This guy’s your man. He’ll say any freaking thing to get elected just like that chimpanzee nutcase thief you voted twice for.
Oh Lordy! I love the hypocrisy and corruption of this R party. You have to laugh otherwise you’ll drown in tears!
Anon Y. Mousespews:
I think this one is anti-Romney. I originally thought it was something the Log Cabin Republicans were sponsoring back in 2002 when he ran for Governor of Massachusetts. It would have made sense at the time. But I saw a newspaper quote from January 2007. So this is a hit piece designed to make Romney look ridiculous — especially in southern states. Log Cabin is unlikely to support Romney, given his stance on same-sex marriage.
Log Cabin Republicans suggesting that an anti-homosexual, non-imbibing Mormon represents their best interests???? I am siding with the anti-Romney tilt on this one.
Piper Scottspews:
Remember who wrote the book on, “I was for it before I was against it…” And how many backflips has Hillary done? More than an Olympic 10-meter diver!
The Piper
Anon Y. Mousespews:
Romney’s Real Record
Log Cabin Republicans Launch
National Television Ad Campaign
30-Second Television Ad Educates
Republicans Using Romney’s Own Words
This is even better…Dobson sinks Rudy’s candidacy. Little Jimmy Dobson has declared that if a pro-choice GOP candidate is nominated (and you know who that means), that they’ll support a third party candidate instead.
You won’t find much enthusiasm for Hillary around here. She’s fourth or fifth on my list.
But if it’s between her and X-dressin’ Rudy, Grandpa Lazybones Fred or PanderBear Mitt, I’ll take her in heartbeat.
proud leftistspews:
Republicans always denigrated Bill Clinton for having a lifelong dream of getting to the White House. I’ll bet we don’t hear them put down Romney for the same trait. Rather, we’ll see them spin his lust for the presidency as some sort of evidence of his focus and clearheadedness.
@6: zomg…
I cannot wait for those single-issue wingnuts to go third party and disappear in a haze of irrelevancy. It would do my heart good.
Seriously, the candidate who most reflects their “values” (Huckabee) is second-tier at best and going nowhere fast.
Maybe they could run Puddy.
Another TJspews:
I knew the Log Cabin Republicans were good for something. It’s just taken a while to find out what that was.
Where is this ad running? I think it all depends on the audience.
Hey Wingnuts,
Check it out. This new logo shows the GOP’s “wide-stance” on the issues.
By the way, Senator Craig isn’t going anywhere. He’ll continue to represent the great state of Idaho from his “wide-stance” perspective in a men’s toilet near you!
Actually, I should say interesting question. It’s actually not terribly important unless you make a living from satire.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 “Remember who wrote the book on, “I was for it before I was against it…”
Romney’s your man … next to him, Kerry looks like the Rock of Gibralter.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 The only reason I would ever vote for Hillary is because the wingnuts hate her.
Piper –
Hillary is no flip-flopper! She merely adopts whatever position suits her audience at the time she’s speaking. She can even hold 3 or 4 contrary positions at once! None of this ‘holding a single view on matters’ nonsense. How provincial.
– – – – – –
“If you’re not a liberal at 20 – you have no heart, If you’re not a conservative at 40 – you have no brain.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
The old adage, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” applies here.
‘Remember who wrote the book on, “I was for it before I was against it…”’
Yeah…that was some bullshit made up by K…K…K…. Uggh…I can’t say it. I cannot bear to have you descend into another one of your Puddyesque “Quit Being Mean To Him” rants.
The line “I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it” was made famous in an incredibly dishonest hit-piece ad against Kerry in March, 2004. Kerry’s words were taken out of context.
The truth is that Kerry co-sponsored an $87 billion dollar measure that was paid for by temporarily reversing Bush’s tax cuts on the wealthy. That measure was rejected 57-42. A subsequent Republican-sponsored measure included no provision to actually pay…it was just the Republicans piling up more debt on future generations. Kerry, who wanted to actually pay for the Iraq invasion instead of passing the costs onto our children and grandchildren, could not support the measure.
Piper Scott…don’t tell me you were actually gullible enough to believe the Right-wing propaganda on this issue?
Romney, on the other hand, really has changed his stance on abortion. He has flipped 180 degrees. He admits it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 I have a better idea for a GOP convention logo:
Anyone who is in the Senate takes a number of votes on obscure procedural issues that can be used against them later. It’s one reason so few Senators have become President.
Who cares who gets the GOP nomination? They’re freakin’ toast in ’08 and they know it.
Oh, and personally, I don’t believe that Willard Romney has changed his position on the issues. He HAS no position on the issues. He just says what he thinks they want to hear.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 That’s about right, except you forgot to mention “and rich like Romney.” Those two have a lot in common. They even look alike!
There’s one big difference between Kerry and Romney though: Romney isn’t a veteran. Presumably he had a student deferment. Maybe before he attended BYU he got some kind of deferment for the 30 months of missionary work he did for the Mormon Church in France. On the other hand, maybe he did the missionary work to get a deferment. In any case, Romney’s missionary work and college studies happened to coincide almost exactly with the years of the Vietnam War.
Who cares about the original proposal? That John Kerry was so stupid as to utter the banality he did outs him as a panderer.
I think Dennis Kucinich is a walking disaster waiting to happen, but at least he’s principled. John Kerry wouldn’t know a principle if he got sent to a principal to explain what one is. As a presidential candidate, he was an Edsel.
Oh…as to my KR opinings? I seek only to remind you that no matter how hard you try or how long you do it, you’ll never – NEVER – be able to get out from under the rule and authority of Karl Rove. He owns your souls, and has the deeds to prove it!
The Piper
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 “Piper Scott…don’t tell me you were actually gullible enough to believe the Right-wing propaganda on this issue?”
Of course the answer to that is “yes.”
Piper Scottspews:
What makes rabbits such delightful pets is that as nature made them, they’re mute and make no sounds. Might want to keep that in mind.
Roger Rabbit @ 21,
The photo demonstrates that Republicans really can contribute to society….
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 “Who cares about the original proposal? That John Kerry was so stupid as to utter the banality he did outs him as a panderer.”
Actually, it doesn’t. Actually, you are spewing bullshit. Actually, there’s a big difference between paying for a war with taxes or putting it on a credit card. For example, one reason we’re paying $80 a barrel for oil is because it now takes eighty bucks to buy $40 worth of oil, thanks to Bush’s credit-card spending on Iraq.
The “wide-stance” of the pachyderm in the logo symbolizes how this corrupt party (and its minion Delbert) is giving it to to the American people in the shorts.
It’s really simple. The only people staying in this corrupt R party are the ones who profit from it and can stand to look themselves in the mirror – skimming off the top while the country goes down the tubes. As long as they get theirs and can lock themselves in their gated community in time before the sh*t hits the fan.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It also now takes eighty bucks to buy $40 of anything else. But there’s a bright side to the weak dollar: Wal-Mart is unraveling.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The weak dollar, of course, makes the Chinese crap that Wal-Mart sells cost more. For Wal-Mart, that means customers walking away and lower sales. I can’t think of a better anti-union, freeloading-off-the-government, company for it to happen to.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 Unluckily for wingnuts, I not only talk, but can do a decent impression of a chicken clucking.
Daddy Lovespews:
So we got a first-steps agreement toward a non-nuclear North Korea. Go figure, they actually wanted fuel oil, they wanted their country removed from the U.S. list of terror-supporting states, and they wanted to “normalize” their relations with Washington. They wanted these things enough to trade their nuclear capability for them (or at least to begin that process).
Well, folks, Iran wants stuff too. And we can trade them the stuff they want to get them to slow down their nuclear research, or stop it all together, or have it strictly monitored, or some other such things. Easy-peasy. It’s called “diplomacy,” and it has been the bedrock of non-proliferation efforts for five decades.
Rattle sabers, threaten invasion, and what happens? Nervous country speeds up nuclear research and development! Offer to supply what they need, give them a chance to save face, and what happens? Non-proliferation agreements!
This ain’t rocket science, though it is beyond most Republicans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Remember Mr. Ed the Talking Horse? I’m distantly related to him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey, I’ve got a horse joke! A horse goes into a bar, sits on a stool, and orders a drink. The bartender, trying to strike up conversation, says:
“Hey, horse, why the long face?”
Roger Rabbitspews:
The wingnuts probably won’t get it.
P.S. — Redneck, pay your fucking gambling debt, which is now TWO YEARS past due!!!
“Who cares about the original proposal? That John Kerry was so stupid as to utter the banality he did outs him as a panderer.”
In other words you are saying (1) you don’t care that the Republican smear machine took one sentence of Kerry’s larger statement and used it in a misleading way, and (2) the truth doesn’t really have any importance to you.
Does this qualify you as just another dishonest wingnut tool?
“I seek only to remind you that no matter how hard you try or how long you do it, you’ll never – NEVER – be able to get out from under the rule and authority of Karl Rove. He owns your souls, and has the deeds to prove it!”
All bow down to Karl Rove, his man-servant Piper Scott, and his maid-servant Jeff Gannon.
Daddy Lovespews:
She may be a lying sack of shit, but Dana Perino is cute…she can lie on to me anytime.
Daddy Lovespews:
I think Karl Rove sidled his foot up to Piper’s in a few too many airport restrooms…
Daddy Lovespews:
Slow day–why don’t we take health insurance away from some children! That’ll be fun!
Sure hope Hillary gets elected. Everyone will have fun with that one! Can’t wait to see her publically humiliated for her hypocrisy and corruption. She’ll make the Repugs look like choirboys!
Should be a funny four-years! (Or less.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, Mrs. Fred Thompson denied she is a trophy wife, and the Washington Post — after diligent investigative reporting — has determined she is not a lawyer either:
“Several major news organizations … have in recent months referred to Jeri Thompson as both a political consultant and lawyer in articles about Fred Thompson’s nascent presidential campaign, in which his wife has taken a leading role.
“And supporters of the Thompsons have repeatedly invoked Jeri Thompson’s status as an attorney to challenge insinuations that the 40-year-old mother of two is a mere ‘trophy wife’ for the 64-year-old actor and former Tennessee senator.
“On Fox News last week, host Chris Wallace quoted a letter from a viewer attacking NPR’s Juan Williams for having previously used the ‘tw’ phrase in reference to Thompson: ‘You chauvinist pig. Jeri Thompson is an intelligent, accomplished woman. She is a lawyer. And she has worked in the public policy arena.’ Added conservative blogger Ed Morrissey last month: ‘Anyone with access to Google knows that Mrs. Thompson worked as an attorney and media consultant in DC.’
“Well, presumptuous as it may be to challenge the holy writ that is Google, the hard fact is that Jeri Thompson is not a lawyer. There is no trace in public records of Thompson holding a license to practice law in D.C. or any of the states in which she has resided. And today, campaign spokeswoman Linda Rozett said conclusively, ‘Jeri Thompson does not have a law degree.’ …
“Whatever the source of the mixup, one thing is for sure: until today, the Thompson campaign has not exactly made a concerted effort to knock down the notion that Jeri Thompson is an attorney. Until now, the campaign has as a policy declined to answer any questions about her background ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If we can’t get a straight story from the Thompson campaign about the (unfounded, it turns out) rumors that his wife is lawyer, what else are they going to mislead us about? Especially given that (it appears) his wife is running his campaign?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 But why get peace for the cost of a little diplomacy when you can gin up a war and throw shitloads of taxpayer money into the outstretched gunny sacks of your favorite contractors?
Got an Islamic Caliphate to give to Iran? the 12th Imam? or a glowing glass parking lot on the eastern shore of the Med? These are the ‘things’ that the Mullahs running Iran want. Not Western luxuries and food & fuel oil to keep the proles in line like North Korea.
When someone says they want to destroy you and your way of life, the proper response is not, “let’s talk about why you want to kill me.”
@30 I’m not a member of either political party. One is the stupid party, the other is the evil party. The labels are almost interchangeable on any given day. For every Larry Craig, there’s a William Jefferson.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 Although she isn’t my first choice (or, for that matter, my second or third choices), should she secure the Democratic Party nomination, I will gleefully vote for her just to hear you traitors howl when she takes the oath of office!
What traitors are you referring to, Rog? Certainly not moi! I’m not voting for either the Dems or Reps in 2008. There all a bunch of self-serving, power-hungry assholes!
@46 – Good thinking Roger – she sucks, but she’ll make you guys crazy, so I’ll vote for her.
Why not find a real candidate? So far the D’s have got a former trial lawyer with a half a senate term of experience, a former civil rights lawyer with half a senate term of experience and 2 years in the state house, and a former shyster lawyer with one and a half senate terms of experience, but she knows one the the former presidents pretty well.
Bill Richardson should be your guy; executive experience and solid government background on the international stage. He’d be hard to beat in the general.
proud leftistspews:
DL @ 39
She is cute, but her lying skills are not yet in the league of Tony Snow. On the Stephanie Miller show, she is referred to as “The Tiny Dancer of Deception” or as “Lying Sack of Cute.”
wow rog…scared just a little of fred thompson?? heh heh heh…you should be. he’s going to kick the dems ass.
and as a trophy wife i can say you don’t know what you are talking about.
what else is new?
@34: It’s worth noting that the Korean arrangement is very much like the setup the Clinton administration had set up with the North and which the Bush admin began reneging on as soon as they got into office. ‘Cause anything Clinton must be bad, right?
And @45: Actually, the Iranian people are much more modern and moderate than that. There is every reason to believe that if their “leadership” didn’t feel threatened they’d ease their hard line. However, since we stupidly took out the regional counterweight to their power they are going to continue to make a power grab in the middle east. Whoopsie!
Too bad nobody thought about that before they invaded Iraq.
Daddy Lovespews:
45 delbert
delbert, you’re an idiot.
Got an Islamic Caliphate to give to Iran?
See, here’s an example of your ignorance leading to idiocy. Iranians are Shi’ites, so by definition, they are against a ‘Caliphate.’ That’ a Sunni radical notion.
I would say in general that is why you and your GOP buddies cannot be entrusted with national security issues. You tend toward extremist fantasies that interfere with your ability to, you know, talk to other uhmans on earth.
a glowing glass parking lot on the eastern shore of the Med?
I love how you make extreme claims with no particular attempt at establishing the claim to be fact. Iran claims to have no aspirations to nuclear weapons. They are ten years from producing a weapon if they wanted to ( Serious good-faith negotiations with non-imbeciles (that is, Democrats) could easily result, as I said, in a non-proliferation agreement.
These are the ‘things’ that the Mullahs running Iran want. Not Western luxuries and food & fuel oil to keep the proles in line like North Korea.
I’m not an expert on Iran, and you might well admit that you are not because it is blindingly obvious, but they do want respect. Here’s brief discussion:
When someone says they want to destroy you and your way of life, the proper response is not, “let’s talk about why you want to kill me.”
When an Iranian says this, let me know.
For every Larry Craig, there’s a William Jefferson.
Actually, for literally dozens of Republican politicians, contractors, lobbyists, adnd others doing time, singing to the feds, or waiting for an indictment (, there’s…William Jefferson. What would you do without him?
Another TJspews:
She may be a lying sack of shit, but Dana Perino is cute…she can lie on to me anytime.
The Stephanie Miller show calls her the Lying Sack of Cute. (Tony Snow was Crony McSnowjob, and McClellan was Puffy McMoonface.)
Slut @ 51
I’m sure you’ve tortured enough of them in the lab to speak with authority, and it’s certainly consistent with the rest of your personality.
I’m not a member of either political party.
Join the Republicans – that’s the party most compatible to your remarks here.
First Stamn then you – so-called independents or people too embarrassed to admit they mostly vote straight Republican.
Piper Scottspews:
He was too busy getting to know your daughters…in the Biblical sense.
The Piper
Piper Scottspews:
If Wal-Mart is anti-union, so are the employers of 88% of the American workforce given that union membership continues to decline year after year after year after year after year…Get the picture?
It’s interesting that public sector union membership is five times that of the private sector, which means that private sector membership is pathetically low indeed.
Just so you’ll know…the Ol’ Piper used to be a business agent/organizer for a local of the SEIU. Who’d o’ thunk it???
The Piper
YLB@1 – The Clueless One: Sorry, where did I say Romney is my man?
Speaking of Flippers she was for torture before she was against it. Who be dat? Hilary October 2006 interview with NY Post editorial board!
Darryl says: Remember who wrote the book on, “I was for it before I was against it…”’ Kerry’s words were taken out of context.” Whatchew say?
Hey Perfesser Darryl, do you remember the Media Morons attack on Rush. I put forth the full text (verifiable by Lexis-Nexis and they still are misquoting him.
Expert: Dana Krempels, Ph.D.
Date: 3/15/2006
Subject: Rabbit Noise and Behaviour
Hi… i have recently bought a baby rabbit. He is an indoor rabbit. He is now 9months and in the last week has started to make noises around me and in the last two days has become very excited around me! He runs in circles around me and follows me everywhere… He tries to ‘hump’ me (if you get what you mean) but he never did this a week a go… is it just a moment thing? i have no idea. Do you have any ideas? Is there anything i can do to stop this behaviour or what is the best way to approach it?
Thanks Holly
Dear Holly,
Congratulations on your newly sexually mature male rabbit! :) He is circling you and singing his little honking/oinking love song because you are the object of all his love and desire. How sad, unrequited love.
Yes, there is one way to stop this behavior, and that is by having your boy neutered by a competent, experienced veterinarian who is good with rabbits. You can find such a vet with the list linked here:
I hope this helps. Please write back if you have any other questions.
The Piper, and I’m sure many others, would like to know if there are any competent, experienced vetrenarians out there. Not terribly concerned, though, if you’re good with rabbits.
Maybe that would be the way to verify CG’s assertion…Enquiring minds want to know.
When someone says they want to destroy you and your way of life, the proper response is not, “let’s talk about why you want to kill me.”
Yes, it is. That or turn the other cheek. Jesus said so. Why do you hate God?
Proud To Be An Assspews:
When someone says they want to destroy you and your way of life, the proper response is not, “let’s talk about why you want to kill me.”
Yes, it is…if that ‘someone’ has the comparative destructive capability of a two year old. However, if you told me that to my face, I’d just shoot you (just being sarcastic, Ann Coulter humor).
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Fred Thompson’s candidacy is a joke. He is pathetic. He is solely responsible for McCain’s comeback from the dead. If I ever voted Republican*, my ballot would be marked with a wooden stake, and probably really mess up the optical scanner.
*never have. never will (just for the record).
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@62: The Piper=WIMP!!!!
You issued a challenge….then wimped out. I suggest you continue your wingnut glib remarks, but spare us from “manly” challenges to wager.
chad@56………WOW….you sure are wound up too tight aren’t you?
and this is exactly why liberals will never make the white house in the next election.
silly little man.
you know nothing about my “personality” as you refer to it. nothing. but i will sure get some HUGE laughs from my employees tomorrow when i show them your comment.especially since i was one of the first people to be called a humaniac.for you to imply that we do animal testing is not only appalling, it is absurd to the max.i don’t even kill bugs sweets…….
i have spent most of my 51 years on this planet saving animals. i do wildlife rescue and have spent my own money to repair and permanently save wetlands.what have you done?
to make inane assumptions such as you do makes me wonder what YOU believe in and what you do about it. i am going to go out on a limb here and make an assumption myself. you have done NOTHING except for yourself.maybe you haven’t had the time [you are young?] or maybe you just don’t know where to begin?
here’s a clue for you………
when you disagree with a woman ,not only is it tiresome it is repulsive for you to attack that woman by calling her a slut.and ,honey, it’s very very politically incorrect too.your own peeps say so.i’ll bet you would fit right in in the terrorist’s camps…..”look at that woman…OHMYGOD!!! she has an OPINION!!! KILL HER!!!” *chad
what are you going to call a black man you disagree with? hmmmm?
yup…it’s a thinker.
so there’s a start. you could commit yourself to learning to have an adult discussion with people you don’t see eye to eye with.without the names. just a thought.
the reason i know rabbits can scream is because i can read.i have handled many hurt bunnies [very gently] that have been orphaned or otherwise find themselves in dire straights. and i have also heard them when they get grabbed by a coyote. it’s a horrible sound.chilling, really.
piper…you might be interested to know that porcupines “sing” too.
the natural world is so much more interesting than politics or liberals.
well…just about ANYTHING is, really.
Are the Log Cabin folks taking a bit of a swipe at the religious right as well?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If we can’t get a straight story from the Thompson campaign about the (unfounded, it turns out) rumors that his wife is lawyer, what else are they going to mislead us about? Especially given that (it appears) his wife is running his campaign?
10/04/2007 at 3:24 pm
Guys who use their wives as political cover make me sick. Oh crap, I think I am going to throw up! Vomit, spit, spew, belch, splatter…more vomit… more vomit..more vomit.
Just the factsspews:
Since 1900 only four democrats have ever been elected to POTUS with over 50% of the popular vote. Amazing.
69, 70
I sure see some of that poking through that ad. I don’t know enough about what’s going on to be sure about it, though.
Mark The Redneck-Goldsteinspews:
With the lies being told by the left about Limbaugh in such a way that Josef Stalin would be proud, I have decided to add another “S” to the platform of The Smartest Woman In The World.
So I hereby unveil a more accurate platform for her:
Stalinism, Surrender and Socialism: A sure winning set of ideas.
Mark The Redneck-Goldsteinspews:
Chadt – Tell us about the rake handle shaped bruises on your face.
Piper @ 59
Is it true that your blogging name when you were at the union was Quisling or is that just what they called you after they ran you off?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@71 Since you so freely appropriate Ambassador Wilson’s identity, let’s talk about him for a moment.
Wilson blew the whistle on Bush’s tale about Niger uranium. That made Wilson a hero, and Bush a liar.
And that, as Paul Harvey would say, is THE REST OF THE STORY!!!
Christmasghost: Again you are the plunger to the stuck toilet called chadt.
I have been keeping a scorecard on his worthless and stupid fourth grade whinings.
Right now he’s at .99539 and climbing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now, if you want to call whistleblowing on a lying warmonger “political,” well, that’s up to you.
That says nothing about Wilson’s character — and everything about yours.
Christmasghost: He has called me many names in the “name” of liberal progressivism!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 “If Wal-Mart is anti-union, so are the employers of 88% of the American workforce given that union membership continues to decline year after year after year after year after year…Get the picture?”
Actually — no, it doesn’t. Anti-union and non-union are two different things. Paying and treating employees well enough that they don’t want a union doesn’t make an employer “anti-union.” What makes Wal-Mart “anti-union” is their obscene practices of suppressing legal organizing activities and terminating employees suspected of desiring a union. But I wouldn’t expect an ignorant fuck like you to understand these distinctions.
In any case, unions will not be the downfall of Wal-Mart. Bush’s fiscal policies will. Have you noticed what’s been happening to the dollar lately? Its value is going down the toilet! Suddenly, all the tainted food and dangerous toys that Wal-Mart has been importing from China aren’t so cheap anymore — and Wal-Mart’s customers are walking away. Weaker sales, falling profits, plans for new stores being shelved … is this the beginning of the end for Wal-Mart? It would seem the retail giant’s best days are behind them. And they can thank the once-almighty, now cravenly-debased, dollar for that! And nobody is to blame for the dollar being worth only seventy-five cents except Bush and his fiscal ministers.
Now go fuck yourself and pet the armadillo you rode in on.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Unions created the middle class. Union workers built America’s factories, railroads, highways, and bridges. If you are against unions, you are against America.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 Make sure you don’t drink any union beer, shitface! You’ll have to settle for Pete Coor’s piss water. Or maybe imported stuff from Mexico.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Can’t stand Coors, myself. No flavor. No body. No buzz. Nothing but dyed water in a shiny can. And I have yet to fly into Denver without getting bounced around by turbulence directly over the Coors plant! Must be caused by all the hot air spewing from the CEO’s office.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Coors = shitty beer and shittier politics
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ll bet Jane Hague likes it. Especially before driving.
My Left Footspews:
Dear Pudwhacker,
As a black man in today’s society, who identifies with the likes of Larry Craig and Mark Foley, how do you explain this from the AP:
MINNEAPOLIS – Idaho Sen. Larry Craig lost a bid Thursday to withdraw his guilty plea in a men’s room sex sting but defiantly vowed to finish his Senate term, prolonging a headache for Republican leaders already facing a tough political climate.
Craig had announced plans to resign his seat by Sept. 30 but wavered when he went to court in hopes of withdrawing his plea. He issued a statement Thursday on staying in the Senate shortly after Republican Idaho Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter relayed word that he had selected a replacement for Craig in the event of a vacancy.
“I have seen that it is possible for me to work here effectively,” Craig said in a written statement that disappointed fellow Republicans who have urged him to step down. Craig, 62, said he will not seek a fourth term in November 2008.
This closeted, convicted homosexual deviant is not going to resign from office. Typical power hungry, selfish Wingnut. You must be so proud.
‘Nuff said!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@78 And you’re the turd that refuses to go down the pipe.
puddy……..gawd….i’m still laughing. thanks. but…let’s face it, it isn’t like he was tough to “flush”. he’s just a fool.
all the name calling in the name of being more-liberal-than-thou….well, it’s their ‘calling’ [ heh heh heh] card. even the hippies in arcata aren’t this REGRESSIVE. and that’s what people like chad are. fortunately they get a false sense of security living in a place like seattle.
roger, roger, roger……..being against unions doesn’t mean someone is anti means they are PRO FREEDOM. why would anyone want to live [washington state] where they are forced [washington state] to join an organization that, at best, is nothing more than a good old boy network full of losers that don’t work but instead live off the real workers as parasites so they can throw their weight around politically at the worker’s about elitist crap. why don’t you explain to everyone how that is american in any way? they are about as necessary today as an iron lung for cripes sake.unless you are a miner.
unions have killed most manufacturing in america. do you realize that once, not so long ago, detroit [!!!] had the highest standard of living in the states?and now? well…you know as well as i do.
lefty…that would be “embrace HER” although i realize your attention span is as short as a knat’s.
Dan Ratherspews:
Wilson blew the whistle on Bush’s tale about Niger uranium. That made Wilson a hero, and Bush a liar.
And that, as Paul Harvey would say, is THE REST OF THE STORY!!!
10/04/2007 at 9:22 pm
Bullshit!!! The story Wilson wrote was as phony as the National guard piece I wrote when I got my lying liberal ass kicked off 60 minutes. Liberals are proven liears. Stop with the BS.
Dan Ratherspews:
You cant even trust a liberal when he says he served in the military. Almost all phony soldiers are liberals. Just ask Jesse MacBeth.
proud leftistspews:
Ghost: ” . . . the natural world is so much more interesting than politics or liberals.”
Without liberals, there would be no natural world left. Your ilk, madam, hates the natural world. Pave, plaster, and profit–how’s that for a GOP slogan for its environmental policy?
Piper Scottspews:
Nobody blogged between 2975 – 1978.
The Piper
Piper Scottspews:
Oops…Should be between 1975-1978. It’s getting late.
The Piper
Piper Scottspews:
Still very willing to take the bet. Just not willing to let anyone else hold cash, and your losings must be paid directly to Hopelink.
Still don’t get what you have against helping the homeless and kids.
The Piper
Broadway Joespews:
Roger @ 84 & 85:
Well, my offer to buy you a beer at DL at the end of this months still stands, and I think I’ve got a solution for your beer problem. That would be a nice frosty glass of Rogue Dead Guy Ale. Capiche?
Piper Scottspews:
I guess that lets out many of the micro-brews made in the Seattle area, eh what?
Coors and Olympia are about on par from a flavor standpoint, and Oly is union-made.
The Piper
My Left Footspews:
I don’t give any import to what you write or your gender. Don’t care. Don’t even want to know. There is nothing in my life that is less important than knowing xmasghost’s particulars.
Pudwhacker, as a black man in today’s society, surely you must have some words of support for the closeted homosexual senator from Idaho. Surely you are moved by his ability to remain effective in his job.
Just sayin’…….
Broadway Joespews:
Piper, most of what comes from the large breweries in this country is crap regardless of whether it’s an open shop, closed shop or whatever. And since I met nearly everyone who runs the Rogue Brewery when my band played frequently at the Pip Tide a few doors down in Newport, I’ll admit to being a little particular to the rogue Nation. And since Olympia hasn’t been brewed in this state for far too long now, this former Olympia resident wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@90 “being against unions doesn’t mean someone is anti means they are PRO FREEDOM”
What a crock! The only people against unions are CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE employers — the same people who don’t want to pay taxes but want government to subsidize their labor costs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho) just did Democrats a big favor: He reneged on his pledge to resign and vowed to serve out his term. Which he no doubt will … with Democrats chortling all the way to January 2009.
Two of the most prominent unions in this country are the American Medical Association and the American Bar Association. Man, those guys can protect their respective rice bowls like no other labor organizations in the world. The American Instittute of Certified Public Accountants was a little slow on joining the bandwagon, but they’re catching up. They got a lot of help back in the 1930s with a lot of the legislation involving the securities markets and publically-traded companies.
A lot of these “professional” organizations act pretty much like unions.
Why don’t you guys go to one of those brew-on-premises places and brew-up your own suds? There’s one in Wallingford I think, and there’s one in Silverdale.
No need to bitch about which flavor of American “swill” is better because it’s made by union guys or not made by union guys. Brew your own!
Daddy Love tried to write something pithy: delbert, you’re an idiot. Got an Islamic Caliphate to give to Iran? See, here’s an example of your ignorance leading to idiocy. Iranians are Shi’ites, so by definition, they are against a ‘Caliphate.’ That’ a Sunni radical notion.
R U an idiot or do you hang with the three stooges YLB – The Clueless One, Stupid Choir or chadt? He openly prays for the caliphate in public!
Quoting fair use: “Per the MEMRI Blog, in a speech in the city of Qom, Iranian President Ahmadinejad said that “[the Western countries] are spreading perverse beliefs in the name of Christianity and Judaism, [using] dollars, and they are saying ‘We want to save mankind.’ But Islam, whose model is Iranian MP Moussa Qorbani defended Ahmadinejad’s statements, saying “According to the Koran, Islam is the only acceptable religion.”
This should not be surprising, as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made it clear that his goal is to establish a global Islamist Caliphate.”
“Ahmadinejad is on a mission to end the world by hastening the return of Al-Imam al-Mahdi, which can be seen in his opening prayer at the university. In his opening statements he prayed, “Oh God hasten the arrival of Imam al-Mahdi and grant him good health and victory and make us his followers and those who attest to his right foremost.”
For those that do not know Mahdi is the Shia parallel to the second coming of Jesus Christ, which the Ithna-Ahariyya follows. It is believed that the twelfth Imam will return in Mecca first then to Median and then to Karbala Iraq. Once he is there, an Islamic caliphate will be established to take over the world.”
I have been trying to educate you and improve your reading materials. I see it falls on blind eyes.
Daddy Love: Next time, think before placing fingers to keyboard.
OneMan says: @34: It’s worth noting that the Korean arrangement is very much like the setup the Clinton administration had set up with the North and which the Bush admin began reneging on as soon as they got into office. ‘Cause anything Clinton must be bad, right?
Another revisionist idiot on ASSWipes.
OneMan: You need to read more. Madeline Halfbright fully admitted when properly confronted and said in 2004 the North Koreans fooled them. Now whom was she speaking about? Google it revisionist idiot!
My Left Foot says: Dear Pudwhacker,
Carl, you are a broken record. So much now you are becoming a moe-ron. Why do you keep trying to throw Larry Craig into my face. I stated my position, three times no less, so time to move on old man!
To set the record straight, when Katrina hit, these reprobates didn’t feel it necessary to give much to the poor people. They sat on their wallets. When we visited various companies, some of the loudest on the left were also the stingiest during Katrina time! Some of us whom think right gave our time and money to those people.
Don’t expect a high level of support for your favorite charity.
ATJ: Posting from Kos again? Prejudiced view huh?
Another TJspews:
Executive Director of the Anti-Defamation League agrees that comments by Bill O’Reilly, Mark Levin, Jonah Goldberg, Michelle Malkin, and Tammy Bruce are “offensive and equally repugnant, and certainly worthy of condemnation.”
Carl: Usually at 10:56 PM I’m asleep. I have very early mornings where I have to get to work. I realize you being retired with a bad ticker you may take naps during the day and you probably get up later.
With your continual rants about Larry Craig…
Teresa, take Carl to bed earlier!
Don Joespews:
Re @ 106
Am I the only one who’s amused by the irony of a fundamentalist Christian trying to warn everyone about the eschatology of a Twelver Shi’ite?
So, let’s see. It’s perfectly OK for Christians to pray, every day, for the return of Jesus Christ who is expected to rule the world on God’s behalf, but it’s not OK for a Muslim to pray for the return of the 12th Imam who is expected to rule the world on God’s behalf.
Puddy, I think the reason you hate Ahdmadinejad so much is because he too closely resembles the reflection you see when you look in the mirror.
Another TJspews:
Anybody have a sockpuppet I can borrow?
Don Joespews:
Take Puddy. Please.
Another TJspews:
Take Puddy. Please.
No no. Just because he’s admitted to using sockpuppets here himself doesn’t mean I should use *him* as a sockpuppet.
And, considering where I’d have to put my hand for that to work, I’d have to become a Republican, and there are some things I’m just not willing to do for this blog.
Christmasghost @68
especially since i was one of the first people to be called a humaniac.for you to imply that we do animal testing is not only appalling, it is absurd to the max.i don’t even kill bugs sweets…….
i have spent most of my 51 years on this planet saving animals. i do wildlife rescue and have spent my own money to repair and permanently save wetlands.
If that’s true, and I presume that it is, then I made exactly the wrong opposite assumption. I apologize for my comment.
Piper Scottspews:
If what you say is accurate, why aren’t workers FLOCKING to join unions instead of doing what they’re doing increasingly in the private sector, and that’s FLEEING from unions?
The only growth area for labor membership is in the public sector, and even here the influence of unions is becoming resented by elected officials…including many Democrats. How do I know this? I have been so told by these same elected officials.
One of these days, someone is going to pull back the curtain and expose the Wizard of WEA as the humbug it is.
If you define someone as a conservative who simply says, “No, no, no!!!” to anything new, innovative, cost-effective, out-of-the-box or whatever, then you the WEA is as conservative as they come.
And we wonder why Johnny and Janey can’t read!
According to the BLS, union membership in the private sector declines at the rate of .5%/year. Given that, sometime around 2030 or 2031…the labor movement will have gone the way of the dodo.
Cigar chomping has gone out of style, and the chompers themselves no longer offer a product or protocal attractive to modern workers. Sorry, ghost of George Meany.
The Piper
Piper Scottspews:
I’ve made mention before that my pour of choice is Guinness…
The Piper
i do wildlife rescue and have spent my own money to repair and permanently save wetlands.
And then you send money to right wingers who destroy those very things. Nice.
the labor movement will have gone the way of the dodo.
Gee I hope not. The wife left a non-union shop for an SEIU shop and the difference is night and day – the non-union outfit being poorly managed and a nightmare. Hemorraghing workers and the cling-ons getting raises and perks based on the snitching they do for management and how much brown is smeared on their faces.
If the outfit my wife just left is representative of the non-union paradise then we definitely need unions.
Hey Puddybud, Loserman:
Imoutadinnerjacket was in New York just recently right? All you wingnuts got really bent out of shape.
So why didn’t one of you neo-cons try to kill him? I’m mean he’s the new Hitler after Saddam right? There’s not a neo-con alive who says they wouldn’t kill Hitler if he was standing next to him.
I’ll tell you why: you’re all a bunch of chickenshit, chickenhawk cowards who love war as long as you and those close to you don’t fight it. Besides if you killed the nutjob, there’d be less reason to bomb and invade Iran and pile up more bodies for you all to drool over.
The Agreed Framework was basically that N. Korea would verifiably stop developing nukes in exchange for:
A light water reactor
assurances that the US would not attack N. Korea.
cessation of economic sanctions
The Bush administration agreement with N. Korea is:
increased economic and enerry aid in exchange for verifiably dismantling their nuclear program.
Yup, that’s really quite widely different. Particularly in light of how it’s sooo consistent with the Administration’s past position on N. Korea. Thanks for setting me straight, Pudiot.
I will give you this: the Clinton administration and the IAEA did indeed get fooled by the North but as we can see with Iran it ain’t easy to tell for sure what they’re doing. We’ll see how the enforcement works with the new agreement.
@125: s/enerry/energy/
Hey Puddybud, Stupidman:
I know you don’t approve of Senator Craig in the biblical sense but he’s the perfect politician for you because of his “wide stance” on the issues. I mean he’ll hustle that “wide stance” everywhere – even a men’s restroom stall!
Purel Koo-Laid Drinkerspews:
All I’m sayin’ ( is that if what’s-his-name didn’t have cheap shots, he’d have no shots at all. He never graduated from sophomoric to the JV.
Executive Director of the Anti-Defamation League agrees that comments by Bill O’Reilly, Mark Levin, Jonah Goldberg, Michelle Malkin, and Tammy Bruce are “offensive and equally repugnant, and certainly worthy of condemnation.”
That’s like saying the Germans are mad at Americans because the Germans lost WWI and WWII.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wingnuts who blame environmentalists for high gas prices are LYING to you!
Although the total number of U.S. refineries has ddeclined, that’s like saying we have fewer railroads than in the 1950s. Just as a bunch of small rail lines consolidated into a few big ones, what’s actually happening in the domestic refining industry is fewer refineries, but more capacity.
What’s actually happening is oil companies are phasing out older, smaller, less efficient refineries while adding more-than-offsetting capacity to large existing refineries. Overall, U.S. refinery capacity has risen steadily since the mid-1990s. (Source: U.S. Dep’t of Energy web site.)
If gas supplies are tight because environmentalists are blocking permits for new refineries, how has U.S. ethanol refining capacity tripled since 2000? (Source: Newsweek
Stop and think about it: Why would oil companies invest in building new refineries in order to create a supply gut to force down the price of their product? For that matter, why would Saudi Arabia invest billions in expending their oil production in order to make their product worth less on the market?
Even a wingnut dope should be able to figure out what the real reason is for tight gasoline supplies and high gas prices.
chad@119…yes, it’s true and thank you for your comment. how refreshing that you said it.
in one year alone i spent 47,000 dollars on vet bills for homeless animals. and no matter what that idiot YLB says…i hardly then turn around and destroy anything. i despise developers and make a point of always living in old houses that my husband and i renovate.if i had a nickel for every time i had a poacher shove a gun in my face on our ranch…well, you know.that’s when i started shoving back. there is just nothing like the sound of a shell being chambered in a pump action snub nosed shotgun to get even an idiot’s attention. but i wasn’t about to let anyone kill the coyotes on our ranch. period.
and for all the YLB’s “out there” [in the fullest sense] here is a classic. this has been my experience and i double dog dare any of you whiny liberals to say other dad..who refers to himself as an endangered species because he is the last republican in marin county [LOL] has spent his entire life planting trees. he was my mentor as to how to treat the environment. well, this screechy idiot of a super liberal [he flies the UN flag in front of his house…natch]moves onto the property adjoining my dad’s and what is the FIRST thing mr. eco-know it all does???
cut down all the trees because, and i am quoting now ,’they might fall on his house [we should be so lucky] and they are blocking his view of the ocean.’
then there is my oldest friend ,who is a super liberal that spouts all the crap the fools here do and what does she do? drives a big SUV [while bitching about ,you got it, BIG OIL] and then she cuts down the giant redwoods in the yard of the old house she had just bought…cuts them down on a weekend, because she thought she could get around the heritage tree laws then. god…she’s stupid.they still fined her….but just a fine? so what? the trees are history. typical.but, HEY, she has a free tibet and keep tahoe blue sticker[ she built a giant “cabin” up there with all the other dot.commies…you know, cause they LOVE the environment so much.] on her giant SUV…and tibetan prayer flags in her house. so she is good to go in phony land.
they are all talk…….that has been my life long experience of liberals. if you want meaningless talk, or you want someone to tell other people how to live [they don’t have to follow their own preaching…they are SPECIAL] then a liberal is for you.
but, chad….my hat is off to you for your comment.
Hey Puddybud,
This guy’s your man. He’ll say any freaking thing to get elected just like that chimpanzee nutcase thief you voted twice for.
Oh Lordy! I love the hypocrisy and corruption of this R party. You have to laugh otherwise you’ll drown in tears!
I think this one is anti-Romney. I originally thought it was something the Log Cabin Republicans were sponsoring back in 2002 when he ran for Governor of Massachusetts. It would have made sense at the time. But I saw a newspaper quote from January 2007. So this is a hit piece designed to make Romney look ridiculous — especially in southern states. Log Cabin is unlikely to support Romney, given his stance on same-sex marriage.
Log Cabin Republicans suggesting that an anti-homosexual, non-imbibing Mormon represents their best interests???? I am siding with the anti-Romney tilt on this one.
Remember who wrote the book on, “I was for it before I was against it…” And how many backflips has Hillary done? More than an Olympic 10-meter diver!
The Piper
Romney’s Real Record
Log Cabin Republicans Launch
National Television Ad Campaign
30-Second Television Ad Educates
Republicans Using Romney’s Own Words
This is even better…Dobson sinks Rudy’s candidacy. Little Jimmy Dobson has declared that if a pro-choice GOP candidate is nominated (and you know who that means), that they’ll support a third party candidate instead.
You won’t find much enthusiasm for Hillary around here. She’s fourth or fifth on my list.
But if it’s between her and X-dressin’ Rudy, Grandpa Lazybones Fred or PanderBear Mitt, I’ll take her in heartbeat.
Republicans always denigrated Bill Clinton for having a lifelong dream of getting to the White House. I’ll bet we don’t hear them put down Romney for the same trait. Rather, we’ll see them spin his lust for the presidency as some sort of evidence of his focus and clearheadedness.
@6: zomg…
I cannot wait for those single-issue wingnuts to go third party and disappear in a haze of irrelevancy. It would do my heart good.
Seriously, the candidate who most reflects their “values” (Huckabee) is second-tier at best and going nowhere fast.
Maybe they could run Puddy.
I knew the Log Cabin Republicans were good for something. It’s just taken a while to find out what that was.
Where is this ad running? I think it all depends on the audience.
Hey Wingnuts,
Check it out. This new logo shows the GOP’s “wide-stance” on the issues.
By the way, Senator Craig isn’t going anywhere. He’ll continue to represent the great state of Idaho from his “wide-stance” perspective in a men’s toilet near you!
TPM just asked a very important question. Will Craig actually go to Minneapolis in 2008 to attend the Republican’s Convention?
Actually, I should say interesting question. It’s actually not terribly important unless you make a living from satire.
@4 “Remember who wrote the book on, “I was for it before I was against it…”
Romney’s your man … next to him, Kerry looks like the Rock of Gibralter.
@7 The only reason I would ever vote for Hillary is because the wingnuts hate her.
Piper –
Hillary is no flip-flopper! She merely adopts whatever position suits her audience at the time she’s speaking. She can even hold 3 or 4 contrary positions at once! None of this ‘holding a single view on matters’ nonsense. How provincial.
– – – – – –
“If you’re not a liberal at 20 – you have no heart, If you’re not a conservative at 40 – you have no brain.”
The old adage, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” applies here.
tall, craggy, and dumb as a rock?
Piper Scott,
‘Remember who wrote the book on, “I was for it before I was against it…”’
Yeah…that was some bullshit made up by K…K…K…. Uggh…I can’t say it. I cannot bear to have you descend into another one of your Puddyesque “Quit Being Mean To Him” rants.
The line “I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it” was made famous in an incredibly dishonest hit-piece ad against Kerry in March, 2004. Kerry’s words were taken out of context.
The truth is that Kerry co-sponsored an $87 billion dollar measure that was paid for by temporarily reversing Bush’s tax cuts on the wealthy. That measure was rejected 57-42. A subsequent Republican-sponsored measure included no provision to actually pay…it was just the Republicans piling up more debt on future generations. Kerry, who wanted to actually pay for the Iraq invasion instead of passing the costs onto our children and grandchildren, could not support the measure.
Piper Scott…don’t tell me you were actually gullible enough to believe the Right-wing propaganda on this issue?
Romney, on the other hand, really has changed his stance on abortion. He has flipped 180 degrees. He admits it.
@12 I have a better idea for a GOP convention logo:
Anyone who is in the Senate takes a number of votes on obscure procedural issues that can be used against them later. It’s one reason so few Senators have become President.
Who cares who gets the GOP nomination? They’re freakin’ toast in ’08 and they know it.
Oh, and personally, I don’t believe that Willard Romney has changed his position on the issues. He HAS no position on the issues. He just says what he thinks they want to hear.
@19 That’s about right, except you forgot to mention “and rich like Romney.” Those two have a lot in common. They even look alike!
There’s one big difference between Kerry and Romney though: Romney isn’t a veteran. Presumably he had a student deferment. Maybe before he attended BYU he got some kind of deferment for the 30 months of missionary work he did for the Mormon Church in France. On the other hand, maybe he did the missionary work to get a deferment. In any case, Romney’s missionary work and college studies happened to coincide almost exactly with the years of the Vietnam War.
@19 (continued)
buh-uh-cluck cluck cluck
buh-uh-cluck cluck cluck
buh-uh-cluck cluck cluck
Who cares about the original proposal? That John Kerry was so stupid as to utter the banality he did outs him as a panderer.
I think Dennis Kucinich is a walking disaster waiting to happen, but at least he’s principled. John Kerry wouldn’t know a principle if he got sent to a principal to explain what one is. As a presidential candidate, he was an Edsel.
Oh…as to my KR opinings? I seek only to remind you that no matter how hard you try or how long you do it, you’ll never – NEVER – be able to get out from under the rule and authority of Karl Rove. He owns your souls, and has the deeds to prove it!
The Piper
@20 “Piper Scott…don’t tell me you were actually gullible enough to believe the Right-wing propaganda on this issue?”
Of course the answer to that is “yes.”
What makes rabbits such delightful pets is that as nature made them, they’re mute and make no sounds. Might want to keep that in mind.
The Piper
Roger Rabbit @ 21,
The photo demonstrates that Republicans really can contribute to society….
@25 “Who cares about the original proposal? That John Kerry was so stupid as to utter the banality he did outs him as a panderer.”
Actually, it doesn’t. Actually, you are spewing bullshit. Actually, there’s a big difference between paying for a war with taxes or putting it on a credit card. For example, one reason we’re paying $80 a barrel for oil is because it now takes eighty bucks to buy $40 worth of oil, thanks to Bush’s credit-card spending on Iraq.
The “wide-stance” of the pachyderm in the logo symbolizes how this corrupt party (and its minion Delbert) is giving it to to the American people in the shorts.
It’s really simple. The only people staying in this corrupt R party are the ones who profit from it and can stand to look themselves in the mirror – skimming off the top while the country goes down the tubes. As long as they get theirs and can lock themselves in their gated community in time before the sh*t hits the fan.
It also now takes eighty bucks to buy $40 of anything else. But there’s a bright side to the weak dollar: Wal-Mart is unraveling.
The weak dollar, of course, makes the Chinese crap that Wal-Mart sells cost more. For Wal-Mart, that means customers walking away and lower sales. I can’t think of a better anti-union, freeloading-off-the-government, company for it to happen to.
@27 Unluckily for wingnuts, I not only talk, but can do a decent impression of a chicken clucking.
So we got a first-steps agreement toward a non-nuclear North Korea. Go figure, they actually wanted fuel oil, they wanted their country removed from the U.S. list of terror-supporting states, and they wanted to “normalize” their relations with Washington. They wanted these things enough to trade their nuclear capability for them (or at least to begin that process).
Well, folks, Iran wants stuff too. And we can trade them the stuff they want to get them to slow down their nuclear research, or stop it all together, or have it strictly monitored, or some other such things. Easy-peasy. It’s called “diplomacy,” and it has been the bedrock of non-proliferation efforts for five decades.
Rattle sabers, threaten invasion, and what happens? Nervous country speeds up nuclear research and development! Offer to supply what they need, give them a chance to save face, and what happens? Non-proliferation agreements!
This ain’t rocket science, though it is beyond most Republicans.
Remember Mr. Ed the Talking Horse? I’m distantly related to him.
Hey, I’ve got a horse joke! A horse goes into a bar, sits on a stool, and orders a drink. The bartender, trying to strike up conversation, says:
“Hey, horse, why the long face?”
The wingnuts probably won’t get it.
P.S. — Redneck, pay your fucking gambling debt, which is now TWO YEARS past due!!!
Piper Scott @ 25
“Who cares about the original proposal? That John Kerry was so stupid as to utter the banality he did outs him as a panderer.”
In other words you are saying (1) you don’t care that the Republican smear machine took one sentence of Kerry’s larger statement and used it in a misleading way, and (2) the truth doesn’t really have any importance to you.
Does this qualify you as just another dishonest wingnut tool?
“I seek only to remind you that no matter how hard you try or how long you do it, you’ll never – NEVER – be able to get out from under the rule and authority of Karl Rove. He owns your souls, and has the deeds to prove it!”
All bow down to Karl Rove, his man-servant Piper Scott, and his maid-servant Jeff Gannon.
She may be a lying sack of shit, but Dana Perino is cute…she can lie
onto me anytime.I think Karl Rove sidled his foot up to Piper’s in a few too many airport restrooms…
Slow day–why don’t we take health insurance away from some children! That’ll be fun!
Sure hope Hillary gets elected. Everyone will have fun with that one! Can’t wait to see her publically humiliated for her hypocrisy and corruption. She’ll make the Repugs look like choirboys!
Should be a funny four-years! (Or less.)
Meanwhile, Mrs. Fred Thompson denied she is a trophy wife, and the Washington Post — after diligent investigative reporting — has determined she is not a lawyer either:
“Several major news organizations … have in recent months referred to Jeri Thompson as both a political consultant and lawyer in articles about Fred Thompson’s nascent presidential campaign, in which his wife has taken a leading role.
“And supporters of the Thompsons have repeatedly invoked Jeri Thompson’s status as an attorney to challenge insinuations that the 40-year-old mother of two is a mere ‘trophy wife’ for the 64-year-old actor and former Tennessee senator.
“On Fox News last week, host Chris Wallace quoted a letter from a viewer attacking NPR’s Juan Williams for having previously used the ‘tw’ phrase in reference to Thompson: ‘You chauvinist pig. Jeri Thompson is an intelligent, accomplished woman. She is a lawyer. And she has worked in the public policy arena.’ Added conservative blogger Ed Morrissey last month: ‘Anyone with access to Google knows that Mrs. Thompson worked as an attorney and media consultant in DC.’
“Well, presumptuous as it may be to challenge the holy writ that is Google, the hard fact is that Jeri Thompson is not a lawyer. There is no trace in public records of Thompson holding a license to practice law in D.C. or any of the states in which she has resided. And today, campaign spokeswoman Linda Rozett said conclusively, ‘Jeri Thompson does not have a law degree.’ …
“Whatever the source of the mixup, one thing is for sure: until today, the Thompson campaign has not exactly made a concerted effort to knock down the notion that Jeri Thompson is an attorney. Until now, the campaign has as a policy declined to answer any questions about her background ….”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If we can’t get a straight story from the Thompson campaign about the (unfounded, it turns out) rumors that his wife is lawyer, what else are they going to mislead us about? Especially given that (it appears) his wife is running his campaign?
@34 But why get peace for the cost of a little diplomacy when you can gin up a war and throw shitloads of taxpayer money into the outstretched gunny sacks of your favorite contractors?
Got an Islamic Caliphate to give to Iran? the 12th Imam? or a glowing glass parking lot on the eastern shore of the Med? These are the ‘things’ that the Mullahs running Iran want. Not Western luxuries and food & fuel oil to keep the proles in line like North Korea.
When someone says they want to destroy you and your way of life, the proper response is not, “let’s talk about why you want to kill me.”
@30 I’m not a member of either political party. One is the stupid party, the other is the evil party. The labels are almost interchangeable on any given day. For every Larry Craig, there’s a William Jefferson.
@42 Although she isn’t my first choice (or, for that matter, my second or third choices), should she secure the Democratic Party nomination, I will gleefully vote for her just to hear you traitors howl when she takes the oath of office!
Roger Rabbit @ 43,
Huh???? Another Republican pretending to have a college degree she doesn’t have?
No doubt it’s the fault of her staff.
What traitors are you referring to, Rog? Certainly not moi! I’m not voting for either the Dems or Reps in 2008. There all a bunch of self-serving, power-hungry assholes!
@46 – Good thinking Roger – she sucks, but she’ll make you guys crazy, so I’ll vote for her.
Why not find a real candidate? So far the D’s have got a former trial lawyer with a half a senate term of experience, a former civil rights lawyer with half a senate term of experience and 2 years in the state house, and a former shyster lawyer with one and a half senate terms of experience, but she knows one the the former presidents pretty well.
Bill Richardson should be your guy; executive experience and solid government background on the international stage. He’d be hard to beat in the general.
DL @ 39
She is cute, but her lying skills are not yet in the league of Tony Snow. On the Stephanie Miller show, she is referred to as “The Tiny Dancer of Deception” or as “Lying Sack of Cute.”
piper@27…..sorry to correct you but rabbits can scream.
keep that in mind roger……..
wow rog…scared just a little of fred thompson?? heh heh heh…you should be. he’s going to kick the dems ass.
and as a trophy wife i can say you don’t know what you are talking about.
what else is new?
@34: It’s worth noting that the Korean arrangement is very much like the setup the Clinton administration had set up with the North and which the Bush admin began reneging on as soon as they got into office. ‘Cause anything Clinton must be bad, right?
And @45: Actually, the Iranian people are much more modern and moderate than that. There is every reason to believe that if their “leadership” didn’t feel threatened they’d ease their hard line. However, since we stupidly took out the regional counterweight to their power they are going to continue to make a power grab in the middle east. Whoopsie!
Too bad nobody thought about that before they invaded Iraq.
45 delbert
delbert, you’re an idiot.
Got an Islamic Caliphate to give to Iran?
See, here’s an example of your ignorance leading to idiocy. Iranians are Shi’ites, so by definition, they are against a ‘Caliphate.’ That’ a Sunni radical notion.
I would say in general that is why you and your GOP buddies cannot be entrusted with national security issues. You tend toward extremist fantasies that interfere with your ability to, you know, talk to other uhmans on earth.
a glowing glass parking lot on the eastern shore of the Med?
I love how you make extreme claims with no particular attempt at establishing the claim to be fact. Iran claims to have no aspirations to nuclear weapons. They are ten years from producing a weapon if they wanted to ( Serious good-faith negotiations with non-imbeciles (that is, Democrats) could easily result, as I said, in a non-proliferation agreement.
These are the ‘things’ that the Mullahs running Iran want. Not Western luxuries and food & fuel oil to keep the proles in line like North Korea.
I’m not an expert on Iran, and you might well admit that you are not because it is blindingly obvious, but they do want respect. Here’s brief discussion:
When someone says they want to destroy you and your way of life, the proper response is not, “let’s talk about why you want to kill me.”
When an Iranian says this, let me know.
For every Larry Craig, there’s a William Jefferson.
Actually, for literally dozens of Republican politicians, contractors, lobbyists, adnd others doing time, singing to the feds, or waiting for an indictment (, there’s…William Jefferson. What would you do without him?
She may be a lying sack of shit, but Dana Perino is cute…she can lie on to me anytime.
The Stephanie Miller show calls her the Lying Sack of Cute. (Tony Snow was Crony McSnowjob, and McClellan was Puffy McMoonface.)
Slut @ 51
I’m sure you’ve tortured enough of them in the lab to speak with authority, and it’s certainly consistent with the rest of your personality.
I’m not a member of either political party.
Join the Republicans – that’s the party most compatible to your remarks here.
First Stamn then you – so-called independents or people too embarrassed to admit they mostly vote straight Republican.
He was too busy getting to know your daughters…in the Biblical sense.
The Piper
If Wal-Mart is anti-union, so are the employers of 88% of the American workforce given that union membership continues to decline year after year after year after year after year…Get the picture?
It’s interesting that public sector union membership is five times that of the private sector, which means that private sector membership is pathetically low indeed.
Just so you’ll know…the Ol’ Piper used to be a business agent/organizer for a local of the SEIU. Who’d o’ thunk it???
The Piper
YLB@1 – The Clueless One: Sorry, where did I say Romney is my man?
Speaking of Flippers she was for torture before she was against it. Who be dat? Hilary October 2006 interview with NY Post editorial board!
Darryl says: Remember who wrote the book on, “I was for it before I was against it…”’ Kerry’s words were taken out of context.” Whatchew say?
Hey Perfesser Darryl, do you remember the Media Morons attack on Rush. I put forth the full text (verifiable by Lexis-Nexis and they still are misquoting him.
Cry me a river Darryl.
I’ll take your word for it.
Here’s something I just learned about rabbits:
Expert: Dana Krempels, Ph.D.
Date: 3/15/2006
Subject: Rabbit Noise and Behaviour
Hi… i have recently bought a baby rabbit. He is an indoor rabbit. He is now 9months and in the last week has started to make noises around me and in the last two days has become very excited around me! He runs in circles around me and follows me everywhere… He tries to ‘hump’ me (if you get what you mean) but he never did this a week a go… is it just a moment thing? i have no idea. Do you have any ideas? Is there anything i can do to stop this behaviour or what is the best way to approach it?
Thanks Holly
Dear Holly,
Congratulations on your newly sexually mature male rabbit! :) He is circling you and singing his little honking/oinking love song because you are the object of all his love and desire. How sad, unrequited love.
Yes, there is one way to stop this behavior, and that is by having your boy neutered by a competent, experienced veterinarian who is good with rabbits. You can find such a vet with the list linked here:
and read more about the operation here:
and here:
I hope this helps. Please write back if you have any other questions.
The Piper, and I’m sure many others, would like to know if there are any competent, experienced vetrenarians out there. Not terribly concerned, though, if you’re good with rabbits.
Maybe that would be the way to verify CG’s assertion…Enquiring minds want to know.
The Piper
wow rog…scared just a little of fred thompson?? heh heh heh…you should be. he’s going to kick the dems ass.
This guy?
Yeah, real worried!
When someone says they want to destroy you and your way of life, the proper response is not, “let’s talk about why you want to kill me.”
Yes, it is. That or turn the other cheek. Jesus said so. Why do you hate God?
When someone says they want to destroy you and your way of life, the proper response is not, “let’s talk about why you want to kill me.”
Yes, it is…if that ‘someone’ has the comparative destructive capability of a two year old. However, if you told me that to my face, I’d just shoot you (just being sarcastic, Ann Coulter humor).
Fred Thompson’s candidacy is a joke. He is pathetic. He is solely responsible for McCain’s comeback from the dead. If I ever voted Republican*, my ballot would be marked with a wooden stake, and probably really mess up the optical scanner.
*never have. never will (just for the record).
@62: The Piper=WIMP!!!!
You issued a challenge….then wimped out. I suggest you continue your wingnut glib remarks, but spare us from “manly” challenges to wager.
You’re simply not up to the task.
chad@56………WOW….you sure are wound up too tight aren’t you?
and this is exactly why liberals will never make the white house in the next election.
silly little man.
you know nothing about my “personality” as you refer to it. nothing. but i will sure get some HUGE laughs from my employees tomorrow when i show them your comment.especially since i was one of the first people to be called a humaniac.for you to imply that we do animal testing is not only appalling, it is absurd to the max.i don’t even kill bugs sweets…….
i have spent most of my 51 years on this planet saving animals. i do wildlife rescue and have spent my own money to repair and permanently save wetlands.what have you done?
to make inane assumptions such as you do makes me wonder what YOU believe in and what you do about it. i am going to go out on a limb here and make an assumption myself. you have done NOTHING except for yourself.maybe you haven’t had the time [you are young?] or maybe you just don’t know where to begin?
here’s a clue for you………
when you disagree with a woman ,not only is it tiresome it is repulsive for you to attack that woman by calling her a slut.and ,honey, it’s very very politically incorrect too.your own peeps say so.i’ll bet you would fit right in in the terrorist’s camps…..”look at that woman…OHMYGOD!!! she has an OPINION!!! KILL HER!!!” *chad
what are you going to call a black man you disagree with? hmmmm?
yup…it’s a thinker.
so there’s a start. you could commit yourself to learning to have an adult discussion with people you don’t see eye to eye with.without the names. just a thought.
the reason i know rabbits can scream is because i can read.i have handled many hurt bunnies [very gently] that have been orphaned or otherwise find themselves in dire straights. and i have also heard them when they get grabbed by a coyote. it’s a horrible sound.chilling, really.
piper…you might be interested to know that porcupines “sing” too.
the natural world is so much more interesting than politics or liberals.
well…just about ANYTHING is, really.
Are the Log Cabin folks taking a bit of a swipe at the religious right as well?
michael…..gawd, i hope so.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If we can’t get a straight story from the Thompson campaign about the (unfounded, it turns out) rumors that his wife is lawyer, what else are they going to mislead us about? Especially given that (it appears) his wife is running his campaign?
10/04/2007 at 3:24 pm
Guys who use their wives as political cover make me sick. Oh crap, I think I am going to throw up! Vomit, spit, spew, belch, splatter…more vomit… more vomit..more vomit.
Since 1900 only four democrats have ever been elected to POTUS with over 50% of the popular vote. Amazing.
69, 70
I sure see some of that poking through that ad. I don’t know enough about what’s going on to be sure about it, though.
With the lies being told by the left about Limbaugh in such a way that Josef Stalin would be proud, I have decided to add another “S” to the platform of The Smartest Woman In The World.
So I hereby unveil a more accurate platform for her:
Stalinism, Surrender and Socialism: A sure winning set of ideas.
Chadt – Tell us about the rake handle shaped bruises on your face.
Piper @ 59
Is it true that your blogging name when you were at the union was Quisling or is that just what they called you after they ran you off?
@71 Since you so freely appropriate Ambassador Wilson’s identity, let’s talk about him for a moment.
Wilson blew the whistle on Bush’s tale about Niger uranium. That made Wilson a hero, and Bush a liar.
And that, as Paul Harvey would say, is THE REST OF THE STORY!!!
Christmasghost: Again you are the plunger to the stuck toilet called chadt.
I have been keeping a scorecard on his worthless and stupid fourth grade whinings.
Right now he’s at .99539 and climbing.
Now, if you want to call whistleblowing on a lying warmonger “political,” well, that’s up to you.
That says nothing about Wilson’s character — and everything about yours.
Christmasghost: He has called me many names in the “name” of liberal progressivism!
@59 “If Wal-Mart is anti-union, so are the employers of 88% of the American workforce given that union membership continues to decline year after year after year after year after year…Get the picture?”
Actually — no, it doesn’t. Anti-union and non-union are two different things. Paying and treating employees well enough that they don’t want a union doesn’t make an employer “anti-union.” What makes Wal-Mart “anti-union” is their obscene practices of suppressing legal organizing activities and terminating employees suspected of desiring a union. But I wouldn’t expect an ignorant fuck like you to understand these distinctions.
In any case, unions will not be the downfall of Wal-Mart. Bush’s fiscal policies will. Have you noticed what’s been happening to the dollar lately? Its value is going down the toilet! Suddenly, all the tainted food and dangerous toys that Wal-Mart has been importing from China aren’t so cheap anymore — and Wal-Mart’s customers are walking away. Weaker sales, falling profits, plans for new stores being shelved … is this the beginning of the end for Wal-Mart? It would seem the retail giant’s best days are behind them. And they can thank the once-almighty, now cravenly-debased, dollar for that! And nobody is to blame for the dollar being worth only seventy-five cents except Bush and his fiscal ministers.
Now go fuck yourself and pet the armadillo you rode in on.
Unions created the middle class. Union workers built America’s factories, railroads, highways, and bridges. If you are against unions, you are against America.
@59 Make sure you don’t drink any union beer, shitface! You’ll have to settle for Pete Coor’s piss water. Or maybe imported stuff from Mexico.
Can’t stand Coors, myself. No flavor. No body. No buzz. Nothing but dyed water in a shiny can. And I have yet to fly into Denver without getting bounced around by turbulence directly over the Coors plant! Must be caused by all the hot air spewing from the CEO’s office.
Coors = shitty beer and shittier politics
I’ll bet Jane Hague likes it. Especially before driving.
Dear Pudwhacker,
As a black man in today’s society, who identifies with the likes of Larry Craig and Mark Foley, how do you explain this from the AP:
This closeted, convicted homosexual deviant is not going to resign from office. Typical power hungry, selfish Wingnut. You must be so proud.
‘Nuff said!!
@78 And you’re the turd that refuses to go down the pipe.
Christmas Ghost is one of yours!!
Embrace him.
puddy……..gawd….i’m still laughing. thanks. but…let’s face it, it isn’t like he was tough to “flush”. he’s just a fool.
all the name calling in the name of being more-liberal-than-thou….well, it’s their ‘calling’ [ heh heh heh] card. even the hippies in arcata aren’t this REGRESSIVE. and that’s what people like chad are. fortunately they get a false sense of security living in a place like seattle.
roger, roger, roger……..being against unions doesn’t mean someone is anti means they are PRO FREEDOM. why would anyone want to live [washington state] where they are forced [washington state] to join an organization that, at best, is nothing more than a good old boy network full of losers that don’t work but instead live off the real workers as parasites so they can throw their weight around politically at the worker’s about elitist crap. why don’t you explain to everyone how that is american in any way? they are about as necessary today as an iron lung for cripes sake.unless you are a miner.
unions have killed most manufacturing in america. do you realize that once, not so long ago, detroit [!!!] had the highest standard of living in the states?and now? well…you know as well as i do.
lefty…that would be “embrace HER” although i realize your attention span is as short as a knat’s.
Wilson blew the whistle on Bush’s tale about Niger uranium. That made Wilson a hero, and Bush a liar.
And that, as Paul Harvey would say, is THE REST OF THE STORY!!!
10/04/2007 at 9:22 pm
Bullshit!!! The story Wilson wrote was as phony as the National guard piece I wrote when I got my lying liberal ass kicked off 60 minutes. Liberals are proven liears. Stop with the BS.
You cant even trust a liberal when he says he served in the military. Almost all phony soldiers are liberals. Just ask Jesse MacBeth.
Ghost: ” . . . the natural world is so much more interesting than politics or liberals.”
Without liberals, there would be no natural world left. Your ilk, madam, hates the natural world. Pave, plaster, and profit–how’s that for a GOP slogan for its environmental policy?
Nobody blogged between 2975 – 1978.
The Piper
Oops…Should be between 1975-1978. It’s getting late.
The Piper
Still very willing to take the bet. Just not willing to let anyone else hold cash, and your losings must be paid directly to Hopelink.
Still don’t get what you have against helping the homeless and kids.
The Piper
Roger @ 84 & 85:
Well, my offer to buy you a beer at DL at the end of this months still stands, and I think I’ve got a solution for your beer problem. That would be a nice frosty glass of Rogue Dead Guy Ale. Capiche?
I guess that lets out many of the micro-brews made in the Seattle area, eh what?
Coors and Olympia are about on par from a flavor standpoint, and Oly is union-made.
The Piper
I don’t give any import to what you write or your gender. Don’t care. Don’t even want to know. There is nothing in my life that is less important than knowing xmasghost’s particulars.
Pudwhacker, as a black man in today’s society, surely you must have some words of support for the closeted homosexual senator from Idaho. Surely you are moved by his ability to remain effective in his job.
Just sayin’…….
Piper, most of what comes from the large breweries in this country is crap regardless of whether it’s an open shop, closed shop or whatever. And since I met nearly everyone who runs the Rogue Brewery when my band played frequently at the Pip Tide a few doors down in Newport, I’ll admit to being a little particular to the rogue Nation. And since Olympia hasn’t been brewed in this state for far too long now, this former Olympia resident wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole.
@90 “being against unions doesn’t mean someone is anti means they are PRO FREEDOM”
What a crock! The only people against unions are CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE employers — the same people who don’t want to pay taxes but want government to subsidize their labor costs.
Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho) just did Democrats a big favor: He reneged on his pledge to resign and vowed to serve out his term. Which he no doubt will … with Democrats chortling all the way to January 2009.
Two of the most prominent unions in this country are the American Medical Association and the American Bar Association. Man, those guys can protect their respective rice bowls like no other labor organizations in the world. The American Instittute of Certified Public Accountants was a little slow on joining the bandwagon, but they’re catching up. They got a lot of help back in the 1930s with a lot of the legislation involving the securities markets and publically-traded companies.
A lot of these “professional” organizations act pretty much like unions.
Beer drinkers,
Why don’t you guys go to one of those brew-on-premises places and brew-up your own suds? There’s one in Wallingford I think, and there’s one in Silverdale.
No need to bitch about which flavor of American “swill” is better because it’s made by union guys or not made by union guys. Brew your own!
Daddy Love tried to write something pithy: delbert, you’re an idiot. Got an Islamic Caliphate to give to Iran? See, here’s an example of your ignorance leading to idiocy. Iranians are Shi’ites, so by definition, they are against a ‘Caliphate.’ That’ a Sunni radical notion.
R U an idiot or do you hang with the three stooges YLB – The Clueless One, Stupid Choir or chadt? He openly prays for the caliphate in public!
Quoting fair use: “Per the MEMRI Blog, in a speech in the city of Qom, Iranian President Ahmadinejad said that “[the Western countries] are spreading perverse beliefs in the name of Christianity and Judaism, [using] dollars, and they are saying ‘We want to save mankind.’ But Islam, whose model is Iranian MP Moussa Qorbani defended Ahmadinejad’s statements, saying “According to the Koran, Islam is the only acceptable religion.”
This should not be surprising, as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made it clear that his goal is to establish a global Islamist Caliphate.”
“Ahmadinejad is on a mission to end the world by hastening the return of Al-Imam al-Mahdi, which can be seen in his opening prayer at the university. In his opening statements he prayed, “Oh God hasten the arrival of Imam al-Mahdi and grant him good health and victory and make us his followers and those who attest to his right foremost.”
For those that do not know Mahdi is the Shia parallel to the second coming of Jesus Christ, which the Ithna-Ahariyya follows. It is believed that the twelfth Imam will return in Mecca first then to Median and then to Karbala Iraq. Once he is there, an Islamic caliphate will be established to take over the world.”
I have been trying to educate you and improve your reading materials. I see it falls on blind eyes.
Daddy Love: Next time, think before placing fingers to keyboard.
OneMan says: @34: It’s worth noting that the Korean arrangement is very much like the setup the Clinton administration had set up with the North and which the Bush admin began reneging on as soon as they got into office. ‘Cause anything Clinton must be bad, right?
Another revisionist idiot on ASSWipes.
OneMan: You need to read more. Madeline Halfbright fully admitted when properly confronted and said in 2004 the North Koreans fooled them. Now whom was she speaking about? Google it revisionist idiot!
My Left Foot says: Dear Pudwhacker,
Carl, you are a broken record. So much now you are becoming a moe-ron. Why do you keep trying to throw Larry Craig into my face. I stated my position, three times no less, so time to move on old man!
Nuff Said!
Good comedy from the GOP:
And the Dem Senate prospects continue to look good:
“Coach Ben, who played less high school football than my daughter, continues to rally the troops”:
Piper Scott @97 says: @67…PTBAA…
To set the record straight, when Katrina hit, these reprobates didn’t feel it necessary to give much to the poor people. They sat on their wallets. When we visited various companies, some of the loudest on the left were also the stingiest during Katrina time! Some of us whom think right gave our time and money to those people.
Don’t expect a high level of support for your favorite charity.
ATJ: Posting from Kos again? Prejudiced view huh?
Executive Director of the Anti-Defamation League agrees that comments by Bill O’Reilly, Mark Levin, Jonah Goldberg, Michelle Malkin, and Tammy Bruce are “offensive and equally repugnant, and certainly worthy of condemnation.”
Carl: Usually at 10:56 PM I’m asleep. I have very early mornings where I have to get to work. I realize you being retired with a bad ticker you may take naps during the day and you probably get up later.
With your continual rants about Larry Craig…
Teresa, take Carl to bed earlier!
Re @ 106
Am I the only one who’s amused by the irony of a fundamentalist Christian trying to warn everyone about the eschatology of a Twelver Shi’ite?
So, let’s see. It’s perfectly OK for Christians to pray, every day, for the return of Jesus Christ who is expected to rule the world on God’s behalf, but it’s not OK for a Muslim to pray for the return of the 12th Imam who is expected to rule the world on God’s behalf.
Puddy, I think the reason you hate Ahdmadinejad so much is because he too closely resembles the reflection you see when you look in the mirror.
Anybody have a sockpuppet I can borrow?
Take Puddy. Please.
Take Puddy. Please.
No no. Just because he’s admitted to using sockpuppets here himself doesn’t mean I should use *him* as a sockpuppet.
And, considering where I’d have to put my hand for that to work, I’d have to become a Republican, and there are some things I’m just not willing to do for this blog.
Christmasghost @68
especially since i was one of the first people to be called a humaniac.for you to imply that we do animal testing is not only appalling, it is absurd to the max.i don’t even kill bugs sweets…….
i have spent most of my 51 years on this planet saving animals. i do wildlife rescue and have spent my own money to repair and permanently save wetlands.
If that’s true, and I presume that it is, then I made exactly the wrong opposite assumption. I apologize for my comment.
If what you say is accurate, why aren’t workers FLOCKING to join unions instead of doing what they’re doing increasingly in the private sector, and that’s FLEEING from unions?
The only growth area for labor membership is in the public sector, and even here the influence of unions is becoming resented by elected officials…including many Democrats. How do I know this? I have been so told by these same elected officials.
One of these days, someone is going to pull back the curtain and expose the Wizard of WEA as the humbug it is.
If you define someone as a conservative who simply says, “No, no, no!!!” to anything new, innovative, cost-effective, out-of-the-box or whatever, then you the WEA is as conservative as they come.
And we wonder why Johnny and Janey can’t read!
According to the BLS, union membership in the private sector declines at the rate of .5%/year. Given that, sometime around 2030 or 2031…the labor movement will have gone the way of the dodo.
Cigar chomping has gone out of style, and the chompers themselves no longer offer a product or protocal attractive to modern workers. Sorry, ghost of George Meany.
The Piper
I’ve made mention before that my pour of choice is Guinness…
The Piper
i do wildlife rescue and have spent my own money to repair and permanently save wetlands.
And then you send money to right wingers who destroy those very things. Nice.
the labor movement will have gone the way of the dodo.
Gee I hope not. The wife left a non-union shop for an SEIU shop and the difference is night and day – the non-union outfit being poorly managed and a nightmare. Hemorraghing workers and the cling-ons getting raises and perks based on the snitching they do for management and how much brown is smeared on their faces.
If the outfit my wife just left is representative of the non-union paradise then we definitely need unions.
Hey Puddybud, Loserman:
Imoutadinnerjacket was in New York just recently right? All you wingnuts got really bent out of shape.
So why didn’t one of you neo-cons try to kill him? I’m mean he’s the new Hitler after Saddam right? There’s not a neo-con alive who says they wouldn’t kill Hitler if he was standing next to him.
I’ll tell you why: you’re all a bunch of chickenshit, chickenhawk cowards who love war as long as you and those close to you don’t fight it. Besides if you killed the nutjob, there’d be less reason to bomb and invade Iran and pile up more bodies for you all to drool over.
The Agreed Framework was basically that N. Korea would verifiably stop developing nukes in exchange for:
A light water reactor
assurances that the US would not attack N. Korea.
cessation of economic sanctions
The Bush administration agreement with N. Korea is:
increased economic and enerry aid in exchange for verifiably dismantling their nuclear program.
Yup, that’s really quite widely different. Particularly in light of how it’s sooo consistent with the Administration’s past position on N. Korea. Thanks for setting me straight, Pudiot.
I will give you this: the Clinton administration and the IAEA did indeed get fooled by the North but as we can see with Iran it ain’t easy to tell for sure what they’re doing. We’ll see how the enforcement works with the new agreement.
@125: s/enerry/energy/
Hey Puddybud, Stupidman:
I know you don’t approve of Senator Craig in the biblical sense but he’s the perfect politician for you because of his “wide stance” on the issues. I mean he’ll hustle that “wide stance” everywhere – even a men’s restroom stall!
All I’m sayin’ ( is that if what’s-his-name didn’t have cheap shots, he’d have no shots at all. He never graduated from sophomoric to the JV.
Executive Director of the Anti-Defamation League agrees that comments by Bill O’Reilly, Mark Levin, Jonah Goldberg, Michelle Malkin, and Tammy Bruce are “offensive and equally repugnant, and certainly worthy of condemnation.”
That’s like saying the Germans are mad at Americans because the Germans lost WWI and WWII.
Wingnuts who blame environmentalists for high gas prices are LYING to you!
Although the total number of U.S. refineries has ddeclined, that’s like saying we have fewer railroads than in the 1950s. Just as a bunch of small rail lines consolidated into a few big ones, what’s actually happening in the domestic refining industry is fewer refineries, but more capacity.
What’s actually happening is oil companies are phasing out older, smaller, less efficient refineries while adding more-than-offsetting capacity to large existing refineries. Overall, U.S. refinery capacity has risen steadily since the mid-1990s. (Source: U.S. Dep’t of Energy web site.)
If gas supplies are tight because environmentalists are blocking permits for new refineries, how has U.S. ethanol refining capacity tripled since 2000? (Source: Newsweek
Stop and think about it: Why would oil companies invest in building new refineries in order to create a supply gut to force down the price of their product? For that matter, why would Saudi Arabia invest billions in expending their oil production in order to make their product worth less on the market?
Even a wingnut dope should be able to figure out what the real reason is for tight gasoline supplies and high gas prices.
glut not gut
chad@119…yes, it’s true and thank you for your comment. how refreshing that you said it.
in one year alone i spent 47,000 dollars on vet bills for homeless animals. and no matter what that idiot YLB says…i hardly then turn around and destroy anything. i despise developers and make a point of always living in old houses that my husband and i renovate.if i had a nickel for every time i had a poacher shove a gun in my face on our ranch…well, you know.that’s when i started shoving back. there is just nothing like the sound of a shell being chambered in a pump action snub nosed shotgun to get even an idiot’s attention. but i wasn’t about to let anyone kill the coyotes on our ranch. period.
and for all the YLB’s “out there” [in the fullest sense] here is a classic. this has been my experience and i double dog dare any of you whiny liberals to say other dad..who refers to himself as an endangered species because he is the last republican in marin county [LOL] has spent his entire life planting trees. he was my mentor as to how to treat the environment. well, this screechy idiot of a super liberal [he flies the UN flag in front of his house…natch]moves onto the property adjoining my dad’s and what is the FIRST thing mr. eco-know it all does???
cut down all the trees because, and i am quoting now ,’they might fall on his house [we should be so lucky] and they are blocking his view of the ocean.’
then there is my oldest friend ,who is a super liberal that spouts all the crap the fools here do and what does she do? drives a big SUV [while bitching about ,you got it, BIG OIL] and then she cuts down the giant redwoods in the yard of the old house she had just bought…cuts them down on a weekend, because she thought she could get around the heritage tree laws then. god…she’s stupid.they still fined her….but just a fine? so what? the trees are history. typical.but, HEY, she has a free tibet and keep tahoe blue sticker[ she built a giant “cabin” up there with all the other dot.commies…you know, cause they LOVE the environment so much.] on her giant SUV…and tibetan prayer flags in her house. so she is good to go in phony land.
they are all talk…….that has been my life long experience of liberals. if you want meaningless talk, or you want someone to tell other people how to live [they don’t have to follow their own preaching…they are SPECIAL] then a liberal is for you.
but, chad….my hat is off to you for your comment.