I’ve got one question I’d like an answer to. And that is, where is ISIS getting their guns?
There is talk of cutting off thier money, but how about drying up their gun supply?
Roger Rabbitspews:
No, the commentiest.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Republican candidates’ solution to ISIS: Do what Two Term President Obama is doing.
“Few have outlined a strategy that goes much beyond what the administration is already doing. A multinational coalition led by the U.S. has launched 8,000 airstrikes against ISIS, leaders have been killed in drone strikes and officials from 19 countries, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, the U.S. and Turkey met in Vienna to devise a strategy for ending the conflict in Syria. Roughly 3,500 U.S. troops are in Iraq [supporting] their military and the Kurds and in Syria, the U.S. is providing weapons and supplies to groups fighting ISIS.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Oh, and also kick the Syrian victims of ISIS and Assad out of the U.S. Two Term President Obama isn’t doing that. They’ve gotta do at least one thing different so they can say they’re not copying Two Term President Obama’s policy.
What is it with these surrender-monkey hating, Freedom Fry eating, Putin worshipping, couch cowards, suddenly caring about France; and ready to throw everybody’s kids but their own into another complicated and bloody war in the middle east? I might feel differently if they actually knew something about anything that’s been going on. But most of them couldn’t find Syria on a globe if there was a large arrow pointing to it.
Somehow, with Cold War over, I’m surprised that AK-47s still seem to be the terrorists’ weapon of choice. Maybe its traditional.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
Easy for Republicans to say put boots on the ground without any real plan.
Mark Adamsspews:
@2 Good luck on drying up their supply of guns. They like the AK-47 over 100 million of them in the world. A lot of them in the middle east and when the Soviet Union collapsed a lot of AK-47’s left their control to go to all the wars in Africa and the Middle East. The AK-47 is dirt cheap. Better chance of cutting off the ammunition but that’s a long shot since there is a lot of it out there.
These guys also prefer a particular type of Toyota truck. Which also has been the mainstay for many groups in low intensity (not necessarily to the participants) warfare in Africa and the middle east.
The leaders aren’t dumb. They recruit young guys 18-20 give em cheap effective weapons in cheap effective trucks, and use a combination of soviet tactics and their propaganda no problem until they establish the caliphate. Fortunately the guys they recruiting are young and dumb enough to not ask the question what happens if we win. Not many of them will enjoy the golden age ushered in by the new caliphate. A bunch of teenagers with automatic weapons will not be welcome and will have to be weeded out.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
Puffy maybe you can learn something….opps, you pretty much need Carson to do some surgery on you for that to happen.
Three presidential candidates attend fund raiser where the pastor in charge called for the killing of the gays. If that ain’t scarier than ISIS is to American Democracy and Freedom, then nothing is, not even ISIS.
Ima Duncespews:
I think the mistake we’re making is we are not seeing the real culprit behind the current crisis. Assad is who we need to bomb. It’s Assad that’s the problem and he needs to go. If he doesn’t resign and go to Russia, we need to bomb his motherfreaking ass. Get rid of him and put Syria back together.
Distant Replayspews:
I think you’d find a great many of their small arms are U.S. made. Some supplied out of Africa by the Saudi family. Some abandoned by the Shiite military in Iraq not willing to protect Sunni areas. Some abandoned by the Alawite military in Syria driven off by our bombing campaigns.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
The Republucan Party, look more and more like Nazis everyday.
Oh that Gotcha Media
I’ve got one question I’d like an answer to. And that is, where is ISIS getting their guns?
There is talk of cutting off thier money, but how about drying up their gun supply?
No, the commentiest.
The Republican candidates’ solution to ISIS: Do what Two Term President Obama is doing.
“Few have outlined a strategy that goes much beyond what the administration is already doing. A multinational coalition led by the U.S. has launched 8,000 airstrikes against ISIS, leaders have been killed in drone strikes and officials from 19 countries, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, the U.S. and Turkey met in Vienna to devise a strategy for ending the conflict in Syria. Roughly 3,500 U.S. troops are in Iraq [supporting] their military and the Kurds and in Syria, the U.S. is providing weapons and supplies to groups fighting ISIS.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Oh, and also kick the Syrian victims of ISIS and Assad out of the U.S. Two Term President Obama isn’t doing that. They’ve gotta do at least one thing different so they can say they’re not copying Two Term President Obama’s policy.
What is it with these surrender-monkey hating, Freedom Fry eating, Putin worshipping, couch cowards, suddenly caring about France; and ready to throw everybody’s kids but their own into another complicated and bloody war in the middle east? I might feel differently if they actually knew something about anything that’s been going on. But most of them couldn’t find Syria on a globe if there was a large arrow pointing to it.
This is patriotic.
“(Kalashnikovs are) so popular in the U.S., that the States have become the single largest importer of Russian small arms made for the commercial market.”
Somehow, with Cold War over, I’m surprised that AK-47s still seem to be the terrorists’ weapon of choice. Maybe its traditional.
Easy for Republicans to say put boots on the ground without any real plan.
@2 Good luck on drying up their supply of guns. They like the AK-47 over 100 million of them in the world. A lot of them in the middle east and when the Soviet Union collapsed a lot of AK-47’s left their control to go to all the wars in Africa and the Middle East. The AK-47 is dirt cheap. Better chance of cutting off the ammunition but that’s a long shot since there is a lot of it out there.
These guys also prefer a particular type of Toyota truck. Which also has been the mainstay for many groups in low intensity (not necessarily to the participants) warfare in Africa and the middle east.
The leaders aren’t dumb. They recruit young guys 18-20 give em cheap effective weapons in cheap effective trucks, and use a combination of soviet tactics and their propaganda no problem until they establish the caliphate. Fortunately the guys they recruiting are young and dumb enough to not ask the question what happens if we win. Not many of them will enjoy the golden age ushered in by the new caliphate. A bunch of teenagers with automatic weapons will not be welcome and will have to be weeded out.
Puffy maybe you can learn something….opps, you pretty much need Carson to do some surgery on you for that to happen.
How The Prized Daughter Of The Westboro Baptist Church Came To Question Its Beliefs http://www.newyorker.com/magaz.....elps-roper
Three presidential candidates attend fund raiser where the pastor in charge called for the killing of the gays. If that ain’t scarier than ISIS is to American Democracy and Freedom, then nothing is, not even ISIS.
I think the mistake we’re making is we are not seeing the real culprit behind the current crisis. Assad is who we need to bomb. It’s Assad that’s the problem and he needs to go. If he doesn’t resign and go to Russia, we need to bomb his motherfreaking ass. Get rid of him and put Syria back together.
I think you’d find a great many of their small arms are U.S. made. Some supplied out of Africa by the Saudi family. Some abandoned by the Shiite military in Iraq not willing to protect Sunni areas. Some abandoned by the Alawite military in Syria driven off by our bombing campaigns.
The Republucan Party, look more and more like Nazis everyday.
GOP Demagoguery Over Refugees Sinks to New Low http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....79396.html
Your knowledge about the Nazis seems to be lacking, either that or you are just an all around idiot.