The hilarious posts from lib the racist schmuck and Roger senile in the Friday Night Comix are so funny. They scream about how Trump and Carson attract the gun and Bible clutching types which doesn’t represent America.
So Puddy asks these “erudite” libtard HA DUMMOCRETIN progressive types…? Why is Heilary still getting her ASS kicked in the head to head polls through a cross section of America? The only one who is tied with Heilary is Carly! The top ones kick her ASS by 5 or more points!
Question for HA DUMMOCRETINS: If your family members have been kidnapped, tortured, crucified, gunned down, beheaded, sold into sexual slavery, or taken as wives, ISIS has proven to be monumentally important to everyone except Obummer! ISIS has not only stolen the lives of innocent Christians from Lebanon through Syria, destroying all evidence of ancient civilizations as they sweep across regions with a ruthless lust for death and destruction of all things infidel, and changed the course of history by committing genocide against them. No problem for HA DUMMOCRETINS. That’s A-OK because they’re Christians!
Not to mention everyone should immediately dismiss the FBI fact that there are now 1,000 active ISIS investigations in all 5750 states.
Remember: ISIS is just “a bunch of killers with good social media”!
Most recently, on August 28 near Aleppo, the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) tortured, mutilated, publicly raped, beheaded and crucified 12 Christians for saying they “would never renounce Christ” for Muhammad.
The jihadis took one group in front of a large crowd. They cut off the fingertips of a 12-year-old boy, who steadfastly refused to submit to Islam. They “severely beat him, telling his father they would stop the torture only if he, the father, returned to Islam.” He refused, so they “also tortured and beat him and the two other ministry workers. The three men and the boy then met their deaths in crucifixion.”
No problem for HA DUMMOCRETINS. They are just Christians!
The “corrected” link for #3 as Roger senile wrote multiple times yesterday!
“The Islamic extremists then publicly raped the women, who continued to pray during the ordeal, leading the ISIS militants to beat them all the more furiously.”
It’s A-OK to any HA DUMMOCRETIN, because they were Christian wimens!
Mark Adamsspews:
Well the they and we will always have Fibonacci Day, something we can share. It’s so mathematically beautiful. Thank you Leonardo.
Ahhh getting Americans to recognize all that stuff Puddy. Everyone thought Jefferson was kidding about all the Barbary Pirate stuff and all the above was said about them, and the news cycle was longer in those days.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
I wish some of the more sane Pastors would speak up more. One from Louisiana – Gawdy?? Sounds like a smart guy and he’s had enough of these right wing clowns.
Unfortunate that we don’t have enough sane conservative in this world that will stand up to their people.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
Hitler could have learned a lot form Trump. The fool Carson is confused, doesn’t know what to do.
While you, Trump, Carson, and other Republicans run off at the mouth, Obama is meeting with other world leaders to put together a united military response against ISIS. Yeah, blow the shit out of them, I’m all for that! You want American boots on the ground in Syria and northern Iraq? I’ll support that if they’re given competent leadership, which means no Republicans and none of Shrub’s discredited generals.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Carson is bailing out of Trump’s lying racist demagoguery about cheering New Jersey Muslims. After toying with it over the weekend, Talented Hands has decided he doesn’t want a piece of that action. Even he recognizes a turkey when he hears gobbling.
More than 99% of the people the Daesh have murdered, have been other Moslems.
Odd thing. One of the primary excuses the Cheney administration used to generate public support for the invasion of Iraq, was the apparent fact that Saddam Hussein had murdered 50-80,000 Iraqis in the aftermath of the First Gulf War. With gas, with massacres, with artillery etc.
This was well-publicized, and on the news for months.
So I guess the best thing the Cheney adminstration could think of to solve the problem, was to go in with the full might of our military and kill a million more Iraqis.
If course, I come in here once in a while and somehow, I have some vestigial hope that one day you will stop lying your ass off.
Truth be told, I don’t think you’re ever capable of ever telling the truth about anything. You’re a schitzotardical nutcase.
Good thinking, Roger Rodent, every time there is another ISIS attack “Obama is meeting with other world leaders to put together a united military response against ISIS.” Another meeting will work for sure, what ISIS fears most is a bunch of libtards meeting and jerking each other off.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Are you 8 years old? Grow up.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Obama is meeting with other world leaders to put together a united military response against ISIS.
– Wow only 1.5 years late Roger senile…. blah blah blahfor 1.5 years!
Yeah, blow the shit out of them, I’m all for that!
– You know Roger senile, lib the racist unscientist will be pizzed on that stance. All that collateral damage. All those little 3 year old Syrian girls being killed.
Tsk tsk!!!!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
@8 Carson is bailing out of Trump’s lying racist demagoguery about cheering New Jersey Muslims.
Since it was in the Wa Po Roger senile, it seems you still have comprehension issues even when the article is provided for your reading pleasure!
Distant Replayspews:
The pile of soiled undies in the corner of his mom’s basement tells him there’s a question in there?
Fuckwad says what?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 “You know Roger senile, lib the racist unscientist will be pizzed on that stance.”
I realize that, and I carefully weighed that in formulating my position on the issue.
“All that collateral damage. All those little 3 year old Syrian girls being killed.”
Some people believe the Allies should have bombed Auschwitz, which would have killed all the prisoners in the camp, to save the millions that followed.
No doubt there will be innocent civilian casualties. There always is in wars. The question is, how many more innocent people will die if ISIS isn’t stopped? These are tough decisions to make, but keeping in mind that ISIS holds sway over a population of 8 to 10 million people, I’d rather lose a few thousand now of them than lose tens or hundreds of thousands or millions later; and frankly, I think they would too.
See, Puddy, there are intelligent and knowledgeable people thinking about these issues, and you can find well-written and informative articles explaining the problem and possible solutions with a little bit of looking — if you can tear yourself away from your bleating rightwing sheep blogs long enough to do even a slight amount of serious reading.
Some of us have figured out that the rise of ISIS is a “Nazi moment” for the world. I prefer to avoid the mistakes of the 1930s and meet them head on, to minimize the casualties on all sides. They won’t have a prayer against the weight of U.S., NATO, and Russian military power.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Hey a vomit man sighting @11. Too bad nothing of any significance was written again.
The vomit man can’t differentiate between Iraqis and Daesh! Why is that? Reading that worthless left wrong puke material! Al Qaeda in Iraq under Zarqawi wasn’t killing Christians at the same level or frequency as Daesh is today. Butt that moral equivalence is needed for that argument! Zarqawi was a scumbag like you! Butt he wasn’t kidnapping, torturing, crucifying, gunning down, beheading, selling into sexual slavery, or taking as wives, Christians vomit man!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “Not to mention everyone should immediately dismiss the FBI fact that there are now 1,000 active ISIS investigations in all 50 states.”
Which, to feeble-minded people like you, means there’s 1,000 ISIS terrorist cells in the U.S. waiting to strike.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 Al Qaeda wasn’t in Iraq at all until your chimp upset the applecart there $3 trillion* and 4,736** American lives ago. Just sayin’.
(* I’m using Stiglitz’s cost estimate)
(** Includes 4,491 military deaths and 245 private contractors)
LOL, 8 years old, that’s a little harsh, Rodent, try to calm down, I’m starting to wonder if you really have as much confidence in Obama as you claim. Just look on the bright side, even if Obama’s meeting doesn’t stop ISIS things aren’t really so bad; as VomitRodent @11 insightfully points out, “ More than 99% of the people the Daesh have murdered have been other Moslems.”
At that rate some of us will still be alive after they have killed each other off. I’m certainly encouraged after reading that, and you should be also.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Isn’t it great that someone in the Obummer sadministration cooked the intelligence books on ISIS in 2014 and Al Qaeda during the 2012 presidential campaign!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 I’ll consider raising that to 10 years old when you acknowledge that fighting is what privates and sergeants do, and meeting to discuss strategy and make decisions is what presidents and generals do. Until then, you stay in the “idiot” bin.
Would you like me to explain my reasoning? No? I will anyway. You spat out “meeting” as if it was some kind of pejorative. What do you think heads of state, military commanders, corporate CEOs, and other decision makers do all day long? They meet, they discuss, they decide, then issue orders. That’s what makes things happen. It’s an essential process.
I’m curious how much history you’ve read, particularly military history. I’m almost afraid to ask. Wars aren’t linear. They lurch along in fits and starts. It’s the rare leader in a conflict who isn’t behind the eight ball at some point. What matters is getting the big picture and big decisions right.
You wonder if I have confidence in Obama. I’ll answer this way: I trust his judgment more than yours, and I would rather have him in charge of our foreign policy than you. Got any questions about that?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 They couldn’t possibly fuck up as badly as your boy did because that isn’t humanly possible. Chimp’s record will stand for all time as the bar no one can crawl under.
“I’ll consider raising that to 10 years old when you acknowledge that fighting is what privates and sergeants do, and meeting to discuss strategy and make decisions is what presidents and generals do. Until then, you stay in the “idiot” bin.”
I concede your point, I feel older already, and it is very kind of you to ask so little of me, Rodent, since even most of the libtards here probably understand “that fighting is what privates and sergeants do, and meeting to discuss strategy and make decisions is what presidents and generals do.” Of course you know more about the libtards here than I do, maybe some of them think that presidents and generals do the fighting, and privates and sergeants discuss strategy and make decisions, thus your request may not be so idiotic as it seems at first blush. But to be blunt about it, I don’t think you put very much thought into your request for acknowledgment, and I think you are a little more concerned about Obama than you let on and are rushing your posts because you are upset. I hope this doesn’t put me back in the idiot bin, but I don’t think you really want any false praise from me.
Cheer up. ISIS is on the ropes, just like Obama said before the Paris and Mali attacks. He didn’t realize that another meeting was needed to finish them off for good, but as you point out, “Obama is meeting with other world leaders to put together a united military response against ISIS,” so he recognized the problem and is fixing it. Anybody can make a mistake, even Obama, and the fix might be easier than you think. For example, maybe Obama forgot to take off those funny mouse ears he wears sometimes, and those other world leaders he met with before didn’t take him seriously. Obama is unlikely to make that mistake again. Or maybe it was something even easier to fix, maybe he just farted or something. If he meets the other world leaders outside it won’t even be a problem at all. This meeting will work, just remember to look on the bright side and you will be fine.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
Wow so puffy doesn’t care about the 4 year old Syrians. Wow! Unbelievable, the guy is the murderous devil that we all knew he was.
War is war but have some compassion, even a little. Everything isn’t always black and white you dope.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
A1 must thinks he’s the right sauce, but nothing more than just another fuckwad. Cowardly playing the fear mongerer.
Like it was said before, congress can put a bill forward to the president on declaring war against ISIS. They could anytime now, or two years ago, just like passing s bill barring Syrian refugees. Even if it would only be symbolic. But we remember they were two busy with fighting the fags and trying to take healthcare away and talking about taping frat boys (I mean illegal immigrants), and telling everyone how too early it is and not a good time to talk about gun control, and yes don’t forget about BENGHAZI.
Blame Obama and pretend that we don’t have any other responsible adults in the government.
You know how Repukes always like to use “well Hillary voted for the Iraq war too” as their defense to the chimps failed policy and creation of all the Middle East strife that is going on today. Let’s just say the chimp inpregnated the region and didn’t know well enough to get an abortion.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
And I’m sure A1 fuckwad sauce will try to claim that I’m against any action because I accuse him of fear mongering.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
A1 what do you think of the radical religious American Taliban “Pastors” in this country? Should we be a little worried about them?
How about any connection of the future of Global Warming and strides like Syria and the further rise of ISIS because of it? Nahh.
Or do you only worry about the present and you care
Less about the future. Oh, only when it comes to Democrat deficits and the debt because of you kiddies?
Teabagged to Deathspews:
Morons like A1 and Puffy and Boob are the reason why this country is fucked. We don’t have to let ISIS help us with that.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
Even Republicans don’t want to remind everyone how Sadam Hussein is dead.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
See, Puddy, there are intelligent and knowledgeable people thinking about these issues, and you can find well-written and informative articles explaining the problem and possible solutions with a little bit of looking
Yes there are one or two level headed DUMMOCRETINS around America. Sadly you never see those types interviewed on the standard Heilary Clinton super pac channels! You only see them on moderate libtard e-rags!
So why is that Roger senile?
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Some libtard please decode @16.
That just doesn’t even make sense!
The loon doesn’t care. Not as long as it’s blacks being shot and white supremacists doing the shooting.
“White supremacists shoot 5 Black Lives Matter activists protesting Jamar Clark’s killing in Minneapolis”
Projecting again? When has Puddy suggested your friends should kill my people?
Distant Replayspews:
Read Charlie Pierce’s thing in Esquire for more on this. I agree with most of what he is saying. I disagree with his characterization of the attacks being “brilliantly coordinated”. It isn’t so. Middle schoolers have the basic intelligence and technical means to plan and coordinate on this level. Google flash mob.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Seems there is more evidence that the whitey house was upset the Defense Intelligence Agency was telling Obummer’s sadministration that Daesh and Al-Qaeda were on the upswing during the presidential erections!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 Nah, you got it all wrong; you should leave psychoanalysis to trained professionals who know what they’re doing. But if you insist on taking a crack at it, why don’t you analyze Puddy for us? He’s a most interesting (not to mention loony) subject.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 (continued) It was going well until Turkey shot down a Russian jet. That’ll put a wrench in the coalition for sure. See, you can’t control what your allies do. Looks like it’s going to be a long war, and something of a free-for-all too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 et seq.: I’m sorta curious which one of our recycled previous trolls “A1” is. I get the feeling we know him by another name, but I can’t quite place him yet. Or maybe they just all sound the same.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 Because I’m not famous enough yet, but I’m getting there, and they’ll call me any day now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 Far more decipherable than what you left in those undies.
The hilarious posts from lib the racist schmuck and Roger senile in the Friday Night Comix are so funny. They scream about how Trump and Carson attract the gun and Bible clutching types which doesn’t represent America.
So Puddy asks these “erudite” libtard HA DUMMOCRETIN progressive types…? Why is Heilary still getting her ASS kicked in the head to head polls through a cross section of America? The only one who is tied with Heilary is Carly! The top ones kick her ASS by 5 or more points!
Meanwhile Dianne Feinstein has had enough… http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....cient.html
It was never sufficient even back in 2011 when Obummer cut and ran!
Meanwhile there isn’t a problem…
Question for HA DUMMOCRETINS: If your family members have been kidnapped, tortured, crucified, gunned down, beheaded, sold into sexual slavery, or taken as wives, ISIS has proven to be monumentally important to everyone except Obummer! ISIS has not only stolen the lives of innocent Christians from Lebanon through Syria, destroying all evidence of ancient civilizations as they sweep across regions with a ruthless lust for death and destruction of all things infidel, and changed the course of history by committing genocide against them. No problem for HA DUMMOCRETINS. That’s A-OK because they’re Christians!
Not to mention everyone should immediately dismiss the FBI fact that there are now 1,000 active ISIS investigations in all
5750 states.Remember: ISIS is just “a bunch of killers with good social media”!
No problem for HA DUMMOCRETINS. They are just Christians!
The “corrected” link for #3 as Roger senile wrote multiple times yesterday!
“The Islamic extremists then publicly raped the women, who continued to pray during the ordeal, leading the ISIS militants to beat them all the more furiously.”
It’s A-OK to any HA DUMMOCRETIN, because they were Christian wimens!
Well the they and we will always have Fibonacci Day, something we can share. It’s so mathematically beautiful. Thank you Leonardo.
Ahhh getting Americans to recognize all that stuff Puddy. Everyone thought Jefferson was kidding about all the Barbary Pirate stuff and all the above was said about them, and the news cycle was longer in those days.
I wish some of the more sane Pastors would speak up more. One from Louisiana – Gawdy?? Sounds like a smart guy and he’s had enough of these right wing clowns.
Unfortunate that we don’t have enough sane conservative in this world that will stand up to their people.
Hitler could have learned a lot form Trump. The fool Carson is confused, doesn’t know what to do.
@2,3,4,5 – Blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah …
While you, Trump, Carson, and other Republicans run off at the mouth, Obama is meeting with other world leaders to put together a united military response against ISIS. Yeah, blow the shit out of them, I’m all for that! You want American boots on the ground in Syria and northern Iraq? I’ll support that if they’re given competent leadership, which means no Republicans and none of Shrub’s discredited generals.
@8 Carson is bailing out of Trump’s lying racist demagoguery about cheering New Jersey Muslims. After toying with it over the weekend, Talented Hands has decided he doesn’t want a piece of that action. Even he recognizes a turkey when he hears gobbling.
@ The Schitzo @ 3
More than 99% of the people the Daesh have murdered, have been other Moslems.
Odd thing. One of the primary excuses the Cheney administration used to generate public support for the invasion of Iraq, was the apparent fact that Saddam Hussein had murdered 50-80,000 Iraqis in the aftermath of the First Gulf War. With gas, with massacres, with artillery etc.
This was well-publicized, and on the news for months.
So I guess the best thing the Cheney adminstration could think of to solve the problem, was to go in with the full might of our military and kill a million more Iraqis.
If course, I come in here once in a while and somehow, I have some vestigial hope that one day you will stop lying your ass off.
Truth be told, I don’t think you’re ever capable of ever telling the truth about anything. You’re a schitzotardical nutcase.
Good thinking, Roger Rodent, every time there is another ISIS attack “Obama is meeting with other world leaders to put together a united military response against ISIS.” Another meeting will work for sure, what ISIS fears most is a bunch of libtards meeting and jerking each other off.
@12 Are you 8 years old? Grow up.
Obama is meeting with other world leaders to put together a united military response against ISIS.
– Wow only 1.5 years late Roger senile…. blah blah blahfor 1.5 years!
Yeah, blow the shit out of them, I’m all for that!
– You know Roger senile, lib the racist unscientist will be pizzed on that stance. All that collateral damage. All those little 3 year old Syrian girls being killed.
Tsk tsk!!!!
@8 Carson is bailing out of Trump’s lying racist demagoguery about cheering New Jersey Muslims.
Since it was in the Wa Po Roger senile, it seems you still have comprehension issues even when the article is provided for your reading pleasure!
The pile of soiled undies in the corner of his mom’s basement tells him there’s a question in there?
Fuckwad says what?
@14 “You know Roger senile, lib the racist unscientist will be pizzed on that stance.”
I realize that, and I carefully weighed that in formulating my position on the issue.
“All that collateral damage. All those little 3 year old Syrian girls being killed.”
Some people believe the Allies should have bombed Auschwitz, which would have killed all the prisoners in the camp, to save the millions that followed.
No doubt there will be innocent civilian casualties. There always is in wars. The question is, how many more innocent people will die if ISIS isn’t stopped? These are tough decisions to make, but keeping in mind that ISIS holds sway over a population of 8 to 10 million people, I’d rather lose a few thousand now of them than lose tens or hundreds of thousands or millions later; and frankly, I think they would too.
See, Puddy, there are intelligent and knowledgeable people thinking about these issues, and you can find well-written and informative articles explaining the problem and possible solutions with a little bit of looking — if you can tear yourself away from your bleating rightwing sheep blogs long enough to do even a slight amount of serious reading.
Some of us have figured out that the rise of ISIS is a “Nazi moment” for the world. I prefer to avoid the mistakes of the 1930s and meet them head on, to minimize the casualties on all sides. They won’t have a prayer against the weight of U.S., NATO, and Russian military power.
Hey a vomit man sighting @11. Too bad nothing of any significance was written again.
The vomit man can’t differentiate between Iraqis and Daesh! Why is that? Reading that worthless left wrong puke material! Al Qaeda in Iraq under Zarqawi wasn’t killing Christians at the same level or frequency as Daesh is today. Butt that moral equivalence is needed for that argument! Zarqawi was a scumbag like you! Butt he wasn’t kidnapping, torturing, crucifying, gunning down, beheading, selling into sexual slavery, or taking as wives, Christians vomit man!;par=0
@3 “Not to mention everyone should immediately dismiss the FBI fact that there are now 1,000 active ISIS investigations in all 50 states.”
Which, to feeble-minded people like you, means there’s 1,000 ISIS terrorist cells in the U.S. waiting to strike.
@18 Al Qaeda wasn’t in Iraq at all until your chimp upset the applecart there $3 trillion* and 4,736** American lives ago. Just sayin’.
(* I’m using Stiglitz’s cost estimate)
(** Includes 4,491 military deaths and 245 private contractors)
LOL, 8 years old, that’s a little harsh, Rodent, try to calm down, I’m starting to wonder if you really have as much confidence in Obama as you claim. Just look on the bright side, even if Obama’s meeting doesn’t stop ISIS things aren’t really so bad; as VomitRodent @11 insightfully points out, “ More than 99% of the people the Daesh have murdered have been other Moslems.”
At that rate some of us will still be alive after they have killed each other off. I’m certainly encouraged after reading that, and you should be also.
Isn’t it great that someone in the Obummer sadministration cooked the intelligence books on ISIS in 2014 and Al Qaeda during the 2012 presidential campaign!
@21 I’ll consider raising that to 10 years old when you acknowledge that fighting is what privates and sergeants do, and meeting to discuss strategy and make decisions is what presidents and generals do. Until then, you stay in the “idiot” bin.
Would you like me to explain my reasoning? No? I will anyway. You spat out “meeting” as if it was some kind of pejorative. What do you think heads of state, military commanders, corporate CEOs, and other decision makers do all day long? They meet, they discuss, they decide, then issue orders. That’s what makes things happen. It’s an essential process.
I’m curious how much history you’ve read, particularly military history. I’m almost afraid to ask. Wars aren’t linear. They lurch along in fits and starts. It’s the rare leader in a conflict who isn’t behind the eight ball at some point. What matters is getting the big picture and big decisions right.
You wonder if I have confidence in Obama. I’ll answer this way: I trust his judgment more than yours, and I would rather have him in charge of our foreign policy than you. Got any questions about that?
@22 They couldn’t possibly fuck up as badly as your boy did because that isn’t humanly possible. Chimp’s record will stand for all time as the bar no one can crawl under.
“I’ll consider raising that to 10 years old when you acknowledge that fighting is what privates and sergeants do, and meeting to discuss strategy and make decisions is what presidents and generals do. Until then, you stay in the “idiot” bin.”
I concede your point, I feel older already, and it is very kind of you to ask so little of me, Rodent, since even most of the libtards here probably understand “that fighting is what privates and sergeants do, and meeting to discuss strategy and make decisions is what presidents and generals do.” Of course you know more about the libtards here than I do, maybe some of them think that presidents and generals do the fighting, and privates and sergeants discuss strategy and make decisions, thus your request may not be so idiotic as it seems at first blush. But to be blunt about it, I don’t think you put very much thought into your request for acknowledgment, and I think you are a little more concerned about Obama than you let on and are rushing your posts because you are upset. I hope this doesn’t put me back in the idiot bin, but I don’t think you really want any false praise from me.
Cheer up. ISIS is on the ropes, just like Obama said before the Paris and Mali attacks. He didn’t realize that another meeting was needed to finish them off for good, but as you point out, “Obama is meeting with other world leaders to put together a united military response against ISIS,” so he recognized the problem and is fixing it. Anybody can make a mistake, even Obama, and the fix might be easier than you think. For example, maybe Obama forgot to take off those funny mouse ears he wears sometimes, and those other world leaders he met with before didn’t take him seriously. Obama is unlikely to make that mistake again. Or maybe it was something even easier to fix, maybe he just farted or something. If he meets the other world leaders outside it won’t even be a problem at all. This meeting will work, just remember to look on the bright side and you will be fine.
Wow so puffy doesn’t care about the 4 year old Syrians. Wow! Unbelievable, the guy is the murderous devil that we all knew he was.
War is war but have some compassion, even a little. Everything isn’t always black and white you dope.
A1 must thinks he’s the right sauce, but nothing more than just another fuckwad. Cowardly playing the fear mongerer.
Like it was said before, congress can put a bill forward to the president on declaring war against ISIS. They could anytime now, or two years ago, just like passing s bill barring Syrian refugees. Even if it would only be symbolic. But we remember they were two busy with fighting the fags and trying to take healthcare away and talking about taping frat boys (I mean illegal immigrants), and telling everyone how too early it is and not a good time to talk about gun control, and yes don’t forget about BENGHAZI.
Blame Obama and pretend that we don’t have any other responsible adults in the government.
You know how Repukes always like to use “well Hillary voted for the Iraq war too” as their defense to the chimps failed policy and creation of all the Middle East strife that is going on today. Let’s just say the chimp inpregnated the region and didn’t know well enough to get an abortion.
And I’m sure A1 fuckwad sauce will try to claim that I’m against any action because I accuse him of fear mongering.
A1 what do you think of the radical religious American Taliban “Pastors” in this country? Should we be a little worried about them?
How about any connection of the future of Global Warming and strides like Syria and the further rise of ISIS because of it? Nahh.
Or do you only worry about the present and you care
Less about the future. Oh, only when it comes to Democrat deficits and the debt because of you kiddies?
Morons like A1 and Puffy and Boob are the reason why this country is fucked. We don’t have to let ISIS help us with that.
Even Republicans don’t want to remind everyone how Sadam Hussein is dead.
See, Puddy, there are intelligent and knowledgeable people thinking about these issues, and you can find well-written and informative articles explaining the problem and possible solutions with a little bit of looking
Yes there are one or two level headed DUMMOCRETINS around America. Sadly you never see those types interviewed on the standard Heilary Clinton super pac channels! You only see them on moderate libtard e-rags!
So why is that Roger senile?
Some libtard please decode @16.
That just doesn’t even make sense!
The loon doesn’t care. Not as long as it’s blacks being shot and white supremacists doing the shooting.
“White supremacists shoot 5 Black Lives Matter activists protesting Jamar Clark’s killing in Minneapolis”
The loon’s head will implode. Carson is sinking like a stone in Iowa.
This is Trump’s world. Carson just lives in it.
Projecting again? When has Puddy suggested your friends should kill my people?
Read Charlie Pierce’s thing in Esquire for more on this. I agree with most of what he is saying. I disagree with his characterization of the attacks being “brilliantly coordinated”. It isn’t so. Middle schoolers have the basic intelligence and technical means to plan and coordinate on this level. Google flash mob.
Seems there is more evidence that the whitey house was upset the Defense Intelligence Agency was telling Obummer’s sadministration that Daesh and Al-Qaeda were on the upswing during the presidential erections!
@25 Nah, you got it all wrong; you should leave psychoanalysis to trained professionals who know what they’re doing. But if you insist on taking a crack at it, why don’t you analyze Puddy for us? He’s a most interesting (not to mention loony) subject.
@25 (continued) It was going well until Turkey shot down a Russian jet. That’ll put a wrench in the coalition for sure. See, you can’t control what your allies do. Looks like it’s going to be a long war, and something of a free-for-all too.
@27 et seq.: I’m sorta curious which one of our recycled previous trolls “A1” is. I get the feeling we know him by another name, but I can’t quite place him yet. Or maybe they just all sound the same.
@32 Because I’m not famous enough yet, but I’m getting there, and they’ll call me any day now.
@33 Far more decipherable than what you left in those undies.
steak sauce!