“Maybe I should upgrade from my Vista laptop at some point?”
My XP desktop and laptop weren’t cutting it anymore, so I finally broke down and bought a new laptop.
Just find a way to avoid windows 8 if possible if you want a desktop or laptop. I have not heard one person say anything good about it. Get a used lap top at RePC or something.
No sign of Puffy since the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage. I wonder if he has jumped off a bridge or if he is rounding up the rest of the American Taliban to do battle.
Puddybud - The ONE and Onlyspews:
Hey empty tea bag with the puffed butt from abuse,
Puddy working you moron. Puddy has been putting in long hours because it’s a full infrastructure. If you had a job that meant something you’d realize that blogging on HA DUMMOCRETINS is something that takes a back seat to work.
Now onto the gay marriage thing. The real word on the street is if the Supremes changed the rulings then your kind would go hair ball nutzo like y’all did in a couple of states when you attacked average citizens like ex Mozilla CEO Brendan Esch. Your kind can’t live with people who disagree with your sorry ASS!
Doesn’t it really suck to know that Obummer puts politics ahead of US protection?
Doesn’t it really suck to know a community organizer is clueless about world politics?
Doesn’t it really suck to see the chickens are coming home to roost?
Doesn’t it really suck to know Mitt Romney was absolutely right in the second debate and Candy Crowley looks as much of an ASS now as she did then in October 2012
Wait for it… the monomaniacal clueless cretin will add something useless!
Puddybud - The ONE and Onlyspews:
9/11 Truther Rosie O’Donnell has lost her last marble. She still doesn’t think the 9/11 hijackers were Suadi. She thinks ISIS isn’t Obummer’s creation since he left Iraq in a rush and a vacuum happened.
Great to see she’s a DUMMOCRETIN of the empty tea bag puffed butt type!
Oh my Milbank is clueless as ever! http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html PuddyCommentary:Something media leftists will never understand… When you are worried about your final reputation as being a straight shooter, it has nothing to do with loyalty. It’s about how history will remember you.
Panetta tells how Obummer lost his way? Obummer never had a real way except being a community organizer of the Saul Alinsky mode hanging with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn! Milbank upset. Awwww…
Hillary Clinton, Robert Gates, and now Leon Panetta, are all in agreement. Obummer is totally clueless!
DUMMOCRETINS scream Gates is a Bush holdout and Panetta is a Clinton acolyte… Butt HA DUMMOCRETINS, when you read the excepts they say the same thing… Obummer doesn’t listen to reason… it’s all politics!!! All three wrote about their red-light grave concerns and correct objections regarding the wrong headed US security policies pursued by Obama due to Obummer’s left wrong politics!
Three strikes and you are out Dana Milbank. You are too stoooooooooopid to understand in your blind guide following of Obummer!
Puddy your argument about gay marriage is silly. The conservatives on the supreme court continued to decide that gay marriage was constitutional because they were afraid married gays with families like me would post mean things about them?
In what world is Mozilla CEO Brendan Esch an average citizen? If he is the average, what class of people would puddy define as sub average?
I wish the SCOTUS would have heard the case and established that it’s OK for two willing partners to marry regardless of their plumbing. Then this crap would be over.
For every life saved by a gun, I can show you five accidental deaths by a gun.
Not to mention the false equivalence. In order to make your logic work, every burglar shot must be a killer. Can you prove that a guy who goes into a bar and demands money would have shot someone on the way out or taken the money and run. Are unarmed crack-heads coming through a window ALWAYS killers if you don’t have a gun. If a burglar walks through your door, you say, “Boo!” and he runs, did ghost noise save lives?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 “Puddy working … putting in long hours …. If you had a job … you’d realize that blogging on HA … takes a back seat to work.”
I’m so sorry! I guess we can’t all be capitalists. Somebody has to work.
Better you than me.
@15 – couldn’t agree with you more….just remember what sub humans are making this a big deal…you probably vote for a few of them. This should have never been put to popular vote, but your freinds thought so.
Puffy what is the actual title of your job. What do you do except proseyltize?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Wishing you had Saddam back yet? You Republican idiots didn’t know when you were well off. Saddam only cut off the heads of his own people.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Frankly, I don’t think Republicans are in a position to lecture anyone on foreign policy or military strategy, given their sorry track record.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Even the Russians, who aren’t the brightest guys on the planet, knew better than to “conquer” the Middle East. Nothing there but oil, sand, and Arabs; none of which are worth all the trouble they make.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 Well, I see Justice Kennedy issued an order this morning staying gay marriage in Idaho and Utah, which no doubt will be short-lived. This looks like a desperate last-gasp maneuver to me, like the last cannonball fired from a dismasted and sinking frigate. The court’s conservative bloc must have a defector. Wonder who it is? Because it sure looks like they have no more than 4 votes against gay marriage.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I was totally surprised by yesterday’s cert denial. When the court took these cases under review, I thought sure they would issue a decision upholding state gay marriage bans. I suspect the conservative “majority” thought so, too. Then — surprise! — when they counted noses, they discovered that one of their votes was over on the other side of the conference table. Looks like they were blindsided by that one, caught out, so to speak. In Congress, they always count votes before deciding whether to vote on something. Guess the Supremes don’t, at least not this crowd. As for loyalty, which in electoral politics is everything, once someone has life tenure on the federal bench it can corrode rather rapidly, as Eisenhower once acidly observed. Damn those activist judges! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 I don’t think that’s what the Court’s conservatives have in mind, so be careful of what you wish for.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 And that’s before counting the deliberate ones.
Puddybud - The ONE and Onlyspews:
Empty tea bag with puffed butt,
Puddy has many job titles this year.Why do you care. Puddy on the road! Butt all you have to do is ask your cousin the monomaniacal moonbat memory moron where Puddy is. The monomaniacal moonbat memory moron will tell you. The monomaniacal moonbat memory moron lives vicariously on Puddy’s travels.
So this week out of town again! Working on three separate systems this week. Having fun but it’s humid here!
Puddybud - The ONE and Onlyspews:
In what world is Mozilla CEO Brendan Esch an average citizen? – When you make political contributions following the same cloth as Obummer and Hillary Clinton in 2008. There was no difference in their stance that year worser. So Hillary and Obummer are not ordinary citizens? That’s what you DUMMOCRETINS claimed!
That’s why you are a historical idiot!
Puddy has many job titles this year.
Remember this link proffered by Da Perfessa June 28, 2014 from one of those 4th Tier Toilet DUMMOCRETINS…
Young Turks: Syria hands over their chemical weapons…THANKS OBAMA!
NO THANKS OBUMMER! When you link to 4th tier toilet bowls you ultimately get shit stains and look as moronic as they are!
Sux to be DUMMOCRETINS! So wrong for so long!
Puddybud - The ONE and Onlyspews:
Oh the goatherder@30 has arrived. Puddy was wondering why the goatherder was MIA. Seems the goatherder let go of some male animal appendages to type useless junk on the thread.
Now the goatherder will return to shafting male animal appendages in his various pie holes!
Sux to be the HA goatherder with nothing real to say except the usual ad hominem attacks!
Piddles doesn’t read his links again…
Syria disclosed the information during ongoing meetings between the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and Syrian authorities, Kaag told the council members, according to the source.
So during ongoing disarmament of Syria, Syria disclosed previously unknown weapons facilities. In right wing world that means Obama failed. In the not congenitally deranged world it means the pressure put on Syria by the Obama administration and U.N. inspectors on the ground continue to have success.
Thank you President Obama. If Isis somehow manages to force out Assad, the chemical weapons will not be a spoil of war. The world is safer because of your decision to engage in diplomacy rather than go hell-bent and leave a smoking vacuum where ISIS could thrive…and get chemical weapons.
I think a very apropos phrase you are fond of here is KABLAMMO?
Actually, I don’t think my friends have much of an opinion, one way or the other, on the subject of same-sex marriage. And, since my youngest brother is gay and my friends know him, too, they probably would be OK if the SCOTUS said a person can marry whomever he or she chooses.
Republicans are just fucking evil, hope they all go to hell. God will punish them.
@34 don’t tell me tell you evil republican politiciams
Puddy that’s not an answer, thats just putting the words Obama and Hillary and democrats in with some random words and squirting obscuring squid ink. If you can’t explain yourself just admit it. Other wise you just seem even more stupid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Piddy@various: Where’s your squid ink tagline? Inkwell run dry?
Puddybud - The ONE and Onlyspews:
checkmate screws his pooch again… This is why it’s so easy to DEEEESTROOOOY checkmate. Look at the date checkmate… June 30th, 2014 was the deadline. They were hiding sites checkmate… October 8th, 2014
And you claim to read?
Reading is NOT fundamental with checkmate!
Sux to be checkmated again! Will this moron ever learn?
Puddybud - The ONE and Onlyspews:
NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit,
Traveling puter vs. home puter! Therefore morons like the empty tea bag will know Puddy OOT. Remember when Puddy in Korea and was using a MAC your good fiend the monomaniacal moronic twit screamed Puddy was in Korea on a MAC. You see NoBalls, the monomaniacal clueless crazed cretin tracks Puddy around de world!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why do Republican candidates try so hard to make voters think they’re Democrats? Maybe there’s a problem with the GOP brand name?
Imagine the klownservative moron who told us this:
love it when Democratic party supporting peeps hide technology in devices and then surreptitiously spy on their fellow Democrats for like PIED PIPER sheep buy it. Apple been tracking peeps immediately when you turn it on. Now where is that database kept so we can see what ylb and other leftist really do all day?
Syria came clean. So we should have bombed in Sept. 1st and let ISIS get those sites?
That’s why we’re inspecting. BTW, the reports in June stated that they had given up for destruction their existing weapons. Nothing in your ‘scooop’ suggests otherwise. Now they’ve given up their production facilities in response to the UN still being there inspecting.
Bottom line, as long as the U.N. is there, Syria is not replenishing their weapons. Thank you President Obama.
Just get out of the Middle East and stay out. That’s what we need to do.
Bottom line, as long as the U.N. is there, Syria is not replenishing their weapons. Thank you President Obama.
Indeed. How feckless is this silly troll’s attacks on a two-term President’s administration?
So sad to be so deranged.
And to think it all happened without firing a single expensive missile, losing a single billion dollar plane or a single serviceman’s life.
Syria disarming, no loss of U.S. Military lives.
Thank you, PRESIDENT Obama.
Yeah, Piddles, I’ll be around if you have a problem with any of that. And if you do have a problem, Why do you hate your country? Why do you hate the brave men and women who serve? Why do they have to die for you to see it as a success?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 Owning Piddles is like having space acreage — all you get is a perfect vacuum with nothing in it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
War On Drugless (TM)
Another innocent citizen has been killed in his own home by masked and heavily armed narcs who kicked in a door and opened fire.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: His family should get a settlement of around $5 million. Yeah, that sounds about right. Take it from their federal drug war grants.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Kentucky senator and GOP minority leader Mitch McConnell is notoriously media-averse; he just doesn’t like being interviewed or participating in debates. From this call in to a radio show, you’ll see why — he’s terrible at speaking.
Note that when asked about minimum wage, he says that although he doesn’t support a raise for the lowest-paid workers now (“because it’ll cost Kentucky 17,000 jobs”), he claims he’s supported minimum wage increases in the past — but with a caveat, i.e., when businesses got “breaks.” (I assume he means tax breaks.) In other words, this Republican believes our lowest-paid workers should get a raise only if taxpayers pay for it.
On climate change, he dodges saying what he believes, but throws out the standard Republican shibboleths that “some” scientists dispute it, argues the science is unsettled, and raises that hoary old conservative talking point that “not so long ago scientists thought we were heading into an ice age.” And, of course, he supports building coal plants. Because, after all, China and India are doing it.
One thing he IS clear about, though, is he thinks Congress should keep trying to repeal Obamacare, even though he admits repeal won’t happen while Obama is president.
Oh yeah, did I mention that he’s trailing his Democratic opponent in polls? It seems even some Kentucky Republicans are sick and tired of this old troglodyte who was first elected to the Senate in a previous century. I’m not sure which one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
While 2014 isn’t likely to be a terrific election for Democrats overall, we’re already rid of Eric Cantor, and it looks like McConnell might go, too. And Democrats still have a decent shot at hanging onto the Senate, which looks to be getting better with every passing day. But what we really can look forward to is 2016, when twice as many Republican as Democratic senators have to face re-election, and Republicans will again have a lousy slate of presidential candidates to pick from, and face a near-impossible electoral vote map. So even if they do grab the Senate this year, it won’t matter very much.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, Scott Walker’s administration has redefined “living wage” for state law purposes as $7.25 an hour. That’s a living wage, well, because they say it is.
This 31-minute animated film does an excellent job of explaining how our economy works, including the fact that most of the money used to buy goods and services consists of credit created by lending and borrower, not cash printed by governments. Our trolls probably won’t like it, because it explains why the policies our government adopted after the 2007-2008 financial crisis were the right ones, and why the Wingnut Wack-O-Nomics (including austerity) favored by conservatives are drastically wrong and extremely destruction.
Ray Dalio is very credible on economic matters. Although not a professional economist, he correctly called the 2007 crisis before it happened, and was able to do that because he understands how the economy works.
“So,” our trolls may ask, “if he’s so smart, why isn’t he rich?”
Wel,, actually, he is. Dalio is the self-made founder of the world’s largest hedge fund, and is one of the richest people in the world, being personally worth more than $15 billion.
According to Dalio, we’re in a “deleveraging cycle,” which this film explains, and this film explains why the policies adopted by the Federal Reserve and other central banks were the right ones and didn’t cause the hyperinflation predicted by the idiot conservatives who ran out and stocked up on gold, guns, and survival rations.
Dalio predicted it will take 10 years to recover from the 2008-2009 recession, with slow growth in the meantime, and the economy is in fact exactly tracking this prediction, and for the reasons he stated in this film.
In Germany, the Island of Sylt is connected to the mainland by a narrow causeway, that has rail but no road traffic. Currently, Deutsche Bahn operates a car shuttle. Subsidiary of US based Rail Development Corporation, RDC Deutschland is bidding to operate the Sylt Shuttle. RDC already competes with DB with a passenger service between Hamburg and Koln.
Just a note to any Open Thread enthusiasts: My computer/Internet are back for the moment, but I’m pretty far behind on stuff. I’m writing something that will probably be on the main page later today, and then a real Open Thread on Friday. I apologize for any confusion, or a general slow pace.
I don’t know any.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Even conservative voters think the federal minimum wage is too low, so more red states are fixing to raise their state minimums, while the GOP Congress dithers.
We are consumed with marriage equality fight, meanwhile this, but who cares, if we let gays marry the whole institution will fail. Hasn’t it already failed. And the title of the article says men-killing-woman (heterosexual relationships).
“Maybe I should upgrade from my Vista laptop at some point?”
My XP desktop and laptop weren’t cutting it anymore, so I finally broke down and bought a new laptop.
Just find a way to avoid windows 8 if possible if you want a desktop or laptop. I have not heard one person say anything good about it. Get a used lap top at RePC or something.
No sign of Puffy since the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage. I wonder if he has jumped off a bridge or if he is rounding up the rest of the American Taliban to do battle.
Hey empty tea bag with the puffed butt from abuse,
Puddy working you moron. Puddy has been putting in long hours because it’s a full infrastructure. If you had a job that meant something you’d realize that blogging on HA DUMMOCRETINS is something that takes a back seat to work.
Now onto the gay marriage thing. The real word on the street is if the Supremes changed the rulings then your kind would go hair ball nutzo like y’all did in a couple of states when you attacked average citizens like ex Mozilla CEO Brendan Esch. Your kind can’t live with people who disagree with your sorry ASS!
Sux to be you empty stones!
Meanwhile Leon Panetta comes clean about Obummer and his Iraq political solution vs. looking at the real deal. http://www.usatoday.com/story/...../16737615/
Doesn’t it really suck to know that Obummer puts politics ahead of US protection?
Doesn’t it really suck to know a community organizer is clueless about world politics?
Doesn’t it really suck to see the chickens are coming home to roost?
Doesn’t it really suck to know Mitt Romney was absolutely right in the second debate and Candy Crowley looks as much of an ASS now as she did then in October 2012
Wait for it… the monomaniacal clueless cretin will add something useless!
9/11 Truther Rosie O’Donnell has lost her last marble. She still doesn’t think the 9/11 hijackers were Suadi. She thinks ISIS isn’t Obummer’s creation since he left Iraq in a rush and a vacuum happened.
Great to see she’s a DUMMOCRETIN of the empty tea bag puffed butt type!
Meanwhile in real news never found on HA DUMMOCRETINS… http://www.jasonmattera.com/11.....questions/
Oh my Milbank is clueless as ever! http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html PuddyCommentary:Something media leftists will never understand… When you are worried about your final reputation as being a straight shooter, it has nothing to do with loyalty. It’s about how history will remember you.
Panetta tells how Obummer lost his way? Obummer never had a real way except being a community organizer of the Saul Alinsky mode hanging with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn! Milbank upset. Awwww…
Hillary Clinton, Robert Gates, and now Leon Panetta, are all in agreement. Obummer is totally clueless!
DUMMOCRETINS scream Gates is a Bush holdout and Panetta is a Clinton acolyte… Butt HA DUMMOCRETINS, when you read the excepts they say the same thing… Obummer doesn’t listen to reason… it’s all politics!!! All three wrote about their red-light grave concerns and correct objections regarding the wrong headed US security policies pursued by Obama due to Obummer’s left wrong politics!
Three strikes and you are out Dana Milbank. You are too stoooooooooopid to understand in your blind guide following of Obummer!
Meanwhile HA heroine Alison Grimes… Four Pinocchios! http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....on-grimes/
Guns save lives… http://www.chron.com/news/hous.....800877.php Don’t tell that to gun hating national DUMMOCRETINS though!
You don’t say… http://freebeacon.com/politics.....s-idiotic/ PuddyCommentary: Howard will no longer be on PMSNBC!
Well the HA DUMMOCRETIN branch of moronic twits has not received that memo yet!
http://freebeacon.com/politics.....undraiser/ PuddyCommentary:Just like your standard DUMMOCRETIN… Politics over US security!
Puddy your argument about gay marriage is silly. The conservatives on the supreme court continued to decide that gay marriage was constitutional because they were afraid married gays with families like me would post mean things about them?
In what world is Mozilla CEO Brendan Esch an average citizen? If he is the average, what class of people would puddy define as sub average?
I wish the SCOTUS would have heard the case and established that it’s OK for two willing partners to marry regardless of their plumbing. Then this crap would be over.
For every life saved by a gun, I can show you five accidental deaths by a gun.
Not to mention the false equivalence. In order to make your logic work, every burglar shot must be a killer. Can you prove that a guy who goes into a bar and demands money would have shot someone on the way out or taken the money and run. Are unarmed crack-heads coming through a window ALWAYS killers if you don’t have a gun. If a burglar walks through your door, you say, “Boo!” and he runs, did ghost noise save lives?
@4 “Puddy working … putting in long hours …. If you had a job … you’d realize that blogging on HA … takes a back seat to work.”
I’m so sorry! I guess we can’t all be capitalists. Somebody has to work.
Better you than me.
@15 – couldn’t agree with you more….just remember what sub humans are making this a big deal…you probably vote for a few of them. This should have never been put to popular vote, but your freinds thought so.
Puffy what is the actual title of your job. What do you do except proseyltize?
@5 Wishing you had Saddam back yet? You Republican idiots didn’t know when you were well off. Saddam only cut off the heads of his own people.
Frankly, I don’t think Republicans are in a position to lecture anyone on foreign policy or military strategy, given their sorry track record.
Even the Russians, who aren’t the brightest guys on the planet, knew better than to “conquer” the Middle East. Nothing there but oil, sand, and Arabs; none of which are worth all the trouble they make.
@13 Well, I see Justice Kennedy issued an order this morning staying gay marriage in Idaho and Utah, which no doubt will be short-lived. This looks like a desperate last-gasp maneuver to me, like the last cannonball fired from a dismasted and sinking frigate. The court’s conservative bloc must have a defector. Wonder who it is? Because it sure looks like they have no more than 4 votes against gay marriage.
I was totally surprised by yesterday’s cert denial. When the court took these cases under review, I thought sure they would issue a decision upholding state gay marriage bans. I suspect the conservative “majority” thought so, too. Then — surprise! — when they counted noses, they discovered that one of their votes was over on the other side of the conference table. Looks like they were blindsided by that one, caught out, so to speak. In Congress, they always count votes before deciding whether to vote on something. Guess the Supremes don’t, at least not this crowd. As for loyalty, which in electoral politics is everything, once someone has life tenure on the federal bench it can corrode rather rapidly, as Eisenhower once acidly observed. Damn those activist judges! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
@15 I don’t think that’s what the Court’s conservatives have in mind, so be careful of what you wish for.
@16 And that’s before counting the deliberate ones.
Empty tea bag with puffed butt,
Puddy has many job titles this year.Why do you care. Puddy on the road! Butt all you have to do is ask your cousin the monomaniacal moonbat memory moron where Puddy is. The monomaniacal moonbat memory moron will tell you. The monomaniacal moonbat memory moron lives vicariously on Puddy’s travels.
So this week out of town again! Working on three separate systems this week. Having fun but it’s humid here!
In what world is Mozilla CEO Brendan Esch an average citizen? – When you make political contributions following the same cloth as Obummer and Hillary Clinton in 2008. There was no difference in their stance that year worser. So Hillary and Obummer are not ordinary citizens? That’s what you DUMMOCRETINS claimed!
That’s why you are a historical idiot!
Oh no… Syria still has chemical weapons? http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/07/.....index.html Puddy told y’all ASSad was hiding them. Noooooooooooooo, your freakazoids screamed!
Remember this link proffered by Da Perfessa June 28, 2014 from one of those 4th Tier Toilet DUMMOCRETINS…
NO THANKS OBUMMER! When you link to 4th tier toilet bowls you ultimately get shit stains and look as moronic as they are!
Sux to be DUMMOCRETINS! So wrong for so long!
Oh the goatherder@30 has arrived. Puddy was wondering why the goatherder was MIA. Seems the goatherder let go of some male animal appendages to type useless junk on the thread.
Now the goatherder will return to shafting male animal appendages in his various pie holes!
Sux to be the HA goatherder with nothing real to say except the usual ad hominem attacks!
Piddles doesn’t read his links again…
So during ongoing disarmament of Syria, Syria disclosed previously unknown weapons facilities. In right wing world that means Obama failed. In the not congenitally deranged world it means the pressure put on Syria by the Obama administration and U.N. inspectors on the ground continue to have success.
Thank you President Obama. If Isis somehow manages to force out Assad, the chemical weapons will not be a spoil of war. The world is safer because of your decision to engage in diplomacy rather than go hell-bent and leave a smoking vacuum where ISIS could thrive…and get chemical weapons.
I think a very apropos phrase you are fond of here is KABLAMMO?
Actually, I don’t think my friends have much of an opinion, one way or the other, on the subject of same-sex marriage. And, since my youngest brother is gay and my friends know him, too, they probably would be OK if the SCOTUS said a person can marry whomever he or she chooses.
Republicans are just fucking evil, hope they all go to hell. God will punish them.
@34 don’t tell me tell you evil republican politiciams
Puddy that’s not an answer, thats just putting the words Obama and Hillary and democrats in with some random words and squirting obscuring squid ink. If you can’t explain yourself just admit it. Other wise you just seem even more stupid.
Piddy@various: Where’s your squid ink tagline? Inkwell run dry?
checkmate screws his pooch again… This is why it’s so easy to DEEEESTROOOOY checkmate. Look at the date checkmate… June 30th, 2014 was the deadline. They were hiding sites checkmate… October 8th, 2014
And you claim to read?
Reading is NOT fundamental with checkmate!
Sux to be checkmated again! Will this moron ever learn?
NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit,
Traveling puter vs. home puter! Therefore morons like the empty tea bag will know Puddy OOT. Remember when Puddy in Korea and was using a MAC your good fiend the monomaniacal moronic twit screamed Puddy was in Korea on a MAC. You see NoBalls, the monomaniacal clueless crazed cretin tracks Puddy around de world!
Why do Republican candidates try so hard to make voters think they’re Democrats? Maybe there’s a problem with the GOP brand name?
Wow. Look at this graph:
vs this graph (hit pg down key once)..
The jet set defect village idiot troll @40 thanks you TWO-TERM President Obama!
Caught you good village idiot!
Imagine the klownservative moron who told us this:
I caught this idiot using an Apple product to TROLL HA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! What an idiot!
In fact I caught this idiot so flat-footed and head-up-his-ass he still talks about it to this day!
I totally own this troll.
Totally forgot about this tv show:
Inspired by our village idiot troll @ 40.
@39, hee, haw, hooo,
Syria came clean. So we should have bombed in Sept. 1st and let ISIS get those sites?
That’s why we’re inspecting. BTW, the reports in June stated that they had given up for destruction their existing weapons. Nothing in your ‘scooop’ suggests otherwise. Now they’ve given up their production facilities in response to the UN still being there inspecting.
Bottom line, as long as the U.N. is there, Syria is not replenishing their weapons. Thank you President Obama.
Just get out of the Middle East and stay out. That’s what we need to do.
Indeed. How feckless is this silly troll’s attacks on a two-term President’s administration?
So sad to be so deranged.
And to think it all happened without firing a single expensive missile, losing a single billion dollar plane or a single serviceman’s life.
Syria disarming, no loss of U.S. Military lives.
Thank you, PRESIDENT Obama.
Yeah, Piddles, I’ll be around if you have a problem with any of that. And if you do have a problem, Why do you hate your country? Why do you hate the brave men and women who serve? Why do they have to die for you to see it as a success?
@43 Owning Piddles is like having space acreage — all you get is a perfect vacuum with nothing in it.
War On Drugless (TM)
Another innocent citizen has been killed in his own home by masked and heavily armed narcs who kicked in a door and opened fire.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: His family should get a settlement of around $5 million. Yeah, that sounds about right. Take it from their federal drug war grants.
Kentucky senator and GOP minority leader Mitch McConnell is notoriously media-averse; he just doesn’t like being interviewed or participating in debates. From this call in to a radio show, you’ll see why — he’s terrible at speaking.
Note that when asked about minimum wage, he says that although he doesn’t support a raise for the lowest-paid workers now (“because it’ll cost Kentucky 17,000 jobs”), he claims he’s supported minimum wage increases in the past — but with a caveat, i.e., when businesses got “breaks.” (I assume he means tax breaks.) In other words, this Republican believes our lowest-paid workers should get a raise only if taxpayers pay for it.
On climate change, he dodges saying what he believes, but throws out the standard Republican shibboleths that “some” scientists dispute it, argues the science is unsettled, and raises that hoary old conservative talking point that “not so long ago scientists thought we were heading into an ice age.” And, of course, he supports building coal plants. Because, after all, China and India are doing it.
One thing he IS clear about, though, is he thinks Congress should keep trying to repeal Obamacare, even though he admits repeal won’t happen while Obama is president.
Oh yeah, did I mention that he’s trailing his Democratic opponent in polls? It seems even some Kentucky Republicans are sick and tired of this old troglodyte who was first elected to the Senate in a previous century. I’m not sure which one.
While 2014 isn’t likely to be a terrific election for Democrats overall, we’re already rid of Eric Cantor, and it looks like McConnell might go, too. And Democrats still have a decent shot at hanging onto the Senate, which looks to be getting better with every passing day. But what we really can look forward to is 2016, when twice as many Republican as Democratic senators have to face re-election, and Republicans will again have a lousy slate of presidential candidates to pick from, and face a near-impossible electoral vote map. So even if they do grab the Senate this year, it won’t matter very much.
Meanwhile, Scott Walker’s administration has redefined “living wage” for state law purposes as $7.25 an hour. That’s a living wage, well, because they say it is.
Once you try Mac, you’ll never go back.
“How the Economy Works” by Ray Dalio
This 31-minute animated film does an excellent job of explaining how our economy works, including the fact that most of the money used to buy goods and services consists of credit created by lending and borrower, not cash printed by governments. Our trolls probably won’t like it, because it explains why the policies our government adopted after the 2007-2008 financial crisis were the right ones, and why the Wingnut Wack-O-Nomics (including austerity) favored by conservatives are drastically wrong and extremely destruction.
Ray Dalio is very credible on economic matters. Although not a professional economist, he correctly called the 2007 crisis before it happened, and was able to do that because he understands how the economy works.
“So,” our trolls may ask, “if he’s so smart, why isn’t he rich?”
Wel,, actually, he is. Dalio is the self-made founder of the world’s largest hedge fund, and is one of the richest people in the world, being personally worth more than $15 billion.
According to Dalio, we’re in a “deleveraging cycle,” which this film explains, and this film explains why the policies adopted by the Federal Reserve and other central banks were the right ones and didn’t cause the hyperinflation predicted by the idiot conservatives who ran out and stocked up on gold, guns, and survival rations.
Dalio predicted it will take 10 years to recover from the 2008-2009 recession, with slow growth in the meantime, and the economy is in fact exactly tracking this prediction, and for the reasons he stated in this film.
So, watch and get an education in economics.
In Germany, the Island of Sylt is connected to the mainland by a narrow causeway, that has rail but no road traffic. Currently, Deutsche Bahn operates a car shuttle. Subsidiary of US based Rail Development Corporation, RDC Deutschland is bidding to operate the Sylt Shuttle. RDC already competes with DB with a passenger service between Hamburg and Koln.
Just a note to any Open Thread enthusiasts: My computer/Internet are back for the moment, but I’m pretty far behind on stuff. I’m writing something that will probably be on the main page later today, and then a real Open Thread on Friday. I apologize for any confusion, or a general slow pace.
I don’t know any.
Even conservative voters think the federal minimum wage is too low, so more red states are fixing to raise their state minimums, while the GOP Congress dithers.
We are consumed with marriage equality fight, meanwhile this, but who cares, if we let gays marry the whole institution will fail. Hasn’t it already failed. And the title of the article says men-killing-woman (heterosexual relationships).
I can’t imagine why the GOP struggles so much to win the women’s vote. (snark)