– I don’t know why we’ve developed a system where Microsoft gives any money to anyone.
– OMG look at all the ferrigners votin’ in R elektionz. Oh, wait, what? Facts?
– I cannot tell you how much it warms my heart that K Records is getting involved in the Thurston County PUD race.
– The sunset was pretty spectacular last night.
The Michael Brown grand jury leaker was a hacker, the prosecutor says: “He specifically cited the tweet under the name of Susan M. Nichols on Oct. 1. The tweet suggested that an unidentified friend serving on the grand jury said the panel lacked evidence to warrant criminal charges. Nichols, of Affton, said her Twitter account had been hacked and that she had made no such tweet. She was telling the truth, McCulloch said — an investigation revealed that Nichols’ account was hacked and the person who actually wrote the tweet was unknown.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Someone out there has an agenda. I’m not a techie; does anyone know how hard (or easy) it is to hack a Twitter account? I wonder if it was someone in law enforcement?
Brilliant multicolored sunsets mean there’s a lot of dust in the air refracting sunlight. Around here, it’s not unusual for such sunsets to occur when there’s a forest fire on the Olympic Peninsula, although the atmospheric pollution that creates pretty sunsets comes from a variety of sources, not least urban smog. Just sayin’ …
And, (u)SP returns to fine form — none of the front-page posts allow comments. A return to normalcy! :-)
Return to normalcy: that’s what Warren G. Harding said in a speech after he was elected. Of course, normalcy of the day was Prohibition, one of the stupidest ideas our country ever had!
And we’re continuing that stupidity today with the War on Drugs and the overseas mistakes in the Middle East.
@3 Yeah, I see Jim Miller has his tinfoil hat firmly affixed to his head.
So Obummer’s sadministration calls Netanyahu a chicken$h^t and a coward insult and Obummer doesn’t care about insult.
Typical say anything DUMMOCRETINS. Jen Psaki and Josh Earnest didn’t deliver an apology! James Rosen and James Risen had their phone records and emails investigated. Of course DUMMOCRETINS can say anything without retribution!
Jeffrey Goldberg is a favorite reporter of Obummer’s sadministration. So this wasn’t some low level DUMMOCRETIN flunkie talking to Jeffrey Goldberg!
The Maine nurse who is defying the 21 day Ebola quarantine is an Obummer flunkie! She had no response when confronted with the military’s 21 day quarantine of returning soldiers or California implementing a quarantine!
DUMMOCRETINS, never follow the rules… Rules don’t apply to DUMMOCRETINS!
Sharyl Attkisson delivers an ASSkicker of a book on the CBS-Obummer love fest! Fast and Furious blown up by her and Obummer’s Ben Rhodes calls his big bro CBS David Rhodes and kill all Sharyl’s stories!
DUMMOCRETINS are scum of the earth!
More DUMMOCRETIN scum! http://www.truthrevolt.org/new.....ace-prison The video is priceless!
@7 So now you’re in favor of our government locking up health care professionals for going to African countries to save black lives in order to pander to rightwing fearmongers? Figures. That’s your speed alright. All of us on this blog know you well and that comment is completely in character for you.
And PMSNBC are more Obummer DUMMOCRETIN scumbags… http://newsbusters.org/blogs/m.....s-dems-win
Yeah, I see Jim Miller has his tinfoil hat firmly affixed to his head.
He knows to screw it down harder when he starts having “thoughts”.
– OMG look at all the ferrigners votin’ in R elektionz. Oh, wait, what? Facts?
Jim has his point completely eviscerated, and so he immediately decides to play pretend media critic again. Fixing his own mistakes just isn’t in the realm of possibility for him. (Although he somehow managed to go two whole posts without attacking Patty Murray, so maybe he’s slipping in his old age.)
Puddles, puddles of…fantasies. There are nor ebola rules for 21 days quarantine, at least none based on science. Now if one is symptomatic, that’s another thing. But your folks don’t believe in science, so no surprise there. And if you don’t get the difference between military members who will be paid during their entire time and a volunteer, I won’t explain it to you.
The right went ballistic over the President changing an effective date for the ACA. Now they are objecting to the fact he has not usurped local authorities and acted contrary to medical experts and taken away individual liberties, locking people away.
Wasn’t another right wing fantasy that there were internment camps? Are you now asking for them?
Why is the military enforcing a 21 day quarantine if not on science? Why is a California DUMMOCRETIN guvnur creating a quarantine for ebola peeps?
Why are you so ignorant and stooooooooopid of facts? DUMMOCRETIN of course!
Hmmm, no reply to my #10 from the loon yet, he must still be clutching his balls and gasping for air.
Friday News Headlines
We have three big stories today:
1. A judge just kicked the stuffing out of GOP Gov. LePage and his friend and fellow traveler Puddy by refusing to impose restrictions on Hero Nurse Kaci Hickox. The judge went with the CDC’s rational science-based guidelines and told LePage’s thugs to stuff it.
2. The stock market shot up 165 Dow points after the Bank of Japan dumped massive QE into the Japanese economy overnight. I’ve made about $2,500 since getting out of bed. Sucks to be a worker in this economy, but that’s not my problem, I’m a capitalist now. I should be taxed more.
3. A private spaceship crashed during a test flight today, killing one pilot and seriously injuring the other.
“And, (u)SP returns to fine form — none of the front-page posts allow comments. A return to normalcy! :-)”
Leave it to Jim Miller to put (u)SP back into a coma. And the week before the election, no less.
Mars Hill Church is no more.
A new scientific study of physiological differences between liberals and conservatives reveals that conservatives’ brains are mush.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We finally have a medical explanation of why they’re so damn stupid.
The Navy SEAL who wrote a book about the Bin Laden raid is under criminal investigation for disclosing classified information at his corporate speaking gigs.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wonder if his speaker’s fee includes a slide show?
If the government forces you to buy health insurance that will cost you $21 a year,* sue the bastards! FREEDOMZ!!!
* Not a typo.