bozos you suck up to. Homelessness is a problem in France? Sure why not? There’s a guy running for Congress who just spent 100 hours as a homeless person. Nearly freaking died. What does TripleP do? He goes to France. Some patriot you are, TripleP.
TripleP – I learned of Aquino through Brad Hicks.
Rebut Hicks’ thesis – if you’ve got the guts TripleP
What? Huh? Did someone yank DKCluelessASS’ chain and he shitted out a blog entry? I don’t listen to Kool-Aid drinkers like you. Keep your mentor of hate Dr. Aquino. You need a hero. Worship him if you must. I don’t visit web sites you present because I ignore most of the clueless shit like others here who think right. Have you stopped visiting daily kos yet? If so are you having withdrawal symptoms? Is the “0” being recycled each day?
My links are lame? Wrongoh stupid one. All I do if identify your heroes and show how dumb your heroes are. Keep on absorbing that karma cluelessASS.
Speaking of meat grinders, I remember Vietnam. 60-100 men died a week there. That was a meat grinder. Every Friday each of the major news networks displayed the weekly death toll. So if I am to believe your attitude, you want the US to surrender in Iraq right? Did I hear that correctly clueless? SURRENDER. Do you understand how Arabs think? Do you understand how jihadists think? So I ask cluelessASS; did we create terrorism by invading Iraq? Careful now, think it through!
Clueless: Here’s one for ya.
50 Cent likes George W. Bush, for one. 50 thinks the president is “incredible … a gangsta.” “I wanna meet George Bush, just shake his hand and tell him how much of me I see in him,” 50 told GQ. If the rapper’s felony conviction didn’t prevent him from voting, 50 said he would have voted for Bush.
Hmmm…? I guess 50 Cent left da reservation also. I dislike his music and how he denigrates the sistas. But he thinks for himself.
Clueless, since windbag would not answer christmasghost, maybe you can. Do you think stanley “tookie” williams, crips founder, should be given life in prison after the SCOTUS said he should die for his crimes against humanity?
Sigh. So much of TripleP’s poop to scoop, so little time…
I don’t listen to Kool-Aid drinkers like you.
Well whadayaknow? We have something in common Puddy Koresh. Never cared much for that Murdoch-Regnery-MoonieTimes Kool-Aid. That shit’ll poison ya!
Keep your mentor of hate Dr. Aquino.
Sorry TripleP. Unlike you, I haven’t found a reason to support Republicans yet.
You need a hero. Worship him if you must. I don’t visit web sites you present because I ignore most of the clueless shit like others here who think right.
Bawwwk. Bawwwk. BAwwwwwkk.. Chickenhawwwk! You already have Puddy. Don’t you remember? I do. Calm down. It’s livejournal. Not a private website where someone can trace your ip. Relax.. Try it. Unless you’re an effin’ coward. What are you, tripleP?
Have you stopped visiting daily kos yet? If so are you having withdrawal symptoms? Is the “0″ being recycled each day?
Thanks for you concern for my well-being TripleP…
My links are lame? Wrongoh stupid one. All I do if identify your heroes and show how dumb your heroes are. Keep on absorbing that karma cluelessASS.
Then I guess you wouldn’t have a problem with rebutting Brad Hicks would you now? Contradiction, freepy one.
Speaking of meat grinders, I remember Vietnam. 60-100 men died a week there. That was a meat grinder. Every Friday each of the major news networks displayed the weekly death toll.
Fast forward to today. Medical tech allows more people to survive only without body parts and with messed up heads not to mention maladies like Gulf War Syndrome. Vietnam today wouldn’t be as much of a meat grinder (for American soldiers that is, sol for the native) but would be an utter catastrophe for this country.
So if I am to believe your attitude, you want the US to surrender in Iraq right?
Congressman Murtha supports a pull back to Kuwait or Qatar and a rapid deployment force. That hardly sounds like abandoning our interests in the region. Sounds preferable to a meat grinder to me. Sounds preferable to dead kids, missing body parts, messed up minds and billions of treasure down the toilet and funneled to those you suck up to. Let the Iraqis sort out their own affairs.
Did I hear that correctly clueless? SURRENDER.
Hello? TripleP? Can you hear me over the voices in your head?
Do you understand how Arabs think? Do you understand how jihadists think?
Do you? Of course you do – you’re a freakin’ know-it-all blowhard!
So I ask cluelessASS; did we create terrorism by invading Iraq? Careful now, think it through!
We sure didn’t do much to discourage it. Phony war on terror just like the phony war on drugs. Bin Laden still loose. Al-Zawahiri still loose. Maybe we got Zarqawi, maybe not. Taliban still around. However, lots of people makin’ money like Cunningham. Any trickle down to you TripleP?
Hmmm…? I guess 50 Cent left da reservation also. I dislike his music and how he denigrates the sistas. But he thinks for himself.
I don’t know the guy. I don’t know his music and I despise gratuitous mysogyny. I certainly don’t care for his judgement of character.
Do you think stanley “tookie” williams, crips founder, should be given life in prison after the SCOTUS said he should die for his crimes against humanity?
TripleP – don’t know the guy, not familiar with his case. If he broke the law, hurt someone, he should pay the price. I don’t support the death penalty – if he took a person’s life – he should be removed from society.