– This will be the last open thread before you have to have your ballots postmarked or turned in to dropboxes. Here are the dropbox sites in King County.
– Uber and Lyft really need to get their shit together for insurance and driver safety and training.
– Love the picture of the first 4 women on the Supreme Court headed to the National Portrait Gallery
– Also, I think I’m feeling a bit burned out of blogging so I may participate in the election stuff and one more open thread, and after that I’ll probably just do open threads for a few weeks, and probably just short ones from my phone.
Good morning, Seattle! It’s Monday morning, and wage slaves are commuting to work, meanwhile the stock market is up, and Puddy is hoping and praying that some crazy black person is burning down black churches in St. Louis so he can hate on black people. I’m curious why he does that. Does it have to do with his mother?
Thought for the day:
Not me doing the shouting. Hillary sez it’s Bernie.
How can anybody buy into the claim that conservatives are the experts on lean efficiency and getting things done in government?
Not for the first time, we are witnessing this drawn out crowded clown car of a GOP nomination process. And were told that this is good for them because.. open competition, survival of the fittest, blah blah. And even though this process opens itself up to brazenly racist, homophobic, xenophobic, unqualified lunatics spouting lies and delusion, “serious” conservatives should not be concerned because “this is just the shopping phase”. And once we get closer to actual voting, the “real”, “electable” candidates will emerge from the pack.
But what then does that say about a process where the number 4 fund raiser, sitting at 1 or 2 in the polls is sincerely expected to just fade away in a couple of months? What happens to all that money? All that work? All those resources? Invested in a candidate that “the serious conservatives” fully expect to be eliminated in the next twelve weeks?
A system like this one can only arise and persist over many cycles if its objective has more to do with the interests of the professional political class than the outcome of general elections. It may indeed be efficient. But only insofar as it is efficient at redistributing money from large pools of donors into the accounts of professional political operatives.
Carly Fiorina is emerging as the GOP candidate who tells the biggest whoppers. http://handbill.us/?p=61811
@2 Yeah, why not? For a state that elected Rick Scott, the biggest Medicare fraudster of all time, twice to be its governor, Sen. Jeb Bush is a natural fit for Florida.
@3 Oh c’mon now, be patient. Let’s wait and see whether Republican voters are the big idiots as we think they are.
Rubio is winning, sort of.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He’s now Wall Street’s favorite Republican candidate, and he may also be many Democrats’ favorite Republican candidate, too — for whatever that’s worth among the GOP grassroots.
Spent some time with the Wing-Nuttiest of my relatives for Halloween. Well until he left and took his kids to the church harvest festival. Had to leave before my kids got into costume because false profits, sin, evil spirits. He’s one of those.
But he keyed me into something I hadn’t heard before. The Syrians pouring into Europe aren’t refugees from a civil war. They are being sent there by the Caliphate in significant numbers to overwhelm the Christians and conquer Europe for Islam. Did a little Googling and this is a real thing.
Or so say the more xenophobic, racist and paranoid fringe of the far right Christians.
Well, well, well. True or not, the GOP will be dealing with this for a while:
I have here in my hand a list of 205 that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department.
The names so far released:
Thom Tillis (R-N.C.)
John Cornyn (R-Tx.)
Dan Coats (R-In.)
Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.)
Robert Byrd is dead. What’s your excuse Senators?
@9 I don’t call them RepubliKKKlans for nothing.
When you don’t toe the line they tow you away!
Remember Heilary lied… http://www.aim.org/guest-colum.....-lets-try/
This will be the theme all during the DUMMOCRETIN Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP) until their convention!
Roger senile @1,
Where did Puddy infer your smelly pellets? It was your commentary that blew up in your senile face! You called him a crazy black guy! So now let’s turn the attack on Puddy because, well, Puddy caught “the old senile wabbit” again!
So why did you call him a crazy black guy? Such innate racist coming from your fingers! Black guy torches churches so yeah he must be crazy! Well maybe he’s a card carrying DUMMOCRETIN atheist?
Why are you inferring Puddy had anything to do with it? Standard Saul Alinsky ad hominem attack!
So why do you hate black people smelly senile wabbit? Why do you hate crazy black people? Is that what they taught you growing up in lily white Bloomfield Hills, Michigan? DUMMOCRETIN land?
BTW, you are pining for a white conservative perp by saying “which leaves five more unsolved at this time.” You are secretly hoping for that special media moment!
EPIC FAYLE senile one.
It’s the broken race Kryptonite again.
Crazy, ’cause, well, burning churches is crazy. Nuff said.
Black, ’cause, well, race quite obviously is in play here. These are mostly AA congregations. However integrated communities become, in many cases how people worship remains very segregated. And in America at least, one way that communities of color have been targeted for intimidation going back more than a century has been through church burning.
So you get crazy black guy v. crazy white guy. Not very complicated. It’s been part of the speculation from the start. You’d have to be supremely obtuse to have missed that.
Very interesting checkmate… got that from a now deleted post on Daily Kooks…
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Still drinking the warm man juice eh?
Here is the DUmmies thread checkmate, butt then again you knew this… http://www.democraticunderground.com/10141248869
You see checkmate Puddy reads these sites all the time for laughs and understanding the very sick, demented, moronic libtard left wrong mind!
Raping children is perfectly acceptable if one calls themselves a Christian.
Once again Puddy cracks up laughing when a white guy who never lived a day on Puddy’s side of the tracks explains black issues to HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Heilary Clinton’s favrit money giving restaurant Chipotle is having a food borne illness outbreak here in the northwest!
“So why did you call him a crazy black guy?”
The concept of a “crazy black guy” isn’t exactly foreign to anybody who reads HA comment threads.
The psycho-laugh. Not a good sign. It’s usually the precursor to a massive batshit crazy loon head explosion. My bet is that, when it comes, he’ll starts calling women who won’t subjugate themselves to his authority “bitches and hos” again like he did in last thread.
Wow… DUMMOCRETIN mayors are KKK members? http://www.rawstory.com/2015/1.....es-online/
Well that’s the second part of checkmate’s post it decided not to post! Guess checkmate only wanted to make an “conservative impression” on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
“Hillary lied”
Can conservatives really afford this?
While this may have limited short term success in motivating the base and defining their opponent, will lowering the bar on what polite society and responsible journalism is willing to call a “lie” be worth it to them? If conservatives are successful in convincing journalists and pundits to use the label in this way, what will that hold for them? The next time Fiorina claims seeing baby butchering video? The next time Carson denies taking money from criminals to help them cheat sick people? The next time Bush claims to have saved Florida’s economy with tax cuts? The next time Rubio claims to be an “outsider”? The next time Trump claims, well, just about anything he claims?
Of course partisans like me use the term to describe lying conservative grifters all the time. And anyone who sees it knows it for partisan rhetoric. But what happens when, by constantly repeating and expanding the label with respect to Benghazi, the media become more comfortable bandying it about, either directly or indirectly? Does that work out well for party of Yellow cake, Cambodia, Harken Energy, Watergate, Mobile Chemical Weapons Labs, Iran-Contra, Alberto Gonzales, October Surprise, El Mozote, Incubator Babies, Peace-With-Honor, Joe McCarthy, Bridge-Gate, Pinochet, Keating-Silverado, Hiking-the-Appalachian-Trail, Ensign-gate, Pentagon Papers, Monica Goodling, and WMDs
It’s not so much about score-keeping here. As no doubt The Fuckwad will follow up with some ranting account of similar liberal perfidy and deception. But more importantly how liberals and conservatives differ in how they cognitively process scandal. Conservatives like The Fuckwad and Boob process scandal in terms of mythos as opposed to liberal logos. The appearance of a scandal has greater impact than the actual facts and circumstances. If the language in common use to describe this sort of dispute becomes more florid or pejorative, conservative audiences will react differently to all such reporting. The knife cuts both ways. But it cuts more deeply at the conservative base.
My hero.
Apparently the USA Today (Gannett Publications) is Daily Kos.
@24 Apparently your decoder is working much better than mine.
Marco Rubio: the billionaire whisperer…
LMAO!!! No wonder Boob is in love with the tool.
Apparently the USA Today (Gannett Publications) is Daily Kos.
The names so far released:
Thom Tillis (R-N.C.)
John Cornyn (R-Tx.)
Dan Coats (R-In.)
Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.)
Where are these names in the USA Today article crackerjack box dr checkmate? Here is one of those whackjob libtard sites… No mention of USA today… https://lunaticoutpost.com/thread-596415.html
A lunatic site for lunatic DUMMOCRETINS!
Notice the “ASSociations” lib the racist unscientist makes here…
Carly Fiorina – Complaining about DUMMOCRETIN PPOA products of conception videos demonstrating the dissecting of live babies
Heilary Clinton complaining about a video causing the deaths of 4 Americans vs. her telling her daughter terrorists did it while shirking her responsibility for their safety under her watch.
Republicans will take that bet! Where was Heilary when the attack was still happening? She went home!
as expected, you post lies with your misuse of an ellipse. Anyone can see that your claims about the “associations” made in my comments are nowhere to be found, other than in your comment. But, as usual, you miss the point. Which is just as well. The point is not directed at you. Yearning for a public weighing of the “truthiness” of various candidate’s statements is entirely unimportant. It’s the rhetoric that counts, dummy.
If you lower that rhetorical bar among journalists and pundits, then things like Dark Alliance or “October Surprise” become much more difficult to dismiss. And you lose the complicity of the legacy corporate media in your efforts to dismiss them.
If legacy corporate media organs start reporting out stories like that in critical terms, it is likely to be ideological conservatives who change their views about Republican politicians and candidates. Perhaps this is already happening. Perhaps this explains the Teabagger uprising against Republican incumbents and the turn toward “outsiders” by the GOP base. Lose your base and you lose it all.
“Where was Heilary when the attack was still happening?”
Reading ‘My Pet Goat’? LMFAO!
The batshit crazy loon is obsessed with Benghazi! because he can’t deal with the fact that the last Republican administration lied the nation into a war where 4,000 American lives were needlessly lost, not to mention how those lies led to the rise of ISIS and which were preceded by his favorite president, who was on a month-long vacation after only working for six months, blowing off the Presidential Daily Briefing which warned of a coming Al Qaeda attack on American soil – possibly using hi-jacked aircraft.
That’s over 7,000 Americans dead because the previous Republican president was both lazy and a liar.
well said.
Don’t forget Beirut.
Bush 41. Etc.
Point is, conservatives enjoy rather favored media treatment couched in J-school terms of professionalism, courtesy, and respect. Not because conservative scandal or misbehavior is treated differently. But because the terms of media treatment, when applied equally to liberals and conservatives, can have a very different effect on conservative or liberal audiences. Simps like The Fuckwad analyze what they see as misbehavior through a moral lens. Because of that, the rhetoric matters a whole lot. It’s not so much whether someone tells a lie. It’s whether they are called a liar, and by whom. Notice how lately The Fuckwad has had to resort to labeling the entire media universe a racist liberal conspiracy. That’s his only defense against the cognitive dissonance inherent in his hero’s dishonesty. But you can be sure that plenty of other conservatives, less invested in Carson, are now shopping elsewhere.
Yeah… while you two idiots are high fiving each other don’t forget the USS Cole or the two 1998 United States embassy bombings either while you are at it you two morons!
17 American sailors were killed on the Cole.
12 Americans died then Wee Willy bombs a pharmaceutical plant in Somalia!
So let’s review http://www.aim.org/guest-colum.....-lets-try/
Heilary dithered… People died.
People died. Hillary lied.
Oh yeah that PDB… Go back and read the 9/11 report. Jamie Gorelick’s wall… front and center! CIA could not talk to the FBI… way to go libtards! No mention of anyone lying in the 9/11 report. Heilary’s own emails demonstrate continual duplicity to this day!
Marco is riding that horse!
Who lied about the Cole?
Or is this now simply about terrorist attacks? When the fuck did the cult of bloodlust start caring about terrorism? Certainly not when Junior was sleeping late and riding his ten-speed around Crawford all through August 2001.
Make up your mind, Fuckwad. Then let us know, so we can ignore you some more.
the rise of ISIS
Under Obummer’s watch! It was told to the US public they are the JV! http://www.factcheck.org/2014/.....-question/
“Marco is riding that horse!”
The goat must have died.
Who lied about 9/11. The PDB wasn’t specific as libtards claimed or the 9/11 report… https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/79/CIA_Memo.JPG
Still pissing in the wind huh? http://www.911myths.com/index.php/August_6_PDB
When FACTS appear lib the racist unscientist scrambles.
The goat must have died.
Yeah you killed it! Was it that goat hind leg kick that made you the dumb mofo you are now Triple S? He didn’t like your rear approach?
frankly I’m surprised the goat survived as long as it did.
Before this is over, they’re gonna miss good ‘ol Jeb.
In an effort to prod a Super PAC into action, while still tiptoeing along the legal boundary, a Cruz campaign operative is planting stories in Politico urging the PACs to move money off the sidelines and into the early state media:
“I assume they’re waiting so their media buyers make the highest commission”
All about the grift, baby.
Hey Fuckwad! Tithe harder!
What’s the number now? Fifteen cents on the dollar? Who wouldn’t invest in conservative politics? These assholes make U.S. healthcare look like a pillar of financial efficiency.
Looks like the Texas Rapture Homeschoolers are putting together a crowd sourcing campaign.
Hey Fuckwad! Get out that credit card, dummy!
Don’t believe in the rapture! It’s not biblical!
Meanwhile libtard media bias is real… http://www.aim.org/don-irvine-.....ias-video/
So true!
Eye opening video… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKosd0xJadE
This one too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiLB-hId3I0
Isn’t it great when the libtards are so biased in the questions people begin to see their real motives… Hmmm…? http://www.ibtimes.com/cnbc-de.....on-2164921
Brian Steel worked in Wee Willy Cigarman’s whitey house as a domestic policy adviser to AlGorbasm. It was just one of three jobs Steel held in the Clinton sadministration. He also worked in Clinton’s Department of Justice, where he served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Policy Development, and also worked as the associate director of the department’s Office of Public Affairs. Wow this DUMMOCRETIN was everywhere.
Oh BTW, this is now secret about Brian Steel… http://www.nbcumv.com/executiv....._read_more
Puddy wonders why?
Just when you think rightwing lunatics are as repulsive as they can get, they become even more vile and disgusting.
Her comment about those pricks was just tragic:
“Once you’ve had a child murdered, shot in the forehead, there’s not a lot that can ruffle your feathers”.
It demonstrates how Cronkite hated the military, and demonstrated it on his nightly newscasts; just like most national DUMMOCRETINS!
“Eye opening video…”
“This one too!”
Sorry, but nobody here is interested in viewing wingnut goat porn but you.
Cronkite. That filthy hippie.
goat porn?
Right up your alley!
Oh look… she’s white… http://dailycaller.com/2015/11.....ite-video/
Puddy admitted in the previous thread that he’s only harping on Benghazi! because of opposition politics, that it may bring down Hillary’s poll numbers, not for any “truth”.
Let me restate that, he’s not looking for the “truth” he’s just looking to drive down Hillary’s pol numbers any way he an.
Not every Republican trusts their own members….seems to me that some don’t trust Slam Hannity, Plush Limpdick, and Mark Fucklin.
Yet another domestic right-wing terrorist.
“Confederate flag lover throws bomb inside Walmart after online threat: ‘No messing around anymore’”
Wingnut pastor who hates Muslims can’t get terrorized by Muslims so he terrorizes himself, then blames Muslims.
“New Jersey pastor busted for faking ‘Muslim’ attack at his church”
“A borough pastor who was found bound and gagged by police on Friday in the church at which he serves has been accused of staging his assault, authorities said.”
Damn, he’s almost as batshit insane with hate as our own batshit crazy loon! Almost.
Some comments I found on the web
“Should there be some sort of Affirmative Action program to increase the number of Conservatives in media that isn’t fox news?”
“Joe’s another pu$$y that hates when Teabaggers/Repugs get called out for their failures. He’s bruised that no one has asked him to moderate. Trying to get attention.”
“He can’t hired at fox, so he wants to make all the other stations like fox?”
“What dies he want? some sort of Conservative Fairness Doctrine?”
I don’t know why conservatives are not hired as hosts. Maybe they don’t pencil as profitable. I do know that the hosts that do hire, don’t challenge the endless conservatives they get on the show to spread conservative ideas. If feels like hiring a conservative as a host is like hiring a climate denier as a weather forecaster.
Ouch! That’s gotta hurt.
“Current Hewlett-Packard CEO Meg Whitman doesn’t think former HP CEO Carly Fiorina is qualified to be president because the Republican contender has no political experience.”
To a DUMMOCRETIN, court decisions don’t matter… http://thehill.com/blogs/congr.....mvent-dapa
The moronic twit @53 can’t fathom Heilary lying. Heilary’s dropping poll numbers are her own downfall!
Sux being the HA moronic DUMMOCRETIN twit!
Seems checkmate disappeared after being busted for misrepresentation again. Nothing on USA Today has names or political affiliation for the KKK outage. Funny how DUMMOCRETIN mayors are KKK members butt checkmate didn’t want anyone to know that!
Well y’all know Puddy. I WILL CHECK ANYTHING OUT from checkmate! Too many stooooooooooooooopid rants over the years! Puddy was going to as was this another
AEICAP post.Still waiting for checkmate’s useless commentary.
@58 Not to mention she’s got a veracity problem, too.
Man up, ladies!
“My message to the ladies of The View is man up.”
Man up? Saying that to women? Very strange. Of course, Fiorina’s a Republican, and being very strange is expected of them these days.
Cops all over the country are boycotting a movie director for protesting police killings of innocent citizens.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maybe citizens should boycott the police until they stop murdering citizens. You know, not pull over … hmm, no, that’s not a good idea. Especially if you’re black.
@59 The notion that obeying court decisions is optional started with your side, and now you whine about us doing it too? Seems to me both sides can play this game, if it’s to be played at all.
Steve and RR, I’ve been away awhile, but is Puddy even more lights-out crazy than he was a couple years ago? I can’t even comprehend what he is saying now. Has he been committed to a proper institution capable of dealing with those who have rounded the bend?
actually, I find that whenever he is most wound up his use of quasi-schizophrenic word-salad, fake ebonics, and caps-lock obsession falls away. I presume this is because he believes he has created a “persona” characterized by these traits, and under duress his attention to it’s detail is diminished. The effort implied by this is rather astounding. And sad. Creepy too. But in the universe of trolldom, perhaps this is to be expected? Quite honestly I don’t want to know. I have absolute confidence that the core motivations of a troll are mostly prosaic and utterly predictable having to do with excessively strict toilet training and early betrayal by authority figures. Seen it before. Always ends the same. You’d have to pay me in advance.
Hey, proudleftist!
A couple years ago the loon was certainly lights-out crazy, but these days he’s a babbling, batshit fucking insane jackass. Big difference, and not a good one.
Wait ’til you get a load of Bob, our racist radiologist. Nothing makes his day quite like an unarmed black being shot dead by the cops. Black while Christmas shopping. Black while jaywalking. Black while selling cigarettes. It don’t matter. Just as long as they’re dead.
“fake ebonics”
Which is a total fail. One would think a black guy could do better than that. Not our loon.
The housing crisis continues. http://handbill.us/?p=61857
@66 “Steve and RR, I’ve been away awhile, but is Puddy even more lights-out crazy than he was a couple years ago?”
Unfortunately yes. Time and cortical degeneration have reduced him to a braying jackass.
@69 In Puddy’s case, “fake ebonics” is redundant, because everything about him is fake, including the whole Puddy persona. As Darryl has pointed out many times, the “person playing Puddy” is acting the role.
@8 Then why aren’t some of them or a lot of them heading to Russia or some of the stans?
@13 So your Elmer Fudd? Fortunately it’s not rabbit season. Nah what’s up Puddy?
Hey Puddy is agreeing with some Liberals that the rapture is made up non-sense.
@65 I’m blaming Andy Jackson and that whole Trail of Tears event.
It’s wabbit season every day!
@59 The notion that obeying court decisions is optional started with your side
Got proof?
@77 “Got proof?”
A half-awake Puddy is knee-jerking again. How sad, how pathetic. Most people don’t need to be reminded, so this is just for Puddyidiot:
Exhibit 1: Memories Pizza
Exhibit 2: Melissa’s Sweetcakes
Exhibit 3: Kim Davis
Exhibit 4: Mike Huckabee
Exhibit 5: Ben Carson
All of these entities/individuals contend that Supreme Court decisions are nonbinding, and citizens aren’t required to obey court orders they disagree with. If you go farther back in time, add a bunch of civil rights era southern governors to this list, too, at least one of whom had to be persuaded by the U.S. Army that Supreme Court orders indeed are binding, including on those who disagree with them.
Now wait for it: Puddyidiot is certain to retort that all those southern governors were DUMMOCRETINS, which begs the issue, because they were CONSERVATIVES whose views on race, states’ rights, “judicial tyranny,” etc., align closely with those of today’s Republicans.
Puddyidiot always elevates labels above substance when trying to defend the indefensible; and, after failing at that, he’ll squirt a cloud of squid ink and scuttle off into the gloom.
And, of course, not to mention all the Republicans trying to shut down LEGAL abortion services; sometimes with legislation, other times with bombs and bullets.
But, of course, if a group of liberals try to exercise their constitutional rights of assembly and free speech by protesting the latest Republican colonial war, rightwing cops beat them up and tear gas them, and Republicans call them “traitors” and “unpatriotic” and “unAmerican”* and want them executed.
*I’m not going to forget this. Ever. I despise these swine. May they burn in hell.
“But Puddyidiot will also elevate labels above substance when trying to defend the indefensible; “
See @29 and @31. As a conservative, his brain simply works differently. Because he invests all events and circumstances with moral impetus, he perceives relevance more in terms of labels than objective reality. These labels help him simplify and assert causation to events and circumstances, even if no such moral causation exists. And when, as in your example, moral causation shifts over time, it is very difficult for a conservative brain to adjust. The Fuckwad has perceived Carson in terms of labels freighted with morality. Now that it has been demonstrated that Carson’s motivations differ from these labels, he simply rejects that evidence. In much the same way, he rejects any label of the Republican Party as the party of racial oppression, even though this is clearly demonstrated to be the case. He desperately needs the labels and moral rhetoric to hang on to his understanding of the world, and by extension his identity within it.
Puddy asked ol Roger senile for proof. What Republican president is acting like Obummer ignoring court decisions?
Sheeeeeeeeeesh.. what a tard!
What a tard!
See @29 and @31
Referring someone to your own BULLSHITTIUM lib the racist unscientist.
rightwing cops beat them up and tear gas them
When most police killings of blacks happen in DUMMOCRETIN led inner cities Roger senile?
Fuckwad says what?