This from the President who gave us 5 reasons (in turn, as each previous reason failed) for going to war in Iraq?
Bush is a lyin’ fool!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Stefan, if the judge in your lawsuit against KCRE awards you monetary penalties and attorney fees, are you going to share the money with the generous donors who paid for your lawsuit, or keep it all for yourself?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Stefan, can your wife get me a good deal on a Hyundai?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Stefan, why can’t you hold a job?
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s an affront for a guy who shirked National Guard duty to stand in front of active duty troops and pontificate about patriotism.
And NONE of the Democrats who voted to authorize the war in Iraq had the same intelligence that Bush had.
They only got the intelligence warped and filtered by the Bush administration.
The American people are gonna rip thes lying bastard Neo-Cons a new asshole over all this lying, death, and stealing.
Yes, Mr Rab — the crimal conspiracy is utterly without shame.
Sent into modern battle without armor. Screwing with VA benefits and bonus checks. Go wave that flag a la Germany in the 1930’s.
I am a patriot. The flag wavers of the far right make me sick.
Chimp Patrolspews:
GW Bush, the most unpatriotic, idiotic, pathetic excuse for a US citizen, let alone a US President in the history of this great country. After 2006, when the Democratic congress/senate start impeachment proceedings for his lying, abuse and coverups where will he hide? With the Royals in Saudi?
The best news is that despite the spin, i.e., outright lies of the Bush regime and its counterpart, republican radio, the American people aren’t buying it. A FOX NEWS Poll (yes even FOX) has him at 37%!!! Man we are watching a dude tank the US Presidency. It’s sad. But that’s what Americans supposedly wanted when they voted. You can bet that in 06, the vote won’t be close enough for Bush’s pals at Diebold to fix. The Dems are on their way back to control of at least one House. And then we will see the brakes put on the most corrupt, inept and dangerous American President the world will ever know.
Mark The Redneckspews:
President Bush is illustrating the foolishness of trying to be a “moderate”. In today’s polarized political environment, there is no “center”. As seen from the hateful comments here, trying to get the moonbat vote is a waste of time, but he has also lost his base. He lost me.
I support the political objectives in Iraq, but the military execution is terrible. For example, how the fuck can the road to the airport still be a kill zone?
Why are we spending 1/4 trillion to rebuild Nawlins? That’s stoopid. It was a shithole before Katrina, and it will be a shithole when it’s rebuilt. We should just bulldoze it and walk away.
Medicare prescription drugs will bankrupt us. There just isn’t enough money to do it.
The thing with Harriet Miers was embarassing. Nomininating someone with zero qualifications makes me question his judgement.
His refusal to secure the borders will bankrupt us and continues to threaten our security.
GWB is an R, but he’s certainly no conservative. He squandered his political capital by trying to get along with evil, and been a big disappointment true conservatives. Still, he’s infinitely better than the Inventor of The Internet or kooky John Kerry.
Now here’s a funny one from the Internet:
“Joseph R. Cerrell, a leading California Democrat and prominent Italian American, has called on Chairman Howard Dean to apologize to Federal Appellate Judge Samuel Alito for Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffers saying the Supreme Court nominee was weak in prosecuting the Mafia. Dean has not replied to Cerrell’s Nov. 2 letter.
A DNC press release blasted Alito’s record as a federal prosecutor in losing “a key conviction” that resulted in members of the Lucchese crime family being freed. “The staffers and the DNC must apologize to Judge Alito and to all Italian Americans” for “scurrilous tactics,” Cerrell’s letter said. He contended “this kind of behavior is beneath any standard of the Democratic Party that I have known.”
Cerrell, a Los Angeles-based political consultant, is vice chairman of the National Italian American Foundation.”
WTF? Howard Dean now an Italian based racist too? He had no blacks in his campaign, and when Jesse HiJack-son called his sorry ASS on it he said paraphrased: We couldn’t find qualified campaign minorities! This new Italian attack is sweet revenge! HA Ha ha ha! Maybe the Republicans do have a chance in 2006 with Howard “Screeeeeeeech Yeeeeeeeaaaaaagh” Dean at the top!!! Please donkocrats, don’t muzzle him!!!
ChristmasGhost: On another thread you mentioned where are the dissenting voices of the donkocrats. Windbag left a strange answer. Well more from the Internet:
“Pennsylvania State Treasurer Bob Casey, running for the Senate as a pro-life Democrat, is maintaining a golden silence on the nomination of Judge Sam Alito even within his own party circles.
A fellow Pennsylvania Democrat privately sought out Casey’s views on Alito last week and was told the candidate had nothing to say. Sooner or later, however, Casey will have to take a stand on Alito, whose opinions on the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals have tended to be pro-life.
As a mainstream Democrat, Casey will be under pressure to take a critical view of Alito by liberal groups waging an all-out campaign and promising to do anything to stop him. “You name it, we’ll do it,” said Nan Aron, president of the Alliance for Justice.” – He’s running against Rick Santorum, so he has to be pro-life. But you watch from afar Christmasghost, if the abortion donkocrats don’t try and sink his donkocratic candidacy!
More donkocratic news: – Mother offers her four year old for sex. She is also the mother of a week old daughter. I thought the doctors say wait six weeks.
Props to Goldy for breaking the Iron Beats Mom story and handing victory to Sims.
It was all you baby!
the hapless liberalspews:
Hey lay off President Bush, for a former cocaine user and a major league boozer, he is doing better than expected, Capitol Hill Blues assures us that his current medication (for emotional instability) is working well! Lying is just a part of his dependant personality–he cannot help himself, besides he is Republican. And he is not a draft dodger, he served most of his stint in the Air National
Hey Goldy, a week or so ago, you wanted to make a bet on whether 912 passes by 15. I accepted your offer, but never heard back from you.
I say the “Yes” vote on 912 will be at least 57.5%. If I’m right, you send $100 to Eyman’s compensation fund. If I’m wrong, I’ll send $100 to whoever you specify.
Are we on? Or are you not so sure now that everyone thinks like you?
We’re all waiting to hear…
Comment by Mark The Redneck — 9/20/05 @ 11:36 am
To which I replied:
Mark the Redneck @1,
You’re on. $100 says I-912 does not get 57.5% of the statewide vote.
Though I gotta say, you did pick the absolute worst cause I could possibly think of. If you’d like, instead of trying to screw each other, we could make this a friendlier wager by selecting a mutually agreeable charity – like the Red Cross – so that no matter the outcome, a worthy cause comes out a winner.
And Cynical @3… screw you. I didn’t offer you a wager.
Comment by Goldy — 9/20/05 @ 5:31 pm
You rejected my gracious offer to make this a win-win wager, so I expect to see evidence of a $100 contribution from you, to Sen. Maria Cantwell’s reelection campaign.
It won’t be enough to point me towards an entry in the FEC database… since I have no idea who you are. You will have to privately reveal your identity to me, which I swear to keep secret… and perhaps show me a copy of the check so that I can match it up.
It was good doing business with you.
You don’t expect a lying shitbag republican to own up to a bet do you?
Mark The Redneckspews:
Goldy – Is Maria Cantell a “charity”? I don’t think so. Pick a real charity. And no, I am not going to reveal my identity to you or anyone else here. Too many kooks…
Roger Rabbitspews:
Gee, MTR, I was with you — I thought you had seen the light — until the last sentence. How can GWB be “infinitely better” than a cockroach, let alone any Democrat you could name?
Roger Rabbitspews:
But hey, MTR, the good news is that if you send a $100 check to American Red Cross for losing your wager with Goldy, and post that you sent it, I’ll take your word for it that you kept your end of the bargain.
Roger Rabbitspews:
We’re men of honor here, even you lying shitbag Republican scum suckers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
On certain things, that is.
Redneck @18,
“Charity”…? That wasn’t the deal:
I say the “Yes” vote on 912 will be at least 57.5%. If I’m right, you send $100 to Eyman’s compensation fund. If I’m wrong, I’ll send $100 to whoever you specify.
I offered you the opportunity to agree on a mutually acceptable charity, and you said no. So you must send $100 to whoever I specify. I specify Sen. Maria Cantwell’s reelection campaign, and I expect you to provide some sort of documentary evidence to prove that you made the contribution. If you can figure out a way to protect your anonymity, fine. But I’m not just going to take your word for it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“That’s what U.S. Senator Patty Murray, D-Washington, did last summer when it was revealed that the Department of Veterans Affairs did not have the resources to provide adequate care for soldiers returning from Afghanistan and Iraq.
“Murray … offered an amendment to address the shortfall of more than $1 billion. But her move was blocked by Senate Republicans who claimed that the money was not needed.
” … Richard Fuller, the legislative director of the Paralyzed Veterans, told the Washington Post that the money problems were obvious to anyone visiting VA clinics and hospitals. ‘You could see it happening, clinics shutting down, appointments delayed,’ Fuller explained. Joseph A. Violante, legislative director of the Disabled American Veterans, added a blunter assessment, charging that the administration was ‘shortchanging veterans.’
“Finally, … Senate Republicans relented and voted to provide the needed money.
“U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, R-Pennsylvania, a leading conservative who is big on supporting the president but not so enthusiastic when it comes to supporting veterans, was forced to admit that, ‘We were in error. Sen. Murray was right.'”
“By JOHN HEILPRIN, Associated Press Writer
Thu Nov 10, 9:43 PM ET
“WASHINGTON – As many as 20 million acres of public land could be sold under a proposed change in mining law that is tucked into a budget bill in the House.
“At issue is the possible overturning of a congressional ban that has prevented mineral companies and individuals from ‘patenting,’ or buying, public land, including some in national forests and parks, at cheap prices if the land contains mineral deposits.
“‘If this provision became law, it could literally lead to the privatization of millions of acres of public land, including national park and national forest land,’ said Dave Alberswerth, public lands director for The Wilderness Society.”
“By Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball
“Updated: 1:31 p.m. ET Nov. 10, 2005
“Nov. 10, 2005 – A CIA document shows the agency in January 2003 raised questions about an Al Qaeda detainee’s claims that Saddam Hussein’s government provided chemical and biological weapons training to terrorists—weeks before President George W. Bush and other top officials flatly used those same claims to make their case for war against Iraq.”
From a New York Times story by Eric Lipton dated November 11, 2005, about portable classrooms in Mississippi:
“Provided by a politically connected Alaskan-owned business under a $40 million no-bid contract, the classrooms cost FEMA nearly $90,000 each, including transportation, according to contracting documents. That is double the wholesale price and nearly 60 percent higher than the price offered by two small Mississippi businesses dropped from the deal.
“In addition, the portable buildings were not secured in a concrete foundation, as usually required by state regulations because of safety concerns in a region prone to hurricanes and tornados.”
“House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Steve Buyer (R-IN) announced that for the first time in at least 55 years, ‘veterans service organizations will no longer have the opportunity to present testimony before a joint hearing of the House and Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committees.’
” … Buyer was handpicked by criminally-indicted Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX) to replace former veterans committee chairman Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), who had been extremely vocal about the consistent underfunding of veterans causes.
“The Disabled American Veterans … issued a scathing release calling the move ‘an insult to all who have fought, sacrificed and died to defend the Constitution.'”
Mark The Redneckspews:
Goldy – I am NOT going to give money to to perpetuate evil. NOT gonna happen. For the same reason you didn’t want to give money to Tim. Pick a charity, or shove it up your ass? Get it?
Redneck @29,
Well, that just shows what a dishonest, dishonorable little prick you really are. We had a bet. I accepted your terms. I offered to modify it so that the money went to a mutually acceptable charity, and you refused. Had I lost, you would have expected me to give $100.00 to Tim Eyman, but now that you have lost, you refuse to give $100.00 to Maria Cantwell.
Be a man, and live up the terms of the wager, or be a pussy and refuse. It’s up to you.
Mark the Redneck @ 29
What????? You are reneging on your bet?
Here is a suggestion Mark the Redneck, instead of sending $100 to Cantwell, mail $100 in cash to Goldy.
Goldy can then use the cash to defray the costs of having this blog.
Wilson Kolbspews:
DEMOCRATS: Here’s how to get the public to oppose the Iraq War
The promise to open up the bids on the Katrina recovery is also a sham ( lie ). It’s all about enriching the top 1% even obscenely MORE. If they won’t back off on robbing us all blind, we’ll have to consider other options.
Was there ever any doubt? He’s a right winger, therefore he’s a total fuckin’ pussy….as are all right wingers.
Mark The Redneckspews:
After you declined to pay Tim, you suggested an agreeable charity. You can’t “accept” an offer, and then offer to modify the terms; that ain’t the way contract law works. I got sick of “negotiating” so I dropped it.
Look, I don’t mind parting with $100. I was sure 912 would pass, but the elites got out enough money and told enough lies that enough idiots believed it. That’s politics. So I’ll go to right now and put it on my card.
Redneck @35,
You’re not going to weasel out of it that easily. Again, read what I wrote in response to your offer of a wager:
You’re on. $100 says I-912 does not get 57.5% of the statewide vote.
Though I gotta say, you did pick the absolute worst cause I could possibly think of. If you’d like, instead of trying to screw each other, we could make this a friendlier wager by selecting a mutually agreeable charity – like the Red Cross – so that no matter the outcome, a worthy cause comes out a winner.
I said “You’re on.” Can’t read that as anything but accepting the terms of your wager.
Then I added “If you’d like…” we could turn it into a friendly wager. You declined.
I accepted your terms, but then out of kindness offered a modification that would have avoided you having to give money to somebody like Cantwell. You, the arrogant prick that you are, refused my offer.
This was a suckers bet, Redneck, and you were the sucker. I knew the polling data, I knew the money that was going to be spent on the No campaign. And I offered you a gracious way out. But you said no.
Now be a man, pay up… or be a pussy.
Mark the Redneck @ 35
“After you declined to pay Tim”
Goldy did not decline to pay Eyman. He literally said “You’re on.” which to any reasonable person would imply acceptance of the bet on your terms.
“… you suggested an agreeable charity. You can’t “accept” an offer, and then offer to modify the terms…”
What the fuck are you talking about????? Yes you can! It happens all the time! Modifications of a binding contract requires agreement by both parties. You chose not to accept the modifications, but both you and Goldy are bound by the original terms of the contract.
“that ain’t the way contract law works.”
You don’t know much about contract law, do you MTR?
Now, please be gracious and fulfill your obligations (or be a prick about it, but pay the fuck up).
Chimp Patrolspews:
What do you all expect from a neonut talibaptist like our own rednecked troll. Most Repbulicans created their wealth by lying, cheating and stealing from honest people! Why would we think this POS is any different.?
Harry Poonspews:
Don’t criticise MTR! It’s not patriotic and it will make our soldiers feel they are risking their lives for Halliburton.
the hapless liberalspews:
Mark, give the $100 to Halleburton–the favorate Republican charity, or maybe Scootere’s defense fund.
Mark The Redneckspews:
An integral part of being a moonbat is aggressive ignorance of how things work in the real world. Instead of following rule of law, moonbats instead prefer to interpret right and wrong in light of their own limited knowledge and of the current situation rather in terms of standards. Such is the case here.
As a public service to the kooks out there, I’ll share some of my knowledge resulting from my years of education and experience. You could argue that maybe its overkill to cite contract law in this case, since it was just a bet on the outcome of an initiative communicated on a blog between strangers. But in the absence of any other standard, let’s use contract law.
The way contract law works is that there is not a contract until both sides agree on terms and conditions of the contract. One provision of contract law is intended to address precisely the situation at issue here. The idea is that if an offerer extends an offer to an offeree, and the offeree replies with material alterations, then the original offer is considered to be rejected, and no contract exists. Think about it, if you agree to pay $500,000 for a home, and I say “OK, I accept your offer but the price is now $600,000”, does a contact exist? Of course not… The RCW below spells it out:
RCW 62A.2-207
Additional terms in acceptance or confirmation.
(1) A definite and seasonable expression of acceptance or a written confirmation which is sent within a reasonable time operates as an acceptance even though it states terms additional to or different from those offered or agreed upon, unless acceptance is expressly made conditional on assent to the additional or different terms.
(2) The additional terms are to be construed as proposals for addition to the contract. Between merchants such terms become part of the contract unless:
(a) the offer expressly limits acceptance to the terms of the offer;
(b) they materially alter it; or
(c) notification of objection to them has already been given or is given within a reasonable time after notice of them is received.
(3) Conduct by both parties which recognizes the existence of a contract is sufficient to establish a contract for sale although the writings of the parties do not otherwise establish a contract. In such case the terms of the particular contract consist of those terms on which the writings of the parties agree, together with any supplementary terms incorporated under any other provisions of this Title.
Goldy objected to my offer term of who the payee would be. He was quite clear when he said
“…you did pick the absolute worst cause I could possibly think of. If you’d like, instead of trying to screw each other, we could make this a friendlier wager by selecting a mutually agreeable charity – like the Red Cross”
Clearly, this was (and still is) a “material issue” per paragraph (b), and at this point the offer was legally rejected by Goldy. By this time, Goldy and I had gone back and forth a number of times, and since he rejected my latest offer, I dropped the issue entirely. His later statement of “you’re on” is meaningless because he suggested an alteration to a material term. I never replied to his last post with an acceptance because I decided it was stupid to continue.
However, it could be argued that paragraph (3) of the RCW applies to this situation. While we disagreed on one term of the contract, clearly we an agreement for $100 to be paid. So since I’m a nice guy, I will go along with the “spirit” of the contract and make good on the $100 payment if we can agree on a mutually agreeable charity.
Hopefully all you moonbats appreciate the time I took to educate you in this basic aspect of contract law. If not, go fuck yourselves.
Mark The Redneckspews:
I may regret this… but I’ll do it.
Roger Rabbit claims to be a retired attorney. Although I don’t think he practiced in the area of contract law, if he really is a lawyer, he had to know contract law 101 to pass the bar.
RR indicated an understanding of the law when he said in this thread:
“But hey, MTR, the good news is that if you send a $100 check to American Red Cross for losing your wager with Goldy, and post that you sent it, I’ll take your word for it that you kept your end of the bargain.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/12/05 @ 11:00 am
As the closest thing to anyone on HA with any kind of legal background, I’ll submit this matter to binding arbitration to Roger Rabbit.
the hapless liberalspews:
Mark give $100 to Halleburton, the favorite Republican charity, and they are not evil, just greedy. Or you could donate the money to Scooter’s defense fund
I’m not sure who makes me angrier – the bastard punks wasting my money or the liberal jackass excusing them.
Mark the Redneck Villiage Idiot is a lying, cheating, ultr-mega-coward with no morals or sense of ethics.
Ie. he is a Neo-Con thru and thru.
the hapless liberalspews:
As a practicing attorney, here is my professional opinion: Mark is a cheapskate, and he breached the contract–a wager is inforceeable if the terms are definite and are agreed to by the parties, tha fact the agreement was on this blog and that Mark has never made an intelligent comment is not a defense. So Goldy needs to take Mark to small claims court
Mark The Redneckspews:
Hapless – It wasn’t intelligent, clever or funny the first time. Nor the second…
But tell me something. Help me understand the disease of liberalism… I assume you know Halliburton is in the oil services business… why do you guys hate the oil industry so much? It seems like it gets singled out for especially hateful and uneven treatment by you guys. I don’t get it. Why do you do that? Explain the witchhunt that went on last week in the Senate with Vulnerable Senator Cantwell trying to get camera face time. Do you object to a corporation providing a needed product? Do you not understand the markets? Do you not understand economics? Do you not understand how business works? Do you think the oil industry should be nationalized? What should the price of gas be? Zero? $1/gal? $5/gal? Should it be based on a consumer’s “ability to pay”?
Mark The Redneckspews:
Hapless – You’re not an attorney. I can tell by how you write. You’re just a kook.
WHy did the Oil Industry CEOs not want to be sworn in when they testified before the Congress? They owe that much to the Troops. After all they are fighting a war for their industry.
As war proffiteers, the OIl Industry (especially Haliburton Execs) CEOs should be hung.
Hows that MTRVI?
Mark The Redneckspews:
Hey hapless – Look up spelling of “Halliburton” and “enforceable”. Come back when you get an education. In the meantime, STFU.
Mark the Pussy @42,
The deal was that you would send $100.00 to whoever I specify. I specify Sen. Maria Cantwell’s reelection campaign.
As to your exercise in contract law, I clearly accepted your terms when I said “you’re on.” After accepting your terms, I graciously offered you the face saving opportunity to modify the terms by agreeing in advance to a mutually acceptable charity. You declining did not change my prior acceptance of your original terms… even if you were actually too stupid to understand “you’re on” as definitively accepting your terms.
How about this…. your fellow righty, Richard Pope is also an attorney. I’m willing to submit to binding arbitration from either him or Roger Rabbit, if they are willing; I trust them both to be fair in this matter. Furthermore, should the arbitration go against you, I will ask you to prove to Richard that you contributed $100 to Cantwell’s campaign, and trust his word on it. That way, you only have to reveal your identity to a Republican attorney.
But really, it was clear to everybody here that we had a bet. Cynical was even disappointed that I hadn’t accepted his bet. (Technically I would have lost, since I-912 lost by GREATER than 6 points.) It was a suckers bet, but a bet nonetheless, and your efforts here to weasel out of it on some legal technicality really make you look like a pussy.
A real man (you know… somebody like me) would have gritted his teeth and paid up without complaint.
Oh… and PussyMark…
Just to rub it in… days before the election you repeated that I-912 would pass by 15 points… how does it feel to be 22 points off on that prediction? Just a little stupid? What’s the view like inside your colon?
“The way contract law works is that there is not a contract until both sides agree on terms and conditions of the contract.”
Correct, and when Goldy said he accepted your terms both of you agreed.
“One provision of contract law is intended to address precisely the situation at issue here. The idea is that if an offerer extends an offer to an offeree, and the offeree replies with material alterations, then the original offer is considered to be rejected, and no contract exists.”
Wrong. Goldy accepted the contract, and then suggested a modification for your consideration. RCW 62A.2-207 explicitly states that the contract is enforceable even though modifications are suggested.
“Think about it, if you agree to pay $500,000 for a home, and I say “OK, I accept your offer but the price is now $600,000”, does a contact exist? Of course not…’
Your analogy is faulty. Goldy said the equivalent of “I accept the price of $500,000.” and then offers, “if you wish, we can modify the contract so that you do not pay the closing costs (as specified in the original contract) and the price would be modified to $450,000.”
In that situation, you can chose to close under the original terms of the contract (i.e. reject the offer for a modification), accept the modification, or even make a counter-modification. If you reject the modification, the original contract stands. What RCW 62A.2-207 does not allow you to do is say, “Forget it, because of your suggestion, I will not sell you the house for $500,000.”
“Goldy objected to my offer term of who the payee would be. He was quite clear when he said”
No, he clearly did not, since he explicitly stated that he accepted your offer. The “payee” suggestion by Goldy was a proposal for a modification of the contract.
You misunderstand RCW 62A.2-207″ (1) A definite and seasonable expression of acceptance or a written confirmation which is sent within a reasonable time operates as an acceptance even though it states terms additional to or different from those offered or agreed upon, unless acceptance is expressly made conditional on assent to the additional or different terms.”
Goldy expressed a definite and unconditional acceptance of your terms. You have the right to refuse the “different terms”, but you cannot cancel the contract just because Goldy made that offer for different terms.
If Goldy had said, “I will only accept the bet IF we agree on a common charity…” then you would be correct. But Goldy unconditionally said, “You’re on.” His intent is completely unambiguous.
Pay up, Bozo!
Mark The Redneckspews:
Goldy – The issue is whether your first statement is true. I’m agreeable to letting Pope decide it if he is willing. I agree we had a bet. I agree I lost. I agree to pay $100.
Call it a “legal technicality” if you want. That’s what I’d expect from your side when there are rules.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Goldy @ 53 – Are you happy now that Moses Lake will get a new bike path? That should really help things right?
MTRVI “Call it a “legal technicality†if you want. That’s what I’d expect from your side when there are rules.”
Tell that to Scooter’s defence team, and the other blow hards claiming his perjury was a “legal technicality”.
Pay the fucking bet, you lying, cheating, cowardly scum bag Neo-Con!
the hapless liberalspews:
Mark, your sense of honor is exceeded only by your good looks.
Goldy @ 52
“A real man (you know… somebody like me) would have gritted his teeth and paid up without complaint.”
I am sure that when Mark the Redneck finally pays, he will grit his tooth.
Mark The Redneck @ 55
“I’m agreeable to letting Pope decide it if he is willing. I agree we had a bet. I agree I lost. I agree to pay $100.”
Wait a minute. If you agree that you had a bet and lost, what is the technicality? Am I misunderstanding what you said here?
I thought you were arguing that the contract was not valid. Now you accept it as valid. Unless you can show that you accepted Goldy’s modification somewhere, then the original terms stand.
Are you arguing that you accepted the modification?
Harry Poonspews:
Now it’s, Mark the Redneck WELSHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a weasel. The real reason is that he doesn’t have $100. He drives an old beater with , ” Impeach Earl Warren!” stickers on it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 42
I have no jurisdiction to arbitrate this matter because wagering contracts are unenforceable under Washington law. See discussion of wagering contracts, arbitrator’s authority, and enforceability of arbitrator’s decision in in Davidson v. Henson, 135 Wn.2d 112, 954 P.2d 1327 (1998).
Consequently, if you don’t pay up, Goldy’s only recourse is the traditional method of enforcing illegal bets, i.e., whack you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
However, in a spirit of reconciliation, and to avoid the unpleasantness of a killing, I recommend you guys settle this by MTR showing up at Drinking Liberally, buying Goldy a beer, and kissing Goldy’s ass.
So Many Reasonsspews:
63, only if MTR places a feminine condom on his head, we don’t want Goldy to get any STD’s
Now do we really want Goldy to bare his ASS?
Puddybud @ 65
“Now do we really want Goldy to bare his ASS? “
More importantly, do we REALLY want MTR showing up at drinking liberally?
He’d probably run up a tab and leave without paying.
you need to get laid it beats eating in the sharks garden
yo @ 67
“you need to get laid it beats eating in the sharks garden “
Are you sure you are old enough to talk about getting laid? I mean, you don’t even know how to use punctuation or anything. (But, I am glad you learned about the caps lock key. Perhaps you can consider using it for the first letter of each sentence—just a thought).
Goldy. I think you should write some sort of script into the comments engine of the site that gives an automatic switch. MarkTheRedneck should become MarkThePussy every time it’s typed.
Hey guys, why is Howard Dean afraid of Ken Mehlman? Today on Meet the Depressed (Press), Howard Dean would not appear with Ken Mehlman and be interviewed at the same time by Tim Russert. When asked Dean said no again! Now there is a pussy! I thought the most powerful man in the donkocratic party feared no one, except the Italians who are now pissed at Dean over his latest racial slur!
What is MTR graces a drinking Liberally with his wonderful presence and pays for $100 of drinks? Goldy always looks for a handout at these events. Does that count?
Goldy: I mentioned two weeks ago a book called “Do as I say” is wonderful new tome by Peter Schweizer. It profiles the liberal donkocratic hypocrisy and has made it to the coveted New York Times best-seller list in its first week out.
The book will debut at #14 on the Times list in just 3 days. Since the Times will evaluate Schweizer’s revelations regarding the glaring contradictions between the public stances and real-life behavior of prominent liberals including Al Franken (where’s the minorities in his 115 person staph), Ralph Nader, Ted Kennedy (The family owns oil fields and gets royalties from them), Barbra Streisand (How do I use tax loopholes so I don’t pay taxes), Hillary Clinton (list is too long to write here), Nancy Pelosi (I use non-union labor) and George Soros (no US Accountants so I can hide my money in tax dodges, etc.).
Schweizer sums up his book this way: “The reality is that liberals like to preach in moral platitudes. They like to condemn ordinary Americans and Republicans for a whole host of things – racism, lack of concern for the poor, polluting the environment, and greed. But when it comes to applying those same standards to themselves, liberals are found to be shockingly guilty of hypocrisy.”
I wholeheartedly suggest that Goldy starts a review of the month. This should be his first book. Once the American Public sees donks in action, they will say “What? Huh? What did you say donkocrats?”
Roger Rabbitspews:
“What is MTR graces a drinking Liberally with his wonderful presence and pays for $100 of drinks? Goldy always looks for a handout at these events. Does that count?”
Hey Goldy, how about if MTR gives you a blowjob? Or gives Bill Clinton a b.j.? Will that take care of his gambling debt? I’m merely trying to find a way to avoid bloodshed.
What a snoozefest this little blog has become since Goldy no longer has demented old women to trot out in scurrilous attacks against those who would threaten (albeit, lightly threaten) his master.
How soon before he uses Mike McGavicks Mom or daughter or gardner in his quest for validation as a (snicker) serious journalist? I hear the National Enquirer is looking for sleazy west coast representation…
ProudASS @ 73
“What a snoozefest this little blog has become….”
Then why do you keep showing up?
Oh lets’s see… ONCE in the last 4 days oe so… yep THAT proves your point!
And how interesting that’s the ONLY point you choose to address…the truth is painful to face, ain’t it sweetcheeks?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Not to change the subject, or anything, but while we’re discussing painful truths are you Nazi torturers ready to face the fact that you’ve tortured and murdered innocent people? Or do you need more time to vegetate on it?
Water flowing on their faces to let them think they are drowning…
The embarassment of underwear on their head…
Being made to bark like a dog…
Oh cry me a damned raging river – these terrorist cretins you defend and for whom you weep crocodile tears would delight in castrating you and beheading your impotent body if you came to their defense.
This blog out to be renamed – The Beer Beggar and his pathetic band of America hating terrorist enablers.
Why do you hate America?
“What a snoozefest this little blog has become “
Ooops…make that, what, 5 or 6 posts in the last hour. You just can’t resist showing up and making a fool of yourself, can you ProudASS?
It is hard to take you seriously when you say you find this blog boring.
ProudASS @ 79
“Why do you hate America? “
I’ve never seen any poster—left or right—say they hate America.
Why do you hate truth so much ASS?
Curious Georgespews:
by PROUDtobeAnASS— 11/13/05 @ 11:40 am
” …Mike McGavicks Mom or daughter or gardner… ”
McGavick beats hid gardener????
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’m not defending terrorists, you fuckstick Nazi apologist for torture. Go back and read my post again, fascist! I said “innocent” people. Got that? Bush has fucked up everything else, so why do you assume his Keystone Kops arrested the right people? According to the International Red Cross, 85% to 90% of the Iraqis tortured in U.S. dungeons were INNOCENT CIVILIANS ARRESTED BY MISTAKE. These are war crimes and crimes against humanity, not just retribution against evil terrorists, got that? If Bush wants to torture people, then it’s his responsibility to make sure his torturing people who’ve got it coming, and if he tortures the wrong people he should be subject to the same justice we meted out to the German and Japanese war criminals. Crrrrrrrkkkkkk-SNAP-crunch!!! (neck breaking at end of rope)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 79
Why are you a Nazi?
ProudAss @74,
I won’t be going after McGavick’s wife or daughter or gardener. (At least, I don’t think I will.) I’ll be going after his career as an insurance industry lobbyist and executive. There are plenty of legitimate stories regarding his career at Safeco and the many policyholders and employees he screwed.
It won’t take much muckraking to dig up some muck on McGavick.
Roger Rabbitspews:
2006 Predictions
1. Mike McGavick, $10 million a year Safeco CEO, will NOT be embraced by voters as a “man of the people.”
2. Mark the Redneck will NOT pay his gambling debt to Goldy.
3. Bush’s approval ratings will NOT improve.
4. Osama will NOT be captured.
5 The Parks Department will NOT catch Roger Rabbit!
6 Roger Rabbit will NOT be tutored!!
7. Stefan will NOT get a real job!!!
to add to RR’s last post… and ProudBigAss will not live happily ever after. Her culture of torture and corruption in DC will be booted out on their collective ass’ and be seeking asylum in a friendly foreign nation….lol….that is if there are any ‘friendly foregin nations’ left in this world………
Today on CBS’ DeFace the Nation, Sen. John McCain said Democrats have a right to criticize the war but that it was disingenuous to claim that Bush lied about intelligence to justify it.
“Every intelligence agency in the world, including the Russians, the French … all reached the same conclusion,” McCain said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”
Duh Rupert “Lawn Dart” Wabbet or is it Rupert “Truth Teller” Wabbet! Do you believe the great war hero John McCain? He was over in Vietnam with you but he spent many years in the Hanoi Hilton!!!
Puddybud @ 88
“Every intelligence agency in the world, including the Russians, the French … all reached the same conclusion”
Ummmmm…sure. That’s why the U.S. tried but failed to get a resolution through the U.N. before invading.
DJ, you reading my posts? Wow I’m honored perfesser!
Now about your drivel. With the French and Russians getting Oil for Food profiteering (Volcker Report), and the French, Russians & Germans (NBC & CNN Report) illegally selling Saddam military weaponry, why would they give the US an approval? Come on DJ, you post some witty and intelligent material here, but you slipped on de banana with that one!!!
Mark The Redneckspews:
Goldy – Since Wabbit won’t take the case, and Pope hasn’t responded, I decided to make the donation. If I had won, I would have let you off with a RedCross donation since it was unclear, but since you won’t do that, I’ll make a donation to Maria. I’d hate for you moonbats to think poorly of me.
I turns out that this may be worth a helluva lot more than $100 to Sen Cantwell. I just went to and tried to make a $100 donation. Her website won’t take my street address or zip code. Tried coupla times. One of you moonbats might want to let her know her site doesn’t work. Geez, you’d think savvy executive from a tech firm would be on top of that.
Since I can’t make a cash donation, would it be OK if I made an “in kind” donation? I know you moonbats are big into that. I was thinking of buying her a university level textbook on commodity market economics so she doesn’t continue to make a fool of herself on her oil company witchhunt.
For the record, I think McGavick’s chances are zero. Any state that would keep Senator Dimbulb in office is hopeless.
MTR: She’s a donk. Intelligence not necessary in WA State.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Puddy – If a R senator was voted “Not Rocket Scientist” every year by staffers, do you think it would make front page news? Do you think the PI would have a “Daily No” on returning such an idiot to the Senate? In this case, yes, since she’s a useful idiot.
I don’t think Maria is stoopid like Dimbulb. She’s wrong on almost everything, but she’s not stoopid.
Mark you are giving her the BOTD. I don’t. I doubt if she could find a good issue if Harry Reid gave it to her. That being said at least she didn’t speak superlatives about Osama like our other “glorious” senator did.
Filmmaker Michael Moore has made a career out of trashing corporations and said he doesn’t own any stocks due to moral principle.
How then did author Peter Schweizer uncover IRS documents showing that Moore’s very own foundation has bought stocks in some of America’s largest corporations – including Halliburton, other defense contractors and some of the same companies he has attacked?
In his blockbuster new book “Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy,” Hoover Fellow Schweizer reveals the glaring contradictions between the public stances and real-life behavior of prominent liberals including Al Franken, Ralph Nader, Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi. [Editor’s Note: Get your copy of “Do As I Say” – Go Here Now.]
But he reserves some of his sharpest barbs for Moore.
In his first documentary “Roger & Me,” Moore skewered General Motors, Schweizer points out.
In “The Big One,” he went after Nike and PayDay candy bars.
“Bowling for Columbine” was an attack on the American gun industry.
More coming…
Installment #2
Oil companies played a major role in “Fahrenheit 911.”
His upcoming film “Sicko” pillories drug companies and HMOs.
On his television shows “TV Nation” and “The Awful Truth,” he criticized HMOs and defense contractors.
He once said that major defense contractor Halliburton was run by a bunch of “thugs,” and suggested that for every American killed in the Iraq war, “I would like Halliburton to slay one mid-level executive.”
Publicly, Moore has claimed he wants no part of these companies and won’t own stock.
In his book “Stupid White Men,” he wrote: “I don’t own a single share of stock.”
He repeated the claim in a 1997 letter to the online magazine Salon, saying: “I don’t own any stock.”
Privately, however, he tells the IRS a different story, Schweizer discloses in his book.
The year that Moore claimed in “Stupid White Men” that he didn’t own any stock, he told the IRS that a foundation totally controlled by Moore and his wife had more than $280,000 in corporate stock and nearly $100,000 in corporate bonds.
Over the past five years, Moore’s holdings have “included such evil pharmaceutical and medical companies as Pfizer, Merck, Genzyme, Elan PLC, Eli Lilly, Becton Dickinson and Boston Scientific,” writes Schweizer, whose earlier works include “The Bushes” and “Reagan’s War.”
“Moore’s supposedly nonexistent portfolio also includes big bad energy giants like Sunoco, Noble Energy, Schlumberger, Williams Companies, Transocean Sedco Forex and Anadarko, all firms that ‘deplete irreplaceable fossil fuels in the name of profit’ as he put it in ?Dude, Where’s My Country?’
More forthcoming…
The filter killed #2 so here is #3
“And in perhaps the ultimate irony, he also has owned shares in Halliburton. According to IRS filings, Moore sold Halliburton for a 15 percent profit and bought shares in Noble, Ford, General Electric (another defense contractor), AOL Time Warner (evil corporate media) and McDonald’s.
“Also on Moore’s investment menu: defense contractors Honeywell, Boeing and Loral.”
Does Moore share the stock proceeds of his “foundation” with charitable causes, you might ask?
Schweizer found that “for a man who by 2002 had a net worth in eight figures, he gave away a modest $36,000 through the foundation, much of it to his friends in the film business or tony cultural organizations that later provided him with venues to promote his books and film.”
Moore’s hypocrisy doesn’t end with his financial holdings.
He has criticized the journalism industry and Hollywood for their lack of African-Americans in prominent positions, and in 1998 he said he personally wanted to hire minorities “who come from the working class.”
In “Stupid White Men,” he proclaimed his plans to “hire only black people.”
But when Schweizer checked the senior credits for Moore’s latest film “Fahrenheit 911,” he found that of the movie’s 14 producers, three editors, production manager and production coordinator, all 19 were white. So were all three cameramen and the two people who did the original music.
On “Bowling for Columbine,” 13 of the 14 producers were white, as were the two executives in charge of production, the cameramen, the film editor and the music composer.
His show “TV Nation” had 13 producers, four film editors and 10 writers – but not a single African-American among them.
And as for Moore’s insistence on portraying himself as “working class” and an “average Joe,” Schweizer recounts this anecdote:
“When Moore flew to London to visit people at the BBC or promote a film, he took the Concorde and stayed at the Ritz. But he also allegedly booked a room at a cheap hotel down the street where he could meet with journalists and pose as a ?man of humble circumstances.'”
That’s hypocrisy with a capital H!
I guess having determined Michael Moore owning Halliburton stock is more than Goldy’s filter can stand.
Looks like Joe WIlson got to Andrea Mitchell, you know the wife of the Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan!
“Do we have any idea how widely known it was in Washington that Joe Wilson’s wife worked for the CIA?” she was asked by host Alan Murray in an Oct. 3, 2003 interview on CNBC’s “Captial Report.”
Mitchell replied: “It was widely known among those of us who cover the intelligence community and who were actively engaged in trying to track down who among the foreign service community was the envoy to Niger. So a number of us began to pick up on that.”
Confronted with her comments Thursday morning, the top NBC reporter insisted: “[The quote] was out of context.”
When pressed, a flustered-sounding Mitchell explained: “I – I – I said it was widely known that an envoy had gone – let me try to find the quote. But the fact is what I was trying to say in the rest of that sentence – I said we did not know who the envoy was until the Novak column.”
Moments later, however, Mitchell changed her story, saying she was talking about both Plame and Wilson:
“I said that it was widely known that – here’s the exact quote – I said that it was widely known that Wilson was an envoy and that his wife worked at the CIA. But I was talking about . . . after the Novak column.”
“That was not clear,” she finally confessed, before admitting, “I may have misspoken in October 2003 in that interview.”
Her acknowledgment prompted Imus to remark: “It took me a minute to get that out of you.”
Yeah Andrea, Joe Wilson got to you. Plame and simple!
Annnnnnnnnnd Noooooooooooow, The hypocrisy of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
The California Democrat claims to be a staunch union supporter, and along with her husband has received the Cesar Chavez award from the United Farm Workers union.
Unions are, in her words, “fighting for America’s working families” and battling “the union-busting, family-hurting” Bush administration. But Schweizer has uncovered that the $25 million Northern California vineyard the Pelosis own is a non-union shop!
Schweizer writes: “Welcome to Hypocrisy Central.”
But Pelosi’s hypocrisy doesn’t stop there.
The congresswoman is the top recipient among members of Congress in campaign contributions from labor unions, and has received more money from the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union than any other member of Congress in the last several election cycles.
But in addition to the wine business, the Pelosis own a large stake in the exclusive Auberge du Soleil hotel in Rutherford, Calif.
The hotel has more than 250 employees, but once again, Schweizer found, it is strictly a non-union shop.
The Pelosis are also partners in a restaurant chain called Piatti, which has 900 employees.
“But a union card is not required to work there bussing tables, washing dishes, serving guests or preparing food,” Schweizer writes in NewsMax Magazine.
“As with Auberge du Soleil, at Piatti the Pelosis’ commitment to organized labor ends at the front door.” Pelosi has also demonstrated hypocrisy on the environment.
Damn you donks make this so simple. Wait until America learns this. And you guys will win in 2006. Such liars your side is!!!
Nancy Pelosi Union Buster!!!!
Michael Moore Defense Stock Holder!!!
Annnnnnnnnnd Noooooooooooow, The hypocrisy of Teddy Chappaquiddick Kennedy.
Schweizer also reveals that another “environmentalist” named Ted Kennedy can be two-faced when it comes to helping mother earth.
Kennedy has recently charged that Republicans have “poisoned our air and water” by repealing environmental protection laws.
But when it came to protecting the environment in Massachusetts, Teddy tried to torpedo a plan to erect dozens of wind turbines off the coast of Massachusetts to provide clean alternative energy to Cape Cod.
Apparently Teddy went ballistic when he found out that some some of the turbines would be placed near his favorite sailing spot just off Hyannis Port.
Schweizer’s report also details how Ted Kennedy, who has fought for the estate tax and spoken out against tax shelters, has repeatedly benefited from an intricate web of trusts and private foundations that have shielded most of his family’s fortune from the IRS.
One Kennedy family trust wasn’t even set up in the U.S. but in Fiji. “The reality is that liberals like to preach in moral platitudes,” says Schweizer.
“They like to condemn ordinary Americans and Republicans for a whole host of things racism, lack of concern for the poor, polluting the environment, and greed.
Yep, that’s Teddy, liberal hero!!!
Annnnnnnnnnd Noooooooooooow, can you spare $100K.
Israel’s Yitzhak Rabin Center is charging $100,000 a pop for supporters who want to bask in the aura of former and possibly future first couple Bill and Hillary Clinton, who will be attending the center’s opening next week.
A fundraising letter obtained by the New York Post asks for donations to the center – saying seating will be determined “according to the size of the contribution.”
“Priority, of course, will be given to the highest contributions,” the letter adds.
The Clintons will be seated at a 10-person table with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who apparently won’t be charged for the honor. At the same table will be Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Jordan’s King Abdullah.
Prof. djspews:
Puddybud @ 90
“DJ, you reading my posts? Wow I’m honored perfesser!”
Sorry…it was an accident. Usually I can spot your tripe from the very first sentence, and then just skip the post. But, damn if you didn’t produce a readable first sentence. The last paragraph of post 88, on the other hand, is reverts back to your typical gibbersih.
“Come on DJ, you post some witty and intelligent material here, but you slipped on de banana with that one!!!”
Sorry, but I didn’t find any relevance whatsoever in your post @ 90 to my point that the U.S. tried but failed to get a resolution through the U.N. before invading Iraq.
Did you guys think I’d forget Al Franken{stein]? Hell NO!
Before Schweizer’s book came out, Al Franken’s agent, Jonathan Lazear, called Schweizer’s editor at Doubleday and said they consider the material in the book to be ‘legally actionable.’ They then followed up with a letter demanding to know where I got all this, ‘private information’ on Al Franken.”
In “Do As I Say,” Schweizer reports that Franken has hired 112 employees over the years and only one was black – news that Franken was not pleased to see in print. Let’s see 1/112 is… a damn low number!!!!! Sorry donnageddon do your own math!
But according to Schweizer, Franken isn’t denying the charge, telling O’Reilly, “They haven’t questioned the validity of the information. He’s not challenged one thing.”
DJ Google the timeline September 2002-Feb 2003. I did and it’s on the ASS! See the Canadian thread for further explanations.
Jon: Donnageddon recently said he doesn’t use the facts. Well neither does Rupert “Truth Teller” Wabbet. He forgets some of the Senates loudest and mouthiest donks sit on the Senate Intelligence Committee. Maybe Rupert they ain’t so intelligent after all if you say so right?
Roger Rabbitspews:
McCain is a Republican. He hopes to run for president. You don’t expect him to call his party’s sitting president a liar, do you?
Rupert: I am talking to you about your side on the Senate Intelligence Committee. One of the biggest loudmouths is Michigan’s Carl Levin!
On another topic, I thought blue state thought is so PROGRESSIVE! Well: “NEW YORK – Eighteen-year-old Chen Tsu was waiting on a Brooklyn subway platform after school when four high school classmates approached him and demanded cash. He showed them his empty pockets, but they attacked him anyway, taking turns pummeling his face.
He was scared and injured — bruised and swollen for several days — but hardly surprised.
At his school, Lafayette High in Brooklyn, Chinese immigrant students like him are harassed and bullied so routinely that school officials in June agreed to a Department of Justice consent decree to curb alleged “severe and pervasive harassment directed at Asian-American students by their classmates.”
Increasingly, some victims are fighting back. A 2003 California survey by the Services and Advocacy for Asian Youth Consortium found that 14 percent of Asian youth said they join gangs for protection. Department of Justice school crime data found the number of Asian youth carrying weapons nearly tripled from 1999 to 2001.
“There are more Asian kids being brought to juvenile court for assault and battery,” Arifuku said. “The thing we’re finding in their history is that they had been picked on — called names and teased — and in some cases they lashed out and retaliated.”
Ahhh yes, progressive schools, where if you are an immigrant, “kick the shit out of him!” Yes, you guys are winning the day.
Hey Goldy, I have the Michael Moore expose saved. Please fully post it above.
Auberge du Soleil hotel, the WalMart of Hotels; no unions – Nancy Pelosi owner!
For the Cluelessspews:
Wow. Lookee here…
Puddy Freep Koresh takin’ long draughts of the wingnut KOOL-AID after being laid low by the election and welshing on a bet.
OK Puddy Freep! Down the hatch…
All’s right with the world! Lovely.
[Not A Republican Within Miles!!! Classic Black Democrats At Play!!] Detroit elections officials lost track of ballots in nine precincts — or almost 3,000 votes — in Tuesday’s election, and did not count them until two days after polls closed.
State Elections Director Chris Thomas ordered city officials late Friday to keep their hands off voting records until he meets with them today.
Thomas’ order came after he learned of the problem Friday afternoon from the Free Press, and as city elections officials were preparing to hold an emergency meeting with software engineers to try to resolve ongoing discrepancies in the vote totals.
The addition of the missing votes did not appear to alter the result of the most hotly contested mayoral race in recent memory. However, it’s not entirely clear what impact the missing votes had on other races on the city ballot, including the City Council and the school board.
Thomas said he was “absolutely dismayed” to learn of the missing votes.
“We cannot believe that in this climate that Detroit election officials wouldn’t publicly disclose that all of the precincts were not counted,” Thomas said.
The missing votes raise fresh concerns about how votes have been secured and counted under outgoing City Clerk Jackie Currie, whose absentee ballot program is under federal investigation.
City elections officials acknowledged that a wayward poll worker took home the results from two precincts late Tuesday; and nonchalantly delivered them to election headquarters about noon Wednesday. Elections staffers discovered the results from seven other precincts inside locked ballot boxes after a fevered search…
JCH @ 112
“Detroit elections officials lost track of ballots in nine precincts – or almost 3,000 votes – in Tuesday’s election, and did not count them until two days after polls closed.”
Are you smoking crack out there on the Big Island, JCH? The ballots were most likely “assisted” in becoming “lost” by Republicans trying to disenfranchise African American voters.
Did you see the Detroit Free Press on Nov 8:
On Election Day and the days leading up to it, allegations were made about irregularities in the Detroit city election:
— The NAACP alleged that Republican poll challengers had harassed and intimidated voters at a church polling place on the city’s north side. The group went to federal court and said it obtained an order banning the challengers from the polls and from intimidating voters. The GOP, though, denied that it intimidated anyone and said the federal judge merely reiterated state law that says poll challengers are not to speak with voters without a finding of wrongdoing.
DJ……113………..Yeah, Republicans in Detroit [the empty set] were responsible!! Classic!! Kind of like all the Republicans in Harare, Zimbabwe, or in the NAALCP. Classic!! Total black Democrat election fraud, and you [and the NAACP] blame Bush!! You Democrats are idiots!!
JCH and RUFUS: Back in September 2002, this was Detroit: “In a September memo from the Detroit mayor’s office, it was revealed that Detroit has 600,000 registered voters, only about 450,000 of which are legitimate.” Just think RUFUS and JCH, you can bet those 150,000 phantom voters haven’t been trending Republican.
Update: October 29, 2002:
Detroit’s voter rolls in question
Mayor’s office says total too high by 150,000; dispute could skew count, prompt challenges
By Darci McConnell / The Detroit News
“DETROIT — Despite having died eight years ago, Kathe Beddow still retains one mortal privilege: The right to vote.
“The city Elections Department in July sent Beddow a voter registration card, even though she hasn’t voted in more than a decade. She is also still listed as a registered voter with the Secretary of State’s Office.
“Behind such simple mistakes lies a massive disagreement over the number of registered voters in Detroit that could become a pivotal issue in next week’s election. The credibility of the registered-voter rolls came into question last month, in a controversial memo tied to Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. The memo, drafted by Kilpatrick aides and addressed but never delivered to Democrat gubernatorial candidate Jennifer Granholm, claims that the city’s total of registered voters — listed by elections and state officials as topping 600,000 — is off by more than 150,000 people.
“It has been said that there are 650,000 registered voters in the city of Detroit. We all understand that this is a false number,” the memo reads. “… I believe that number will fall somewhere around 450,000 registered voters.” Reinforced Kilpatrick spokesman Jamaine Dickens: “We believe that the (650,000) number is inaccurate.”
“When Southfield attorney Geoffrey Fieger ran for governor in 1998, he targeted 300,000 voters, instead of the more than 600,000 that the city says are registered. Fieger, who went on to win 87 percent of the votes that year with 196,624, said he believed the number of registered voters recorded in city and state records was wrong.
“I believe that the true number (of registered voters) is somewhere around 400,000,” Fieger said. “It was never my understanding that it was 600,000 voters.”
“But Detroit Elections Director Gloria Williams maintains there are 611,321 registered voters in the city. This summer, the city spent $143,363 to mail registration cards. “That’s way wrong,” Williams said of the 450,000 figure in Kilpatrick’s memo.
“Both Williams and State Elections Director Chris Thomas say their efforts are hindered by federal laws saying that even when a voter is suspected to no longer be at an address, that person’s record can’t be purged until after two federal election cycles.
“After its summer mailing, the city got back 63,000 voter registration cards bearing bad addresses. The earliest those voters can be taken off the rolls is 2004, Williams said.”
Pud…….Classic! Great work. Detroit times ten is what is going on in Philly, NYC, Gary, Atlanta, and the Windy City. Solution: make voter fraud a capital offense. [I can hear the Democrats howling from the Big Island!!]
Rewriting history?
This from the President who gave us 5 reasons (in turn, as each previous reason failed) for going to war in Iraq?
Bush is a lyin’ fool!
Hey Stefan, if the judge in your lawsuit against KCRE awards you monetary penalties and attorney fees, are you going to share the money with the generous donors who paid for your lawsuit, or keep it all for yourself?
Hey Stefan, can your wife get me a good deal on a Hyundai?
Hey Stefan, why can’t you hold a job?
It’s an affront for a guy who shirked National Guard duty to stand in front of active duty troops and pontificate about patriotism.
And NONE of the Democrats who voted to authorize the war in Iraq had the same intelligence that Bush had.
They only got the intelligence warped and filtered by the Bush administration.
The American people are gonna rip thes lying bastard Neo-Cons a new asshole over all this lying, death, and stealing.
Yes, Mr Rab — the crimal conspiracy is utterly without shame.
Sent into modern battle without armor. Screwing with VA benefits and bonus checks. Go wave that flag a la Germany in the 1930’s.
I am a patriot. The flag wavers of the far right make me sick.
GW Bush, the most unpatriotic, idiotic, pathetic excuse for a US citizen, let alone a US President in the history of this great country. After 2006, when the Democratic congress/senate start impeachment proceedings for his lying, abuse and coverups where will he hide? With the Royals in Saudi?
The best news is that despite the spin, i.e., outright lies of the Bush regime and its counterpart, republican radio, the American people aren’t buying it. A FOX NEWS Poll (yes even FOX) has him at 37%!!! Man we are watching a dude tank the US Presidency. It’s sad. But that’s what Americans supposedly wanted when they voted. You can bet that in 06, the vote won’t be close enough for Bush’s pals at Diebold to fix. The Dems are on their way back to control of at least one House. And then we will see the brakes put on the most corrupt, inept and dangerous American President the world will ever know.
President Bush is illustrating the foolishness of trying to be a “moderate”. In today’s polarized political environment, there is no “center”. As seen from the hateful comments here, trying to get the moonbat vote is a waste of time, but he has also lost his base. He lost me.
I support the political objectives in Iraq, but the military execution is terrible. For example, how the fuck can the road to the airport still be a kill zone?
Why are we spending 1/4 trillion to rebuild Nawlins? That’s stoopid. It was a shithole before Katrina, and it will be a shithole when it’s rebuilt. We should just bulldoze it and walk away.
Medicare prescription drugs will bankrupt us. There just isn’t enough money to do it.
The thing with Harriet Miers was embarassing. Nomininating someone with zero qualifications makes me question his judgement.
His refusal to secure the borders will bankrupt us and continues to threaten our security.
GWB is an R, but he’s certainly no conservative. He squandered his political capital by trying to get along with evil, and been a big disappointment true conservatives. Still, he’s infinitely better than the Inventor of The Internet or kooky John Kerry.
Now here’s a funny one from the Internet:
“Joseph R. Cerrell, a leading California Democrat and prominent Italian American, has called on Chairman Howard Dean to apologize to Federal Appellate Judge Samuel Alito for Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffers saying the Supreme Court nominee was weak in prosecuting the Mafia. Dean has not replied to Cerrell’s Nov. 2 letter.
A DNC press release blasted Alito’s record as a federal prosecutor in losing “a key conviction” that resulted in members of the Lucchese crime family being freed. “The staffers and the DNC must apologize to Judge Alito and to all Italian Americans” for “scurrilous tactics,” Cerrell’s letter said. He contended “this kind of behavior is beneath any standard of the Democratic Party that I have known.”
Cerrell, a Los Angeles-based political consultant, is vice chairman of the National Italian American Foundation.”
WTF? Howard Dean now an Italian based racist too? He had no blacks in his campaign, and when Jesse HiJack-son called his sorry ASS on it he said paraphrased: We couldn’t find qualified campaign minorities! This new Italian attack is sweet revenge! HA Ha ha ha! Maybe the Republicans do have a chance in 2006 with Howard “Screeeeeeeech Yeeeeeeeaaaaaagh” Dean at the top!!! Please donkocrats, don’t muzzle him!!!
ChristmasGhost: On another thread you mentioned where are the dissenting voices of the donkocrats. Windbag left a strange answer. Well more from the Internet:
“Pennsylvania State Treasurer Bob Casey, running for the Senate as a pro-life Democrat, is maintaining a golden silence on the nomination of Judge Sam Alito even within his own party circles.
A fellow Pennsylvania Democrat privately sought out Casey’s views on Alito last week and was told the candidate had nothing to say. Sooner or later, however, Casey will have to take a stand on Alito, whose opinions on the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals have tended to be pro-life.
As a mainstream Democrat, Casey will be under pressure to take a critical view of Alito by liberal groups waging an all-out campaign and promising to do anything to stop him. “You name it, we’ll do it,” said Nan Aron, president of the Alliance for Justice.” – He’s running against Rick Santorum, so he has to be pro-life. But you watch from afar Christmasghost, if the abortion donkocrats don’t try and sink his donkocratic candidacy!
More donkocratic news: – Mother offers her four year old for sex. She is also the mother of a week old daughter. I thought the doctors say wait six weeks.
This ranks up there with my post of the judge.
Props to Goldy for breaking the Iron Beats Mom story and handing victory to Sims.
It was all you baby!
Hey lay off President Bush, for a former cocaine user and a major league boozer, he is doing better than expected, Capitol Hill Blues assures us that his current medication (for emotional instability) is working well! Lying is just a part of his dependant personality–he cannot help himself, besides he is Republican. And he is not a draft dodger, he served most of his stint in the Air National
Hey Mark the Redneck… didn’t I win a wager?
In a 9/20/05 comment thread, you wrote:
To which I replied:
You rejected my gracious offer to make this a win-win wager, so I expect to see evidence of a $100 contribution from you, to Sen. Maria Cantwell’s reelection campaign.
It won’t be enough to point me towards an entry in the FEC database… since I have no idea who you are. You will have to privately reveal your identity to me, which I swear to keep secret… and perhaps show me a copy of the check so that I can match it up.
It was good doing business with you.
You don’t expect a lying shitbag republican to own up to a bet do you?
Goldy – Is Maria Cantell a “charity”? I don’t think so. Pick a real charity. And no, I am not going to reveal my identity to you or anyone else here. Too many kooks…
Gee, MTR, I was with you — I thought you had seen the light — until the last sentence. How can GWB be “infinitely better” than a cockroach, let alone any Democrat you could name?
But hey, MTR, the good news is that if you send a $100 check to American Red Cross for losing your wager with Goldy, and post that you sent it, I’ll take your word for it that you kept your end of the bargain.
We’re men of honor here, even you lying shitbag Republican scum suckers.
On certain things, that is.
Redneck @18,
“Charity”…? That wasn’t the deal:
I offered you the opportunity to agree on a mutually acceptable charity, and you said no. So you must send $100 to whoever I specify. I specify Sen. Maria Cantwell’s reelection campaign, and I expect you to provide some sort of documentary evidence to prove that you made the contribution. If you can figure out a way to protect your anonymity, fine. But I’m not just going to take your word for it.
“That’s what U.S. Senator Patty Murray, D-Washington, did last summer when it was revealed that the Department of Veterans Affairs did not have the resources to provide adequate care for soldiers returning from Afghanistan and Iraq.
“Murray … offered an amendment to address the shortfall of more than $1 billion. But her move was blocked by Senate Republicans who claimed that the money was not needed.
” … Richard Fuller, the legislative director of the Paralyzed Veterans, told the Washington Post that the money problems were obvious to anyone visiting VA clinics and hospitals. ‘You could see it happening, clinics shutting down, appointments delayed,’ Fuller explained. Joseph A. Violante, legislative director of the Disabled American Veterans, added a blunter assessment, charging that the administration was ‘shortchanging veterans.’
“Finally, … Senate Republicans relented and voted to provide the needed money.
“U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, R-Pennsylvania, a leading conservative who is big on supporting the president but not so enthusiastic when it comes to supporting veterans, was forced to admit that, ‘We were in error. Sen. Murray was right.'”;pid=35900
“By JOHN HEILPRIN, Associated Press Writer
Thu Nov 10, 9:43 PM ET
“WASHINGTON – As many as 20 million acres of public land could be sold under a proposed change in mining law that is tucked into a budget bill in the House.
“At issue is the possible overturning of a congressional ban that has prevented mineral companies and individuals from ‘patenting,’ or buying, public land, including some in national forests and parks, at cheap prices if the land contains mineral deposits.
“‘If this provision became law, it could literally lead to the privatization of millions of acres of public land, including national park and national forest land,’ said Dave Alberswerth, public lands director for The Wilderness Society.”
For complete story see
“By Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball
“Updated: 1:31 p.m. ET Nov. 10, 2005
“Nov. 10, 2005 – A CIA document shows the agency in January 2003 raised questions about an Al Qaeda detainee’s claims that Saddam Hussein’s government provided chemical and biological weapons training to terrorists—weeks before President George W. Bush and other top officials flatly used those same claims to make their case for war against Iraq.”
For complete story see
From a New York Times story by Eric Lipton dated November 11, 2005, about portable classrooms in Mississippi:
“Provided by a politically connected Alaskan-owned business under a $40 million no-bid contract, the classrooms cost FEMA nearly $90,000 each, including transportation, according to contracting documents. That is double the wholesale price and nearly 60 percent higher than the price offered by two small Mississippi businesses dropped from the deal.
“In addition, the portable buildings were not secured in a concrete foundation, as usually required by state regulations because of safety concerns in a region prone to hurricanes and tornados.”
For complete story see
“House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Steve Buyer (R-IN) announced that for the first time in at least 55 years, ‘veterans service organizations will no longer have the opportunity to present testimony before a joint hearing of the House and Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committees.’
” … Buyer was handpicked by criminally-indicted Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX) to replace former veterans committee chairman Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), who had been extremely vocal about the consistent underfunding of veterans causes.
“The Disabled American Veterans … issued a scathing release calling the move ‘an insult to all who have fought, sacrificed and died to defend the Constitution.'”
Goldy – I am NOT going to give money to to perpetuate evil. NOT gonna happen. For the same reason you didn’t want to give money to Tim. Pick a charity, or shove it up your ass? Get it?
Redneck @29,
Well, that just shows what a dishonest, dishonorable little prick you really are. We had a bet. I accepted your terms. I offered to modify it so that the money went to a mutually acceptable charity, and you refused. Had I lost, you would have expected me to give $100.00 to Tim Eyman, but now that you have lost, you refuse to give $100.00 to Maria Cantwell.
Be a man, and live up the terms of the wager, or be a pussy and refuse. It’s up to you.
Mark the Redneck @ 29
What????? You are reneging on your bet?
Here is a suggestion Mark the Redneck, instead of sending $100 to Cantwell, mail $100 in cash to Goldy.
Goldy can then use the cash to defray the costs of having this blog.
DEMOCRATS: Here’s how to get the public to oppose the Iraq War
The promise to open up the bids on the Katrina recovery is also a sham ( lie ). It’s all about enriching the top 1% even obscenely MORE. If they won’t back off on robbing us all blind, we’ll have to consider other options.
Was there ever any doubt? He’s a right winger, therefore he’s a total fuckin’ pussy….as are all right wingers.
After you declined to pay Tim, you suggested an agreeable charity. You can’t “accept” an offer, and then offer to modify the terms; that ain’t the way contract law works. I got sick of “negotiating” so I dropped it.
Look, I don’t mind parting with $100. I was sure 912 would pass, but the elites got out enough money and told enough lies that enough idiots believed it. That’s politics. So I’ll go to right now and put it on my card.
Redneck @35,
You’re not going to weasel out of it that easily. Again, read what I wrote in response to your offer of a wager:
I said “You’re on.” Can’t read that as anything but accepting the terms of your wager.
Then I added “If you’d like…” we could turn it into a friendly wager. You declined.
I accepted your terms, but then out of kindness offered a modification that would have avoided you having to give money to somebody like Cantwell. You, the arrogant prick that you are, refused my offer.
This was a suckers bet, Redneck, and you were the sucker. I knew the polling data, I knew the money that was going to be spent on the No campaign. And I offered you a gracious way out. But you said no.
Now be a man, pay up… or be a pussy.
Mark the Redneck @ 35
“After you declined to pay Tim”
Goldy did not decline to pay Eyman. He literally said “You’re on.” which to any reasonable person would imply acceptance of the bet on your terms.
“… you suggested an agreeable charity. You can’t “accept” an offer, and then offer to modify the terms…”
What the fuck are you talking about????? Yes you can! It happens all the time! Modifications of a binding contract requires agreement by both parties. You chose not to accept the modifications, but both you and Goldy are bound by the original terms of the contract.
“that ain’t the way contract law works.”
You don’t know much about contract law, do you MTR?
Now, please be gracious and fulfill your obligations (or be a prick about it, but pay the fuck up).
What do you all expect from a neonut talibaptist like our own rednecked troll. Most Repbulicans created their wealth by lying, cheating and stealing from honest people! Why would we think this POS is any different.?
Don’t criticise MTR! It’s not patriotic and it will make our soldiers feel they are risking their lives for Halliburton.
Mark, give the $100 to Halleburton–the favorate Republican charity, or maybe Scootere’s defense fund.
An integral part of being a moonbat is aggressive ignorance of how things work in the real world. Instead of following rule of law, moonbats instead prefer to interpret right and wrong in light of their own limited knowledge and of the current situation rather in terms of standards. Such is the case here.
As a public service to the kooks out there, I’ll share some of my knowledge resulting from my years of education and experience. You could argue that maybe its overkill to cite contract law in this case, since it was just a bet on the outcome of an initiative communicated on a blog between strangers. But in the absence of any other standard, let’s use contract law.
The way contract law works is that there is not a contract until both sides agree on terms and conditions of the contract. One provision of contract law is intended to address precisely the situation at issue here. The idea is that if an offerer extends an offer to an offeree, and the offeree replies with material alterations, then the original offer is considered to be rejected, and no contract exists. Think about it, if you agree to pay $500,000 for a home, and I say “OK, I accept your offer but the price is now $600,000”, does a contact exist? Of course not… The RCW below spells it out:
RCW 62A.2-207
Additional terms in acceptance or confirmation.
(1) A definite and seasonable expression of acceptance or a written confirmation which is sent within a reasonable time operates as an acceptance even though it states terms additional to or different from those offered or agreed upon, unless acceptance is expressly made conditional on assent to the additional or different terms.
(2) The additional terms are to be construed as proposals for addition to the contract. Between merchants such terms become part of the contract unless:
(a) the offer expressly limits acceptance to the terms of the offer;
(b) they materially alter it; or
(c) notification of objection to them has already been given or is given within a reasonable time after notice of them is received.
(3) Conduct by both parties which recognizes the existence of a contract is sufficient to establish a contract for sale although the writings of the parties do not otherwise establish a contract. In such case the terms of the particular contract consist of those terms on which the writings of the parties agree, together with any supplementary terms incorporated under any other provisions of this Title.
Goldy objected to my offer term of who the payee would be. He was quite clear when he said
“…you did pick the absolute worst cause I could possibly think of. If you’d like, instead of trying to screw each other, we could make this a friendlier wager by selecting a mutually agreeable charity – like the Red Cross”
Clearly, this was (and still is) a “material issue” per paragraph (b), and at this point the offer was legally rejected by Goldy. By this time, Goldy and I had gone back and forth a number of times, and since he rejected my latest offer, I dropped the issue entirely. His later statement of “you’re on” is meaningless because he suggested an alteration to a material term. I never replied to his last post with an acceptance because I decided it was stupid to continue.
However, it could be argued that paragraph (3) of the RCW applies to this situation. While we disagreed on one term of the contract, clearly we an agreement for $100 to be paid. So since I’m a nice guy, I will go along with the “spirit” of the contract and make good on the $100 payment if we can agree on a mutually agreeable charity.
Hopefully all you moonbats appreciate the time I took to educate you in this basic aspect of contract law. If not, go fuck yourselves.
I may regret this… but I’ll do it.
Roger Rabbit claims to be a retired attorney. Although I don’t think he practiced in the area of contract law, if he really is a lawyer, he had to know contract law 101 to pass the bar.
RR indicated an understanding of the law when he said in this thread:
“But hey, MTR, the good news is that if you send a $100 check to American Red Cross for losing your wager with Goldy, and post that you sent it, I’ll take your word for it that you kept your end of the bargain.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/12/05 @ 11:00 am
As the closest thing to anyone on HA with any kind of legal background, I’ll submit this matter to binding arbitration to Roger Rabbit.
Mark give $100 to Halleburton, the favorite Republican charity, and they are not evil, just greedy. Or you could donate the money to Scooter’s defense fund
I’m not sure who makes me angrier – the bastard punks wasting my money or the liberal jackass excusing them.
Mark the Redneck Villiage Idiot is a lying, cheating, ultr-mega-coward with no morals or sense of ethics.
Ie. he is a Neo-Con thru and thru.
As a practicing attorney, here is my professional opinion: Mark is a cheapskate, and he breached the contract–a wager is inforceeable if the terms are definite and are agreed to by the parties, tha fact the agreement was on this blog and that Mark has never made an intelligent comment is not a defense. So Goldy needs to take Mark to small claims court
Hapless – It wasn’t intelligent, clever or funny the first time. Nor the second…
But tell me something. Help me understand the disease of liberalism… I assume you know Halliburton is in the oil services business… why do you guys hate the oil industry so much? It seems like it gets singled out for especially hateful and uneven treatment by you guys. I don’t get it. Why do you do that? Explain the witchhunt that went on last week in the Senate with Vulnerable Senator Cantwell trying to get camera face time. Do you object to a corporation providing a needed product? Do you not understand the markets? Do you not understand economics? Do you not understand how business works? Do you think the oil industry should be nationalized? What should the price of gas be? Zero? $1/gal? $5/gal? Should it be based on a consumer’s “ability to pay”?
Hapless – You’re not an attorney. I can tell by how you write. You’re just a kook.
WHy did the Oil Industry CEOs not want to be sworn in when they testified before the Congress? They owe that much to the Troops. After all they are fighting a war for their industry.
As war proffiteers, the OIl Industry (especially Haliburton Execs) CEOs should be hung.
Hows that MTRVI?
Hey hapless – Look up spelling of “Halliburton” and “enforceable”. Come back when you get an education. In the meantime, STFU.
Mark the Pussy @42,
The deal was that you would send $100.00 to whoever I specify. I specify Sen. Maria Cantwell’s reelection campaign.
As to your exercise in contract law, I clearly accepted your terms when I said “you’re on.” After accepting your terms, I graciously offered you the face saving opportunity to modify the terms by agreeing in advance to a mutually acceptable charity. You declining did not change my prior acceptance of your original terms… even if you were actually too stupid to understand “you’re on” as definitively accepting your terms.
How about this…. your fellow righty, Richard Pope is also an attorney. I’m willing to submit to binding arbitration from either him or Roger Rabbit, if they are willing; I trust them both to be fair in this matter. Furthermore, should the arbitration go against you, I will ask you to prove to Richard that you contributed $100 to Cantwell’s campaign, and trust his word on it. That way, you only have to reveal your identity to a Republican attorney.
But really, it was clear to everybody here that we had a bet. Cynical was even disappointed that I hadn’t accepted his bet. (Technically I would have lost, since I-912 lost by GREATER than 6 points.) It was a suckers bet, but a bet nonetheless, and your efforts here to weasel out of it on some legal technicality really make you look like a pussy.
A real man (you know… somebody like me) would have gritted his teeth and paid up without complaint.
Oh… and PussyMark…
Just to rub it in… days before the election you repeated that I-912 would pass by 15 points… how does it feel to be 22 points off on that prediction? Just a little stupid? What’s the view like inside your colon?
“The way contract law works is that there is not a contract until both sides agree on terms and conditions of the contract.”
Correct, and when Goldy said he accepted your terms both of you agreed.
“One provision of contract law is intended to address precisely the situation at issue here. The idea is that if an offerer extends an offer to an offeree, and the offeree replies with material alterations, then the original offer is considered to be rejected, and no contract exists.”
Wrong. Goldy accepted the contract, and then suggested a modification for your consideration. RCW 62A.2-207 explicitly states that the contract is enforceable even though modifications are suggested.
“Think about it, if you agree to pay $500,000 for a home, and I say “OK, I accept your offer but the price is now $600,000”, does a contact exist? Of course not…’
Your analogy is faulty. Goldy said the equivalent of “I accept the price of $500,000.” and then offers, “if you wish, we can modify the contract so that you do not pay the closing costs (as specified in the original contract) and the price would be modified to $450,000.”
In that situation, you can chose to close under the original terms of the contract (i.e. reject the offer for a modification), accept the modification, or even make a counter-modification. If you reject the modification, the original contract stands. What RCW 62A.2-207 does not allow you to do is say, “Forget it, because of your suggestion, I will not sell you the house for $500,000.”
“Goldy objected to my offer term of who the payee would be. He was quite clear when he said”
No, he clearly did not, since he explicitly stated that he accepted your offer. The “payee” suggestion by Goldy was a proposal for a modification of the contract.
You misunderstand RCW 62A.2-207″ (1) A definite and seasonable expression of acceptance or a written confirmation which is sent within a reasonable time operates as an acceptance even though it states terms additional to or different from those offered or agreed upon, unless acceptance is expressly made conditional on assent to the additional or different terms.”
Goldy expressed a definite and unconditional acceptance of your terms. You have the right to refuse the “different terms”, but you cannot cancel the contract just because Goldy made that offer for different terms.
If Goldy had said, “I will only accept the bet IF we agree on a common charity…” then you would be correct. But Goldy unconditionally said, “You’re on.” His intent is completely unambiguous.
Pay up, Bozo!
Goldy – The issue is whether your first statement is true. I’m agreeable to letting Pope decide it if he is willing. I agree we had a bet. I agree I lost. I agree to pay $100.
Call it a “legal technicality” if you want. That’s what I’d expect from your side when there are rules.
Goldy @ 53 – Are you happy now that Moses Lake will get a new bike path? That should really help things right?
MTRVI “Call it a “legal technicality†if you want. That’s what I’d expect from your side when there are rules.”
Tell that to Scooter’s defence team, and the other blow hards claiming his perjury was a “legal technicality”.
Pay the fucking bet, you lying, cheating, cowardly scum bag Neo-Con!
Mark, your sense of honor is exceeded only by your good looks.
Goldy @ 52
“A real man (you know… somebody like me) would have gritted his teeth and paid up without complaint.”
I am sure that when Mark the Redneck finally pays, he will grit his tooth.
Mark The Redneck @ 55
“I’m agreeable to letting Pope decide it if he is willing. I agree we had a bet. I agree I lost. I agree to pay $100.”
Wait a minute. If you agree that you had a bet and lost, what is the technicality? Am I misunderstanding what you said here?
I thought you were arguing that the contract was not valid. Now you accept it as valid. Unless you can show that you accepted Goldy’s modification somewhere, then the original terms stand.
Are you arguing that you accepted the modification?
Now it’s, Mark the Redneck WELSHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a weasel. The real reason is that he doesn’t have $100. He drives an old beater with , ” Impeach Earl Warren!” stickers on it.
Reply to 42
I have no jurisdiction to arbitrate this matter because wagering contracts are unenforceable under Washington law. See discussion of wagering contracts, arbitrator’s authority, and enforceability of arbitrator’s decision in in Davidson v. Henson, 135 Wn.2d 112, 954 P.2d 1327 (1998).
Consequently, if you don’t pay up, Goldy’s only recourse is the traditional method of enforcing illegal bets, i.e., whack you.
However, in a spirit of reconciliation, and to avoid the unpleasantness of a killing, I recommend you guys settle this by MTR showing up at Drinking Liberally, buying Goldy a beer, and kissing Goldy’s ass.
63, only if MTR places a feminine condom on his head, we don’t want Goldy to get any STD’s
Now do we really want Goldy to bare his ASS?
Puddybud @ 65
“Now do we really want Goldy to bare his ASS? “
More importantly, do we REALLY want MTR showing up at drinking liberally?
He’d probably run up a tab and leave without paying.
you need to get laid it beats eating in the sharks garden
yo @ 67
“you need to get laid it beats eating in the sharks garden “
Are you sure you are old enough to talk about getting laid? I mean, you don’t even know how to use punctuation or anything. (But, I am glad you learned about the caps lock key. Perhaps you can consider using it for the first letter of each sentence—just a thought).
Goldy. I think you should write some sort of script into the comments engine of the site that gives an automatic switch. MarkTheRedneck should become MarkThePussy every time it’s typed.
Hey guys, why is Howard Dean afraid of Ken Mehlman? Today on Meet the Depressed (Press), Howard Dean would not appear with Ken Mehlman and be interviewed at the same time by Tim Russert. When asked Dean said no again! Now there is a pussy! I thought the most powerful man in the donkocratic party feared no one, except the Italians who are now pissed at Dean over his latest racial slur!
What is MTR graces a drinking Liberally with his wonderful presence and pays for $100 of drinks? Goldy always looks for a handout at these events. Does that count?
I like Howard Dean. You guys should find more like him really fast.
Goldy: I mentioned two weeks ago a book called “Do as I say” is wonderful new tome by Peter Schweizer. It profiles the liberal donkocratic hypocrisy and has made it to the coveted New York Times best-seller list in its first week out.
The book will debut at #14 on the Times list in just 3 days. Since the Times will evaluate Schweizer’s revelations regarding the glaring contradictions between the public stances and real-life behavior of prominent liberals including Al Franken (where’s the minorities in his 115 person staph), Ralph Nader, Ted Kennedy (The family owns oil fields and gets royalties from them), Barbra Streisand (How do I use tax loopholes so I don’t pay taxes), Hillary Clinton (list is too long to write here), Nancy Pelosi (I use non-union labor) and George Soros (no US Accountants so I can hide my money in tax dodges, etc.).
Schweizer sums up his book this way: “The reality is that liberals like to preach in moral platitudes. They like to condemn ordinary Americans and Republicans for a whole host of things – racism, lack of concern for the poor, polluting the environment, and greed. But when it comes to applying those same standards to themselves, liberals are found to be shockingly guilty of hypocrisy.”
I wholeheartedly suggest that Goldy starts a review of the month. This should be his first book. Once the American Public sees donks in action, they will say “What? Huh? What did you say donkocrats?”
“What is MTR graces a drinking Liberally with his wonderful presence and pays for $100 of drinks? Goldy always looks for a handout at these events. Does that count?”
Hey Goldy, how about if MTR gives you a blowjob? Or gives Bill Clinton a b.j.? Will that take care of his gambling debt? I’m merely trying to find a way to avoid bloodshed.
What a snoozefest this little blog has become since Goldy no longer has demented old women to trot out in scurrilous attacks against those who would threaten (albeit, lightly threaten) his master.
How soon before he uses Mike McGavicks Mom or daughter or gardner in his quest for validation as a (snicker) serious journalist? I hear the National Enquirer is looking for sleazy west coast representation…
ProudASS @ 73
“What a snoozefest this little blog has become….”
Then why do you keep showing up?
Oh lets’s see… ONCE in the last 4 days oe so… yep THAT proves your point!
And how interesting that’s the ONLY point you choose to address…the truth is painful to face, ain’t it sweetcheeks?
Not to change the subject, or anything, but while we’re discussing painful truths are you Nazi torturers ready to face the fact that you’ve tortured and murdered innocent people? Or do you need more time to vegetate on it?
Water flowing on their faces to let them think they are drowning…
The embarassment of underwear on their head…
Being made to bark like a dog…
Oh cry me a damned raging river – these terrorist cretins you defend and for whom you weep crocodile tears would delight in castrating you and beheading your impotent body if you came to their defense.
This blog out to be renamed – The Beer Beggar and his pathetic band of America hating terrorist enablers.
Why do you hate America?
“What a snoozefest this little blog has become “
Ooops…make that, what, 5 or 6 posts in the last hour. You just can’t resist showing up and making a fool of yourself, can you ProudASS?
It is hard to take you seriously when you say you find this blog boring.
ProudASS @ 79
“Why do you hate America? “
I’ve never seen any poster—left or right—say they hate America.
Why do you hate truth so much ASS?
by PROUDtobeAnASS— 11/13/05 @ 11:40 am
” …Mike McGavicks Mom or daughter or gardner… ”
McGavick beats hid gardener????
I’m not defending terrorists, you fuckstick Nazi apologist for torture. Go back and read my post again, fascist! I said “innocent” people. Got that? Bush has fucked up everything else, so why do you assume his Keystone Kops arrested the right people? According to the International Red Cross, 85% to 90% of the Iraqis tortured in U.S. dungeons were INNOCENT CIVILIANS ARRESTED BY MISTAKE. These are war crimes and crimes against humanity, not just retribution against evil terrorists, got that? If Bush wants to torture people, then it’s his responsibility to make sure his torturing people who’ve got it coming, and if he tortures the wrong people he should be subject to the same justice we meted out to the German and Japanese war criminals. Crrrrrrrkkkkkk-SNAP-crunch!!! (neck breaking at end of rope)
Reply to 79
Why are you a Nazi?
ProudAss @74,
I won’t be going after McGavick’s wife or daughter or gardener. (At least, I don’t think I will.) I’ll be going after his career as an insurance industry lobbyist and executive. There are plenty of legitimate stories regarding his career at Safeco and the many policyholders and employees he screwed.
It won’t take much muckraking to dig up some muck on McGavick.
2006 Predictions
1. Mike McGavick, $10 million a year Safeco CEO, will NOT be embraced by voters as a “man of the people.”
2. Mark the Redneck will NOT pay his gambling debt to Goldy.
3. Bush’s approval ratings will NOT improve.
4. Osama will NOT be captured.
5 The Parks Department will NOT catch Roger Rabbit!
6 Roger Rabbit will NOT be tutored!!
7. Stefan will NOT get a real job!!!
to add to RR’s last post… and ProudBigAss will not live happily ever after. Her culture of torture and corruption in DC will be booted out on their collective ass’ and be seeking asylum in a friendly foreign nation….lol….that is if there are any ‘friendly foregin nations’ left in this world………
Today on CBS’ DeFace the Nation, Sen. John McCain said Democrats have a right to criticize the war but that it was disingenuous to claim that Bush lied about intelligence to justify it.
“Every intelligence agency in the world, including the Russians, the French … all reached the same conclusion,” McCain said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”
Duh Rupert “Lawn Dart” Wabbet or is it Rupert “Truth Teller” Wabbet! Do you believe the great war hero John McCain? He was over in Vietnam with you but he spent many years in the Hanoi Hilton!!!
Puddybud @ 88
“Every intelligence agency in the world, including the Russians, the French … all reached the same conclusion”
Ummmmm…sure. That’s why the U.S. tried but failed to get a resolution through the U.N. before invading.
DJ, you reading my posts? Wow I’m honored perfesser!
Now about your drivel. With the French and Russians getting Oil for Food profiteering (Volcker Report), and the French, Russians & Germans (NBC & CNN Report) illegally selling Saddam military weaponry, why would they give the US an approval? Come on DJ, you post some witty and intelligent material here, but you slipped on de banana with that one!!!
Goldy – Since Wabbit won’t take the case, and Pope hasn’t responded, I decided to make the donation. If I had won, I would have let you off with a RedCross donation since it was unclear, but since you won’t do that, I’ll make a donation to Maria. I’d hate for you moonbats to think poorly of me.
I turns out that this may be worth a helluva lot more than $100 to Sen Cantwell. I just went to and tried to make a $100 donation. Her website won’t take my street address or zip code. Tried coupla times. One of you moonbats might want to let her know her site doesn’t work. Geez, you’d think savvy executive from a tech firm would be on top of that.
Since I can’t make a cash donation, would it be OK if I made an “in kind” donation? I know you moonbats are big into that. I was thinking of buying her a university level textbook on commodity market economics so she doesn’t continue to make a fool of herself on her oil company witchhunt.
For the record, I think McGavick’s chances are zero. Any state that would keep Senator Dimbulb in office is hopeless.
MTR: She’s a donk. Intelligence not necessary in WA State.
Puddy – If a R senator was voted “Not Rocket Scientist” every year by staffers, do you think it would make front page news? Do you think the PI would have a “Daily No” on returning such an idiot to the Senate? In this case, yes, since she’s a useful idiot.
I don’t think Maria is stoopid like Dimbulb. She’s wrong on almost everything, but she’s not stoopid.
Mark you are giving her the BOTD. I don’t. I doubt if she could find a good issue if Harry Reid gave it to her. That being said at least she didn’t speak superlatives about Osama like our other “glorious” senator did.
Filmmaker Michael Moore has made a career out of trashing corporations and said he doesn’t own any stocks due to moral principle.
How then did author Peter Schweizer uncover IRS documents showing that Moore’s very own foundation has bought stocks in some of America’s largest corporations – including Halliburton, other defense contractors and some of the same companies he has attacked?
In his blockbuster new book “Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy,” Hoover Fellow Schweizer reveals the glaring contradictions between the public stances and real-life behavior of prominent liberals including Al Franken, Ralph Nader, Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi. [Editor’s Note: Get your copy of “Do As I Say” – Go Here Now.]
But he reserves some of his sharpest barbs for Moore.
In his first documentary “Roger & Me,” Moore skewered General Motors, Schweizer points out.
In “The Big One,” he went after Nike and PayDay candy bars.
“Bowling for Columbine” was an attack on the American gun industry.
More coming…
Installment #2
Oil companies played a major role in “Fahrenheit 911.”
His upcoming film “Sicko” pillories drug companies and HMOs.
On his television shows “TV Nation” and “The Awful Truth,” he criticized HMOs and defense contractors.
He once said that major defense contractor Halliburton was run by a bunch of “thugs,” and suggested that for every American killed in the Iraq war, “I would like Halliburton to slay one mid-level executive.”
Publicly, Moore has claimed he wants no part of these companies and won’t own stock.
In his book “Stupid White Men,” he wrote: “I don’t own a single share of stock.”
He repeated the claim in a 1997 letter to the online magazine Salon, saying: “I don’t own any stock.”
Privately, however, he tells the IRS a different story, Schweizer discloses in his book.
The year that Moore claimed in “Stupid White Men” that he didn’t own any stock, he told the IRS that a foundation totally controlled by Moore and his wife had more than $280,000 in corporate stock and nearly $100,000 in corporate bonds.
Over the past five years, Moore’s holdings have “included such evil pharmaceutical and medical companies as Pfizer, Merck, Genzyme, Elan PLC, Eli Lilly, Becton Dickinson and Boston Scientific,” writes Schweizer, whose earlier works include “The Bushes” and “Reagan’s War.”
“Moore’s supposedly nonexistent portfolio also includes big bad energy giants like Sunoco, Noble Energy, Schlumberger, Williams Companies, Transocean Sedco Forex and Anadarko, all firms that ‘deplete irreplaceable fossil fuels in the name of profit’ as he put it in ?Dude, Where’s My Country?’
More forthcoming…
The filter killed #2 so here is #3
“And in perhaps the ultimate irony, he also has owned shares in Halliburton. According to IRS filings, Moore sold Halliburton for a 15 percent profit and bought shares in Noble, Ford, General Electric (another defense contractor), AOL Time Warner (evil corporate media) and McDonald’s.
“Also on Moore’s investment menu: defense contractors Honeywell, Boeing and Loral.”
Does Moore share the stock proceeds of his “foundation” with charitable causes, you might ask?
Schweizer found that “for a man who by 2002 had a net worth in eight figures, he gave away a modest $36,000 through the foundation, much of it to his friends in the film business or tony cultural organizations that later provided him with venues to promote his books and film.”
Moore’s hypocrisy doesn’t end with his financial holdings.
He has criticized the journalism industry and Hollywood for their lack of African-Americans in prominent positions, and in 1998 he said he personally wanted to hire minorities “who come from the working class.”
In “Stupid White Men,” he proclaimed his plans to “hire only black people.”
But when Schweizer checked the senior credits for Moore’s latest film “Fahrenheit 911,” he found that of the movie’s 14 producers, three editors, production manager and production coordinator, all 19 were white. So were all three cameramen and the two people who did the original music.
On “Bowling for Columbine,” 13 of the 14 producers were white, as were the two executives in charge of production, the cameramen, the film editor and the music composer.
His show “TV Nation” had 13 producers, four film editors and 10 writers – but not a single African-American among them.
And as for Moore’s insistence on portraying himself as “working class” and an “average Joe,” Schweizer recounts this anecdote:
“When Moore flew to London to visit people at the BBC or promote a film, he took the Concorde and stayed at the Ritz. But he also allegedly booked a room at a cheap hotel down the street where he could meet with journalists and pose as a ?man of humble circumstances.'”
That’s hypocrisy with a capital H!
I guess having determined Michael Moore owning Halliburton stock is more than Goldy’s filter can stand.
Looks like Joe WIlson got to Andrea Mitchell, you know the wife of the Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan!
“Do we have any idea how widely known it was in Washington that Joe Wilson’s wife worked for the CIA?” she was asked by host Alan Murray in an Oct. 3, 2003 interview on CNBC’s “Captial Report.”
Mitchell replied: “It was widely known among those of us who cover the intelligence community and who were actively engaged in trying to track down who among the foreign service community was the envoy to Niger. So a number of us began to pick up on that.”
Confronted with her comments Thursday morning, the top NBC reporter insisted: “[The quote] was out of context.”
When pressed, a flustered-sounding Mitchell explained: “I – I – I said it was widely known that an envoy had gone – let me try to find the quote. But the fact is what I was trying to say in the rest of that sentence – I said we did not know who the envoy was until the Novak column.”
Moments later, however, Mitchell changed her story, saying she was talking about both Plame and Wilson:
“I said that it was widely known that – here’s the exact quote – I said that it was widely known that Wilson was an envoy and that his wife worked at the CIA. But I was talking about . . . after the Novak column.”
“That was not clear,” she finally confessed, before admitting, “I may have misspoken in October 2003 in that interview.”
Her acknowledgment prompted Imus to remark: “It took me a minute to get that out of you.”
Yeah Andrea, Joe Wilson got to you. Plame and simple!
Annnnnnnnnnd Noooooooooooow, The hypocrisy of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
The California Democrat claims to be a staunch union supporter, and along with her husband has received the Cesar Chavez award from the United Farm Workers union.
Unions are, in her words, “fighting for America’s working families” and battling “the union-busting, family-hurting” Bush administration. But Schweizer has uncovered that the $25 million Northern California vineyard the Pelosis own is a non-union shop!
Schweizer writes: “Welcome to Hypocrisy Central.”
But Pelosi’s hypocrisy doesn’t stop there.
The congresswoman is the top recipient among members of Congress in campaign contributions from labor unions, and has received more money from the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union than any other member of Congress in the last several election cycles.
But in addition to the wine business, the Pelosis own a large stake in the exclusive Auberge du Soleil hotel in Rutherford, Calif.
The hotel has more than 250 employees, but once again, Schweizer found, it is strictly a non-union shop.
The Pelosis are also partners in a restaurant chain called Piatti, which has 900 employees.
“But a union card is not required to work there bussing tables, washing dishes, serving guests or preparing food,” Schweizer writes in NewsMax Magazine.
“As with Auberge du Soleil, at Piatti the Pelosis’ commitment to organized labor ends at the front door.” Pelosi has also demonstrated hypocrisy on the environment.
Damn you donks make this so simple. Wait until America learns this. And you guys will win in 2006. Such liars your side is!!!
Nancy Pelosi Union Buster!!!!
Michael Moore Defense Stock Holder!!!
Annnnnnnnnnd Noooooooooooow, The hypocrisy of Teddy Chappaquiddick Kennedy.
Schweizer also reveals that another “environmentalist” named Ted Kennedy can be two-faced when it comes to helping mother earth.
Kennedy has recently charged that Republicans have “poisoned our air and water” by repealing environmental protection laws.
But when it came to protecting the environment in Massachusetts, Teddy tried to torpedo a plan to erect dozens of wind turbines off the coast of Massachusetts to provide clean alternative energy to Cape Cod.
Apparently Teddy went ballistic when he found out that some some of the turbines would be placed near his favorite sailing spot just off Hyannis Port.
Schweizer’s report also details how Ted Kennedy, who has fought for the estate tax and spoken out against tax shelters, has repeatedly benefited from an intricate web of trusts and private foundations that have shielded most of his family’s fortune from the IRS.
One Kennedy family trust wasn’t even set up in the U.S. but in Fiji. “The reality is that liberals like to preach in moral platitudes,” says Schweizer.
“They like to condemn ordinary Americans and Republicans for a whole host of things racism, lack of concern for the poor, polluting the environment, and greed.
Yep, that’s Teddy, liberal hero!!!
Annnnnnnnnnd Noooooooooooow, can you spare $100K.
Israel’s Yitzhak Rabin Center is charging $100,000 a pop for supporters who want to bask in the aura of former and possibly future first couple Bill and Hillary Clinton, who will be attending the center’s opening next week.
A fundraising letter obtained by the New York Post asks for donations to the center – saying seating will be determined “according to the size of the contribution.”
“Priority, of course, will be given to the highest contributions,” the letter adds.
The Clintons will be seated at a 10-person table with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who apparently won’t be charged for the honor. At the same table will be Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Jordan’s King Abdullah.
Puddybud @ 90
“DJ, you reading my posts? Wow I’m honored perfesser!”
Sorry…it was an accident. Usually I can spot your tripe from the very first sentence, and then just skip the post. But, damn if you didn’t produce a readable first sentence. The last paragraph of post 88, on the other hand, is reverts back to your typical gibbersih.
“Come on DJ, you post some witty and intelligent material here, but you slipped on de banana with that one!!!”
Sorry, but I didn’t find any relevance whatsoever in your post @ 90 to my point that the U.S. tried but failed to get a resolution through the U.N. before invading Iraq.
Did you guys think I’d forget Al Franken{stein]? Hell NO!
Before Schweizer’s book came out, Al Franken’s agent, Jonathan Lazear, called Schweizer’s editor at Doubleday and said they consider the material in the book to be ‘legally actionable.’ They then followed up with a letter demanding to know where I got all this, ‘private information’ on Al Franken.”
In “Do As I Say,” Schweizer reports that Franken has hired 112 employees over the years and only one was black – news that Franken was not pleased to see in print. Let’s see 1/112 is… a damn low number!!!!! Sorry donnageddon do your own math!
But according to Schweizer, Franken isn’t denying the charge, telling O’Reilly, “They haven’t questioned the validity of the information. He’s not challenged one thing.”
DJ Google the timeline September 2002-Feb 2003. I did and it’s on the ASS! See the Canadian thread for further explanations.
Jon: Donnageddon recently said he doesn’t use the facts. Well neither does Rupert “Truth Teller” Wabbet. He forgets some of the Senates loudest and mouthiest donks sit on the Senate Intelligence Committee. Maybe Rupert they ain’t so intelligent after all if you say so right?
McCain is a Republican. He hopes to run for president. You don’t expect him to call his party’s sitting president a liar, do you?
Rupert: I am talking to you about your side on the Senate Intelligence Committee. One of the biggest loudmouths is Michigan’s Carl Levin!
On another topic, I thought blue state thought is so PROGRESSIVE! Well: “NEW YORK – Eighteen-year-old Chen Tsu was waiting on a Brooklyn subway platform after school when four high school classmates approached him and demanded cash. He showed them his empty pockets, but they attacked him anyway, taking turns pummeling his face.
He was scared and injured — bruised and swollen for several days — but hardly surprised.
At his school, Lafayette High in Brooklyn, Chinese immigrant students like him are harassed and bullied so routinely that school officials in June agreed to a Department of Justice consent decree to curb alleged “severe and pervasive harassment directed at Asian-American students by their classmates.”
Increasingly, some victims are fighting back. A 2003 California survey by the Services and Advocacy for Asian Youth Consortium found that 14 percent of Asian youth said they join gangs for protection. Department of Justice school crime data found the number of Asian youth carrying weapons nearly tripled from 1999 to 2001.
“There are more Asian kids being brought to juvenile court for assault and battery,” Arifuku said. “The thing we’re finding in their history is that they had been picked on — called names and teased — and in some cases they lashed out and retaliated.”
Ahhh yes, progressive schools, where if you are an immigrant, “kick the shit out of him!” Yes, you guys are winning the day.
Hey Goldy, I have the Michael Moore expose saved. Please fully post it above.
Auberge du Soleil hotel, the WalMart of Hotels; no unions – Nancy Pelosi owner!
Wow. Lookee here…
Puddy Freep Koresh takin’ long draughts of the wingnut KOOL-AID after being laid low by the election and welshing on a bet.
OK Puddy Freep! Down the hatch…
All’s right with the world! Lovely.
[Not A Republican Within Miles!!! Classic Black Democrats At Play!!] Detroit elections officials lost track of ballots in nine precincts — or almost 3,000 votes — in Tuesday’s election, and did not count them until two days after polls closed.
State Elections Director Chris Thomas ordered city officials late Friday to keep their hands off voting records until he meets with them today.
Thomas’ order came after he learned of the problem Friday afternoon from the Free Press, and as city elections officials were preparing to hold an emergency meeting with software engineers to try to resolve ongoing discrepancies in the vote totals.
The addition of the missing votes did not appear to alter the result of the most hotly contested mayoral race in recent memory. However, it’s not entirely clear what impact the missing votes had on other races on the city ballot, including the City Council and the school board.
Thomas said he was “absolutely dismayed” to learn of the missing votes.
“We cannot believe that in this climate that Detroit election officials wouldn’t publicly disclose that all of the precincts were not counted,” Thomas said.
The missing votes raise fresh concerns about how votes have been secured and counted under outgoing City Clerk Jackie Currie, whose absentee ballot program is under federal investigation.
City elections officials acknowledged that a wayward poll worker took home the results from two precincts late Tuesday; and nonchalantly delivered them to election headquarters about noon Wednesday. Elections staffers discovered the results from seven other precincts inside locked ballot boxes after a fevered search…
JCH @ 112
“Detroit elections officials lost track of ballots in nine precincts – or almost 3,000 votes – in Tuesday’s election, and did not count them until two days after polls closed.”
Are you smoking crack out there on the Big Island, JCH? The ballots were most likely “assisted” in becoming “lost” by Republicans trying to disenfranchise African American voters.
Did you see the Detroit Free Press on Nov 8:
DJ……113………..Yeah, Republicans in Detroit [the empty set] were responsible!! Classic!! Kind of like all the Republicans in Harare, Zimbabwe, or in the NAALCP. Classic!! Total black Democrat election fraud, and you [and the NAACP] blame Bush!! You Democrats are idiots!!
JCH and RUFUS: Back in September 2002, this was Detroit: “In a September memo from the Detroit mayor’s office, it was revealed that Detroit has 600,000 registered voters, only about 450,000 of which are legitimate.” Just think RUFUS and JCH, you can bet those 150,000 phantom voters haven’t been trending Republican.
Update: October 29, 2002:
Detroit’s voter rolls in question
Mayor’s office says total too high by 150,000; dispute could skew count, prompt challenges
By Darci McConnell / The Detroit News
“DETROIT — Despite having died eight years ago, Kathe Beddow still retains one mortal privilege: The right to vote.
“The city Elections Department in July sent Beddow a voter registration card, even though she hasn’t voted in more than a decade. She is also still listed as a registered voter with the Secretary of State’s Office.
“Behind such simple mistakes lies a massive disagreement over the number of registered voters in Detroit that could become a pivotal issue in next week’s election. The credibility of the registered-voter rolls came into question last month, in a controversial memo tied to Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. The memo, drafted by Kilpatrick aides and addressed but never delivered to Democrat gubernatorial candidate Jennifer Granholm, claims that the city’s total of registered voters — listed by elections and state officials as topping 600,000 — is off by more than 150,000 people.
“It has been said that there are 650,000 registered voters in the city of Detroit. We all understand that this is a false number,” the memo reads. “… I believe that number will fall somewhere around 450,000 registered voters.” Reinforced Kilpatrick spokesman Jamaine Dickens: “We believe that the (650,000) number is inaccurate.”
“When Southfield attorney Geoffrey Fieger ran for governor in 1998, he targeted 300,000 voters, instead of the more than 600,000 that the city says are registered. Fieger, who went on to win 87 percent of the votes that year with 196,624, said he believed the number of registered voters recorded in city and state records was wrong.
“I believe that the true number (of registered voters) is somewhere around 400,000,” Fieger said. “It was never my understanding that it was 600,000 voters.”
“But Detroit Elections Director Gloria Williams maintains there are 611,321 registered voters in the city. This summer, the city spent $143,363 to mail registration cards. “That’s way wrong,” Williams said of the 450,000 figure in Kilpatrick’s memo.
“Both Williams and State Elections Director Chris Thomas say their efforts are hindered by federal laws saying that even when a voter is suspected to no longer be at an address, that person’s record can’t be purged until after two federal election cycles.
“After its summer mailing, the city got back 63,000 voter registration cards bearing bad addresses. The earliest those voters can be taken off the rolls is 2004, Williams said.”
Pud…….Classic! Great work. Detroit times ten is what is going on in Philly, NYC, Gary, Atlanta, and the Windy City. Solution: make voter fraud a capital offense. [I can hear the Democrats howling from the Big Island!!]