– Vote if you haven’t already. The Washington State Democrats want to make sure you do. Remember Seattle, if you don’t vote, the slightly worse candidate might be mayor.
– You don’t say, coal trains cause coal dust? Actually, in all seriousness, these sorts of studies are important, and even if the answer seems obvious, it’s important to have data.
– Construction starts in a few weeks on the seawall.
– Oh look Rachel Maddow mentioned the I-522 campaign:
$550 of the $22m raised against WA proposal to label GMO food comes from in-state. Not $550k, but $550: http://t.co/nJNuRFtlKu
— Rachel Maddow MSNBC (@maddow) November 4, 2013
– I’m not sure why zombies are so popular right now, but they can draw in cartography nerds.
I had to hold my nose and vote for “prefers Republican” aka Brian Dansel, but John Smith with his cult church, child bride and excessive avoidance of candor was just a bit much. I may have to run for State Representative in this District just to have a D on the ballot. Otherwise ho-hum…school board, hospital district trustee, and the usual suspects.
Police report that a 21-year-old Arlington man attacked a Korean man in Shoreline, dragging him onto Ballinger Way before bystanders helped to drag him off the Korean man. The offender mistakenly thought the Korean man was Japanese, and derided those protecting him, claiming he was among those responsible for Pearl Harbor. While the offender was being examined at a local hospital, he admitted he admitted that he attacked the man “…to keep white people straight”, and at another time claimed that the war in Vietnam was fought to benefit the Japanese.
Korean Man attacked by anti-Japanese bigot
So you have to wonder – what if the offender had a gun with him at the time he became so outraged?
The local TV stations are advertising that there election coverage starts at 6:30 p.m., but on the radio this morning they said the first King County ballot results wouldn’t be reported until 8:30 p.m.
I’ve got better things to do that watch talking heads for two hours talking to me from candidate’s headquarters and just filling time. Heck, not even all the ballots are mailed yet!
I voted.
Mayor Rob “I hate bicycles” Ford has admitted that he loves to smoke him some crack.
I’m on a road trip and thanks to mail in ballots got to vote with now fuss, muss, or trouble before I hit the road.
Another day another Rand Paul plagiarism.
Thus time he submitted and published an OpEd to the New York Times that’s largely verbatim cut and paste.
Any paper still willing to print anything ‘written’ by Rand?
Breaking, Intellectual lightweight libertarian can’t think for himself. Or doesn’t have the good sense to paraphrase.
Actually it was the Washington Times so no bug deal. Fake authorship in a fake paper.
Randroid’s crazy racist old man, Ron Paul, here at Cuccinelli’s wake, arguing for nullification and States’ Rights, as if the War of Northern Aggression had not been waged, and Dixie vanquished.
The Civil War, it is becoming clearer and clearer, in far from over.
Rand had to issue another statement on the plagiarism today and rather than challenge anyone to a duel he threw his staff under the bus.
So, Rand? Uh, does this mean that we should now assume that nothing you have ever said or written was done by you but instead you’re a puppet of your unelected staff?
Cue the Manchurian Candidate conspiracy in 5…4…
I was unpleasantly surprised last night to discover a half-hour propaganda video against I-522 on KCTS, disguised as a science program called Quest. It was apparently entirely recycled from the campaign against last year’s similar California ballot measure — even the sample ads were virtually identical to both pro- and anti-522 ads. The program represented pro-labeling groups as ignorant mobs trying to stick it to Monsanto, and featured scientists justifying their work with explanations that were frankly insulting to the intelligence of the viewer. (Literally: “Why should you be upset at adding fish genes to tomatoes, when you might eat fish and tomatoes in the same meal? What’s the difference?”)
I wonder if No on 522 will declare KCTS’s contribution on their financial reports?
All I know is that I will longer contribute to KCTS through my workplace’s charity matching program, and I’ll urge them to take KCTS off the program’s eligibility list. This wasn’t about informing the public, it was about misinforming them on the eve of a highly-contested election.
I noticed right-wing memes cropping up more and more on local and national public radio.
Locally, I find Ross Reynolds horrible at this – slimy insinuations, or very obvious biased assumptions behind his questions.
The other day the new AM format on KUOW, a national program, had a discussion of something…and included one serious right-winger, and an avowed ‘non-partisan’ spokesperson agreeing with most of what the right winger had to say – I don’t remember the context or topic, but just that I was appalled at the structural bias that was so completely transparent.
At this point we only give to KBCS. Go Amy Goodman!
Remember one year ago the Serially Always Wrong Troll predicted an Rmoney/Zombie Eyed Granny Starver victory.
No, he still has not paid off his lost wager.
Ah, yes, CheapshotBob. What a putz. At least he seemed a bit smarter than the puddibigot – we’re really left scraping the bottom of the proverbial barrel with our trolls these days.
Meanwhile, in Florida.
Oh, by the way, and in New Mexico.
Yep, those Republican States sure do love their freedoms.
Mr. Eckert, the victim in NM, should be receiving a large check from the second hospital, and its doctors, for that miscarriage of ethics, that assault.
The doctors involved should lose their licenses forever.
The cops – the powermad assholes who drove that fiasco, should be criminally prosecuted.
Sheesh, the guy, Ekert, doesn’t even have a Latino sounding name. (/snark)
I’m sure, at that last comment (meant as ironical commentary on the pervasive and vile racist nature of much of our nation’s law enforcement), puddibigot will show up braying about whether he understands the meaning of “snark”.
He doesn’t, of course.
Selective factoid on 522 from Rachel.
Yes, only $550 of the No campaign money came from in-state. But also, over 2/3rds of the Yes campaign money came from out of state.
From the linked article,
Thanks for pointing that out. In the future we’ll note that you think 33% = 0.0025%
@ 16
I could see medical malpractice, possibly forcible rape, kidnapping and felony assault, and thats just for the Doctors involved.
The Police took him across county line, and their warrant for the search was therefore invalid. They had no jurisdiction in that county no authority to search at all.
At least he got a good cleanout at the States expense.
@ 19
The Gila Regional Medical Center actually sent a bill to Mr. Eckert for getting forcibly sodomized, and threatened to send him to collections for not paying it. I would imagine that piece of evidence will persuade the jury to write him an even bigger check.
I Think you mean The War Of Southern Over Confidence.
To a DUMMOCRETIN, lying always justifies the means
PuddyCommentary… Obummer predicated a lie so he could keep da whitey house… Lying is always justified when you are a DUMMOCRETIN. Just look at the OutHouse response to the lady who wrote the Wall Street Article about her great insurance being forcably cancelled. Pfeiffer refers everyone to the DUMMOCRETINS ThinkProgress. Now we know who are really in Obummer’s back pocket!
From your sentence, it appears you don’t know how to use the word ‘predicated’.
It seems you might benefit from some remedial English classes at a local community college. With such tools, you might better be able to communicate your ideas, and perhaps not sound so much like an imbecile, like you do now.
With regard to Obama’s assurance that “you can keep your insurance if you want to”, I imagine that that notion was predicated on the idea that no one would want to keep their crappy policies when better ones, subject to the requirements of the ACA, became available.
We’ve actually seen that happen, for example, the woman interviewed by Fox, early on in this circus, has now stated that what she can buy on the ACA marketplace is a far better deal than the crap policy she had before.
Whenever you do something this big and this complicated, to address a problem like TENS OF MILLIONS of people without insurance, or only able to buy expensive/worthless insurance, that there are going to be problems, and that there are going to be people – limited in number and essentially anecdotal – who do not benefit.
Unfortunately, we have a craven news media, and we share the country with the evil and the stupid (see the puddibigot), and so stories of the 0.0001% dominate. From this we get the idiocy writ across these threads everyday from the useful idiots of the right.
@23 Maybe he was trying to say “fabricated”
@22 – Great Insurance….did you read the policy?
From your commentary you are clueless as always schmucko-moron…
See ya!
More horseshit from the king of HA DUMMOCRETIN horseshit schmucko-moron…
Tell this to these two people…
PuddyCommentary: Obummer loving DUMMOCRETINS are meeting the new Obummercare world. Their policy sucked per Obummer no matter how good it was.
@ 29
Ex-cons need jobs too.
Let the ex-cons have your personal information Fraggy!
Obummercare to break up marriages? Interesting…
Puddy wonders if the lockstep frogmarched November 2012 and voter Obummer? This environment is getting richer by the day!
To use Joe BiteME’s words… a BIG Effin Deal…
Looks like that $4 million was clearly money well spent eh DUMMOCRETINS?
Don’t egg him on, he’s only regurgitating the bullshit that Cornyn was spewing at the hearing with Sebelius yesterday.
Know what? I bet they’re BLACK, too!!! AAAAAGGGGHHH!!!!
Let’s take away their right to vote, too!
You know, the ‘Navigators’ are merely community organizers tasked with a narrow purpose.
Many members of the poor and of color communities are going to be ex-cons, given the racist posture of our judicial system.
Moreover, you’re not giving them your data – they’re helping you with the system and the website.
Again moreover, if this were a legitimate concern, and not a new scare screech for FoxNoise designed to make the old/suburban/white Teahaddists hate Black people even more, why didn’t any of the brilliant lights in the Republican Party bring this up when the legislation was being debated?
Oh, yeah, they don’t give a shit about legislating – they’re saboteurs out to destroy the Union government.
From the Annals of Pathetic Retorts, vol. XXLV, Nov 2013…..
I believe that ranked lower than, “I’m rubber and you’re glue….”