– Even in the worst of the Bush years, I never thought that we would need a coup.
– Theoretically indeed.
– That takes balls is an annoying phrase indeed.
– Did anyone see anything good at the Tacoma Film Festival. Is anything good coming up?
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Even in the worst of the Bush years, I never thought that we would need a coup.
– Theoretically indeed.
– That takes balls is an annoying phrase indeed.
– Did anyone see anything good at the Tacoma Film Festival. Is anything good coming up?
Roger, I understand wanting to buy when the shit hits the fan, but what about your current portfolio? Won’t you suffer big losses too?
Roger, I understand wanting to buy when the shit hits the fan, but what about your current portfolio? Won’t you suffer big losses too?
The republican need to grow up and pass the budget.
Do not give into Extortion.
Mini CRs Anybody?
If the House RETARDS truly think that mini CRs is the way to pay our bills. But the problem is that the House RETARDS don’t have a clue which bills need to be paid.
So how about helping out by sending in requests for important (to you) programs in your congressional district that need to be paid. But only for your congressional district. (Think mini CR.) Then our house members can submit thousands of mini CRs to SPEAKER BONER. Shouldn’t take more that a century or two to work through the requests at House RETARD speed.
Then I nominate a mini CR just for the Ballard Locks so the tourists can tour and the bike riders can use it to get to downtown without going on the Ballard Bridge death trap.
I can only imagine how it feels to get rhetorically bitch slapped by a calm President you despise. The PR war waged by Boehner and company now is a bit like being on the West side of the Maginot line in July 1940 claiming France victorious.
Re: the first item, it’s interesting to note that the AFRTS (or whatever acronym it goes by these days) is considering finally giving Limbaugh the boot.
I’d think that feminists would be OK with the phrase “it takes balls” being used in reference to some really bad or stupid action, particularly on the part of some misogynistic teabagger.
On the other hand, I’d advocate some sort of “brass ovaries” award for any woman for any sort of courageous or audacious act, particularly if it entails facing down the sort of misogynists referred to above. I’d think Elizabeth Warren would be highly eligible.
It’s worth pointing out that in most other “western” countries (particularly Great Britain and its other post-colonial brethren) an impasse like this would automatically trigger a national parliamentary election, giving the voters an opportunity to send the scoundrels packing.
Are you suggesting we become some European Socialist nightmare? GREEEEEEEEECE!
That reminds me…you know what’s just across the Mediterranean from Greece?
(the cri du coeur is sort of like Monty Pyton’s ‘Spanish Inquisition‘ – no one expects it, yet it’s everywhere.)
That article
Inside the GOP:
Report on focus groups with Evangelical, Tea Party, and moderate Republicans
Is a view into the minds of the republicans. In some of their minds, it’s perfectly acceptable to destroy the world economy to save their America. They flat out don’t trust the president.
They are adamant about small goverment, becuase big goverment takes their money and just helps democrats get votes.
The way I see it, They desperately fear losing their position of privilege and ease and align with radial republicans who would destroy the world economy and hurt themselves because they think it would hurt the “takers” even more.
@12 As a matter of fact, the latest “Borowitz Report” carries a headline stating the GOP have decided to destroy the planet if that’s what’s needed to block the ACA. I’ll bet that more readers than usual are struggling to keep in mind that Andy Borowitz is a satirist.
@10 I was thinking more about Canada or New Zealand–or maybe Iceland. Of course, our neighbors to the north never quite figured out what to do when Harper was voted out of office and simply refused to leave.
Wherein I hypothesize that John Boehner tells the truth … or eleventhty dimensional chess
Just yesterday our Speaker of the House, John Boehner (OH-R) was interviewed by a man with a very suspiciously Greek sir name (GREECE!, see they were correct!)
And then today the twice elected Soshuleest Kenyan Mooslem Usurper said
Look, they can’t both be correct. Which one is incorrect?
Frankly, President Obama is wrong and Speaker John Boehner (OH-R) is right.
Despite what you’ve read or heard there are not 22 House Republican votes for a clean CR to join 195 House Democrats willing to compromise their objection to continuing sequester level funding.
If there ever where to be a vote in the House for a clean CR no where close to the number of needed Republicans would vote to end the #shutdown.
h/t Charles P. Pierce
We’re at war folks. And YOU and me are the cannon fodder.
Yet another reason why I don’t concern myself too much with the .08% of the population who listen to and slavishly follow right wing radio.
Two different hosts (One prominent and one local wishes like hell he was influential) I heard today touting the poll that says 51% disapprove of the way the President is handling the shutdown. One of them begrudgingly acknowledged a higher percentage disapproved of John Boehner. Then they launched into the bit about how great it is for republicans that the President won’t negotiate.
In massive burying the lead fashion, neither mentioned the same poll says 70%, you read that right 70%, blame Republicans for the shutdown.
So, according to right wing radio, this is a win for the Republicans because 30% of the country blame Democrats and less people disapprove of the President’s and the Democratic party’s handling of the situation than disapprove of Boehner’s and the Republican’s.
In other news according to right wing radio, because the Seahawks were behind by only seven and more people heard the game on KIRO radio than WFNI, the Seahawks won.
More believe in their hearts UW could beat Stanford so The Dawgs are still undefeated.
If you listened to Right Wing radio, they were advocating for the shutdown and they are now slavering for the default. Anyone who is rational and fact based and does what is right for the country, and not the tea baggers, will be primaried if Right Wing radio had their choice
@1 My paper losses so far are about the size of a gnat’s probiscus. This market just won’t go down. Yah, I know the Dow was off 136 points today, but that’s less than 1%, and my stocks were down much less than the indexes today.
But you asked a fair question, so let me reach back to 2009 to answer it. My stocks hit a temporary peak in October 2007. By March 2009 (the market’s low), they had lost nearly 60% of their paper value. But I didn’t cut and run, I stayed in the market, and by December 2010 my stocks had regained all of their losses and set a new temporary high. It’s been straight up since then.
Hoping for a market decline so I can buy stocks cheap isn’t some original idea of mine. Warren Buffett thought of it long before I did.
Reginald Chance, 37, the biker seen on video using a helmet to smash an SUV’s window just before the driver was dragged out of the car and beaten, has 21 prior arrests including gun and drug violations and robbery. He was driving his motorcycle under a suspended license at the time of the SUV attack.
Amtrak supporters just fought off an attempt to prevent the use of Amtrak’s money for food and beverage service. Now Amtrak is pledging, on their own accord to end food and beverage money losses in 5 years, and break even on this important on board service. One thing that they are doing, is modernizing how orders are taken, and the money is collected from customers. http://www.progressiverailroad.....8211;37931