The party that claims they want fair and accurate elections has gone out of their way to ensure we have neither. Boo hiss on the republicans for creating such a bad environment. No wonder their beloved leader has under 40% support…
Thomas Trainwinder-1 ‘No wonder their beloved leader has under 40% support…’
6. If the Election for Governor in 2008 was between the Democrat Christine Gregoire and the Republican, Dino Rossi, whom would you vote for?
Christine Gregoire 33%
Dino Rossi 55%
Undecided 12%
Oh, and “Boo hiss” on the enablers of perpetual incompetence and downright fraud in an election system that keeps “their beloved leader ” in power here in WA.
Just came back from seeing “Goodnight and Goodluck”. Excellent movie, with some scary similarities. The Ann Coulters of the world should be ashamed of themselves.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Stefan — if the judge awards you monetary penalties and attorney fees in your PDA lawsuit against KCRE, are you gonna share the $$$ with the generous donors who paid for the lawsuit, or keep it all for yourself?
Roger @ 4
I hear he’s going to invest in rabbit traps for his yard. And I wouldn’t imagine he’s thinking “catch and release.”
Hasenpfeffer, anyone??
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s what Chris Vance posted on Sucky Politics today:
“The King County GOP, with the support and assistance of the WSRP, challenged the registrations of 1,943 people our research indicated were registered to vote illegally. Today, we are rescinding 140 of those challenges that were made in error.
We apologize for the small number of errors we made, but we stand by this effort. Last year, King County counted thousands of illegal votes. They have shown no willingness to prevent this from happening again so we will continue to aggressively work to make sure that only legal votes are counted. It is not us, but Ron Sims and Dean Logan who owe the people of King County an apology. Chris Vance Posted by Chris Vance at November 4, 2005 04:02 PM”
Some apology, Chris! God, you’re a piece of work. Hey, you Republicans are always talking about “responsibility,” so how about taking some for your screwup, asshole?
Roger Rabbitspews:
He’s been trying to catch Roger Rabbit for a long time, and hasn’t caught me yet.
Roger @ 6
I would imagine if anyone were to catch you, they’d need heavy doses of antibiotics.
Well, Goldy, we can’t wait for the next rabbit you pull out of your… errr… “hat.”
Are you just waiting for the “go” sign from the Sims campaign?
Roger Rabbitspews:
How does 5 rabies shots administered through a needle the size of a cornstalk jabbed into your stomach grab ya?
Oh that Scooter….He’s even dirtier than Lynn Cheney, except darn it a Vice President doesn’t die in this one.
Here’s just on, the others are better.
One of her breasts now hung loosely in his hand near his face and he knew not how best to touch her. The sleeve of his other arm was pinned under his side, and this arm he could barely raise. He stretched to touch her with his fingertips, and as he did she slid one leg over him and kissed his ear. Her breath there was warm and moist and then she licked inside his ear. He was startled. He had never been touched like that before. The feeling at first was good, but then it was wet and cold and unpleasant. He could hear her breath just above his ear, but he could no longer see even the ghost of her. She bent down once more, and he lowered his head for the thought of being licked again disturbed him.
(p. 150)
The Apprentice; By Lewis “scooter” Libby (small s in scooter on purpose)
This guy make Jim West look like a Boy Scout (Leader)
Here are more of this Juicy Family Values guys writings
Roger Rabbit-5 ‘ how about taking some for your screwup..’
OK. How about the KCE method? 140 out of 1 million, or 0.014%. Not bad for a bank, right?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Altho most of the attention is focused today on the GOP’s slimy attempt to suppress voting in Democratic precincts by filing bogus challenges against hundreds of voters (look for a grand jury indictment for perjury against Lori Soleto in the not-too-distant future), there’s also other stuff going on in MSM, notably the massive anti-Bush demonstrations in Argentina, and
“Bush reaches new lows in Washington Post-ABC poll
“By Richard Morin and Dan Balz
“The Washington Post
“WASHINGTON — … a majority of Americans question the integrity of President Bush, and growing doubts about his leadership have left him with record negative ratings on the economy, Iraq and even the war on terrorism, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
“On virtually every key measure of presidential character and performance, the new survey found that Bush has never been less popular with the American people. Currently, 39 percent of those polled approve of the job he is doing as president, while 60 percent disapprove ….
“Bush’s approval ratings have been in decline for months, but on issues of personal trust, honesty and values, Bush has suffered some of his most notable declines. …
“Fifty-eight percent said they had doubts about Bush’s honesty … 52 percent say the charges against Libby signal the presence of deeper ethical wrongdoing in the administration.
” … Americans give the administration low ratings on ethics … with 67 percent rating the administration negatively on handling ethical matters, while just 32 percent give positive marks. Forty-three percent say the level of ethics and honesty in the federal government has fallen during Bush’s presidency, while 17 percent say it has risen. …
“The survey suggests a rapidly widening gulf between Bush and the American people. Two in three of those polled say Bush doesn’t understand the problems of people like them ….”
It sure looks like Bush and the GOP are imploding. The really interesting thing is how completely independent “swing” voters have deserted Bush. For the complete story, see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....oll04.html
Scxxxooter really goes to to town with the Beastiality in his book too. This is Cheney assistant, I just can’t wait for the movies to come out of Abu Graib to see if there are any Bears in them.
What a bunch of sick fucks who spout “Moral Values”
Those are better numbers than Charles Keating had in the Savings and loan business.
Not to mention the 8 Billion missing in Iraq.
Let’s not let these Assholes “Floridate” us.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A couple days ago, Mark LeRedneck ridiculed me for suggesting the Pubbies might lose 100 seats in Congress next year. All the current surveys suggest GOP support has declined to about 35% — their hardcore base — indicating they have almost none of the independent swing voters still on board.
When your loyal base is 35% of the electorate, and your loyal base is all you’ve got left, a loss of 100 seats in Congress is not only possible but inevitable.
Unless, of course, you’re rigging the voting machines.
Roger Rabbitspews:
No, 140 out of 1943, which is 9.4%. Were you one of the trolls who, not so long ago, was derisively hooting at Sims and Logan because of KCRE’s 0.2% error rate? Yes, I believe you were, if I’m not mistaken — you fucking hypocrite.
I Can’t wait for the Movie from ScXXXooter Libby. Filmed in Abu Graib, I hope they don’t cut the Bear Beastiality scene.
What a bunch of sick fucks you support to run this country.
DeLay going to jail.
Scooter Libby going to jail.
Rove headed to jail.
Frist headed to jail.
Cheney: Dead of a cardiac arrest anytime soon.
Bush: Universally known as Worst.President.Ever.
Yes, it is a ggod time to be a patriotic American. All the facists are either dying or going to prison.
Long Live America!!! To wonderful to be destroyed by the Neo-Con traitors!!!!
We apologize for not getting the number of fraudulent votes correct already… Geeeesh. It is kind of like arguing how much a thief heisted from a bank. Are these donks for real!!!
Roger Rabbit-13 ‘..because of KCRE’s 0.2% error rate.’
Numerically challenged? To miss 140 out of 1 million possible bad registrations?
Do not tell me – public school?
Rossi Recount: Dismissed with extreme prejudice!
But still the whine and cheesy Neo-Cons keep denying reality.
Keep it up! In 2006 you get your real wake up call.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 20
What are you talking about? Don’t you realize the “140” refers to the number of challenges the GOP withdrew today, you ignorant fuck? That number represents 140 LEGAL VOTERS who were WRONGLY CHALLENGED by a FRAUDULENT VOTER CHALLENGED signed by Lori Soleto under penalty of PERJURY. That translates into a potential grand jury indictment containing 140 felony counts.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Don — they don’t have to wait until 2006 — they’re gonna get a wakeup call 4 days from now when their boy David “Mother Beater” Irons gets a well-deserved drubbing — this one won’t need a recount.
Roger Rabbitspews:
From recent polls, it looks like their pet initiative, I-912, will also go down in flames.
King County voters are disenfranchised by the King County elections board. They STILL can’t get it right, but that’s just because they don’t want to. You guys will more than make up for any possible loss with your voting early and often routine, even scouring the cemetaries for votes. In Seattle, the only question asked of illegal immigrants is: “Have you registered to vote yet?”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Another item hitting the MSM networks and newspapers is the revelation from embarrassing e-mails that while New Orleans was drowning and starving, ex-FEMA director Michael Brown was focused on sartorial splendor and hiring a dog-sitter.
Goldy, you performed an invaluable public service in helping to rid the nation of this narcissistic, incompetent, inattentive, dysfunctional, country club yahoo.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Donnageddon-21 ‘Rossi Recount: Dismissed with extreme prejudice!’
There is no doubt that WA law allows for illegal votes to count. The combination of secret ballot, as well as the obvious holes in the system that allow extra ballots to magically appear, combine to make any election challenge mute. It is OK to cheat as long as you do not get caught before the election. Bad votes to any candidate stay with the candidate, even if declared illegal in court afterwards. What a system. Yet you do get to claim tha Rossi lost in court. Much the same, I suppose, as many other get to claim that Bush won in court in 2000.
‘In 2006 you get your real wake up call.’
Bring it on, and please keep it up yourself. The wacky “sheehan” left is going to be disappointed….again. Merry Fitzmas!!
Mark The Redneckspews:
It was a big week for feminists in the Feminist Utopia of Washington (FUWA). Convicted felon and Supreme Court Judge Bobbe Bridges invented a new form of parenthood out of thin air and deemed that anyone who has ever had contact with a child can now be considered a “parent”. Completely disregarding the law and looking only to lack of precedent in other courts, the hit and run alcoholic judge decided that the spurned lover has parental “rights”. “Mian” may not yet know that she also may get to pay child support. So get ready to be a slave Mian; open up yer wallet and start writing checks. You just lost 10% to 15% of your income.
So the way it works now, in FUWA is that any mother who opens her legs to anyone else can now make a claim for child support. This means she can help herself to multiple tax free income streams from each of her “lovers” for each of her children for 18 years. Who needs “marketable skills”? Why go to work when open legs are a ticket to financial freedom.
Only in FUWA…
Goldy; where / what is going on with your highway vigil; or is the tax hike you guys jammed through going to “sort of” take care of things.
Still wondering if the gas tax hike was for a) viaduct, b) general new good stuff, or c) down payment on viaduct and 520, thus impregnating us with even more checks to write later
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Dear David CLOWNstein—-
Once again you not so eloquently write something about nothing.
You are a CLOWN.
This lengthy nothingness is akin to screaming at the top of YOUR lungs about WHO LEFT THE TOILET SEAT UP!!!!
I presume a FANCY BOY like David CLOWNstein likes to sit down when he pees.
You rationalize your SHITSQUAD tactics with the disclaimer that you are not a reporter. That somehow that justifies any and all of your actions & words.
Most CLOWNS like to scare people This is why I am a member of IHATECLOWNS! Anyone else who agrees you are a Low-life CLOWN can also join an official organization meant to express our contempt for feminine CLOWNS like you @
Often times last minute SHITSQUAD tactics unfortunately work.
Goldy, you are much worse than what you claim to abhor.
Your BUTTBUDDY Don Ron Sims King’s campaign staff obviously knows everything you do. I believe they have lead you and orchestrated this in a very clear chain of disclosure…..
Give the information to the FRINGE LUNATIC LEFTIST PINHEADED BLOGGER DAVID CLOWNSTEIN. Allow CLOWNstein to hurl the shallow, hollow allegation. Then the Sims Campaign directs the losers at the MSM to your trash….and they go with it.
I believe that is the formula.
Goldy…….who else has CORRESPONDED with you on this hollow revelation??? Did you talk or communicate in any way with Christian or anyone else connected with the Sims campaign?
I’m sure you will deny….cuz you are prone to lie when cornered…like most DemoRATS.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
For all you LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS all lathered up about almost everything……….
Mrs. Sotelo corrected her error as soon as she became aware of it.
How many of these 140 challenged voters will not vote because of the error??? What is the damage? By now, the list and information is very public. The people on this list either know or “should have known” that this challenge is an error. Good luck Rabbit with your pursuit of a Grand Jury investigation. It will not fly. On voter registrations, people NUST disclose their Residential Address unless they apply for Address Confidentiality Program.
You CLOWNS are like a swarm of Piranha’s.
I can’t wait to see one of these 140 erroneously challenged voters stand up in Court and say they did not vote because of this challenge.
Roger Rabbit, here’s some racists to drum out of the Democratic party:
“Black Democratic leaders in Maryland say that racially tinged attacks against Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele in his bid for the U.S. Senate are fair because he is a conservative Republican.
Such attacks against the first black man to win a statewide election in Maryland include pelting him with Oreo cookies during a campaign appearance, calling him an “Uncle Tom” and depicting him as a black-faced minstrel on a liberal Web log.”
Topic: Sims trading cash for race track permits….
Seems pretty true and accurate; we have nice paper trail, and its logical.
Are you guys pro-shakedown? (didn’t compton, wills, etc do same w/ the strip club?)
Dr. Espews:
Thanks for this sentence, Scooter:
“The others stopped laughing in a series of diminishing gasps and leaned forward intently with glinting eyes to hear the secrets of a man used for first-night training by a house that could afford a bear.”
Regardless of content, sentences like this one should earn him a D- for composition.
Commander Oggspews:
Mr. Cynical @ 32, do you really believe Mrs. Sotelo will not be the subject of both criminal(filing of a false affidavit) and civil (violation of state or federal voting laws)charges for this voter suppression fiasco?
And if she is charged, will she take the fall herself or name names?
Roger Rabbit-22 ‘That number represents 140 LEGAL VOTERS who were WRONGLY CHALLENGED by a FRAUDULENT VOTER CHALLENGED signed by Lori Soleto under penalty of PERJURY.’
Then charge her with 140 counts of perjury. What is you point? The legal voters can stay legal voters with the normal process. If the timing of the errors is your problem, just assume the repubs took timing lessons from Goldy. That should make you feel better.
If the illegal voters get to vote, their vote counts even if deemed illegal after the election. The desire to maintain a large squadron of illegal votes at the expense of honest elections is obvious. As it is clear that KCE has no ability to clean the roles the fucntion is left to vigilantes, who must do their best BEFORE the election. That is State law as was demonstarted in the Rossi loss. Again, if thousands of illegal votes is OK when the total votes in KC was 1 million and the total margin was 133 votes, what is your problem with 140 out of 1 million errors?
I already know your answer.
37- Oops…Should be ‘..with 140 errors out of 1 million?
Commander Oggspews:
Pity my fellow Republicans have to spend a large amount of money to keep people from voting because they know it would be more effective then to try and convince people to vote for their candidate
Commander Ogg-39
Thanks for the pity. I actually think the dems are worried that, in close races, their candidates would lose if only legal votes were counted. That is the only real way to interpret the shrill indignance shown by the left on this topic. The veil is being lifted on decades of scamming the public.
Is it legal to have the following questions on an application for employment, or on a company survey of existing employees?
How much do you think about the following?
a. “Touching my private parts too much.”
b. “Thinking about having sex”
c. “Thinking about touching other people’s private parts.”
d. “Thinking about sex when I don’t want to.”
e. “Washing myself because I feel dirty on the inside.”
f. “Not trusting people because they might want sex.”
g. “Getting scared or upset when I think about sex.”
h. “Having sex feelings in my body.”
i. “Can’t stop thinking about sex.”
j. “Getting upset when people talk about sex.”
Any employment lawyers out there?
Thomas Trainwinderspews:
Yearight @ 2
Quoting Strategic Vision polls is like quoting Clinton on Clinton! Get real.
Double Boo Double Hiss on Republicans spreading fear among certified, registered, proven voters to their own selfish ends.
Throughout history, that strategy (when successful, which we all pray won’t be here) has only ended with horrible results — I can’t believe you’d really want to wrest back control that way.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 37
“What is you point?”
Soleto should be charged with 140 counts of perjury.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 38
No, you had it right the first time — 140 counts of perjury.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Excellent work my friend in disclosing the fact that a SIMS Campaign adviser, FATLAND, is boning the source of CLOWNstein’s BIG SCOOP!!! Something tells me that CLOWNstein knew this all along and “conveniently” omitted it from the truth and whole truth. Typical. You busted CLOWNstein for his SHITSQUAD tactics at their worst!!!!
And Rog—
C’mon. Your an attorney. How many of these 140 will not vote because of Mrs. Sotelo’s error? The error was publicly corrected. A number of those folks already know they can vote.
In the end, it is much ado about nothing. No one will stand before us under oath and say they didn’t vote because of this. No one!!!
So go ahead you LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS…..hurl yourselves on the ground and feign damage. It is what you are best at….acting offended at anything you disagree with. There is no damage. I’m glad these legitimate voters can vote. It’s the way it should be. But what about the others that are illegally registered?????? Ohhhhhhhhh, I get it….ignore these. Logan basically put the onus on citizens to challenge voter registration….despite the fact that virtually every other County follows up on obvious illegal registrations like mailbox services and storage warehouses WITHOUT A FORMAL CHALLENGE!!!!
If Sims loses================LOGANCLOWN is FIRED!!!!
If David Irons wins=========LOGAN CLOWN IS FIRED!!!!!!!!
That’s good enough for me!
Everything starts with competent Elections in a Representative form of Government you CLOWNS!
Thomas Trainwinder-42
Just using your “has under 40% support” criteria to shine some light on WA. Do you have a better poll on Gregoire? Has anyone seen or heard from her lately? Is she still the Governor?
‘I can’t believe you’d really want to wrest back control that way.’
What way? Through honest, open and clean elections? What are YOU afraid of?
Mark The Redneckspews:
Sure is too bad about all the ethnic violence in france. Maybe they’ll aks us for help. Puhleeeze aks us france so we can tell you to fuck off. But maybe you moonbats can “educate” a dumfuck knuckle dragger like me. How can this happen in the most progressive enlightened country in the world? They took in these mooooooslim thugs and let them leech off the few “productive” people who “work” in france. What more do they want? Were the ffrench not inclusive enough? Do they not embrace their diversity sufficiently? Do they not give them enough of the things they’re “entitled” to?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
CLOWNstein sez at SoundPolitics (nice of you to post on a professional Blog David):
” Reporters at both the Times and the P-I had most of the information I have… they have the names of the women involved in these incidents, and obviously, they couldn’t get them to talk on the record either.”
So how does CLOWNstein know what reporters at the Times and TASS have???? Are these fine masters of professional journalism sharing confidential information with a FRINGE LUNATIC LEFTIST PINHEADED BLOGGERCLOWN named David CLOWNstein???
I believe that the Sims Campaign feeds CLOWNstein….CLOWNstein posts and then the losers at the Times & P-I jump on it. This is a well-orchestrated sham!!
Thank you CLOWNstein for busting yourself…..again with the insight on what “reporters” at the TImes and P-I have.
You are truly a CLOWN!!
So your BIG SCOOP source of this thread is BONING one of Sims Campaign manager’s??!!! That’s just great Goldy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
That’s an internal problem for France to solve. You should invest your time and energy in cleaning up the crime, corruption, and incompetence in your own political party.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“And Rog—
C’mon. Your an attorney. How many of these 140 will not vote because of Mrs. Sotelo’s error? The error was publicly corrected. A number of those folks already know they can vote.”
This is your excuse for letting a perjurer off the hook? You’re pathetic.
That’s like saying a guy who sticks up a 7-11 but doesn’t get any money because the clerk couldn’t open the drop safe is innocent because nothing was taken.
Perjury is perjury, Cynical. The false swearing is the crime. A crime was committed regardless of whether it deprived anyone of their right to vote … but the chances are good that Sotelo’s false swearing will keep some eligible voters from voting on Tuesday.
Cynical = apologist for crime
Roger Rabbitspews:
GOP = party of crooks, liars, and perjurers
Thomas Trainwinderspews:
yeahright @46
Clean election by intimidiating legitimate voters into not voting? Huh?
To your point about what Gregoire has done — how about this (remember, it’s the republicans who are all about Job Growth): Washington “State job growth, which has led to higher revenue forecasts and lower unemployment rolls, is running at an annual rate of 3.1 percent, well above the national average of 1.7 percent.”
And that’s with a democratic leglisature.
Wouldn’t it be nice if the national picture (with Rep. prez and legislature) could come close to this success.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Wabbit @ 49 – No, it’s gonna be our problem too if we don’t tighten up the borders and confront evil in the world. The experience in france proves you can’t negotiate with these jerks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
What do you mean, it’s gonna be our problem too? It already is — in Detroit, L.A., downtown Seattle and the Rainier Valley. Maybe instead of worrying about crime in France or Iraq, you Repubs should worry about crime in our own streets. Bush cut funding for cops to pay for his military adventure in Iraq and tax cuts for the rich.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Bush also has repeatedly dumped unfunded federal mandates on state and local governments that have forced them to lay off cops and firefighters. The latest Bush admin. nonsense is the $3.7 billion disaster relief bill tendered by FEMA to Louisiana’s bankrupt state government for services not rendered during Hurricane Katrina. This is the sort of bullshit you vote for and try to justify, and now you want to lecture us about riots in France?
Now this is interesting for you democrats: One of your leaders tells you how it really is:
Carter condemns abortion culture
By Ralph Z. Hallow
November 4, 2005
Former President Jimmy Carter yesterday condemned all abortions and chastised his party for its intolerance of candidates and nominees who oppose abortion. “I never have felt that any abortion should be committed — I think each abortion is the result of a series of errors,” he told reporters over breakfast at the Ritz-CarltonHotel, while across town Senate Democrats deliberated whether to filibuster the nomination of Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. because he may share President Bush and Mr. Carter’s abhorrence of abortion.
“These things impact other issues on which [Mr. Bush] and I basically agree,” the Georgia Democrat said. “I’ve never been convinced, if you let me inject my Christianity into it, that Jesus Christ would approve abortion.”
Mr. Carter said his party’s congressional leadership only hurts Democrats by making a rigid pro-abortion rights stand the criterion for assessing judicial nominees.
“I have always thought it was not in the mainstream of the American public to be extremely liberal on many issues,” Mr. Carter said. “I think our party’s leaders — some of them — are overemphasizing the abortion issue.”
While Mr. Carter has previously expressed ambivalence about abortion, his statements yesterday were “astonishing,” said Robert Knight, director of the Culture and Family Institute at Concerned Women for America.
“He has long professed to be an evangelical Christian and yet he had embraced virtually all the liberal political agenda,” said Mr. Knight. “Maybe with Jimmy Carter saying things he never uttered before, more liberals will rethink their worship of abortion as the high holy sacrament of liberalism.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
So what’s your fucking point? That Carter is a religious guy who personally opposes abortion? This is old news, tell us something we don’t know. Roger Rabbit is a religious bunny who personally opposes abortion – and votes 100% Democrat because there are only 2 political parties in this country to choose from and only 1 of them isn’t a crime organization.
55- ‘Roger Rabbit is a religious bunny who personally opposes abortion – and votes 100% Democrat because there are only 2 political parties in this country to choose from and only 1 of them isn’t a crime organization.’
That is pretty mild opposition to systematic killing of 40 million innocent youths. What crime organization, not counting communism, can rack up that many dead innocents over thirty years?
It appears that the wabbit’s opposition to abortion is only due to the reduction of dem voters over time. If that is true it also explains the blind defense of KCE and the vote counting/generating machine.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Wabbit@54 – “Tax cuts for the rich”???? Who else should get a tax cut. The poor already pay zero.
Actually crime in Murka is down mostly due to 3 strikes laws and abortions. What I’m talking about is terrorist acts by perps practicing “the religion of peace”. We need to kill every fucking one of them, and the sooner we figure that out the better.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If you want to kill every fucking one of them, it only seems reasonable that you should pay the costs of doing so, instead of putting it on your kid’s credit card.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 (continued)
“‘Tax cuts for the rich’???? Who else should get a tax cut.”
Well, if you’re going to unbalance the budget, create deficits, and cause inflation by cutting taxes below spending in the first place — um, the middle class? They don’t pay zero.
Or do you define as “rich” everyone who makes more than the federal poverty guidelines?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Which brings us to another topic — the Republicans in Congress are now proposing $50 billion of spending cuts in such programs as food stamps, medical care, and foster care — and $70 billion of additional tax cuts — which will result in a $20 billion net increase in the deficit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
So … they want more people to go hungry, do without medical care, and ignore the plight of neglected and abused children in order to INCREASE the deficit.
Questions for all those “outraged” at the outing of Plame:
Now there is an allegation that Wilson outed his wife many times one year before Novak’s column. It is only an allegation at this point, yet now has as much credibility as any other on HA.
Has federal revenue has increased or decreased since President Bush cut tax rates.
Don’t give me any bullshit. Just answer the question. Once we agree on which side of the equation is causing the problem, we’ll go onto the next step. I think we might actually agree on the real cause of the problem.
For the Cluelessspews:
yeaWrong @ all
You remind me of Jim Miller – relentlessly harping on this and that wingnut talking point. Distorting context. Ignoring history except when it suits the wingnut agenda.
Maybe you ARE Jim Miller? How’s the million dollar collection plate looking for proving DVF?
For the Cluelessspews:
It is only an allegation at this point, yet now has as much credibility as any other on HA.
LMAO! i.e. you do what you disdain when it suits your agenda.
For the Cluelessspews:
MTR – Bush is running the country into the ground. You’re not too worried though because if Bush succeeds, those in the plutocracy will be insulated from the turmoil.
Your greatest conceit however is to think you’re actually one of the big boys. Knowing one of the big boys is not the same as being one.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Clueless – I AM NOT one of GWB’s kool aid drinkers. I’m a conservative. GWB is not. Not by any stretch. GWB is infinitely better than the Inventor of the Internet, or John “Gold Digger” Kerry. But he’s a huge disappointment to true conservatives.
This thing in Nawlins is rigodamdiculous. $250B to convert an old shit hole to a new shit hole is crazy. We should just walk away from it.
I support the political objectives of the war in Iraq, but the military execution is awful.
The medicare prescription program will bankrupt us.
His refusal to enforce our borders and letting freeloaders and thugs will result in further bankrupting while thugs try to kill us.
Bending over to McCain and CFR was a clear violation of 1st amendment.
The steel import tarrif thing was bad for the country. It bought him a few critical votes in Ohio which probably bought him the second term, but it was helluva expensive deal.
Thomas Trainwinder-52 ‘And that’s with a democratic leglisature.’
Dream away. The laws enacted do not typically take effect until later in the session, if not at the beginning of the next year. The new gas tax started real quick, as that was an “emergency”.
No, what you are bragging about is the “worst economy in the last 50 years”, as noted in the 2004 election cycle. You are so happy under the Bush economy that you cannot contain your enthusiasm. Welcome to the GW/2004 team!
‘Wouldn’t it be nice if the national picture (with Rep. prez and legislature) could come close to this success.’
Done. National unemployment is lower than WA, the GDP is growing faster, and WA had few effects from 9-11, Katrina or Wilma. Thanks again for the chance to provide the Bush economy with a ringing endorsement.
Do your tunnel-vision goggles with rose-colored lenses come in sizes where people with larger, normal-sized brains can wear them?
You remind me of the typical lefty – all rant and NO substance.
‘Knowing one of the big boys is not the same as being one.’
I do not even know any of those. It is the little guy, however, that gains opportunities under policies that tilt rightward.
‘You’re not too worried though because if Bush succeeds..’
You sound worried that Bush may succeed. If so, the entire lefty vision of utopia comes crashing down based on decades, if not centuries of miserable failures. Europe is next, but the US under horsesass guidance would come shortly thereafter.
Goldy, your blog really sucks lately. It’s turned into your vehicle for making outlandish conclusions based on your admittedly partisan “investigative reporting”. Which is a total joke. Followed by rightful objections from “trolls”, then followed by Roger commenting to himself way too often. What ever happened to your plan to give us a means of voting Roger off the island?
If your goal was to turn this into “Daily Kos junior” you have sort of succeeded. That’s why it now sucks.
Maybe the large sucking sound from Ross Perot in the 90s over NAFTA was really over HAFTA, Horses Ass: Factless, Truthless Analyzes!
For the Cluelessspews:
yeaWrong @ 71
Wrong again – I was directing my remarks on Republican plutocracy at Mark the Redneck.
Since I was talking about “the big boys” it’s only telling that you ‘d make that mistake.
You sound worried that Bush may succeed.
Damn straight but it’s useless arguing it with a kool-aid drunk acolyte like you.
Read it and weep fringies…
First it was The Netherlands, now it’s France – how soon will it be America?
It’s long, very long (6 whole pages – how will you manage?) and I know you attention challenged nutburgers won’t get past the first few paragraphs (after all it’s not conservative bashing), but TRY to read the whole thing and see what your liberal nonsense and smug tolerance preaching has wrought elsewhere.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Pretty soon France will be at long last electing folks like us who are always RIGHT!!!
Folks are trying to kill us Cyn and the nutburgers are prancing and dancing with their eyes shut, ears closed, loudly chanting “Can’t we all just get along?”
Clearly, as in The Netherlands nad France the answer is a resounding “NO, you idiots”.
For the Cluelessspews:
Wow! Wingnuts having a love affair with the French! Amazing!
Has Faux News told you all to change your attitudes? Is Bill O’Reilly throwing in the towel and enjoying some French wine with his falafel?
THe APPROPRIATELY NAMED AND COMPLETELY CLUELESS and the nutburgers are prancing and dancing with their eyes shut, ears closed, loudly chanting “Can’t we all just get along?”
Grow up sweetcheeks, your terrorist friends want you dead, they want your Mommy dead, they want your Daddy dead, they want your old granny and you old grumpy grandpapa DEAD and they won’t care that you parance around yelling “I’m a TERRORIST SYMPATHIZER”.
For the Cluelessspews:
Hey ASS,
You’re so filled with fear! Do ever get away from HA and your favorite wingnut paranoia blogs? Do you ever get out of the house unless you’re armed with a Glock and an assault rifle?
Yet another rockslide in Snoqualmie pass. The gas tax is allocated to, among other things, rockslide control on I-90. I-912 will eliminate that funding.
“The Interstate 90 work, expected to cost between $410 million and $980 million, includes road widening, rockslide and avalanche control”
Perhaps voters will make the connection.
Appropriately Named Clueless, the only “thing” I fear are clueless fools growing up and making stupid decisions based on their feelings instead of rational thinking and logic.
I fear dumb ASS liberals who want to look backwards and glorify Comm*unists and Soci*lism, who see nothing wrong with being America hating terrorist sympathizers, worshippers of brutal dictators, who are led like lemmings by other America hating terrorist sympathizers and supporters like Soros, Moore, et al.
To conclude, I ‘fear’ dumbASS fringie fruticake liberals, like YOU.
Interesting how the cross-cascades traffic can ground to a halt because of a rockslide, and no alternatives are available. There used to be a rail corridor up Snoqualmie Pass, but it was abandoned about 20 years ago.
The party that claims they want fair and accurate elections has gone out of their way to ensure we have neither. Boo hiss on the republicans for creating such a bad environment. No wonder their beloved leader has under 40% support…
Thomas Trainwinder-1 ‘No wonder their beloved leader has under 40% support…’
1. Do you approve or disapprove of Governor Christine Gregoire’s job performance?
Approve 36%
Disapprove 55%
Undecided 9%
6. If the Election for Governor in 2008 was between the Democrat Christine Gregoire and the Republican, Dino Rossi, whom would you vote for?
Christine Gregoire 33%
Dino Rossi 55%
Undecided 12%
Oh, and “Boo hiss” on the enablers of perpetual incompetence and downright fraud in an election system that keeps “their beloved leader ” in power here in WA.
Just came back from seeing “Goodnight and Goodluck”. Excellent movie, with some scary similarities. The Ann Coulters of the world should be ashamed of themselves.
Hey Stefan — if the judge awards you monetary penalties and attorney fees in your PDA lawsuit against KCRE, are you gonna share the $$$ with the generous donors who paid for the lawsuit, or keep it all for yourself?
Roger @ 4
I hear he’s going to invest in rabbit traps for his yard. And I wouldn’t imagine he’s thinking “catch and release.”
Hasenpfeffer, anyone??
Here’s what Chris Vance posted on Sucky Politics today:
“The King County GOP, with the support and assistance of the WSRP, challenged the registrations of 1,943 people our research indicated were registered to vote illegally. Today, we are rescinding 140 of those challenges that were made in error.
We apologize for the small number of errors we made, but we stand by this effort. Last year, King County counted thousands of illegal votes. They have shown no willingness to prevent this from happening again so we will continue to aggressively work to make sure that only legal votes are counted. It is not us, but Ron Sims and Dean Logan who owe the people of King County an apology. Chris Vance Posted by Chris Vance at November 4, 2005 04:02 PM”
Some apology, Chris! God, you’re a piece of work. Hey, you Republicans are always talking about “responsibility,” so how about taking some for your screwup, asshole?
He’s been trying to catch Roger Rabbit for a long time, and hasn’t caught me yet.
Roger @ 6
I would imagine if anyone were to catch you, they’d need heavy doses of antibiotics.
Well, Goldy, we can’t wait for the next rabbit you pull out of your… errr… “hat.”
Are you just waiting for the “go” sign from the Sims campaign?
How does 5 rabies shots administered through a needle the size of a cornstalk jabbed into your stomach grab ya?
Oh that Scooter….He’s even dirtier than Lynn Cheney, except darn it a Vice President doesn’t die in this one.
Here’s just on, the others are better.
One of her breasts now hung loosely in his hand near his face and he knew not how best to touch her. The sleeve of his other arm was pinned under his side, and this arm he could barely raise. He stretched to touch her with his fingertips, and as he did she slid one leg over him and kissed his ear. Her breath there was warm and moist and then she licked inside his ear. He was startled. He had never been touched like that before. The feeling at first was good, but then it was wet and cold and unpleasant. He could hear her breath just above his ear, but he could no longer see even the ghost of her. She bent down once more, and he lowered his head for the thought of being licked again disturbed him.
(p. 150)
The Apprentice; By Lewis “scooter” Libby (small s in scooter on purpose)
This guy make Jim West look like a Boy Scout (Leader)
Here are more of this Juicy Family Values guys writings
Roger Rabbit-5 ‘ how about taking some for your screwup..’
OK. How about the KCE method? 140 out of 1 million, or 0.014%. Not bad for a bank, right?
Altho most of the attention is focused today on the GOP’s slimy attempt to suppress voting in Democratic precincts by filing bogus challenges against hundreds of voters (look for a grand jury indictment for perjury against Lori Soleto in the not-too-distant future), there’s also other stuff going on in MSM, notably the massive anti-Bush demonstrations in Argentina, and
“Bush reaches new lows in Washington Post-ABC poll
“By Richard Morin and Dan Balz
“The Washington Post
“WASHINGTON — … a majority of Americans question the integrity of President Bush, and growing doubts about his leadership have left him with record negative ratings on the economy, Iraq and even the war on terrorism, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
“On virtually every key measure of presidential character and performance, the new survey found that Bush has never been less popular with the American people. Currently, 39 percent of those polled approve of the job he is doing as president, while 60 percent disapprove ….
“Bush’s approval ratings have been in decline for months, but on issues of personal trust, honesty and values, Bush has suffered some of his most notable declines. …
“Fifty-eight percent said they had doubts about Bush’s honesty … 52 percent say the charges against Libby signal the presence of deeper ethical wrongdoing in the administration.
” … Americans give the administration low ratings on ethics … with 67 percent rating the administration negatively on handling ethical matters, while just 32 percent give positive marks. Forty-three percent say the level of ethics and honesty in the federal government has fallen during Bush’s presidency, while 17 percent say it has risen. …
“The survey suggests a rapidly widening gulf between Bush and the American people. Two in three of those polled say Bush doesn’t understand the problems of people like them ….”
It sure looks like Bush and the GOP are imploding. The really interesting thing is how completely independent “swing” voters have deserted Bush. For the complete story, see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....oll04.html
Scxxxooter really goes to to town with the Beastiality in his book too. This is Cheney assistant, I just can’t wait for the movies to come out of Abu Graib to see if there are any Bears in them.
What a bunch of sick fucks who spout “Moral Values”
Those are better numbers than Charles Keating had in the Savings and loan business.
Not to mention the 8 Billion missing in Iraq.
Let’s not let these Assholes “Floridate” us.
A couple days ago, Mark LeRedneck ridiculed me for suggesting the Pubbies might lose 100 seats in Congress next year. All the current surveys suggest GOP support has declined to about 35% — their hardcore base — indicating they have almost none of the independent swing voters still on board.
When your loyal base is 35% of the electorate, and your loyal base is all you’ve got left, a loss of 100 seats in Congress is not only possible but inevitable.
Unless, of course, you’re rigging the voting machines.
No, 140 out of 1943, which is 9.4%. Were you one of the trolls who, not so long ago, was derisively hooting at Sims and Logan because of KCRE’s 0.2% error rate? Yes, I believe you were, if I’m not mistaken — you fucking hypocrite.
I Can’t wait for the Movie from ScXXXooter Libby. Filmed in Abu Graib, I hope they don’t cut the Bear Beastiality scene.
What a bunch of sick fucks you support to run this country.
DeLay going to jail.
Scooter Libby going to jail.
Rove headed to jail.
Frist headed to jail.
Cheney: Dead of a cardiac arrest anytime soon.
Bush: Universally known as Worst.President.Ever.
Yes, it is a ggod time to be a patriotic American. All the facists are either dying or going to prison.
Long Live America!!! To wonderful to be destroyed by the Neo-Con traitors!!!!
We apologize for not getting the number of fraudulent votes correct already… Geeeesh. It is kind of like arguing how much a thief heisted from a bank. Are these donks for real!!!
Roger Rabbit-13 ‘..because of KCRE’s 0.2% error rate.’
Numerically challenged? To miss 140 out of 1 million possible bad registrations?
Do not tell me – public school?
Rossi Recount: Dismissed with extreme prejudice!
But still the whine and cheesy Neo-Cons keep denying reality.
Keep it up! In 2006 you get your real wake up call.
Reply to 20
What are you talking about? Don’t you realize the “140” refers to the number of challenges the GOP withdrew today, you ignorant fuck? That number represents 140 LEGAL VOTERS who were WRONGLY CHALLENGED by a FRAUDULENT VOTER CHALLENGED signed by Lori Soleto under penalty of PERJURY. That translates into a potential grand jury indictment containing 140 felony counts.
Don — they don’t have to wait until 2006 — they’re gonna get a wakeup call 4 days from now when their boy David “Mother Beater” Irons gets a well-deserved drubbing — this one won’t need a recount.
From recent polls, it looks like their pet initiative, I-912, will also go down in flames.
King County voters are disenfranchised by the King County elections board. They STILL can’t get it right, but that’s just because they don’t want to. You guys will more than make up for any possible loss with your voting early and often routine, even scouring the cemetaries for votes. In Seattle, the only question asked of illegal immigrants is: “Have you registered to vote yet?”
Another item hitting the MSM networks and newspapers is the revelation from embarrassing e-mails that while New Orleans was drowning and starving, ex-FEMA director Michael Brown was focused on sartorial splendor and hiring a dog-sitter.
Goldy, you performed an invaluable public service in helping to rid the nation of this narcissistic, incompetent, inattentive, dysfunctional, country club yahoo.
Donnageddon-21 ‘Rossi Recount: Dismissed with extreme prejudice!’
There is no doubt that WA law allows for illegal votes to count. The combination of secret ballot, as well as the obvious holes in the system that allow extra ballots to magically appear, combine to make any election challenge mute. It is OK to cheat as long as you do not get caught before the election. Bad votes to any candidate stay with the candidate, even if declared illegal in court afterwards. What a system. Yet you do get to claim tha Rossi lost in court. Much the same, I suppose, as many other get to claim that Bush won in court in 2000.
‘In 2006 you get your real wake up call.’
Bring it on, and please keep it up yourself. The wacky “sheehan” left is going to be disappointed….again. Merry Fitzmas!!
It was a big week for feminists in the Feminist Utopia of Washington (FUWA). Convicted felon and Supreme Court Judge Bobbe Bridges invented a new form of parenthood out of thin air and deemed that anyone who has ever had contact with a child can now be considered a “parent”. Completely disregarding the law and looking only to lack of precedent in other courts, the hit and run alcoholic judge decided that the spurned lover has parental “rights”. “Mian” may not yet know that she also may get to pay child support. So get ready to be a slave Mian; open up yer wallet and start writing checks. You just lost 10% to 15% of your income.
So the way it works now, in FUWA is that any mother who opens her legs to anyone else can now make a claim for child support. This means she can help herself to multiple tax free income streams from each of her “lovers” for each of her children for 18 years. Who needs “marketable skills”? Why go to work when open legs are a ticket to financial freedom.
Only in FUWA…
Goldy; where / what is going on with your highway vigil; or is the tax hike you guys jammed through going to “sort of” take care of things.
Still wondering if the gas tax hike was for a) viaduct, b) general new good stuff, or c) down payment on viaduct and 520, thus impregnating us with even more checks to write later
Dear David CLOWNstein—-
Once again you not so eloquently write something about nothing.
You are a CLOWN.
This lengthy nothingness is akin to screaming at the top of YOUR lungs about WHO LEFT THE TOILET SEAT UP!!!!
I presume a FANCY BOY like David CLOWNstein likes to sit down when he pees.
You rationalize your SHITSQUAD tactics with the disclaimer that you are not a reporter. That somehow that justifies any and all of your actions & words.
Most CLOWNS like to scare people This is why I am a member of IHATECLOWNS! Anyone else who agrees you are a Low-life CLOWN can also join an official organization meant to express our contempt for feminine CLOWNS like you @
Often times last minute SHITSQUAD tactics unfortunately work.
Goldy, you are much worse than what you claim to abhor.
Your BUTTBUDDY Don Ron Sims King’s campaign staff obviously knows everything you do. I believe they have lead you and orchestrated this in a very clear chain of disclosure…..
Give the information to the FRINGE LUNATIC LEFTIST PINHEADED BLOGGER DAVID CLOWNSTEIN. Allow CLOWNstein to hurl the shallow, hollow allegation. Then the Sims Campaign directs the losers at the MSM to your trash….and they go with it.
I believe that is the formula.
Goldy…….who else has CORRESPONDED with you on this hollow revelation??? Did you talk or communicate in any way with Christian or anyone else connected with the Sims campaign?
I’m sure you will deny….cuz you are prone to lie when cornered…like most DemoRATS.
For all you LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS all lathered up about almost everything……….
Mrs. Sotelo corrected her error as soon as she became aware of it.
How many of these 140 challenged voters will not vote because of the error??? What is the damage? By now, the list and information is very public. The people on this list either know or “should have known” that this challenge is an error. Good luck Rabbit with your pursuit of a Grand Jury investigation. It will not fly. On voter registrations, people NUST disclose their Residential Address unless they apply for Address Confidentiality Program.
You CLOWNS are like a swarm of Piranha’s.
I can’t wait to see one of these 140 erroneously challenged voters stand up in Court and say they did not vote because of this challenge.
Roger Rabbit, here’s some racists to drum out of the Democratic party:
“Black Democratic leaders in Maryland say that racially tinged attacks against Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele in his bid for the U.S. Senate are fair because he is a conservative Republican.
Such attacks against the first black man to win a statewide election in Maryland include pelting him with Oreo cookies during a campaign appearance, calling him an “Uncle Tom” and depicting him as a black-faced minstrel on a liberal Web log.”
Topic: Sims trading cash for race track permits….
Seems pretty true and accurate; we have nice paper trail, and its logical.
Are you guys pro-shakedown? (didn’t compton, wills, etc do same w/ the strip club?)
Thanks for this sentence, Scooter:
“The others stopped laughing in a series of diminishing gasps and leaned forward intently with glinting eyes to hear the secrets of a man used for first-night training by a house that could afford a bear.”
Regardless of content, sentences like this one should earn him a D- for composition.
Mr. Cynical @ 32, do you really believe Mrs. Sotelo will not be the subject of both criminal(filing of a false affidavit) and civil (violation of state or federal voting laws)charges for this voter suppression fiasco?
And if she is charged, will she take the fall herself or name names?
Roger Rabbit-22 ‘That number represents 140 LEGAL VOTERS who were WRONGLY CHALLENGED by a FRAUDULENT VOTER CHALLENGED signed by Lori Soleto under penalty of PERJURY.’
Then charge her with 140 counts of perjury. What is you point? The legal voters can stay legal voters with the normal process. If the timing of the errors is your problem, just assume the repubs took timing lessons from Goldy. That should make you feel better.
If the illegal voters get to vote, their vote counts even if deemed illegal after the election. The desire to maintain a large squadron of illegal votes at the expense of honest elections is obvious. As it is clear that KCE has no ability to clean the roles the fucntion is left to vigilantes, who must do their best BEFORE the election. That is State law as was demonstarted in the Rossi loss. Again, if thousands of illegal votes is OK when the total votes in KC was 1 million and the total margin was 133 votes, what is your problem with 140 out of 1 million errors?
I already know your answer.
37- Oops…Should be ‘..with 140 errors out of 1 million?
Pity my fellow Republicans have to spend a large amount of money to keep people from voting because they know it would be more effective then to try and convince people to vote for their candidate
Commander Ogg-39
Thanks for the pity. I actually think the dems are worried that, in close races, their candidates would lose if only legal votes were counted. That is the only real way to interpret the shrill indignance shown by the left on this topic. The veil is being lifted on decades of scamming the public.
Is it legal to have the following questions on an application for employment, or on a company survey of existing employees?
How much do you think about the following?
a. “Touching my private parts too much.”
b. “Thinking about having sex”
c. “Thinking about touching other people’s private parts.”
d. “Thinking about sex when I don’t want to.”
e. “Washing myself because I feel dirty on the inside.”
f. “Not trusting people because they might want sex.”
g. “Getting scared or upset when I think about sex.”
h. “Having sex feelings in my body.”
i. “Can’t stop thinking about sex.”
j. “Getting upset when people talk about sex.”
Any employment lawyers out there?
Yearight @ 2
Quoting Strategic Vision polls is like quoting Clinton on Clinton! Get real.
The Bush rating is avialble from all polls here:
Double Boo Double Hiss on Republicans spreading fear among certified, registered, proven voters to their own selfish ends.
Throughout history, that strategy (when successful, which we all pray won’t be here) has only ended with horrible results — I can’t believe you’d really want to wrest back control that way.
Reply to 37
“What is you point?”
Soleto should be charged with 140 counts of perjury.
Reply to 38
No, you had it right the first time — 140 counts of perjury.
Excellent work my friend in disclosing the fact that a SIMS Campaign adviser, FATLAND, is boning the source of CLOWNstein’s BIG SCOOP!!! Something tells me that CLOWNstein knew this all along and “conveniently” omitted it from the truth and whole truth. Typical. You busted CLOWNstein for his SHITSQUAD tactics at their worst!!!!
And Rog—
C’mon. Your an attorney. How many of these 140 will not vote because of Mrs. Sotelo’s error? The error was publicly corrected. A number of those folks already know they can vote.
In the end, it is much ado about nothing. No one will stand before us under oath and say they didn’t vote because of this. No one!!!
So go ahead you LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS…..hurl yourselves on the ground and feign damage. It is what you are best at….acting offended at anything you disagree with. There is no damage. I’m glad these legitimate voters can vote. It’s the way it should be. But what about the others that are illegally registered?????? Ohhhhhhhhh, I get it….ignore these. Logan basically put the onus on citizens to challenge voter registration….despite the fact that virtually every other County follows up on obvious illegal registrations like mailbox services and storage warehouses WITHOUT A FORMAL CHALLENGE!!!!
If Sims loses================LOGANCLOWN is FIRED!!!!
If David Irons wins=========LOGAN CLOWN IS FIRED!!!!!!!!
That’s good enough for me!
Everything starts with competent Elections in a Representative form of Government you CLOWNS!
Thomas Trainwinder-42
Just using your “has under 40% support” criteria to shine some light on WA. Do you have a better poll on Gregoire? Has anyone seen or heard from her lately? Is she still the Governor?
‘I can’t believe you’d really want to wrest back control that way.’
What way? Through honest, open and clean elections? What are YOU afraid of?
Sure is too bad about all the ethnic violence in france. Maybe they’ll aks us for help. Puhleeeze aks us france so we can tell you to fuck off. But maybe you moonbats can “educate” a dumfuck knuckle dragger like me. How can this happen in the most progressive enlightened country in the world? They took in these mooooooslim thugs and let them leech off the few “productive” people who “work” in france. What more do they want? Were the ffrench not inclusive enough? Do they not embrace their diversity sufficiently? Do they not give them enough of the things they’re “entitled” to?
CLOWNstein sez at SoundPolitics (nice of you to post on a professional Blog David):
” Reporters at both the Times and the P-I had most of the information I have… they have the names of the women involved in these incidents, and obviously, they couldn’t get them to talk on the record either.”
So how does CLOWNstein know what reporters at the Times and TASS have???? Are these fine masters of professional journalism sharing confidential information with a FRINGE LUNATIC LEFTIST PINHEADED BLOGGERCLOWN named David CLOWNstein???
I believe that the Sims Campaign feeds CLOWNstein….CLOWNstein posts and then the losers at the Times & P-I jump on it. This is a well-orchestrated sham!!
Thank you CLOWNstein for busting yourself…..again with the insight on what “reporters” at the TImes and P-I have.
You are truly a CLOWN!!
So your BIG SCOOP source of this thread is BONING one of Sims Campaign manager’s??!!! That’s just great Goldy.
That’s an internal problem for France to solve. You should invest your time and energy in cleaning up the crime, corruption, and incompetence in your own political party.
“And Rog—
C’mon. Your an attorney. How many of these 140 will not vote because of Mrs. Sotelo’s error? The error was publicly corrected. A number of those folks already know they can vote.”
This is your excuse for letting a perjurer off the hook? You’re pathetic.
That’s like saying a guy who sticks up a 7-11 but doesn’t get any money because the clerk couldn’t open the drop safe is innocent because nothing was taken.
Perjury is perjury, Cynical. The false swearing is the crime. A crime was committed regardless of whether it deprived anyone of their right to vote … but the chances are good that Sotelo’s false swearing will keep some eligible voters from voting on Tuesday.
Cynical = apologist for crime
GOP = party of crooks, liars, and perjurers
yeahright @46
Clean election by intimidiating legitimate voters into not voting? Huh?
To your point about what Gregoire has done — how about this (remember, it’s the republicans who are all about Job Growth): Washington “State job growth, which has led to higher revenue forecasts and lower unemployment rolls, is running at an annual rate of 3.1 percent, well above the national average of 1.7 percent.”
And that’s with a democratic leglisature.
Wouldn’t it be nice if the national picture (with Rep. prez and legislature) could come close to this success.
Wabbit @ 49 – No, it’s gonna be our problem too if we don’t tighten up the borders and confront evil in the world. The experience in france proves you can’t negotiate with these jerks.
What do you mean, it’s gonna be our problem too? It already is — in Detroit, L.A., downtown Seattle and the Rainier Valley. Maybe instead of worrying about crime in France or Iraq, you Repubs should worry about crime in our own streets. Bush cut funding for cops to pay for his military adventure in Iraq and tax cuts for the rich.
Bush also has repeatedly dumped unfunded federal mandates on state and local governments that have forced them to lay off cops and firefighters. The latest Bush admin. nonsense is the $3.7 billion disaster relief bill tendered by FEMA to Louisiana’s bankrupt state government for services not rendered during Hurricane Katrina. This is the sort of bullshit you vote for and try to justify, and now you want to lecture us about riots in France?
Now this is interesting for you democrats: One of your leaders tells you how it really is:
Carter condemns abortion culture
By Ralph Z. Hallow
November 4, 2005
Former President Jimmy Carter yesterday condemned all abortions and chastised his party for its intolerance of candidates and nominees who oppose abortion. “I never have felt that any abortion should be committed — I think each abortion is the result of a series of errors,” he told reporters over breakfast at the Ritz-CarltonHotel, while across town Senate Democrats deliberated whether to filibuster the nomination of Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. because he may share President Bush and Mr. Carter’s abhorrence of abortion.
“These things impact other issues on which [Mr. Bush] and I basically agree,” the Georgia Democrat said. “I’ve never been convinced, if you let me inject my Christianity into it, that Jesus Christ would approve abortion.”
Mr. Carter said his party’s congressional leadership only hurts Democrats by making a rigid pro-abortion rights stand the criterion for assessing judicial nominees.
“I have always thought it was not in the mainstream of the American public to be extremely liberal on many issues,” Mr. Carter said. “I think our party’s leaders — some of them — are overemphasizing the abortion issue.”
While Mr. Carter has previously expressed ambivalence about abortion, his statements yesterday were “astonishing,” said Robert Knight, director of the Culture and Family Institute at Concerned Women for America.
“He has long professed to be an evangelical Christian and yet he had embraced virtually all the liberal political agenda,” said Mr. Knight. “Maybe with Jimmy Carter saying things he never uttered before, more liberals will rethink their worship of abortion as the high holy sacrament of liberalism.”
So what’s your fucking point? That Carter is a religious guy who personally opposes abortion? This is old news, tell us something we don’t know. Roger Rabbit is a religious bunny who personally opposes abortion – and votes 100% Democrat because there are only 2 political parties in this country to choose from and only 1 of them isn’t a crime organization.
55- ‘Roger Rabbit is a religious bunny who personally opposes abortion – and votes 100% Democrat because there are only 2 political parties in this country to choose from and only 1 of them isn’t a crime organization.’
That is pretty mild opposition to systematic killing of 40 million innocent youths. What crime organization, not counting communism, can rack up that many dead innocents over thirty years?
It appears that the wabbit’s opposition to abortion is only due to the reduction of dem voters over time. If that is true it also explains the blind defense of KCE and the vote counting/generating machine.
Wabbit@54 – “Tax cuts for the rich”???? Who else should get a tax cut. The poor already pay zero.
Actually crime in Murka is down mostly due to 3 strikes laws and abortions. What I’m talking about is terrorist acts by perps practicing “the religion of peace”. We need to kill every fucking one of them, and the sooner we figure that out the better.
If you want to kill every fucking one of them, it only seems reasonable that you should pay the costs of doing so, instead of putting it on your kid’s credit card.
@59 (continued)
“‘Tax cuts for the rich’???? Who else should get a tax cut.”
Well, if you’re going to unbalance the budget, create deficits, and cause inflation by cutting taxes below spending in the first place — um, the middle class? They don’t pay zero.
Or do you define as “rich” everyone who makes more than the federal poverty guidelines?
Which brings us to another topic — the Republicans in Congress are now proposing $50 billion of spending cuts in such programs as food stamps, medical care, and foster care — and $70 billion of additional tax cuts — which will result in a $20 billion net increase in the deficit.
So … they want more people to go hungry, do without medical care, and ignore the plight of neglected and abused children in order to INCREASE the deficit.
Questions for all those “outraged” at the outing of Plame:
Is there any outrage about the recent leaks involving CIA prisons?
Is there a good explanation why those on the left, such as Nation magazine supported outing spies in the past, yet are outraged now?
And, why all the lefty opposition to the 1982 law that is supposed to snag Rove?
Now there is an allegation that Wilson outed his wife many times one year before Novak’s column. It is only an allegation at this point, yet now has as much credibility as any other on HA.
Wabbit – Econ 101 Test:
Has federal revenue has increased or decreased since President Bush cut tax rates.
Don’t give me any bullshit. Just answer the question. Once we agree on which side of the equation is causing the problem, we’ll go onto the next step. I think we might actually agree on the real cause of the problem.
yeaWrong @ all
You remind me of Jim Miller – relentlessly harping on this and that wingnut talking point. Distorting context. Ignoring history except when it suits the wingnut agenda.
Maybe you ARE Jim Miller? How’s the million dollar collection plate looking for proving DVF?
It is only an allegation at this point, yet now has as much credibility as any other on HA.
LMAO! i.e. you do what you disdain when it suits your agenda.
MTR – Bush is running the country into the ground. You’re not too worried though because if Bush succeeds, those in the plutocracy will be insulated from the turmoil.
Your greatest conceit however is to think you’re actually one of the big boys. Knowing one of the big boys is not the same as being one.
Clueless – I AM NOT one of GWB’s kool aid drinkers. I’m a conservative. GWB is not. Not by any stretch. GWB is infinitely better than the Inventor of the Internet, or John “Gold Digger” Kerry. But he’s a huge disappointment to true conservatives.
This thing in Nawlins is rigodamdiculous. $250B to convert an old shit hole to a new shit hole is crazy. We should just walk away from it.
I support the political objectives of the war in Iraq, but the military execution is awful.
The medicare prescription program will bankrupt us.
His refusal to enforce our borders and letting freeloaders and thugs will result in further bankrupting while thugs try to kill us.
Bending over to McCain and CFR was a clear violation of 1st amendment.
The steel import tarrif thing was bad for the country. It bought him a few critical votes in Ohio which probably bought him the second term, but it was helluva expensive deal.
Thomas Trainwinder-52 ‘And that’s with a democratic leglisature.’
Dream away. The laws enacted do not typically take effect until later in the session, if not at the beginning of the next year. The new gas tax started real quick, as that was an “emergency”.
No, what you are bragging about is the “worst economy in the last 50 years”, as noted in the 2004 election cycle. You are so happy under the Bush economy that you cannot contain your enthusiasm. Welcome to the GW/2004 team!
‘Wouldn’t it be nice if the national picture (with Rep. prez and legislature) could come close to this success.’
Done. National unemployment is lower than WA, the GDP is growing faster, and WA had few effects from 9-11, Katrina or Wilma. Thanks again for the chance to provide the Bush economy with a ringing endorsement.
Do your tunnel-vision goggles with rose-colored lenses come in sizes where people with larger, normal-sized brains can wear them?
You remind me of the typical lefty – all rant and NO substance.
‘Knowing one of the big boys is not the same as being one.’
I do not even know any of those. It is the little guy, however, that gains opportunities under policies that tilt rightward.
‘You’re not too worried though because if Bush succeeds..’
You sound worried that Bush may succeed. If so, the entire lefty vision of utopia comes crashing down based on decades, if not centuries of miserable failures. Europe is next, but the US under horsesass guidance would come shortly thereafter.
Goldy, your blog really sucks lately. It’s turned into your vehicle for making outlandish conclusions based on your admittedly partisan “investigative reporting”. Which is a total joke. Followed by rightful objections from “trolls”, then followed by Roger commenting to himself way too often. What ever happened to your plan to give us a means of voting Roger off the island?
If your goal was to turn this into “Daily Kos junior” you have sort of succeeded. That’s why it now sucks.
Maybe the large sucking sound from Ross Perot in the 90s over NAFTA was really over HAFTA, Horses Ass: Factless, Truthless Analyzes!
yeaWrong @ 71
Wrong again – I was directing my remarks on Republican plutocracy at Mark the Redneck.
Since I was talking about “the big boys” it’s only telling that you ‘d make that mistake.
You sound worried that Bush may succeed.
Damn straight but it’s useless arguing it with a kool-aid drunk acolyte like you.
Read it and weep fringies…
First it was The Netherlands, now it’s France – how soon will it be America?
It’s long, very long (6 whole pages – how will you manage?) and I know you attention challenged nutburgers won’t get past the first few paragraphs (after all it’s not conservative bashing), but TRY to read the whole thing and see what your liberal nonsense and smug tolerance preaching has wrought elsewhere.
Pretty soon France will be at long last electing folks like us who are always RIGHT!!!
Folks are trying to kill us Cyn and the nutburgers are prancing and dancing with their eyes shut, ears closed, loudly chanting “Can’t we all just get along?”
Clearly, as in The Netherlands nad France the answer is a resounding “NO, you idiots”.
Wow! Wingnuts having a love affair with the French! Amazing!
Has Faux News told you all to change your attitudes? Is Bill O’Reilly throwing in the towel and enjoying some French wine with his falafel?
THe APPROPRIATELY NAMED AND COMPLETELY CLUELESS and the nutburgers are prancing and dancing with their eyes shut, ears closed, loudly chanting “Can’t we all just get along?”
Grow up sweetcheeks, your terrorist friends want you dead, they want your Mommy dead, they want your Daddy dead, they want your old granny and you old grumpy grandpapa DEAD and they won’t care that you parance around yelling “I’m a TERRORIST SYMPATHIZER”.
Hey ASS,
You’re so filled with fear! Do ever get away from HA and your favorite wingnut paranoia blogs? Do you ever get out of the house unless you’re armed with a Glock and an assault rifle?
Yet another rockslide in Snoqualmie pass. The gas tax is allocated to, among other things, rockslide control on I-90. I-912 will eliminate that funding.
“The Interstate 90 work, expected to cost between $410 million and $980 million, includes road widening, rockslide and avalanche control”
Perhaps voters will make the connection.
Appropriately Named Clueless, the only “thing” I fear are clueless fools growing up and making stupid decisions based on their feelings instead of rational thinking and logic.
I fear dumb ASS liberals who want to look backwards and glorify Comm*unists and Soci*lism, who see nothing wrong with being America hating terrorist sympathizers, worshippers of brutal dictators, who are led like lemmings by other America hating terrorist sympathizers and supporters like Soros, Moore, et al.
To conclude, I ‘fear’ dumbASS fringie fruticake liberals, like YOU.
Interesting how the cross-cascades traffic can ground to a halt because of a rockslide, and no alternatives are available. There used to be a rail corridor up Snoqualmie Pass, but it was abandoned about 20 years ago.
Some kind of shuttle train could have been cobbled together, had the resources been available.
GBS: I tried calling KVI just now and I am in a bad cell zone. I got the producer but he could barely hear me. They did get my email. Will try again.