– (a) Well done Twitter. (b) I really like Keene, NH.
– Measure 89 provides equality for the majority of Oregonians (50.5%) who are women and girls.
– I know this post was meant to reassure me that spiders can’t burrow under my skin, but since I hadn’t thought of it as a problem before, I’m still worse for having read it.
– WSDOT is looking for people to write haiku for the ramps to nowhere. I’m more of a fan of Double Dactyl, so here’s my contribution:
Higgledy piggledy,
Interstate 520
Had an idea to make
Another ramp for your car
But if you drive on it,
For this mode of transit
You won’t go far
You’re welcome?
The ship in question ,the M/V Simushir, is not a tanker, it is a container ship, the ship was taken under tow first from the Canadian Coast Guard and then a tug from Seattle’s Foss Maritime, the ship never grounded, and if it had drifted into shallow water it would have simply dropped its anchor to avoid running aground.
As for tankers themselves, maritime transport of oil is one of the safest ways to move oil, only pipelines are safer.
Bunch of fucking no good spoiled brats – to bad the officers didn’t shoot! Only because they were white.
Twitter comments regarding pumpkinfest are great. See anytime there is bigotry, the bigotry usually comes to light somehow. Racism, or Bias towards Sexual Orientation, doesn’t matter, the evil eventually become exposed for their hypocricacy. Puffy the truth will come back to bite you in your fat ape ass.
A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit by 100 SPD cops whining because they don’t get to use civilians for target practice anymore.
Related story:
“Police shoot, kill Georgia grandfather during no-knock drug raid”
It’s time to dis-arm the police and do away with SWAT teams entirely.
How Did Nigeria Quash Its Ebola Outbreak So Quickly?
What we can learn from the boot leather, organization and quick response times that stopped Ebola from spreading in this African nation
On July 20 a man who was ill flew on commercial planes from the heart of the Ebola epidemic in Liberia to Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city. That man became Nigeria’s first Ebola case—the index patient. In a matter of weeks some 19 people across two states were diagnosed with the disease (with one additional person presumed to have contracted it before dying).
But rather than descending into epidemic, there has not been a new case of the virus since September 5. And since September 24 the country’s Ebola isolation and treatment wards have sat empty. If by Monday, October 20 there are still no new cases, Nigeria, unlike the U.S., will be declared Ebola free by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Maybe GOATSEBOY can explain why a 3rd world nation can effectively handle an EBOLA OUTBREAK and Texas cannot.
@1 It is true that the ship is not a tanker. I would like to point out that it has around 500 tons of bunker fuel onboard. Having never heard of bunker fuel I decided to google it. Turns out it is the left over tar from refining crude oil into lighter fuels. The sulfur content is off the charts. The IMO allows up to 4.5% sulfur which is thousands of times that we allow our land based ships (semis) to use. This is why container ships contribute as much pollution as all of the cars in the world. I even read that the bunker fuel has to be spun up at sea to be used and that the unusable portion is merely dumped into the ocean. I wonder if you can give us any insight into this fuel based on your username I suspect you can.
Of course the ship carried fuel oil, the last freight carried by sail was in the 1950’s, and bunker oil is the standard fuel for Merchant Ships, its cheap and has a high calorific value, but of course within 200 NM of a shoreline they were burning low sulfur fuel in accordance the law.
And no ships do not contribute more pollution than all the cars in the world, quite the opposite actually.
Bunker oil is indeed run through a centrifuge, but the waste products are not dumped at sea, they are sold and used as asphalt.
@6 maybe Prick Perry could also try to answer that question. The apes best friend.
Not that I agree with the libertarian, but when blacks have a problem with Police there isn’t a problem, but when whites have a problem with the police then that’s a real problem. I am referring to the pumpkin festival.
Alabama House Speaker and head of the Alabama GOP, Mike Hubbard indicted on 23 counts of official corruption and malfeasance charges. Unsurprising, to say the least. This is the same State where they privatized their entire prison system and then the company that took those over, farmed out the medical care to another company.
That company then ceased to do anything in the way of treating prisoners. At all. Now there are multiple reports of prisoners dying from infected broken bones, diabetic comas, appendix bursting, epileptic seizures and beatings by guards, while the Medical Contractor was charging prisoners several dollars for such basic amenities as band-aids and aspirin, or just ignoring them altogether.
‘Murka! Fuck yeah!
Not one of Capitalism’s finest hours:
“By 11 p.m., Rayanne Sadowski has worked two jobs. But she still makes time to pick up water from friends and neighbors. Water to flush her toilet, cook, drink and bathe. The city of Detroit cut off service in August after she failed to pay her $900 bill. ‘I understand, I do owe the money,’ said Sandowski. ‘I used the water, but being able to afford to pay for it is another story. When you make $25,000 a year ….'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A word of advice for capitalists who think the millions they already have aren’t enough and plan to squeeze the workers for more: Even people who don’t have water can always get gasoline. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAfhOSNp16g
@1 & 8 Here is a cut and paste I found regarding bunker fuel. “Shipping is by far the biggest transport polluter in the world. There are 760 million cars in the world today emitting approx 78,599 tons of Sulphur Oxides (SOx) annually. The world’s 90,000 vessels burn approx 370 million tons of fuel per year emitting 20 million tons of Sulphur Oxides. That equates to 260 times more Sulphur Oxides being emitted by ships than the worlds entire car fleet. One large ship alone can generate approx 5,200 tonnes of sulphur oxide pollution in a year, meaning that 15 of the largest ships now emit as much SOx as the worlds 760 million cars.”
@13 And how much economic sense does it make to ship logs to Asia, cut them in a sawmill there, and ship the lumber back here? All that extra shipping just to increase profits by using cheap labor. This is a situation where tariffs should be imposed to cure a market failure. Same goes for assembling 787s in South Carolina with cheap labor and then shipping them to Washington to be redone by workers who know what they’re doing. Our government should tax the shit out of that to put a stop to that shit.
(Disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns Boeing stock, and has owned shipping stocks in the past. Just because something is stupid doesn’t mean I won’t stoop to profiting from it. “Gold is where you find it.”)
@13 I’m not sure where you get your figures from, some seems lifted from a hit piece written in the Globe and Mail some ten years ago, but there are approximately 1.1 billion cars in the world, and they produce a little over 1.7 M3 of air pollutants yearly.
Also your value of 4.5% sulfur is also incorrect, the highest sulfur content allowed today is 3.5%, though on many of the busier trade routes the figure is 0.1%, and by the year 2020 the value will be 0.5%.
Also bear in mind that one 4000 TEU box boat is the equivalent of at least 2000 trucks.
Also keep in mind that unlike the truck that jack-knifed on I-5 early this morning, the M/V Simushur put no oil into the ocean.
In Los Angeles, the Metro Gold Line Construction Authority announced that they have completed the trackwork for the first phase of the Foothills Extension. It will not open until 2016, though