Sorry for adding to the OJ noise surplus, but this video was too funny not to post:
Small-world side note: I once played a round of golf with Yale Galanter’s father’s golf clubs (although I’ve never met either one). And much like OJ, I was unsuccessful in locating the real killers.
Ahhhhhhh……..!!!!!! Now we get to the REAL issues and important stuff!
Sad that you never met either of Yale Galanter’s father’s two golf clubs (break the sentance down, and ascertain the connection to it of the paranthetical phrase).
What I want to know is how dumb is the dead ringer for Nicole Brown Simpson woman who parades herself as Juice’s girlfriend? I’ll bet they don’t go into Sharper Image together…
And didn’t you know? O.J. busted into that room in a Vegas third-rate hotel not to recover allegedly stolen sports memorabilia, but because he heard the real killer was there looking to buy Juice’s “not guilty” suit for less than what Juice thought it was worth.
Here’s a news flash for you: O.J., Robert Blake, and Phil Spector have all been signed to appear in a remake of the slap-stick comedy “The Three Amigos.” The new star vehicle, to be called “The Three Homicidals,” will reportedly feature a scene in which our three cut-up (and shoot up) friends appear as contestants on the popular TV game show, The Dating Game, with the female contestant guaranteed a losing evening…and life…no matter who she chooses.
BTW…both Larry Craig and Brittany Spears sent O.J. flowers and baskets of fruit for getting them off the front page of every newspaper in the Western World and all the cable news networks.
The Piper
Awsome video thanks Goldy is trying to raise $1,000,000 to run ads attacking the Senators that voted to make sure our troops do not get as much rest between tours as they deserve.
In Britain troops get 3 years rest between 1 year tours. We can’t even give our troops 1 year between 15 month tours.
Why do Republicons hate our troops?
I truly believe they are attempting to destroy our military. Maybe they plan on hiring Blackwater to make up the difference. What? Oh, I guess they already are….. Nevermind. Won’t it be great having mercenaries, working for a Talibangelical wingnut kicking in your door someday?
Votes against the troops.
I gave to yesterday, and another $20 today.
The right wingers have to attack The surge is not helping the situation in Iraq no matter how much the general lies about it with the Republicons lying to back up his lies.
The only solution is political. Everyone agrees. Even General Betray Us. The liar. The pathetic liar. Just because he is a general doesn’t mean he can lie unchallenged.
I am sick of being lied to by the Bush Crime Family, and their helpers. Someone needs to end their reign of terror on our troops.
Our soldiers deserve far better.
Hell, I am gonna give another $25 right now. Take that you rightie liar lovers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton accused Gen. David Petraeus of intentionally exaggerating the success of the Iraq surge and predicted the military situation was unlikely to improve despite his efforts.”
I will go with Hillary on this one.
A gap-toothed, goofy-grinned Greek chorus.
Why do people treat Simpson like a criminal? He was found not guilty in a court of law. These people sound just like the rethuglicans ranting about Gregiore stealing the election.
Hey everyone, I found another democrat soldier who fought in Iraq….
Rufus @ 6
Don’t worry…I’m sure he’ll make a fine cell mate for you.
Fall of the Ruling Classes Spreads
Can it be a coincidence? The likely next PM of Australia plans to ditch the monarchy while on Wall Street Bush’s Rangers have switched their fealty to Barck and Hillary.
Coud this be the beginning of the Millenium? Are the
masseslords and lairs throwing over the Emperors and Emperesses?Imagine a Brave New World where the Queen and Shrub both retire to ? Dubai? I rather prefer the image in the Last Emperor where Pu Yi gets to work in a shoe factory.
Well If This about OJ ..
Imagine …
Star Watts, The Prequel to a Saga
Rise and Fall of OJ, the First Jedi to Join the Dark Side
I The ‘hood. A young, idealistic OJ grows up in a remote LA
II Empire and Hero. Triumphant and smiling and wielding a pass as if thrusting with a Jedi light saber, OJ stars at USC. A True Tojan!
III Beyond The Stars, As OJ moves into pro ball and begins to see …pain and injury and lots of money and women.
IV. The Clone Wars As an older, wiser OJ becomes a clown in grade B movies. People laugh behind his back.
V. The Evil Side. OJ comes acropper, kills his horse and his wife, but goes free because, well because the jury remembers the young Trojan Hero.
VI. The Downfall. The revenge of the force, as the universe tumbles on the once mighty hero.
They may need to hire Aeschylus to write the plot but perhaps the lead could go to Brad Pitt in black face? Having played Achilles, Pitt would be an ideal candidate to play an antiheroic Trojan.
I think George W. Bush just found a new buddy.
Who saved the world from tera-ism? This guy, right here. The perfect clown for this white house circus.
Brad Pitt as O.J.??? No, no, no!!! As Kato Kaelin, O.J.’s erstwhile fun-loving near-permanent house guest back in the early 90’s. Brad’s a spitting image dead ringer for Kato…which leads me to wonder…Separated at birth???
Given the publication of Juice’s book, “If I Did It,” owned now and published by the Goldman family, probably the only person who can play the role of such a despicable character is…the character himself, assuming, that is, that he kept his SAG dues current.
Query…Why do you think Brad Pitt would make a good antiheroic condom?
Why do people treat O.J. like a criminal? Because he is one. The justice system is imperfect, and sometimes the wrong person is convicted. Here, the wrong person was acquitted.
And while the standards of proof are different (preponderance of the evidence versus beyond a reasonable doubt), bear in mind that O.J. has a civil judgement against him for causing the wrongful death of two human beings.
Sure, he’s entitled to the full protection of the Constitution, and care must be taken to prove the current charges against him beyond a reasonable doubt rather than succumb to nearly everyone’s sense of rough justice (for you, Lee!) and send him up the river for what he did back down the road. But nary a soul will shed a tear, shake a head, or shrug down in sorrow if he’s convicted and sentanced to a l-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-n-g stretch in the Nevada pen.
Any who decry his current treatment ought to ask themselves this simple question: Would you want your daughter to marry him?
The Piper
@11 Piper
Take a look at the picture of Pitt … in Black Face and Helmet, he is a dead ringer for OJ.
I think Pitt is one of the funniest athletes pretending t be an actor playing a male hunk since Reagan played an actor pretending to be a Presudent. Pitt could play OJ perfectly, but he could never be cast as Reagan.
This could be the next Kevin Bacon phenom.
Pitt as GWB?
Pitt as John Wayne?
Pitt as Sigouney Weaver in Alien?
Pitt as the Alien?
Pitt as Fred Thompson?
Thompson as Eisenhower…
Sigourney Weaver as First Lady (she was a bangup one in Dave)…
The Piper
I have a feeling that he is going to beat this charge too and it will be another long OJ nightmare.
Vegas oddsmakers have him at 5 to 6 in favor of beating it.
At least he got Brittany, Paris, and Lindsey off the front page.
The Piper
Piper Scott,
“At least he got Brittany, Paris, and Lindsey off the front page.”
Meanwhile, American soldiers are getting maimed and killed in a senseless war…but at least we are keeping up on the latest OJ scandal.
What I find interesting is all the “old gang” of reporters and commentators from 1995 OJ trial that are back on the story.
Some are just like ” oh please not again, but if I have too,….alright.”
Others are more than embracing the story, and going bananas….” cool, more OJ!”
His poor children.
@5 A Concerned Democrap:
Because if you had a brain of your own and wasn’t such a dumb-sheep, you’d be able to think for yourself and realize that a.) He was guilty-whether he was convicted or not, and b.) That vile cunt stole an election fair and square. You jump off cliffs when your friends do it too? By all means consider it next time you’re peering over the edge….
Mark, look up Florida Choicepoint 2000.
Ohio 2004 Ken Blackwell.
And all you righties want to do is complain about our Governor “not” stealing an election, according to the most conservative judge the right wingers could find in Chelan.
You better not open your eyes Mark. You won’t like what you may find. Reality.
OJ only killed 2 people. Bush, with the help of braindead supporters has killed hundreds of thousands, all for lust for power, greed, oil, and for political gain of a corrupt dishonest immoral Republicon Party.
Satan has a special place for people like Bush, and Cheney. Hopefully for the “good German” types that help them get away with their daily crimes against humanity.
Bush’s day is coming…..
Nuremburg. Just a matter of time. Too many millions of people want real “Justice” for once. Not Gonzales style.
Must have been Dubya that sent OJ an anonymous email suggesting he bust into that Vegas hotel room. All done in an effort to take the heat off.
I have it on good authority that Karl Rove was buying him drinks right before hand…Got Juice juiced…in order to embolden him.
The weapons OJ, et al, used were from the private collection of Dick Cheney.
Brownie drove the get away car.
Before he even did the deed, Juice signed an exclusive contract to produce a 38-part mini-series on his life with Fox News.
Once Juice beats this rap, he’s been promised a seat on SCOTUS. Given his lenghy experience with the judicial system, he must be qualified.
The OJ Signature Ginsu Knife Collection will be available on the Home Shopping Network very soon.
Iraqi PM Maliki has hired OJ as a personal security consultant.
Iranian Prexy Achmagenocidaljad will secretly meet with OJ during his visit to the UN. OJ will come disguised as the ever famous author of the email outlining everyone’s path to riches, the Nigerian Oil Minister.
OJ’s new speed-dating service,, will be up and running in time for the holidays.
By Thursday next, Goldy will have HA transformed into an all-OJ, all the time blog.
You heard it here first…
The Piper
Mark1 is one of the ugliest trolls here. Seething in hate and bathed in a delusional Limbaugh-framed world.
Lie after lie after lie this troll has swallowed and still pukes up on cue.
2008 will be another strong dose of reality for these trolls. Their time has long passed but forever they will cling to the insanity of their glory days.
O mi gaawwd! Now here comes Piper with his neo-con fears of the swarthy, dark-skinned hordes.
OJ really pushes this guy’s buttons!
A neat opportunity rises to associate the fear of the “dark” with! Classic neocon wingnuttery!
Of course you had to bring Bushie into it-I don’t much care for the man either; but you being a typical ignorant Democrat blindly paint anyone who disagrees with your opinion as such. Maybe your the one who should open your eyes there brother… far as Mrs. Gregoire goes, she’ll get payback sooner or later-you can rest assured of that. BTW, how is her buddy Dean Logan doing in California? Rigging elections there too? Kennedy and former Chicago Mayor Daley comes to mind….
Hmmmm……I could make money selling t-shirts and bumper stickers that say, “Proud to have been called a wingnut at”
Thanks for the idea…
The Piper
Thanks Mark, you are right. Dems have played around with elections in the past. Just not Gregoire.
What happened in the past compared to what Jebbie, Harris, and Blackwell did is like comparing a grain of sand to the Rock of Gibralter.
No one party is clean.
The difference is the Governor of Alabama is sitting in prison, convicted by a corrupt justice system, ran by corrupt Republicon operatives in Alabama. Rove’s “girls” took care of him, just like he said.
What do we need the rule of law for when Rove tells the Prosecutors who to go after, and who not to.
24 – The “idea” is merely a product of your fevered imagination. I suggested no such thing.
And point out in my comment above where I called you a wingnut. Again, imagining things that aren’t there.
Which by the way characterizes almost all of your commentary.
Do you all know about ARS? This is newly discovered clinical entity that leads is victims into an alternative reality. ARS is similar ot paranoid schizophrenia except that instead of delusions of persecution, these folks have a stereotype set of views that range from the divinity of Jesus to the nobility of Chaney and surreality of global arming, While some folks are at first rational, after a few questions the ARS underlying fantasies take over. The victim here is a guy calling himself:
I decided to post a summary at SeattleJew
If Cliff wants to comment he is welcome but my main goal to to use Cliff as an argument that ARS is a clinical reality.
@21 YLB:
Funny, I was thinking that exact same thing about you. Maybe I challenge you to compare I.Q.’s? I’m guessing yours is around 80 or less. BTW, does YLB maybe stand for “your liberal bullshit”?
Mark1: Nice name for the Clueless one!
YLB: I think this fits better!
Hey Libbies: What? This can’t be!
Careful, YLB: Next, Marky will want to compare dicks, and Puddy will want to watch, and …
@39 Puddy .. did you read your post?
It is doubtful that foreign security contractors could be prosecuted under Iraqi law. A directive issued by U.S. occupation authorities in 2004 granted contractors, American troops and many other foreign officials immunity from prosecution under Iraqi law. Security contractors also are not subject to U.S. military law under which U.S. troopers face prosecution for killing or abusing Iraqis.
@31 Chadt-ty pooh:
Sounds like you’re the one with endowment (or lack thereof) issues. Those of us that are secure in that area need not discuss such topics.