– UW people, here’s a chance to ride in the rain.
– RIP George McGovern and praise the lord if you’re paying high taxes.
– The most important endorsement ever.
– News Corp’s shareholders are not particularly happy with the way the company is being run.
– I’m not as big a sriracha person as the author of this piece (how could anyone be?), but by coincidence I was having some soup when I started reading it, and immediately decided to add some. It was exactly what it needed.
Sandra Fluke addresses a screaming, overflow crowd of 10 in Nevada!! And the Reno newspaper covers it with a 500 word article. What a joke pretending to be journalists.
@1 Jerry, you may not have been to Reno recently. With its faded casinos dying off from competition from the Indian casinos in California and its reliance on a couple of automated transhipment centers for jobs, a crowd of even 5 people would warrant the attention of the Gazette. I dare say that Mitt’s dog could draw comparable attention.
Reno is Greg Lemond’s hometown.
Since we’re back to, you know, one American cycling hero and all.
Wal-Mart boss Sam Walton funding Obama big time
Wal-Mart Chairman Sam Walton has apparently given big to Obama’s SuperPAC.
This actually makes sense. Under Obama, college grads can’t find good jobs, and they therefore go to work for Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart gets educated workers willing to make $10 per hour.
Hell, if I were Wal-Mart management, I’d want to see current economic state continue as well.
@4 Blaming Obama for the Republican Depression of 2007-? yawn
Slow news day. Rasmussen has Romney up 4 in CO, with IA poll release later today.
Stephanie Cutter says Benghazi is not a foreign policy failure. Apparently stupidity has to cost more than four American lives before Team Obama will man up and admit they screwed this one up big time.
The Donald sez he’s got some dirt to dish on The One. Gloria Allread sez she’s got some dirt to dish on Mitt. IOW we’re into silly season.
Both NPR this morning and Seattle Times today say Inslee’s not going to raise taxes. So, how does he get all those things he says he’ll do accomplished? Just a thought.
I see my coal stocks are up this morning. Arch Coal +8%, Peabody Coal +12%. Yes, I know these are dirty investments, but capitalism sure beats working. I’m going back to bed while the stock market makes money for me in my sleep. I’ll see you poor cubicle toads again later. Yawn, stretch …
The “Praise the Lord” attitude toward having a good income and paying substantial taxes is in direct opposition to the “MOOOORRRRRE!!!!” and “I GOT MINE!” attitudes of contemporary wealthy right wingers, like Dr. Robert.
Apparently the worst thing in the world is being successful within the confines of the system we have, and actually contributing to the perpetuation of that system.
@6 “Slow news day.”
Not for me. See #7.
Gee, I wonder why coal stocks are rising….
The latest national poll shows Mitt Romney with the largest lead over President Obama this campaign based on Gallup’s polling. In Gallup’s Daily Tracking poll out Thursday, Romney leads the president by 7 points, with Romney obtaining 52 percent support of likely voters to Mr. Obama’s 45 percent.
The results continue the latest trend shown in Gallup’s polling – Romney gaining an advantage in a race that has been consistently close. Just four days ago the same poll showed Romney leading by just 2 points, which is within the margin of error.
Thanks for pointing that out, RR.
Aren’t the polls supposed to be heading in Obama’s direction, since MSNBC pretty much said Romney didn’t even show up to debate #2?
Just sayin’.
Sorry Carl the PUD issue in Thurston County is a scam looking for a mark. This will not solve any problems.
@ 8
It’s ‘I earned mine.’
And that’s by having a good income and paying substantial taxes. Despite layers and layers of taxation, it’s possible, over time, to put away money if you’re not an idiot.
If you happen to be an idiot, well, stupidity should be painful.
So everyone without substantial wealth is an idiot?
And your good income – that just happened? You, in a vacuum, all by your little lonesome, morphed into a ‘good income’ generator? Where did you start in life, Robert?
It’s the same old story – wealthy Republican doesn’t want to pay taxes….imagines he owes nothing to the system that allowed him to become wealthy in the first place. Republicans….can’t see beyond the end of their noses.
I imagine the greed leads to the severe myopia, huh?
YES! More pain for the poor, those stupid idiots!!
Republicanism, in a nutshell.
Thank you, Dr. Robert – now go read an MRI, you’re patient is waiting while you troll around here. Besides, you’ll get paid for it, likely thanks to Medicare.
# 4: WalMart relys on the lower rungs of the middle-class, and the poor, as it’s customer base. Those are the very people hit hardest by the Bush Rescession, and they know it will only get worse under a Romney presidency. So it just makes financial sense for them to hope Obama gets re-elected.
Hey righties, when your guy wins the election and shows up for his first day on the job, which Mitt will show up?
@10 “Gee, I wonder why coal stocks are rising….”
Because Peabody Coal reported 2nd quarter profits 50% above analyst estimates, 51 cents vs. 34 cents.
If you did a little research before shooting off your mouth, you wouldn’t look like such a fucking idiot.
I’m not a day trader, and don’t buy or sell stocks all that often; even though I’m a flipper, I typically hold a stock for at least 2 to 3 years. So, it’s a bit of a news item when I buy a stock.
I bought Intel today.
This is not a “new” stock for me, because we already own some Intel in our IRAs. But I more than doubled our Intel holding this morning by buying shares for my taxable dividend-income portfolio.
The rationale is this. Technology stocks sold off last week because of weak PC sales. Also, the sector had become overvalued; tech stocks, pulled along by Apple’s booming sales, have been a favorite of investors all this year. Intel has dropped from over $29 this summer to under $21.50 now, and at the current price, Intel yields over 4% — and Intel has been steadily raising its dividend, so that income should continue to increase. So I bought it today as an income stock with the idea of collecting those 4%-plus dividends for several years.
Whether this is a good stock for anyone else depends on their own individual investing situation. I’m not saying you should buy it or not; that’s entirely up to you.
I guess it all depends on which Mitt shows up.
The whole “war on coal” thing’s just another Romney lie, btw.
@13 “It’s ‘I earned mine.’”
Bullshit. That certainly doesn’t apply to me. I’m raping the stock market. Call that a “business” or “earned income” if you want, but I call it what it is: FREE MONEY, in the sense of legalized theft, courtesy of lemmings, and of professional money managers who know better but have no choice about selling me their Intel shares for $21.48 when their stupid clients pull money out of stock mutual funds to move it to bonds paying nothing that are sure to go down in market value when interest rates go up.
@20 It’s very clear that low coal prices and reduced coal demand are due to cheap natural gas. That situation is reversing. Gas prices have been going up as shale drillers redirect production from gas to oil. Also, the natural gas glut isn’t just due to fracking, gas prices also were beaten down by a shortage of facilities to handle all of the gas coming out of the ground, with the result that some of the gas didn’t have anywhere to go. That headwind on gas prices also is easing as the “invisible hand” of market demand for gas brings more pipelines and storage tanks on line. And don’t overlook the export market for coal; in Europe, natural gas costs 10 times as much as coal, and China is building coal plants at the rate of 1 new plant per day. My coal stocks will do fine, no matter who wins the election.
I don’t think I’ll let Cereal Bob invest my money for me. I won’t let him perform surgery on me, either. And, while I’m at it, nor will I follow his political advice. He doesn’t know what he’s doing.
I did my mail-in voting yesterday and dropped my ballot in the box over at the local fire department drop box. I did exactly what I said I’d do. I wrote-in Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich for prez and vice-prez, respectively. I voted for I-502 and R-74. I voted for McKenna for gov since a friend asked me to do so and I didn’t see any Libertarian running for gov this time. I voted for some guy named Heck ( a Dem) as a vote against Muri (a Rep) for the House position.
I’m a little worried about the election for prez if Romney wins. He might send out the 82nd Airborne to kill us all if I-502 passes. Heck, Mormons don’t even drink coffee or tea, so what do you think their reaction is going to be if we vote to legalize cannabis for recreational use?
Sure he earned his, and I earned mine, and Steve earned his and rhp6033 and Liberal Scientist earned their’s as did the CNA’s at the Alzheimer care place down the street from my house. But some how, Serial thinks he’s unique or special in the fact “he earned his.”
Sorry Serial, but you’re just like the rest of us.
It all depends on which Mitt shows up for work.
@24 “I voted for McKenna for gov since a friend asked me to”
A real brainy voter who does his own thinking, aren’t you?
Muri’s a fucking joke. Denny Heck’s actually a pretty cool guy, he was one of the founding members of TVW and has worked in political stuff off and on.
@24 (continued) Rather than worry about what Romney will do if cannabis is legalized, maybe you should worry about whether he’s going to ban coffee and tea.
This isn’t a worry if a caffeine-eschewing Democrat gets in, because we aren’t going to tell you what to do with your own body. With Republicans it’s different, because they’re on a power trip and want to tell everyone else how to live. Romney’s religion is an issue because there’s a legitimate question of whether he’ll make all of us live like Mormons, even those of us who choose not to be Mormons. Just like the Catholics who want to make non-Catholic employees of Catholic institutions live without access to birth control. And then there are those Republicans who don’t want gays to marry, even though no one will ever ask them to marry someone of the same sex if they don’t want to (but, in case you haven’t noticed, a surprising number of Republicans are, in fact, gays).
@24 “I voted for McKenna for gov since a friend asked me to”
A real brainy voter who does his own thinking, aren’t you?
I did it as a favor to my friend as I didn’t have srong opinions about either Inslee or McKenna. Don’t worry, rodent, Inslee is going to win.
@25 “Sorry Serial, but you’re just like the rest of us.”
He’s not like me. He has short ears, no body fur or chin whiskers, and he works for a living. He’s too stupid to drill for free money in the stock market like I do. People like him lose money in the stock market so rabbits like me can make money in the stock market. God, I love ’em, bless their stupidity!
“…live without access to birth control.”
Don’t they sell birth control products? Can’t pople just buy them? Maybe some of these Catholics don’t want to pay for birth control products or have abortions done in Catholic hospitals. That doesn’t mean birth control products and abortions aren’t available from other sources.
Heck, I say let’s have more birth control and abortions, particularly for poor folks who are committing themselves to a life of poverty by having kids they can’t afford.
@30 I do favors for my friends, too, but not in the voting booth. I have lots of Republican friends (believe it or not), but I’m not going to vote for Rob McKenna to make them happy.
I don’t think you realize how asinine your comment is. If I did something like that — but I never would — I wouldn’t admit it in a public forum, even one where I’m anonymous. You’ve just revealed yourself as someone who either doesn’t take voting seriously or lets other people tell him how to vote. Either way, you come off looking like a bozo.
@32 You can buy brain surgery on the open market, but that doesn’t mean an office worker or janitor making $12 an hour can afford it, if his/her health insurance won’t pay for it.
Hmmmm… no comment about me voting for a Democrat, rodent?
Birth control is the same as brain surgery? Who Knew!!
@35 No, because the issue is thinking for yourself instead of voting the way someone else tells you, and party identification is irrelevant to that point.
@36 It is to someone who can’t afford birth control, but we don’t expect a non-thinker like you to grasp that.
You keep making the ‘rodent’ mistake – Roger, a rabbit, is a lagomorph. Are you unteachable? Wait, don’t answer that.
Doesn’t have the same nasty, menacing edge as calling someone a rodent, though, does it?
You did get this right, at least…
@ 17
Hey righties, when your guy wins the election and shows up for his first day on the job, which Mitt will show up?
Whichever he may be, he’ll still be more competent than the asshole currently running the show.
Romney didn’t spend a dime on this Western PA ad:
and still gets a chance to slam Obama with it.
OH totally up for grabs:
Suffolk University Poll, Ohio: Tied, 47-47
Update: Reuters IPSOS Ohio: 46-46, Tie
A Suffolk University poll in Ohio just published. It has it 47-47, tied.
As far as favorability, it’s also a statistical tie — Obama 50/45, Romney 50/46.
The partisan split, D/R/I, is 39/35/27, or D+4.
That’s a remarkable amount of antipathy for a guy who claims to be rational and socially liberal, and whose only policy critique has been about paying too much tax.
I’d watch out for irrational rage.
Yesterday we were discussing spree killers, like Robert A Hawkins, who seemed to struggle with mental illness AND had access to guns.
Your name, ‘serial conservative’ is inescapably reminiscent of ‘serial killer’. You don’t own guns, do you?
@ 43
I’d hardly call my self socially liberal.
There’s one issue about which I think the GOP is dead wrong, and that’s gay marriage.
I am willing to support new revenues as part of closing the gap if those revenues are collected from people at all income levels.
I support abortion for primarily economic reasons, although also because I think it’s unfair to raise a child who might not be loved if brought into a bad household situation.
That might make me a moderate as Repulicans go but not liberal.
I think there will be plenty of irrational rage but it won’t be on my side. It’s good that some on HA are beginning to allow for the (increasingly strong) possibility that Obama will lose. That will decrease the irrationality except among those who clearly possess no rational status at present. Those on my side have been told for months that we have no chance, and even now we have Darryl’s poll analysis and greg’s Intrade comments weighing on us. So, we’re not the ones in for a tremendous shock in a couple of weeks, Pinocchio.
No, I don’t own guns. I think they’re fine for others, but not for me. A man’s got to know his limitations.
If it’s moderate Mitt he wont get much help from the Republicans in the house, the republican base around the country or half the Democrats in the house or senate. If it’s rightwing Mitt he wont get any help from any of the Democrats anywhere, half the Republicans in the senate and will introduce stupid shit that doesn’t make any sense and wont work. If you’re looking for a place holder president and congress, Mitt’s probably your guy.
Red trolls:
Romney is doomed.
You know it.
Give up.
Republicanist trolls:
Democracy is good.
Republicanism is stupid.
Give up.
I think we’ll see the same exact @ 47 @ 48 posts from Rael on that crisp January day next year that sees Romney inaugurated.
Myself, I’m looking forward to the camera closeup on Michelle’s face when Mitt is sworn in.
@ 45
If it’s rightwing Mitt he wont get any help from any of the Democrats anywhere,
Someone hasn’t been looking forward to see how many Democrats are defending Senate seats in 2014, apparently.
Monmouth, just released:
The Republican nominee is trusted more to handle a range of issues. His biggest advantage is on
the federal budget and national debt. More than half (51%) of likely voters trust Romney on this issue
compared to 42% who prefer Obama. This marks a gain from the 48% to 44% edge Romney had earlier
this month.
Oh. Romney 48, Obama 45.
Let’s compare.
I’d hardly call my self socially conservative.
There’s manny issues which I think the GOP is dead wrong, and gay marriage is one of them.
I support new revenues as part of closing the gap if those revenues don’t harm the folks that are already flat fucking broke.
I support abortion. I also support people’s right to live a live free of the dictates of other people’s theology and most of the anti-abortion crap comes from the theocratic right.
Conservatives have been lying and screaming about all sort of nonsense for years. I remember hearing the same shit we’re hearing now back when I was a kid. It’s time they STFU and joined the modern age.
I grew up shooting and own a couple of guns. I support making it easier to get the mentally ill on gun ban lists, background checks on ammo purchases, and making it easier to pull the licenses of gun dealers who’s guns are routinely recovered from crime scenes. An overwhelming majority of guns used in crimes come from a small minority of dealers, let’s shut those dealers down.
There’s obviously some differences between me and Serial, but I don’t think we’re that far off on most stuff. At some point you need to put away the partisen crap and get the work of the state done. I think it’s time to do exactly that and I don’t see any reason why we couldn’t do exactly that.
Thirteen posts already on today’s open thread, Serial Red?
Lots of work to convince yourself that your guy still has a real shot, I guess.
The Onion piece, endorsing Edwards for President, would be funnier if it didn’t simply repeat Gingrich’s excuses and explanations as to why a lifetime of infidelity didn’t morally disqualify him from becoming President.
I found this today on a list of Abraham Lincoln quotes:
No reference was made to track down the quotation further. But it pretty much re-states the commonly held belief of Americans up to the point where the Robber Barrons of the late 1900’s made “capital” to be viewed as superior in value to “labor”.
Obviously “if you are poor, blame yourself.”
If a woman with kids, who is poor after the husband runs off and she want to be rich but the kids require too much of her time and money, dump the kids in the orphanage and devote her full time to getting a profitable career.
If a husband wants to be rich, but the wife’s cancer is keeping the husband from being rich, dump the wife and devote full time to getting a profitable career.
This is one of the few ways I find Serial “It’s acceptable to humiliate and degrade any stranger until they earn his respect” Conservative and President Obama to be similar. They are relatively liberal on social issues, like gay marriage or DADT, but dead wrong on fundamental pay check issues. Neither want to fight to make the changes that would help the poor and the middle class.
For wildly different reasons, but the same result.
Obama is much too timid on paycheck and economic equality issues for me. I’m going to vote for him, but, in part, it’s because the other guy and his party would be much more destructive for the country and the middle class. We will continue to grow slowly under Obama, we would TANK by the end of the romney term, like we did under bush.
@44 “I am willing to support new revenues as part of closing the gap if those revenues are collected from people at all income levels.”
I see. The rich got most of the Bush tax cuts, and you think the middle class should share equally in any necessary tax increases, so the rich can permanently keep some of that perk. I won’t vote for that.
@49 Aren’t you counting your chickens a tad early? As an immortal baseball philosopher famously said, “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.”
@50 Oh man, now you think the Senate is a wrap, too. Are you ever setting yourself up for a letdown on Nov. 7.
Yes, the GOP should have won Senate control this cycle, but last time
I looked they appeared to be blowing that.
The stock market, which was down for much of the day, eked out a tiny gain before closing today. I made slightly under $400, which works out to $50 an hour, when compared to an 8-hour workday. Not bad for a day on which I didn’t have to fight commuter traffic and took a mid-morning nap instead of taking orders from a boss. I’ll take $400 of FREE MONEY any day of the week, even on Mondays! This should be against the law.
@ 60
You misread. I have no idea who will control the Senate after the 2012 election. My point is that Senate Dems in conservative states will have seats to defend in 2014, and therefore won’t be as likely to oppose Romney as they might be if they didn’t have to stand for re-election shortly thereafter. Michael suggested that Romney will have no Dem support, and I argued that he might not be correct for the reason stated.
@ 59
HA 2012 has been a wall of liberals crowing about how Romney is toast. Pot, kettle.
My my my….check this out…Willard’s Sis-in-law
Lurid pictures of Chris Stevens’ dead body, and “Obama Killed Him” as the caption.
Plus a whole lot more…
Classy, very classy.
@ 63
Hugh Rodham.
Billy Carter.
‘nuf said.
Nice try, Robert, but no dice.
Ronna Romney is an official part of Willard’s campaign, in both Florida and Michigan.
You will say anything, won’t you – much like your man Mitt? Anything, in the moment, to deflect criticism, no matter how dishonest.
You really are a paragon of Republicanism.
Dig deep Tycoon Roger Rabbit. Comrade Babs Streisand sends a desperate e-mail on behalf of the Obama Regime.
Is that all you have goofball??
Looks like the end of the road for the Obama Regime.
But rest assured my friend, the damage done by the regime is substantial. Must make you pleased to see America so weakened.
@ 65
Ronna Romney is an official part of Willard’s campaign, in both Florida and Michigan.
Noted, Lib Despair.
Run with it, then.
Ronna, and Seamus, and Big Bird. Oh, my!
Where is that jackass greg who keeps quoting Intertrade and Oddschecker?
Intertrade now has Obama at less than 60% and dropping. Oddschecker has many of the odds at 3-2.
When greg started quoting these, Romney was 4-1.
What do you think is happening greg??
People don’t care about silly things. They care about America’s strength and jobs.
Keep your eye on the RealClear poll of polls.
Obama is in deep trouble and looking more & more like Jimmy Carter II only worse.
American Indian Movement activist Russell Means died today at age 72.
@62 “Romney is toast”
Which he was when we crowed about it, until he turned things around in the first debate by abandoning most of the GOP agenda (including the Ryan budget) and talking like a Democrat.
@67 Another overconfident loon who takes comfort from the fact that Romney is now casting himself as a moderate Democrat.
@ 65, 67
Is that all you have goofball??
No, they have more. Tonight we’ll learn that OBL is dead and maybe that GM is alive.
Later this week Gloria Allred will trundle out some woman who will claim that Romney had an affair with her once. Seems the NYT couldn’t pull a lobbyist blonde out of its hat this time around, so it’s up to the ‘butch lawyer’.
Near the end of the month, we’ll have Barack sitting in with The View women (E. Hasselbeck will have taken mysteriously ill the morning of the taping), Kelly Ripa, Letterman, Leno, and Conan. He’ll skip meetings with Bernanke and Patraeus to do it, but, you know, some shit is just more important than running the country.
We haven’t seen the ads of Obama saying it’s a one-term proposition if he hasn’t turned it around. That’s the last week, and Team Romney’s last $30-40M.
Unless the polls already having Obama losing it, in which case Romney will release the flood to the RNC and to GOP House and Senate races where it will count.
God, Halloween and beyond are gonna be fun to watch.
@70 “Obama is … and looking more & more like Jimmy Carter”
Not really. He’s looking (and sounding) more and more like Bill Clinton.
re 32: As usual, the actual point evades you, because when all is said and done, you are a top down authoritarian who wouldn’t recognize ‘freedom’ if it bit you on your buttocks (not covered by any policy).
The point is that women cannot self-prescribe birth control pills and other actual medical devices under the purview of the medical profession and the ‘freedom’ that really exists is not for the Catholic Church to tell non-Catholics what they can and can’t do with their policicies, but for Catholics themselves to ‘freely’ decide to NOT obtain prescription birth control.
You give the authoritarian institution the freedom, not the individual.
That’s why your little tag line of “free minds, free markets, free people” is such a joke — because when it comes down to it, you will always back the authoritarian institution or corporate entity and NOT the individual.
You are a hypocrite and a brownshirt — just like all the other conservatives.
I’m not sure how this will turn out. Not even sure if the guy didn’t do this to himself.
But if true:
this won’t play well in red WI.
Nothing better to GOTV than some basic revenge.
# 78: If the Breitbart blog ran it, you can rely on it being 98% B.S. Without even clicking the link, I can gather that whatever happened to the Senator’s son (if anything), had nothing to do with the President.
Of course, that’s a favorite tactic of Rovian politics – throw out some dirt right before an election, have it disseminated by blogs and hopefully repeated by Fox News (“Some say….”). It’s a gamble that what Mark Twain said still holds: “A lie goes round the world before the truth gets out of bed”.
# 75: I’ve been thinking that this election resembles 1948 more than any previous election in modern history. In 1948, Harry Truman was faced with a Republican Congress that refused to act on any of the President’s bills (sound familiar?), preferring to pursue useless investigations of Democrats instead (even more familiar). The Republicans presumed they would win, as did quite a few newspapers (which had more power back then). The Republicans were confident of victory because (a) Americans hadn’t seen a Republican President since 1933, (b) the economy was retracting a bit from it’s war-time expansionist high, (c) Harry just didn’t have the charisma of F.D.R., and (d) there was trouble brewing with the Soviets in Europe, and Republicans were trying to paint Truman as a Communist appeaser.
Of course, you know the rest – Hoover jubilantly getting his picture taken holding a newspaper with a headline announcing the victory of his Republican opponant.
Dewey Defeats Truman
My thoughts exactly. Breitbart is synonymous with fraud, politically motivated fraud.
I’m startled he didn’t have a backward “BO” carved on his cheek.
We shall see…
RHPiss, youre such a political douchebag.
Both parties are notorious for throwing out last minute bombs – of course a brain dead dip like you only sees one side.
you really are one of the biggest tools on this site.
oh, and be careful of all those black helicopters out there.
did someone say “faked” attack with a political agenda?
@77 Exactly what we expect from a declasse moron like you.
@78 Assuming this isn’t a staged incident, and you never can be sure when a Republican is the purported victim, the perp(s) belong in jail. There is no place in America for political violence, notwithstanding rightwing calls for “civil war” and “Second Amendment solutions.”
@83 Pardon our skepticism, but after all the dirty tricks GOPers have perpetrated over the years, it was inevitable that the credibility of their side eventually would suffer.
too bad he didnt die 30 years ago.
of course, its no surprise you take the side of the murderers of an FBI agent.
I thought you guys were the defenders of the Martyrs like David Koresh and Randy Weaver and all the ‘patriots’ resisting government ‘taking’ and watering the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants, and all that.
Who better has a case against the oppressive over-reach of the US Government than the Native Americans?
Oh, yeah, they’re ‘red’ or ‘brown’, but certainly not ‘white’, or the ‘right kind’ of Christian, if Christian at all.
@88 What murder was Russell Means convicted of? Also, you’ve got your history fucked up. The two people killed in the 1973 Wounded Knee standoff were Native Americans, not FBI agents. An FBI agent was wounded, but Means didn’t shoot him, and Means wasn’t prosecuted for that shooting. He was merely a spokesman for the Native Americans.
You really ought to do a little research before shooting off your mouth half-cocked and making a fool of yourself in a public forum. It isn’t that hard and takes only a couple of minutes.
you thought wrong.
Note that we see here, as we do again and again, a right-winger showing up spewing made up stories and hate-filled rants, ‘informed’ exclusively by the myths ricocheting around the wingnut zone, utter untethered to reality.
Must be a sad, small way to live.
“I thought you guys…..”
you thought wrong.
Roger, you are correct…I was thinking about someone else.
my bad.
STFU you bigoted tool.
@93 Giving credit where credit is due, you owned up to your error. I respect that.
Bigoted? ‘Bigoted’ against what? Stupidity? Misinformed tools? FoxNoise addiction? Hannity mancrush?
You betcha!
Bigotry: A household value taught daily to the children of Lib Sci the Clown
Whats the phrase of the day at the Lib Sci the Clown house? “Think like us, or else…”
Unfortunately, the Washington Democrat Party takes huge donations and condones the rantings of the completely nuts JZ Knight.
Watch for yourselves (unedited)
J Z Knight is an intolerant bigot uttering anti-Catholic, anti-Semitic, homophobic, vulgar and profane garbage. . Sandra Romero is either ignorant of her Knight’s views or shares them. Her silence would indicate she shares them. The Dummocrats need to return the $50,000 of ugly money to the queen nutjob and ultimate scammer.
Bigoted? Watch this-