– If you’ve got any money left over after campaign giving season, this kickstarter for Bezango, WA looks pretty good (h/t).
– Larry Stickney, as you can see, is super concerned with privacy.
– I’m still put off by Powell’s endorsement because of the war. But John McCain doesn’t really have a right to complain.
– Still have to take some time to digest this XKCD on the partisan makeup of Congress
So it’s nothing about racism huh?
Just the economy.. Riiiiight..
teh razits! teh razits!
max….has….voted! all done but the stamp.
ugh, the choices are TEH SUK this year.
and the final tally is…..9 republicans and 5 democrats.
I voted for 2 Republicans, the rest Democrats. I thought about voting Green Party instead of Obama, since Obama’s gonna win Washington anyway, but the Green Party’s a joke and I just couldn’t do it.
I voted for the charter school thing, it looked like a cool experiment and doesn’t force anyone to do anything so why not.
I had a lot of well thought out reasons to vote against the marijuana thing, and then voted for it anyway. I’ve had it up to here [flips his computer screen a double bird] with the stupid war on drugs and I just don’t care about those well thought out reasons. Hopefully it fails, but we get a big enough chunk of folks voting for it helps end the stupid war on drugs. We don’t need to make marijuana legal, we just need to stop acting like idiots.
Damages that will have to be fixed and that will put working class folks to work! I’m not saying the hurricane is a good thing, it isn’t. But, a lot of kids are going to have a good Christmas this year because of all the overtime mom and dad rake in.
@ 1
YLB, all those people who weren’t racist in 2008 discovered they were in 2012? What happened in the interim, YLB? Other than trillions of spending and very slow growth to show for it, that is.
Obama’s white support is about where Mondale’s was in 1984. Was it racism then, too?
You backed a horse, who implemented a policy, which is about to be soundly rejected by the electorate. Be a man, stand up straight, and face the loss for what it is. People want a different course than what they have seen. There’s no skin color in that.
@6. I disagree with your fundamental premise.
@6 “about to be soundly rejected by the electorate”
Ha ha ha ha ha ha … keep telling yourself that! Man are you gonna feel low on Nov. 7 …
If Romney wins it will be by a slim margin, Obama will not be “soundly rejected by the electorate.”
Romney’s tacked so far to the center that he’s become Moderate MItt The White Obama. It wasn’t until Romney started agreeing with the president and adopting talking points that were fairly close to what the president was saying that his campaign gained enough traction to become a legitimate threat to Obama. When the other guy starts adopting your policies that’s not being “soundly rejected by the electorate”, that’s the other guy realizing he’s going to be “soundly rejected by the electorate” if he doesn’t change his ways.
@7 re @6: It’s a type of mental masturbation.
How Romney and His buddy Singer put a gun to the Nations head, and demanded $350 million in cash or they’d pull the trigger on GM, and GOT The money.
Fuck these guys, they belong in prison. Your criminal heroes at work.
Spoken like a true racist.
Raised from a mewling pup.
Yawwwnn.. Facts are facts Bob. Racism has gripped this country and the article alludes that people are acting out their racism without even knowing it..
Hmmmmm.. Sounds like someone who trolls here a lot.
A deepening recession started under Bush that Republicans did everything they could to prolong Bob.
Yes, two wars not paid for, taxes for the rich not paid for, a new entitlement for seniors not paid for – oh not to mention the biggest recession since the great depression and an in exorably aging population drawing on their entitlements. Not a dime of taxes raised to help stop the bleeding thanks to the Republicans.
Shit happens. Republican shit especially.
LOL! Take about neither here nor there. Pull this out of your ass much Bob?
Half of which are awake and halfway understand reality, the other half are hopelessly deluded by the most expensive flim-flam operation in this country’s history. To put it generously it’s a tossup at this juncture.
I’m standing up straight and rejecting lies Bob. You’re lounged in your barcalounger swallowing them. And it’s not over yet.
I finally listened to the entire sequence from the pre-convention debate in which Mitt made his comments about FEMA. I’d wondered if he’d been quoted out of context and if his remarks taken as a whole made more sense.
Not the case. This, if nothing else, shows quite clearly that the man’s a total dumbass whose privileged upbringing and sheltered life in gated communities and on Mahogony Row have allowed him to reach the age of threescore and five years with nary a speck of dirt under his fingernails and without even a clue as to what “real life” is about for most of his countrymen. With this in mind, it becomes apparent that he was hand-picked by neoconservative Central Casting on the basis of his looks and charm, and probably because, rather than in spite of, his not knowing the difference between his own ass and a hole in the ground. In short, he’s another George W. Bush–a polysyllabic one who doesn’t go around flipping the bird quite as much, but intended merely as a window decoration for another fascist junta.
Fuck him…and them.
“I thought about voting Green Party instead of Obama, since Obama’s gonna win Washington anyway”
And if enough people think the same way, guess what’s gonna happen.
Lazy Castillian is a race?
who knew!?!
which part of that includes your non-working and non-contributing self?
I know Im busy paying my fair share, your fair share, deathfroggs fair share, and probably another half dozen dregs as well….
doesnt mean shit anyway, no matter who wins this election, not much is going to get done by either party.
HA libbies were SO upset about the Jeeps-built-in-China thing last week.
It was a non-issue, they claimed, because it was Jeeps built in China to be sold in China.
Is this a non-issue, as well? Jeeps that used to be built in America, soon to be built in Italy, and then exported to America?
To counter the severe slump in European sales, Marchionne is considering building Chrysler models in Italy, including Jeeps, for export to North America. The Italian government is evaluating tax rebates on export goods to help Fiat. Marchionne may announce details of his plan as soon as Oct. 30, the people said.
This really isn’t much different from what happened to the Sonics. They were bought by a guy from out of town. It was no surprise that he bought it with the intention of moving his purchase to a friendlier locale.
We used taxpayer dollars to enable a transfer of a US company to a foreign entity. We shouldn’t be surprised that the purchased company will gradually be expatriated. Well, the profitable components. The parts of Chrysler that are like Saab will face the same extinction that Saab faced.
Democrat business management.
I think it’s been a few days since someone on HA has extolled the down-ballot spoils of Obama’s upcoming glorious victory.
Of the 11 states with gubernatorial elections in November, eight are now led by Democrats, and each of the most competitive races is a GOP pickup opportunity. The numbers suggests that Republicans soon will claim 30 to 33 governorships after holding just 22 a few years ago — an advantage not reflected in the divided Congress or competitive presidential race.
Who wants to go first?
@18. romney lied about Jeep and China and you babble.
!9. It’s amazing how buckets and buckets of Koch money will influence elections.
Let me preface the following with the fact that I grew up Catholic.
Those bishops sure have a lot to say about gay marriage along with dire warnings to Catholics who vote for it. “sin blah blah blah” and “No communion for you etc. etc. etc.”
Those bishops are known for standing up for what is right: Here’s what they all said about their hemophiliac priests: ___________________
This is what they said to the faithful on how to reconcile their vast silence on this long standing issue and the reprehensible practice of shoving around the priests to places that their criminal and I’m guessing SINFUL behavior wouldn’t be reported because the people wouldn’t have any standing socially to make a stink:
Here’s what I think of the Bishops:
FUCK you
@ 9
Wouldn’t ‘Moderate Mitt the White Obama’ be a nice bookend to ‘Moderate Barack the Black George W. Bush’?
As part of its concerted campaign to prosecute whistleblowers and to classify state secrets, the Obama administration has taken a position in Clapper that makes the Bush administration pro-secrecy campaign seem pale in comparison: namely, that no one can challenge warrantless surveillance unless the government tells you in advance that you’re being surveilled—which national security interests prevent it from doing.
@ 21
!9. It’s amazing how buckets and buckets of Koch money will influence elections.
Someone has apparently forgotten the 3-1 money advantage Obama had in 2008, and the $53M unions spent that year.
BTW, this ain’t 2008.
Obama has apparently bet the farm on OH early voter turnout very, very different from that in the rest of the country.
Gallup showing GOP turnout greater than Dem turnout by 6 points nationwide.
In OH, the Dem early voters are the highest-quality Dems, the ones who would be at the polls if they weren’t voting early. The GOP early voters there are the toughest-votes to get, and the solid GOP electorate will be there in force on Election Day.
As the approval advantage has evaporated to below fifty percent, no one in the old media seems to be questioning the assumption that Obama will maximize the votes of the 47-48 percent of people who still approve of him, or at least tell pollsters they do. This is possible. It’s also very unlikely.
I bet Obama bet wrong.
Mitt keeps claiming ties to the automaking industry, but he (and even his father) haven’t been connected with that industry for half a century. And his father’s company, American Motors, doesn’t exist anymore.
And here we have Serial trying to defend Romney’s obviously false statements about Jeep production in China by switching to arguing about Jeep production in Italy.
It seems that Serial also has an etch-a-sketch mentality – “…all prior statements are “inoperative” (to use a term from the Nixon White House), pay attention only the the statement I am about to give you!”
Apparently you can’t smoke dope with your Lady Parts:
Obama leads in Oregon thanks to support
from women; but marijuana measure
failing on opposition from women
(2012 Oregonian poll)
Cigars, tho……..
I see that YLB @ 1 and perhaps Michael @ 9 have settled on racism as the reason Obama will lose a week from today.
We already know that Doctor Steve and Lib Pinocchio Despair Sci are blaming racism. Pretty sure that’s the word Doctor Steve was screaming as he slid through mommy’s Lady Parts lo those many years ago.
So it’s good that HA libbies have an excuse all ready to deploy.
’cause the voting machines thing won’t work for your sorry asses this time around:
5 Reasons Karl Rove Is NOT Going To Electronically Steal This Election
Too many voting machine activists are scaring people unnecessarily.
“We already know that Doctor Steve and Lib Pinocchio Despair Sci are blaming racism.”
There you go again, Fucktard, making shit up.
I’ve called you out as a racist because that’s what you are. If you don’t like it, grow a spine and try doing something about it besides lying your ass off.
@ 27
Shouldn’t Obama be polling northward of 47% in OR?
Why else would would a man who has absolutely no core positions, who is pro choice then anti choice, who is homophobic, who is pro gay rights, who is homophobic, who would dismantle FEMA and then he wouldn’t, who did not raise taxes but he raised fees in Mass to the point that the state is voting for President Obama by +25%. He would cut women’s programs. He would cut social programs by 30 to 50%. He belongs to a religion that is problematic to many Christians. He hides his money. He won’t answer questions. No Christians or conservatives, as I remember Christians and conservatives would vote for him in a million years and yet, he’s getting 50% of the polls.
@ 31
Gee, that sounds like less than a perfect candidate. ‘Sketchy’, even.
I would imagine he’s getting (better than) 50% of the vote because the guy he’s running against is even worse, wouldn’t you?
Just saying
32. You keep repeating that talking point but you have nothing to back that up.
You cannot and will not define 5 good things that romney will do for the middle class,
You cannot define 5 valid things that President Obama did that make him worse than romney and the republicans. so shut the fuck up.
Like if you list Obamacare, I’ll point out it was based on romneycare and a plan by the republicans, so shut the fuck up.
Like if you list the deficit, i’ll point out that President Obama put the two unfunded wars and the unfunded drug plan from the previous admin on the books and romney budget plans add to the deficit and gut social services. Or maybe all the fees that romney raised in Mass. so shut the fuck up.
If you bring Bengazi, I’ll remind you of 9-11 and romney in London and Israel. so shut the fuck up.
@ 34
So, here’s the thing:
It’s not whether I can back up every point I make, nor whether I can or will come up with 5 reasons why I support Romney.
It’s that your guy is losing to Romney, you and your compadres are becoming more and more shrill about it, and in one week and about 12 hours you are going to be shrieking about the fact that your guy lost to a candidate that nobody likes.
It’s about that, and the joy that those of us on the right will experience, after being on the receiving end of what your side has shilled for four years.
Is it really a surprise to you that going negative is an effective strategy? After all, Obama had a four-month head start in doing it.
@ 35
Since I brought up negativity, I’ll point out that while Romney is closing with an argument of a better, stronger, more prosperous America,
Obama is closing with a reminder of a prosperous Romney:
But with a little over a week left in the race, several of the Democrats’ top independent spenders are leaning hard into the Bain message, eschewing a pure policy message for a gut-punch reminder that the former Massachusetts governor made his fortune through controversial deals in the private-equity industry.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/s.....z2Anp1AGrU
It’s all you’re left with. Still trying to make America afraid of the rich guy.
It’s a mark of weakness and failure. Good luck with that.
The race has tightened but as Darryl’s latest has shown it’s clearly NOT in Romney’s favor at the moment.
If Obama’s loses it sure isn’t for respect of the facts..
By the way, Willard Romney is a skin-flint tax avoiding greed head who’ll even cheat his CHURCH out of money:
Willard obviously sees himself as the fulfillment of the White Horse Prophecy. How else can he justify his pathological lying and avarice?
If the prophecy is fulfilled all sins against the fathers are forgiven.
@ 37
You clearly don’t understand the trust.
You also overlooked the millions upon millions of dollars that the Romneys have given over the years to the Mormon church (reported in the article) in order to falsely claim that he is “cheating” the church on this one donated item.
Finally, you gave no consideration to the fact that the Romneys take that payout and funnel it back into the church amongst their continued donations to it.
Obama camp calls Romney PAC TV ads in PA ‘desperate’
Obama, Romney Place Ad Buys In Pennsylvania
…the Obama campaign is spending at least $650,000 on broadcast and cable ads in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh from Oct. 31 through Nov. 6.
“you and your compadres are becoming more and more shrill” “you are going to be shrieking”
Project much? It’s a Psych 101 thing. Doctor Steve can help you with that.
“the joy that those of us on the right will experience”
More likely “The Pain”. Oh, and speaking of which, thanks for clueing us in to just how much this will hurt you. Either way, come November 7th it’ll still suck to be you. You’ll still be a fucked up, lying, gout-ridden troll of a loser hopelessly seeking a never-to-be-found sense of self worth through the accomplishments of others.
“You cannot and will not define 5 good things that romney will do for the middle class”
Hell, he can’t even come up with five things that Romney hasn’t lied about.
I’ll point out that while Romney is closing with an argument of a better, stronger, more prosperous America,
WHERE? HOW? You cannot list anything romney would do for the middle class. He’s changed every position he ever held. How can you trust him?
Breaking news!!
Mitt Romney has issued his post Sandy plan: self-reconstruction. In a corollary to his immigration solution, he claims the best course for the affected areas would be for the damage to reconstruct itself. Several experts have already taken to Fox News trumpeting the genius of the governer’s plan though there is some rumbling about the existence of a Youtube video of Romney stating after Irene that damage, in fact, should not reconstruct itself.
Naaah.. We don’t do the Obama Derangement Syndrome thing here.
Whatever complaint we have is grounded in reality – not hate which is the stroke-off fuel of the right.
30 seconds of the right wing war on women:
Bob’ll love this one. Hell, he even hates right wing women like Bachmann and Palin.
Thank the stars especially for them. For some reason they do the best job illustrating what being right wing is all about these days as if their views are all that different from King, Gohmert and Willard in primary mode, pre-etch-a-sketch.
Best vote getters the left has those gals..
If you look back on it, President Obama has either attempted or accomplished pretty much everything he said he would do.
The problem is, that we all fantasied him doing a lot more than he actually said he would, like when he said he would enact reform health care, many of us saw him enacting single payer and were disappointed when we got Romneycare.
The Incomplete Greatness of Barack Obama
He’s gotten more done in three years than any president in decades. Too bad the American public still thinks he hasn’t accomplished anything.
And this is what Serial “It’s acceptable to humiliate and degrade any stranger until they earn his respect” Conservative is counting on.
@ 42
You cannot list anything romney would do for the middle class.
12 million new jobs sound familiar to you? Romney’s said it repeatedly.
Moody’s Analytics head econ honcho Zandi says that’s doable.
Now, there’s some sentiment that the 12 million jobs will occur regardless of who wins. Here’s my argument to that: Why isn’t Obama claiming it if that’s true?
@48 More horsehit.
Washington Post
Is that an argument? I put that up there with the right screaming that Obama didn’t say “terrorist” fast enough? Or Obama isn’t wearing a lapel pin. Next on Fox, Obama didn’t say “the sun will rise tomorrow!”. Why should Obama take credit for something that should be apolitical.
So your argument is that romney should be president because regardless of who is president, there will be job growth?
That’s it? That’s your strongest argument? Vote for my guy, cause something he’s gonna claim he’s responsible for something that likely gonna happen anyway?
That’s pretty pathetic.
And the economists say that the 12 million new jobs would happen regardless of who is president.
So how can you honestly claim that as a romeny accomplishment?
You could just as logically argue that NOT electing romney will generate 12 million new jobs.
@ 49
From your link:
“Let me tell you how I will create 12 million jobs when President Obama couldn’t. First, my energy independence policy means more than 3 million new jobs, many of them in manufacturing. My tax reform plan to lower rates for the middle class and for small business creates 7 million more. And expanding trade, cracking down on China and improving job training takes us to over 12 million new jobs.”
We know there’s a correlation between oil/gas prices and GDP and that correlation is negative. Lower the price of gas, GDP goes up, and that means jobs to sustain the production.
You’ll disagree with the correlation between lower taxation and jobs but there’s got to be some reason why Obama wants to lower tax rates, and presumably that’s because he knows the reduced revenue from lower taxes will be offset by more taxpayers with jobs.
WaPo took issue with the China thing and 2 million jobs but didn’t address Romney’s jobs training and trade expansion comments, which are the real source of those additional jobs.
Romney’s promising job growth and Obama isn’t, except for the one million people he wants to hire at taxpayer expense. Obama’s growing jobs at around 1.5 million per year, which barely meets US population growth requirements. No one will believe claims by Obama of more jobs, because his performance belies that claim were he to make it.
@ 51
Again, if that’s the case, why isn’t Obama making the claim? Wouldn’t 12 million jobs sound good as part of a re-election appeal to voters?
If it’s such a done deal, why don’t we hear about it from him? Is it less sexy than Big Bird? Romnesia?
@52 What a load of horseshit.
Jesus H. Christ, Bob, your candidate is truly fucked up. You did notice, didn’t you, that Gov. Christie was profusely thanking the nation’s president, not the fucking private sector.
Courtesy of Huffpo,
From the Romney pool report:
TV pool asked Romney at least five times whether he would eliminate FEMA as president/what he would do with FEMA. He ignored the qs but they are audible on cam. The music stopped at points and the qs would have been audible to him.
A follow-up report noted the specific questions Romney ignored, as he was collecting hurricane supplies following his event:
Romney kept coming over near pool to pick up more water. He ignored these questions:
During a GOP primary debate last year, Romney had said he supported the idea of states and private sector groups taking over responsibility for disaster relief.
“Every time you have an occasion to take something from the federal government and send it back to the states, that’s the right direction,” he said. “And if you can go even further and send it back to the private sector, that’s even better. Instead of thinking, ‘In the federal budget, what we should cut?’ we should ask the opposite question: ‘What should we keep?'”
“We cannot — we cannot afford to do those things without jeopardizing the future for our kids,” Romney continued, when asked specifically about disaster relief. “It is simply immoral, in my view, for us to continue to rack up larger and larger debts and pass them on to our kids, knowing full well that we’ll all be dead and gone before it’s paid off. It makes no sense at all.”
Yeah, like Bob, Romney is truly fucked up in the head. No way is Romney going to flap his lips this week about his Big Plan to shit-can FEMA, the lying bastard.
@ 55
You did notice, didn’t you, that Gov. Christie was profusely thanking the nation’s president,
That’s what a governor does when federal dollars are needed to deal with a disaster.
Ass-kissing is a tried and true political tradition. Lib Sci has it down to an art.
WTF? Republican deliberately spreads false info about storm.
Yet another Republican spreading lies. Like Romney. Like Bob.
“That’s what a governor does when federal dollars are needed to deal with a disaster.”
I see that you make no attempt to square that with this,
“We cannot — we cannot afford to do those things without jeopardizing the future for our kids,” Romney continued
Who is Gov. Christie gonna call if Romney is elected? General Motors? Delaware? You’re making no sense at all. That’s because you and your candidate are all fucked up in the head, Bob.
Paul Ryan, too extreme for his own party, but not too extreme for Bob.
53. Tell you what. You start being upset that Romeny has not shown his tax returns and I’ll get upset that President Obama is not acting like Romney and claiming he’s the cause for something that is going to happen anyway.
Who is Gov. Christie gonna call if Romney is elected?
He is supposed to go, hat in hand, to the Lord and Master of the Kingdom of New Jersey and beg for money, like a good serf would.
“Please sire, the peasants are homeless and starving”
“Harhump. What’s in it for me? What are they going to do for me in exchange for food and water and shelter?”
That’s the system Serial “It’s acceptable to humiliate and degrade any stranger until they earn his respect” Conservative wants to see for America. I guess he doesn’t see himself as a serf.
This went out to over 4.5 million voters in Swing States showing what horrible people the Romney’s are.
I’m sure this will get folks to vote against Romney, won’t it?
Romney donates can of Beluga Caviar at campaign event staged as “disaster relief”, Red Cross says, “WTF? We don’t accept canned goods.”
The Gekko/Gault plan for replacing FEMA. About as helpful as Paul Ryan scrubbing an already clean pot for a soup line.
“I’m sure this will get folks to vote against Romney, won’t it?”
That Romney has the goatfucking Klown vote might be a bit of a turn-off to others, don’t you think? Oh, wait, you don’t think. No, you’re just a dumbfuck Klown who fucks goats. My bad. Carry on, fucktard.