– Happy Halloween
– Nevada Republican would allow slavery
– The Chamber of Commerce is the worst.
– I’m all for environmentalists working to make broad coalitions, but I’m not sure corporate interests and reactionaries will stop mocking them needlessly.
It’s nice to see the progress of all those republican jobs bills.
So much for principles. I would love to know that Nevada republican option if his constituents were found to be pro choice or pro gun regulation. Are there just some things what would be too extreme for him?
I liked this comment
Maybe that Nevada Republican was talking to these guys?
Maybe this is the guy who posts as puddy?
Good Mornin’,buddies!
Mighty nice fall day.
My name is Cuddly.It’s my first post here and what I like to do is make a good impression straight off,because I figure to be the bull goose loony of this blog!
With me as your loony you will never get recycled crazy from someone else this is all 100% Cuddly Crazy!
That one story reminds me of when they(and you know who they are) had to whack M.M. because JFK mumbled top secrets in “the act”(JEH had the tapes[don’t get me going about JEH]).It wasn’t JFK’s fault it was all the dope they had him on.Gotta go(my pill timer just went off).
Ah,yes now I am refreshed!
I find that there is a vast rainbow between Crazy and Insane.
In the simplest way to put it, Crazy may be “good” but Insane can never be “good”.Oh, there I go sounding like a Dr. or something when all I wanted to say was”Hi”.
@1 It’s worth noting that the industry with the narrowest “job gap” is (drum roll….) Finance and Insurance.
So, just hypothetically speaking, what pray tell would Assemblyman Wheeler do if it was evident even to him that the majority of his constituents were in favor of universal free contraceptive services, or for the state to refrain from passing any new laws intended to restrict abortion rights?
@7. The easy answer is that he would object and ignore the will of the people.
(snark) There are some lines that are just not to be crossed. (end snark)
I do know how it feels to be in a room and the Dr.s pretend you are not there.Like when I was trying to tell people about how Eugene Levy was on T.V. pretending to be Saddam right before S&A.I think the pills were better back then.
Heart Shaped Symbol,
There was a new guy who just showed up yesterday in a Civil War blog site arguing that the Bible sanctioned slavery, so who are we to oppose it? Even the neo-confederates were taken aback by this one.
I’d be interested in hearing Puddy’s take on this. Ready to go back to picking cotton in the fields, Puddy?
(Note, my mother picked cotton on the family farm in Alabama when she was quite young – she said it takes a while to learn to do it right so you don’t get pricked by the sharp parts surrounding the cotton).
It is easy to want the status quo. I understand that,but remember these words…”There are no conditions of life to which a man cannot get accustomed,especially if he sees them accepted by everyone around him.”
I must get some things done before that damn timer.
@1 The latest rightwing meme is that unemployment benefits and food stamps cause unemployment by making people lazy. I see this argument every day on investing blogs, which tend to lean conservative.
Well, if they want to pursue this “logic” to its logical conclusion, then capitalism makes me lazy, because why should I work when I’m making $65,000 a year from flipping stocks?
2,3 — It’s a manifestation of Republicans’ deep-seated antipathy to paying for work. They believe labor should be free.
@12, See @1. There are not jobs out there for everyone who wants to work.
Pesky Facts.
I have a theory that all the tea baggers are miss-remembering the 1950 and 1960s when our economy was going full bore and anyone white who wanted a middle class job, could get one. Anyone white who didn’t have a good job really was lazy or had bad moral character.
Now the economy is different and they don’t want to see that, that they have let their position of privilege and ease slip away. They would rather punish the jobless than deal with the facts that people cannot find jobs. Punish the messenger.
To quote Alan Parsons Project
“we believe in freedom and charity,
as long as I get mine…
There used to be a life-line
There isn’t anymore”
@12…many years ago I worked logging in western Montucky when everything was going gangbusters. Many of the mills would shut down for two to four weeks beginning of hunting season for “maintenance”. They were closed long enough for us to qualify for UI but short enough that we wouldn’t need to find other jobs plus we got UI which was pretty generous in Montucky in those days. The downside? Bad luck of the draw for who get to stay at work and clean up for the millwrights and fitters to work. Even worse if you got assigned to clean out the pulp liquor tanks.
That empathy deficit also seems to play a big factor, they just cannot see the bad stuff they are promoting, ever happening to them, so it’s OK.
They will never need food stamps or unemployment assistance, so stop funding them.
They will always have health insurance from their job or from the government so why do they care if others cannot get it.
If pensions funds default, it doesn’t effect them so vote to break contracts.
Stop supporting disaster relief for other people, because their neighborhood is safe.
Do they still have logging there in western Montucky?
Or is it like Oregon, where they have cut down everything they can, and the rest is protected to support endangered animals. That drives them crazy in Oregon by the way. Especially when a climate change forest fire burns up the protected growth they could have logged.
“The really terrible thing is that everyone has his reasons.”
Jean Renoir
Another visual reason that Republicans are despised by regular people and admired by tea baggers.
A fine animated gif
Happy Halloween. Now go eat candy.
Oh,now I get it.If it’s being incomprehensible that you need in your loonies well alright…
The world really does love you.
Bye for now.
from Michele Bachmann:
“We have to ban Halloween to save the children. That’s how they indoctrinate them you know. Giving them Satan’s candy sacks. Soon you’ve got a country full of children sucking on Satan’s sacks and thinking liberal thoughts instead of good Christian ones.”
So on this Hallowed day, make sure your kids don’t suck on Satan’s sacks and think good Christian thoughts instead of liberal ones.
Oh goody, we have a new troll to kick around! At first I thought s/he/it was gonna spam this thread with ads for pay porn sites.
As the unofficial HA greeter, it is my ex officio duty to welcome our new troll, and brief him/her/it on HA’s ad hoc posting rules, to wit:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here, except JCH.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of America-hating rightwing trolls.
5. No mercy for wingnuts!
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender, and there will be trials.
7. klake is a nazi.
Any questions?
Huntsman Sr. Was Reid’s Romney-Paid-No-Taxes Source
“The source behind Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) bold claim that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney had paid ‘basically’ no taxes for a decade was Jon Huntsman Sr., a new book on the 2012 campaign claims.
“The New York Times on Thursday offered details from ‘Double Down: Game Change 2012,’ a behind-the-scenes account of the election by political reporters Mark Halperin and John Heilemann.
“Among the nuggets in the book is the reveal that Reid’s source was Huntsman, a longtime backer of Romney. In a July 2012 interview with The Huffington Post, Reid said a Bain Capital investor had told him that the former Massachusetts governor ‘didn’t pay any taxes for 10 years.’ Reid stood by the claim throughout the campaign. Huntsman Sr. … was suspected by some to be Reid’s source.”
Some dogmatics would rather make a statement than help people in need.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Conservatives are against government safety net programs. They argue private charities should take over that function. This shows why you can’t trust private charities to do it.
Puddy been busy so Puddy just skimmed Roger SENILE DIMWITTED and LUNATIC DUMBASS Wabbit’s useless commentary above and in the 10/29 thread. Wow all these DUMMOCRETINS slapping their backs while ObummerCare had only 6 real peeps sign up the first day!
Now it seems more people will have their health care affected by ObummerCare than previously thought.
Oh yeah that crazy heading from the HA lead DUMMOCRETINS on Rachel MadCow accusing Rand Paul of plagiarizing… Puddy realizes anything from MadCow is “gospel” to HA DUMMOCRETINS. Butt, alas, she got it wrong, AGAIN. Now it seems she may have plagiarized…
Did Lois Lerner really do this? FOIA requests are so powerful!
CSX and employees represented by 4 Labor unions at it’s Huntington, West Virginia locomotive shop, have reached an agreement that is being called a Landmark in the history of Railway Labor relations.
Update on the alleged Crack-smoking Mayor of Toronto. The Toronto Police have the video.
I was just watching the CBC, and it gets more interesting, the Toronto Sun, which unlike the Globe and Mail supported Ford, seems to have turned, based on the latest info.
If whites can have slaves again, I claim Puffy.
@32 was he smoking crack with Puffy?
this is an ok article! Coach Sneakers Online Shop http://knowledgeearth.com/coac.....-shop.html
@34. That’s nasty. don’t be WORSE than them. Even as jokes. Cause that’s what they always say…we were just joking!
I’m not bothering with the person who plays Puddy. He either wouldn’t admit he was wrong or is too stupid know he is. This is to the wider HA community.
He posted a sad attempt at false equivalency.
Rachael Maddow had story elements that were similar to blogs posts but not the exact same. She reworked the ideas, from where ever she or her staff got them, to make them her own.
rand paul read long passages right off the wiki pages as his speech. He directly stole the words.
The Great American Ripoff: The High Cost of Low Taxes
There is so much good stuff in this article. I wanted to post about every other paragraph.
Once again we see the puddibigot doing what he does best…..whine like a little victim, make claims and provide a link….which does not support what he’s saying.
Is he illiterate? or just stupid?
Puddibigot is MAD, just really MAD at Rachel Maddow for making Rand Paul look like the buffoon he is…for plagiarizing Wikipedia. So the puddles finds a website claiming Maddow also plagiarized that lists two whole episodes of non-plagiarism by Maddow, while calling it plagiarism. The linked blogpost ends with a confirmation that Rand Paul plagiarized Wikipedia’s words, by saying Paul credited the original movie, happily imagining away the FACT that Paul’s words were verbatim from Wikipedia.
Do these people even understand the definition of plagiarism?
I suppose not, because after all, we’re dealing with a puddibigot who doesn’t know the difference between ‘vault’ and ‘vaunt’.
This is what homeschooling and general hatred of education will get you…..stupidity.
NTfF…just saw your take-down of the idiocy of puddibigot and the whiny republicans above.
But hey, we’re all in this together – happy to lend a hand!
It’s the right’s greatest scam – convincing wide swaths of the country that government is bad.
It’s an insidious attack on democracy itself, as is every Norquistian pledge and cry for ‘States’ Rights’.
They’ve convinced people that we cannot band together to get things done, that the only way to accomplish anything good is via the good graces of someone with a pile of money who is in the process of making more. It’s an incremental, inexorable move to plutocracy and neo-feudalism.
It is an attack on progress itself and will lead backward to a society with a thin crust of fabulously wealthy aristocracy, a slightly wider strata of enforcement pawns who have been bought off to control the vast sea of desperate worker serfs at the bottom, powerless and manipulable for the sole benefit of those at the top.
Part of the enforcement strata are of course police and military wielding physical coercion, but also the preachermen, sowing fear and hatred, keeping the illusory factions dividing the poor at each others’ throats – the bigotry of the puddibigot a prime example on this blog – transparent for all to see.
Per you example, NTfF, low taxes benefit no one but the rich, biggest bait-and-switch in history.
@42. Given your extrapolation of where this could end up, of a paraphrased thin crust of fabulously wealthy aristocracy, a slightly wider strata of enforcement pawns, and huge number of desperate worker serfs at the bottom,
is this already in practice in the world?
We always point to Somalia as a republican dream of no taxes, but is your serf world in place anywhere?
Shots fired, people injured, at LAX this morning.
Speaking of plagiarizing, Cruddly seems to have “borrowed” the bull goose loony stuff from Ken Kesey’s “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”.So does that make Goldy Big Nurse?
McDonalds, the poster boy for hot-coffee injury lawsuits, is getting sued for another hot-coffee injury.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Some companies never learn, or just don’t give a damn; conservatives’ solution for this is to immunize intansigent companies like McDonalds from lawsuits.
(Disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns McDonalds stock.)
Here is the victim’s lawyer’s explanation of why McDonalds continues to serve dangerously hot coffee:
“Despite over 1,000 complaints from customers about being burned by the coffee, McDonald’s still continues to brew the coffee at such an exceptionally high temperature,” Wagner said. “They are saving more in production costs in brewing coffee and serving at such high temperature than it costs them to settle the cases with these people who have been injured.”
And that’s exactly why it will take hefty punitive damages to force McDonalds to change its behavior.
@25 Roger, maybe it’s time to do an update on the Semi-Official Rules document because hardly anyone remembers JCH or Klake, and any newcomers would likely find Puddles to be the most inexplicable thing about our little corner of cyberspace.
I cannot fathom why anyone who wasn’t born into an old, white, middle to upper class family would ever vote for a Republican.
There are some seriously crazy people in this country. The fact that that craziness seems to be considered a positive aspect of these people’s personality and it gets them elected, appalls me to no end.
Looks like the LAX shooter is another rightwing nut acting out his conspiracy fantasies with an assault rifle.
“The man who allegedly killed a TSA worker and wounded three others at Los Angeles International Airport on Friday had anti-government literature in his possession outlining an alleged conspiracy to create a single global government, law enforcement sources tell NBC News.
“The sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the material recovered from Paul Anthony Ciancia, 23, after the shootout at LAX appeared to have been prepared by a group called ‘New World Order. One source said it also expressed animus toward racial minorities.”
Fellow conservatives, remember the script. If a conservative goes on a killing spree, that’s just a lone individual, and nothing should done. If any one else goes on killing spree, we must condemn the whole group and pass laws that punish and marginalize everyone from that group.
@48 How can anyone forget JCH or klake? The ad hoc posting rules immortalized them.
35)Probably not, it was supposedly with some known drug dealers.
35)Probably not, it was supposedly with some known drug dealers.
Sorry for the delay…that job thingy gets in the way sometimes.
As for when/where my dystopian scenario might be in practice…I think of it like a modern version of feudal, Dark Ages Europe – tiny ‘aristocracy’, dependent guys with weapons, many many dirt poor serfs. More recently, pre-revolutionary Russia was like this – serfs bonded to the land – which was owned by a small elite.
The share-cropping system is the post-Civil War South existed up until very recently, and resembles this distribution of wealth and dynamics.
I’m not a historian, but I suspect that the wide expansion of prosperity and a Middle Class after WWII – fueled by both unionism that dated to pre-war Depression and the massive public works spending and public defense spending of the Depression and WWII, respectively – spread a great deal of wealth broadly, and that this was an historical anomaly, but a positive, evolutionary change to society.
That the right-wing/plutocracy has been trying desperately (and regrettably successfully) to undo these economic changes speaks to their motivation to return to a Gilded Age.
The failure of the Middle Class has come from it’s vulnerability to be manipulated and exploited by its racism – prospering white workers have been convinced that their enemy is a brown fellow worker, rather than a rich white guy. As such, they’ve voted against their own interests and have nearly driven themselves to extinction.
Corrosive allegiance to skin-color or religion has trumped true shared interests defined by economic situation, and this has been manipulated by assholes like ALEC and the Kochs and a long line of other evil cynical rich white old men, and people desperately wanting to be rich white old men, whom Jesus loves best.