– I’m sold on Donna Edwards to head the DCCC
– Looks like Pronto is starting out pretty strong.
– Don’t deport parents of citizens. I know an executive order isn’t the perfect solution, but it’s the one that’s available. And yeah, let’s blame the right people.
– Go watch some of these bike movies.
– What a map of Africa might have looked like without European colonization
– I am 12 years old, but Mann’s Seed Store cracked me up. Also, the post itself is interesting. I haven’t lived in Olympia for a long time, but I feel like I should have been able to identify more buildings.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — As the Affordable Care Act’s second open enrollment period begins, 37% of Americans say they approve of the law, one percentage point below the previous low in January. Fifty-six percent disapprove, the high in disapproval by one point.
The Obama Mouthpiece must be a Republican Operative implanted to kill this Legislative monstrosity. Right Bozo’s?
@1 Shows you what slick propaganda can accomplish for a political party whose sole product is demagoguery. You know, like “keep the government’s hands off my Medicare!”
I’ll bet if you took a poll on how many people like (a) lifetime caps, (b) pre-existing condition exclusions, and (c) medical bankruptcy, and then asked for a show of hands on who’s willing to trade Obamacare for the previous system, you’d have a hard time finding more than 5% who support the GOP alternative, which for 30 years was ….
[crickets chirping]
Tell Orrin Hatch to talk to us again after the Republican House passes a Republican immigration bill. I’ll bet they can’t (or, at least, won’t). They can’t get agreement in their own caucus on this issue. Frankly, I think they prefer to do nothing, as with everything else.
What most people don’t understand is there’s no House majority. This is because there are three, not two, parties in the House: The Democrats, the Republicans, and the Tea Party. Boehner’s party has 186 seats, not 234 seats. That’s not enough to pass anything. So nothing can get done unless Democrats and Republicans work together, which Boehner is unwilling to do. He, more than anyone, is responsible for D.C. gridlock.
@1 my Repiblican asshole buddy is going to be upset if Obamacare is dismantled. Did you ever stop to wonder why it isn’t popular? May because most Americans have private health insurance. The lucky ones don’t care and jealous to the point they dislike it. It’s like telling people they’ll save $0.09 on a gallon of gas if some unneeded pipeline is approved. They are too stupid, like an Ape, that it saves them $90 per year. There are stupid people out ther. It’s like trying to poll a majority of people that eat vanilla ice cream on whether they like chocolate.
Stop your fucking whinning, you’ve been doing it all your life, you hypocrite.
Seems we have another prime specimen of cognitive dissonance: On the one hand the right’s minions spread extrapolations upon the (basically true) notion that facing the decision of whether to terminate a pregnancy is mentally traumatic. On the other they’re spreading the blanket characterization of women as “sluts” who fuck around with reckless abandon and routinely get abortions as if it’s no more significant than having their nails done.
It would appear that Olympia has not fallen victim (yet, at least) to the wholesale destruction of older buildings to make way for block after block of techno-towers and cardboard condos.
I bet if you polled Americans on whether they like paying higher premiums for medical insurance because of the uninsured that you would get a low favorable rating. Let’s just let the fuckrrs die!
But let’s make a fetus a person – save them feti
Bad news for the Gun Fetish Death Cult.
Hey Art(!) good to see you!
“The fact that an adviser who was never on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters is not a reflection on the actual process that was run.” Obummer on his faux outrage… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_e00NjQvFM
Yes, Congressional DUMMOCRETINS are the real idiots!
@ 11 SchizoPoodle:
Why don’t you go ply your tirade in Ferguson Mo? You’d be right at home there.
Oh my… Daily Kooks discussed Jonathan Gruber as an ObummerCare architect! http://www.dailykos.com/story/.....00-by-HHS# Then in the Kookpage you’ll find this link… http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog.....s-coverage
PuddyCommentary: This is so sweeeeeeeeet, eh Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit? Daily Kooks! Now we know those “price reductions” aren’t really true either!
DUMMOCRETIN Professa Gruber repeatedly states ObummerCare was deliberately opaque, that subsidies are only available through the 14 state exchanges, and that ObummerCare’s law creators were deliberately exploiting perceived voter “stupidity”. Another video has him slamming old people! No respect for elders in Gruber! DUMMOCRETINS always KNOW what’s best for the ASSes of the mASSes, right? Professa Gruber was most definitely in a position to know, because all the whitey house entry records have him visiting the whitey house multiple times.
The Obummer sadministration owns Gruber’s comments. Yessiree… every single videotaped utterance!
Yep, nothing shady going on in Saint Louis County Missouri.
90 separate municipalities, 90 separate police departments, 90 separate mayors, Police chiefs, fire departments, courts, Judicial staffs, city councils, Aldermen, school districts etc in a “low-tax” State. All paid for with fines for petty non-crimes like driving without a seat belt, or jaywalking or speeding, levied against the poorest people in the State at every opportunity.
Wonderful country, America.
Yeah St Louis County… 2012 Winner Obummer by 56-42. Charlie A. Dooley was the County Executive. Dooley served three terms. Charlie is black. Was county executive when Michael Brown shot. He is a DUMMOCRETIN. Steve Stenger, another DUMMOCRETIN won the erection in November! County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch is a DUMMOCRETIN.
Nuff said vomiting racist deadtoad!
Sux to be you when FACTS are displayed for all to see!
Who wants to estimate how much sales tax will be confiscated by Sound Transit pursuant to the bond sale contract terms the board is fixing to rubberstamp on Thursday?
We’re talking high eight figures, right?
@ 16
Abject, lying, nihilistic coward.
You sum up the American conservative quite nicely. It’s the only reason for your continued participation in this forum.
NAWT the 30,000 jobs touted by puddyfuckwad?
@8 I assume you’re referring to the situation that existed before Obamacare. I recall then-Rep. Jay Inslee saying at a town hall meeting that the average insured person paid $1,500 a year in higher premiums because of all the free care given to America’s 55 million uninsured. Some of the squawking against Obamacare came from the uninsured themselves, who didn’t want to pay for health insurance, and were perfectly willing to let premium payers or taxpayers bear the costs if they got sick or injured. They’re kind of like the people who think they have a “right” to not wear a motorcycle or bicycle helmet. That’s fine until they get into an accident that turns them into a vegetable and then someone else has to pay the millions of dollars that will be spent on their medical and custodial care. This is why the rest of us have a right to say to these people, “get insurance or else.” These laws are for our protection, as much as theirs.
@15 What do you want to bet white drivers get warnings and black drivers get tickets? Those little municipalities in St. Louis County run shakedown rackets that put the Mafia to shame. I would have no respect for cops, either, in a place like that.
Awwwwww… facts explode the racist vomiting deadtoad… Lying ya idiot? They are all DUMMOCRETINS in the county government. You can look this up yourself racist vomit covered deadtoad! Puddy identified them from before but the racist vomit covered deadtoad had it’s head so far up it’s own ASS (lacking sunshine) it missed those damning leetle FACTS about St Louis County DUMMOCRETINS.
Remember it’s morons like the racist vomiting deadtoad whom want to remind everyone it’s racist white people… racist DUMMOCRETIN white people that is!
It really sux to be a racist vomit covered deadtoad. Butt carry on moron!
So everyone is clear here… this is what rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears didn’t hijack…
Here is the Forbes article… http://www.forbes.com/sites/re.....s-of-jobs/
Notice the pertinent paragraph…
Remember this is Obummer’s own State Department.
So whom do your trust… some slanted Daily Kooks article posted by rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears or Obummer?
You decide!
It really sucks to be so vacuous and so very stoooooooooooooopid all the time as rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears!
Still waiting for the Mrs. White quote from one of her numerous publications rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears!
The ignoramus puddyfuckwad is so stoned on the right wing kool-aid that he just can’t think straight.
The puddyfuckwad wants to poison the planet for his kids and grandkids (can you even IMAGINE having THAT ASSHOLE for a father?) but I don’t.
Yep you were show to be quite the asshole making shit up with that brief from the Sol-Gen to the SCOTUS over the individual mandate..
Thank you AGAIN for representing klownservatives as the most VILE of liars and prevaricators.
@ 22 SchizoPoodle
What is it that you do not understand? I never mentioned party affiliation, you did. I said “Conservative”, not Republican.
These “Conservatives” are the same people who were lynching your grandparents and dynamiting their churches 60 years ago. 175 years ago, they were chopping their feet off to keep them from running away, or cutting their balls off to keep them from breeding. Thats what they are trying to return the United States back to. Michelle Bachmann, Paul Ryan and Rick Santorum say it right out in the open.
Perhaps that’s what your real affiliation with the Conservative element really is all about. Maybe you would rather be branded like a horse, and forced to work under a whip for a little bread and water. Watching your kids get sold off in chains for a couple hundred bucks so they too could work on some plantation under a hot sun, dressed in rags, raped, beaten and murdered at will by the Massa. Maybe that is what you really want. All that means is you’re a masochist.
Malcolm X was totally right about people like you.
In nearly every State in the Union, it wasn’t even against the law to murder a black man until only about 60 years ago. In nearly every State in the Union, it was a goddamn Felony to teach a black man to fucking read and write until about 120 years ago.
It was the Liberals that finally changed all of that by changing the laws. Hell, the Conservatives were calling the idea of Black suffrage Communism, and making a lot of progress convincing people of that. The whole John Birch Society, of which the GOP has now embraced as the mainstream of their entire ideology, helped propagate that idea nationwide. They were practically founded on that idea, after the Silver Brigades lost all credibility with their support of Adolph Hitler and the Fascists in Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italy.
You are a seriously demented fucktard and it is ridiculous the shit you say in here.
@22 The problem isn’t the county government, dumbass. The problem is the little city halls with their white mayors and white councils and white judges and white cops running black communities and shaking down their poor black residents.
@23 I fail to see how a pipeline carrying oil from Canada through the U.S. to the Gulf Coast for export to China can create 42,000 “indirect” jobs. Maybe you could explain how the economics of that work. Unless, of course, you mean temporary jobs — i.e., $7.25-an-hour teenagers pumping gas for construction workers.
While you’re at it, could you also explain the economics of a pipeline built to transport tar sands oil that costs $65 a barrel to extract in a world where oil sells for $50? Which is where oil is heading. Obama doesn’t have to veto it. The market will do that for him.
And IDIOT Wabbit, Puddy just proved that they area is more DUMMOCRETIN than Republican.
Sheeeesh old Wabbit, can’t you read? Let’s try again… Obummer won 56-42! Not even close!
DumbASS racist vomit covered deadtoad… What a stooooooooooooopid rant above. The inference from anything the racist vomit covered deadtoad writes is always DUMMOCRETIN is great and Republican is bad without nuance. Remember the other day with your idiotic New Orleans post? Yet New Orleans is heavy DUMMOCRETIN!
Hence your commentary above regarding towns and cities in St Louis County was blown apart with the 56-42 vote for Obummer. Since more peeps liked Obummer we know most areas vote for the DUMMOCRETIN. And since Boeing is there (Old McDonnell Douglass plant) more union thugs live there in the county!
So, again, it sux to be you.
Horses Ass needs a new troll. The current model is outdated technology, buggy and takes up too much bandwidth. Consider tryouts for a replacement.
So rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears, we’ll see what the number of real jobs are, since this is a “shovel ready” project. And… we’ll see if the Cornell study is right or wrong. Regarding the pipeline and spills, weren’t the pipes made to withstand that corrosivity?
One last thing… Forbes magazine is different from Steve Forbes. Yet you didn’t know that did you rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears? Just like you thought Larry Klayman still owned Judicial Watch… http://horsesass.org/a-simple-.....-ferguson/
Wow Obummer admitted he stole ideas from Jon Gruber… http://youtu.be/s6yoHcOhF0U from the “brightest minds from academia and policy circles.” Really Obummer? Butt, Obummer just told us from Brisbane Australia that… “The fact that some adviser who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters is no reflection on the actual process that was run.”
Even the leftists at Slate are being somewhat honest here! http://www.slate.com/articles/.....ified.html
So which is it? Faulty memory like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi cuz they be old, or another lie like you can keep your health care plan and you can keep your doctor?
Butt Obummer your own 2012 campaign just after the second debate screamed this https://web.archive.org/web/20121006005941/http://www.barackobama.com/debate/press touted Jonathan Gruber.
Right wing engineers call out Ted Cruz for being a moronic IDIOT!!!
I love it!!!!
The Leftist Pinheaded Klowns would rather continue to buy oil from lunatics who want to kill us, risk the environment by transporting said oil halfway round the world…rather than farm the oil in North America and move it more efficiently.
Dumbasses Puddy. I tell ya they are a bunch of dumbasses
They are not handling the loss of power and IMPLOSION of OBUMMER the Narcissistic poor excuse for a President lying nutjob well, are they Puddy. TeeHeeHee!
Low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat,
Ted Cruz eh? Remember when everyone blamed the government shutdown on Ted Cruz? What did that beget?
– More Congressional seats for Republicans!
– More Senate seats for Republicans!
– More state houses for Republicans!
– More state legislatures for Republicans!
– More loonacy from the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat!
Personally, would anyone want the government controlling the Internet? Apparently the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat thinks that’s a great idea! We see now that with ObummerCare they thought the public (read DUMMOCRETIN public) was too stooooopid to understand! Puddy wonders is there a Professa Gruber providing net neutrality guidance because the public is too stoooooopid to understand?
Seems we have a LIV here in the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat!
@ 38,
Well when you are the dumb cinder block rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears, you’d rather pay to have your progeny looked at as infidels! Yes Obummer was against fracking, and companies did that anyway. Now he’s claiming the boom in oil production as something Obummer championed!
Meanwhile Goldy has an ad on the front for “Keep Ebola out of America – Tell Obama to protect our nurses and prevent ebola” — sign the petition from the National Nurses United. #NursesFightEbola
So much for HA DUMMOCRETINS screaming about Republicans and Ebola, eh?
Meanwhile back in that small vacuum packed cocoon called DUMMOCRETIN thought… http://www.politico.com/story/.....12962.html
So are they going to be more inclusive and allow Republican Mia Love to join or is it just for Black DUMMOCRETINS? We’ll see.
Puddy loved this paragraph…
Yes the more she loses the more Pelosi digs in! Please keep her DUMMOCRETINS. Clueless about how she was negatively used in Republican campaigns!
Of course… Obummer says one thing in public and does the exact opposite in private… And, LIVs like HA DUMMOCRETINS eat it up. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11......html?_r=0
More evidence Obummer and Gruber are tied at the hip… http://www.nationalreview.com/.....-john-fund
Another instance where elite DUMMOCRETINS think everyone else is stoooooooooooopid!
Remember ObummerCare was never about health care. It’s about total DUMMOCRETIN control over something, delivered by the government. Reminds Puddy of net neutrality. More government control!
New Internet terms:
Gruber verb groo-burr
: To tell a lie deliberately with the intent of misleading.
: To misinform people based on the belief that they are too stupid to understand the wisdom of your position.
example: To conceal the truth about Obamacare it was necessary to gruber the entire nation.
: A calculated mistruth intended to deceive listeners
example: The explanation given in favor of Obamacare was one huge gruber from one end to the other.
Gruberish noun groo-burr-esh
: Any bewildering deluge of falsehoods designed to confound an audience based on the speaker’s awareness that the truth must be concealed by any means necessary.
example: A preposterous mountain of gruberish was put forth intended to hide the fact that the entire nation had been grubered about Obamacare.
Republicans were not grubered! Only DUMMOCRETINS!
The leftist DUMMOCRETINS were grubered! They called Republicans teabaggers because Republicans were opposed to ObummerCare. Taxed Enough Already!
Nancy Gruber Pelosi told the world “We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It”
So it seems DUMMOCRETINS don’t have a grasp on reality. Did they ever?
Meanwhile other DUMMOCRETIN led universities are scrubbing their Gruber videos… http://dailycaller.com/2014/11.....oes-viral/
Three guesses who said that!
A nationally known libtard having an epiphany after the fact… http://freebeacon.com/politics.....nt-itself/
This says it all… http://a.disquscdn.com/uploads.....800&h
And… Puddy forgot about this… http://danfromsquirrelhill.wor.....macare-59/
Thanks to puddyfuckwad for the lazy links.
Nice job, asshole.
The puddyfuckwad’s hero is a total asshole. Big shock.
No victory lap for the Cos.
The “Great Brown Hope” is another Rethuglicrap asshole.
Big shock, eh?
…because marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman for the purpose of procreation.
I’m SO SURE the puddyfuckwad blesses this union.
Asshole, asshole, asshole, asshole, asshole, asshole, asshole, asshole, asshole, asshole, asshole, asshole, asshole.
Hey Suckers,
Here’s your moonbat messiah admitting he is in cahoots with Gruber.
@ 50,
Really rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears? That’s your story on Mitch McConnell because Stenk Yogurt reports it. McConnell owns the ship rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears? You saw the registration papers rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears? That’s your claim by posting this! It isn’t likely that the head of a big shipping corporation knows about 40kg of cargo on one ship. Why would it be only 40kg rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears? It would be a much larger amount! It so obvious this connection you claim by posting this is useless. Oh my you are so funny and stoooooooooopid!
Now this claim of 40 kilos of cocaine for $6.7 Million would translate to $167.50/gram. Really rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears, that’s your final answer? Who pays that price?
Our investments have BP Oil shares. So Puddy and Mrs Puddy are “responsible” for the gulf oil disaster per rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears reckoning. Puddy bets there are some Virgin shares too. So So Puddy and Mrs Puddy are “responsible” for the Virgin spaceship crashing per rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears reckoning.
Sux to be rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears!
The puddyfuckwad can dance all he wants but McConnell and his wife are dirty.!
Regarding Cosby,
It’s the race baiting types who became upset with Cosby over his conversation of black fathers running away from their baby mothers and not marrying them and having a stable family.
This factual straight talk infuriates morons like rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears. Yet Puddy bets rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears will claim OJ didn’t do it!
@ 58,
Keep barking… You know the libtard MSM would be all over this like Chris Christie’s NJ’s tollgate non-scandal!
Fuck Mitch McConnell, Elaine Chao and the puddyfuckwad.
Cosby is a fucking fraud and the pissy little fellow traveller affirmative action baby uncle tom puddyfuckwad knows it.
Sucking up to the white man just like Allen West and Ben Carson.
rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears @ 55
By Susie Madrak June 5, 2013 3:00 pm
Yes this is pertinent November 18, 2014… rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears, what a buffoon!
Scott Walker won by 7 points rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears!
Apparently rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears agrees with $167.50 per gram price!
The puddyfuckwad is a fucking fraud and a pissy little nihilst randian affirmative action baby uncle tom narcissistic opportunist sucking up to the white man just like Cosby and Allen West and Ben Carson.
rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears head explodes.
rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears is upset because rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears was Grubered!
Yawwwnn.. With the lowest voter turnout since the early 40’s when we were fighting WWII..
Voter turnout in TexASS was 33 percent vs 38 percent in 2010 – the year of the bagger eruption..
All that bagger money did wonders suppressing the vote eh klownservative village idiot troll?
Cruz REMAINS a moron and right wing engineers say he pulls shit from his ass!
Bet that Cruz reminds you of your favorite piece of furniture – THE MIRROR!!
Yawwn.. Seem like a guilty conscience to me.. HAHAHAHA!!! You deem Cosby a klownservative and it turns out he says krap like the above because he has skeletons in his closet..
Cosby settled a civil suit with one of the women.. If he didn’t do anything, why would he do that?
“No longer is a woman embarrassed because they’re pregnant without a husband. ”
Women can’t win. They get shamed if they want sex ed and birth control so they don’t get pregnant in the first place If they don’t want to carry a fetus to term, they are shamed if they get an abortion. If they have a child, they are shamed if they don’t marry the deadbeat dad that got her pregnant.
Why aren’t the men shamed and embarrassed by conservatives if they don’t vasectomies and or marry and support the mother of their offspring?