– The list of companies trying to make sure you don’t know what’s in your food is about what you’d expect but it’s good to have it confirmed.
– All-day training session for anti-KXL activists in Tacoma — Sat., Oct. 26
– I really like Dean Nielsen, but this is below the belt and he should apologize.
– The 26th District race between Democrat Nathan Schlicher and Republican challenger Jan Angel has already seen a combined spending of $1.9 million, with about half of that money being spent by third-party groups. (Tri-City Herald link to an AP story. Not sure if they have a cap on the number of articles)
– What the Fuck Should I Be For Halloween (h/t) Also, it knows me pretty well because it came up with a pun for me (lewd zeppelin, that I’m not doing but that I appreciate).
Second Amendment Report (TM)
1. Several people are hurt and a shooter has been “neutralized” at a middle school near Reno, Nevada.
2. Two female residents were gunned down by a male resident at a senior housing complex in Detroit.
3. A man responding to a Craigslist ad was shot to death in front of his teenage son in Los Angeles.
4. A gunman shot the bartender and wounded a bystander at a Pennyslvania strip club.
5. Does anyone know if George Zimmerman shot anyone in Chicago this weekend?
From Slate:
RR @ 1: Don’t forget the shoot-out on the floor of an upscale casino in Las Vegas.
@3 Also, a North Carolina man is facing manslaughter charges after his 2-year-old daughter fatally shot herself this weekend.
On another topic, a new poll shows Americans believe, by a 54% to 38% margin, that GOP control of the house of representatives is bad and over 60% want John Boehner replaced as Speaker.
Meanwhile, Ted Cruz (R-Tea Party) blamed his fellow Senate GOPers for reopening the government and extending the debt ceiling without defunding Obamacare, alleging they damaged the GOP’s prospects in the 2014 midterm elections.
A new poll has Congress rated lower in popularity than the I.R.S.
And Republicans have asked Ted Cruz to be their keynote speaker at the Republican caucuses in Iowa.
The shooting in Las Vegas was initiated as a dispute over a cover charge at an all-hours nightclub just inside the Casino entrance. A manager and security guard were wounded, a patron suffered fatal injuries.
Looks like the Puget-Sound grocery strike is going to begin tonight. One way or another, be prepared.
KING reporting a TA
Clean coal, my ass.
Rethugs are facing serious blowback:
“In a sign of the political hangover congressional Republicans are suffering in the wake of the government shutdown, three-quarters of Americans in a new national poll say that most GOP members of Congress don’t deserve to be re-elected.”
Sucks to be a Republican.
BART Strike in the Bay Area now over, looks like they have an agreement. By the way, the head of BART used to be in charge of the Seattle Department of Transportation, Grace Crunican.
A judge in Bexar County(San Antonio), Texas has left the GOP, will run for reelection as a Democrat.
With Governor Christie dropping his marriage equality challenge, making the Garden State just the latest state to allow marriage equality, Australia just had it’s first jurisdiction do it. The bad news, is it was not a state, but the Australian Capitol Territory, and the new Libetal/National government is opposed, and they have the ability to stop it. The Liberal party of Australia is a Conservative party, but the government of New Zealand is also a Conservative party, and they passed it earlier this year.
@7 “An armed society is a polite society”? Yeah, right…