– On Friday I had a piece making fun of The Seattle Times for a guest editorial they had poo pooing these kids today in downtown Seattle. But apparently, there are kids today in downtown Olympia too. Horror!
– The new health care law is more than just a website. And people are actually getting insurance.
– The Cruelty of “Medical Necessity”
– RIP Lou Reed
– Just re-read this short bit by Cortazar over the weekend, and you should too.
Lou Reed. Walk on the Wild side. Dirty Blvd., I Love You, Suzanne, Sweet Jane, especially the cover by the Cowboy Junkies
I just drove through Arizona on I-40. Apparently, Arizonia’s congresspeople and senators have been too busy bitching about Obama to see that their section of I-40 stays fixed up. The road’s in bad enough shape that I had to keep my cruise control set at 5 under the limit most of the way.
@3 Be careful you don’t look too Hispanic when you’re driving through Sheriff Joe’s jurisdiction.
# 2: The last time I drove through Arizona, I was moving out here. We headed west to L.A., where we took a day for my wife to visit her Dad, and then drove north on I-5 to Seattle in time for the start of classes at the U.W. Back then, I don’t remember anything being wrong with the highway. But this was before Prop. 13, Ronald Reagan, etc.
That would be an interesting sci fi book, set in the near now, the red states have continued to decline,the blue states have stayed even or progressed. The red states have no infrastructure, schools, roads, taxes, health care. Women and minorities cannot vote easily in the red states.
@5 Yet the red states are the most highly dependent on federal dollars.
What would happen if the blue states cut them off the federal dollars to the red states, in the name of states rights or something?
Hopefully they’d secede
A federal judge appointed by Shrub has struck down the admitting privileges requirement of the Texass anti-abortion law filibustered by Texass Democratic legislator Wendy Davis.
Requiring abortion doctors to have hospital admitting privileges has become a standard tactic of Republicans across the nation in their efforts to shut down abortion clinices.
Crooks And Liars Dep’t
Former Arizona GOP congressman Rick Renzi has been sentenced to
3 years in prison for corruption.
In Colorado, rural conservatives upset about their state turning blue from an influx of urban dwellers are floating a plan to apportion state legislative seats by county instead of population. That’s akin to Whitman County having the same number of legislators as King County in our state. And that’s bullshit — if not unconstitutional under the “one person, one vote” rule.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is a perfect illustration of the fascist mindest of conservatives. They don’t believe in majority rule, they believe conservatives should make all the rules, no matter what the majority wants; and if you disagree with their agenda, the hell with you, they intend to impose it on you anyway.
The stupidity just keeps coming from the mouths of Republican legislators.
“A Nevada assemblyman came under fire Monday after a YouTube video surfaced in which he told a Republican gathering he would vote to allow slavery if that is what his constituents wanted him to do.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary; It appears this moron doesn’t think he has any responsibility to check the Constitution before endorsing a constituent’s legislative idea. Of course, after he got caught and was denounced by politicians of both parties, he backpedaled.
Unlike this guy who was unashamedly, unbashedly, steadfastly, and violently pro-slavery.
@14 You think you’re lazy? You’re an amateur compared to me! I sleep until noon, don’t work, and only produce rabbit pellets. I flip stocks. In other words, I’m a capitalist! This is perfectly legal, can you believe that?! Under a system like this, why would anyone work?
NSA: Out Of Control?
Sen. Dianne Feinstein told reporters tonight that neither President Obama nor the Senate Intelligence Committee knew the National Security Agency was spying on leaders of friendly countries.
“Feinstein’s overall comments confirmed recent news reports on the National Security Agency electronic surveillance network revealed in classified leaks by former agency Agency contractor Edward Snowden,” CNN said in a news story.
The White House signaled intent to rein in the NSA’s activities. “We give them policy direction, but … their capacities continue to develop and expand, and that’s why I’m initiating … a review to make sure … what they’re able to do doesn’t necessarily mean what they should be doing,” he said.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If Obama is serious, one of the things he’ll do is recognize that Edward Snowden is no public enemy but rather has performed a public service by pardoning him so he can return home and live unmolested in his own country.
Hawaii could be the next state on marriage equality. The bill just cleared the State Senate Judiciary committee, goes to the full state Senate. Any opposition will be Democrats, I believe the Republican caucus is against it, but the Hawaiian State Senate GOP Caucus is one guy representing Diamond Head.
I hear the repubs continue to say repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. They never say with what. Ever.
@11. Conservatives. Anything to stay in power. Anything.
Juan Cole @ Informed Comment makes the point that Feinstein was down with the program of spying on leaders as long as it was on the leaders of a certain skin color,but when it’s a white europeans, well time to draw the line. Feinstein is as bad for this country as the fucking teabaggers!