– I’m not sure there’s all that much that the state can do about oil trains, but good on Governor Inslee for doing what he can.
– What marijuana shops will open are slowly working themselves out.
– That’s cute and all, but maybe an income tax would be a better way to solve the budget hole than taxing political contributions?
Republicans are People.
If you haven’t heard, Republican messaging guru, late of the I’m a Mormon campaign, has launched a series of images on twitter Republicans are people who look just like you! (gasp) Problem is, they aren’t aware that things like Google image search and Tineye exist so they are caught using stock images of random people who are probably not Rebulican. (“Quick, get me a guy with tattoos and a beard that is NOT a goatee but not a full on ZZTop and if he can be standing in front of a flag, even better! Shit, just a guy with a goatee, well all right as long as he doesn’t look Hipster.”)
Internet Hilarity has ensued…
Yes, I picked the link that is most likely to enrage our resident troll on purpose…
But the rich are still peopler and corporations peoplest.
@1…Indeed, Leftists are truly the masters of marketing…
Funny Stuff
Dang, posted the same content. Sorry. Guess it was just too good not to share twice.
Over in the last open thread our local village idiot troll had this to say about the FACT that fewer African Americans live in the inner core of Philadelphia:
Damn! We’re making “progress” here.
Now add up all those losses of African Americans from all the big city counties across the country and what do you get klownservative dope?
Your miserable “reservation” only exists in the vacuum between your ears, fool!
Let’s repeat it a few times for our village idiot troll:
Since AT LEAST 2010!
@7 Yeah…but are we talking about “suburbs” like Medina or “suburbs” like Furguson, MO?
Air quality in the Los Angeles basin, where inversions frequently trap stagnant air, has gotten much healthier thanks to GOVERNMENT REGULATION.
My guess is we are talking about the typical American suburb. African Americans want what everyone wants when they move to the ‘burbs: bigger house, better school district. safer neighborhoods among other amenities.
Although there exists probably more than a handful of nearly all-black wealthy suburbs maybe even approaching or surpassing Medina in per capita wealth, Medina is far from typical.
And I hope Ferguson, MO, being majority African American and having nearly all-white governance and policing with oppressive speed traps, stop and frisks and whatever designed to shake down the poorer residents for whatever they can – I can only hope that’s a complete aberration.
The fantasy of the village idiot troll and all other klownservatives:
Now here’s the reality:
So the rich are getting richer. Big bidness is booming! What are klownservatives complaining about?
Oh yeah! There’s a black Dem in the Oval office.
Whoa! Alabama is klownservative WHACKO land!
Damn! There’s just nothing that klownservatives will stop at to impose their most DEGENERATE impulses.
Interestingly our moronic village idiot troll says he supports abortion in the cases of rape and incest..
But I bet he LOVES lawyers being appointed to represent the “interests of the fetus”. And I bet he LOVES the humiliation and degradation of teenage girls through klownservative laws.
Too freaking sick.
Link for above:
It’s so good to know that the monomaniacal clueless crazed cretin is obsessed with Puddy. Don’t worry crazed clueless monomaniacal cretin, Puddy will be in the air again and you can follow Puddy on another PuddyAdventure; going somewhere you won’t see!
The inside of a sewer pipe? No interest in seeing the fetid abomination that’s between your ears fool.. Different place, same old “toilet”.
Hmmm.. Nice to see the village idiot troll is too tiiiiired for any more klownservative propaganda for one night.
Mission accomplished.
Could this be the mark of klownservative thugs? Could they stoop this low? Does a bear use the woods for an outhouse?
Sorry to hear about this Goldy.
@17 Uh-oh, looks like Goldy got burglarized. Well, shit happens. I was burgled several times, too, back in the good ol’ days when I didn’t own anything worth stealing.
17 – Goldy says on twitter that, as of this moment, nothing of value appears to be missing.
9)The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority has helped get Diesel emissions under control. About 4 years ago, their last diesel bus was retired and towed off into the sunset. Metrolink and Amtrak California are joining the fray, replacing F59PHI locomotives, which are Tier 0, with Tier 4 locomotives.
Hey Puffy you are always griping about gay people causing someone to lose their job – the gay mafia. What about the heterosexual mafia (bigots)? You bigots don’t know what the Constitution is nor do you know what freedom is.
I recently was offered a job, paying $30,000 more than I currently make, but the individual offering it is a bigot. On occasion, in my presence, he has used the N word and has made fun of gay people. Needless to say, I wouldn’t work for the guy, not even for $30,000 more. I am too dedicated to my current employer where I’ve worked for the last 26 years, and I don’t feel like working for a bigot, such as yourself.
I support the Separation of Church and Hate.
Champions of the “free market” and laissez-faire capitalism tell us to trust business and distrust government. Uh-huh. This is what happens when business isn’t regulated and can do as it pleases (and even sometimes when it IS regulated and CAN’T do as it pleases):
“Think hotels are deliberately blocking your personal Wi-Fi networks so you’ll buy theirs? No, it’s not just a conspiracy theory. … Marriott has agreed to pay a $600,000 fine after the Federal Communications Commission found the company blocked consumer Wi-Fi networks last year during an event at a hotel and conference center in Nashville. At the same time, Marriott was charging exhibitors and others as much as $1,000 per device to access the hotel’s wireless network, the FCC announced Friday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Distrusting government regulators is irrational enough; but why do conservatives trust business? They must be nuts. Or maybe it’s because they own these dishonest businesses and want a free hand to steal from their customers? Listening to conservatives talk about defunding and disbanding government regulation is like listening to crooks demand that police departments be defunded and disbanded.
What our resident village idiot troll would call “REAL AMERICANS”:
Such minds are easily manipulated by klownservative propaganda.
Job growth keeps plodding along:
Yeah on average they still don’t pay worth crap but according to klownservative fools, we’re supposed to be losing jobs because of ACA..
Anytime it can demonstrated that always wrong wing aka klownservative propaganda is just so much horseshit is good times for this country.
Awww. Another klownservative “jawb cweatoh” craves political power:
Doesn’t it warm your heart? Such dynamic “jawb kweashun” from a Georgia klownservative!
@24 Oh my, Obamacare has caused the official unemployment rate to jump to 5.9%!
“While Cooney didn’t have a paying job, she’d become a Republican Party volunteer. She said she’d recently worked a fund-raiser at crooner Wayne Newton’s place and was headed to D.C. for the second inauguration of President George W. Bush.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The sort of people the GOP attracts …
@26 – he might even be doing it better than Regan did during the Reagan years, and Reagan didn’t have today’s economy, it is totally different. More global, and less do more with less business minded companies, if they even exist today and are not in some third world country trying to make more profit at the expense of the middle class in this country.
@27 but per Republicans she was a responsible law abiding gun owner, until she committed the crime, then she was a criminal and a whack job, but not before hand, before she did it she was protected under the 2nd amendment.
All gun owners are responsible until they decide to either shoot themselves or some other human being or a an animal, at which time they then become the crazies.
Falls in line with the complete hypocrisy of the Republican Party.