– It turns out SPD officer’s nonsense lawsuit was nonsense.
– Here’s hoping the red bus lane on Battery actually works.
– GIF-splanation is my favorite new word.
– Everything Old Is Nuts Again
– Well, I’m officially looking forward to No Cities to Love.
So the Fox team took much of the first three innings of tonight’s game explaining how the long time off would explain why James Shields was getting pounded for 5 earned. “Blah, blah..can’t get a feel for the slider…blah, blah…pitchers work from familiar rhythm and any disruption…blah…blah…need to throw on schedule…”
Will any of them mention that between innnings is eight pitches and usually less than two minutes and if Baumgarner is cruising and needs to wait 7-9 minutes so someone can sing “God Bless America” and THEN go to commercial or a pitcher on the ropes getting the extra time to rest might throw off the rhythm of the game?
Isn’t it time we put aside this bit of religiosity in the middle of a baseball game? You added it post 9-11 (was there a religious devotion component to the attacks?) and 14 Series later God is still blessing America above other countries and still presumably watching the World Series. I guess he’s pissed at Kansas City tonight.
I wonder, if we tell Fox’s news arm that “God Bless America” was written by Irving Berlin, Jewish, born Russian, and so is a song about a very non-Jesus-y god they’ll go all war on Christians about it and call for it to be banned from public performance.
Would it help if we made sure they know he wrote “White Christmas” so he was totally trying to secularize the holiday? He wrote most of his work for Broadway so it can be assumed he was O.K. or at least not repulsed by the Gay. Maybe we can convince Fox’s news arm that he was part of the Gay Mafia?
This video is too funny to not post.
You know those charity fundraisers who give 5% of the donations to the charity and keep 95% for themselves? Well, the political world has its equivalent …
In Toronto, Transit is shaping up to be an issue in the Mayoral race. Doug Ford has made an issue towards building more subways, although the 506 King St streetcar line carries more people than the Shepherd Subway, despite the line having older streetcars, since the new streetcars are only on the 510 Spadina line, for now.http://www.railforthevalley.co.....tcar-line/
All three candidates agree on the need for at least one new subway line, the Downtown Relief line.
Busy news day:
1. Terrorist attack against Canadian parliament; one attacker killed, police searching for another shooter, a wounded soldier has died, no other injury reports at this time.
2. 1 ex-Blackwater mercenary was convicted of murder and 3 others were convicted of manslaughter by a federal jury for shooting 31 Iraqi civilians (14 of whom died) in Baghdad in 2007.
3. The official autopsy report claims Michael Brown was shot in the hand at close range, implying he was struggling for the cop’s gun.
Only in the land of klownservatism where our local village idiot troll claims he is “respected”:
“Respected”. Heh. Yeah right.
6) I have been listening to CBC Ottawa. It appears another shooting incident at a shopping mall was a false alarm. The soldier who was killed, was a reservist. They also got the PM, and the leaders of the NDP, Liberals, and Green Party to safety.
I think those SPD cops should be fired. They have attitude problems. The public isn’t safe with them on the street.
Mary Burke has taken a 49% to 48% lead over Scott Walker in the GOP-leaning Rasmussen poll for the first time.
Wow! This attack ad is a Republican wet dream! Tattooed black guy! Sawed off shotgun! Four murders in 11 days! And it’s all the criminal-coddling liberal’s fault!
One leetle problem: It’s backfiring; a gusher of donations is flowing to the Democratic candidate and it’s energizing Democratic voters to turn out. Even former RNC chair Michael Steele condemned the ad as “racist.”
Meanwhile, the GOP’s chances of retaining the governorship and flipping a Senate seat in Alaska are threatened by — you guessed it — a rape scandal.
All this fall, I’ve been reading the same polling and punditry you have — nearly all of it predicting a GOP takeover of the Senate. But I wondered. The prognosticators have failed to take into account one important factor: Republicans’ enormous propensity for scandal. And that could change everything on election night.
In Wisconsin, retiring GOP Rep. Tom Petri has refused to endorse the Republican candidate hoping to succeed him.
The candidate, Glenn Grothmann, a state representative, is sponsoring legislation that would “allow” employees to work 7 days a week as a matter of “freedom.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course you’re gonna volunteer to work 7 days a week — when you know layoffs are coming and the boss is going around muttering, “who’s it gonna be? whooo’s it gonna be?”
The always-execrable Rep. Don Young’s response to a teacher’s question Alaska’s high teen suicide rate was to blame the victims’ families and friends for not doing more to stop them.
Did I mention yet that the GOP’s chances of flipping a Senate seat in South Dakota are in jeopardy because the Republican candidate is embroiled in a SCANDAL? See previous comment @12.
I am surprised that the Mayor of Calgary did not say much more than the city putting out a statement and tweeting his condolences. Maybe Mayor Nenshi did not want to make his official reaction about his religion. The mayor of the largest city in Alberta, is a Muslim.
Something like this has happened before. May, 1984, a deranged, disgruntled member of the Canadian Forces stormed the Quebec National Assembly, and in this case, the Seargent at Arms talked the gunman into surrendering.
Today, upon hearing the news out of Ottawa, it did bring up memories in the Quebec National Assembly, but the afternoon question period continued as scheduled, but with a heavy presence from the Surete du Quebec, the provincial police force.
Should not have let our domestic manufacturers go under. The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority has decided to go with a Chinese builder, that will build a plant in Springfield, Mass, for new Subway cars for the Red and Orange lines.